C:\\Documents and Settings\\Robi\\Asztal\\Új mappa (3)\\new2.pwn(6) : error 017: undefined symbol \"params\"C:\\Documents and Settings\\Robi\\Asztal\\Új mappa (3)\\new2.pwn(20) : warning 203: symbol is never used: \"strtok\"Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error.
#include <a_samp>#include <zcmd>#define COLOR_RED 0xff0000AAnew Text3D: asz, string[ 128 ], neve[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];CMD:adminbelep( playerid, params[] ){ if ( IsPlayerLuxAdmin( playerid ) >= 1) //egyet átírhatod { SetPlayerSkin( playerid, 217 ); asz = Create3DTextLabel( \" Admin Szolgálatban \", COLOR_RED , 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 40, 0, 0 ); Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer( asz, playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4 ); GetPlayerName( playerid, neve, sizeof( neve ) ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_RED, \"-------------------------------\" ); format( string, sizeof( string ), \"Admin %s szolgálatba lépett!\", neve ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_RED,string ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_RED, \"-------------------------------\" ); } return 1;}
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Robi\\Asztal\\Új mappa (3)\\new2.pwn(13) : error 017: undefined symbol \"IsPlayerLuxAdmin\"Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Error.
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Robi\\Asztal\\0.3d Teszt szerver\\pawno\\include\\dutils.inc(28) : warning 219: local variable \"string\" shadows a variable at a preceding levelC:\\Documents and Settings\\Robi\\Asztal\\0.3d Teszt szerver\\pawno\\include\\dutils.inc(132) : warning 219: local variable \"string\" shadows a variable at a preceding levelC:\\Documents and Settings\\Robi\\Asztal\\0.3d Teszt szerver\\pawno\\include\\dutils.inc(172) : warning 219: local variable \"string\" shadows a variable at a preceding levelC:\\Documents and Settings\\Robi\\Asztal\\0.3d Teszt szerver\\pawno\\include\\dutils.inc(282) : warning 219: local variable \"string\" shadows a variable at a preceding levelC:\\Documents and Settings\\Robi\\Asztal\\0.3d Teszt szerver\\pawno\\include\\dutils.inc(339) : warning 219: local variable \"string\" shadows a variable at a preceding levelC:\\Documents and Settings\\Robi\\Asztal\\0.3d Teszt szerver\\pawno\\include\\dutils.inc(381) : warning 219: local variable \"string\" shadows a variable at a preceding levelC:\\Documents and Settings\\Robi\\Asztal\\Új mappa (3)\\new2.pwn(27) : warning 203: symbol is never used: \"strtok\"Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 7 Warnings.
#include <a_samp>#include <zcmd>#include <ladmin>#define COLOR_RED 0xff0000AAnew Text3D: asz, stringz[128], neve[ MAX_PLAYER_NAME ];CMD:adminbelep( playerid, params[] ){ if ( IsPlayerLuxAdmin( playerid ) >= 1) //egyet átírhatod { SetPlayerSkin( playerid, 217 ); asz = Create3DTextLabel( \" Admin Szolgálatban \", COLOR_RED , 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 40, 0, 0 ); Attach3DTextLabelToPlayer( asz, playerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.4 ); GetPlayerName( playerid, neve, sizeof( neve ) ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_RED, \"-------------------------------\" ); format( stringz, sizeof( stringz ), \"Admin %s szolgálatba lépett!\", neve ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_RED,stringz ); SendClientMessageToAll( COLOR_RED, \"-------------------------------\" ); } return 1;}
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Robi\\Asztal\\Új mappa (3)\\new2.pwn(27) : warning 203: symbol is never used: \"strtok\"Pawn compiler 3.2.3664 Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase 1 Warning.
strtok(const string[], &index) { new length = strlen(string); while ((index < length) && (string[index] <= \' \')) { index++; } new offset = index; new result[20]; while ((index < length) && (string[index] > \' \') && ((index - offset) < (sizeof(result) - 1))) { result[index - offset] = string[index]; index++; } result[index - offset] = EOS; return result; }