Szerző Téma: spedometer  (Megtekintve 2097 alkalommal)

« Dátum: 2013. június 30. - 13:00:37 »
0 Show voters
Üdv,Találtam egy sebességmérõt az interneten , de sehogy se akar elindulni rc2 szerveren,mi lehet a baj?
local screenSize = guiGetScreenSize();
local smTextFont = GUIFont(\"electronichighwaysign\", 30);
local smIndex = false;
function onFrameRender()
if(smIndex == true)
local x = screenSize[0] / 2 - 320;
local y = screenSize[1] / 2 - 240;
guiDrawRectangle(x + 680, y + 700, 193.0, 34.0, 0x00000080, false);
smTextFont.drawText(x + 680, y + 700, \"[FFFFFFFF]km/h:\" + getVehicleSpeed(getLocalPlayer(), 0), false);
return 1;
addEvent(\"frameRender\", onFrameRender);
function onSMEnable()
smIndex = true;
return 1;
addEvent(\"SMEnable\", onSMEnable);
function onSMDisable()
smIndex = false;
return 1;
addEvent(\"SMDisable\", onSMDisable);
function getVehicleSpeed(playerid, unit)
local velocity = getVehicleVelocity(getPlayerVehicleId(playerid));
local x = velocity[0];
local y = velocity[1];
local speed = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
if(unit == 0)
speed = speed * 10 / 1.65;
else if(unit == 1)
speed = speed * 10 / 1.65 * 0.62;
return speed.tointeger();
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2013. június 30. - 13:06:21 írta leonell »

Nem elérhető Legend

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« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2013. június 30. - 17:50:56 »
0 Show voters

« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2013. június 30. - 18:12:44 »
0 Show voters
Hiba üzenetet nem dobott, ez a cilentscript ehez a game modhoz tartozik:,4661.0.html
Ebbe van bent de sehogy se sikerül mûködésre bírni, a mod minden porcikája mûködik legalábbis nekem,csak ez nem. :( probálgattam fejteni az angol hozzászolásokat a feltöltés alatt de nem láttam volna hogy valaki másnak is lenne hasonló gondja hogy nem megy a sebességmérõ..Vagy hát lehet van csak akkor nem szúrta ki a szemem mert angol nem az erõsségem.

« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2013. június 30. - 18:26:45 »
0 Show voters
Menj az IVMP fõkönyvtárába és a Client.txt nézd

« Válasz #4 Dátum: 2013. június 30. - 18:39:38 »
0 Show voters
Cilent.log txt találtam ott és ez van benne:
[18:15:42] IV:MP 0.1 RC2| Dec 24 2012 - 00:38:45
[18:15:42] Game Base: 0x01370000 (0x00F70000)
[18:15:42] GetLocalPlayerPed Return Is Invalid (Index is -1)
[18:15:42] Applied patches
[18:15:42] Applied key sync/aim sync hooks
[18:15:42] Applied misc hooks
[18:15:42] Applied script hooks
[18:15:42] Hooked \'Direct3D Reset and EndScene
[18:15:42] Hooked \'DirectInput8Create\' in \'DInput8.dll\' (0x03FE73D0)
[18:15:42] Hooked \'XInputGetState\' in \'xinput1_3.dll\' (0x03FE72F8)
[18:15:46] PreD3DReset
[18:15:47] DirectInput8Create Called
[18:15:47] DirectInput8Create Call Finished!
[18:15:47] GUI initialized
[18:15:47] PostD3DReset(1)
[18:15:47] DirectInput8Create Called
[18:15:47] DirectInput8Create Call Finished!
[18:15:49] SubclassWindow
[18:15:49] Gained window focus
[18:16:17] ====================================================================
[18:16:17] [sTART]PedPool: x10D47250 | dwEntrySize: x00000F00
[18:16:17] [sTART]VehiclePool: x10D47390 | dwEntrySize: x000020D0
  • PedPool: x10D47250 | dwEntrySize: x00001E00 | dwUsed: x00000001
  • [18:16:17]
  • VehiclePool : x10D47390 | dwEntrySize: x000041A0 | dwUsed: x00000000
  • [18:16:17]
[END]PedPool: x10D47250 | dwEntrySize: x00001E00
[18:16:17] [END]VehiclePool: x10D47390 | dwEntrySize: x000041A0
[18:16:17] ====================================================================
[18:16:17] Initialized pools
[18:16:17] Initializing game for multiplayer activities
[18:16:17] Reset clientside scripting stuff
[18:16:17] Created model manager instance
[18:16:17] Created pickup manager instance
[18:16:17] Created checkpoint manager instance
[18:16:17] Created blip manager instance
[18:16:17] Created object manager instance
[18:16:17] Created fire manager instance
[18:16:17] Created vehicle manager instance
[18:16:17] Created actor manager instance
[18:16:17] Reset streamer instance
[18:16:17] Added model reference for model 211 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:16:17] Loading model 211
[18:16:17] Created local player instance
[18:16:17] Reset local player instance
[18:16:17] Created player manager instance
[18:16:17] Created network manager instance
[18:16:17] Started network manager instance
[18:16:17] Reset world
[18:16:17] Created/Reseted camera instance
[18:16:17] Reset camera stuff
[18:16:17] Sucessfully (re)initialized game for multiplayer activities
[18:16:17] GetLocalPlayerPed Return Is Now Valid
[18:16:18] ClientScript indicators.nut added.
[18:16:18] ClientScript lb_fd_sb.nut added.
[18:16:18] ClientScript muszerfal.nut added.
[18:16:18] ClientScript speedometer.nut added.
[18:16:19] ClientScript indicators.nut loaded.
[18:16:19] ClientScript lb_fd_sb.nut loaded.
[18:16:19] ClientScript muszerfal.nut loaded.
[18:16:19] ClientScript speedometer.nut loaded.
[18:16:19] HandleSpawn(LocalPlayer)
[18:16:19] Reset vehicle entry/exit flags
[18:16:19] Enable out controls
[18:16:19] Enable the HUD
[18:16:19] Enable the radar
[18:16:19] Enable the area names
[18:16:19] Reset the camera
[18:16:19] Send the spawn notification to the server
[18:16:19] Flag us as alive
[18:16:20] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:16:20] Loading model 207
[18:16:20] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:16:20] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:16:20] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:16:35] Removed model reference for model 211 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:16:35] Unlading model 211
[18:16:35] Added model reference for model 245 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:16:35] Loading model 245
[18:16:38] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 5)
[18:16:47] Added model reference for model 179 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:16:47] Loading model 179
[18:17:11] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:17:12] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:17:12] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:17:15] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:17:15] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:17:15] Unlading model 207
[18:17:16] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:17:16] Loading model 200
[18:17:16] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:17:23] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:17:24] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:17:24] Loading model 207
[18:17:25] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:17:26] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:17:33] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:17:34] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:17:34] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:17:37] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:17:37] Unlading model 200
[18:17:42] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:17:42] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:17:42] Unlading model 207
[18:17:43] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:17:43] Loading model 200
[18:17:43] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:17:44] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:17:53] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:17:54] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:17:59] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:17:59] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:17:59] Loading model 207
[18:17:59] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:18:00] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:18:01] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:18:01] Unlading model 200
[18:18:06] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:18:07] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:18:12] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:18:14] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:18:17] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:18:17] Loading model 200
[18:18:18] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:18:18] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:18:19] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:18:19] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:18:19] Unlading model 207
[18:18:20] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:18:29] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:18:30] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:18:30] Loading model 207
[18:18:31] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:18:31] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:18:39] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:18:40] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:18:40] Unlading model 207
[18:18:40] Added model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:18:40] Loading model 197
[18:18:45] Removed model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:18:45] Unlading model 197
[18:18:45] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:18:45] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:18:52] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:18:53] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:18:53] Loading model 207
[18:18:54] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:18:57] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:18:58] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:18:58] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:18:59] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:18:59] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:18:59] Unlading model 200
[18:19:03] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:19:03] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:19:03] Unlading model 207
[18:19:05] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:19:05] Loading model 200
[18:19:05] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:19:06] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:19:07] Added model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:19:07] Loading model 197
[18:19:34] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:19:36] Removed model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:19:36] Unlading model 197
[18:19:36] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:19:38] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:19:38] Loading model 207
[18:19:38] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:19:39] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:19:45] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:19:45] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:19:45] Unlading model 207
[18:19:45] Added model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:19:45] Loading model 197
[18:19:49] Removed model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:19:49] Unlading model 197
[18:19:49] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:19:50] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:19:51] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:19:51] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:19:51] Unlading model 200
[18:19:54] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:19:54] Loading model 200
[18:19:54] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:19:57] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:19:57] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:19:57] Loading model 207
[18:19:57] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:19:59] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:20:04] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:20:05] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:20:05] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:20:05] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:20:05] Unlading model 200
[18:20:11] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:20:11] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:20:11] Unlading model 207
[18:20:13] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:20:13] Loading model 200
[18:20:13] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:20:17] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:20:20] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:20:20] Loading model 207
[18:20:20] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:20:21] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:20:22] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:20:24] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:20:24] Unlading model 200
[18:20:41] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:20:41] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:20:41] Unlading model 207
[18:20:43] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:20:43] Loading model 200
[18:20:43] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:20:51] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:20:51] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:20:51] Loading model 207
[18:20:52] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:20:53] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:20:58] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:20:58] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:20:58] Unlading model 207
[18:20:58] Added model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:20:58] Loading model 197
[18:21:02] Removed model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:21:02] Unlading model 197
[18:21:02] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:21:02] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:21:04] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:21:04] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:21:04] Unlading model 200
[18:21:05] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:21:05] Loading model 200
[18:21:05] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:21:13] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:21:13] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:21:13] Loading model 207
[18:21:13] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:21:15] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:21:17] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:21:18] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:21:19] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:21:20] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:21:20] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:21:20] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:21:20] Unlading model 200
[18:21:24] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:21:24] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:21:24] Unlading model 207
[18:21:42] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:21:42] Loading model 200
[18:21:42] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:21:46] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:21:46] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:21:46] Loading model 207
[18:21:47] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:21:48] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:21:49] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:21:57] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:21:58] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:21:59] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:21:59] Unlading model 207
[18:21:59] Added model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:21:59] Loading model 197
[18:22:04] Removed model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:22:04] Unlading model 197
[18:22:04] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:22:04] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:22:05] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:22:05] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:22:05] Unlading model 200
[18:22:10] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:22:10] Loading model 200
[18:22:10] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:22:10] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:22:10] Loading model 207
[18:22:11] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:22:12] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:22:12] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:22:20] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:22:20] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:22:20] Unlading model 207
[18:22:20] Added model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:22:20] Loading model 197
[18:22:25] Removed model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:22:25] Unlading model 197
[18:22:25] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:22:25] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:22:33] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:22:34] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:22:34] Loading model 207
[18:22:34] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:22:36] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:22:38] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:22:39] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:22:41] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:22:41] Added model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:22:41] Loading model 197
[18:22:42] Removed model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:22:42] Unlading model 207
[18:22:45] Removed model reference for model 197 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:22:45] Unlading model 197
[18:22:45] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:22:46] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:22:46] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:22:46] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:22:46] Unlading model 200
[18:22:55] HandleVehicleExitKey(LocalPlayer)
[18:22:55] VehicleEntryExit(Player 0, Reply 1, Type 5, Vehicle 117, Seat 0)
[18:22:55] VehicleExit(0, 117)
[18:22:55] HandleVehicleEntryKey(LocalPlayer)
[18:22:57] VehicleExitComplete(LocalPlayer)
[18:23:02] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:23:02] Loading model 200
[18:23:02] Added model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:23:05] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:23:05] Removed model reference for model 200 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:23:05] Unlading model 200
[18:23:10] Removed model reference for model 179 (Reference count is now 0)
[18:23:10] Unlading model 179
[18:23:10] Added model reference for model 179 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:23:10] Loading model 179
[18:23:16] Added model reference for model 179 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:23:32] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 1)
[18:23:32] Loading model 207
[18:23:32] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 2)
[18:23:36] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 3)
[18:23:36] Added model reference for model 207 (Reference count is now 4)
[18:23:43] HandleVehicleEntryKey(LocalPlayer)
[18:23:43] HandleVehicleEntryKey(LocalPlayer)
[18:23:43] HandleVehicleEntryKey(LocalPlayer)
[18:23:44] HandleVehicleEntryKey(LocalPlayer)
[18:23:44] HandleVehicleEntryKey(LocalPlayer)
[18:23:45] HandleVehicleEntryKey(LocalPlayer)
[18:23:53] GetLocalPlayerPed Return Is Invalid (Index is -1)
[18:23:55] Lost window focus
[18:23:55] C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Black_Box\\GTA IV + EFLC\\Grand Theft Auto IV\\IVMP\\crashinfo/Client-Windows-0.1 RC2-2013.06.30-18.23.55.log
[18:23:56] IV:MP has crashed. Please see C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Black_Box\\GTA IV + EFLC\\Grand Theft Auto IV\\IVMP\\crashinfo/Client-Windows-0.1 RC2-2013.06.30-18.23.55.log for more information.

« Válasz #5 Dátum: 2013. június 30. - 18:45:31 »
0 Show voters
Ezek szerint hiba nincs a scriptben, letöltöm és megnézem inkább

« Válasz #6 Dátum: 2013. június 30. - 18:48:33 »
0 Show voters

« Válasz #7 Dátum: 2013. június 30. - 18:55:02 »
0 Show voters

local screenSize = guiGetScreenSize();
local smTextFont = GUIFont(\"electronichighwaysign\", 30);
function onFrameRender()
local x = screenSize[0] / 2 - 320;
local y = screenSize[1] / 2 - 240;
guiDrawRectangle(x + 680, y + 700, 193.0, 34.0, 0x00000080, false);
smTextFont.drawText(x + 680, y + 700, \"[FFFFFFFF]km/h:\" + getVehicleSpeed(getLocalPlayer(), 0), false);
return 1;
addEvent(\"frameRender\", onFrameRender);
function getVehicleSpeed(playerid, unit)
local velocity = getVehicleVelocity(getPlayerVehicleId(playerid));
local x = velocity[0];
local y = velocity[1];
local speed = sqrt(x * x + y * y);
if(unit == 0)
speed = speed * 10 / 1.65;
else if(unit == 1)
speed = speed * 10 / 1.65 * 0.62;
return speed.tointeger();
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2013. június 30. - 18:57:03 írta geriking19 »

« Válasz #8 Dátum: 2013. június 30. - 19:09:24 »
0 Show voters
Így kidob a szerver mihelyt felszeretnék menni rá,neked így jó lett?Vissza raktam az eredeti fájlt és akkor már be tudtam a szerverbe lépni....

Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( 2013. június 30. - 19:56:02 )

2. probálkozásnál  már be engedett a szerver,viszont még mindig nem bukkant fel a sebességmérõ.:(
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2013. június 30. - 19:56:02 írta leonell »

« Válasz #9 Dátum: 2013. július 01. - 11:42:52 »
0 Show voters
Nem vágom mi lehet a baj, esetleg rossz pozícióba van azért nem látod, milyen felbontásban játszol ?

« Válasz #10 Dátum: 2013. július 01. - 12:23:51 »
0 Show voters
1024x76-ban,medium beálittások mellett,felvettem a grafikát 1280x1024 re és müködött!Ki gondolta volna hát én biztos nem,akkor csak a pozicióját kell megváltoztatni.Köszönöm a segiccséged,pont az ilyen apró dolgoknál akadnak el dolgok nem gondoltam volna hogy ez lehet.

Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( 2013. július 01. - 13:13:42 )

Behangoltam 1024x768 beállitáshoz:y390 x420, így már látható ebbe a felbontásba..Köszönök még egyszer mindent,kezdõ vagyok aztán elkél nálam a hozzáértõk,veteránok tanácsa. :D
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2013. július 01. - 13:14:40 írta leonell »


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