/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*\\ ============================== y_va - Enhanced vararg code! ==============================Description:This library currently provides two functions - va_printf and va_formatwhich perform printf and format using variable arguments passed to anotherfunction.This is bsed on the variable parameter passing method based on code by Zeex.See page 15 of the code optimisations topic.Legal:Version: MPL 1.1The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/Software distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" basis,WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the Licensefor the specific language governing rights and limitations under theLicense.The Original Code is the YSI vararg include.The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Alex \"Y_Less\" Cole.Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.Contributors:ZeeX, koolk, JoeBullet/Google63, g_aSlice/SliceThanks:JoeBullet/Google63 - Handy arbitrary ASM jump code using SCTRL.ZeeX - Very productive conversations.koolk - IsPlayerinAreaEx code.TheAlpha - Danish translation.breadfish - German translation.Fireburn - Dutch translation.yom - French translation.50p - Polish translation.Zamaroht - Spanish translation.Dracoblue, sintax, mabako, Xtreme, other coders - Producing other modes for me to strive to better.Pixels^ - Running XScripters where the idea was born.Matite - Pestering me to release it and using it.Very special thanks to:Thiadmer - PAWN, whose limits continue to amaze me!Kye/Kalcor - SA:MP.SA:MP Team past, present and future - SA:MP.Version:1.0Changelog:02/05/11:First version.Functions:Public:-Core:-Stock:-Static:-Inline:-API:-Callbacks:-Definitions:-Enums:-Macros:-Tags:-Variables:Global:-Static:-Commands:-Compile options:-Operators:-\\*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*///#define va_args<%0> %0#define va_args<%0> {Float,File,Bit,PlayerText3D,Text,Text3D,Menu,DB,DBResult,Style,XML,Bintree,Group,_}:...#define va_start<%0> (va_:(%0))stock va_printf(fmat[], va_:STATIC_ARGS){newnum_args,arg_start,arg_end;// Get the pointer to the number of arguments to the last function.#emit LOAD.S.pri 0#emit ADD.C 8#emit MOVE.alt// Get the number of arguments.#emit LOAD.I#emit STOR.S.pri num_args// Get the variable arguments (end).#emit ADD#emit STOR.S.pri arg_end// Get the variable arguments (start).#emit LOAD.S.pri STATIC_ARGS#emit SMUL.C 4#emit ADD#emit STOR.S.pri arg_start// Using an assembly loop here screwed the code up as the labels added some// odd stack/frame manipulation code...while (arg_end != arg_start){#emit MOVE.pri#emit LOAD.I#emit PUSH.pri#emit CONST.pri 4#emit SUB.alt#emit STOR.S.pri arg_end}// Push the additional parameters.#emit PUSH.S fmat// Push the argument count.#emit LOAD.S.pri num_args#emit ADD.C 4#emit LOAD.S.alt STATIC_ARGS#emit XCHG#emit SMUL.C 4#emit SUB.alt#emit PUSH.pri#emit MOVE.alt// This gets confused if you have a local variable of the same name as it// seems to factor in them first, so you get the offset of the local// variable instead of the index of the native.#emit SYSREQ.C printf// Clear the stack.#emit CONST.pri 4#emit ADD#emit MOVE.alt// The three lines above get the total stack data size, now remove it.#emit LCTRL 4#emit ADD#emit SCTRL 4// Now do the real return.}stock va_format(out[], size, fmat[], va_:STATIC_ARGS){newnum_args,arg_start,arg_end;// Get the pointer to the number of arguments to the last function.#emit LOAD.S.pri 0#emit ADD.C 8#emit MOVE.alt// Get the number of arguments.#emit LOAD.I#emit STOR.S.pri num_args// Get the variable arguments (end).#emit ADD#emit STOR.S.pri arg_end// Get the variable arguments (start).#emit LOAD.S.pri STATIC_ARGS#emit SMUL.C 4#emit ADD#emit STOR.S.pri arg_start// Using an assembly loop here screwed the code up as the labels added some// odd stack/frame manipulation code...while (arg_end != arg_start){#emit MOVE.pri#emit LOAD.I#emit PUSH.pri#emit CONST.pri 4#emit SUB.alt#emit STOR.S.pri arg_end}// Push the additional parameters.#emit PUSH.S fmat#emit PUSH.S size#emit PUSH.S out// Push the argument count.#emit LOAD.S.pri num_args#emit ADD.C 12#emit LOAD.S.alt STATIC_ARGS#emit XCHG#emit SMUL.C 4#emit SUB.alt#emit PUSH.pri#emit MOVE.alt// This gets confused if you have a local variable of the same name as it// seems to factor in them first, so you get the offset of the local// variable instead of the index of the native.#emit SYSREQ.C format// Clear the stack.#emit CONST.pri 4#emit ADD#emit MOVE.alt// The three lines above get the total stack data size, now remove it.#emit LCTRL 4#emit ADD#emit SCTRL 4// Now do the real return.}
#include <y_va.inc>
new g_szKimenet[160];SendClientMessagef(playerid, colour, format[], va_args<>){ va_format(g_szKimenet, 154, format, va_start<3>); return SendClientMessage(playerid, colour, g_szKimenet);}SendClientMessageToAllf(color, format[], va_args<>){ va_format(g_szKimenet, 154, format, va_start<2>); return SendClientMessageToAll(color, g_szKimenet);}
Egy példát írnál rá? Mer így nem nagyon értem
new FALSE = false;
#define SendFormatedMessage(%1,%2,%3,%4) do{ new msg[128]; format(msg,128,(%3),%4); SendClientMessage(%1,(%2),msg); }while(FALSE)
Makró elvileg gyorsabb,de én szerintem mostantól inkább a kód formát fogom használni visszatérések miatt.(fõleg)Különben ,mi az az #emit ?
invalid assembler instruction symbolAn invalid opcode in an #emit directive.
A makró ELVILEG gyorsabb, de ebben az esetben nem, mert format függvényt használ benne. A függvényes verzió az szép, én is használni fogom.
A makró ELVILEG gyorsabb, de ebben az esetben nem, mert format függvényt használ benne. A függvényes verzió az szép, én is használni fogom. Ha úgy érted, hogy ez nem format-ot használ: Szerintem ez is használja, csak más az egésznek a rendszere. [/quote]Nem, úgy értettem, hogy ha a makróban format függvény van, az már régen rossz.
E:nekem van egy olyan gondom hogy néha a sima str es üzenetet amit SendClienntMessageToAll al küldök néha elküldi mégegyszer ez miért van?(Ez azóta van mióta ezt használom)E:Kéne egy SendClientMessageToAllf és akkor szerintem nem lenne kavarodás ha mindig ezt hasznnálnám