Ha még csak Angol lenne xD....de szerintem ez közel sem angol legalábbis nekem nem annak tünik.
Nézd meg a /sex parancsot.
You can only have Sex in a Car !
Raðyk: /sex [þaidëjoID] [price]
Price not lower then 1, or above 99999!
You cannot have Sex with yourself!
* You offerd %s to have Sex with you, for $%d.
* Whore %s has offerd you to have Sex with her, for $%d (type /accept sex) to accept.
You or the other player must be in a Car together !
Þaidëjas nëra prie tavæs !
Þaidëjas atsijungæs !
You are not a Whore !
Félig angol, félig litván.