Üzenetek megjelenítése

Ez a szekció lehetővé teszi a felhasználó által írt összes hozzászólás megtekintését. Vedd figyelembe, hogy csak azokba a fórumokba írt hozzászólásokat látod, amelyekhez hozzáférésed van.

Témák - SkooLleer

Oldalak: [1]
Segítségkérés / Social Gaming Mod probléma
« Dátum: 2016. November 05. - 17:36:16 »
Szeretném itthon megnézegetni a Social Gaming mod nagyját. Viszont bejelentkezés nélkül ez nem nagyon jön össze.
A problémám az lenne ugyanis, hogyha regisztrálni, illetve bejelentkezni szeretnék ,azonnal megjelenik egy piros \'ERROR\' felirat a login panel fölött.
A php fájlok a helyükön <-átírva a mysql, az mx_connection-ben átírva a mysql, illetve a php fájlok címe, illetve az api-ban is minden ami kell át van írva.
(Hibaüzenet nincs.)
Mi lehet még a probléma? Előre is köszönöm a válaszokat. :wave:
\'Nem,nem szeretnék szervert csinálni, ugyanis teljesen más a gondolkodásmódom.\'

Archívum / Villogó gif
« Dátum: 2014. Július 10. - 22:03:26 »
Sziasztok! Azt szeretném megtudni hogy hogyan lehet csinálni olyan szöveget ami villog le és fel mint a seemta illetve az AceMTA bal fenti oldalán található. Valaki esetleg tudja ?

Archívum / Automatikus Szeverüzenetek
« Dátum: 2014. Július 07. - 19:21:20 »
Sziasztok! Szeretnék egy olyan scriptet ami , automatikusan küldd szerverüzeneteket . Példa:
10 percenként
A rangokért /rangok !
Szóval valami ilyen scriptet szeretnék szerezni , találtam 2 ilyet viszont egyszerûen nem akarja kiírni a dolgokat :/

Archívum / Automatikus Gate
« Dátum: 2014. Július 05. - 13:04:52 »
Szeretném tõletek megkérdezni hogy ebbõl a script sorból hogy lehet azt kivenni hogy ne automatikusan csukódjon le a gate hanem manuálisan?

elseif (distance16<=1) and (open==false) then
   if (exports.global:hasItem(thePlayer, 64) or exports.global:hasItem(thePlayer, 108)) then
   open = true
    which = 16
   outputChatBox(\"Határ sorompó nyitva!!\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
   moveObject(objGateh3, 1000, 50.324725799561, -1534.8117431641, 5.1300001907349, 0, -90, 0)
   setTimer(closePDSideGarageGate, 5000, 1, thePlayer)

Elõre is köszi!

Archívum / Adminszolgálati kép
« Dátum: 2014. Július 04. - 09:01:32 »
Szeretnék egy olyan scriptet találni hogy mikor egy adott admin , belép az adminszolgálatba , ne az legyen kinnt hogy milyen admin és stb.. hanem mondjuk egy képet betenni a scriptbe és mikor belép az admin szolgálatba a feje felett lesz a kép , ha pedig kilép eltûnik az adott kép.
Tudna erre nekem valaki egy megoldást?

Archívum / Carshop-system resource
« Dátum: 2014. Július 03. - 10:26:37 »
Sziasztok! Lenne egy kérdésem a szerveremen van egy resource ami hibás , és nemtudom hogy mi lehet a hiba így gondoltam titeket kérdezlek meg ! Maga a script ez:

local mysql = exports.mysql
local priceCache = { }
local vehiclecount = { }
carshopPickup = createPickup(544.4990234375, -1292.7890625, 17.2421875, 3, 1239)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(carshopPickup, \"shopid\", 1, false)
boatshopPickup = createPickup(715.35546875, -1705.5791015625, 2.4296875, 3, 1239)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(boatshopPickup, \"shopid\", 2, false)
cheapcarshopPickup = createPickup( 2131.8115234375, -1151.3212890625, 24.060283660889, 3, 1239)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(cheapcarshopPickup, \"shopid\", 3, false)
function pickupUse(thePlayer)
if getElementData(source, \"shopid\") then
if getElementData(thePlayer, \"license.car\") == 1 then
   triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, \"showCarshopUI\", thePlayer, getElementData(source, \"shopid\"))
   outputChatBox(\"Csak jogosítvánnyal tudsz jármûvet venni.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addEventHandler(\"onPickupHit\", getResourceRootElement(), pickupUse)
function test(thePlayer)
triggerClientEvent(thePlayer, \"showCarshopUI\", thePlayer, 4)
local function copy( t )
if type(t) == \'table\' then
local r = {}
for k, v in pairs( t ) do
   r[k] = copy( v )
return r
return t
local function countVehicles( )
vehiclecount = {}
for key, value in pairs( getElementsByType( \"vehicle\" ) ) do
if isElement( value ) then
   local model = getElementModel( value )
   if vehiclecount[ model ] then
      vehiclecount[ model ] = vehiclecount[ model ] + 1
      vehiclecount[ model ] = 1
function buildPriceCache(shopID)
priceCache[shopID] = { }
if tonumber(shopID) == 4 then
local activeShop = copy( g_shops[shopID] )
for key, value in ipairs( activeShop ) do
   if value[1] and value[2] and vehiclecount[ value[1] ] then
      priceCache[shopID][ value[1] ] = value[1]
local activeShop = copy( g_shops[shopID] )
for key, value in ipairs( activeShop ) do
if value[1] and value[2] and vehiclecount[ value[1] ] then
   priceCache[shopID][ value[1] ] = value[2] + ( vehiclecount[ value[1] ] or 0 ) * 600
function buyCar(id, cost, col1, col2, x, y, z, rz, px, py, pz, prz, shopID)
--[[if not(priceCache[shopID][id]) then
exports.logs:logMessage(\"[CAR SHOP] \" .. getPlayerIP(client)..\" \\ \".. getPlayerName( client ) .. \"  tried to buy an \" .. getVehicleNameFromModel( id ) .. \" at an non existing shop for $\".. cost..\")\", 32)
--[[if not (priceCache[shopID][id] == cost) then
exports.logs:logMessage(\"[CAR SHOP] \" .. getPlayerIP(client)..\" \\ \" .. getPlayerName( client ) .. \"  tried to buy an \" .. getVehicleNameFromModel( id ) .. \" at shop \".. shopID ..\" for $\".. cost..\")\", 32)
if exports.global:hasMoney(client, cost) then
if not ( getElementData(client, \"loggedin\") == 1 ) then
   name = getPlayerName(client)
if shopID == 4 then
   for key, value in pairs( getElementsByType( \"vehicle\" ) ) do
      if isElement( value ) then
         if getElementData(value, \"owner\") == getElementData(client, \"dbid\") then
            if getElementData(value, \"rent\") == 1 then
               outputChatBox(\"You are already renting a vehicle\",client,250,255,0)
if exports.global:canPlayerBuyVehicle(client) then
   outputChatBox(\"Megvetted \" .. getVehicleNameFromModel(id) .. \" nevû kocsi \" .. cost .. \" FT-ért.\", client, 255, 194, 14)
   if shopID == 1 then
      outputChatBox(\"Sikeresen megvetted a kocsit! Ahoz, hogy ne tûnjön el parkold le a /park parancsal.\", client, 255, 194, 14)
      outputChatBox(\"\", client, 255, 0, 0)
   elseif shopID == 2 then
      outputChatBox(\"Sikeresen megvetted a kocsit! Ahoz, hogy ne tûnjön el parkold le a /park parancsal.\", client, 255, 194, 14)
      outputChatBox(\"\", client, 255, 0, 0)
   outputChatBox(\"Ha nem parkolod le a kocsidat, akkor törlésre kerül.\", client, 255, 0, 0)
   outputChatBox(\"Nyomj \'k\'-t a kocsi kinyitásához.\", client, 255, 194, 14)
   makeCar(client, id, cost, col1, col2, x, y, z, rz, px, py, pz, prz,shopID)
   outputChatBox(\"Neked túl sok kocsid van.\", client, 255, 0, 0)
addEvent(\"buyCar\", true)
addEventHandler(\"buyCar\", getRootElement(), buyCar)
function tinyid( ) -- finds the smallest ID in the SQL instead of auto increment
local result = mysql:query_fetch_assoc(\"SELECT MIN(e1.id+1) AS nextID FROM vehicles AS e1 LEFT JOIN vehicles AS e2 ON e1.id +1 = e2.id WHERE e2.id IS NULL\")
if result then
local id = tonumber(result[\"nextID\"]) or 1
return id
return false
function makeCar(thePlayer, id, cost, col1, col2, x, y, z, rz, px, py, pz, prz, shopID,ids)
if not exports.global:takeMoney(thePlayer, cost) then
if not exports.global:canPlayerBuyVehicle(source) then
local rx = 0
local ry = 0
setElementPosition(thePlayer, px, py, pz)
setPedRotation(thePlayer, prz)
local username = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
local dbid = getElementData(thePlayer, \"dbid\")
local letter1 = string.char(math.random(65,90))
local letter2 = string.char(math.random(65,90))
local plate = letter1 .. letter2 .. math.random(0, 9) .. \" \" .. math.random(1000, 9999)
local locked = 0
local ids = tinyid()
local insertid = mysql:query_insert_free(\"INSERT INTO vehicles SET model=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(id) .. \"\',id=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(ids) .. \"\', x=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(x) .. \"\', y=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(y) .. \"\', z=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(z) .. \"\', rotx=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(rx) .. \"\', roty=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(ry) .. \"\', rotz=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(rz) .. \"\', color1=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(col1) .. \"\', color2=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(col2) .. \"\', faction=\'-1\', owner=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(dbid) .. \"\', plate=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(plate) .. \"\', currx=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(x) .. \"\', curry=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(y) .. \"\', currz=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(z) .. \"\', currrx=\'0\', currry=\'0\', currrz=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(rz) .. \"\', locked=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(locked) .. \"\'\")
local rent
if (insertid) then
local veh = call( getResourceFromName( \"vehicle-system\" ), \"createShopVehicle\", insertid, id, x, y, z, 0, 0, rz, plate)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(veh, \"fuel\", 100, false)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(veh, \"Impounded\", 0)
setVehicleRespawnPosition(veh, x, y, z, 0, 0, rz)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(veh, \"respawnposition\", {x, y, z, 0, 0, rz}, false)
setVehicleLocked(veh, false)
setVehicleColor(veh, col1, col2, col1, col2)
setVehicleOverrideLights(veh, 1)
setVehicleEngineState(veh, false)
setVehicleFuelTankExplodable(veh, false)
-- make sure it\'s an unique key
call( getResourceFromName( \"item-system\" ), \"deleteAll\", 3, insertid )
exports.global:giveItem( thePlayer, 3, insertid )
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(veh, \"fuel\", 100, false)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(veh, \"engine\", 0, false)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(veh, \"oldx\", x, false)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(veh, \"oldy\", y, false)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(veh, \"oldz\", z, false)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(veh, \"faction\", -1)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(veh, \"owner\", dbid, false)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(veh, \"job\", 0, false)
if shopID == 4 then
   rent = 1
   exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(veh, \"rent\", 1, false)
   platetext = \"Rented\"..math.random(1,10000)..\"\"
   local query = mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE vehicles SET rent =\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(rent) .. \"\',plate=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(platetext) .. \"\', rentcost=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(cost) .. \"\' WHERE id=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(insertid) .. \"\' LIMIT 1\")
   exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(veh, \"rent\", 0, false)
if getVehicleType(veh) == \"Boat\" then
   exports.global:givePlayerAchievement(thePlayer, 27)
elseif shopID == 4 then
   exports.global:givePlayerAchievement(thePlayer, 17) -- my ride
exports.logs:logMessage(\"[CAR SHOP] \" .. getPlayerName( thePlayer ) .. \" bought car #\" .. insertid .. \" (\" .. getVehicleNameFromModel( id ) .. \")\", 9)

A probléma az hogy mikor egy ember odamegy venni autót , bármit mondjuk egy BMX et , kiírja hogy \"Neked túl sok kocsid van\" , pedig nincs is egyetlen jármûve sem az adott embernek . Így gondoltam ebben a kódban lehet a probléma . Véleményem szerint az lehet a probléma hogy nem adja át a mysql nek az adatot vagy nem veszi le ! Légyszives nézze át valaki sürgõs probléma lenne! Privátban is elfogadom a választ !

Archívum / Notifications(infobox)
« Dátum: 2014. Július 02. - 17:54:32 »
Szeretném beüzemelni az infobox(notifications) plugint , viszont sehogy sem megy! Valaki segítene ebben?

Archívum / Infobox (notifications) probléma
« Dátum: 2014. Június 20. - 14:25:02 »
Tegnap kaptam nekem egy adminduty scriptet , amit köszönök is . Viszont egy problémám lenne hogy vagy nemtudom hogy hova kell behelyezni és hogyan , vagy valami a notifications resourceal van ... Bármilyen kódot rakok be a \"box_s.lua\" ba , egyszerûen nem mûködik . Példa :

function showBox(player, value, str)
if isElement(player) then
  triggerClientEvent(player, \"CreateBox\", getRootElement(), value, str)
function adminDuty(thePlayer, commandName)
if exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer) then
  local adminduty = getElementData(thePlayer, \"adminduty\")
  local username = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
  local adminrang = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
  local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
  local pmid = getElementData(thePlayer, \"playerid\")
  if (adminduty==0) then
   exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"adminduty\", 1)
   outputChatBox(\"\".. username .. \" adminszolgálatba lépett! /pm \".. pmid ..\" parancsal írhatsz neki.\", getRootElement(), 0, 255, 0)
   exports.infobox:showBox(root, \"info\", \"\".. username .. \" adminszolgálatba lépett! /pm \".. pmid ..\" parancsal írhatsz neki.\")
  elseif (adminduty==1) then
   exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"adminduty\", 0)
   outputChatBox(\"\".. username .. \" kilépett adminszolgálatból! Bármi gond van írj neki /reportban.\", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0)
   exports.infobox:showBox(root, \"info\", \"\".. username .. \" kilépett adminszolgálatból! Bármi gond van írj neki /reportban.\")
  mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE accounts SET adminduty=\" .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData(thePlayer, \"adminduty\")) .. \" WHERE id = \" .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountid\")) )
addCommandHandler(\"adminduty\", adminDuty, false, false)

Ugye így helyeztem be a kódot amit küldtek , és semmi mûködés semmi .. megpróbáltam berakni a \"box_c.lua\" ba ott se mûködött. Az egyedüli parancs ami kiadott valamit az ez:

showBox (\"info\",\"Just some information\")

És ennyi , a többit , bármit behelyeztem nem mûködött , illetve ezt is a \"box_c.lua\" ba helyeztem be és amikor beírtam ezt , akkor csak nekem adta ki az infoboxot..
Remélem hogy valaki tud segíteni! Akár privát üzenetben is várom a válaszokat!
Elõre is köszi!

Archívum / Notifications (infobox)
« Dátum: 2014. Június 14. - 13:54:31 »
Szeretném létrehozni azt a szerveremre hogyha egy admin beírja hogy /adminduty akkor kiírja az infobox hogy \"xy adminszolgálatba lépett.\" Az infobox resource az már megvan csak ez lenne a kérdésem hozzá , elõre is köszönöm.

Archívum / Infobox probléma
« Dátum: 2014. Május 31. - 10:28:14 »
Szeretnék tõletek segítséget kérni , van egy olyan nevezetû resource hogy \"infobox\" másnevén \"notifications\" amit megtaláltok ugye az mta oldalán.
Szóval azt szeretném beállítani hogy ha beírom pl azt hogy ./pill akkor kiírja hogy jelenleg afk vagyok , ez csak egy példa.
Maga a box_s.lua az így néz ki :

function showBox(player, value, str)
if isElement(player) then
triggerClientEvent(player, \"CreateBox\", getRootElement(), value, str)

Állítólag ide kell beszúrni pár sort-

Archívum / Admin rendszer probléma
« Dátum: 2014. Május 23. - 18:43:02 »
Letöltöttem régebben egy modot és szeretném beüzemelni most , de egy resource megakadályozza ezt!
Tulajdonképpen az a problémám hogy hiába írom be valamelyik parancsot , egyik se mûködik , mivel nem vagyok scripter ezért gondoltam itt kérdezem meg!
DebugScripttel próbálkoztam viszont nem adott ki hibát rá!

 mysql = exports.mysql
-- 0: jail
-- 1: kick
-- 2: ban
-- 3: forceapp
-- 4: warn
-- 5: auto-ban
function gotoxyz_func ( player, cmd, x, y, z )
setElementPosition ( player, tonumber(x), tonumber(y), tonumber(z) )
addCommandHandler ( \"gotoxyz\", gotoxyz_func )
local getPlayerName_ = getPlayerName
getPlayerName = function( ... )
s = getPlayerName_( ... )
return s and s:gsub( \"_\", \" \" ) or s
-- wardrobe temp fix..
function fixWardrobe(thePlayer)
if ( getElementData(thePlayer, \"loggedin\") == 1 ) then
local dimension = getElementDimension(thePlayer)
local interior = getElementInterior(thePlayer)
if ( dimension >= 65000 and interior == 14 ) then
   setElementPosition(thePlayer, 1520.0029296875, -1701.2421875, 13.546875)
   setPedRotation(thePlayer, 275.82971191406)
   setElementDimension(thePlayer, 0)
   setElementInterior(thePlayer, 0)
   outputChatBox(\"Nincs wardrobe bugod.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
outputChatBox(\"Nincs wardrobe bugod.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler(\"fixwardrobe\", fixWardrobe)
function adminUncuff(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer)
if (getElementData( thePlayer, \"adminlevel\" ) > 1 and not (getElementData( thePlayer, \"adminlevel\" ) == 1)) then
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      local username = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
         local restrain = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"restrain\")
         if (restrain==0) then
            outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs lefogva.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
            outputChatBox(targetPlayerName .. \": levetted róla a bilincset.\", thePlayer)
            outputChatBox(\"\" .. username .. \": levette rólad a bilincset.\", targetPlayer)
            toggleControl(targetPlayer, \"sprint\", true)
            toggleControl(targetPlayer, \"fire\", true)
            toggleControl(targetPlayer, \"jump\", true)
            toggleControl(targetPlayer, \"next_weapon\", true)
            toggleControl(targetPlayer, \"previous_weapon\", true)
            toggleControl(targetPlayer, \"accelerate\", true)
            toggleControl(targetPlayer, \"brake_reverse\", true)
            toggleControl(targetPlayer, \"aim_weapon\", true)
            toggleAllControls(targetPlayer, true,true,true)
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"restrain\", 0)
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"restrainedBy\")
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"restrainedObj\")
            mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE characters SET cuffed = 0, restrainedby = 0, restrainedobj = 0 WHERE id = \" .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData( targetPlayer, \"dbid\" )) )
            exports[\'item-system\']:deleteAll(47, getElementData( targetPlayer, \"dbid\" ))
addCommandHandler(\"auncuff\", adminUncuff, false, false)
function adminUnmask(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      local username = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
         local gasmask = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"gasmask\")
         local mask = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"mask\")
         local helmet = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"helmet\")
         if (gasmask==1 or mask==1 or helmet==1) then
            local name = targetPlayerName:gsub(\"_\", \" \")
            setPlayerNametagText(targetPlayer, tostring(name))
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"gasmask\")
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"mask\")
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"helmet\")
            outputChatBox(\"Levetted a maszkot róla: \" .. name .. \".\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
            outputChatBox(\"A játékoson nincs MASK.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler(\"aunmask\", adminUnmask, false, false)
function asay(thePlayer, commandName, ...)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (...) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /am [Admin Üzenet]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 15)
   local adminrang = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
   message = table.concat({...}, \" \")
   local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
   outputChatBox(adminrang .. \": \"  .. message, getRootElement(), 255, 128, 0,true)
addCommandHandler(\"asay\", asay, false, false)
function asayn(thePlayer, commandName, ...)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (...) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /am [Admin Üzenet]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 15)
   local adminrang = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
   message = table.concat({...}, \" \")
   local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
   outputChatBox(adminrang .. \" \" .. playerName .. \": \" .. message, getRootElement(), 255, 0, 0,true)
addCommandHandler(\"asayn\", asayn, false, false)
function adminUnblindfold(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      local username = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
         local blindfolded = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"rblindfold\")
         if (blindfolded==0) then
            outputChatBox(\"A játékosnak nincs bekötve a szeme!\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"blindfold\")
            fadeCamera(targetPlayer, true)
            outputChatBox(\"Levetted \" .. targetPlayerName .. \"-rõl a kötést.\", thePlayer)
            mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE characters SET blindfold = 0 WHERE id = \" .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData( targetPlayer, \"dbid\" )) )
addCommandHandler(\"aunblindfold\", adminUnblindfold, false, false)
-- /MUTE
function mutePlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
         local muted = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"muted\")
         if (muted==0) then
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"muted\", 1)
            outputChatBox(targetPlayerName .. \" némítva lett az OOC-rõl.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
            outputChatBox(\"Némítva lettél az OOC-rõl \'\" .. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .. \"\' által.\", targetPlayer, 255, 0, 0)
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"muted\", 0)
            outputChatBox(targetPlayerName .. \"-rõl levetted az OOC némítást.\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
            outputChatBox(\"\'\" .. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .. \"\' levette rólad az OOC némítást.\", targetPlayer, 0, 255, 0)
         mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE accounts SET muted=\" .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData(targetPlayer, \"muted\")) .. \" WHERE id = \" .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData(targetPlayer, \"gameaccountid\")) )
addCommandHandler(\"pmute\", mutePlayer, false, false)
function resKick(thePlayer, commandName, amount)
if (exports.global:isPlayerLeadAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (amount) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [Játékosok száma amennyit kickelni akarsz]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   amount = tonumber(amount)
   local playercount = getPlayerCount()
   if (amount>=playercount) then
      outputChatBox(\"Nincs elég játékos a kickeléshez. (Jelenleg \" .. playercount .. \" játékos online)\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      local players = { }
      local count = 1
      for key, value in ipairs(exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType(\"player\")) do
         if not (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(value)) and not exports.global:isPlayerScripter(value) then
            players[count] = value
            count = count + 1
            if (count==amount) then
      local kickcount = 0
      for key, value in ipairs(players) do
         if (kickcount<amount) then
            local luck = math.random(0, 1)
            if (luck==1) then
               kickPlayer(value, getRootElement(), \"Foglalt slot-ra csatlakoztál\")
               kickcount = kickcount + 1
      outputChatBox(\"\" .. kickcount .. \"/\" .. amount .. \" játékos kickelve.\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
addCommandHandler(\"reskick\", resKick, false, false)
function disarmPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer)
if (getElementData( thePlayer, \"adminlevel\" ) > 1 and not (getElementData( thePlayer, \"adminlevel\" ) == 1)) then
if (exports.global:isEgyesAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      elseif (logged==1) then
         outputChatBox(targetPlayerName .. \" lefegyverezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
         exports.logs:logMessage(\"[/DISARM] \" .. getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountusername\") .. \"/\".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" disarmed \".. targetPlayerName , 4)
addCommandHandler(\"disarm\", disarmPlayer, false, false)
-- forceapp
function forceApplication(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, ...)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) or not (...) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet] [indok]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if not (targetPlayer) then
   elseif exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(targetPlayer) then
      outputChatBox(\"Nem-nem.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      elseif (logged==1) then
         local reason = table.concat({...}, \" \")
         local id = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"gameaccountid\")
         local username = getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountusername\")
         mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE accounts SET appstate = 2, apphandler=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(username) .. \"\', appreason=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(reason) .. \"\', appdatetime = NOW() + INTERVAL 1 DAY WHERE id=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(id) .. \"\'\")
         outputChatBox(targetPlayerName .. \" was forced to re-write their application.\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
         local port = getServerPort()
         local password = getServerPassword()
         local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
         exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(\"AdmCmd: \" .. tostring(adminTitle) .. \" \" .. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .. \" sent \" .. targetPlayerName .. \" back to the application stage.\")
         local res = mysql:query_free(\'INSERT INTO adminhistory (user_char, user, admin_char, admin, hiddenadmin, action, duration, reason) VALUES (\"\' .. mysql:escape_string(getPlayerName(targetPlayer)) .. \'\",\' .. mysql:escape_string(tostring(getElementData(targetPlayer, \"gameaccountid\") or 0)) .. \',\"\' .. mysql:escape_string(getPlayerName(thePlayer)) .. \'\",\' .. mysql:escape_string(tostring(getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountid\") or 0)) .. \',0,3,0,\"\' .. mysql:escape_string(reason) .. \'\")\' )
         redirectPlayer(targetPlayer, \"server.mta.vg\", port, password)
addCommandHandler(\"forceapp\", forceApplication, false, false)
-- /CK
function ckPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, ...)
if (exports.global:isPlayerLeadAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) or not (...) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet] [Karakter halál indoka]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      elseif (logged==1) then
         info = table.concat({...}, \" \")
         local query = mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE characters SET cked=\'1\', ck_info=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(tostring(info)) .. \"\' WHERE id = \" .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData(targetPlayer, \"dbid\")))
         local x, y, z = getElementPosition(targetPlayer)
         local skin = getPedSkin(targetPlayer)
         local rotation = getPedRotation(targetPlayer)
         call( getResourceFromName( \"realism-system\" ), \"addCharacterKillBody\", x, y, z, rotation, skin, getElementData(targetPlayer, \"dbid\"), targetPlayerName, getElementInterior(targetPlayer), getElementDimension(targetPlayer), getElementData(targetPlayer, \"age\"), getElementData(targetPlayer, \"race\"), getElementData(targetPlayer, \"weight\"), getElementData(targetPlayer, \"height\"), getElementData(targetPlayer, \"chardescription\"), info, getElementData(targetPlayer, \"gender\"))
         -- send back to change char screen
         local id = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"gameaccountid\")
         showCursor(targetPlayer, false)
         triggerEvent(\"sendAccounts\", targetPlayer, targetPlayer, id, true)
         exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\", 0, false)
         outputChatBox(\"\" .. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .. \" karakter halált osztott ki rád.\", targetPlayer, 255, 194, 14)
         showChat(targetPlayer, false)
         outputChatBox(\"Karakter halált osztottál ki rá: \".. targetPlayerName ..\".\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 1, 14)
         exports.logs:logMessage(\"[/CK] \" .. getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountusername\") .. \"/\".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" CK\'ED \".. targetPlayerName , 4)
         exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"dbid\", 0)
addCommandHandler(\"ck\", ckPlayer)
-- /UNCK
function unckPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, ...)
if (exports.global:isPlayerLeadAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (...) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [Játékos teljes neve]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer = table.concat({...}, \"_\")
   local result = mysql:query(\"SELECT id FROM characters WHERE charactername=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(tostring(targetPlayer)) .. \"\' AND cked > 0\")
   if (mysql:num_rows(result)>1) then
      outputChatBox(\"Túl sok találat - A találatok szûkítéséhez írd be a játékos nevét részletesebben.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
   elseif (mysql:num_rows(result)==0) then
      outputChatBox(\"A játékos nem létezik vagy nem osztottak ki rá karakter halált.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      local row = mysql:fetch_assoc(result)
      local dbid = tonumber(row[\"id\"]) or 0
      mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE characters SET cked=\'0\' WHERE id = \" .. dbid .. \" LIMIT 1\")
      -- delete all peds for him
      for key, value in pairs( getElementsByType( \"ped\" ) ) do
         if isElement( value ) and getElementData( value, \"ckid\" ) then
            if getElementData( value, \"ckid\" ) == dbid then
               destroyElement( value )
      outputChatBox(targetPlayer .. \" karakter halála feloldva.\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
      exports.logs:logMessage(\"[/uNCK] \" .. getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountusername\") .. \"/\".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" UNCK\'ED \".. targetPlayer , 4)
addCommandHandler(\"unck\", unckPlayer)
-- /BURY
function buryPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, ...)
if (exports.global:isPlayerLeadAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (...) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [Játékos teljes neve]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer = table.concat({...}, \"_\")
   local result = mysql:query(\"SELECT id, cked FROM characters WHERE charactername=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(tostring(targetPlayer)) .. \"\'\")
   if (mysql:num_rows(result)>1) then
      outputChatBox(\"Túl sok találat - A találatok szûkítéséhez írd be a játékos nevét részletesebben.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
   elseif (mysql:num_rows(result)==0) then
      outputChatBox(\"A játékos nem létezik.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      local row = mysql:fetch_assoc(result)
      local dbid = tonumber(row[\"id\"]) or 0
      local cked = tonumber(row[\"cked\"]) or 0
      if cked == 0 then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékoson nincs karakter halál.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      elseif cked == 2 then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos már el van temetve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
         mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE characters SET cked=\'2\' WHERE id = \" .. dbid .. \" LIMIT 1\")
         -- delete all peds for him
         for key, value in pairs( getElementsByType( \"ped\" ) ) do
            if isElement( value ) and getElementData( value, \"ckid\" ) then
               if getElementData( value, \"ckid\" ) == dbid then
                  destroyElement( value )
         outputChatBox(targetPlayer .. \" eltemetve.\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
         exports.logs:logMessage(\"[/bURY] \" .. getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountusername\") .. \"/\".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" buried \".. targetPlayer , 4)
addCommandHandler(\"bury\", buryPlayer)
function forceReconnect(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      elseif (logged==1) then
         outputChatBox(\"Játékos \'\" .. targetPlayerName .. \"\' újracsatlakoztatva.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
         local port = getServerPort()
         local password = getServerPassword()
         redirectPlayer(targetPlayer, \"\", port, password) --ezt módosítani!!!
         exports.logs:logMessage(\"[/FRECONNECT] \" .. getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountusername\") .. \"/\".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" reconnected \".. targetPlayerName , 4)
-- addCommandHandler(\"freconnect\", forceReconnect, false, false)
function givePlayerGun(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, ...)
if (exports.global:isSuperAdmin(thePlayer)) then
local args = {...}
if not (targetPlayer) or (#args < 1) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet] [Fegyver ID / Név] [Töltény]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local weapon = tonumber(args[1])
      local ammo = #args ~= 1 and tonumber(args[#args]) or 1
      if not weapon then -- weapon is specified as name
         local weaponEnd = #args
            weapon = getWeaponIDFromName(table.concat(args, \" \", 1, weaponEnd))
            weaponEnd = weaponEnd - 1
         until weapon or weaponEnd == -1
         if weaponEnd == -1 then
            outputChatBox(\"Helytelen fegyver név.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
         elseif weaponEnd == #args - 1 then
            ammo = 1
      elseif not getWeaponNameFromID(weapon) then
         outputChatBox(\"Helytelen fegyver ID.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, \"hiddenadmin\")
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      elseif (logged==1) then
         exports.global:takeWeapon(targetPlayer, weapon)
         local give = exports.global:giveWeapon(targetPlayer, weapon, ammo, true)
         if not (give) then
            outputChatBox(\"Helytelen fegyver ID.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
            outputChatBox(\"Játékos \" .. targetPlayerName .. \" kapott egy \" .. getWeaponNameFromID(weapon) .. \"-et \" .. ammo .. \" tölténnyel.\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
            exports.logs:logMessage(getPlayerName(thePlayer):gsub(\"_\", \" \") .. \" gave \" .. targetPlayerName .. \" a \" .. getWeaponNameFromID(weapon) .. \" with \" .. ammo .. \" Ammo.\", 22)
            if (hiddenAdmin==0) then
               local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
               exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(\"AdmCmd: \" .. tostring(adminTitle) .. \" \" .. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .. \" adott \" .. targetPlayerName .. \"-ank egy \" .. getWeaponNameFromID(weapon) .. \"-et \" .. ammo .. \" tölténnyel.\")
addCommandHandler(\"givegun\", givePlayerGun, false, false)
function givePlayerItem(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, itemID, ...)
if (getElementData( thePlayer, \"adminlevel\" ) > 3) then
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (itemID) or not (...) or not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet] [Tárgy ID] [Tárgy értéke]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      itemID = tonumber(itemID)
      local itemValue = table.concat({...}, \" \")
      itemValue = tonumber(itemValue) or itemValue
      if ( itemID == 74 or itemID == 75 or itemID == 78 ) and not exports.global:isPlayerScripter( thePlayer ) and not exports.global:isPlayerHeadAdmin( thePlayer) then
         -- nuthin
      elseif ( itemID == 84 ) and not exports.global:isPlayerLeadAdmin( thePlayer ) then
      elseif (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      elseif (logged==1) then
         local name = call( getResourceFromName( \"item-system\" ), \"getItemName\", itemID )
         if itemID > 0 and name and name ~= \"?\" then
            local success, reason = exports.global:giveItem(targetPlayer, itemID, itemValue)
            if success then
               outputChatBox(\"Játékos \" .. targetPlayerName .. \" kapott egy \" .. name .. \"-t ezzel az értékkel \" .. itemValue .. \".\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
               exports.logs:logMessage(getPlayerName(thePlayer):gsub(\"_\", \" \") .. \" gave \" .. targetPlayerName .. \" a \" .. name .. \" with value \" .. itemValue, 13)
               if itemID == 2 or itemID == 17 then
                  triggerClientEvent(targetPlayer, \"updateHudClock\", targetPlayer)
               outputChatBox(\"Nem tudom odaadni \" .. targetPlayerName .. \"-nek a \" .. name .. \"-t: \" .. tostring(reason), thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
            outputChatBox(\"Helytelen Tárgy ID.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler(\"giveitem\", givePlayerItem, false, false)
function takePlayerItem(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, itemID, ...)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (itemID) or not (...) or not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet] [Tárgy ID] [Tárgy értéke]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      itemID = tonumber(itemID)
      local itemValue = table.concat({...}, \" \")
      itemValue = tonumber(itemValue) or itemValue
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      elseif (logged==1) then
         if exports.global:hasItem(targetPlayer, itemID, itemValue) then
            outputChatBox(\"Elvetted a \" .. itemID .. \"-t tõle: \" .. targetPlayerName .. \".\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
            exports.global:takeItem(targetPlayer, itemID, itemValue)
            if itemID == 2 or itemID == 17 then
               triggerClientEvent(targetPlayer, \"updateHudClock\", targetPlayer)
            outputChatBox(\"A játékosnak nincs meg ez a tárgy!\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler(\"takeitem\", takePlayerItem, false, false)
function setPlayerHealth(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, health)
if (getElementData( thePlayer, \"adminlevel\" ) > 1 and not (getElementData( thePlayer, \"adminlevel\" ) == 1)) then
if (exports.global:isFoAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not tonumber(health) or not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet] [Élet]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      if tonumber( health ) < getElementHealth( targetPlayer ) and getElementData( thePlayer, \"adminlevel\" ) < getElementData( targetPlayer, \"adminlevel\" ) then
         outputChatBox(\"Nah.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      elseif not setElementHealth(targetPlayer, tonumber(health)) then
         outputChatBox(\"Helytelen élet érték.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
         outputChatBox(\"Játékos \" .. targetPlayerName .. \" kapott \" .. health .. \" életet.\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
         triggerEvent(\"onPlayerHeal\", targetPlayer, true)
         exports.logs:logMessage(\"[/sETHP] \" .. getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountusername\") .. \"/\".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" set \".. targetPlayerName .. \" to \" .. health , 4)
         exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(\"Játékos \" .. targetPlayerName .. \" kapott \" .. health .. \" életet \".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" által.\", 255, 255, 0)
addCommandHandler(\"sethp\", setPlayerHealth, false, false)
function setPlayerArmour(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, armor)
if (getElementData( thePlayer, \"adminlevel\" ) > 1 and not (getElementData( thePlayer, \"adminlevel\" ) == 1)) then
if (exports.global:isFoAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (armor) or not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet] [Armor]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      elseif (tostring(type(tonumber(armor))) == \"number\") then
         local setArmor = setPedArmor(targetPlayer, tonumber(armor))
         outputChatBox(\"Játékos \" .. targetPlayerName .. \" kapott  \" .. armor .. \" páncélt.\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
         exports.logs:logMessage(\"[/sETARMOR] \" .. getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountusername\") .. \"/\".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" set \".. targetPlayerName .. \" his armor to \" .. armor , 4)
         exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(\"Játékos \" .. targetPlayerName .. \" kapott \" .. armor .. \" páncélt \".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" által.\", 255, 255, 0)
         outputChatBox(\"Helytelen páncél érték.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler(\"setarmor\", setPlayerArmour, false, false)
function setPlayerSkinCmd(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, skinID)
if (exports.global:isFoAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (skinID) or not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet] [skin ID]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      elseif (tostring(type(tonumber(skinID))) == \"number\") then
         local fat = getPedStat(targetPlayer, 21)
         local muscle = getPedStat(targetPlayer, 23)
         setPedStat(targetPlayer, 21, 0)
         setPedStat(targetPlayer, 23, 0)
         local skin = setElementModel(targetPlayer, tonumber(skinID))
         setPedStat(targetPlayer, 21, fat)
         setPedStat(targetPlayer, 23, muscle)
         if not (skin) then
            outputChatBox(\"Helytelen skin ID.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
            outputChatBox(\"Játékos \" .. targetPlayerName .. \" kinézete megváltoztatva erre: \" .. skinID .. \".\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
            mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE characters SET skin = \" .. mysql:escape_string(skinID) .. \" WHERE id = \" .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData( targetPlayer, \"dbid\" )) )
            exports.logs:logMessage(\"[/sETSKIN] \" .. getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountusername\") .. \"/\".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" set \".. targetPlayerName .. \" his skin to \"..skinID , 4)
         outputChatBox(\"Helytelen skin ID.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler(\"setskin\", setPlayerSkinCmd, false, false)
function weatherall(thePlayer, commandName, IdoJaras)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (IdoJaras) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [idõjárás]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   setWeather (IdoJaras)
addCommandHandler(\"weatherall\", weatherall, false, false)
function setIdo(thePlayer, commandName, Ido)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (Ido) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [Óra]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   setTime (Ido,0)
addCommandHandler(\"settime\", setIdo, false, false)
function asetPlayerName(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, ...)
if (getElementData( thePlayer, \"adminlevel\" ) > 1 and not (getElementData( thePlayer, \"adminlevel\" ) == 1)) then
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (...) or not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet] [Játékos új neve]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local newName = table.concat({...}, \"_\")
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      if newName == targetPlayerName then
         outputChatBox( \"A játékos már ezt a nevet viseli.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
         local dbid = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"dbid\")
         local result = mysql:query(\"SELECT charactername FROM characters WHERE charactername=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(newName) .. \"\' AND id != \" .. mysql:escape_string(dbid))
         if (mysql:num_rows(result)>0) then
            outputChatBox(\"Ez a név már használatban.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"legitnamechange\", 1)
            local name = setPlayerName(targetPlayer, tostring(newName))
            if (name) then
               if getPlayerNametagText(targetPlayer) ~= \"Unknown Person\" then
                  setPlayerNametagText(targetPlayer, tostring(newName):gsub(\"_\", \" \"))
               exports[\'cache\']:clearCharacterName( dbid )
               mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE characters SET charactername=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(newName) .. \"\' WHERE id = \" .. mysql:escape_string(dbid))
               local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, \"hiddenadmin\")
               if (hiddenAdmin==0) then
                  local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
                  exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(\"AdmCmd: \" .. tostring(adminTitle) .. \" \" .. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .. \" megváltoztatta \" .. targetPlayerName .. \" nevét erre: \" .. newName .. \".\")
               outputChatBox(\"Megváltoztattad \" .. targetPlayerName .. \" nevét erre: \" .. tostring(newName) .. \".\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
               exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"legitnamechange\", 0)
               exports.logs:logMessage(\"[/CHANGENAME] \" .. getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountusername\") .. \"/\".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" changed \".. targetPlayerName .. \" TO \".. tostring(newName) , 4)
               triggerClientEvent(targetPlayer, \"updateName\", targetPlayer, getElementData(targetPlayer, \"dbid\"))
               outputChatBox(\"Játékosnak nem sikerült megváltoztatni a nevét.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"legitnamechange\", 0)
addCommandHandler(\"changename\", asetPlayerName, false, false)
function hideAdmin(thePlayer, commandName)
if exports.global:isHarmasAdmin(thePlayer) then
local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, \"hiddenadmin\")
if (hiddenAdmin==0) then
   exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"hiddenadmin\", 1)
   outputChatBox(\"Rejtett admin szolgálatba léptél.\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
elseif (hiddenAdmin==1) then
   exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"hiddenadmin\", 0)
   outputChatBox(\"Kiléptél rejtett admin szolgálatból.\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE accounts SET hiddenadmin=\" .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData(thePlayer, \"hiddenadmin\")) .. \" WHERE id = \" .. mysql:escape_string(getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountid\")) )
addCommandHandler(\"hideadmin\", hideAdmin, false, false)
-- /SLAP
function slapPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer)
if (exports.global:isKettesAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local thePlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(thePlayer)
      local targetPlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(targetPlayer)
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      elseif (targetPlayerPower > thePlayerPower) then -- Check the admin isn\'t slapping someone higher rank them him
         outputChatBox(\"Nem tudod felpofozni ezt a játékost! Magosabb az Admin rangja mint a tied.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
         local x, y, z = getElementPosition(targetPlayer)
         if (isPedInVehicle(targetPlayer)) then
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"realinvehicle\", 0, false)
         setElementPosition(targetPlayer, x, y, z+15)
         local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, \"hiddenadmin\")
         if (hiddenAdmin==0) then
            local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
            exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(\"AdmCmd: \" .. tostring(adminTitle) .. \" \" .. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .. \" felpofozta \" .. targetPlayerName .. \".\")
            exports.logs:logMessage(\"[/sLAP] \" .. getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountusername\") .. \"/\".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" slapped \".. targetPlayerName , 4)
            triggerEvent(\"removeTintName\", targetPlayer)
addCommandHandler(\"slap\", slapPlayer, false, false)
function hugeSlapPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer)
if (exports.global:isHarmasAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / NévRészlet]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local thePlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(thePlayer)
      local targetPlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(targetPlayer)
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
      elseif (targetPlayerPower > thePlayerPower) then -- Check the admin isn\'t slapping someone higher rank them him
         outputChatBox(\"Nem tudod felpofozni ezt a játékost! Magosabb az Admin rangja mint a tied.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
         local x, y, z = getElementPosition(targetPlayer)
         if (isPedInVehicle(targetPlayer)) then
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(targetPlayer, \"realinvehicle\", 0, false)
         setElementPosition(targetPlayer, x, y, z+50)
         local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, \"hiddenadmin\")
         if (hiddenAdmin==0) then
            local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
            exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(\"AdmCmd: \" .. tostring(adminTitle) .. \" \" .. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .. \" hatalmas pofont adott neki: \" .. targetPlayerName .. \".\")
            exports.logs:logMessage(\"[/HUGESLAP] \" .. getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountusername\") .. \"/\".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" slapped \".. targetPlayerName , 4)
            triggerEvent(\"removeTintName\", targetPlayer)
addCommandHandler(\"hugeslap\", hugeSlapPlayer, false, false)
-- HEADS Hidden OOC
function hiddenOOC(thePlayer, commandName, ...)
local logged = getElementData(thePlayer, \"loggedin\")
if (exports.global:isPlayerHeadAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (...) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [Message]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local players = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType(\"player\")
   local message = table.concat({...}, \" \")
   for index, arrayPlayer in ipairs(players) do
      local logged = getElementData(arrayPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      if (logged==1) and getElementData(arrayPlayer, \"globalooc\") == 1 then
         outputChatBox(\"(( Rejtett Admin: \" .. message .. \" ))\", arrayPlayer, 255, 255, 255)
addCommandHandler(\"ho\", hiddenOOC, false, false)
function reconPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) then
   local rx = getElementData(thePlayer, \"reconx\")
   local ry = getElementData(thePlayer, \"recony\")
   local rz = getElementData(thePlayer, \"reconz\")
   local reconrot = getElementData(thePlayer, \"reconrot\")
   local recondimension = getElementData(thePlayer, \"recondimension\")
   local reconinterior = getElementData(thePlayer, \"reconinterior\")
   if not (rx) or not (ry) or not (rz) or not (reconrot) or not (recondimension) or not (reconinterior) then
      outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [Névrészlet]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
      setElementPosition(thePlayer, rx, ry, rz)
      setPedRotation(thePlayer, reconrot)
      setElementDimension(thePlayer, recondimension)
      setElementInterior(thePlayer, reconinterior)
      setCameraInterior(thePlayer, reconinterior)
      exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"reconx\", nil)
      exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"recony\", nil, false)
      exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"reconz\", nil, false)
      exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"reconrot\", nil, false)
      setCameraTarget(thePlayer, thePlayer)
      setElementAlpha(thePlayer, 255)
      outputChatBox(\"Recon kikapcsolva.\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local logged = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\")
      if (logged==0) then
         outputChatBox(\"A játékos nincs bejelentkezve.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
         setElementAlpha(thePlayer, 0)
         if ( not getElementData(thePlayer, \"reconx\") or getElementData(thePlayer, \"reconx\") == true ) and not getElementData(thePlayer, \"recony\") then
            local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer)
            local rot = getPedRotation(thePlayer)
            local dimension = getElementDimension(thePlayer)
            local interior = getElementInterior(thePlayer)
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"reconx\", x)
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"recony\", y, false)
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"reconz\", z, false)
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"reconrot\", rot, false)
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"recondimension\", dimension, false)
            exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"reconinterior\", interior, false)
         setPedWeaponSlot(thePlayer, 0)
         local playerdimension = getElementDimension(targetPlayer)
         local playerinterior = getElementInterior(targetPlayer)
         setElementDimension(thePlayer, playerdimension)
         setElementInterior(thePlayer, playerinterior)
         setCameraInterior(thePlayer, playerinterior)
         local x, y, z = getElementPosition(targetPlayer)
         setElementPosition(thePlayer, x - 10, y - 10, z - 5)
         local success = attachElements(thePlayer, targetPlayer, -10, -10, -5)
         if not (success) then
            success = attachElements(thePlayer, targetPlayer, -5, -5, -5)
            if not (success) then
               success = attachElements(thePlayer, targetPlayer, 5, 5, -5)
         if not (success) then
            outputChatBox(\"Nem sikerült kapcsolódni a játékoshoz.\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
            setCameraTarget(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
            outputChatBox(\"Admin TV: Most \" .. targetPlayerName .. \"-t figyeled.\", thePlayer, 0, 255, 0)
            local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, \"hiddenadmin\")
            if hiddenAdmin == 0 then
               local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
               exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(\"AdmCmd: \" .. tostring(adminTitle) .. \" \" .. getPlayerName(thePlayer) .. \" Admin TV-zi \" .. targetPlayerName .. \"-t.\")
addCommandHandler(\"recon\", reconPlayer, false, false)
function fuckRecon(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
local rx = getElementData(thePlayer, \"reconx\")
local ry = getElementData(thePlayer, \"recony\")
local rz = getElementData(thePlayer, \"reconz\")
local reconrot = getElementData(thePlayer, \"reconrot\")
local recondimension = getElementData(thePlayer, \"recondimension\")
local reconinterior = getElementData(thePlayer, \"reconinterior\")
setCameraTarget(thePlayer, thePlayer)
setElementAlpha(thePlayer, 255)
if rx and ry and rz then
   setElementPosition(thePlayer, rx, ry, rz)
   if reconrot then
      setPedRotation(thePlayer, reconrot)
   if recondimension then
      setElementDimension(thePlayer, recondimension)
   if reconinterior then
         setElementInterior(thePlayer, reconinterior)
         setCameraInterior(thePlayer, reconinterior)
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"reconx\")
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"recony\")
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"reconz\")
exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(thePlayer, \"reconrot\")
outputChatBox(\"Admin TV kikapcsolva.\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
addCommandHandler(\"fuckrecon\", fuckRecon, false, false)
addCommandHandler(\"stoprecon\", fuckRecon, false, false)
function PMNeki(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, ...)
if not (targetPlayer) or not (...) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [Névrészlet] [szöveg]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      local blokkolva = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"pmblocked\")
      if not(blokkolva == 1) then
         szoveg = table.concat({...}, \" \")
         if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(targetPlayer) == true and getElementData(targetPlayer, \"adminduty\") == 1) or (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
            local rejtettadmin = getElementData(thePlayer, \"hiddenadmin\")
            local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
            local targetName = getPlayerName(targetPlayer)
            local idje = tonumber(getElementData(thePlayer, \"playerid\"))
            -- local idje2 = tonumber(getElementData(targetPlayer, \"playerid\"))
            outputChatBox(\"[PM neked, Admin IDje: \"..idje..\"] \" .. playerName .. \": \" .. szoveg, targetPlayer, 154, 205, 50)
            outputChatBox(\"[PM tõled] \" .. targetName .. \": \" .. szoveg, thePlayer, 154, 205, 50)
            outputChatBox(\"(( Csak szolgálatban levõ adminnak írhatsz PM-et! ))\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
         outputChatBox(\"(( Ez az adminisztrátor letiltotta a PM-eket! ))\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler(\"pm\", PMNeki, false, false)
function ValaszNeki(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, ...)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) or not (...) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [Névrészlet] [szöveg]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      szoveg = table.concat({...}, \" \")
      if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(targetPlayer) ~= true) then
         local rejtettadmin = getElementData(thePlayer, \"hiddenadmin\")
         local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
         if (rejtettadmin==0) then
            local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
            --outputChatBox(\"Válaszod neki: \" .. targetPlayerName .. \": \" .. szoveg, thePlayer, 255, 255, 0)
            outputChatBox(adminTitle .. playerName .. \": \" .. szoveg, targetPlayer, 154, 205, 50)
            local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
            --outputChatBox(\"Válaszod neki: \" .. targetPlayerName .. \": \" .. szoveg, thePlayer, 255, 255, 0)
            outputChatBox(adminTitle .. \": \" .. szoveg, targetPlayer, 154, 205, 50)
         exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(playerName .. \" válaszolt neki: \" .. targetPlayerName, 255, 255, 0)
         exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(\"Szöveg: \" .. szoveg, 255, 255, 0)
         -- outputChatBox(\"[\".. targetPlayerName ..\"] válaszod: \".. szoveg, thePlayer, 255, 255, 0)
         outputChatBox(\"(( Másik adminnak nem tudsz válaszolni. ))\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0)
addCommandHandler(\"vá\", ValaszNeki, false, false)
addCommandHandler(\"válasz\", ValaszNeki, false, false)
function jatekoskirugas(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, ...)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) or not (...) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [iD / Névrészlet] [indok]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   if targetPlayer then
      szoveg = table.concat({...}, \" \")
      local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
      outputChatBox(\"Kick: \" .. playerName .. \" kickelte \" .. targetPlayerName .. \"-t.\", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 51)
      outputChatBox(\"Kick: Indok: \" .. szoveg .. \".\", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 51)
      kickPlayer(targetPlayer, thePlayer, szoveg)
      exports.logs:logMessage(\"[/KICK] \" .. getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountusername\") .. \"/\".. getPlayerName(thePlayer) ..\" kicked \".. targetPlayerName ..\" (\".. reason ..\")\" , 4)
addCommandHandler(\"pkick\", jatekoskirugas, false, false)
addCommandHandler(\"kick\", jatekoskirugas, false, false)
-- BAN
function banAPlayer(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer, hours, ...)
if (exports.global:isPlayerAdmin(thePlayer)) then
if not (targetPlayer) or not (hours) or (tonumber(hours)<0) or not (...) then
   outputChatBox(\"Példa: /\" .. commandName .. \" [NÉV / ID] [Óraszám, 0 = örök] [oka]\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
   local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayer)
   hours = tonumber(hours)
   if not (targetPlayer) then
   elseif (hours>168) then
      outputChatBox(\"Max 7 nap. (168 óra).\", thePlayer, 255, 194, 14)
      local thePlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(thePlayer)
      local targetPlayerPower = exports.global:getPlayerAdminLevel(targetPlayer)
      reason = table.concat({...}, \" \")
      if (targetPlayerPower <= thePlayerPower) then -- Check the admin isn\'t banning someone higher rank them him
         local hiddenAdmin = getElementData(thePlayer, \"hiddenadmin\")
         local playerName = getPlayerName(thePlayer)
         local accountID = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"gameaccountid\")
         local seconds = ((hours*60)*60)
         local rhours = hours
         -- text value
         if (hours==0) then
            hours = \"Örök\"
         elseif (hours==1) then
            hours = \"1 óra\"
            hours = hours .. \" óra\"
         reason = reason .. \" (\" .. hours .. \")\"
         mysql:query_free(\'INSERT INTO adminhistory (user_char, user, admin_char, admin, hiddenadmin, action, duration, reason) VALUES (\"\' .. mysql:escape_string(getPlayerName(targetPlayer)) .. \'\",\' .. mysql:escape_string(tostring(getElementData(targetPlayer, \"gameaccountid\") or 0)) .. \',\"\' .. mysql:escape_string(getPlayerName(thePlayer)) .. \'\",\' .. mysql:escape_string(tostring(getElementData(thePlayer, \"gameaccountid\") or 0)) .. \',\' .. mysql:escape_string(hiddenAdmin) .. \',2,\' .. mysql:escape_string(rhours) .. \',\"\' .. mysql:escape_string(reason) .. \'\")\' )
         -- if (hiddenAdmin==0) then
            local adminTitle = exports.global:getPlayerAdminTitle(thePlayer)
            -- exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(\"AdmBan: \" .. adminTitle .. \" \" .. playerName .. \" kitiltotta \" .. targetPlayerName .. \". (\" .. hours .. \")\")
            -- exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(\"AdmBan: Oka: \" .. reason .. \".\")
            outputChatBox(\"AdmBan: \" .. adminTitle .. \" \" .. playerName .. \" kitiltotta \" .. targetPlayerName .. \". (\" .. hours .. \")\", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 51)
            outputChatBox(\"AdmBan: Oka: \" .. reason .. \".\", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 51)
            local ban = banPlayer(targetPlayer,false, false,true, thePlayer, reason, seconds)
            mysql:query_free(\"UPDATE accounts SET banned=\'1\', banned_reason=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(reason) .. \"\', banned_by=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(playerName) .. \"\' WHERE id=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(accountID) .. \"\'\")
         -- elseif (hiddenAdmin==1) then
            outputChatBox(\"AdmBan: Rejtett Admin kitiltotta \" .. targetPlayerName .. \". (\" .. hours .. \")\", getRootElement(), 255, 0, 51)
            outputChatBox(\"AdmBan: Oka: \" .. reason, getRootElement(), 255, 0, 51)
            outputChatBox(\"AdmBan: Idõ: \" .. hours .

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