Üzenetek megjelenítése

Ez a szekció lehetővé teszi a felhasználó által írt összes hozzászólás megtekintését. Vedd figyelembe, hogy csak azokba a fórumokba írt hozzászólásokat látod, amelyekhez hozzáférésed van.

Üzenetek - Alfonso

Oldalak: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10
SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Los Santos városháza RP szerverekre
« Dátum: 2016. január 31. - 22:14:42 »
Köszi!  :thumbsup: A napokban csinálok hozzá egy updatet, amivel megcsinálom az útfelezőt, illetve finomítgatok rajta egy picit!

Archívum / Re:American Roleplay Gaming l Mert az élet szép...
« Dátum: 2016. január 26. - 21:18:49 »
Szép leirás, majd felnézek, ha kész lesz! :D

Hostingok / SzerverPC | Minőségi szolgáltatások olcsó áron
« Dátum: 2016. január 26. - 21:13:26 »
Idézetet írta: Pedró date=1446988619\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"51525\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Carlos, te vezetéknevet akartál írni.
Amúgy ha odafigyel a scripter, nemtudnak mit ellopni. :)
Egyszerű, csak az AMX-et kell feltölteni.  :thumbsup:

Hostingok / SzerverPC | Minőségi szolgáltatások olcsó áron
« Dátum: 2015. november 06. - 17:47:56 »
Szintén 1 *.. A Tulajdonos, Mirkó Sándor.. Hümm... Mit is mondjak róla, jöhet a figyu. Tahó, paraszt.. Anno\' üzleteltem vele, PSP-t póstáztam neki, de a cigány azóta sem fizette ki. :D

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Városháza Interior
« Dátum: 2015. október 27. - 12:14:04 »
Nagyon jó lett,én is felhasználom :P

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Rendőrség interior
« Dátum: 2015. október 27. - 12:13:37 »
Szép lett! :D

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / StreetRPG edit by: David Bianchi
« Dátum: 2015. augusztus 07. - 12:27:27 »
Szép...  :thumbsup: Ha nem gond, felhasználom.

Leírások/Útmutatók/Segítség / IVMP folyamatosan leáll..
« Dátum: 2015. április 26. - 09:22:27 »
Nem jóóó. :C Egy ideig megy, majd bezárja magát..

Leírások/Útmutatók/Segítség / IVMP folyamatosan leáll..
« Dátum: 2015. április 25. - 13:50:40 »

Leírások/Útmutatók/Segítség / IVMP folyamatosan leáll..
« Dátum: 2015. április 25. - 10:21:01 »

Version identifier: IV:MP 0.1 T3 (Apr 15 2011, 17:52:37)
Exception address: 0x62C2A79A (Client.dll+0x8A79A)
Game base: 0x00F70000
Game state: 0x00000001
Exception code: 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Edi: 0x2ECAFD3C Esi: 0x11AAFD78 Ebx: 0x00000002
Edx: 0x00002AF9 Ecx: 0x7FF8F000 Eax: 0x00000000
Ebp: 0x2ECAFDB4 Eip: 0x62C2A79A Esp: 0x2ECAFCA4
Local player id: -1
Minidump written?: Yes
Module: ntdll.dll Base address: 0x77CE0000
Module: kernel32.dll Base address: 0x770E0000
Module: KERNELBASE.dll Base address: 0x75F70000
Module: USER32.dll Base address: 0x76F00000
Module: GDI32.dll Base address: 0x77AE0000
Module: LPK.dll Base address: 0x77E20000
Module: USP10.dll Base address: 0x77850000
Module: msvcrt.dll Base address: 0x777A0000
Module: PSAPI.DLL Base address: 0x77F00000
Module: CRYPT32.dll Base address: 0x75FC0000
Module: MSASN1.dll Base address: 0x75EA0000
Module: WININET.dll Base address: 0x77B50000
Module: SHLWAPI.dll Base address: 0x77080000
Module: ADVAPI32.dll Base address: 0x775A0000
Module: sechost.dll Base address: 0x77640000
Module: RPCRT4.dll Base address: 0x76E50000
Module: Normaliz.dll Base address: 0x77E70000
Module: urlmon.dll Base address: 0x77660000
Module: ole32.dll Base address: 0x778F0000
Module: OLEAUT32.dll Base address: 0x77C50000
Module: iertutil.dll Base address: 0x771F0000
Module: binkw32.dll Base address: 0x18000000
Module: WINMM.dll Base address: 0x73B10000
Module: WINTRUST.dll Base address: 0x75EB0000
Module: xlive.dll Base address: 0x10000000
Module: d3d9.dll Base address: 0x6CF90000
Module: VERSION.dll Base address: 0x75320000
Module: d3d8thk.dll Base address: 0x71F50000
Module: dwmapi.dll Base address: 0x74A10000
Module: DINPUT8.dll Base address: 0x64630000
Module: DSOUND.dll Base address: 0x64FB0000
Module: POWRPROF.dll Base address: 0x74720000
Module: SETUPAPI.dll Base address: 0x77400000
Module: CFGMGR32.dll Base address: 0x760E0000
Module: DEVOBJ.dll Base address: 0x76110000
Module: WS2_32.dll Base address: 0x77E30000
Module: NSI.dll Base address: 0x773F0000
Module: WMVCore.DLL Base address: 0x711B0000
Module: WMASF.DLL Base address: 0x71170000
Module: gdiplus.dll Base address: 0x74BB0000
Module: SHELL32.dll Base address: 0x76130000
Module: ATL80.DLL Base address: 0x746F0000
Module: apphelp.dll Base address: 0x75D30000
Module: AcLayers.DLL Base address: 0x71E10000
Module: SspiCli.dll Base address: 0x75D10000
Module: USERENV.dll Base address: 0x75490000
Module: profapi.dll Base address: 0x75E30000
Module: WINSPOOL.DRV Base address: 0x72EE0000
Module: MPR.dll Base address: 0x72D10000
Module: IMM32.DLL Base address: 0x77B30000
Module: MSCTF.dll Base address: 0x76D80000
Module: Client.dll Base address: 0x62BA0000
Module: d3dx9_38.dll Base address: 0x61730000
Module: libcurl.dll Base address: 0x00310000
Module: WLDAP32.dll Base address: 0x77030000
Module: MSVCR90.dll Base address: 0x710C0000
Module: dbghelp.dll Base address: 0x64B10000
Module: DFA.DLL Base address: 0x60FB0000
Module: CRYPTBASE.dll Base address: 0x75DB0000
Module: CLBCatQ.DLL Base address: 0x77A50000
Module: MMDevApi.dll Base address: 0x74A30000
Module: PROPSYS.dll Base address: 0x74D80000
Module: AUDIOSES.DLL Base address: 0x72BB0000
Module: uxtheme.dll Base address: 0x74D40000
Module: nvd3dum.dll Base address: 0x6AEF0000
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Module: dxgi.dll Base address: 0x71590000
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Module: d3d10_1.dll Base address: 0x72CC0000
Module: d3d10_1core.dll Base address: 0x72C80000
Module: d3d11.dll Base address: 0x70CD0000
Module: wbemprox.dll Base address: 0x6F370000
Module: wbemcomn.dll Base address: 0x6F470000
Module: CRYPTSP.dll Base address: 0x758A0000
Module: rsaenh.dll Base address: 0x75640000
Module: RpcRtRemote.dll Base address: 0x75E20000
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Module: winbrand.dll Base address: 0x740B0000
Module: bcrypt.dll Base address: 0x759C0000
Module: bcryptprimitives.dll Base address: 0x75580000
Module: ncrypt.dll Base address: 0x759E0000
Module: GPAPI.dll Base address: 0x75470000
Module: cryptnet.dll Base address: 0x743C0000
Module: SensApi.dll Base address: 0x743B0000
Module: Cabinet.dll Base address: 0x71EA0000
Module: DEVRTL.dll Base address: 0x75630000
Module: nvapi.dll Base address: 0x73810000
Module: HID.DLL Base address: 0x74A70000
Module: xinput1_3.dll Base address: 0x0C550000
Module: wdmaud.drv Base address: 0x72BF0000
Module: ksuser.dll Base address: 0x72D30000
Module: AVRT.dll Base address: 0x74710000
Module: msacm32.drv Base address: 0x72BA0000
Module: MSACM32.dll Base address: 0x746C0000
Module: midimap.dll Base address: 0x746B0000
Module: comctl32.dll Base address: 0x74EC0000
Module: ntmarta.dll Base address: 0x74360000
Module: dnsapi.DLL Base address: 0x75720000
Module: iphlpapi.DLL Base address: 0x73AF0000
Module: WINNSI.DLL Base address: 0x73800000
Module: schannel.DLL Base address: 0x756B0000
Module: RASAPI32.dll Base address: 0x6C340000
Module: rasman.dll Base address: 0x6C320000
Module: rtutils.dll Base address: 0x720F0000
Module: NLAapi.dll Base address: 0x741F0000
Module: rasadhlp.dll Base address: 0x743E0000
Module: mswsock.dll Base address: 0x75860000
Module: winrnr.dll Base address: 0x74640000
Module: napinsp.dll Base address: 0x745F0000
Module: pnrpnsp.dll Base address: 0x743F0000
Module: wshtcpip.dll Base address: 0x753B0000
Module: wship6.dll Base address: 0x75850000
Module: fwpuclnt.dll Base address: 0x72DD0000
Module: credssp.dll Base address: 0x75620000
Module: secur32.dll Base address: 0x75CF0000
Version identifier: IV:MP 0.1 T3 (Apr 15 2011, 17:52:37)
Exception address: 0x53FF8B90
Game base: 0xFFEE0000
Game state: 0x00000001
Exception code: 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Edi: 0x00000000 Esi: 0x01BAE800 Ebx: 0x00000000
Edx: 0x53FF8B90 Ecx: 0x12043508 Eax: 0x6C5580B4
Ebp: 0x13DCD3F0 Eip: 0x53FF8B90 Esp: 0x13DCD3E0
Local player id: -1
Minidump written?: Yes
Module: ntdll.dll Base address: 0x77900000
Module: kernel32.dll Base address: 0x776A0000
Module: KERNELBASE.dll Base address: 0x75D00000
Module: USER32.dll Base address: 0x75DA0000
Module: GDI32.dll Base address: 0x75D50000
Module: LPK.dll Base address: 0x77AB0000
Module: USP10.dll Base address: 0x77290000
Module: msvcrt.dll Base address: 0x77850000
Module: PSAPI.DLL Base address: 0x77AC0000
Module: CRYPT32.dll Base address: 0x75B90000
Module: MSASN1.dll Base address: 0x75AC0000
Module: WININET.dll Base address: 0x76E70000
Module: SHLWAPI.dll Base address: 0x77AD0000
Module: ADVAPI32.dll Base address: 0x771F0000
Module: sechost.dll Base address: 0x77A90000
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Module: Normaliz.dll Base address: 0x75E70000
Module: urlmon.dll Base address: 0x77330000
Module: ole32.dll Base address: 0x77030000
Module: OLEAUT32.dll Base address: 0x77470000
Module: iertutil.dll Base address: 0x75E80000
Module: binkw32.dll Base address: 0x18000000
Module: WINMM.dll Base address: 0x71D70000
Module: WINTRUST.dll Base address: 0x75AD0000
Module: xlive.dll Base address: 0x10000000
Module: d3d9.dll Base address: 0x6C550000
Module: VERSION.dll Base address: 0x74F40000
Module: d3d8thk.dll Base address: 0x6C540000
Module: dwmapi.dll Base address: 0x74440000
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Module: DSOUND.dll Base address: 0x64A00000
Module: POWRPROF.dll Base address: 0x74BC0000
Module: SETUPAPI.dll Base address: 0x77500000
Module: CFGMGR32.dll Base address: 0x75CD0000
Module: DEVOBJ.dll Base address: 0x75CB0000
Module: WS2_32.dll Base address: 0x77A50000
Module: NSI.dll Base address: 0x77A40000
Module: WMVCore.DLL Base address: 0x63780000
Module: WMASF.DLL Base address: 0x63740000
Module: gdiplus.dll Base address: 0x745B0000
Module: SHELL32.dll Base address: 0x76200000
Module: ATL80.DLL Base address: 0x63720000
Module: apphelp.dll Base address: 0x75950000
Module: AcLayers.DLL Base address: 0x63650000
Module: SspiCli.dll Base address: 0x75920000
Module: USERENV.dll Base address: 0x750B0000
Module: profapi.dll Base address: 0x75A50000
Module: WINSPOOL.DRV Base address: 0x71500000
Module: MPR.dll Base address: 0x709F0000
Module: IMM32.DLL Base address: 0x76E50000
Module: MSCTF.dll Base address: 0x77780000
Module: Client.dll Base address: 0x63300000
Module: d3dx9_38.dll Base address: 0x62F30000
Module: libcurl.dll Base address: 0x01B70000
Module: WLDAP32.dll Base address: 0x761B0000
Module: MSVCR90.dll Base address: 0x62E80000
Module: dbghelp.dll Base address: 0x64590000
Module: DFA.DLL Base address: 0x62B20000
Module: CRYPTBASE.dll Base address: 0x759D0000
Module: CLBCatQ.DLL Base address: 0x76FA0000
Module: MMDevApi.dll Base address: 0x748C0000
Module: PROPSYS.dll Base address: 0x747C0000
Module: AUDIOSES.DLL Base address: 0x6C9B0000
Module: uxtheme.dll Base address: 0x74740000
Module: nvd3dum.dll Base address: 0x6B770000
Module: dxdiagn.dll Base address: 0x62AE0000
Module: dxgi.dll Base address: 0x71100000
Module: d3d10.dll Base address: 0x629D0000
Module: d3d10core.dll Base address: 0x62990000
Module: d3d10_1.dll Base address: 0x71280000
Module: d3d10_1core.dll Base address: 0x711B0000
Module: d3d11.dll Base address: 0x62900000
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Module: wbemcomn.dll Base address: 0x6EF00000
Module: CRYPTSP.dll Base address: 0x754D0000
Module: rsaenh.dll Base address: 0x75270000
Module: RpcRtRemote.dll Base address: 0x75A40000
Module: wbemsvc.dll Base address: 0x70A10000
Module: fastprox.dll Base address: 0x6ED10000
Module: NTDSAPI.dll Base address: 0x6ECD0000
Module: winbrand.dll Base address: 0x72710000
Module: bcrypt.dll Base address: 0x755E0000
Module: bcryptprimitives.dll Base address: 0x751B0000
Module: ncrypt.dll Base address: 0x75600000
Module: GPAPI.dll Base address: 0x75090000
Module: cryptnet.dll Base address: 0x73B20000
Module: SensApi.dll Base address: 0x73B10000
Module: Cabinet.dll Base address: 0x736D0000
Module: DEVRTL.dll Base address: 0x75250000
Module: nvapi.dll Base address: 0x71A90000
Module: HID.DLL Base address: 0x74470000
Module: xinput1_3.dll Base address: 0x0C620000
Module: wdmaud.drv Base address: 0x6CA00000
Module: ksuser.dll Base address: 0x6C9F0000
Module: AVRT.dll Base address: 0x74460000
Module: msacm32.drv Base address: 0x6C9A0000
Module: MSACM32.dll Base address: 0x74230000
Module: midimap.dll Base address: 0x74220000
Module: comctl32.dll Base address: 0x74920000
Module: ntmarta.dll Base address: 0x742E0000
Module: dnsapi.DLL Base address: 0x75350000
Module: iphlpapi.DLL Base address: 0x73AE0000
Module: WINNSI.DLL Base address: 0x73AD0000
Module: schannel.DLL Base address: 0x752E0000
Module: RASAPI32.dll Base address: 0x6CAD0000
Module: rasman.dll Base address: 0x73410000
Module: rtutils.dll Base address: 0x726D0000
Module: NLAapi.dll Base address: 0x73F80000
Module: rasadhlp.dll Base address: 0x73F60000
Module: mswsock.dll Base address: 0x75490000
Module: winrnr.dll Base address: 0x74150000
Module: napinsp.dll Base address: 0x740F0000
Module: pnrpnsp.dll Base address: 0x740D0000
Module: wshtcpip.dll Base address: 0x74FD0000
Module: wship6.dll Base address: 0x75480000
Module: fwpuclnt.dll Base address: 0x725E0000
Module: netprofm.dll Base address: 0x6C780000
Module: npmproxy.dll Base address: 0x6B6E0000
Module: credssp.dll Base address: 0x75170000
Module: secur32.dll Base address: 0x757E0000
Version identifier: IV:MP 0.1 T3 (Apr 15 2011, 17:52:37)
Exception address: 0x6165B631 (Client.dll+0xCB631)
Game base: 0x00710000
Game state: 0x00000003
Net state: 0x00000003
Exception code: 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Edi: 0x11AF1428 Esi: 0x1175F4A0 Ebx: 0x11B09220
Edx: 0x00000467 Ecx: 0x000004FD Eax: 0xAC5DD8AC
Ebp: 0x001DF09C Eip: 0x6165B631 Esp: 0x001DEFE4
Local player id: 0
Minidump written?: Yes
Module: ntdll.dll Base address: 0x77900000
Module: kernel32.dll Base address: 0x776A0000
Module: KERNELBASE.dll Base address: 0x75D00000
Module: USER32.dll Base address: 0x75DA0000
Module: GDI32.dll Base address: 0x75D50000
Module: LPK.dll Base address: 0x77AB0000
Module: USP10.dll Base address: 0x77290000
Module: msvcrt.dll Base address: 0x77850000
Module: PSAPI.DLL Base address: 0x77AC0000
Module: CRYPT32.dll Base address: 0x75B90000
Module: MSASN1.dll Base address: 0x75AC0000
Module: WININET.dll Base address: 0x76E70000
Module: SHLWAPI.dll Base address: 0x77AD0000
Module: ADVAPI32.dll Base address: 0x771F0000
Module: sechost.dll Base address: 0x77A90000
Module: RPCRT4.dll Base address: 0x76100000
Module: Normaliz.dll Base address: 0x75E70000
Module: urlmon.dll Base address: 0x77330000
Module: ole32.dll Base address: 0x77030000
Module: OLEAUT32.dll Base address: 0x77470000
Module: iertutil.dll Base address: 0x75E80000
Module: binkw32.dll Base address: 0x18000000
Module: WINMM.dll Base address: 0x71D70000
Module: WINTRUST.dll Base address: 0x75AD0000
Module: xlive.dll Base address: 0x10000000
Module: d3d9.dll Base address: 0x6C550000
Module: VERSION.dll Base address: 0x74F40000
Module: d3d8thk.dll Base address: 0x6C540000
Module: dwmapi.dll Base address: 0x74440000
Module: DINPUT8.dll Base address: 0x640E0000
Module: DSOUND.dll Base address: 0x64A00000
Module: POWRPROF.dll Base address: 0x74BC0000
Module: SETUPAPI.dll Base address: 0x77500000
Module: CFGMGR32.dll Base address: 0x75CD0000
Module: DEVOBJ.dll Base address: 0x75CB0000
Module: WS2_32.dll Base address: 0x77A50000
Module: NSI.dll Base address: 0x77A40000
Module: WMVCore.DLL Base address: 0x618E0000
Module: WMASF.DLL Base address: 0x727A0000
Module: gdiplus.dll Base address: 0x745B0000
Module: SHELL32.dll Base address: 0x76200000
Module: ATL80.DLL Base address: 0x728B0000
Module: apphelp.dll Base address: 0x75950000
Module: AcLayers.DLL Base address: 0x72800000
Module: SspiCli.dll Base address: 0x75920000
Module: USERENV.dll Base address: 0x750B0000
Module: profapi.dll Base address: 0x75A50000
Module: WINSPOOL.DRV Base address: 0x71500000
Module: MPR.dll Base address: 0x709F0000
Module: IMM32.DLL Base address: 0x76E50000
Module: MSCTF.dll Base address: 0x77780000
Module: Client.dll Base address: 0x61590000
Module: d3dx9_38.dll Base address: 0x60D00000
Module: libcurl.dll Base address: 0x00340000
Module: WLDAP32.dll Base address: 0x761B0000
Module: MSVCR90.dll Base address: 0x6AD00000
Module: dbghelp.dll Base address: 0x64590000
Module: DFA.DLL Base address: 0x609A0000
Module: CRYPTBASE.dll Base address: 0x759D0000
Module: CLBCatQ.DLL Base address: 0x76FA0000
Module: MMDevApi.dll Base address: 0x748C0000
Module: PROPSYS.dll Base address: 0x747C0000
Module: AUDIOSES.DLL Base address: 0x6C9B0000
Module: uxtheme.dll Base address: 0x74740000
Module: nvd3dum.dll Base address: 0x6B770000
Module: dxdiagn.dll Base address: 0x6F1C0000
Module: dxgi.dll Base address: 0x71100000
Module: d3d10.dll Base address: 0x62800000
Module: d3d10core.dll Base address: 0x6CE60000
Module: d3d10_1.dll Base address: 0x71280000
Module: d3d10_1core.dll Base address: 0x711B0000
Module: d3d11.dll Base address: 0x63730000
Module: wbemprox.dll Base address: 0x6ECC0000
Module: wbemcomn.dll Base address: 0x6EF00000
Module: CRYPTSP.dll Base address: 0x754D0000
Module: rsaenh.dll Base address: 0x75270000
Module: RpcRtRemote.dll Base address: 0x75A40000
Module: wbemsvc.dll Base address: 0x70A10000
Module: fastprox.dll Base address: 0x6ED10000
Module: NTDSAPI.dll Base address: 0x6ECD0000
Module: winbrand.dll Base address: 0x72710000
Module: bcrypt.dll Base address: 0x755E0000
Module: bcryptprimitives.dll Base address: 0x751B0000
Module: ncrypt.dll Base address: 0x75600000
Module: GPAPI.dll Base address: 0x75090000
Module: cryptnet.dll Base address: 0x73B20000
Module: SensApi.dll Base address: 0x73B10000
Module: Cabinet.dll Base address: 0x736D0000
Module: DEVRTL.dll Base address: 0x75250000
Module: nvapi.dll Base address: 0x71A90000
Module: HID.DLL Base address: 0x74470000
Module: xinput1_3.dll Base address: 0x0C670000
Module: wdmaud.drv Base address: 0x6CA00000
Module: ksuser.dll Base address: 0x6C9F0000
Module: AVRT.dll Base address: 0x74460000
Module: msacm32.drv Base address: 0x6C9A0000
Module: MSACM32.dll Base address: 0x74230000
Module: midimap.dll Base address: 0x74220000
Module: comctl32.dll Base address: 0x74920000
Module: ntmarta.dll Base address: 0x742E0000
Module: dnsapi.DLL Base address: 0x75350000
Module: iphlpapi.DLL Base address: 0x73AE0000
Module: WINNSI.DLL Base address: 0x73AD0000
Module: schannel.DLL Base address: 0x752E0000
Module: RASAPI32.dll Base address: 0x6CAD0000
Module: rasman.dll Base address: 0x73410000
Module: rtutils.dll Base address: 0x726D0000
Module: NLAapi.dll Base address: 0x73F80000
Module: rasadhlp.dll Base address: 0x73F60000
Module: netprofm.dll Base address: 0x6C780000
Module: npmproxy.dll Base address: 0x6B6E0000
Module: mswsock.dll Base address: 0x75490000
Module: winrnr.dll Base address: 0x74150000
Module: napinsp.dll Base address: 0x740F0000
Module: pnrpnsp.dll Base address: 0x740D0000
Module: wshtcpip.dll Base address: 0x74FD0000
Module: wship6.dll Base address: 0x75480000
Module: fwpuclnt.dll Base address: 0x725E0000
Module: credssp.dll Base address: 0x75170000
Module: secur32.dll Base address: 0x757E0000
Version identifier: IV:MP 0.1 T3 (Apr 15 2011, 17:52:37)
Exception address: 0x6C22A821 (Client.dll+0xCA821)
Game base: 0xFFCA0000
Game state: 0x00000003
Net state: 0x00000003
Exception code: 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Edi: 0x11BD4E48 Esi: 0x11870F78 Ebx: 0x11A11FC0
Edx: 0x01000008 Ecx: 0x00000010 Eax: 0x00000000
Ebp: 0x14CCCFF8 Eip: 0x6C22A821 Esp: 0x14CCCF44
Local player id: 0
Minidump written?: Yes
Module: ntdll.dll Base address: 0x77900000
Module: kernel32.dll Base address: 0x776A0000
Module: KERNELBASE.dll Base address: 0x75D00000
Module: USER32.dll Base address: 0x75DA0000
Module: GDI32.dll Base address: 0x75D50000
Module: LPK.dll Base address: 0x77AB0000
Module: USP10.dll Base address: 0x77290000
Module: msvcrt.dll Base address: 0x77850000
Module: PSAPI.DLL Base address: 0x77AC0000
Module: CRYPT32.dll Base address: 0x75B90000
Module: MSASN1.dll Base address: 0x75AC0000
Module: WININET.dll Base address: 0x76E70000
Module: SHLWAPI.dll Base address: 0x77AD0000
Module: ADVAPI32.dll Base address: 0x771F0000
Module: sechost.dll Base address: 0x77A90000
Module: RPCRT4.dll Base address: 0x76100000
Module: Normaliz.dll Base address: 0x75E70000
Module: urlmon.dll Base address: 0x77330000
Module: ole32.dll Base address: 0x77030000
Module: OLEAUT32.dll Base address: 0x77470000
Module: iertutil.dll Base address: 0x75E80000
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Module: WINMM.dll Base address: 0x71D70000
Module: WINTRUST.dll Base address: 0x75AD0000
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Module: d3d8thk.dll Base address: 0x74170000
Module: dwmapi.dll Base address: 0x74440000
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Module: DSOUND.dll Base address: 0x72820000
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Module: SETUPAPI.dll Base address: 0x77500000
Module: CFGMGR32.dll Base address: 0x75CD0000
Module: DEVOBJ.dll Base address: 0x75CB0000
Module: WS2_32.dll Base address: 0x77A50000
Module: NSI.dll Base address: 0x77A40000
Module: WMVCore.DLL Base address: 0x6C4B0000
Module: WMASF.DLL Base address: 0x727E0000
Module: gdiplus.dll Base address: 0x745B0000
Module: SHELL32.dll Base address: 0x76200000
Module: ATL80.DLL Base address: 0x73D40000
Module: apphelp.dll Base address: 0x75950000
Module: AcLayers.DLL Base address: 0x73640000
Module: SspiCli.dll Base address: 0x75920000
Module: USERENV.dll Base address: 0x750B0000
Module: profapi.dll Base address: 0x75A50000
Module: WINSPOOL.DRV Base address: 0x71500000
Module: MPR.dll Base address: 0x709F0000
Module: IMM32.DLL Base address: 0x76E50000
Module: MSCTF.dll Base address: 0x77780000
Module: Client.dll Base address: 0x6C160000
Module: d3dx9_38.dll Base address: 0x6BD90000
Module: libcurl.dll Base address: 0x01BA0000
Module: WLDAP32.dll Base address: 0x761B0000
Module: MSVCR90.dll Base address: 0x70BE0000
Module: dbghelp.dll Base address: 0x64590000
Module: DFA.DLL Base address: 0x6BA30000
Module: CRYPTBASE.dll Base address: 0x759D0000
Module: CLBCatQ.DLL Base address: 0x76FA0000
Module: MMDevApi.dll Base address: 0x748C0000
Module: PROPSYS.dll Base address: 0x747C0000
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Module: nvd3dum.dll Base address: 0x664B0000
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Module: rsaenh.dll Base address: 0x75270000
Module: RpcRtRemote.dll Base address: 0x75A40000
Module: wbemsvc.dll Base address: 0x70A10000
Module: fastprox.dll Base address: 0x6ED10000
Module: NTDSAPI.dll Base address: 0x6ECD0000
Module: winbrand.dll Base address: 0x73430000
Module: bcrypt.dll Base address: 0x755E0000
Module: bcryptprimitives.dll Base address: 0x751B0000
Module: ncrypt.dll Base address: 0x75600000
Module: GPAPI.dll Base address: 0x75090000
Module: cryptnet.dll Base address: 0x73B20000
Module: SensApi.dll Base address: 0x73B10000
Module: Cabinet.dll Base address: 0x736D0000
Module: DEVRTL.dll Base address: 0x75250000
Module: nvapi.dll Base address: 0x71A90000
Module: HID.DLL Base address: 0x74470000
Module: xinput1_3.dll Base address: 0x0C3B0000
Module: wdmaud.drv Base address: 0x6CA00000
Module: ksuser.dll Base address: 0x6C9F0000
Module: AVRT.dll Base address: 0x74460000
Module: msacm32.drv Base address: 0x6C9A0000
Module: MSACM32.dll Base address: 0x74230000
Module: midimap.dll Base address: 0x74220000
Module: comctl32.dll Base address: 0x74920000
Module: ntmarta.dll Base address: 0x742E0000
Module: dnsapi.DLL Base address: 0x75350000
Module: iphlpapi.DLL Base address: 0x73AE0000
Module: WINNSI.DLL Base address: 0x73AD0000
Module: schannel.DLL Base address: 0x752E0000
Module: RASAPI32.dll Base address: 0x6CAD0000
Module: rasman.dll Base address: 0x73410000
Module: rtutils.dll Base address: 0x726D0000
Module: NLAapi.dll Base address: 0x73F80000
Module: rasadhlp.dll Base address: 0x73F60000
Module: mswsock.dll Base address: 0x75490000
Module: winrnr.dll Base address: 0x74150000
Module: napinsp.dll Base address: 0x740F0000
Module: pnrpnsp.dll Base address: 0x740D0000
Module: wshtcpip.dll Base address: 0x74FD0000
Module: wship6.dll Base address: 0x75480000
Module: fwpuclnt.dll Base address: 0x725E0000
Module: credssp.dll Base address: 0x75170000
Module: secur32.dll Base address: 0x757E0000
Version identifier: IV:MP 0.1 T3 (Apr 15 2011, 17:52:37)
Exception address: 0x643FC06B (Client.dll+0xCC06B)
Game base: 0x00BD0000
Game state: 0x00000003
Net state: 0x00000003
Exception code: 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Edi: 0x116DA290 Esi: 0x1143F8F8 Ebx: 0x08000000
Edx: 0x08000010 Ecx: 0x11B1BAFC Eax: 0x00000002
Ebp: 0x0019ED6C Eip: 0x643FC06B Esp: 0x0019ECB4
Local player id: 0
Minidump written?: Yes
Module: ntdll.dll Base address: 0x77490000
Module: kernel32.dll Base address: 0x773B0000
Module: KERNELBASE.dll Base address: 0x756F0000
Module: USER32.dll Base address: 0x75FD0000
Module: GDI32.dll Base address: 0x75BA0000
Module: LPK.dll Base address: 0x775D0000
Module: USP10.dll Base address: 0x77310000
Module: msvcrt.dll Base address: 0x75AF0000
Module: PSAPI.DLL Base address: 0x75D20000
Module: CRYPT32.dll Base address: 0x75740000
Module: MSASN1.dll Base address: 0x75650000
Module: WININET.dll Base address: 0x75D50000
Module: SHLWAPI.dll Base address: 0x77660000
Module: ADVAPI32.dll Base address: 0x75BF0000
Module: sechost.dll Base address: 0x75D30000
Module: RPCRT4.dll Base address: 0x75E50000
Module: Normaliz.dll Base address: 0x77650000
Module: urlmon.dll Base address: 0x76120000
Module: ole32.dll Base address: 0x76EE0000
Module: OLEAUT32.dll Base address: 0x75C90000
Module: iertutil.dll Base address: 0x77040000
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Module: WINMM.dll Base address: 0x71900000
Module: WINTRUST.dll Base address: 0x75860000
Module: xlive.dll Base address: 0x10000000
Module: d3d9.dll Base address: 0x66960000
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Module: d3d8thk.dll Base address: 0x66950000
Module: dwmapi.dll Base address: 0x73FE0000
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Module: DSOUND.dll Base address: 0x666F0000
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Module: SETUPAPI.dll Base address: 0x75950000
Module: CFGMGR32.dll Base address: 0x758B0000
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Module: WS2_32.dll Base address: 0x77240000
Module: NSI.dll Base address: 0x758E0000
Module: WMVCore.DLL Base address: 0x6BAB0000
Module: WMASF.DLL Base address: 0x6BA70000
Module: gdiplus.dll Base address: 0x74140000
Module: SHELL32.dll Base address: 0x76260000
Module: ATL80.DLL Base address: 0x66CC0000
Module: apphelp.dll Base address: 0x754E0000
Module: AcLayers.DLL Base address: 0x66660000
Module: SspiCli.dll Base address: 0x754C0000
Module: USERENV.dll Base address: 0x74C40000
Module: profapi.dll Base address: 0x755E0000
Module: WINSPOOL.DRV Base address: 0x71090000
Module: MPR.dll Base address: 0x70580000
Module: IMM32.DLL Base address: 0x77630000
Module: MSCTF.dll Base address: 0x75F00000
Module: Client.dll Base address: 0x64330000
Module: d3dx9_38.dll Base address: 0x63CA0000
Module: libcurl.dll Base address: 0x00430000
Module: WLDAP32.dll Base address: 0x775E0000
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Module: dbghelp.dll Base address: 0x667A0000
Module: DFA.DLL Base address: 0x63940000
Module: CRYPTBASE.dll Base address: 0x75530000
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Module: CRYPTSP.dll Base address: 0x75060000
Module: rsaenh.dll Base address: 0x74E00000
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Module: bcrypt.dll Base address: 0x75170000
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Module: ncrypt.dll Base address: 0x75190000
Module: GPAPI.dll Base address: 0x74C20000
Module: cryptnet.dll Base address: 0x736A0000
Module: SensApi.dll Base address: 0x73CE0000
Module: Cabinet.dll Base address: 0x73020000
Module: DEVRTL.dll Base address: 0x74DE0000
Module: nvapi.dll Base address: 0x71620000
Module: HID.DLL Base address: 0x74000000
Module: xinput1_3.dll Base address: 0x0C780000
Module: wdmaud.drv Base address: 0x6C580000
Module: ksuser.dll Base address: 0x6D7E0000
Module: AVRT.dll Base address: 0x73FD0000
Module: msacm32.drv Base address: 0x6C530000
Module: MSACM32.dll Base address: 0x707A0000
Module: midimap.dll Base address: 0x70790000
Module: comctl32.dll Base address: 0x744B0000
Module: ntmarta.dll Base address: 0x73E70000
Module: dnsapi.DLL Base address: 0x74EE0000
Module: iphlpapi.DLL Base address: 0x73670000
Module: WINNSI.DLL Base address: 0x73660000
Module: schannel.DLL Base address: 0x74E70000
Module: RASAPI32.dll Base address: 0x674B0000
Module: rasman.dll Base address: 0x67640000
Module: rtutils.dll Base address: 0x72D90000
Module: NLAapi.dll Base address: 0x73B10000
Module: rasadhlp.dll Base address: 0x73D30000
Module: mswsock.dll Base address: 0x75020000
Module: winrnr.dll Base address: 0x668C0000
Module: napinsp.dll Base address: 0x668B0000
Module: pnrpnsp.dll Base address: 0x66890000
Module: wshtcpip.dll Base address: 0x74B60000
Module: wship6.dll Base address: 0x75010000
Module: fwpuclnt.dll Base address: 0x72170000
Module: credssp.dll Base address: 0x74D00000
Module: secur32.dll Base address: 0x754A0000
Version identifier: IV:MP 0.1 T3 (Apr 15 2011, 17:52:37)
Exception address: 0x63DEC3A9 (Client.dll+0xCC3A9)
Game base: 0x00BF0000
Game state: 0x00000003
Net state: 0x00000003
Exception code: 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Edi: 0x0FA8FF98 Esi: 0x1147F8F8 Ebx: 0xFFFFFFFF
Edx: 0xFFFFFF9B Ecx: 0x00000065 Eax: 0x00000000
Ebp: 0x0017E60C Eip: 0x63DEC3A9 Esp: 0x0017E554
Local player id: 0
Minidump written?: Yes
Module: ntdll.dll Base address: 0x77490000
Module: kernel32.dll Base address: 0x773B0000
Module: KERNELBASE.dll Base address: 0x756F0000
Module: USER32.dll Base address: 0x75FD0000
Module: GDI32.dll Base address: 0x75BA0000
Module: LPK.dll Base address: 0x775D0000
Module: USP10.dll Base address: 0x77310000
Module: msvcrt.dll Base address: 0x75AF0000
Module: PSAPI.DLL Base address: 0x75D20000
Module: CRYPT32.dll Base address: 0x75740000
Module: MSASN1.dll Base address: 0x75650000
Module: WININET.dll Base address: 0x75D50000
Module: SHLWAPI.dll Base address: 0x77660000
Module: ADVAPI32.dll Base address: 0x75BF0000
Module: sechost.dll Base address: 0x75D30000
Module: RPCRT4.dll Base address: 0x75E50000
Module: Normaliz.dll Base address: 0x77650000
Module: urlmon.dll Base address: 0x76120000
Module: ole32.dll Base address: 0x76EE0000
Module: OLEAUT32.dll Base address: 0x75C90000
Module: iertutil.dll Base address: 0x77040000
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Module: WINMM.dll Base address: 0x71900000
Module: WINTRUST.dll Base address: 0x75860000
Module: xlive.dll Base address: 0x10000000
Module: d3d9.dll Base address: 0x66960000
Module: VERSION.dll Base address: 0x74AD0000
Module: d3d8thk.dll Base address: 0x66950000
Module: dwmapi.dll Base address: 0x73FE0000
Module: DINPUT8.dll Base address: 0x64680000
Module: DSOUND.dll Base address: 0x666F0000
Module: POWRPROF.dll Base address: 0x74750000
Module: SETUPAPI.dll Base address: 0x75950000
Module: CFGMGR32.dll Base address: 0x758B0000
Module: DEVOBJ.dll Base address: 0x75890000
Module: WS2_32.dll Base address: 0x77240000
Module: NSI.dll Base address: 0x758E0000
Module: WMVCore.DLL Base address: 0x6BAF0000
Module: WMASF.DLL Base address: 0x72BC0000
Module: gdiplus.dll Base address: 0x74140000
Module: SHELL32.dll Base address: 0x76260000
Module: ATL80.DLL Base address: 0x72CE0000
Module: apphelp.dll Base address: 0x754E0000
Module: AcLayers.DLL Base address: 0x72C20000
Module: SspiCli.dll Base address: 0x754C0000
Module: USERENV.dll Base address: 0x74C40000
Module: profapi.dll Base address: 0x755E0000
Module: WINSPOOL.DRV Base address: 0x71090000
Module: MPR.dll Base address: 0x70580000
Module: IMM32.DLL Base address: 0x77630000
Module: MSCTF.dll Base address: 0x75F00000
Module: Client.dll Base address: 0x63D20000
Module: d3dx9_38.dll Base address: 0x642B0000
Module: libcurl.dll Base address: 0x002D0000
Module: WLDAP32.dll Base address: 0x775E0000
Module: MSVCR90.dll Base address: 0x66BE0000
Module: dbghelp.dll Base address: 0x667A0000
Module: DFA.DLL Base address: 0x639C0000
Module: CRYPTBASE.dll Base address: 0x75530000
Module: CLBCatQ.DLL Base address: 0x77280000
Module: MMDevApi.dll Base address: 0x74450000
Module: PROPSYS.dll Base address: 0x74350000
Module: AUDIOSES.DLL Base address: 0x6C540000
Module: uxtheme.dll Base address: 0x742D0000
Module: nvd3dum.dll Base address: 0x65790000
Module: dxdiagn.dll Base address: 0x6BAB0000
Module: dxgi.dll Base address: 0x70D20000
Module: d3d10.dll Base address: 0x62810000
Module: d3d10core.dll Base address: 0x6BA70000
Module: d3d10_1.dll Base address: 0x70DF0000
Module: d3d10_1core.dll Base address: 0x70DB0000
Module: d3d11.dll Base address: 0x67970000
Module: wbemprox.dll Base address: 0x6E850000
Module: wbemcomn.dll Base address: 0x6EA90000
Module: CRYPTSP.dll Base address: 0x75060000
Module: rsaenh.dll Base address: 0x74E00000
Module: RpcRtRemote.dll Base address: 0x755D0000
Module: wbemsvc.dll Base address: 0x6D7D0000
Module: fastprox.dll Base address: 0x6E8A0000
Module: NTDSAPI.dll Base address: 0x6E860000
Module: winbrand.dll Base address: 0x67B70000
Module: bcrypt.dll Base address: 0x75170000
Module: bcryptprimitives.dll Base address: 0x74D40000
Module: ncrypt.dll Base address: 0x75190000
Module: GPAPI.dll Base address: 0x74C20000
Module: cryptnet.dll Base address: 0x736A0000
Module: SensApi.dll Base address: 0x73CE0000
Module: Cabinet.dll Base address: 0x73020000
Module: DEVRTL.dll Base address: 0x74DE0000
Module: nvapi.dll Base address: 0x71620000
Module: HID.DLL Base address: 0x74000000
Module: xinput1_3.dll Base address: 0x0C550000
Module: wdmaud.drv Base address: 0x6C580000
Module: ksuser.dll Base address: 0x6D7E0000
Module: AVRT.dll Base address: 0x73FD0000
Module: msacm32.drv Base address: 0x6C530000
Module: MSACM32.dll Base address: 0x707A0000
Module: midimap.dll Base address: 0x70790000
Module: comctl32.dll Base address: 0x744B0000
Module: ntmarta.dll Base address: 0x73E70000
Module: dnsapi.DLL Base address: 0x74EE0000
Module: iphlpapi.DLL Base address: 0x73670000
Module: WINNSI.DLL Base address: 0x73660000
Module: schannel.DLL Base address: 0x74E70000
Module: RASAPI32.dll Base address: 0x674B0000
Module: rasman.dll Base address: 0x67640000
Module: rtutils.dll Base address: 0x72D90000
Module: NLAapi.dll Base address: 0x73B10000
Module: rasadhlp.dll Base address: 0x73D30000
Module: mswsock.dll Base address: 0x75020000
Module: winrnr.dll Base address: 0x668C0000
Module: napinsp.dll Base address: 0x668B0000
Module: pnrpnsp.dll Base address: 0x66890000
Module: wshtcpip.dll Base address: 0x74B60000
Module: wship6.dll Base address: 0x75010000
Module: fwpuclnt.dll Base address: 0x72170000
Module: credssp.dll Base address: 0x74D00000
Module: secur32.dll Base address: 0x754A0000
Version identifier: IV:MP 0.1 T3 (Apr 15 2011, 17:52:37)
Exception address: 0x63715E1B (Client.dll+0xC5E1B)
Game base: 0x00880000
Game state: 0x00000003
Net state: 0x00000003
Exception code: 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Edi: 0x10E1FFA8 Esi: 0x51468830 Ebx: 0x00000007
Edx: 0x11468D18 Ecx: 0x11468D18 Eax: 0x01000001
Ebp: 0x137ED4A8 Eip: 0x63715E1B Esp: 0x137ED3E0
Local player id: 0
Minidump written?: Yes
Module: ntdll.dll Base address: 0x77B80000
Module: kernel32.dll Base address: 0x77330000
Module: KERNELBASE.dll Base address: 0x75D50000
Module: USER32.dll Base address: 0x77690000
Module: GDI32.dll Base address: 0x77D40000
Module: LPK.dll Base address: 0x77CE0000
Module: USP10.dll Base address: 0x779A0000
Module: msvcrt.dll Base address: 0x76160000
Module: PSAPI.DLL Base address: 0x77CD0000
Module: CRYPT32.dll Base address: 0x75EB0000
Module: MSASN1.dll Base address: 0x75D40000
Module: WININET.dll Base address: 0x76000000
Module: SHLWAPI.dll Base address: 0x77760000
Module: ADVAPI32.dll Base address: 0x762C0000
Module: sechost.dll Base address: 0x77D90000
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Module: Normaliz.dll Base address: 0x77CC0000
Module: urlmon.dll Base address: 0x77A40000
Module: ole32.dll Base address: 0x771B0000
Module: OLEAUT32.dll Base address: 0x77910000
Module: iertutil.dll Base address: 0x76360000
Module: binkw32.dll Base address: 0x18000000
Module: WINMM.dll Base address: 0x732F0000
Module: WINTRUST.dll Base address: 0x75E80000
Module: xlive.dll Base address: 0x10000000
Module: d3d9.dll Base address: 0x6D180000
Module: VERSION.dll Base address: 0x75000000
Module: d3d8thk.dll Base address: 0x6CC90000
Module: dwmapi.dll Base address: 0x746C0000
Module: DINPUT8.dll Base address: 0x643B0000
Module: DSOUND.dll Base address: 0x72490000
Module: POWRPROF.dll Base address: 0x74D40000
Module: SETUPAPI.dll Base address: 0x77420000
Module: CFGMGR32.dll Base address: 0x75DA0000
Module: DEVOBJ.dll Base address: 0x75E60000
Module: WS2_32.dll Base address: 0x777C0000
Module: NSI.dll Base address: 0x77410000
Module: WMVCore.DLL Base address: 0x639A0000
Module: WMASF.DLL Base address: 0x6B930000
Module: gdiplus.dll Base address: 0x74830000
Module: SHELL32.dll Base address: 0x76560000
Module: ATL80.DLL Base address: 0x74B40000
Module: apphelp.dll Base address: 0x75BD0000
Module: AcLayers.DLL Base address: 0x6B970000
Module: SspiCli.dll Base address: 0x75BB0000
Module: USERENV.dll Base address: 0x75330000
Module: profapi.dll Base address: 0x75CD0000
Module: WINSPOOL.DRV Base address: 0x716B0000
Module: MPR.dll Base address: 0x71690000
Module: IMM32.DLL Base address: 0x77310000
Module: MSCTF.dll Base address: 0x775C0000
Module: Client.dll Base address: 0x63650000
Module: d3dx9_38.dll Base address: 0x63280000
Module: libcurl.dll Base address: 0x00140000
Module: WLDAP32.dll Base address: 0x77CF0000
Module: MSVCR90.dll Base address: 0x631D0000
Module: dbghelp.dll Base address: 0x64830000
Module: DFA.DLL Base address: 0x62E70000
Module: CRYPTBASE.dll Base address: 0x75C50000
Module: CLBCatQ.DLL Base address: 0x77880000
Module: MMDevApi.dll Base address: 0x74D00000
Module: PROPSYS.dll Base address: 0x74A00000
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Module: nvd3dum.dll Base address: 0x6BA00000
Module: dxdiagn.dll Base address: 0x6B8F0000
Module: dxgi.dll Base address: 0x71300000
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Module: ncrypt.dll Base address: 0x75880000
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Module: Cabinet.dll Base address: 0x72530000
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Module: nvapi.dll Base address: 0x71CB0000
Module: HID.DLL Base address: 0x746E0000
Module: xinput1_3.dll Base address: 0x0C980000
Module: wdmaud.drv Base address: 0x744A0000
Module: ksuser.dll Base address: 0x74490000
Module: AVRT.dll Base address: 0x74820000
Module: msacm32.drv Base address: 0x74440000
Module: MSACM32.dll Base address: 0x74380000
Module: midimap.dll Base address: 0x74300000
Module: comctl32.dll Base address: 0x74B60000
Module: ntmarta.dll Base address: 0x74560000
Module: dnsapi.DLL Base address: 0x755D0000
Module: iphlpapi.DLL Base address: 0x73D00000
Module: WINNSI.DLL Base address: 0x73CF0000
Module: schannel.DLL Base address: 0x75560000
Module: RASAPI32.dll Base address: 0x74160000
Module: rasman.dll Base address: 0x74140000
Module: rtutils.dll Base address: 0x72840000
Module: NLAapi.dll Base address: 0x74200000
Module: rasadhlp.dll Base address: 0x73E30000
Module: mswsock.dll Base address: 0x75710000
Module: winrnr.dll Base address: 0x6B480000
Module: napinsp.dll Base address: 0x6B470000
Module: pnrpnsp.dll Base address: 0x6B3E0000
Module: wshtcpip.dll Base address: 0x75250000
Module: wship6.dll Base address: 0x75700000
Module: fwpuclnt.dll Base address: 0x73860000
Module: netprofm.dll Base address: 0x6B760000
Module: npmproxy.dll Base address: 0x6D350000
Module: credssp.dll Base address: 0x753F0000
Module: secur32.dll Base address: 0x75B90000
Version identifier: IV:MP 0.1 T3 (Apr 15 2011, 17:52:37)
Exception address: 0x0109A39C
Game base: 0x006B0000
Game state: 0x00000003
Net state: 0x00000003
Exception code: 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Edi: 0x0000003B Esi: 0x01858140 Ebx: 0x0000003C
Edx: 0x00003E80 Ecx: 0x0515E8E0 Eax: 0x00000000
Ebp: 0x001FF260 Eip: 0x0109A39C Esp: 0x001FF1E0
Local player id: 0
Minidump written?: Yes
Module: ntdll.dll Base address: 0x771F0000
Module: kernel32.dll Base address: 0x76400000
Module: KERNELBASE.dll Base address: 0x755F0000
Module: USER32.dll Base address: 0x76A30000
Module: GDI32.dll Base address: 0x76F00000
Module: LPK.dll Base address: 0x77360000
Module: USP10.dll Base address: 0x76F50000
Module: msvcrt.dll Base address: 0x76610000
Module: PSAPI.DLL Base address: 0x77390000
Module: CRYPT32.dll Base address: 0x75480000
Module: MSASN1.dll Base address: 0x753B0000
Module: WININET.dll Base address: 0x76C00000
Module: SHLWAPI.dll Base address: 0x764F0000
Module: ADVAPI32.dll Base address: 0x76550000
Module: sechost.dll Base address: 0x77370000
Module: RPCRT4.dll Base address: 0x76B50000
Module: Normaliz.dll Base address: 0x764E0000
Module: urlmon.dll Base address: 0x768F0000
Module: ole32.dll Base address: 0x76790000
Module: OLEAUT32.dll Base address: 0x76370000
Module: iertutil.dll Base address: 0x76FF0000
Module: binkw32.dll Base address: 0x18000000
Module: WINMM.dll Base address: 0x71690000
Module: WINTRUST.dll Base address: 0x755C0000
Module: xlive.dll Base address: 0x10000000
Module: d3d9.dll Base address: 0x6B110000
Module: VERSION.dll Base address: 0x74830000
Module: d3d8thk.dll Base address: 0x6B370000
Module: dwmapi.dll Base address: 0x73E40000
Module: DINPUT8.dll Base address: 0x00200000
Module: d3dx9_37.dll Base address: 0x63010000
Module: WS2_32.dll Base address: 0x756D0000
Module: NSI.dll Base address: 0x76360000
Module: MSVCR90.dll Base address: 0x63740000
Module: MSVCP90.dll Base address: 0x636B0000
Module: DSOUND.dll Base address: 0x647B0000
Module: POWRPROF.dll Base address: 0x74780000
Module: SETUPAPI.dll Base address: 0x76D60000
Module: CFGMGR32.dll Base address: 0x753C0000
Module: DEVOBJ.dll Base address: 0x755A0000
Module: WMVCore.DLL Base address: 0x633D0000
Module: WMASF.DLL Base address: 0x63880000
Module: gdiplus.dll Base address: 0x73FA0000
Module: SHELL32.dll Base address: 0x75710000
Module: ATL80.DLL Base address: 0x6CA20000
Module: apphelp.dll Base address: 0x75240000
Module: AcLayers.DLL Base address: 0x637F0000
Module: SspiCli.dll Base address: 0x75220000
Module: USERENV.dll Base address: 0x749A0000
Module: profapi.dll Base address: 0x75340000
Module: WINSPOOL.DRV Base address: 0x709B0000
Module: MPR.dll Base address: 0x70E30000
Module: IMM32.DLL Base address: 0x765F0000
Module: MSCTF.dll Base address: 0x766C0000
Module: Client.dll Base address: 0x62CC0000
Module: d3dx9_38.dll Base address: 0x628F0000
Module: libcurl.dll Base address: 0x00500000
Module: WLDAP32.dll Base address: 0x76B00000
Module: dbghelp.dll Base address: 0x64310000
Module: DFA.DLL Base address: 0x62590000
Module: CRYPTBASE.dll Base address: 0x752C0000
Module: CLBCatQ.DLL Base address: 0x75640000
Module: MMDevApi.dll Base address: 0x74740000
Module: PROPSYS.dll Base address: 0x74640000
Module: AUDIOSES.DLL Base address: 0x706E0000
Module: uxtheme.dll Base address: 0x74130000
Module: nvd3dum.dll Base address: 0x68600000
Module: dxdiagn.dll Base address: 0x63670000
Module: dxgi.dll Base address: 0x70B30000
Module: d3d10.dll Base address: 0x62480000
Module: d3d10core.dll Base address: 0x62440000
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Module: wbemprox.dll Base address: 0x6E780000
Module: wbemcomn.dll Base address: 0x6EAE0000
Module: CRYPTSP.dll Base address: 0x74DC0000
Module: rsaenh.dll Base address: 0x74B60000
Module: RpcRtRemote.dll Base address: 0x75330000
Module: wbemsvc.dll Base address: 0x6DB70000
Module: fastprox.dll Base address: 0x6E7B0000
Module: NTDSAPI.dll Base address: 0x6E790000
Module: winbrand.dll Base address: 0x647A0000
Module: bcrypt.dll Base address: 0x74ED0000
Module: bcryptprimitives.dll Base address: 0x74AA0000
Module: ncrypt.dll Base address: 0x74EF0000
Module: GPAPI.dll Base address: 0x74980000
Module: cryptnet.dll Base address: 0x73520000
Module: SensApi.dll Base address: 0x73A90000
Module: Cabinet.dll Base address: 0x729B0000
Module: DEVRTL.dll Base address: 0x74B40000
Module: nvapi.dll Base address: 0x713B0000
Module: dinput8.dll Base address: 0x63E90000
Module: HID.DLL Base address: 0x73E60000
Module: xinput1_3.dll Base address: 0x0CB10000
Module: wdmaud.drv Base address: 0x6BE90000
Module: ksuser.dll Base address: 0x6B9B0000
Module: AVRT.dll Base address: 0x74630000
Module: msacm32.drv Base address: 0x706D0000
Module: MSACM32.dll Base address: 0x706B0000
Module: midimap.dll Base address: 0x706A0000
Module: comctl32.dll Base address: 0x741D0000
Module: dnsapi.DLL Base address: 0x74C40000
Module: iphlpapi.DLL Base address: 0x734D0000
Module: WINNSI.DLL Base address: 0x734C0000
Module: schannel.DLL Base address: 0x74BD0000
Module: RASAPI32.dll Base address: 0x6C230000
Module: rasman.dll Base address: 0x6C210000
Module: rtutils.dll Base address: 0x71F80000
Module: NLAapi.dll Base address: 0x738F0000
Module: rasadhlp.dll Base address: 0x73C10000
Module: netprofm.dll Base address: 0x71D60000
Module: npmproxy.dll Base address: 0x71CE0000
Module: mswsock.dll Base address: 0x74D80000
Module: winrnr.dll Base address: 0x6DAB0000
Module: napinsp.dll Base address: 0x6DAA0000
Module: pnrpnsp.dll Base address: 0x6DA80000
Module: wshtcpip.dll Base address: 0x748C0000
Module: wship6.dll Base address: 0x74D70000
Module: fwpuclnt.dll Base address: 0x73080000
Module: credssp.dll Base address: 0x74A60000
Module: secur32.dll Base address: 0x751F0000


Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( [time]2015. Április 25. 10:22:54[/time] )

GTA 5-höz kevés a gépem.. :C
Idézetet írta: Alfonso date=1429950061\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"53955\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic

Version identifier: IV:MP 0.1 T3 (Apr 15 2011, 17:52:37)
Exception address: 0x62C2A79A (Client.dll+0x8A79A)
Game base: 0x00F70000
Game state: 0x00000001
Exception code: 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Edi: 0x2ECAFD3C Esi: 0x11AAFD78 Ebx: 0x00000002
Edx: 0x00002AF9 Ecx: 0x7FF8F000 Eax: 0x00000000
Ebp: 0x2ECAFDB4 Eip: 0x62C2A79A Esp: 0x2ECAFCA4
Local player id: -1
Minidump written?: Yes
Module: ntdll.dll Base address: 0x77CE0000
Module: kernel32.dll Base address: 0x770E0000
Module: KERNELBASE.dll Base address: 0x75F70000
Module: USER32.dll Base address: 0x76F00000
Module: GDI32.dll Base address: 0x77AE0000
Module: LPK.dll Base address: 0x77E20000
Module: USP10.dll Base address: 0x77850000
Module: msvcrt.dll Base address: 0x777A0000
Module: PSAPI.DLL Base address: 0x77F00000
Module: CRYPT32.dll Base address: 0x75FC0000
Module: MSASN1.dll Base address: 0x75EA0000
Module: WININET.dll Base address: 0x77B50000
Module: SHLWAPI.dll Base address: 0x77080000
Module: ADVAPI32.dll Base address: 0x775A0000
Module: sechost.dll Base address: 0x77640000
Module: RPCRT4.dll Base address: 0x76E50000
Module: Normaliz.dll Base address: 0x77E70000
Module: urlmon.dll Base address: 0x77660000
Module: ole32.dll Base address: 0x778F0000
Module: OLEAUT32.dll Base address: 0x77C50000
Module: iertutil.dll Base address: 0x771F0000
Module: binkw32.dll Base address: 0x18000000
Module: WINMM.dll Base address: 0x73B10000
Module: WINTRUST.dll Base address: 0x75EB0000
Module: xlive.dll Base address: 0x10000000
Module: d3d9.dll Base address: 0x6CF90000
Module: VERSION.dll Base address: 0x75320000
Module: d3d8thk.dll Base address: 0x71F50000
Module: dwmapi.dll Base address: 0x74A10000
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Module: DSOUND.dll Base address: 0x64FB0000
Module: POWRPROF.dll Base address: 0x74720000
Module: SETUPAPI.dll Base address: 0x77400000
Module: CFGMGR32.dll Base address: 0x760E0000
Module: DEVOBJ.dll Base address: 0x76110000
Module: WS2_32.dll Base address: 0x77E30000
Module: NSI.dll Base address: 0x773F0000
Module: WMVCore.DLL Base address: 0x711B0000
Module: WMASF.DLL Base address: 0x71170000
Module: gdiplus.dll Base address: 0x74BB0000
Module: SHELL32.dll Base address: 0x76130000
Module: ATL80.DLL Base address: 0x746F0000
Module: apphelp.dll Base address: 0x75D30000
Module: AcLayers.DLL Base address: 0x71E10000
Module: SspiCli.dll Base address: 0x75D10000
Module: USERENV.dll Base address: 0x75490000
Module: profapi.dll Base address: 0x75E30000
Module: WINSPOOL.DRV Base address: 0x72EE0000
Module: MPR.dll Base address: 0x72D10000
Module: IMM32.DLL Base address: 0x77B30000
Module: MSCTF.dll Base address: 0x76D80000
Module: Client.dll Base address: 0x62BA0000
Module: d3dx9_38.dll Base address: 0x61730000
Module: libcurl.dll Base address: 0x00310000
Module: WLDAP32.dll Base address: 0x77030000
Module: MSVCR90.dll Base address: 0x710C0000
Module: dbghelp.dll Base address: 0x64B10000
Module: DFA.DLL Base address: 0x60FB0000
Module: CRYPTBASE.dll Base address: 0x75DB0000
Module: CLBCatQ.DLL Base address: 0x77A50000
Module: MMDevApi.dll Base address: 0x74A30000
Module: PROPSYS.dll Base address: 0x74D80000
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Module: wbemcomn.dll Base address: 0x6F470000
Module: CRYPTSP.dll Base address: 0x758A0000
Module: rsaenh.dll Base address: 0x75640000
Module: RpcRtRemote.dll Base address: 0x75E20000
Module: wbemsvc.dll Base address: 0x6E630000
Module: fastprox.dll Base address: 0x6F3A0000
Module: NTDSAPI.dll Base address: 0x6F380000
Module: winbrand.dll Base address: 0x740B0000
Module: bcrypt.dll Base address: 0x759C0000
Module: bcryptprimitives.dll Base address: 0x75580000
Module: ncrypt.dll Base address: 0x759E0000
Module: GPAPI.dll Base address: 0x75470000
Module: cryptnet.dll Base address: 0x743C0000
Module: SensApi.dll Base address: 0x743B0000
Module: Cabinet.dll Base address: 0x71EA0000
Module: DEVRTL.dll Base address: 0x75630000
Module: nvapi.dll Base address: 0x73810000
Module: HID.DLL Base address: 0x74A70000
Module: xinput1_3.dll Base address: 0x0C550000
Module: wdmaud.drv Base address: 0x72BF0000
Module: ksuser.dll Base address: 0x72D30000
Module: AVRT.dll Base address: 0x74710000
Module: msacm32.drv Base address: 0x72BA0000
Module: MSACM32.dll Base address: 0x746C0000
Module: midimap.dll Base address: 0x746B0000
Module: comctl32.dll Base address: 0x74EC0000
Module: ntmarta.dll Base address: 0x74360000
Module: dnsapi.DLL Base address: 0x75720000
Module: iphlpapi.DLL Base address: 0x73AF0000
Module: WINNSI.DLL Base address: 0x73800000
Module: schannel.DLL Base address: 0x756B0000
Module: RASAPI32.dll Base address: 0x6C340000
Module: rasman.dll Base address: 0x6C320000
Module: rtutils.dll Base address: 0x720F0000
Module: NLAapi.dll Base address: 0x741F0000
Module: rasadhlp.dll Base address: 0x743E0000
Module: mswsock.dll Base address: 0x75860000
Module: winrnr.dll Base address: 0x74640000
Module: napinsp.dll Base address: 0x745F0000
Module: pnrpnsp.dll Base address: 0x743F0000
Module: wshtcpip.dll Base address: 0x753B0000
Module: wship6.dll Base address: 0x75850000
Module: fwpuclnt.dll Base address: 0x72DD0000
Module: credssp.dll Base address: 0x75620000
Module: secur32.dll Base address: 0x75CF0000
Version identifier: IV:MP 0.1 T3 (Apr 15 2011, 17:52:37)
Exception address: 0x53FF8B90
Game base: 0xFFEE0000
Game state: 0x00000001
Exception code: 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Edi: 0x00000000 Esi: 0x01BAE800 Ebx: 0x00000000
Edx: 0x53FF8B90 Ecx: 0x12043508 Eax: 0x6C5580B4
Ebp: 0x13DCD3F0 Eip: 0x53FF8B90 Esp: 0x13DCD3E0
Local player id: -1
Minidump written?: Yes
Module: ntdll.dll Base address: 0x77900000
Module: kernel32.dll Base address: 0x776A0000
Module: KERNELBASE.dll Base address: 0x75D00000
Module: USER32.dll Base address: 0x75DA0000
Module: GDI32.dll Base address: 0x75D50000
Module: LPK.dll Base address: 0x77AB0000
Module: USP10.dll Base address: 0x77290000
Module: msvcrt.dll Base address: 0x77850000
Module: PSAPI.DLL Base address: 0x77AC0000
Module: CRYPT32.dll Base address: 0x75B90000
Module: MSASN1.dll Base address: 0x75AC0000
Module: WININET.dll Base address: 0x76E70000
Module: SHLWAPI.dll Base address: 0x77AD0000
Module: ADVAPI32.dll Base address: 0x771F0000
Module: sechost.dll Base address: 0x77A90000
Module: RPCRT4.dll Base address: 0x76100000
Module: Normaliz.dll Base address: 0x75E70000
Module: urlmon.dll Base address: 0x77330000
Module: ole32.dll Base address: 0x77030000
Module: OLEAUT32.dll Base address: 0x77470000
Module: iertutil.dll Base address: 0x75E80000
Module: binkw32.dll Base address: 0x18000000
Module: WINMM.dll Base address: 0x71D70000
Module: WINTRUST.dll Base address: 0x75AD0000
Module: xlive.dll Base address: 0x10000000
Module: d3d9.dll Base address: 0x6C550000
Module: VERSION.dll Base address: 0x74F40000
Module: d3d8thk.dll Base address: 0x6C540000
Module: dwmapi.dll Base address: 0x74440000
Module: DINPUT8.dll Base address: 0x640E0000
Module: DSOUND.dll Base address: 0x64A00000
Module: POWRPROF.dll Base address: 0x74BC0000
Module: SETUPAPI.dll Base address: 0x77500000
Module: CFGMGR32.dll Base address: 0x75CD0000
Module: DEVOBJ.dll Base address: 0x75CB0000
Module: WS2_32.dll Base address: 0x77A50000
Module: NSI.dll Base address: 0x77A40000
Module: WMVCore.DLL Base address: 0x63780000
Module: WMASF.DLL Base address: 0x63740000
Module: gdiplus.dll Base address: 0x745B0000
Module: SHELL32.dll Base address: 0x76200000
Module: ATL80.DLL Base address: 0x63720000
Module: apphelp.dll Base address: 0x75950000
Module: AcLayers.DLL Base address: 0x63650000
Module: SspiCli.dll Base address: 0x75920000
Module: USERENV.dll Base address: 0x750B0000
Module: profapi.dll Base address: 0x75A50000
Module: WINSPOOL.DRV Base address: 0x71500000
Module: MPR.dll Base address: 0x709F0000
Module: IMM32.DLL Base address: 0x76E50000
Module: MSCTF.dll Base address: 0x77780000
Module: Client.dll Base address: 0x63300000
Module: d3dx9_38.dll Base address: 0x62F30000
Module: libcurl.dll Base address: 0x01B70000
Module: WLDAP32.dll Base address: 0x761B0000
Module: MSVCR90.dll Base address: 0x62E80000
Module: dbghelp.dll Base address: 0x64590000
Module: DFA.DLL Base address: 0x62B20000
Module: CRYPTBASE.dll Base address: 0x759D0000
Module: CLBCatQ.DLL Base address: 0x76FA0000
Module: MMDevApi.dll Base address: 0x748C0000
Module: PROPSYS.dll Base address: 0x747C0000
Module: AUDIOSES.DLL Base address: 0x6C9B0000
Module: uxtheme.dll Base address: 0x74740000
Module: nvd3dum.dll Base address: 0x6B770000
Module: dxdiagn.dll Base address: 0x62AE0000
Module: dxgi.dll Base address: 0x71100000
Module: d3d10.dll Base address: 0x629D0000
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Module: d3d10_1.dll Base address: 0x71280000
Module: d3d10_1core.dll Base address: 0x711B0000
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Module: wbemcomn.dll Base address: 0x6EF00000
Module: CRYPTSP.dll Base address: 0x754D0000
Module: rsaenh.dll Base address: 0x75270000
Module: RpcRtRemote.dll Base address: 0x75A40000
Module: wbemsvc.dll Base address: 0x70A10000
Module: fastprox.dll Base address: 0x6ED10000
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Module: winbrand.dll Base address: 0x72710000
Module: bcrypt.dll Base address: 0x755E0000
Module: bcryptprimitives.dll Base address: 0x751B0000
Module: ncrypt.dll Base address: 0x75600000
Module: GPAPI.dll Base address: 0x75090000
Module: cryptnet.dll Base address: 0x73B20000
Module: SensApi.dll Base address: 0x73B10000
Module: Cabinet.dll Base address: 0x736D0000
Module: DEVRTL.dll Base address: 0x75250000
Module: nvapi.dll Base address: 0x71A90000
Module: HID.DLL Base address: 0x74470000
Module: xinput1_3.dll Base address: 0x0C620000
Module: wdmaud.drv Base address: 0x6CA00000
Module: ksuser.dll Base address: 0x6C9F0000
Module: AVRT.dll Base address: 0x74460000
Module: msacm32.drv Base address: 0x6C9A0000
Module: MSACM32.dll Base address: 0x74230000
Module: midimap.dll Base address: 0x74220000
Module: comctl32.dll Base address: 0x74920000
Module: ntmarta.dll Base address: 0x742E0000
Module: dnsapi.DLL Base address: 0x75350000
Module: iphlpapi.DLL Base address: 0x73AE0000
Module: WINNSI.DLL Base address: 0x73AD0000
Module: schannel.DLL Base address: 0x752E0000
Module: RASAPI32.dll Base address: 0x6CAD0000
Module: rasman.dll Base address: 0x73410000
Module: rtutils.dll Base address: 0x726D0000
Module: NLAapi.dll Base address: 0x73F80000
Module: rasadhlp.dll Base address: 0x73F60000
Module: mswsock.dll Base address: 0x75490000
Module: winrnr.dll Base address: 0x74150000
Module: napinsp.dll Base address: 0x740F0000
Module: pnrpnsp.dll Base address: 0x740D0000
Module: wshtcpip.dll Base address: 0x74FD0000
Module: wship6.dll Base address: 0x75480000
Module: fwpuclnt.dll Base address: 0x725E0000
Module: netprofm.dll Base address: 0x6C780000
Module: npmproxy.dll Base address: 0x6B6E0000
Module: credssp.dll Base address: 0x75170000
Module: secur32.dll Base address: 0x757E0000
Version identifier: IV:MP 0.1 T3 (Apr 15 2011, 17:52:37)
Exception address: 0x6165B631 (Client.dll+0xCB631)
Game base: 0x00710000
Game state: 0x00000003
Net state: 0x00000003
Exception code: 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Edi: 0x11AF1428 Esi: 0x1175F4A0 Ebx: 0x11B09220
Edx: 0x00000467 Ecx: 0x000004FD Eax: 0xAC5DD8AC
Ebp: 0x001DF09C Eip: 0x6165B631 Esp: 0x001DEFE4
Local player id: 0
Minidump written?: Yes
Module: ntdll.dll Base address: 0x77900000
Module: kernel32.dll Base address: 0x776A0000
Module: KERNELBASE.dll Base address: 0x75D00000
Module: USER32.dll Base address: 0x75DA0000
Module: GDI32.dll Base address: 0x75D50000
Module: LPK.dll Base address: 0x77AB0000
Module: USP10.dll Base address: 0x77290000
Module: msvcrt.dll Base address: 0x77850000
Module: PSAPI.DLL Base address: 0x77AC0000
Module: CRYPT32.dll Base address: 0x75B90000
Module: MSASN1.dll Base address: 0x75AC0000
Module: WININET.dll Base address: 0x76E70000
Module: SHLWAPI.dll Base address: 0x77AD0000
Module: ADVAPI32.dll Base address: 0x771F0000
Module: sechost.dll Base address: 0x77A90000
Module: RPCRT4.dll Base address: 0x76100000
Module: Normaliz.dll Base address: 0x75E70000
Module: urlmon.dll Base address: 0x77330000
Module: ole32.dll Base address: 0x77030000
Module: OLEAUT32.dll Base address: 0x77470000
Module: iertutil.dll Base address: 0x75E80000
Module: binkw32.dll Base address: 0x18000000
Module: WINMM.dll Base address: 0x71D70000
Module: WINTRUST.dll Base address: 0x75AD0000
Module: xlive.dll Base address: 0x10000000
Module: d3d9.dll Base address: 0x6C550000
Module: VERSION.dll Base address: 0x74F40000
Module: d3d8thk.dll Base address: 0x6C540000
Module: dwmapi.dll Base address: 0x74440000
Module: DINPUT8.dll Base address: 0x640E0000
Module: DSOUND.dll Base address: 0x64A00000
Module: POWRPROF.dll Base address: 0x74BC0000
Module: SETUPAPI.dll Base address: 0x77500000
Module: CFGMGR32.dll Base address: 0x75CD0000
Module: DEVOBJ.dll Base address: 0x75CB0000
Module: WS2_32.dll Base address: 0x77A50000
Module: NSI.dll Base address: 0x77A40000
Module: WMVCore.DLL Base address: 0x618E0000
Module: WMASF.DLL Base address: 0x727A0000
Module: gdiplus.dll Base address: 0x745B0000
Module: SHELL32.dll Base address: 0x76200000
Module: ATL80.DLL Base address: 0x728B0000
Module: apphelp.dll Base address: 0x75950000
Module: AcLayers.DLL Base address: 0x72800000
Module: SspiCli.dll Base address: 0x75920000
Module: USERENV.dll Base address: 0x750B0000
Module: profapi.dll Base address: 0x75A50000
Module: WINSPOOL.DRV Base address: 0x71500000
Module: MPR.dll Base address: 0x709F0000
Module: IMM32.DLL Base address: 0x76E50000
Module: MSCTF.dll Base address: 0x77780000
Module: Client.dll Base address: 0x61590000
Module: d3dx9_38.dll Base address: 0x60D00000
Module: libcurl.dll Base address: 0x00340000
Module: WLDAP32.dll Base address: 0x761B0000
Module: MSVCR90.dll Base address: 0x6AD00000
Module: dbghelp.dll Base address: 0x64590000
Module: DFA.DLL Base address: 0x609A0000
Module: CRYPTBASE.dll Base address: 0x759D0000
Module: CLBCatQ.DLL Base address: 0x76FA0000
Module: MMDevApi.dll Base address: 0x748C0000
Module: PROPSYS.dll Base address: 0x747C0000
Module: AUDIOSES.DLL Base address: 0x6C9B0000
Module: uxtheme.dll Base address: 0x74740000
Module: nvd3dum.dll Base address: 0x6B770000
Module: dxdiagn.dll Base address: 0x6F1C0000
Module: dxgi.dll Base address: 0x71100000
Module: d3d10.dll Base address: 0x62800000
Module: d3d10core.dll Base address: 0x6CE60000
Module: d3d10_1.dll Base address: 0x71280000
Module: d3d10_1core.dll Base address: 0x711B0000
Module: d3d11.dll Base address: 0x63730000
Module: wbemprox.dll Base address: 0x6ECC0000
Module: wbemcomn.dll Base address: 0x6EF00000
Module: CRYPTSP.dll Base address: 0x754D0000
Module: rsaenh.dll Base address: 0x75270000
Module: RpcRtRemote.dll Base address: 0x75A40000
Module: wbemsvc.dll Base address: 0x70A10000
Module: fastprox.dll Base address: 0x6ED10000
Module: NTDSAPI.dll Base address: 0x6ECD0000
Module: winbrand.dll Base address: 0x72710000
Module: bcrypt.dll Base address: 0x755E0000
Module: bcryptprimitives.dll Base address: 0x751B0000
Module: ncrypt.dll Base address: 0x75600000
Module: GPAPI.dll Base address: 0x75090000
Module: cryptnet.dll Base address: 0x73B20000
Module: SensApi.dll Base address: 0x73B10000
Module: Cabinet.dll Base address: 0x736D0000
Module: DEVRTL.dll Base address: 0x75250000
Module: nvapi.dll Base address: 0x71A90000
Module: HID.DLL Base address: 0x74470000
Module: xinput1_3.dll Base address: 0x0C670000
Module: wdmaud.drv Base address: 0x6CA00000
Module: ksuser.dll Base address: 0x6C9F0000
Module: AVRT.dll Base address: 0x74460000
Module: msacm32.drv Base address: 0x6C9A0000
Module: MSACM32.dll Base address: 0x74230000
Module: midimap.dll Base address: 0x74220000
Module: comctl32.dll Base address: 0x74920000
Module: ntmarta.dll Base address: 0x742E0000
Module: dnsapi.DLL Base address: 0x75350000
Module: iphlpapi.DLL Base address: 0x73AE0000
Module: WINNSI.DLL Base address: 0x73AD0000
Module: schannel.DLL Base address: 0x752E0000
Module: RASAPI32.dll Base address: 0x6CAD0000
Module: rasman.dll Base address: 0x73410000
Module: rtutils.dll Base address: 0x726D0000
Module: NLAapi.dll Base address: 0x73F80000
Module: rasadhlp.dll Base address: 0x73F60000
Module: netprofm.dll Base address: 0x6C780000
Module: npmproxy.dll Base address: 0x6B6E0000
Module: mswsock.dll Base address: 0x75490000
Module: winrnr.dll Base address: 0x74150000
Module: napinsp.dll Base address: 0x740F0000
Module: pnrpnsp.dll Base address: 0x740D0000
Module: wshtcpip.dll Base address: 0x74FD0000
Module: wship6.dll Base address: 0x75480000
Module: fwpuclnt.dll Base address: 0x725E0000
Module: credssp.dll Base address: 0x75170000
Module: secur32.dll Base address: 0x757E0000
Version identifier: IV:MP 0.1 T3 (Apr 15 2011, 17:52:37)
Exception address: 0x6C22A821 (Client.dll+0xCA821)
Game base: 0xFFCA0000
Game state: 0x00000003
Net state: 0x00000003
Exception code: 0xC0000005 (EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
Edi: 0x11BD4E48 Esi: 0x11870F78 Ebx: 0x11A11FC0
Edx: 0x01000008 Ecx: 0x00000010 Eax: 0x00000000
Ebp: 0x14CCCFF8 Eip: 0x6C22A821 Esp: 0x14CCCF44
Local player id: 0
Minidump written?: Yes
Module: ntdll.dll Base address: 0x77900000
Module: kernel32.dll Base address: 0x776A0000
Module: KERNELBASE.dll Base address: 0x75D00000
Module: USER32.dll Base address: 0x75DA0000
Module: GDI32.dll Base address: 0x75D50000
Module: LPK.dll Base address: 0x77AB0000
Module: USP10.dll Base address: 0x77290000
Module: msvcrt.dll Base address: 0x77850000
Module: PSAPI.DLL Base address: 0x77AC0000
Module: CRYPT32.dll Base address: 0x75B90000
Module: MSASN1.dll Base address: 0x75AC0000
Module: WININET.dll Base address: 0x76E70000
Module: SHLWAPI.dll Base address: 0x77AD0000
Module: ADVAPI32.dll Base address: 0x771F0000
Module: sechost.dll Base address: 0x77A90000
Module: RPCRT4.dll Base address: 0x76100000

Leírások/Útmutatók/Segítség / IVMP folyamatosan leáll..
« Dátum: 2015. április 25. - 09:38:09 »
Hali. Mikor játszok IVMP-n, olyan 10 percenként berzárja magát.. Mi lehet a baj? Crackelt+0.3 T1. :-[

Szkript kérések / error 021: symbol already defined: "SSCANF_OnPlayerConnect
« Dátum: 2015. április 18. - 14:31:50 »
Hali. :D Írogatom a modom, de beleütköztem egy ilyen problémába. AMF által készített regisztrációs rendszerem van, DINI. Itt a mód eleje, a problémát a 88. sorban észleli a pawnom.

//                                                                           MOD ELEJE
//                                                                     A MODOT ALFONSO NERVO ÍRTA
// Teleportok: /teles
//Üdvözlő üzenet, spawn, mapok
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <dini>
#define CITROM 0xFFFF00AA
#define PIROS 0xAA3333AA
#define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA
#define COLOR_GREEN 0x33AA33AA
#if defined FILTERSCRIPT
new File[128];
new PW[64];
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(\" Blank Filterscript by your name here\");
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;
print(\" Blank Gamemode by your name here\");
public OnGameModeInit()
// Gamemode név, spawn helye. Jelenleg a mólón spawnolsz!
SetGameModeText(\"Blank Script\");
AddPlayerClass(0, 834.8079,-1948.7460,12.8672,0.9264, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
return 1;
public OnGameModeExit()
return 1;
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 834.8079,-1948.7460,12.8672);
SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 834.8079,-1948.7460,12.8672);
SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 834.8079,-1948.7460,12.8672);
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
{                                                                 <--------- 88. sor
    new pName[30], string[128];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 30);
    format(string, 256, \"{FF9933}%s {33AA33}Feljött játszani!. :)\", pName);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, CITROM, \"===================================================\");  //Deaktiválhatóak ha //-t teszel a SendClientMessage-k elé.
    SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"Köszöntelek a szerveren!!! :) \");
SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"/teles a teleportokért!\");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"/rules a szabályokért! \");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"/cmds a parancsokért! \");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"A szervert nagy részét Alfonso Nervo készítette!\");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"A teleport rendszer Graduado_Cabeludo munkája.\");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"Adminlandot SuspecT mappolta! \");
    //SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"Jó szórakozást a szerveren! :) \");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, CITROM, \"===================================================\");
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
        format(File, sizeof(File), \"User/%s.ini\", Nev(playerid));
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, \"Regisztráció\", \"Írj be egy tetszoleges jelszót!\", \"Oké\", \"Mégse\");
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, \"Belépés\", \"Írd be a jelszavad!\", \"Rendben\", \"Mégse\");
        return 1;


Segítségkérés / error 021: symbol already defined: "SSCANF_OnPlayerConnect"
« Dátum: 2015. április 18. - 14:22:42 »
Hali. :D Írogatom a modom, de beleütköztem egy ilyen problémába. AMF által készített regisztrációs rendszerem van, DINI. Itt a mód eleje, a problémát a 88. sorban észleli a pawnom.
//                                                                           MOD ELEJE
//                                                                     A MODOT ALFONSO NERVO ÍRTA
// Teleportok: /teles
//Üdvözlő üzenet, spawn, mapok
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
#include <sscanf2>
#include <dini>
#define CITROM 0xFFFF00AA
#define PIROS 0xAA3333AA
#define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA
#define COLOR_GREEN 0x33AA33AA
#if defined FILTERSCRIPT
new File[128];
new PW[64];
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(\" Blank Filterscript by your name here\");
return 1;
public OnFilterScriptExit()
return 1;
print(\" Blank Gamemode by your name here\");
public OnGameModeInit()
// Gamemode név, spawn helye. Jelenleg a mólón spawnolsz!
SetGameModeText(\"Blank Script\");
AddPlayerClass(0, 834.8079,-1948.7460,12.8672,0.9264, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
return 1;
public OnGameModeExit()
return 1;
public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid)
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 834.8079,-1948.7460,12.8672);
SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid, 834.8079,-1948.7460,12.8672);
SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid, 834.8079,-1948.7460,12.8672);
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
{                                                                 <--------- 88. sor
    new pName[30], string[128];
    GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 30);
    format(string, 256, \"{FF9933}%s {33AA33}Feljött játszani!. :)\", pName);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, CITROM, \"===================================================\");  //Deaktiválhatóak ha //-t teszel a SendClientMessage-k elé.
    SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"Köszöntelek a szerveren!!! :) \");
SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"/teles a teleportokért!\");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"/rules a szabályokért! \");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"/cmds a parancsokért! \");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"A szervert nagy részét Alfonso Nervo készítette!\");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"A teleport rendszer Graduado_Cabeludo munkája.\");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"Adminlandot SuspecT mappolta! \");
    //SendClientMessage(playerid, PIROS, \"Jó szórakozást a szerveren! :) \");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, CITROM, \"===================================================\");
return 1;
public OnPlayerConnect(playerid)
        format(File, sizeof(File), \"User/%s.ini\", Nev(playerid));
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 1, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, \"Regisztráció\", \"Írj be egy tetszoleges jelszót!\", \"Oké\", \"Mégse\");
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 2, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, \"Belépés\", \"Írd be a jelszavad!\", \"Rendben\", \"Mégse\");
        return 1;

Segítségkérés / Parancs beírása után automatikusan relogol
« Dátum: 2015. április 18. - 13:36:30 »
:confused: Csak egy parancs működik. Ha a többit próbálom, akkor a szokásos This is unkown command cuccost adja be. :C Csak egyszer dobja ki azt, utána befagy.. :C Eddig működött.
[13:33:25] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9C9BF}0.3z-R2 {FFFFFF}Started
[13:33:28] Connecting to
[13:33:29] Connected. Joining the game...
[13:33:29] {FF9933}Alfonso_Nervo {33AA33}Feljött játszani!. :)
[13:33:29] ===================================================
[13:33:29] Köszöntelek a szerveren!!! :)
[13:33:29] /teles a teleportokért!
[13:33:29] /rules a szabályokért!
[13:33:29] /cmds a parancsokért!
[13:33:29] A szervert nagy részét Alfonso Nervo készítette!
[13:33:29] A teleport rendszer Graduado_Cabeludo munkája.
[13:33:29] Adminlandot SuspecT mappolta!
[13:33:29] ===================================================
[13:33:29] Connected to {B9C9BF}[HUN]teszt szerver @ sunwell.hu
[13:33:50] Lost connection to the server. Reconnecting..
[13:33:50] The server is restarting..
[13:33:50] Connecting to
[13:34:00] The server didn\'t respond. Retrying..
[13:34:00] Connecting to
[13:34:00] You are banned from this server.

Probléma megoldva, a koordinátákkal volt gond!

Segítségkérés / Parancs beírása után automatikusan relogol
« Dátum: 2015. április 18. - 13:24:40 »
Sziasztok. Egy kis problémával küszködök, de nem tudok rájönni, hogy mi a probléma oka.. Tehát, ha bírok egy teleportot, akkor kidob a szerver, majd újracsatlakozik.. Itt egy kód, a probléma fix hogy itt van.
public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[])
if (strcmp(\"/mycommand\", cmdtext, true, 10) == 0)
// Do something here
return 1;
return 0;
CMD:lspk(playerid, params[])
        new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1], string[128];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
        format(string, sizeof(string), \"{0000FF}%s {FFFF00}Elteleportált  Los Santos-i Parkourra!{FF0000}(/lspk)\",name);
        SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00AA, string);
    } else {
    return 1;
CMD:lsair(playerid, params[])
        new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1], string[128];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
        format(string, sizeof(string), \"{0000FF}%s {FFFF00}Elteleportált  Los Santos reptérre{FF0000}(/lsair)\",name);
        SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00AA, string);
    } else {
    return 1;
CMD:lvair(playerid, params[])
        new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1], string[128];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
    format(string, sizeof(string), \"{0000FF}%s {FFFF00}Elteleportált  Las Venturas reptérre{FF0000}(/lvair)\",name);
    SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00AA, string);
    } else {
    return 1;
CMD:sfair(playerid, params[])
        new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME+1], string[128];
        GetPlayerName(playerid, name, sizeof(name));
    format(string, sizeof(string), \"{0000FF}%s {FFFF00}Elteleportált  San Fierro reptérre{FF0000}(/sfair)\",name);
    SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFF00AA, string);
    } else {
    return 1;

Oldalak: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10
SimplePortal 2.3.7 © 2008-2024, SimplePortal