Ez a szekció lehetővé teszi a felhasználó által írt összes hozzászólás megtekintését. Vedd figyelembe, hogy csak azokba a fórumokba írt hozzászólásokat látod, amelyekhez hozzáférésed van.
Témák - geri66
Oldalak: [1]
« Dátum: 2017. december 10. - 13:38:57 »
Sziasztok akarok csinálni egy freedomgamint módot funból nem bírom mar elindítani mysql-t össze kötöttem de Clans azt írja hogy nem tud elindulni mik zavartatják az elindítását ? Hiba indokot nem találok :/ .
« Dátum: 2017. július 12. - 18:50:08 »
Sziasztok External Editet csinálunk és azt szeretném kérdezni hogy a rejtett parancs is \'\'addcommandhandlerrel\'\' van megírva ugye ? És hogyha nem találnám meg mindet acl-Ben is tudom tiltani ugye? Válaszokat elore köszönöm.
« Dátum: 2016. december 14. - 15:51:04 »
Sziasztok szeretnék tőletek segítséget kérni. Barátommal nyitnánk egy szervert (edit mod) de a giveitemet valahogy nem tudom összehozni mi lehet a gond. Debugscript 3 ezt írja idézem : \"ERROR: [string \"?\"]:15: attempt to call global \'type\'(a number value)\"
« Dátum: 2016. október 25. - 14:42:53 »
Sziasztok egy gate systemen belül van egy kis próblémám van két kapum az eggyik működik a másik már nem Működő: local objGateg = createObject(980, 1953.5999755859, -790.29998779297, 143.30000305176, 0, 0, 107.99011230469) exports.pool:allocateElement(objGateg) local open = false -- Gate code function kinyit(thePlayer) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(1953.5999755859, -790.29998779297, 143.30000305176, x, y, z) if (exports.global:hasItem(thePlayer, 4, 2002)) then if (distance<=7) and (open==false) then open = true exports.global:sendLocalMeAction(thePlayer, \"kinyit egy közelben lévő kaput.\") moveObject(objGateg, 500, 1953.5999755859, -790.29998779297, 137.30000305176, 0, 0, 0) else if (exports.global:hasItem(thePlayer, 4, 2002)) then if (distance<=7) and (open==true) then moveObject(objGateg, 500, 1953.5999755859, -790.29998779297, 143.30000305176, 0, 0, 0) open = false exports.global:sendLocalMeAction(thePlayer, \"bezár egy közelben lévő kaput.\") end end end end end addCommandHandler(\"birtokgate\", kinyit) Nem jó: local objGateg = createObject(980, 1245.5999755859, -767.29998779297, 93.800003051758, 0, 0, 0) exports.pool:allocateElement(objGateg) local open = false -- Gate code function kinyit(thePlayer) local x, y, z = getElementPosition(thePlayer) local distance = getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(1245.5999755859, -767.29998779297, 93.800003051758, x, y, z) if (exports.global:hasItem(thePlayer, 4, 2002)) then if (distance<=7) and (open==false) then open = true exports.global:sendLocalMeAction(thePlayer, \"kinyit egy közelben lévő kaput.\") moveObject(objGateg, 500, 1245.5999755859, -767.29998779297, 87.800003051758, 0, 0, 0) else if (exports.global:hasItem(thePlayer, 4, 2002)) then if (distance<=7) and (open==true) then moveObject(objGateg, 500, 1245.5999755859, -767.29998779297, 93.800003051758, 0, 0, 0) open = false exports.global:sendLocalMeAction(thePlayer, \"bezár egy közelben lévő kaput.\") end end end end end addCommandHandler(\"gate\", kinyit) Hogy tudnám megcsinálni ?
« Dátum: 2016. október 19. - 16:29:40 »
Sziasztok a próblémám az hogy próbáltam megcsinálni/internetről egy jet doort keresni/csinálni vagy semmi nem történt vagy eltünt a jet door. Azt szeretném kérni hogy tudnátok egy jet door modelt (txd,dff,col)-t küldeni vagy valamit ahonnan betudom szerezni? előre köszönöm
« Dátum: 2016. október 19. - 13:40:23 »
Sziasztok találtam egy paintjob scriptet de ez a script csak sima alap gtas kocsira rakja rá a PJ-t hogy tudnám megcsinálni hogy ne arra hanem modolt kocsira is tegye? Kód SourceC local vehiclesWithPaintjob = {} addCommandHandler(\"pj\", function(command, id) local vehicle = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) if vehicle then if id and tonumber(id) then if getAvailablePaintjobs(getElementModel(vehicle))[tonumber(id)] or tonumber(id) == 0 then triggerServerEvent(\"paintjob->Manage\", localPlayer, vehicle, tonumber(id)) -- add paintjob, when id is 0 => remove paintjob setElementData(vehicle, \"vehicle.paintjob\", tonumber(id)) else outputChatBox(\"#d75959[Paintjob]: #ffffffThis paintjob doesn\'t exists!\", 255, 255, 255, true) end else triggerServerEvent(\"paintjob->Manage\", localPlayer, vehicle, 0) -- remove paintjob setElementData(vehicle, \"vehicle.paintjob\", 0) end end end) addEventHandler(\"onClientResourceStart\", resourceRoot, function() for _, vehicle in ipairs(getElementsByType(\"vehicle\", root, true)) do local isVehicleHavePaintjob = getElementData(vehicle, \"vehicle.paintjob\") or 0 if isVehicleHavePaintjob ~= 0 then addVehiclePaintjob(vehicle, isVehicleHavePaintjob) end end end) addEvent(\"paintjob->TryToAddToVehicle\", true) addEventHandler(\"paintjob->TryToAddToVehicle\", root, function(vehicle, paintjobID) if vehicle then if paintjobID and paintjobID ~= 0 then addVehiclePaintjob(vehicle, paintjobID) else removeVehiclePaintjob(vehicle) end end end) addEventHandler(\"onClientElementStreamIn\", root, function() if getElementType(source) == \"vehicle\" then local isVehicleHavePaintjob = getElementData(source, \"vehicle.paintjob\") or 0 if isVehicleHavePaintjob ~= 0 then addVehiclePaintjob(source, isVehicleHavePaintjob) end end end) addEventHandler(\"onClientElementStreamOut\", root, function() if getElementType(source) == \"vehicle\" then local isVehicleHavePaintjob = getElementData(source, \"vehicle.paintjob\") or 0 if isVehicleHavePaintjob ~= 0 then removeVehiclePaintjob(source) end end end) addEventHandler(\"onClientElementDestroy\", root, function() if getElementType(source) == \"vehicle\" then local isVehicleHavePaintjob = getElementData(source, \"vehicle.paintjob\") or 0 if isVehicleHavePaintjob ~= 0 then removeVehiclePaintjob(source) end end end) function addVehiclePaintjob(vehicle, paintjobID) if vehicle and paintjobID then local availablePaintjobs = getAvailablePaintjobs(getElementModel(vehicle)) if availablePaintjobs[paintjobID] then removeVehiclePaintjob(vehicle) vehiclesWithPaintjob[vehicle] = {} vehiclesWithPaintjob[vehicle][1] = dxCreateShader(\"files/textureChanger.fx\", 0, 100, false, \"vehicle\") vehiclesWithPaintjob[vehicle][2] = dxCreateTexture(\"files/paintjobs/\" .. availablePaintjobs[paintjobID][2]) if vehiclesWithPaintjob[vehicle][1] and vehiclesWithPaintjob[vehicle][2] then dxSetShaderValue(vehiclesWithPaintjob[vehicle][1], \"TEXTURE\", vehiclesWithPaintjob[vehicle][2]) engineApplyShaderToWorldTexture(vehiclesWithPaintjob[vehicle][1], availablePaintjobs[paintjobID][1], vehicle) else outputDebugString(\"[PAINTJOB]: Shader or Texture create failed!\", 3) end end end end function removeVehiclePaintjob(vehicle) if vehicle then if vehiclesWithPaintjob[vehicle] then destroyElement(vehiclesWithPaintjob[vehicle][1]) destroyElement(vehiclesWithPaintjob[vehicle][2]) vehiclesWithPaintjob[vehicle] = nil end end end Kód SourceG local availablePaintjobs = { [517] = { {\"*vehiclegrunge256*\", \"majestic/1.jpg\"}, {\"*vehiclegrunge256*\", \"majestic/2.jpg\"}, }, [579] = { {\"*vehiclegrunge256*\", \"huntley/1.png\"}, {\"*vehiclegrunge256*\", \"huntley/2.png\"}, }, } function getAvailablePaintjobs(model) if model then if availablePaintjobs[model] then return availablePaintjobs[model] end end return nil end Kód SourceS addEvent(\"paintjob->Manage\", true) addEventHandler(\"paintjob->Manage\", root, function(vehicle, paintjobID) if vehicle and paintjobID then triggerClientEvent(root, \"paintjob->TryToAddToVehicle\", root, vehicle, paintjobID) end end)
« Dátum: 2016. október 18. - 15:13:04 »
Sziasztok most egy MTA rp szerver próbálom kitörölni Las Venturast (LV) de sehogy nem birom össze hozni vagy az egész világot törlöm ki vagy semmit ez a gond. A kód amit használok: for i=550,20000 do removeWorldModel(i,10000,0,0,0) end setOcclusionsEnabled(false) -- Also disable occlusions when removing certain models setWaterLevel(-5000) -- Also hide the default water as it will be full of holes
Ez a kód van az mta forumon is ez törli ki az egész mapot hogy tudnám megcsinálni hogy ez csak LV-t törölje ki? Valaki tudna segíteni előre köszönöm. Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( [time]2016. október 18. 15:32:07[/time] )
Ezt a részt szeretném törölni (piros keret között)
« Dátum: 2016. szeptember 01. - 14:00:11 »
Sziasztok! A problémám a Frakció fizetéssel lenne. Zero mod. c_payday: function cPayDay(faction, pay, profit, interest, donatormoney, tax, incomeTax, vtax, ptax, rent, grossincome, kamat, kiszamol) local sound = playSound(\"mission_accomplished.mp3\") setSoundVolume(sound, 0.5) outputChatBox(\"-------------------------- Fizetés --------------------------\", 255, 194, 14) if (faction) then if (pay + tax > 0) then outputChatBox(\" Fizetésed: #00FF00\" .. pay+tax .. \"Ft\", 255, 194, 14, true) end end if (profit > 0) then outputChatBox(\" Biznisz Profit: #00FF00\" .. profit .. \"Ft\", 255, 194, 14, true) end if (vtax > 0) then outputChatBox(\" Jármu adó: #FF0000\" .. vtax .. \"Ft\", 255, 194, 14, true) end if (ptax > 0) then outputChatBox(\" Ingatlan költségek: #FF0000\" .. ptax .. \"Ft\", 255, 194, 14, true ) end if (rent > 0) then outputChatBox(\" Szállás bérlés: #FF0000\" .. rent .. \"Ft\", 255, 194, 14, true) end outputChatBox(\"------------------------------------------------------------------\", 255, 194, 14) if (kamat == true) then outputChatBox(\" Kamat: 2%\",255, 194, 14, true) outputChatBox(\" Kamat: \".. kiszamol ..\" Ft\",255, 194, 14, true) else outputChatBox(\" Kamat: 1%\",255, 194, 14, true) outputChatBox(\" Kamat: \".. kiszamol ..\" Ft\",255, 194, 14, true) end if (grossincome > 0) then outputChatBox(\" Bruttó jövedelem: #00FF00\" .. grossincome .. \"Ft\",255, 194, 14, true) else outputChatBox(\" Bruttó jövedelem: #FF0000\" .. grossincome .. \"Ft\", 255, 194, 14, true) end if (rent == -1) then outputChatBox(\" Ki lettél rúgva a szálláshelyedrol. Nem tudtad kifizetni a számlákat.\", 255, 0, 0) end outputChatBox(\"------------------------------------------------------------------\", 255, 194, 14) triggerEvent(\"updateWaves\", getLocalPlayer()) end addEvent(\"cPayDay\", true) addEventHandler(\"cPayDay\", getRootElement(), cPayDay)
s_payday: local mysql = exports.mysql local incomeTax = 0 local taxVehicles = {} local vehicleCount = {} local taxHouses = {} local threads = { } local threadTimer = nil local govAmount = 0 local unemployedPay = 150 function payWage(player, pay, faction, tax) local governmentIncome = 0 local bankmoney = getElementData(player, \"bankmoney\") local noWage = pay == 0 local donatormoney = 0 local startmoney = bankmoney if (exports.donators:hasPlayerPerk(player, 4)) then donatormoney = donatormoney + 25 end if (exports.donators:hasPlayerPerk(player, 5)) then donatormoney = donatormoney + 75 end local interest = math.ceil(0.003 * bankmoney) if (interest > 74999) then interest = 75000 end if interest ~= 0 then mysql:query_free( \"INSERT INTO wiretransfers (`from`, `to`, `amount`, `reason`, `type`) VALUES (-57, \" .. getElementData(player, \"dbid\") .. \", \" .. interest .. \", \'BANKINTEREST\', 6)\" ) end -- business money local profit = getElementData(player, \"businessprofit\") exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(player, \"businessprofit\", 0, false) bankmoney = bankmoney + math.max( 0, pay ) + interest + profit + donatormoney -- rentable houses local rent = 0 local rented = nil -- store id in here local dbid = tonumber(getElementData(player, \"dbid\")) for key, value in ipairs(getElementsByType(\"interior\")) do local interiorStatus = getElementData(value, \"status\") local owner = tonumber( interiorStatus[4] ) if (owner) and (owner == dbid) and (getElementData(value, \"status\")) and (tonumber(interiorStatus[1]) == 3) and (tonumber(interiorStatus[5]) > 0) then rent = rent + tonumber(interiorStatus[5]) rented = tonumber(getElementData(value, \"dbid\")) end end if not faction then if bankmoney > 25000 then noWage = true pay = 0 elseif pay > 0 then governmentIncome = governmentIncome - pay mysql:query_free( \"INSERT INTO wiretransfers (`from`, `to`, `amount`, `reason`, `type`) VALUES (-3, \" .. getElementData(player, \"dbid\") .. \", \" .. pay .. \", \'STATEBENEFITS\', 6)\" ) else pay = 0 end else if pay > 0 then local teamid = getElementData(player, \"faction\") if teamid <= 0 then teamid = 0 else teamid = -teamid end mysql:query_free( \"INSERT INTO wiretransfers (`from`, `to`, `amount`, `reason`, `type`) VALUES (\" .. teamid .. \", \" .. getElementData(player, \"dbid\") .. \", \" .. pay .. \", \'WAGE\', 6)\" ) else pay = 0 end end if tax > 0 then pay = pay - tax bankmoney = bankmoney - tax governmentIncome = governmentIncome + tax mysql:query_free( \"INSERT INTO wiretransfers (`from`, `to`, `amount`, `reason`, `type`) VALUES (\" .. getElementData(player, \"dbid\") .. \", -3, \" .. tax .. \", \'INCOMETAX\', 6)\" ) end local vtax = taxVehicles[ getElementData(player, \"dbid\") ] or 0 if vtax > 0 then vtax = math.min( vtax, bankmoney ) bankmoney = bankmoney - vtax governmentIncome = governmentIncome + vtax mysql:query_free( \"INSERT INTO wiretransfers (`from`, `to`, `amount`, `reason`, `type`) VALUES (\" .. getElementData(player, \"dbid\") .. \", -3, \" .. vtax .. \", \'VEHICLETAX\', 6)\" ) end local ptax = taxHouses[ getElementData(player, \"dbid\") ] or 0 if ptax > 0 then ptax = math.floor( ptax * 0.5 ) ptax = math.min( ptax, bankmoney ) bankmoney = bankmoney - ptax governmentIncome = governmentIncome + ptax mysql:query_free( \"INSERT INTO wiretransfers (`from`, `to`, `amount`, `reason`, `type`) VALUES (\" .. getElementData(player, \"dbid\") .. \", -3, \" .. ptax .. \", \'PROPERTYTAX\', 6)\" ) end if (rent > 0) then if (rent > bankmoney) then rent = -1 call( getResourceFromName( \"interior-system\" ), \"publicSellProperty\", player, rented, false, true ) else bankmoney = bankmoney - rent mysql:query_free( \"INSERT INTO wiretransfers (`from`, `to`, `amount`, `reason`, `type`) VALUES (\" .. getElementData(player, \"dbid\") .. \", 0, \" .. rent .. \", \'HOUSERENT\', 6)\" ) end end -- save the bankmoney exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(player, \"bankmoney\", bankmoney, true) -- let the client tell them the (bad) news local grossincome = pay+profit+interest+donatormoney-rent-vtax-ptax triggerClientEvent(player, \"cPayDay\", player, faction, noWage and -1 or pay, profit, interest, donatormoney, tax, incomeTax, vtax, ptax, rent, grossincome) return governmentIncome end function payAllWages(timer) if timer then local mins = getRealTime().minute local minutes = 60 - mins if (minutes < 15) then minutes = minutes + 60 end setTimer(payAllWages, 60000*minutes, 1, true) end loadWelfare( ) threads = { } taxVehicles = {} vehicleCount = {} for _, veh in pairs(getElementsByType(\"vehicle\")) do if isElement(veh) then local owner, faction = tonumber(getElementData(veh, \"owner\")) or 0, tonumber(getElementData(veh, \"faction\")) or 0 if faction < 0 and owner > 0 then -- non-faction vehicles local tax = vehicleTaxes[getElementModel(veh)-399] or 25 if tax > 0 then taxVehicles[owner] = ( taxVehicles[owner] or 0 ) + ( tax * 2 ) vehicleCount[owner] = ( vehicleCount[owner] or 0 ) + 1 --if vehicleCount[owner] > 3 then -- $75 for having too much vehicles, per vehicle more than 3 -- taxVehicles[owner] = taxVehicles[owner] + 75 --end end end end end -- count all player props taxHouses = { } for _, property in pairs( getElementsByType( \"interior\" ) ) do local interiorStatus = getElementData(property, \"status\") if interiorStatus[5] and interiorStatus[4] > 0 and interiorStatus[1] < 2 then -- businesses pay more local factor = 0.015 if interiorStatus[1] == 1 then factor = 0.03 end taxHouses[ interiorStatus[4] ] = ( taxHouses[ interiorStatus[4] ] or 0 ) + factor * interiorStatus[5] end end -- Get some data local players = exports.pool:getPoolElementsByType(\"player\") govAmount = exports.global:getMoney(getTeamFromName(\"Önkormányzat\")) incomeTax = exports.global:getIncomeTaxAmount() -- Pay Check tooltip if(getResourceFromName(\"tooltips-system\"))then triggerClientEvent(\"tooltips:showHelp\", getRootElement(),12) end for _, value in ipairs(players) do local co = coroutine.create(doPayDayPlayer) coroutine.resume(co, value, true) table.insert(threads, co) end threadTimer = setTimer(resumeThreads, 100, 0) end function resumeThreads() local inFor = false --outputDebugString(\"resumeThreadsCalled\") for threadRow, threadValue in ipairs(threads) do inFor = true coroutine.resume(threadValue) table.remove(threads,threadRow) break end if not inFor then -- Store the government money exports.global:setMoney(getTeamFromName(\"Önkormányzat\"), govAmount) killTimer(threadTimer) end end function doPayDayPlayer(value, hourly) if hourly then coroutine.yield() end --exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(\"Payday: Processing thread for \" .. getPlayerName(value)) local sqlupdate = \"\" local logged = getElementData(value, \"loggedin\") local timeinserver = getElementData(value, \"timeinserver\") local dbid = getElementData( value, \"dbid\" ) if (logged==1) and (timeinserver>=58) and (getPlayerIdleTime(value) < 600000) then mysql:query_free( \"UPDATE characters SET jobcontract = jobcontract - 1 WHERE id = \" .. dbid .. \" AND jobcontract > 0\" ) local carLicense = getElementData(value, \"license.car\") if carLicense and carLicense < 0 then exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(value, \"license.car\", carLicense + 1, false) sqlupdate = sqlupdate .. \", car_license = car_license + 1\" end local gunLicense = getElementData(value, \"license.gun\") if gunLicense and gunLicense < 0 then exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(value, \"license.gun\", gunLicense + 1, false) sqlupdate = sqlupdate .. \", gun_license = gun_license + 1\" end local playerFaction = getElementData(value, \"faction\") if (playerFaction~=-1) then local theTeam = getPlayerTeam(value) local factionType = getElementData(theTeam, \"type\") if (factionType==2) or (factionType==3) or (factionType==4) or (factionType==5) or (factionType==6) then -- Factions with wages local wages = getElementData(theTeam,\"wages\") local factionRank = getElementData(value, \"factionrank\") local rankWage = tonumber( wages[factionRank] ) local taxes = 0 if not exports.global:takeMoney(theTeam, rankWage) then rankWage = -1 else taxes = math.ceil( incomeTax * rankWage ) end govAmount = govAmount + payWage( value, rankWage, true, taxes ) else if unemployedPay >= govAmount then unemployedPay = -1 end govAmount = govAmount + payWage( value, unemployedPay, false, 0 ) end else if unemployedPay >= govAmount then unemployedPay = -1 end govAmount = govAmount + payWage( value, unemployedPay, false, 0 ) end exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(value, \"timeinserver\", math.max(0, timeinserver-60), false, true) local hoursplayed = getElementData(value, \"hoursplayed\") or 0 exports[\'anticheat-system\']:changeProtectedElementDataEx(value, \"hoursplayed\", hoursplayed+1, false, true) mysql:query_free( \"UPDATE characters SET hoursplayed = hoursplayed + 1, bankmoney = \" .. getElementData( value, \"bankmoney\" ) .. sqlupdate .. \" WHERE id = \" .. dbid ) elseif (getPlayerIdleTime(value) > 600000) then exports.global:sendMessageToAdmins(\"[Payday] \"..getPlayerName(value):gsub(\"_\", \" \")..\"\' nem kapta meg a fizetést, mert nem játszott 1 órát.\") elseif (logged==1) and (timeinserver) and (timeinserver<60) then outputChatBox(\"Nem játszottál eleget, hogy fizetést kapj! (Még \" .. 60-timeinserver .. \" perc.)\", value, 255, 0, 0) end end function adminDoPayday(thePlayer) local logged = getElementData(thePlayer, \"loggedin\") if (logged==1) then if (exports.global:isPlayerLeadAdmin(thePlayer)) then payAllWages(false) end end end addCommandHandler(\"dopayday\", adminDoPayday) function adminDoPaydayOne(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayerName) local logged = getElementData(thePlayer, \"loggedin\") if (logged==1) then if (exports.global:isPlayerHeadAdmin(thePlayer)) then targetPlayer = exports.global:findPlayerByPartialNick(thePlayer, targetPlayerName) if targetPlayer then if getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\") == 1 then doPayDayPlayer(targetPlayer) else outputChatBox(\"Player is not logged in.\", showPlayer, 255, 0, 0) return end else outputChatBox(\"Fail.\", showPlayer, 255, 0, 0) return end end end end addCommandHandler(\"dopaydayone\", adminDoPaydayOne) function loadWelfare( ) local result = mysql:query_fetch_assoc( \"SELECT value FROM settings WHERE name = \'welfare\'\" ) if result then if not result.value then mysql:query_free( \"INSERT INTO settings (name, value) VALUES (\'welfare\', \" .. unemployedPay .. \")\" ) else unemployedPay = tonumber( result.value ) or 150 end end end function startResource() local mins = getRealTime().minute local minutes = 60 - mins setTimer(payAllWages, 60000*minutes, 1, true) loadWelfare( ) end addEventHandler(\"onResourceStart\", getResourceRootElement(), startResource)
« Dátum: 2016. augusztus 31. - 16:18:58 »
Sziasztok a minat barátom mondta hogy neki nem működött a szerverünkön a /warn parancs és kiprobáltam rajta és most kibannoltam. A \"banlist\"-ből már kitöröltem phpmyadminban is de még nem tud feljönni. Ilyenkor hogy tudnám unbannolni. Consolom nincs mert Clans.hu-nál nincs. Kérem valaki segítene.
« Dátum: 2016. augusztus 27. - 14:45:46 »
Na az van hogy a Job Systemben meg a License sysemben lévő npcre nem tudok jobb klickelni rá. Debugscriptben nem ír semmit ilyennel kapcsolatosan. Tudnátok segíteni ebben?
Oldalak: [1]