Ez a szekció lehetővé teszi a felhasználó által írt összes hozzászólás megtekintését. Vedd figyelembe, hogy csak azokba a fórumokba írt hozzászólásokat látod, amelyekhez hozzáférésed van.
Témák - Chase
Oldalak: [1]
« Dátum: 2014. január 06. - 21:29:48 »
Hello mindenki! Beszeretném mutatni a szerveremet! Elõszó: A szerveren néhány kis bug van, a név színével kapcsolatosan, de a szerveren nincs több bug!! Tehát ha fellépsz, fekete a neved, és nem tudod megváltoztatni! De ha szolsz egy adminnak, szívesen beállítja olyanra amilyenre szeretnéd! Ha netalántán mégis látsz 1-2 bugot a szerveren, azt jelensd az adminoknak /bug parancsal! A szerveren lehet alapíptani klánokat, amikkel természetesen warozni is lehet, és klán versenyeket nyerni! Ha szeretnéd megtekinteni a Team Tagokat, azt a /team parancsal teheted meg! Ha esetleg szeretnél a szerver Team Tagja lenni, jelentkezni tudsz a szerver fórumán! Munkák: A szerveren vannak különféle munkák, mintpéldául a kamionos munka! A kamionos munkához a /trucking parancsot kell beírni, és már kezdõdik is a munka! A szerveren jelenleg csak kamionos munka van, a többi fejlesztés alatt van, tehát ha a szerveren beírod a /munka parancsot, azt fogja kiírni hogy már elkezdted a munkát! Szerver elérhetõségek: Szerevr neve: - IP cím: -
Weboldal: - Max férõhely: - Tulajdonos elérhetõségei: -
« Dátum: 2014. január 02. - 14:33:52 »
Heló midnenki! Csináltam régebben egy kamionos gamemodet, és szeretném veletek megosztani! A kamionos gamemodeban ennyi mindent javítottam ki: -Bugok eltávolítva! -Magyarosítás! -Új mapok! -Új scriptek! Használjátok egészséggel // Make sure you don\'t get warnings about tabsize #pragma tabsize 0 // ******************************************************************************************************************** // Set default gamemode name // ******************************************************************************************************************** #define GameModeName \"[HUN]kamionozz és száguldj!!\" // ******************************************************************************************************************** // ******************************************************************************************************************** // Include default files #include #include #include #include #include // Include all define-statements and custom-type declarations and the arrays which use them // These files need to be included before the functions get included, because the functions use the defines, custom types and the arrays // Also include the defined loads (for truckers, military, mafia, ...) and locations arrays #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // Include functions for this gamemode #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // The main function (used only once when the server loads) main() { // Print some standard lines to the server\'s console print(\"\\n----------------------------------\"); print(GameModeName); print(\"----------------------------------\\n\"); } // This callback gets called when the server initializes the gamemode public OnGameModeInit() { new HostCommand[128]; // Change the hostname format(HostCommand, 128, \"[HUN]-->*Kamionosok és Rendõrök*<--\", GameModeName); SendRconCommand(HostCommand); SetGameModeText(GameModeName); // Set the Mode of the gamemode, which appears in the list of servers GameModeInit_VehiclesPickups(); // Add all static vehicles and pickups when the server starts that are required (also load the houses) GameModeInit_Classes(); // Add character models to the class-selection (without weapons) Convoys_Init(); // Setup textdraws and default data for convoys ShowPlayerMarkers(1); // Show players on the entire map (and on the radar) ShowNameTags(1); // Show player names (and health) above their head ManualVehicleEngineAndLights(); // Let the server control the vehicle\'s engine and lights EnableStuntBonusForAll(0); // Disable stunt bonus for all players DisableInteriorEnterExits(); // Removes all building-entrances in the game UsePlayerPedAnims(); // Use CJ\'s walking animation // Start the timer that will show timed messages every 2 minutes SetTimer(\"Timer_TimedMessages\", 1000 * 60 * 2, true); // Start the timer that will show a random bonus mission for truckers every 5 minutes SetTimer(\"ShowRandomBonusMission\", 1000 * 60 * 5, true); // Start the timer that checks the toll-gates SetTimer(\"Toll\", 1000, true); // Fix the bugged houses (after fixing the houses, you can remove this line, as it\'s not needed anymore) FixHouses(); return 1; } // This callback gets called when a player connects to the server public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { // Always allow NPC\'s to login without password or account if (IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return 1; // Setup local variables new Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], NewPlayerMsg[128], HouseID; // Setup a PVar to allow cross-script money-transfers (only from filterscript to this mainscript) and scorepoints SetPVarInt(playerid, \"PVarMoney\", 0); SetPVarInt(playerid, \"PVarScore\", 0); // Get the playername GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name)); // Also store this name for the player GetPlayerName(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PlayerName], 24); // Send a message to all players to let them know somebody else joined the server format(NewPlayerMsg, 128, TXT_PlayerJoinedServer, Name, playerid); SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, NewPlayerMsg); // Try to load the player\'s datafile (\"PlayerFile_Load\" returns \"1\" is the file has been read, \"0\" when the file cannot be read) if (PlayerFile_Load(playerid) == 1) { // Check if the player is still banned if (APlayerData[playerid][banTime] < gettime()) // Player ban-time is passed ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogLogin, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, TXT_DialogLoginTitle, TXT_DialogLoginMsg, TXT_DialogLoginButton1, TXT_DialogButtonCancel); else // Player is still banned { ShowRemainingBanTime(playerid); // Show the remaining ban-time to the player is days, hours, minutes, seconds Kick(playerid); // Kick the player } } else ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogRegister, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, TXT_DialogRegisterTitle, TXT_DialogRegisterMsg, TXT_DialogRegisterButton1, TXT_DialogButtonCancel); // The houses have been loaded but not the cars, so load all vehicles assigned to the player\'s houses for (new HouseSlot; HouseSlot < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; HouseSlot++) { // Get the HouseID from this slot HouseID = APlayerData[playerid][Houses][HouseSlot]; // Check if there is a house in this slot if (HouseID != 0) HouseFile_Load(HouseID, true); // Load the cars of the house } // Speedometer setup Speedometer_Setup(playerid); // MissionText TextDraw setup APlayerData[playerid][MissionText] = TextDrawCreate(320.0, 430.0, \" \"); // Setup the missiontext at the bottom of the screen TextDrawAlignment(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], 2); // Align the missiontext to the center TextDrawUseBox(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], 1); // Set the missiontext to display inside a box TextDrawBoxColor(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], 0x00000066); // Set the box color of the missiontext // Display a message if the player hasn\'t accepted the rules yet if (APlayerData[playerid][RulesRead] == false) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Szerver szabályzat {FFFF00}/rules{FF0000}Parancs\"); return 1; } // This function shows the player how long his ban still is when he tries to login (in days, hours, minutes, seconds) ShowRemainingBanTime(playerid) { // Setup local variables new TotalBanTime, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Msg[128]; // Get the total ban-time TotalBanTime = APlayerData[playerid][banTime] - gettime(); // Calculate days if (TotalBanTime >= 86400) { Days = TotalBanTime / 86400; TotalBanTime = TotalBanTime - (Days * 86400); } // Calculate hours if (TotalBanTime >= 3600) { Hours = TotalBanTime / 3600; TotalBanTime = TotalBanTime - (Hours * 3600); } // Calculate minutes if (TotalBanTime >= 60) { Minutes = TotalBanTime / 60; TotalBanTime = TotalBanTime - (Minutes * 60); } // Calculate seconds Seconds = TotalBanTime; // Display the remaining ban-time for this player SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_StillBanned); format(Msg, 128, TXT_BannedDuration, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg); } // This callback gets called when a player disconnects from the server public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { // Always allow NPC\'s to logout without password or account if (IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return 1; // Setup local variables new Name[24], Msg[128], HouseID; // Get the playername GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name)); // Stop spectate mode for all players who are spectating this player for (new i; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if (IsPlayerConnected(i)) // Check if the player is connected if (GetPlayerState(i) == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING) // Check if this player is spectating somebody if (APlayerData[spectateID] == playerid) // Check if this player is spectating me { TogglePlayerSpectating(i, 0); // Turn off spectate-mode APlayerData[spectateID] = INVALID_PLAYER_ID; APlayerData[spectateType] = ADMIN_SPEC_TYPE_NONE; SendClientMessage(i, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}A játékos kilépet a spec befejezödöt\"); } // Send a message to all players to let them know somebody else joined the server format(Msg, 128, TXT_PlayerLeftServer, Name, playerid); SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, Msg); // If the player entered a proper password (the player has an account) if (strlen(APlayerData[playerid][PlayerPassword]) != 0) { // Save the player data and his houses PlayerFile_Save(playerid); } // Stop any job that may have started (this also clears all mission data) switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass]) { case ClassTruckDriver: Trucker_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any trucker job case ClassBusDriver: BusDriver_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any busdriver job case ClassPilot: Pilot_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any pilot job case ClassPolice: Police_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any police job case ClassMafia: Mafia_EndJob(playerid); // Stop any mafia job case ClassAssistance: Assistance_EndJob(playerid); case ClassRoadWorker: Roadworker_EndJob(playerid); } // If the player is part of a convoy, kick him from it Convoy_Leave(playerid); // Unload all the player\'s house-vehicles to make room for other player\'s vehicles for (new HouseSlot; HouseSlot < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; HouseSlot++) { // Get the HouseID from this slot HouseID = APlayerData[playerid][Houses][HouseSlot]; // Check if there is a house in this slot if (HouseID != 0) { // Unload the cars of the house House_RemoveVehicles(HouseID); // Set the house so it cannot be entered by anyone (close the house) AHouseData[HouseID][HouseOpened] = false; } } // Clear the data in the APlayerData array to make sure the next player with the same id doesn\'t hold wrong data APlayerData[playerid][spectateID] = -1; APlayerData[playerid][spectateVehicle] = -1; APlayerData[playerid][spectateType] = ADMIN_SPEC_TYPE_NONE; APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] = false; APlayerData[playerid][AssistanceNeeded] = false; APlayerData[playerid][PlayerPassword] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][PlayerFrozen] = 0; // Clearing this variable automatically kills the frozentimer APlayerData[playerid][bans] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][banTime] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][Muted] = false; APlayerData[playerid][RulesRead] = false; APlayerData[playerid][AutoReportTime] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][TruckerLicense] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][busLicense] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][Warnings] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][PlayerScore] = 0; for (new HouseSlot; HouseSlot < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; HouseSlot++) APlayerData[playerid][Houses][HouseSlot] = 0; for (new BusSlot; BusSlot < MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER; BusSlot++) APlayerData[playerid][business][busSlot] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse] = 0; // Clear bank account info APlayerData[playerid][bankPassword] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][bankLoggedIn] = false; APlayerData[playerid][bankMoney] = 0; // Clear stats APlayerData[playerid][statsTruckerJobs] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][statsConvoyJobs] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][statsBusDriverJobs] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][statsPilotJobs] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][statsMafiaJobs] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][statsMafiaStolen] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][statsPoliceFined] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][statsPoliceJailed] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][statsCourierJobs] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][statsRoadworkerJobs] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][statsAssistance] = 0; APlayerData[playerid][statsMetersDriven] = 0.0; // Clear police warnings APlayerData[playerid][PoliceCanJailMe] = false; APlayerData[playerid][PoliceWarnedMe] = false; APlayerData[playerid][Value_PoliceCanJailMe] = 0; // Make sure the jailtimer has been destroyed KillTimer(APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailedTimer]); KillTimer(APlayerData[playerid][Timer_PoliceCanJailMe]); // Destroy the speedometer TextDraw for this player and the timer, also set the speed to 0 Speedometer_Cleanup(playerid); // Also destroy the missiontext TextDraw for this player TextDrawDestroy(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText]); // Destroy a rented vehicle is the player had any if (APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID] != 0) { // Clear the data for the already rented vehicle AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Model] = 0; AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Fuel] = 0; AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Owned] = false; AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Owner] = 0; AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][PaintJob] = 0; for (new j; j < 14; j++) { AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Components][j] = 0; } // Destroy the vehicle DestroyVehicle(APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]); // Clear the RentedVehicleID APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID] = 0; } return 1; } // This callback gets called whenever a player uses the chat-box public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { // Block the player\'s text if he has been muted if (APlayerData[playerid][Muted] == true) { // Let the player know he\'s still muted SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Mutolva vagy\"); // Don\'t allow his text to be sent to the chatbox return 0; } return 1; } // This callback gets called when a player interacts with a dialog public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[]) { // Select the proper dialog to process switch (dialogid) { case DialogRegister: Dialog_Register(playerid, response, inputtext); // The \"Register\"-dialog case DialogLogin: Dialog_Login(playerid, response, inputtext); // The \"Login\"-dialog case DialogStatsOtherPlayer: Dialog_StatsOtherPlayer(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogStatsHouse: Dialog_StatsHouse(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogStatsGoHouse: Dialog_StatsGoHouse(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogStatsGoBusiness: Dialog_StatsGoBusiness(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogRescue: Dialog_Rescue(playerid, response, listitem); // The rescue-dialog case DialogBuyLicenses: Dialog_BuyLicenses(playerid, response, listitem); // The license-dialog (allows the player to buy trucker/busdriver licenses) case DialogRules: Dialog_Rules(playerid, response); case DialogTruckerJobMethod: Dialog_TruckerSelectJobMethod(playerid, response, listitem); // The work-dialog for truckers (shows the loads he can carry and lets the player choose the load) case DialogTruckerSelectLoad: Dialog_TruckerSelectLoad(playerid, response, listitem); // The load-selection dialog for truckers (shows the startlocations for the selected load and let the player choose his startlocation) case DialogTruckerStartLoc: Dialog_TruckerSelectStartLoc(playerid, response, listitem); // The start-location dialog for truckers (shows the endlocations for the selected load and let the player choose his endlocation) case DialogTruckerEndLoc: Dialog_TruckerSelectEndLoc(playerid, response, listitem); // The end-location dialog for truckers (processes the selected endlocation and starts the job) case DialogBusJobMethod: Dialog_BusSelectJobMethod(playerid, response, listitem); // The work-dialog for busdrivers (process the options to choose own busroute or auto-assigned busroute) case DialogBusSelectRoute: Dialog_BusSelectRoute(playerid, response, listitem); // Choose the busroute and start the job case DialogCourierSelectQuant: Dialog_CourierSelectQuant(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogBike: Dialog_Bike(playerid, response, listitem); // The bike-dialog case DialogCar: Dialog_Car(playerid, response, listitem); // The car-dialog (which uses a split dialog structure) case DialogPlane: Dialog_Plane(playerid, response, listitem); // The plane-dialog (which uses a split dialog structure) case DialogTrailer: Dialog_Trailer(playerid, response, listitem); // The trailer-dialog (which uses a split dialog structure) case DialogBoat: Dialog_Boat(playerid, response, listitem); // The boat-dialog case DialogRentCarClass: Dialog_RentProcessClass(playerid, response, listitem); // The player chose a vehicleclass from where he can rent a vehicle case DialogRentCar: Dialog_RentCar(playerid, response, listitem); // The player chose a vehicle from the list of vehicles from the vehicleclass he chose before case DialogPlayerCommands: Dialog_PlayerCommands(playerid, response, listitem); // Displays all commands in a split-dialog structure case DialogPrimaryCarColor: Dialog_PrimaryCarColor(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogSedundaryCarColor: Dialog_SedundaryCarColor(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogWeather: Dialog_Weather(playerid, response, listitem); // The weather dialog case DialogCarOption: Dialog_CarOption(playerid, response, listitem); // The caroption dialog case DialogSelectConvoy: Dialog_SelectConvoy(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogHouseMenu: Dialog_HouseMenu(playerid, response, listitem); // Process the main housemenu case DialogUpgradeHouse: Dialog_UpgradeHouse(playerid, response, listitem); // Process the house-upgrade menu case DialogGoHome: Dialog_GoHome(playerid, response, listitem); // Port to one of your houses case DialogHouseNameChange: Dialog_ChangeHouseName(playerid, response, inputtext); // Change the name of your house case DialogSellHouse: Dialog_SellHouse(playerid, response); // Sell the house case DialogBuyCarClass: Dialog_BuyCarClass(playerid, response, listitem); // The player chose a vehicleclass from where he can buy a vehicle case DialogBuyCar: Dialog_BuyCar(playerid, response, listitem); // The player chose a vehicle from the list of vehicles from the vehicleclass he chose before case DialogSellCar: Dialog_SellCar(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogBuyInsurance: Dialog_BuyInsurance(playerid, response); case DialogGetCarSelectHouse: Dialog_GetCarSelectHouse(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogGetCarSelectCar: Dialog_GetCarSelectCar(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogUnclampVehicles: Dialog_UnclampVehicles(playerid, response); case DialogCreateBusSelType: Dialog_CreateBusSelType(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogBusinessMenu: Dialog_BusinessMenu(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogGoBusiness: Dialog_GoBusiness(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogBusinessNameChange: Dialog_ChangeBusinessName(playerid, response, inputtext); // Change the name of your business case DialogSellBusiness: Dialog_SellBusiness(playerid, response); // Sell the business case DialogBankPasswordRegister: Dialog_BankPasswordRegister(playerid, response, inputtext); case DialogBankPasswordLogin: Dialog_BankPasswordLogin(playerid, response, inputtext); case DialogBankOptions: Dialog_BankOptions(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogBankDeposit: Dialog_BankDeposit(playerid, response, inputtext); case DialogBankWithdraw: Dialog_BankWithdraw(playerid, response, inputtext); case DialogBankTransferMoney: Dialog_BankTransferMoney(playerid, response, inputtext); case DialogBankTransferName: Dialog_BankTransferName(playerid, response, inputtext); case DialogBankCancel: Dialog_BankCancel(playerid, response); case DialogHelpItemChosen: Dialog_HelpItemChosen(playerid, response, listitem); case DialogHelpItem: Dialog_HelpItem(playerid, response); case DialogOldPassword: Dialog_OldPassword(playerid, response, inputtext); case DialogNewPassword: Dialog_NewPassword(playerid, response, inputtext); case DialogConfirmPassword: Dialog_ConfirmPassword(playerid, response); } return 1; } // this callback gets called when a player clicks on another player on the scoreboard public OnPlayerClickPlayer(playerid, clickedplayerid, source) { // Check if the player is an admin of at least level 1 if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] >= 1) { // Setup local variables new Name[24], DialogTitle[128], PlayerStatList[3000], PlayerIP[16], NumHouses, NumBusinesses; // Construct the dialog-title GetPlayerName(clickedplayerid, Name, sizeof(Name)); format(DialogTitle, 128, \"Statistics of player: %s\", Name); // Add the IP of the player to the list GetPlayerIp(clickedplayerid, PlayerIP, sizeof(PlayerIP)); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Player-IP: {00FF00}%s\\n\", PlayerStatList, PlayerIP); // Add the level of the player to the list format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Admin-level: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][PlayerLevel]); // Add the class of the player to the list switch(APlayerData[clickedplayerid][PlayerClass]) { case ClassTruckDriver: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Trucker\\n\", PlayerStatList); case ClassBusDriver: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Bus driver\\n\", PlayerStatList); case ClassPilot: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Pilot\\n\", PlayerStatList); case ClassPolice: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Police\\n\", PlayerStatList); case ClassMafia: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Mafia\\n\", PlayerStatList); case ClassCourier: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Courier\\n\", PlayerStatList); case ClassAssistance: format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Class: {00FF00}Assistance\\n\", PlayerStatList); } // Add money and score of the player to the list format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Money: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][PlayerMoney]); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Score: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][PlayerScore]); // Add wanted-level of the player to the list format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Wanted-level: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, GetPlayerWantedLevel(clickedplayerid)); // Add truckerlicense and busdriver license of the player to the list if (APlayerData[clickedplayerid][TruckerLicense] == 1) format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Trucker License: {00FF00}Yes\\n\", PlayerStatList); else format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Trucker License: {00FF00}No\\n\", PlayerStatList); if (APlayerData[clickedplayerid][busLicense] == 1) format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Bus License: {00FF00}Yes\\n\", PlayerStatList); else format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Bus License: {00FF00}No\\n\", PlayerStatList); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Completed trucker jobs: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsTruckerJobs]); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Completed convoy jobs: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsConvoyJobs]); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Completed busdriver jobs: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsBusDriverJobs]); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Completed pilot jobs: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsPilotJobs]); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Completed mafia jobs: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsMafiaJobs]); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Stolen mafia-loads: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsMafiaStolen]); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Fined players: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsPoliceFined]); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Jailed players: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsPoliceJailed]); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Completed courier jobs: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsCourierJobs]); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Completed roadworker jobs: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsRoadworkerJobs]); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Assisted players: {00FF00}%i\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsAssistance]); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Meters driven: {00FF00}%f\\n\", PlayerStatList, APlayerData[clickedplayerid][statsMetersDriven]); // Count the number of houses/businesses that the player has and add them to the list for (new i; i < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; i++) if (APlayerData[clickedplayerid][Houses] != 0) NumHouses++; for (new i; i < MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER; i++) if (APlayerData[clickedplayerid][business] != 0) NumBusinesses++; format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Houses: {00FF00}%i (double-click for stats)\\n\", PlayerStatList, NumHouses); format(PlayerStatList, sizeof(PlayerStatList), \"%s{FFFFFF}Businesses: {00FF00}%i (double-click for stats)\\n\", PlayerStatList, NumBusinesses); // Store the player-id of the other player so the other dialogs can display his statistics further (houses, businesses, cars) APlayerData[playerid][DialogOtherPlayer] = clickedplayerid; // Show the statistics of the other player ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogStatsOtherPlayer, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, DialogTitle, PlayerStatList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel); // Let the player buy a license } return 1; } // This callback gets called when a player picks up any pickup public OnPlayerPickUpPickup(playerid, pickupid) { // If the player picks up the Buy_License pickup at the driving school in Doherty if (pickupid == Pickup_License) // Ask the player which license he wants to buy ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogBuyLicenses, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, TXT_DialogLicenseTitle, TXT_DialogLicenseList, TXT_DialogButtonBuy, TXT_DialogButtonCancel); // Let the player buy a license return 1; } // This callback gets called when a player spawns somewhere public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { // Always allow NPC\'s to spawn without logging in if (IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return 1; // Check if the player properly logged in by typing his password if (APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] == false) { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_FailedLoginProperly); Kick(playerid); // Kick the player if he didn\'t log in properly } // Setup local variables new missiontext[200]; // Spawn the player in the global world (where everybody plays the game) SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0); SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0); // Also set a variable that tracks in which house the player currently is APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse] = 0; // Disable the clock TogglePlayerClock(playerid, 0); // Delete all weapons from the player ResetPlayerWeapons(playerid); // Set the missiontext based on the chosen class switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass]) { case ClassTruckDriver: // Truck-driver class { format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Trucker_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassTruckDriver); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map) } case ClassBusDriver: // Bus-driver class { format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), BusDriver_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassBusDriver); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map) } case ClassPilot: // Pilot class { format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Pilot_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassPilot); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map) } case ClassPolice: // Police class { format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Police_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassPolice); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map) // Start the PlayerCheckTimer to scan for wanted players (be sure the timer has been destroyed first) KillTimer(APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer]); APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer] = SetTimerEx(\"Police_CheckWantedPlayers\", 1000, true, \"i\", playerid); // Check if the police player can get weapons if (PoliceGetsWeapons == true) { // Give up to 12 weapons to the player for (new i; i < 12; i++) GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, APoliceWeapons, PoliceWeaponsAmmo); } } case ClassMafia: // Mafia class { format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Mafia_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassMafia); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map) // Start the PlayerCheckTimer to scan for players that carry mafia-loads (be sure the timer has been destroyed first) KillTimer(APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer]); APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer] = SetTimerEx(\"Mafia_CheckMafiaLoads\", 1000, true, \"i\", playerid); } case ClassCourier: // Courier class { format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Courier_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassCourier); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map) } case ClassAssistance: // Assistance class { format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), Assistance_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassAssistance); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map) // Start the PlayerCheckTimer to scan for players who need assistance (be sure the timer has been destroyed first) KillTimer(APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer]); APlayerData[playerid][PlayerCheckTimer] = SetTimerEx(\"Assistance_CheckPlayers\", 1000, true, \"i\", playerid); } case ClassRoadWorker: // Roadworker class { format(missiontext, sizeof(missiontext), RoadWorker_NoJobText); // Preset the missiontext SetPlayerColor(playerid, ColorClassRoadWorker); // Set the playercolor (chatcolor for the player and color on the map) } } // Set the missiontext TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], missiontext); // Show the missiontext for this player TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][MissionText]); // If the player spawns and his jailtime hasn\'t passed yet, put him back in jail if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed] != 0) Police_JailPlayer(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed]); return 1; } // This callback gets called whenever a player enters a checkpoint public OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid) { // Check the player\'s class switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass]) { case ClassTruckDriver: // Truckdriver class Trucker_OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid); // Process the checkpoint (load or unload goods) case ClassBusDriver: // BusDriver class { GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_BusDriverMissionPassed, 3000, 4); // Show a message to let the player know he finished his job BusDriver_EndJob(playerid); // End the current mission } case ClassPilot: // Pilot class Pilot_OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid); // Process the checkpoint (load or unload) case ClassMafia: // Mafia class Mafia_OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid); case ClassCourier: // Courier class Courier_OnPlayerEnterCheckpoint(playerid); case ClassRoadWorker: // Roadworker class { // Only end the mission when doing \"repair-speedcamera\" jobtype (checkpoint is the base of the roadworker) if (APlayerData[playerid][JobID] == 1) // Repairing speedcamera\'s { GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_RoadworkerMissionPassed, 3000, 4); // Show a message to let the player know he finished his job Roadworker_EndJob(playerid); // End the current mission } if (APlayerData[playerid][JobID] == 2) // Towing broken vehicle to shredder Roadworker_EnterCheckpoint(playerid); } } return 1; } // This callback gets called when a player enters a race-checkpoint public OnPlayerEnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid) { // Check the player\'s class switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass]) { case ClassBusDriver: // BusDriver class Bus_EnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid); // Process the checkpoint case ClassRoadWorker: // Roadworker class Roadworker_EnterRaceCheckpoint(playerid); } return 1; } // This callback gets called whenever a player dies public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { // Setup local variables new VictimName[24], KillerName[24], Msg[128]; // Clear the missiontext TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], \" \"); // Hide the missiontext for this player (when the player is choosing a class, it\'s not required to show any mission-text) TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][MissionText]); // Stop any job that may have started switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass]) { case ClassTruckDriver: Trucker_EndJob(playerid); case ClassBusDriver: BusDriver_EndJob(playerid); case ClassPilot: Pilot_EndJob(playerid); case ClassPolice: Police_EndJob(playerid); case ClassMafia: Mafia_EndJob(playerid); case ClassAssistance: Assistance_EndJob(playerid); case ClassRoadWorker: Roadworker_EndJob(playerid); } // If the player is part of a convoy, kick him from it Convoy_Leave(playerid); // If another player kills you, he\'ll get an extra star of his wanted level if (killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { // Increase the wanted level of the killer by one star SetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid, GetPlayerWantedLevel(killerid) + 1); // Get the name of the killed player and the killer GetPlayerName(playerid, VictimName, sizeof(VictimName)); GetPlayerName(killerid, KillerName, sizeof(KillerName)); // Let the killed know the police are informed about the kill format(Msg, 128, \"{FF0000}Megölted {FFFF00}%s{FF0000}, köröznek a rendörök\", VictimName); SendClientMessage(killerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg); // Inform all police players about the kill format(Msg, 128, \"{00FF00}Player {FFFF00}%s{00FF00} killed {FFFF00}%s{00FF00}, pursue and fine him\", KillerName, VictimName); Police_SendMessage(Msg); } return 1; } // This callback gets called when the player is selecting a class (but hasn\'t clicked \"Spawn\" yet) public OnPlayerRequestClass(playerid, classid) { SetPlayerInterior(playerid,14); SetPlayerPos(playerid,258.4893,-41.4008,1002.0234); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 270.0); SetPlayerCameraPos(playerid,256.0815,-43.0475,1004.0234); SetPlayerCameraLookAt(playerid,258.4893,-41.4008,1002.0234); // Display a short message to inform the player about the class he\'s about to choose switch (classid) { case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12: // Classes that will be truckdrivers { // Display the name of the class GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassTrucker, 3000, 4); // Store the class for the player (truckdriver) APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassTruckDriver; } case 13, 14: // Classes that will be bus-drivers { // Display the name of the class GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassBusDriver, 3000, 4); // Store the class for the player (busdriver) APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassBusDriver; } case 15: // Classes that will be Pilot { // Display the name of the class GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassPilot, 3000, 4); // Store the class for the player (pilot) APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassPilot; } case 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 : // Classes that will be police { // Display the name of the class GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassPolice, 3000, 4); // Store the class for the player (police) APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassPolice; } case 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34: // Classes that will be mafia { // Display the name of the class GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassMafia, 3000, 4); // Store the class for the player (mafia) APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassMafia; } case 35, 36: // Classes that will be courier { // Display the name of the class GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassCourier, 3000, 4); // Store the class for the player (courier) APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassCourier; } case 37, 38: // Classes that will be assistance { // Display the name of the class GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassAssistance, 3000, 4); // Store the class for the player (assistance) APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassAssistance; } case 39, 40, 41: // Classes that will be roadworker { // Display the name of the class GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ClassRoadWorker, 3000, 4); // Store the class for the player (roadworker) APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] = ClassRoadWorker; } } return 1; } // This callback is called when the player attempts to spawn via class-selection public OnPlayerRequestSpawn(playerid) { new Index, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:Angle, Name[24], Msg[128]; // Get the player\'s name GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name)); // Choose a random spawnlocation based on the player\'s class switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass]) { case ClassTruckDriver: { Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsTrucker)); // Get a random array-index to chose a random spawnlocation x = ASpawnLocationsTrucker[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation y = ASpawnLocationsTrucker[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation z = ASpawnLocationsTrucker[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation Angle = ASpawnLocationsTrucker[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation format(Msg, 128, \"{FFFF00}%s{00FF00} Csatlakozott {FFFF00}Kamionosnak\", Name); } case ClassBusDriver: { Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsBusDriver)); x = ASpawnLocationsBusDriver[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation y = ASpawnLocationsBusDriver[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation z = ASpawnLocationsBusDriver[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation Angle = ASpawnLocationsBusDriver[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation format(Msg, 128, \"{FFFF00}%s{00FF00} Csatlakozott {FFFF00}Buszosnak\", Name); } case ClassPilot: { Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsPilot)); x = ASpawnLocationsPilot[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation y = ASpawnLocationsPilot[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation z = ASpawnLocationsPilot[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation Angle = ASpawnLocationsPilot[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation format(Msg, 128, \"{FFFF00}%s{00FF00} Csatlakozott {FFFF00}Pilótának\", Name); } case ClassPolice: { // If the player has less than 100 scorepoints if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerScore] < 100) { // Let the player know he needs 100 scorepoints GameTextForPlayer(playerid, \"100 pont kel hogy rendör lehes\", 5000, 4); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}100 pont kel hogy rendör lehes\"); return 0; // Don\'t allow the player to spawn as police player } // If the player has a wanted level if (GetPlayerWantedLevel(playerid) > 0) { // Let the player know he cannot have a wanted level to join police GameTextForPlayer(playerid, \"Nem lehetsz rendör mert körözöt vagy\", 5000, 4); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Nem lehetsz rendör mert körözöt vagy\"); return 0; // Don\'t allow the player to spawn as police player } Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsPolice)); x = ASpawnLocationsPolice[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation y = ASpawnLocationsPolice[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation z = ASpawnLocationsPolice[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation Angle = ASpawnLocationsPolice[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation format(Msg, 128, \"{FFFF00}%s{00FF00} Csatlakozott {FFFF00}Rendõrnek\", Name); } case ClassMafia: { Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsMafia)); x = ASpawnLocationsMafia[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation y = ASpawnLocationsMafia[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation z = ASpawnLocationsMafia[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation Angle = ASpawnLocationsMafia[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation format(Msg, 128, \"{FFFF00}%s{00FF00} Csatlakozott {FFFF00}Mafiának\", Name); } case ClassCourier: { Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsCourier)); x = ASpawnLocationsCourier[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation y = ASpawnLocationsCourier[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation z = ASpawnLocationsCourier[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation Angle = ASpawnLocationsCourier[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation format(Msg, 128, \"{FFFF00}%s{00FF00} Csatlakozott {FFFF00}Futárnak\", Name); } case ClassAssistance: { Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsAssistance)); x = ASpawnLocationsAssistance[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation y = ASpawnLocationsAssistance[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation z = ASpawnLocationsAssistance[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation Angle = ASpawnLocationsAssistance[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation format(Msg, 128, \"{FFFF00}%s{00FF00} Csatlakozott {FFFF00}Autómentõnek\", Name); } case ClassRoadWorker: { Index = random(sizeof(ASpawnLocationsRoadWorker)); x = ASpawnLocationsRoadWorker[index][spawnX]; // Get the X-position for the spawnlocation y = ASpawnLocationsRoadWorker[index][spawnY]; // Get the Y-position for the spawnlocation z = ASpawnLocationsRoadWorker[index][spawnZ]; // Get the Z-position for the spawnlocation Angle = ASpawnLocationsRoadWorker[index][spawnAngle]; // Get the rotation-angle for the spawnlocation format(Msg, 128, \"{FFFF00}%s{00FF00} Csatlakozott {FFFF00}Útkaprbantartónak\", Name); } } // Spawn the player with his chosen skin at a random location based on his class SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), x, y, z, Angle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // Send the message to all players (who joined which class) SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, Msg); return 1; } // This callback gets called when a vehicle respawns at it\'s spawn-location (where it was created) public OnVehicleSpawn(vehicleid) { // Set the vehicle as not-wanted by the mafia AVehicleData[vehicleid][MafiaLoad] = false; // Also reset the fuel to maximum (only for non-owned vehicles) if (AVehicleData[vehicleid][Owned] == false) AVehicleData[vehicleid][Fuel] = MaxFuel; // Re-apply the paintjob (if any was applied) if (AVehicleData[vehicleid][PaintJob] != 0) { // Re-apply the paintjob ChangeVehiclePaintjob(vehicleid, AVehicleData[vehicleid][PaintJob] - 1); } // Also update the car-color ChangeVehicleColor(vehicleid, AVehicleData[vehicleid][Color1], AVehicleData[vehicleid][Color2]); // Re-add all components that were installed (if they were there) for (new i; i < 14; i++) { // Remove all mods from the vehicle (all added mods applied by hackers will hopefully be removed this way when the vehicle respawns) RemoveVehicleComponent(vehicleid, GetVehicleComponentInSlot(vehicleid, i)); // Check if the componentslot has a valid component-id if (AVehicleData[vehicleid][Components] != 0) AddVehicleComponent(vehicleid, AVehicleData[vehicleid][Components]); // Add the component to the vehicle } return 1; } // This callback is called when the vehicle leaves a mod shop public OnVehicleRespray(playerid, vehicleid, color1, color2) { // Let the player pay $150 for changing the color (if they have been changed) if ((AVehicleData[vehicleid][Color1] != color1) || (AVehicleData[vehicleid][Color2] != color2)) { RewardPlayer(playerid, -100, 0); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{00FF00}Kicserélted az autód szinét $100\"); } // Save the colors AVehicleData[vehicleid][Color1] = color1; AVehicleData[vehicleid][Color2] = color2; // If the primary color is black, remove the paintjob if (color1 == 0) AVehicleData[vehicleid][PaintJob] = 0; return 1; } // This callback gets called when a player enters or exits a mod-shop public OnEnterExitModShop(playerid, enterexit, interiorid) { return 1; } // This callback gets called whenever a player mods his vehicle public OnVehicleMod(playerid, vehicleid, componentid) { // When the player changes a component of his vehicle, reduce the price of the component from the player\'s money APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] = APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] - AVehicleModPrices[componentid - 1000]; // Store the component in the AVehicleData array AVehicleData[vehicleid][Components][GetVehicleComponentType(componentid)] = componentid; return 1; } // This callback gets called whenever a player VIEWS at a paintjob in a mod garage (viewing automatically applies it) public OnVehiclePaintjob(playerid, vehicleid, paintjobid) { // Store the paintjobid for the vehicle (add 1 to the value, otherwise checking for an applied paintjob is difficult) AVehicleData[vehicleid][PaintJob] = paintjobid + 1; return 1; } // This callback gets called whenever a player enters a vehicle public OnPlayerEnterVehicle(playerid, vehicleid, ispassenger) { // Setup local variables new engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective; // Check if the vehicle has fuel if (AVehicleData[vehicleid][Fuel] > 0) { // Start the engine and turn on the lights GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective); SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, 1, 1, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective); } // Store the player\'s current location and interior-id, otherwise anti-airbreak hack code could kick you GetPlayerPos(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PreviousX], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousY], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousZ]); APlayerData[playerid][PreviousInt] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid); return 1; } // This callback gets called when a player exits his vehicle public OnPlayerExitVehicle(playerid, vehicleid) { // Setup local variables new engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective; // Check if the player is the driver of the vehicle if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0) { // Turn off the lights and engine GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective); SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, 0, 0, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective); } // Chech if the player is a pilot if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] == ClassPilot) { // If the pilot started a job --> as soon as a pilot leaves his plane while doing a job, he fails his mission if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] == true) { // End the job (clear data) Pilot_EndJob(playerid); // Inform the player that he failed the mission GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_FailedMission, 5000, 4); // Reduce the player\'s cash by 1000 RewardPlayer(playerid, -1000, 0); } } return 1; } // This callback gets called whenever a vehicle enters the water or is destroyed (explodes) public OnVehicleDeath(vehicleid) { // Get the houseid to which this vehicle belongs new HouseID = AVehicleData[vehicleid][belongsToHouse]; // Check if this vehicle belongs to a house if (HouseID != 0) { // If the house doesn\'t have insurance for it\'s vehicles if (AHouseData[HouseID][insurance] == 0) { // Delete the vehicle, clear the data and remove it from the house it belongs to Vehicle_Delete(vehicleid); // Save the house (and linked vehicles) HouseFile_Save(HouseID); } } return 1; } // This callback gets called when the player changes state public OnPlayerStateChange(playerid,newstate,oldstate) { // Setup local variables new vid, Name[24], Msg[128], engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective; switch (newstate) { case PLAYER_STATE_DRIVER: // Player became the driver of a vehicle { // Get the ID of the player\'s vehicle vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid); // Get the player\'s name (the one who is trying to enter the vehicle) GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name)); // Check if the vehicle is owned if (AVehicleData[vid][Owned] == true) { // Check if the vehicle is owned by somebody else (strcmp will not be 0) if (strcmp(AVehicleData[vid][Owner], Name, false) != 0) { // Force the player out of the vehicle RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); // Turn off the lights and engine GetVehicleParamsEx(vid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective); SetVehicleParamsEx(vid, 0, 0, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective); // Let the player know he cannot use somebody else\'s vehicle format(Msg, 128, TXT_SpeedometerCannotUseVehicle, AVehicleData[vid][Owner]); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg); } // Check if the vehicle is clamped if (AVehicleData[vid][Clamped] == true) { // Force the player out of the vehicle RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); // Turn off the lights and engine GetVehicleParamsEx(vid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective); SetVehicleParamsEx(vid, 0, 0, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective); // Let the player know he cannot use a clamped vehicle format(Msg, 128, TXT_SpeedometerClampedVehicle); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg); format(Msg, 128, TXT_SpeedometerClampedVehicle2); SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg); } } // Check if the player is not a cop if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] != ClassPolice) { // First check if the vehicle is a static vehicle (player can still use a bought cop-car that he bought in his house, // as a bought vehicle isn\'t static) if (AVehicleData[vid][staticVehicle] == true) { // Check if the entered vehicle is a cop vehicle switch (GetVehicleModel(vid)) { case VehiclePoliceLSPD, VehiclePoliceSFPD, VehiclePoliceLVPD, VehicleHPV1000, VehiclePoliceRanger: { // Force the player out of the vehicle RemovePlayerFromVehicle(playerid); // Turn off the lights and engine GetVehicleParamsEx(vid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective); SetVehicleParamsEx(vid, 0, 0, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective); // Let the player know he cannot use a cop car SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Nem használhatod az autot mert a rendöröké\"); } } } } } } return 1; } // This callback gets called whenever a player presses a key public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys) { // Debug the keypresses // DebugKeys(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys); // **************************************************************************************** // NOTE: the keys are messed up, so the code may look strange when testing for certain keys // **************************************************************************************** // Fining and jailing players when you\'re police and press the correct keys // Check the class of the player switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass]) { case ClassPolice: { // If the police-player pressed the RMB key (AIM key) when OUTSIDE his vehicle if (((newkeys & KEY_HANDBRAKE) && !(oldkeys & KEY_HANDBRAKE)) && (GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == 0)) Police_FineNearbyPlayers(playerid); // If the police-player pressed the LCTRL (SECUNDAIRY key) key when INSIDE his vehicle if (((newkeys & KEY_ACTION) && !(oldkeys & KEY_ACTION)) && (GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) != 0)) Police_WarnNearbyPlayers(playerid); } case ClassAssistance: { // If the assistance-player pressed the RMB key (AIM key) when OUTSIDE his vehicle if (((newkeys & KEY_HANDBRAKE) && !(oldkeys & KEY_HANDBRAKE)) && (GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) == 0)) Assistance_FixVehicle(playerid); // If the police-player pressed the LCTRL (SECUNDAIRY key) key when INSIDE his vehicle if (((newkeys & KEY_ACTION) && !(oldkeys & KEY_ACTION)) && (GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) != 0)) Assistance_FixOwnVehicle(playerid); } } // Trying to attach the closest vehicle to the towtruck when the player pressed FIRE when inside a towtruck // Check if the player is inside a towtruck if(GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == VehicleTowTruck) { // Check if the player pushed the fire-key if(newkeys & KEY_FIRE) { // Get the vehicle-id of the closest vehicle new closest = GetClosestVehicle(playerid); if(VehicleToPlayer(playerid, closest) < 10) // Check if the closest vehicle is within 10m from the player AttachTrailerToVehicle(closest, GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)); // Attach the vehicle to the towtruck } } // Refuel a vehicle when driving a vehicle and pressing the HORN key // Check if the player presses the HORN key if ((newkeys & KEY_CROUCH) && !(oldkeys & KEY_CROUCH)) { // Check if the player is driving a vehicle if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0) { // Loop through all ARefuelPickups for (new i; i < sizeof(ARefuelPickups); i++) { // Check if the player is in range of a refuelpickup if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.5, ARefuelPickups[pux], ARefuelPickups[puy], ARefuelPickups[puz])) { // Show a message that the player\'s vehicle is refuelling GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_Refuelling, 3000, 4); // Don\'t allow the player to move again (the timer will allow it after refuelling) TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0); // Start a timer (let the player wait until the vehicle is refuelled) SetTimerEx(\"Tankolás Várj...\", 5000, false, \"i\", playerid); // Stop the search break; } } } } return 1; } forward VehicleToPlayer(playerid,vehicleid); // Get the distance between the vehicle and the player public VehicleToPlayer(playerid, vehicleid) { // Setup local variables new Float:pX, Float:pY, Float:pZ, Float:cX, Float:cY, Float:cZ, Float:distance; // Get the player position GetPlayerPos(playerid, pX, pY, pZ); // Get the vehicle position GetVehiclePos(vehicleid, cX, cY, cZ); // Calculate the distance distance = floatsqroot(floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(cX, pX)), 2) + floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(cY, pY)), 2) + floatpower(floatabs(floatsub(cZ, pZ)), 2)); // Return the distance to the calling routine return floatround(distance); } forward GetClosestVehicle(playerid); // Find the vehicle closest to the player public GetClosestVehicle(playerid) { // Setup local variables new Float:distance = 99999.000+1, Float:distance2, result = -1; // Loop through all vehicles for(new i = 0; i < MAX_VEHICLES; i++) { // First check if the player isn\'t driving the current vehicle that needs to be checked for it\'s distance to the player if (GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid) != i) { // Get the distance between player and vehicle distance2 = VehicleToPlayer(playerid, i); // Check if the distance is smaller than the previous distance if(distance2 < distance) { // Store the distance distance = distance2; // Store the vehicle-id result = i; } } } // Return the vehicle-id of the closest vehicle return result; } // This function is used to debug the key-presses stock DebugKeys(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys) { // Debug keys if ((newkeys & KEY_FIRE) && !(oldkeys & KEY_FIRE)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_FIRE key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_ACTION) && !(oldkeys & KEY_ACTION)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_ACTION key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_CROUCH) && !(oldkeys & KEY_CROUCH)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_CROUCH key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_SPRINT) && !(oldkeys & KEY_SPRINT)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_SPRINT key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK) && !(oldkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_JUMP) && !(oldkeys & KEY_JUMP)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_JUMP key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_LOOK_RIGHT) && !(oldkeys & KEY_LOOK_RIGHT)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_LOOK_RIGHT key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_HANDBRAKE) && !(oldkeys & KEY_HANDBRAKE)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_HANDBRAKE key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_LOOK_LEFT) && !(oldkeys & KEY_LOOK_LEFT)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_LOOK_LEFT key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_SUBMISSION) && !(oldkeys & KEY_SUBMISSION)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_SUBMISSION key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_LOOK_BEHIND) && !(oldkeys & KEY_LOOK_BEHIND)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_LOOK_BEHIND key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_WALK) && !(oldkeys & KEY_WALK)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_WALK key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_ANALOG_UP) && !(oldkeys & KEY_ANALOG_UP)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_ANALOG_UP key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_ANALOG_DOWN) && !(oldkeys & KEY_ANALOG_DOWN)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_ANALOG_DOWN key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_ANALOG_LEFT) && !(oldkeys & KEY_ANALOG_LEFT)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_ANALOG_LEFT key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_ANALOG_RIGHT) && !(oldkeys & KEY_ANALOG_RIGHT)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_ANALOG_RIGHT key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_UP) && !(oldkeys & KEY_UP)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_UP key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_DOWN) && !(oldkeys & KEY_DOWN)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_DOWN key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_LEFT) && !(oldkeys & KEY_LEFT)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_LEFT key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_RIGHT) && !(oldkeys & KEY_RIGHT)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_RIGHT key\"); return 1; }
« Dátum: 2014. január 01. - 22:59:12 »
Sziasztok. Van egy magyar LuxAdmin-om amit innen töltöttem le a sampforumrol, és az lenne a problémám vele hogy amikor beteszem, resizek, felmegyek a szerverre, beírom hogy /admins, /admin, /adminok.... egyik sem ûködik! Scriptfiles mappába, filterscript mappába, server.cfg-be is benne van minden! Valaki segítsen ha tud! Elõre is köszi! By. Chase
« Dátum: 2013. december 30. - 20:27:15 »
Hello mindenki!!! Bemutatom a szerveremet!!!! A szerver neve: [HUN]LawlessRPG Pár mondat a szerverrõl: A szerveren majdnem minden leader szabad, kivéve a rendõr, mentõ, és a szerelõ! Az összes többi mind szabad!! A szerveren jelenleg adminTGF: VAN Jelentkezni honlapon lehet, ami hamarosan elkészül!!!!!
Hogy mik vannak a szerveren? Szerver bemutató videó: http://www.youtube.com/
A szerver elérhetõségek: Server Name: [HUN]LawlessRPG:Szerver Tulajdonos: Saba_Boweor Game: San Andreas Multiplayer State: Online Players: 26/80 Address: - Hungary Hungary Game Mode: -> LawLessRPG <- Map Name: -> Lawless megye <- Webrul - (feltöltés alatt!)
Gyere, és éld át a samp RPG világát!
« Dátum: 2013. december 23. - 11:16:10 »
Sziasztok! Bemutatnám a szerveremet! Ez egy Freeroam szerver, ahol mindenki azt csinál amit akar, amíg nem ütközik a szabályokkal! Beis mutatom: Szerverre vonatkozó szabályzat: Szabályok: 1. Tilos a DB(Drive By): Ráállsz valakire autóval, és így sebzed/ölöd, vagy autóból/motorról ölöd/sebzed meg. 2. Tilos az SK(Spawn Kill): Spawn hely közelében való ölés. 3. Tilos a HK(Heli Kill): A helikopáter rotorjával való ölés. 4. Tilos a Flood: Háromnál többszor kiírni ugyanazt/gyorsan a chatbe. 5. Ne szidd a szervert, adminokat, playereket. 6. Ne zaklass másokat. 7. Ne hirdess más szervereket, weboldalakat és semmi egyebet. 8. Tilos kihasználni a szerver hibáit. Ha találsz egyet, szólj egy adminnak/moderátornak. 9. Tilos a bónuszkocsira ölõ/gyilkoló jármûvel menni, emellett tilos megjavítani, teleportálni vele. 10. Tilos a Cheat/hack/cleo mód (Parkour mod engedélyezett), illetve bármilyen program, ezköz, amitõl nagyobb hatalmad lesz, mint egy átlag játékosnak 11. Tilos a Hay nevû minigame szalmabáláinak megsemmisítése 12. Tilos a kezdõhelyre nagy jármûveket lekérni pl. AT-400, Dumper, Andromada, Combine, Shamal, Beagle Kiróható büntetések: 1. DB: Warn » Jail(10p) » Kick 2. SK: Warn » Jail(15p) » Kick 3. HK: Warn » Jail(20p) » Kick 4. Flood: Mute(5p) » Warn 5. Szidás: Warn » Mute(10p) » Kick » Ban(nagyon rossz esetben) 6. Zaklatás: Warn » Freeze » Jail(5p) 7. Hirdetés: Azonnali, és örök Ban 8. Bug: Kick » Ban 9. Bónuszkocsi: Warn » Jail(10p) 10. Cheat/hack/cleo mód/külsõ program: Azonnali és örök Ban 11. Szalmabála megsemmisítés: Jail(10p) » Kick Szankció fogalmak: Warn = Figyelmeztetés (A 3.-nál kickel a szerver) Freeze = Lefagyasztás Mute = Lenémítás Jail = Bebörtönzés Kick = Kidobás a szerverrõl Ban = Kitiltás a szerverrõl
A szerveren játszhatnak különbözõ klánok, és létre is lehet hozni azokat! Íme a szabályok: Összefoglaló: - Klán alapítás - Klán fenntartás - Bázis létrehozás/feltételek - Feloszlatás - Diplomácia «-----Klán alapítás-----» Természetesen bárki alapíthat klánt,azonban a következõ feltételeknek meg kell,hogy feleljen: 1. Név - Természetesen olyan nevet választhatsz amilyet szeretnél. Azomban meg kell,hogy feleljen a következõ szabályoknak: - A név nem tartalmazhat politikai,rasszista,trágár,sértõ tartalmat. - A név vagy magyar vagy angol lehet. - A rövidítés lehetõleg 3 karakter sarkos zárójelben (pl.: [ASD]) 2. Szín - A klánszín minden tagnak kötelezõ,és nem lehet más klán színe! Amint a klán eléri az 5 tagot,egy saját fórumot kap! Amíg nem érte el az 5 tagot,az Off topicban van a helye! A leírás a következõ alapján tessék kitölteni: * - kötelezõ [címer,zászló,jel (ha van)] Név*: Rövidítés*: Alakulás*: Klán szín*: Weboldal(ha van): Hírek: Diplomáciai állpot*(ellenség,szövetséges stb)(ha van): Szabályzat: (Egyéni feltételek,szabályok stb) Tagok*: «-----Klán fenntartás-----» 1. Csakis azok azok játékosok alapítsanak klánt,akik maradnak. Egy bizonyos idõre klánt létrehozni hülyeség. 2. Csakis elszánt játékosok,akik nem fogják feladni 1-2 hónap múlva. Legyen tartós a klán! 3. Ha az adminisztrátoroknak kifogása van a klán ellen (név,modor stb) és ezt nem változtatják meg,az adminoknak joga van feloszlatni a klánt! «-----Bázis létrehozás/feltételek-----» 1. Csak azok a klánok kapnak bázist,akinek minimum 7 tagja és minimum 40 napja tartózkodnak a szerveren. 2. A bázis nem foglalhat el nagy területeket,vagy ha ez a helyzet,akkor a tengeren és a levegõben a helye. 3. Teleportot kérni felesleges,hiszen minden bázis kap egy védett teleportot. 4. Kapuk esetén az információkat PMben kérjük. (lehetõleg skype) 1.1 Mapperekre vonatkozó kérések,kötelességek 1. A klán mappertõl is kérhet segítséget. Ebben az esetben a mapper [EIC]RaptorX72vel (én) vegye fel a kapcsolatot,ugyanis nem vagyok új a mappolás világában,és értek a bázis építéshez. «-----Feloszlatás-----» - Ha egy klán feloszlik,azt jelenteni kell az adminisztrátoroknak,illetve kiírni a fórumon. - Amint ez megtörtént a klán fórumát törölni fogjuk. - Ha a klán rendelkezett bázissal azt is töröljük. A vezetõknek joga van visszakapni a bázis mapját ha az övéké,de oda is bírják \"ajándékozni\" más klánoknak. - Ha a klán minimum fél éves,feloszlatás esetén a bázis helyén marad a \"roncs\". - Egyes elemek megmaradnak,deformálódnak. így a szerveren marad a klán \"nyoma\". - Ha másik klán szeretné a helyére építeni a bázisát,akkor fizetniük kell X mennyiségû (a bázistol függ) pénzt. Ez lehet akár a map tulajdonosa (ha még játszik) ha nem,ezt az adminisztrátoroknak adják,akik törlik a pénzt (nem saját haszonra) és ez egy fajta \"adó\". «-----Diplomácia-----» - A támadó/védekezõ klán minimum 14 napos kell,hogy legyen ahoz,hogy katonai akciók sikeressek legyenek. (Bázis fogalálás,rablás) - Hivatalos háborút csak akkor lehet kezdeni,ha hadüzenetet küld a támadó ,illetve az ellenfél elfogadja azt. - A hadüzenetben összefoglalva kell,hogy legyen a következõ: Miért támad: (ok) Mi a tét: (fogalál,felosztás stb) Határidõ: (ha van) Szabályok: Amennyiben bármi hiányzik a leírásból,a klán vezetõje 48 órát kap,hogy kijavítja a hibát. Ha ez nem történik meg,a topicot töröljük. Ezek az információk bármikor megváltozhatnak!
A szerveren jelenleg az AdminTGF: ON! Íme a szabályzat: Adminisztrátorokra vonatkozó szabályzat! - Tilos visszaélni az adminoddal! -Életet és pajzsot csak PvP esetén tölthetsz de csak annak a két játékosnak gyõzõdj meg róla hogy valóban PvP-znek-e. Fegyvereket is csak ebben az esetben adhatsz és szintén csak ennek a két játékosnak és csak olyanokat amik a fegyverboltban is elérhetõk. - Kamerát mindenkinek adhatsz! - Saját életed és pajzsod abban az esetben töltheted fel ha nem vagy harcban senkivel és nem is üldöz senki! Ha ezt megszeged, akár az adminisztrátori jogodba is kerülhet. - Fegyvereket bármikor adhatsz magadnak de szintén csak olyanokat amiket a fegyobolt elérhetõvé tesz. - Ha játékosokkal harcolsz csak olyan parancsokat használhatsz amiket õk is használni tudnak. - Vedd figyelembe hogy admin vagy és ehhez méltóan mutass példát! - Ne getelj és ne gotozz ok nélkül! Az hogy nem olvasod el a szabályzatot, nem mentesít a büntetésed alól! Ha nem tartod be a szabályzatot, akkor szint lehúzáshoz és akár bannoláshoz is vezethet! ~ Adminokra vonatkozó kötelességek ~ -Ha a szerveren találsz egy cheatert akkor bannold! Ha nem tudsz banolni, szólsz egy olyan adminnak, aki tud banolni! (Unbanolni TILOS, csak is nyomós indokkal!) (/ban) -Ha a szerveren valaki csúnyán beszél akkor némítsd le! (/mute) -Ha valaki úgy SK-zik, hogy jármûben van az áldozat, és felrobbantják (gyalogosan van anti sk), akkor figyelmeztetés (/warn). Ha többször elõfordul akkor börtön vagy fagyasztás (/jail) (/freeze) -Ha valaki HK-zik akkor figyelmeztetés (/warn). Ha többször elõfordul akkor börtön (/jail) -Ha valaki káromkodik veled és folyamatosan megszegi a szavad, akkor banold 2 napra! (/ban) - Ha valaki DB-zik akkor figyelmeztesd (akinek van pk-ja, nem mindig mûködik az anti db) (/warn) Ha többször elõfordul akkor börtön (/jail) - Ha valaki börtönbe van és újracsatlakozik akkor zárd vissza dupla annyi idõre! Indok: Újracsatlakozás börtönbõl. Ha ezután is újracsatlakozik, banold minimum 1 napra! (Ha nem tudsz banolni, akkor szólsz egy olyan adminnak, aki tud banolni!) (/ban) Amennyiben szabályt sértesz, vagy mondanak valamit a fõadminok és nem úgy csinálod, akkor jogunkban áll elvenni az adminságot.
A jelentkezési feltételek: Az admini posztnak is vannak feltételei! Ezek pedig az itt felsoroltak. Minimum életkor 14! De az intelligencia szintet is nézzük! Skype vagy TeamSpeak használata kötelezõ! Kulturált, és türelmes hozzá állás a játékosokhoz és azok problémáihoz! Minimum 3 órát fent kell, hogy tölts a szerveren naponta! Avagy aktívság. 1 hónapja kell, hogy játssz a szerveren! Aki az elmúlt 6 hónapban volt admin, az nem jelentkezhet! Terhelhetõség!
Mesélek egy kicsit a szerverrõl Ezen a szerveren nagyon sok új map van, a szerver körülbelül 200scriptböl áll! (de lehet hogy több) Íme az adatok: Server Name: [HUN]DREAM •WORLD •STUNT• EVOLUTION @ 2014 Game: San Andreas Multiplayer State: Online Players: 0/60 Address: - Hungary Hungary Game Mode: [HUN]DREAM•WORLD•STUNT•EVOLUTI Map Name: San Andreas Weboldal: - A szerver tegnap nyílt meg!!!!!!! GYERTEK SOKAN, MINDENKIT VÁRUNK SOK SZERETETTEL!
« Dátum: 2013. december 21. - 13:03:26 »
Sziasztok! Valaki segítene nekem? Valamiért az én pawnom mindenre azt írja hogy ERROR Semmit nem tudok vele csinálni.. Valaki kisegítene egy olyan pawnoval, ami nem ír ERROR-t a legtöbb scriptre? Vagy ha megtudja, akkor megcsinálja nekem ezt? :\\ Elõre is köszi! [code=pawn]#include #include #pragma dynamic 145000 #pragma tabsize 0 /* |===============================================| | --== LethaL Adminscript ==-- | | -== Version 4.2 ==-- | | ladmin4v2.pwn | |===============================================| |===============================================| | --== LethaL Adminscript Magyar Verzió ==-- | | -== Version 4.2 ==-- | | ladmin.pwn | |===============================================| Ladmin Magyarosítás: skullrider Magyarosítást szerkesztette: Sramm Ladmin Dialog: Ladmin /admins parancs: GameStar */ //ladmin magyaritás by skullrider 08.08 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// #define USE_MENUS // Comment to remove all menus. Uncomment to enable menus //#define DISPLAY_CONFIG // displays configuration in console window on filterscript load #define SAVE_LOGS // Comment if your server runs linux (logs wont be saved) #define ENABLE_SPEC // Comment if you are using a spectate system already #define USE_STATS // Comment to disable /stats #define ANTI_MINIGUN // Displays who has a minigun //#define USE_AREGISTER // Changes /register, /login etc to /areister, /alogin etc //#define HIDE_ADMINS // Displays number of admins online instead of level and names #define ENABLE_FAKE_CMDS // Comment to disable /fakechat, /fakedeath, /fakecmd commanads //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// #define REGISZTRALO 9999 //Regisztrációs dialóg #define BEJELENTKEZO 9988 #define HJELSZO 9977 //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------// #define MAX_WARNINGS 3 // /warn command #define MAX_REPORTS 7 #define MAX_CHAT_LINES 7 #define SPAM_MAX_MSGS 5 #define SPAM_TIMELIMIT 8 // SECONDS #define PING_MAX_EXCEEDS 4 #define PING_TIMELIMIT 60 // SECONDS #define MAX_FAIL_LOGINS 4 // Admin Area new AdminArea[6] = { 377, // X 170, // Y 1008, // Z 90, // Angle 3, // Interior 0 // Virtual World }; //-=Main colours=- #define COLOR_BLUE 0x0000FFAA #define COLOR_GREY 0xAFAFAFAA #define COLOR_GREEN 0x33AA33AA #define COLOR_YELLOW 0xFFFF00AA #define COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFFAA #define COLOR_WITHE 0xFFFFFFAA #define COLOR_PURPLE 0x9900FFAA #define COLOR_BROWN 0x993300AA #define COLOR_ORANGE 0xFF9933AA #define COLOR_CYAN 0x99FFFFAA #define COLOR_TAN 0xFFFFCCAA #define COLOR_PINK 0xFF66FFAA #define COLOR_KHAKI 0x999900AA #define COLOR_LIME 0x99FF00AA #define COLOR_BLACK 0x000000AA #define COLOR_TURQ 0x00A3C0AA #define COLOR_LIGHTBLUE 0x00BFFFAA #define COLOR_GREENISHGOLD 0xCCFFDD56 #define COLOR_LIGHTBLUEGREEN 0x0FFDD349 #define COLOR_NEUTRALBLUE 0xABCDEF01 #define COLOR_LIGHTCYAN 0xAAFFCC33 #define COLOR_LEMON 0xDDDD2357 #define COLOR_AQUA 0x7CFC00AA #define COLOR_WHITEYELLOW 0xFFE87DAA #define COLOR_BLUEAQUA 0x7E60FFAA #define COLOR_GREENYELLOWWHITE 0xCBFF45AA #define COLOR_DARKBLUE 0x15005EAA #define COLOR_RED 0xAA3333AA #define COLOR_ULTRARED 0xFF0606FF #define COLOR_WARNING 0xFB0000FF #define COLOR_VIOLET 0x8F698FFF #define COLOR_LIGHTRED 0xED0321AA #define blue 0x375FFFFF #define red 0xFF0000AA #define green 0x33FF33AA #define yellow 0xFFFF00AA #define grey 0xC0C0C0AA #define blue1 0x2641FEAA #define lightblue 0x33CCFFAA #define orange 0xFF9900AA #define black 0x2C2727AA #define COLOR_GREEN 0x33AA33AA #define COLOR_PINK 0xFF66FFAA #define COLOR_BLACK 0x000000AA #define COLOR_WHITE 0xFFFFFFAA #define COLOR_GREEN1 0x33AA33AA // DCMD #define dcmd(%1,%2,%3) if ((strcmp((%3)[1], #%1, true, (%2)) == 0) && ((((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 0) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, \"\")))||(((%3)[(%2) + 1] == 32) && (dcmd_%1(playerid, (%3)[(%2) + 2]))))) return 1 // Caps #define UpperToLower(%1) for ( new ToLowerChar; ToLowerChar < strlen( %1 ); ToLowerChar ++ ) if ( %1[ ToLowerChar ]> 64 && %1[ ToLowerChar ] < 91 ) %1[ ToLowerChar ] += 32 // Spec #define ADMIN_SPEC_TYPE_NONE 0 #define ADMIN_SPEC_TYPE_PLAYER 1 #define ADMIN_SPEC_TYPE_VEHICLE 2 // Enums enum PlayerData { Registered, LoggedIn, Level, Muted, Caps, Jailed, JailTime, Frozen, FreezeTime, Kills, Deaths, hours, mins, secs, TotalTime, ConnectTime, MuteWarnings, Warnings, Spawned, TimesSpawned, God, GodCar, DoorsLocked, SpamCount, SpamTime, PingCount, PingTime, BotPing, pPing[PING_MAX_EXCEEDS], blip, blipS, pColour, pCar, SpecID, SpecType, bool:AllowedIn, FailLogin, }; new PlayerInfo[MAX_PLAYERS][PlayerData]; enum ServerData { MaxPing, ReadPMs, ReadCmds, MaxAdminLevel, AdminOnlySkins, AdminSkin, AdminSkin2, NameKick, PartNameKick, AntiBot, AntiSpam, AntiSwear, NoCaps, Locked, Password[128], GiveWeap, GiveMoney, ConnectMessages, AdminCmdMsg, AutoLogin, MaxMuteWarnings, DisableChat, MustLogin, MustRegister, }; new ServerInfo[serverData]; new Float:Pos[MAX_PLAYERS][4]; // rcon new Chat[MAX_CHAT_LINES][128]; ///aduty //Timers new PingTimer; new GodTimer; new BlipTimer[MAX_PLAYERS]; new JailTimer[MAX_PLAYERS]; new FreezeTimer[MAX_PLAYERS]; new LockKickTimer[MAX_PLAYERS]; //Duel new CountDown = -1, cdt[MAX_PLAYERS] = -1; new InDuel[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Menus #if defined USE_MENUS new Menu:LMainMenu, Menu:AdminEnable, Menu:AdminDisable, Menu:LVehicles, Menu:twodoor, Menu:fourdoor, Menu:fastcar, Menu:Othercars, Menu:bikes, Menu:boats, Menu:planes, Menu:helicopters, Menu:XWeapons, Menu:XWeaponsBig, Menu:XWeaponsSmall, Menu:XWeaponsMore, Menu:LWeather,Menu:LTime, Menu:LTuneMenu, Menu:PaintMenu, Menu:LCars, Menu:LCars2, Menu:LTele, Menu:LasVenturasMenu, Menu:LosSantosMenu, Menu:SanFierroMenu, Menu:DesertMenu, Menu:FlintMenu, Menu:MountChiliadMenu, Menu:InteriorsMenu; #endif // Forbidden Names & Words new BadNames[100][100], // Whole Names BadNameCount = 0, BadPartNames[100][100], // Part of name BadPartNameCount = 0, ForbiddenWords[100][100], ForbiddenWordCount = 0; // Report new Reports[MAX_REPORTS][128]; // Ping Kick new PingPos; new VehicleNames[212][] = { \"Landstalker\",\"Bravura\",\"Buffalo\",\"Linerunner\",\"Pereniel\",\"Sentinel\",\"Dumper\",\"Firetruck\",\"Trashmaster\",\"Stretch\",\"Manana\",\"Infernus\", \"Voodoo\",\"Pony\",\"Mule\",\"Cheetah\",\"Ambulance\",\"Leviathan\",\"Moonbeam\",\"Esperanto\",\"Taxi\",\"Washington\",\"Bobcat\",\"Mr Whoopee\",\"BF Injection\", \"Hunter\",\"Premier\",\"Enforcer\",\"Securicar\",\"Banshee\",\"Predator\",\"Bus\",\"Rhino\",\"Barracks\",\"Hotknife\",\"Trailer\",\"Previon\",\"Coach\",\"Cabbie\", \"Stallion\",\"Rumpo\",\"RC Bandit\",\"Romero\",\"Packer\",\"Monster\",\"Admiral\",\"Squalo\",\"Seasparrow\",\"Pizzaboy\",\"Tram\",\"Trailer\",\"Turismo\",\"Speeder\", \"Reefer\",\"Tropic\",\"Flatbed\",\"Yankee\",\"Caddy\",\"Solair\",\"Berkley\'s RC Van\",\"Skimmer\",\"PCJ-600\",\"Faggio\",\"Freeway\",\"RC Baron\",\"RC Raider\", \"Glendale\",\"Oceanic\",\"Sanchez\",\"Sparrow\",\"Patriot\",\"Quad\",\"Coastguard\",\"Dinghy\",\"Hermes\",\"Sabre\",\"Rustler\",\"ZR3 50\",\"Walton\",\"Regina\", \"Comet\",\"BMX\",\"Burrito\",\"Camper\",\"Marquis\",\"Baggage\",\"Dozer\",\"Maverick\",\"News Chopper\",\"Rancher\",\"FBI Rancher\",\"Virgo\",\"Greenwood\", \"Jetmax\",\"Hotring\",\"Sandking\",\"Blista Compact\",\"Police Maverick\",\"Boxville\",\"Benson\",\"Mesa\",\"RC Goblin\",\"Hotring Racer A\",\"Hotring Racer B\", \"Bloodring Banger\",\"Rancher\",\"Super GT\",\"Elegant\",\"Journey\",\"Bike\",\"Mountain Bike\",\"Beagle\",\"Cropdust\",\"Stunt\",\"Tanker\",\"RoadTrain\", \"Nebula\",\"Majestic\",\"Buccaneer\",\"Shamal\",\"Hydra\",\"FCR-900\",\"NRG-500\",\"HPV1000\",\"Cement Truck\",\"Tow Truck\",\"Fortune\",\"Cadrona\",\"FBI Truck\", \"Willard\",\"Forklift\",\"Tractor\",\"Combine\",\"Feltzer\",\"Remington\",\"Slamvan\",\"Blade\",\"Freight\",\"Streak\",\"Vortex\",\"Vincent\",\"Bullet\",\"Clover\", \"Sadler\",\"Firetruck\",\"Hustler\",\"Intruder\",\"Primo\",\"Cargobob\",\"Tampa\",\"Sunrise\",\"Merit\",\"Utility\",\"Nevada\",\"Yosemite\",\"Windsor\",\"Monster A\", \"Monster B\",\"Uranus\",\"Jester\",\"Sultan\",\"Stratum\",\"Elegy\",\"Raindance\",\"RC Tiger\",\"Flash\",\"Tahoma\",\"Savanna\",\"Bandito\",\"Freight\",\"Trailer\", \"Kart\",\"Mower\",\"Duneride\",\"Sweeper\",\"Broadway\",\"Tornado\",\"AT-400\",\"DFT-30\",\"Huntley\",\"Stafford\",\"BF-400\",\"Newsvan\",\"Tug\",\"Trailer A\",\"Emperor\", \"Wayfarer\",\"Euros\",\"Hotdog\",\"Club\",\"Trailer B\",\"Trailer C\",\"Andromada\",\"Dodo\",\"RC Cam\",\"Launch\",\"Police Car (LSPD)\",\"Police Car (SFPD)\", \"Police Car (LVPD)\",\"Police Ranger\",\"Picador\",\"S.W.A.T. Van\",\"Alpha\",\"Phoenix\",\"Glendale\",\"Sadler\",\"Luggage Trailer A\",\"Luggage Trailer B\", \"Stair Trailer\",\"Boxville\",\"Farm Plow\",\"Utility Trailer\" }; //============================================================================== public OnFilterScriptInit() { print(\"\\n________________________________________\"); print(\"________________________________________\"); print(\" LAdmin Betöltés... \"); print(\"________________________________________\"); if(!fexist(\"ladmin/\")) { print(\"\\n\\n > WARNING: Folder Missing From Scriptfiles\\n\"); SetTimerEx(\"PrintWarning\",2500,0,\"s\",\"ladmin\"); return 1; } if(!fexist(\"ladmin/logs/\")) { print(\"\\n\\n > WARNING: Folder Missing From Scriptfiles\\n\"); SetTimerEx(\"PrintWarning\",2500,0,\"s\",\"ladmin/logs\"); return 1; } if(!fexist(\"ladmin/config/\")) { print(\"\\n\\n > WARNING: Folder Missing From Scriptfiles\\n\"); SetTimerEx(\"PrintWarning\",2500,0,\"s\",\"ladmin/config\"); return 1; } if(!fexist(\"ladmin/users/\")) { print(\"\\n\\n > WARNING: Folder Missing From Scriptfiles\\n\"); SetTimerEx(\"PrintWarning\",2500,0,\"s\",\"ladmin/users\"); return 1; } UpdateConfig(); #if defined DISPLAY_CONFIG ConfigInConsole(); #endif //===================== [ The Menus ]===========================// #if defined USE_MENUS LMainMenu = CreateMenu(\"F§ Men¬\", 2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(LMainMenu, 0, \"V˜lassz egy opci¦t!\"); AddMenuItem(LMainMenu, 0, \"Aktiv˜l\"); AddMenuItem(LMainMenu, 0, \"Deaktiv˜l\"); AddMenuItem(LMainMenu, 0, \"Id§j˜r˜s\"); AddMenuItem(LMainMenu, 0, \"Szerver id§\"); AddMenuItem(LMainMenu, 0, \"Minden j˜rm«\"); AddMenuItem(LMainMenu, 0, \"Admin j˜rm«vek\"); AddMenuItem(LMainMenu, 0, \"Tuning Men¬\"); AddMenuItem(LMainMenu, 0, \"Fegyverek\"); AddMenuItem(LMainMenu, 0, \"Teleportok\"); AddMenuItem(LMainMenu, 0, \"Kil¾p\");// AdminEnable = CreateMenu(\"~b~Konfigur˜ci¦ós ~g~ Men¬\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 150.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(AdminEnable, 0, \"Aktiv˜l\"); AddMenuItem(AdminEnable, 0, \"Anti k˜romkod˜s\"); AddMenuItem(AdminEnable, 0, \"Rossz n¾v kick\"); AddMenuItem(AdminEnable, 0, \"Anti Spam\"); AddMenuItem(AdminEnable, 0, \"Ping Kick\"); AddMenuItem(AdminEnable, 0, \"L˜tsz¦ parancsok\"); AddMenuItem(AdminEnable, 0, \"L˜tsz¦ PMek\"); AddMenuItem(AdminEnable, 0, \"Capital Letters\"); AddMenuItem(AdminEnable, 0, \"Kapcsol¦d˜si ¬zenetek\"); AddMenuItem(AdminEnable, 0, \"Admin Parancs ¬zenetek\"); AddMenuItem(AdminEnable, 0, \"Auto Login\"); AddMenuItem(AdminEnable, 0, \"Vissza\"); AdminDisable = CreateMenu(\"~b~Konfigur˜ci¦ós ~g~ Men¬\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 150.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(AdminDisable, 0, \"Deaktiv˜l\"); AddMenuItem(AdminDisable, 0, \"Anti k˜romkod˜s\"); AddMenuItem(AdminDisable, 0, \"Rossz n¾v kick\"); AddMenuItem(AdminDisable, 0, \"Anti Spam\"); AddMenuItem(AdminDisable, 0, \"Ping Kick\"); AddMenuItem(AdminDisable, 0, \"L˜tsz¦ parancsok\"); AddMenuItem(AdminDisable, 0, \"L˜tsz¦ PMek\"); AddMenuItem(AdminDisable, 0, \"Capital Letters\"); AddMenuItem(AdminDisable, 0, \"Kapcsol¦d˜si ¬zenetek\"); AddMenuItem(AdminDisable, 0, \"Admin Parancs ¬zenetek\"); AddMenuItem(AdminDisable, 0, \"Auto bejelentkez¾s\"); AddMenuItem(AdminDisable, 0, \"Vissza\"); LWeather = CreateMenu(\"~b~Id§j˜r˜s ~g~ Men¬\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(LWeather, 0, \"Id§j˜r˜s be˜ll¢t˜sa\"); AddMenuItem(LWeather, 0, \"Tiszta k¾k ¾g\"); AddMenuItem(LWeather, 0, \"Homokvihar\"); AddMenuItem(LWeather, 0, \"Vihar\"); AddMenuItem(LWeather, 0, \"K¨d¨s\"); AddMenuItem(LWeather, 0, \"Felh§s\"); AddMenuItem(LWeather, 0, \"Es§\"); AddMenuItem(LWeather, 0, \"Sz¬rke ¾g\"); AddMenuItem(LWeather, 0, \"Fekete/feh¾r ¾g\"); AddMenuItem(LWeather, 0, \"Z¨ld ¾g\"); AddMenuItem(LWeather, 0, \"Forr¦s˜g\"); AddMenuItem(LWeather, 0 ,\"Vissza\"); LTime = CreateMenu(\"~b~Id§ ~g~ Menu\", 2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(LTime, 0, \"Szerver id§\"); AddMenuItem(LTime, 0, \"Reggel\"); AddMenuItem(LTime, 0, \"D¾l id§\"); AddMenuItem(LTime, 0, \"D¾lut˜n\"); AddMenuItem(LTime, 0, \"Este\"); AddMenuItem(LTime, 0, \"¾jszaka\"); AddMenuItem(LTime, 0, \"Vissza\"); LCars = CreateMenu(\"~b~Admin ~g~Aut¦k\", 2, 55.0, 150.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(LCars, 0, \"V˜lassz kocsit!\"); AddMenuItem(LCars, 0, \"Turismo\"); AddMenuItem(LCars, 0, \"Bandito\"); AddMenuItem(LCars, 0, \"Vortex\"); AddMenuItem(LCars, 0, \"NRG\"); AddMenuItem(LCars, 0, \"S.W.A.T\"); AddMenuItem(LCars, 0, \"Hunter\"); AddMenuItem(LCars, 0, \"Jetmax (cs¦nak)\"); AddMenuItem(LCars, 0, \"Rhino\"); AddMenuItem(LCars, 0, \"Monster Truck\"); AddMenuItem(LCars, 0, \"Sea Sparrow\"); AddMenuItem(LCars, 0, \"Tov˜bb\"); AddMenuItem(LCars, 0, \"Vissza\"); LCars2 = CreateMenu(\"~b~Admin ~g~Aut¦k\", 2, 55.0, 150.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(LCars2, 0, \"V˜lassz kocsit!\"); AddMenuItem(LCars2, 0, \"Dumper\"); AddMenuItem(LCars2, 0, \"RC Tank\"); AddMenuItem(LCars2, 0, \"RC Bandit\"); AddMenuItem(LCars2, 0, \"RC Baron\"); AddMenuItem(LCars2, 0, \"RC Goblin\"); AddMenuItem(LCars2, 0, \"RC Raider\"); AddMenuItem(LCars2, 0, \"RC Cam\"); AddMenuItem(LCars2, 0, \"Tram\"); AddMenuItem(LCars2, 0, \"Vissza\"); LTuneMenu = CreateMenu(\"~b~Tuning ~g~ Men¬\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(LTuneMenu, 0, \"V˜lassz!\"); AddMenuItem(LTuneMenu,0,\"Nitro\"); AddMenuItem(LTuneMenu,0,\"Hidraulika\"); AddMenuItem(LTuneMenu,0,\"Wire Ker¾k\"); AddMenuItem(LTuneMenu,0,\"Twist Ker¾k\"); AddMenuItem(LTuneMenu,0,\"Access Ker¾k\"); AddMenuItem(LTuneMenu,0,\"Mega Ker¾k\"); AddMenuItem(LTuneMenu,0,\"Import Ker¾k\"); AddMenuItem(LTuneMenu,0,\"Atomic Ker¾k\"); AddMenuItem(LTuneMenu,0,\"Offroad Ker¾k\"); AddMenuItem(LTuneMenu,0,\"Classic Ker¾k\"); AddMenuItem(LTuneMenu,0,\"Fest§munk˜k\"); AddMenuItem(LTuneMenu,0,\"Vissza\"); PaintMenu = CreateMenu(\"~b~Fest§munka ~g~ Men¬\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(PaintMenu, 0, \"V˜lassz!\"); AddMenuItem(PaintMenu,0,\"Fest§munka 1\"); AddMenuItem(PaintMenu,0,\"Fest§munka 2\"); AddMenuItem(PaintMenu,0,\"Fest§munka 3\"); AddMenuItem(PaintMenu,0,\"Fest§munka 4\"); AddMenuItem(PaintMenu,0,\"Fest§munka 5\"); AddMenuItem(PaintMenu,0,\"Fekete\"); AddMenuItem(PaintMenu,0,\"Feh¾r\"); AddMenuItem(PaintMenu,0,\"K¾k\"); AddMenuItem(PaintMenu,0,\"Pink\"); AddMenuItem(PaintMenu,0,\"Vissza\"); LVehicles = CreateMenu(\"~b~J˜rm« ~g~ Men¬\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(LVehicles, 0, \"V˜lassz!\"); AddMenuItem(LVehicles,0,\"2-ajt¦s kocsik\"); AddMenuItem(LVehicles,0,\"4-ajt¦s kocsik\"); AddMenuItem(LVehicles,0,\"Gyors kocsik\"); AddMenuItem(LVehicles,0,\"Egy¾b kocsik\"); AddMenuItem(LVehicles,0,\"Motorok\"); AddMenuItem(LVehicles,0,\"Cs¦nakok\"); AddMenuItem(LVehicles,0,\"Rep¬l§k\"); AddMenuItem(LVehicles,0,\"Helikopterek\"); AddMenuItem(LVehicles,0,\"Vissza\"); twodoor = CreateMenu(\"~b~2-ajt¦s kocsik\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(twodoor, 0, \"V˜lassz kocsit!\"); AddMenuItem(twodoor,0,\"Feltzer\");//533 AddMenuItem(twodoor,0,\"Stallion\");//139 AddMenuItem(twodoor,0,\"Windsor\");//555 AddMenuItem(twodoor,0,\"Bobcat\");//422 AddMenuItem(twodoor,0,\"Yosemite\");//554 AddMenuItem(twodoor,0,\"Broadway\");//575 AddMenuItem(twodoor,0,\"Blade\");//536 AddMenuItem(twodoor,0,\"Slamvan\");//535 AddMenuItem(twodoor,0,\"Tornado\");//576 AddMenuItem(twodoor,0,\"Bravura\");//401 AddMenuItem(twodoor,0,\"Fortune\");//526 AddMenuItem(twodoor,0,\"Vissza\"); fourdoor = CreateMenu(\"~b~4-ajt¦s kocsik\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(fourdoor, 0, \"V˜lassz kocsit!\"); AddMenuItem(fourdoor,0,\"Perenniel\");//404 AddMenuItem(fourdoor,0,\"Tahoma\");//566 AddMenuItem(fourdoor,0,\"Voodoo\");//412 AddMenuItem(fourdoor,0,\"Admiral\");//445 AddMenuItem(fourdoor,0,\"Elegant\");//507 AddMenuItem(fourdoor,0,\"Glendale\");//466 AddMenuItem(fourdoor,0,\"Intruder\");//546 AddMenuItem(fourdoor,0,\"Merit\");//551 AddMenuItem(fourdoor,0,\"Oceanic\");//467 AddMenuItem(fourdoor,0,\"Premier\");//426 AddMenuItem(fourdoor,0,\"Sentinel\");//405 AddMenuItem(fourdoor,0,\"Vissza\"); fastcar = CreateMenu(\"~b~Gyors kocsik\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(fastcar, 0, \"V˜lassz kocsit!\"); AddMenuItem(fastcar,0,\"Comet\");//480 AddMenuItem(fastcar,0,\"Buffalo\");//402 AddMenuItem(fastcar,0,\"Cheetah\");//415 AddMenuItem(fastcar,0,\"Euros\");//587 AddMenuItem(fastcar,0,\"Hotring Racer\");//494 AddMenuItem(fastcar,0,\"Infernus\");//411 AddMenuItem(fastcar,0,\"Phoenix\");//603 AddMenuItem(fastcar,0,\"Super GT\");//506 AddMenuItem(fastcar,0,\"Turismo\");//451 AddMenuItem(fastcar,0,\"ZR-350\");//477 AddMenuItem(fastcar,0,\"Bullet\");//541 AddMenuItem(fastcar,0,\"Vissza\"); Othercars = CreateMenu(\"~b~Egy¾b kocsik\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(Othercars, 0, \"V˜lassz kocsit!\"); AddMenuItem(Othercars,0,\"Monster Truck\");//556 AddMenuItem(Othercars,0,\"Trashmaster\");//408 AddMenuItem(Othercars,0,\"Bus\");//431 AddMenuItem(Othercars,0,\"Coach\");//437 AddMenuItem(Othercars,0,\"Enforcer\");//427 AddMenuItem(Othercars,0,\"Rhino (Tank)\");//432 AddMenuItem(Othercars,0,\"S.W.A.T.Truck\");//601 AddMenuItem(Othercars,0,\"Cement Truck\");//524 AddMenuItem(Othercars,0,\"Flatbed\");//455 AddMenuItem(Othercars,0,\"BF Injection\");//424 AddMenuItem(Othercars,0,\"Dune\");//573 AddMenuItem(Othercars,0,\"Vissza\"); bikes = CreateMenu(\"~b~Motorok\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(bikes, 0, \"V˜lassz motort!\"); AddMenuItem(bikes,0,\"BF-400\"); AddMenuItem(bikes,0,\"BMX\"); AddMenuItem(bikes,0,\"Faggio\"); AddMenuItem(bikes,0,\"FCR-900\"); AddMenuItem(bikes,0,\"Freeway\"); AddMenuItem(bikes,0,\"NRG-500\"); AddMenuItem(bikes,0,\"PCJ-600\"); AddMenuItem(bikes,0,\"Pizzaboy\"); AddMenuItem(bikes,0,\"Quad\"); AddMenuItem(bikes,0,\"Sanchez\"); AddMenuItem(bikes,0,\"Wayfarer\"); AddMenuItem(bikes,0,\"Vissza\"); boats = CreateMenu(\"~b~Cs¦nakok\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(boats, 0, \"V˜lassz cs¦nakot!\"); AddMenuItem(boats,0,\"Coastguard\");//472 AddMenuItem(boats,0,\"Dingy\");//473 AddMenuItem(boats,0,\"Jetmax\");//493 AddMenuItem(boats,0,\"Launch\");//595 AddMenuItem(boats,0,\"Marquis\");//484 AddMenuItem(boats,0,\"Predator\");//430 AddMenuItem(boats,0,\"Reefer\");//453 AddMenuItem(boats,0,\"Speeder\");//452 AddMenuItem(boats,0,\"Squallo\");//446 AddMenuItem(boats,0,\"Tropic\");//454 AddMenuItem(boats,0,\"Vissza\"); planes = CreateMenu(\"~b~Rep¬l§k\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(planes, 0, \"V˜lassz rep¬l§t!\"); AddMenuItem(planes,0,\"Andromada\");//592 AddMenuItem(planes,0,\"AT400\");//577 AddMenuItem(planes,0,\"Beagle\");//511 AddMenuItem(planes,0,\"Cropduster\");//512 AddMenuItem(planes,0,\"Dodo\");//593 AddMenuItem(planes,0,\"Hydra\");//520 AddMenuItem(planes,0,\"Nevada\");//553 AddMenuItem(planes,0,\"Rustler\");//476 AddMenuItem(planes,0,\"Shamal\");//519 AddMenuItem(planes,0,\"Skimmer\");//460 AddMenuItem(planes,0,\"Stuntplane\");//513 AddMenuItem(planes,0,\"Vissza\"); helicopters = CreateMenu(\"~b~Helikopterek\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(helicopters, 0, \"V˜lassz helikoptert!\"); AddMenuItem(helicopters,0,\"Cargobob\");// AddMenuItem(helicopters,0,\"Hunter\");// AddMenuItem(helicopters,0,\"Leviathan\");// AddMenuItem(helicopters,0,\"Maverick\");// AddMenuItem(helicopters,0,\"News Chopper\");// AddMenuItem(helicopters,0,\"Police Maverick\");// AddMenuItem(helicopters,0,\"Raindance\");// AddMenuItem(helicopters,0,\"Seasparrow\");// AddMenuItem(helicopters,0,\"Sparrow\");// AddMenuItem(helicopters,0,\"Vissza\"); XWeapons = CreateMenu(\"~b~Fegyverek ~g~F§men¬\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(XWeapons, 0, \"V˜lassz fegyvert!\"); AddMenuItem(XWeapons,0,\"Desert Eagle\");//0 AddMenuItem(XWeapons,0,\"M4\"); AddMenuItem(XWeapons,0,\"Sawnoff Shotgun\"); AddMenuItem(XWeapons,0,\"Combat Shotgun\"); AddMenuItem(XWeapons,0,\"UZI\"); AddMenuItem(XWeapons,0,\"Rocket Launcher\"); AddMenuItem(XWeapons,0,\"Minigun\");//6 AddMenuItem(XWeapons,0,\"Sniper Rifle\"); AddMenuItem(XWeapons,0,\"Nagy fegyverek\"); AddMenuItem(XWeapons,0,\"Kis fegyverek\");//9 AddMenuItem(XWeapons,0,\"Tov˜bb\"); AddMenuItem(XWeapons,0,\"Vissza\");//11 XWeaponsBig = CreateMenu(\"~b~Fegyverek ~g~Nagy fegyverek\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(XWeaponsBig, 0, \"V˜lassz fegyvert!\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsBig,0,\"Shotgun\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsBig,0,\"AK-47\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsBig,0,\"Country Rifle\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsBig,0,\"HS Rocket Launcher\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsBig,0,\"Flamethrower\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsBig,0,\"SMG\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsBig,0,\"TEC9\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsBig,0,\"Vissza\"); XWeaponsSmall = CreateMenu(\"~b~Fegyverek ~g~Kis fegyverek\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(XWeaponsBig, 0, \"V˜lassz fegyvert!\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsSmall,0,\"9mm\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsSmall,0,\"Silenced 9mm\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsSmall,0,\"Molotov Cocktail\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsSmall,0,\"Fire Extinguisher\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsSmall,0,\"Spraycan\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsSmall,0,\"Frag Grenades\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsSmall,0,\"Katana\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsSmall,0,\"Chainsaw\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsSmall,0,\"Vissza\"); XWeaponsMore = CreateMenu(\"~b~Fegyverek ~g~Egy¾b fegyverek\",2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(XWeaponsBig, 0, \"V˜lassz fegyvert!\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsMore,0,\"Jetpack\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsMore,0,\"Knife\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsMore,0,\"Flowers\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsMore,0,\"Kamera\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsMore,0,\"Pool Cue\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsMore,0,\"Baseball Bat\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsMore,0,\"Golf Club\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsMore,0,\"MAX T¨lt¾ny\"); AddMenuItem(XWeaponsMore,0,\"Vissza\"); LTele = CreateMenu(\"Teleportok\", 2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(LTele, 0, \"Hova menn¾l?\"); AddMenuItem(LTele, 0, \"Las Venturas\");//0 AddMenuItem(LTele, 0, \"Los Santos\");//1 AddMenuItem(LTele, 0, \"San Fierro\");//2 AddMenuItem(LTele, 0, \"The Desert\");//3 AddMenuItem(LTele, 0, \"Flint Country\");//4 AddMenuItem(LTele, 0, \"Mount Chiliad\");//5 AddMenuItem(LTele, 0, \"Interiorok\");//6 AddMenuItem(LTele, 0, \"Vissza\");//8 LasVenturasMenu = CreateMenu(\"Las Venturas\", 2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(LasVenturasMenu, 0, \"Hova menn¾l?\"); AddMenuItem(LasVenturasMenu, 0, \"The Strip\");//0 AddMenuItem(LasVenturasMenu, 0, \"Come-A-Lot\");//1 AddMenuItem(LasVenturasMenu, 0, \"LV Airport\");//2 AddMenuItem(LasVenturasMenu, 0, \"KACC Military Fuels\");//3 AddMenuItem(LasVenturasMenu, 0, \"Yellow Bell Golf Club\");//4 AddMenuItem(LasVenturasMenu, 0, \"Baseball Stadion\");//5 AddMenuItem(LasVenturasMenu, 0, \"Vissza\");//6 LosSantosMenu = CreateMenu(\"Los Santos\", 2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(LosSantosMenu, 0, \"Hova menn¾l?\"); AddMenuItem(LosSantosMenu, 0, \"Ganton\");//0 AddMenuItem(LosSantosMenu, 0, \"LS Airport\");//1 AddMenuItem(LosSantosMenu, 0, \"Ocean Docks\");//2 AddMenuItem(LosSantosMenu, 0, \"Pershing Square\");//3 AddMenuItem(LosSantosMenu, 0, \"Verdant Bluffs\");//4 AddMenuItem(LosSantosMenu, 0, \"Santa Maria Beach\");//5 AddMenuItem(LosSantosMenu, 0, \"Mulholland\");//6 AddMenuItem(LosSantosMenu, 0, \"Richman\");//7 AddMenuItem(LosSantosMenu, 0, \"Vissza\");//8 SanFierroMenu = CreateMenu(\"San Fierro\", 2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(SanFierroMenu, 0, \"Hova menn¾l?\"); AddMenuItem(SanFierroMenu, 0, \"SF Station\");//0 AddMenuItem(SanFierroMenu, 0, \"SF Airport\");//1 AddMenuItem(SanFierroMenu, 0, \"Ocean Flats\");//2 AddMenuItem(SanFierroMenu, 0, \"Avispa Country Club\");//3 AddMenuItem(SanFierroMenu, 0, \"Easter Basin (dokkok)\");//4 AddMenuItem(SanFierroMenu, 0, \"Esplanade North\");//5 AddMenuItem(SanFierroMenu, 0, \"Battery Point\");//6 AddMenuItem(SanFierroMenu, 0, \"Vissza\");//7 DesertMenu = CreateMenu(\"The Desert\", 2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(DesertMenu, 0, \"Hova menn¾l?\"); AddMenuItem(DesertMenu, 0, \"Aircraft Graveyard\");//0 AddMenuItem(DesertMenu, 0, \"Area 51\");//1 AddMenuItem(DesertMenu, 0, \"The Big Ear\");//2 AddMenuItem(DesertMenu, 0, \"The Sherman Dam\");//3 AddMenuItem(DesertMenu, 0, \"Las Barrancas\");//4 AddMenuItem(DesertMenu, 0, \"El Quebrados\");//5 AddMenuItem(DesertMenu, 0, \"Octane Springs\");//6 AddMenuItem(DesertMenu, 0, \"Vissza\");//7 FlintMenu = CreateMenu(\"Flint Country\", 2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(FlintMenu, 0, \"Hova menn¾l?\"); AddMenuItem(FlintMenu, 0, \"The Lake\");//0 AddMenuItem(FlintMenu, 0, \"Leafy Hollow\");//1 AddMenuItem(FlintMenu, 0, \"The Farm\");//2 AddMenuItem(FlintMenu, 0, \"Shady Cabin\");//3 AddMenuItem(FlintMenu, 0, \"Flint Range\");//4 AddMenuItem(FlintMenu, 0, \"Becon Hill\");//5 AddMenuItem(FlintMenu, 0, \"Fallen Tree\");//6 AddMenuItem(FlintMenu, 0, \"Vissza\");//7 MountChiliadMenu = CreateMenu(\"Mount Chiliad\", 2, 55.0, 200.0, 100.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(MountChiliadMenu, 0, \"Hova menn¾l?\"); AddMenuItem(MountChiliadMenu, 0, \"Chiliad Jump\");//0 AddMenuItem(MountChiliadMenu, 0, \"Bottom Of Chiliad\");//1 AddMenuItem(MountChiliadMenu, 0, \"Legmagasabb pont\");//2 AddMenuItem(MountChiliadMenu, 0, \"Chiliad Path\");//3 AddMenuItem(MountChiliadMenu, 0, \"Vissza\");//7 InteriorsMenu = CreateMenu(\"Interiorok\", 2, 55.0, 200.0, 130.0, 80.0); SetMenuColumnHeader(InteriorsMenu, 0, \"Hova menn¾l?\"); AddMenuItem(InteriorsMenu, 0, \"Planning Department\");//0 AddMenuItem(InteriorsMenu, 0, \"LV PD\");//1 AddMenuItem(InteriorsMenu, 0, \"Pizza Stack\");//2 AddMenuItem(InteriorsMenu, 0, \"RC Battlefield\");//3 AddMenuItem(InteriorsMenu, 0, \"Caligula\'s Casino\");//4 AddMenuItem(InteriorsMenu, 0, \"Big Smoke\'s Crack Palace\");//5 AddMenuItem(InteriorsMenu, 0, \"Madd Dogg\'s Mansion\");//6 AddMenuItem(InteriorsMenu, 0, \"Dirtbike Stadium\");//7 AddMenuItem(InteriorsMenu, 0, \"Vice Stadium (duel)\");//8 AddMenuItem(InteriorsMenu, 0, \"Ammu-nation\");//9 AddMenuItem(InteriorsMenu, 0, \"Atrium\");//7 AddMenuItem(InteriorsMenu, 0, \"Vissza\");//8 #endif for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i)) OnPlayerConnect(i); for(new i = 1; i < MAX_CHAT_LINES; i++) Chat = \"\"; for(new i = 1; i < MAX_REPORTS; i++) Reports = \"\"; PingTimer = SetTimer(\"PingKick\",5000,1); GodTimer = SetTimer(\"GodUpdate\",2000,1); new year,month,day; getdate(year, month, day); new hour,minute,second; gettime(hour,minute,second); print(\"________________________________________\"); print(\" LAdmin Verzió 4.2 \"); print(\" Betöltve \"); print(\"________________________________________\"); printf(\" Dátum: %d/%d/%d Idõ: %d:%d :%d \",day,month,year, hour, minute, second); print(\"________________________________________\"); print(\"________________________________________\\n\"); return 1; } //============================================================================== public OnFilterScriptExit() { KillTimer(PingTimer); KillTimer(GodTimer); #if defined USE_MENUS DestroyAllMenus(); #endif new year,month,day; getdate(year, month, day); new hour,minute,second; gettime(hour,minute,second); print(\"\\n________________________________________\"); print(\"________________________________________\"); print(\" LAdmin Deaktiválva \"); print(\"________________________________________\"); printf(\" Dátum: %d/%d/%d Idõ: %d:%d :%d \",day,month,year, hour, minute, second); print(\"________________________________________\"); print(\"________________________________________\\n\"); return 1; } //============================================================================== public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { PlayerInfo[playerid][Deaths] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][Kills] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][Jailed] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][Frozen] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][God] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][GodCar] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][TimesSpawned] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][Muted] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][Warnings] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][Caps] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][DoorsLocked] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][pCar] = -1; for(new i; i PlayerInfo[playerid][spamCount] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][spamTime] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][PingCount] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][PingTime] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][FailLogin] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][ConnectTime] = gettime(); //------------------------------------------------------ new PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], string[128], str[128], file[256]; GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); new tmp3[50]; GetPlayerIp(playerid,tmp3,50); //----------------------------------------------------- if(ServerInfo[ConnectMessages] == 1) { new pAKA[256]; pAKA = dini_Get(\"ladmin/config/aka.txt\",tmp3); if (strlen(pAKA) < 3) format(str,sizeof(str),\"*** %s (%d) csatlakozott a szerverhez\", PlayerName, playerid); else if (!strcmp(pAKA,PlayerName,true)) format(str,sizeof(str),\"*** %s (%d) csatlakozott a szerverhez\", PlayerName, playerid); else format(str,sizeof(str),\"*** %s (%d) csatlakozott a szerverhez (Aka: %s)\", PlayerName, playerid, pAKA ); for(new i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) if(IsPlayerConnected(i) && playerid != i) { if(PlayerInfo[Level] > 2) SendClientMessage(i,grey,str); else { format(string,sizeof(string),\"*** %s (%d) csatlakozott a szerverhez\", PlayerName, playerid); SendClientMessage(i,grey,string); } } } //----------------------------------------------------- if (dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"banned\") == 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Ez a név bannolva van a szerverrõl!\"); format(string,sizeof(string),\"%s ID:%d Kirúgva. Indok: A neve bannolva van a szerverrõl!\",PlayerName,playerid); SendClientMessageToAll(grey, string); print(string); SaveToFile(\"KickLog\",string); Kick(playerid); } //----------------------------------------------------- if(ServerInfo[NameKick] == 1) { for(new s = 0; s < BadNameCount; s++) { if(!strcmp(BadNames,PlayerName,true)) { SendClientMessage(playerid,red, \"A neved feketelistán van, ezért kirúgtak!\"); format(string,sizeof(string),\"%s ID:%d kirúgva. (Indok: Tiltott név)\",PlayerName,playerid); SendClientMessageToAll(grey, string); print(string); SaveToFile(\"KickLog\",string); Kick(playerid); return 1; } } } //----------------------------------------------------- if(ServerInfo[PartNameKick] == 1) { for(new s = 0; s < BadPartNameCount; s++) { new pos; while((pos = strfind(PlayerName,BadPartNames,true)) != -1) for(new i = pos, j = pos + strlen(BadPartNames); i < j; i++) { SendClientMessage(playerid,red, \"A neved nincs engedélyezve a szerveren, ezért kirúgtak\"); format(string,sizeof(string),\"%s ID:%d kirúgva. (Indok: Tíltott név)\",PlayerName,playerid); SendClientMessageToAll(grey, string); print(string); SaveToFile(\"KickLog\",string); Kick(playerid); return 1; } } } //----------------------------------------------------- if(ServerInfo[Locked] == 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][AllowedIn] = false; SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"A szerver zárva! Van 20 másodperced hogy beírd a jelszót, különben kirúgnak!\"); SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"Használd: /password [jelszó]\"); LockKickTimer[playerid] = SetTimerEx(\"AutoKick\", 20000, 0, \"i\", playerid); } //----------------------------------------------------- if(strlen(dini_Get(\"ladmin/config/aka.txt\", tmp3)) == 0) dini_Set(\"ladmin/config/aka.txt\", tmp3, PlayerName); else { if( strfind( dini_Get(\"ladmin/config/aka.txt\", tmp3), PlayerName, true) == -1 ) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"%s,%s\", dini_Get(\"ladmin/config/aka.txt\",tmp3), PlayerName); dini_Set(\"ladmin/config/aka.txt\", tmp3, string); } } //----------------------------------------------------- if(!udb_Exists(PlayerName2(playerid))) { new lstring[256]; format(lstring,256,\"Üdv %s!\\nEz a név még nincs regisztrálva!\\n\\nÍrj be egy jelszót a felhasználó létrehozásához:\",pName(playerid)); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,REGISZTRALO,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,\"Regisztráció\",lstring,\"Regisztrál\",\"Kilép\"); } else { PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] = 1; format(file,sizeof(file),\"/ladmin/users/%s.sav\",udb_encode(PlayerName)); new tmp2[256]; tmp2 = dini_Get(file,\"ip\"); if( (!strcmp(tmp3,tmp2,true)) && (ServerInfo[AutoLogin] == 1) ) { LoginPlayer(playerid); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] > 0) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"FELHASZNÁLÓ: Autómatikusan bejelentkeztél! (Admin Szint: %d)\", PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] ); SendClientMessage(playerid,green,string); } else SendClientMessage(playerid,green,\"FELHASZNÁLÓ: Autómatikusan belelentkeztél, Jó játékot!\"); } else { new lstring[256]; format(lstring,256,\"Üdv %s! Játék elõtt kérlek jelentkezz be:\",pName(playerid)); ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BEJELENTKEZO,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,\"Bejelentkezés\",lstring,\"Belépés\",\"Kilépés\"); } } return 1; } //============================================================================== forward AutoKick(playerid); public AutoKick(playerid) { if( IsPlayerConnected(playerid) && ServerInfo[Locked] == 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][AllowedIn] == false) { new string[128]; SendClientMessage(playerid,grey,\"Automatikusan kirúgott a szerver. (Indok: Szerver Zárva)\"); format(string,sizeof(string),\"%s ID:%d Autómatikusan kirúgva. Indok: Szerver Zárva\",PlayerName2(playerid),playerid); SaveToFile(\"KickLog\",string); Kick(playerid); SendClientMessageToAll(grey, string); print(string); } return 1; } //============================================================================== public OnPlayerDisconnect(playerid, reason) { new PlayerName[MAX_PLAYER_NAME], str[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid, PlayerName, sizeof(PlayerName)); if(ServerInfo[ConnectMessages] == 1) { switch (reason) { case 0: format(str, sizeof(str), \"*** %s (%d) Kilépett a szerverrõl (Idõtullépés)\", PlayerName, playerid); case 1: format(str, sizeof(str), \"*** %s (%d) Kilépett a szerverrõl (Kilépés)\", PlayerName, playerid); case 2: format(str, sizeof(str), \"*** %s (%d) Kilépett a szerverrõl (Kirúgva/Bannolva)\", PlayerName, playerid); } SendClientMessageToAll(grey, str); } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 1) SavePlayer(playerid); if(udb_Exists(PlayerName2(playerid))) dUserSetINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"loggedin\",0); PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][Jailed] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][Frozen] = 0; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Jailed] == 1) KillTimer( JailTimer[playerid] ); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Frozen] == 1) KillTimer( FreezeTimer[playerid] ); if(ServerInfo[Locked] == 1) KillTimer( LockKickTimer[playerid] ); if(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCar] != -1) CarDeleter(PlayerInfo[playerid][pCar]); #if defined ENABLE_SPEC for(new x=0; x if(GetPlayerState(x) == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING && PlayerInfo AdvanceSpectate(x); #endif return 1; } forward DelayKillPlayer(playerid); public DelayKillPlayer(playerid) { SetPlayerHealth(playerid,0.0); ForceClassSelection(playerid); } //============================================================================== public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { if(ServerInfo[Locked] == 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][AllowedIn] == false) { GameTextForPlayer(playerid,\"~r~Szerver lez˜rva!~n~ Írd be a jelsz¦t amint spawnolt˜l!~n~ /password \",4000,3); SetTimerEx(\"DelayKillPlayer\", 2500,0,\"d\",playerid); return 1; } if(ServerInfo[MustLogin] == 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] == 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 0) { GameTextForPlayer(playerid,\"~r~Kerlek Jelentkezz be a spawn el¨tt!\",4000,3); SetTimerEx(\"DelayKillPlayer\", 2500,0,\"d\",playerid); return 1; } if(ServerInfo[MustRegister] == 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][Registered] == 0) { GameTextForPlayer(playerid,\"~r~Regisztr˜lj be spawn el¨tt!\",4000,3); SetTimerEx(\"DelayKillPlayer\", 2500,0,\"d\",playerid); return 1; } PlayerInfo[playerid][spawned] = 1; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Frozen] == 1) { TogglePlayerControllable(playerid,false); return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"Mivel elmenekültél a büntetésed elõl, ezért még midig le vagy fagyasztva!\"); } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Jailed] == 1) { SetTimerEx(\"JailPlayer\",3000,0,\"d\",playerid); return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"Mivel elmenekültél a büntetésed elõl, ezért még midig börtönben vagy!\"); } if(ServerInfo[AdminOnlySkins] == 1) { if( (GetPlayerSkin(playerid) == ServerInfo[AdminSkin]) || (GetPlayerSkin(playerid) == ServerInfo[AdminSkin2]) ) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 1) GameTextForPlayer(playerid,\"~b~Üdvözöllek Admin!\",3000,1); else { GameTextForPlayer(playerid,\"r~Ezt a skint csak~n~Adminok~n~haszn˜lhatj˜k!\",4000,1); SetTimerEx(\"DelayKillPlayer\", 2500,0,\"d\",playerid); return 1; } } } if((dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"UseSkin\")) == 1) if((PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 1) && (PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 1)) SetPlayerSkin(playerid,(dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"FavSkin\")) ); if(ServerInfo[GiveWeap] == 1) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][LoggedIn] == 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][TimesSpawned]++; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][TimesSpawned] == 1) { GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"weap1\"), dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"weap1ammo\") ); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"weap2\"), dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"weap2ammo\") ); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"weap3\"), dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"weap3ammo\") ); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"weap4\"), dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"weap4ammo\") ); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"weap5\"), dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"weap5ammo\") ); GivePlayerWeapon(playerid, dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"weap6\"), dUserINT(PlayerName2(playerid)).(\"weap6ammo\") ); } } } return 1; } //============================================================================== public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { #if defined USE_STATS PlayerInfo[playerid][Deaths]++; #endif InDuel[playerid] = 0; if(IsPlayerConnected(killerid) && killerid != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { #if defined USE_STATS PlayerInfo[killerid][Kills]++; #endif if(InDuel[playerid] == 1 && InDuel[killerid] == 1) { GameTextForPlayer(playerid,\"Vesztettel !\",3000,3); GameTextForPlayer(killerid,\"Nyertel !\",3000,3); InDuel[killerid] = 0; SetPlayerPos(killerid, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); SpawnPlayer(killerid); } else if(InDuel[playerid] == 1 && InDuel[killerid] == 0) { GameTextForPlayer(playerid,\"Vesztettel !\",3000,3); } } #if defined ENABLE_SPEC for(new x=0; x if(GetPlayerState(x) == PLAYER_STATE_SPECTATING && PlayerInfo AdvanceSpectate(x); #endif return 1; } //============================================================================== public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { if(text[0] == \'#\' && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 1) { new string[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid,string,sizeof(string)); format(string,sizeof(string),\"Admin Chat: %s: %s\",string,text[1]); MessageToAdmins(green,string); return 0; } if(ServerInfo[DisableChat] == 1) { SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"A Chat sajnos le van tiltva. Keress fel egy Admint!\"); return 0; } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Muted] == 1) { PlayerInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings]++; new string[128]; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings] < ServerInfo[MaxMuteWarnings]) { format(string, sizeof(string),\"Figyelem: Te most le lettél némitva. Ilyenkor tilos írni, különben a szerver kirúg.. (%d / %d)\", PlayerInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings], ServerInfo[MaxMuteWarnings] ); SendClientMessage(playerid,red,string); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"Figyelmeztetve lettél, nem érdekelt. Most kirúg a szerver!\"); format(string, sizeof(string),\"***%s (ID %d) kirúgva. (Indok: Némítás közben írt.)\", PlayerName2(playerid), playerid); SendClientMessageToAll(grey,string); SaveToFile(\"KickLog\",string); Kick(playerid); } return 0; } if(ServerInfo[AntiSpam] == 1 && (PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] == 0 && !IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) ) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][spamCount] == 0) PlayerInfo[playerid][spamTime] = TimeStamp(); PlayerInfo[playerid][spamCount]++; if(TimeStamp() - PlayerInfo[playerid][spamTime] > SPAM_TIMELIMIT) { // Its OK your messages were far enough apart PlayerInfo[playerid][spamCount] = 0; PlayerInfo[playerid][spamTime] = TimeStamp(); } else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][spamCount] == SPAM_MAX_MSGS) { new string[64]; format(string,sizeof(string),\"%s kirúgta a szerver. Indok: (Flood/Spam megszegés)\", PlayerName2(playerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(grey,string); print(string); SaveToFile(\"KickLog\",string); Kick(playerid); } else if(PlayerInfo[playerid][spamCount] == SPAM_MAX_MSGS-1) { SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"Anti Spamolás! Következõre kirúg a szerver!\"); return 0; } } if(ServerInfo[AntiSwear] == 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] < ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) for(new s = 0; s < ForbiddenWordCount; s++) { new pos; while((pos = strfind(text,ForbiddenWords,true)) != -1) for(new i = pos, j = pos + strlen(ForbiddenWords); i < j; i++) text = \'*\'; } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Caps] == 1) UpperToLower(text); if(ServerInfo[NoCaps] == 1) UpperToLower(text); for(new i = 1; i < MAX_CHAT_LINES-1; i++) Chat = Chat[i+1]; new ChatSTR[128]; GetPlayerName(playerid,ChatSTR,sizeof(ChatSTR)); format(ChatSTR,128,\"[lchat]%s: %s\",ChatSTR, text[0] ); Chat[MAX_CHAT_LINES-1] = ChatSTR; return 1; } //============================================================================== forward OnPlayerPrivmsg(playerid, recieverid, text[]); public OnPlayerPrivmsg(playerid, recieverid, text[]) { if(ServerInfo[ReadPMs] == 1 && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) { new string[128],recievername[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, string, sizeof(string)); GetPlayerName(recieverid, recievername, sizeof(recievername)); format(string, sizeof(string), \"***PM: %s To %s: %s\", string, recievername, text); for (new a = 0; a < MAX_PLAYERS; a++) if (IsPlayerConnected(a) && (PlayerInfo[a][Level] >= ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) && a != playerid) SendClientMessage(a, grey, string); } if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Muted] == 1) { new string[128]; PlayerInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings]++; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings] < ServerInfo[MaxMuteWarnings]) { format(string, sizeof(string),\"Figyelem: Te most le lettél némitva. Ilyenkor tilos írni, különben a szerver kirúg.. (Figyelmeztetések: %d/%d)\", PlayerInfo[playerid][MuteWarnings], ServerInfo[MaxMuteWarnings] ); SendClientMessage(playerid,red,string); } else { SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"Figyelmeztetve lettél, nem érdekelt. Most kirúg a szerver!\"); GetPlayerName(playerid, string, sizeof(string)); format(string, sizeof(string),\"***%s (ID %d) kirúgva. (Indok: Némítás közben írt.)\", string, playerid); SendClientMessageToAll(grey,string); SaveToFile(\"KickLog\",string); Kick(playerid); } return 0; } return 1; } forward HighLight(playerid); public HighLight(playerid) { if(!IsPlayerConnected(playerid)) return 1; if(PlayerInfo[playerid][blipS] == 0) { SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0xFF0000AA); PlayerInfo[playerid][blipS] = 1; } else { SetPlayerColor(playerid, 0x33FF33AA); PlayerInfo[playerid][blipS] = 0; } return 0; } //===================== [ DCMD Commands ]======================================= dcmd_giveweapon(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 2) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], tmp3[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index), tmp3 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) || !strlen(tmp2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Használat: /giveweapon [playerid] [Fegyver id/Fegyver név] [Töltény]\"); new player1 = strval(tmp), weap, ammo, WeapName[32], string[128]; if(!strlen(tmp3) || !IsNumeric(tmp3) || strval(tmp3) <= 0 || strval(tmp3) > 99999) ammo = 500; else ammo = strval(tmp3); if(!IsNumeric(tmp2)) weap = GetWeaponIDFromName(tmp2); else weap = strval(tmp2); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { if(!IsValidWeapon(weap)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: rossz fegyver ID\"); CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,\"GIVEWEAPON\"); GetWeaponName(weap,WeapName,32); format(string, sizeof(string), \"Te adtál \\\"%s\\\" -nak/nek %s (%d)-t lõszerrel\", PlayerName2(player1), WeapName, weap, ammo); SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string); if(player1 != playerid) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"Adminisztrátor \\\"%s\\\" adott egy %s (%d)-t lõszerrel\", PlayerName2(playerid), WeapName, weap, ammo); SendClientMessage(player1,blue,string); } return GivePlayerWeapon(player1, weap, ammo); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ilyen játékos nem létezik\"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ehez a parancshoz legalább 2-es szintû adminnak kéne lenned!\"); } dcmd_sethealth(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) || !strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Használat: /sethealth [playerid] [életerõ]\"); if(strval(tmp2) < 0 || strval(tmp2) > 100 && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"HIBA: rossz életszám\"); new player1 = strval(tmp), health = strval(tmp2), string[128]; if(PlayerInfo[player1][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ezt a parancsot te nem használhatod magasabb szintû admin ellen\"); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,\"SETHEALTH\"); format(string, sizeof(string), \"Te átállítottad \\\"%s\'s\\\"-nak/nek az életét \'%d-ra\", pName(player1), health); SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string); if(player1 != playerid) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"Adminisztrátor \\\"%s\\\" átállította az életed \'%d\'-ra\", pName(playerid), health); SendClientMessage(player1,blue,string); } return SetPlayerHealth(player1, health); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ilyen játékos nem létezik\"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ehez a parancshoz legalább 3-as szintû adminnak kéne lenned!\"); } dcmd_setarmour(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) || !strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Használat: /setarmour [playerid] [páncél]\"); if(strval(tmp2) < 0 || strval(tmp2) > 100 && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"HIBA: rossz páncélszám\"); new player1 = strval(tmp), armour = strval(tmp2), string[128]; if(PlayerInfo[player1][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ezt a parancsot te nem használhatod magasabb szintû admin ellen\"); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,\"SETARMOUR\"); format(string, sizeof(string), \"Te átállítottad \\\"%s\'s\\\"-nak/nek a páncélját \'%d-ra\", pName(player1), armour); SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string); if(player1 != playerid) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"Adminisztrátor \\\"%s\\\" átállította a páncélod \'%d\'-ra\", pName(playerid), armour); SendClientMessage(player1,blue,string); } return SetPlayerArmour(player1, armour); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ilyen játékos nem létezik\"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ehez a parancshoz legalább 3-as szintû adminnak kéne lenned!\"); } dcmd_setcash(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) || !strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Használat: /setcash [playerid] [összeg]\"); new player1 = strval(tmp), cash = strval(tmp2), string[128]; if(PlayerInfo[player1][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ezt a parancsot te nem használhatod magasabb szintû admin ellen\"); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,\"SETCASH\"); format(string, sizeof(string), \"Te átállítottad \\\"%s\'s\\\"-nak/nek a pénzét \'$%d-re\", pName(player1), cash); SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string); if(player1 != playerid) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"Adminisztrátor \\\"%s\\\" átállította a pénzed \'$%d\'-ra\", pName(playerid), cash); SendClientMessage(player1,blue,string); } ResetPlayerMoney(player1); return GivePlayerMoney(player1, cash); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ilyen játékos nem létezik\"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ehez a parancshoz legalább 3-as szintû adminnak kéne lenned!\"); } dcmd_setscore(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) || !strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Használat: /setscore [playerid] [pontok]\"); new player1 = strval(tmp), score = strval(tmp2), string[128]; if(PlayerInfo[player1][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ezt a parancsot te nem használhatod magasabb szintû admin ellen\"); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,\"SETSCORE\"); format(string, sizeof(string), \"Te átállítottad \\\"%s\'s\\\"-nak/nek a pontját \'%d\'-ra\", pName(player1), score); SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string); if(player1 != playerid) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"Adminisztrátor \\\"%s\\\" átállította pontjaidat \'%d\'-ra\", pName(playerid), score); SendClientMessage(player1,blue,string); } return SetPlayerScore(player1, score); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ilyen játékos nem létezik\"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ehez a parancshoz legalább 3-as szintû adminnak kéne lenned!\"); } dcmd_setskin(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) || !strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Használat: /setskin [playerid] [skin id]\"); new player1 = strval(tmp), skin = strval(tmp2), string[128]; if(!IsValidSkin(skin)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"HIBA: rossz skin id\"); if(PlayerInfo[player1][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ezt a parancsot te nem használhatod magasabb szintû admin ellen\"); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,\"SETSKIN\"); format(string, sizeof(string), \"Te átállítottad \\\"%s\'s\\\"-nak/nek a skinjét \'%d-ra\", pName(player1), skin); SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string); if(player1 != playerid) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"Adminisztrátor \\\"%s\\\" átállította skined \'%d\'-re\", pName(playerid), skin); SendClientMessage(player1,blue,string); } return SetPlayerSkin(player1, skin); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ilyen játékos nem létezik\"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ehez a parancshoz legalább 3-as szintû adminnak kéne lenned!\"); } dcmd_setwanted(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) || !strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Használat: /setwanted [playerid] [körözési szint]\"); new player1 = strval(tmp), wanted = strval(tmp2), string[128]; // if(wanted > 6) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"HIBA: Rossz körözési szint\"); if(PlayerInfo[player1][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ezt a parancsot te nem használhatod magasabb szintû admin ellen\"); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,\"SETWANTED\"); format(string, sizeof(string), \"Te átállítottad \\\"%s\'s\\\" -nak/nek a körözési szintjét \'%d-re\", pName(player1), wanted); SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string); if(player1 != playerid) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"Adminisztrátor \\\"%s\\\" átállította a körözési szinted \'%d\'-re\", pName(playerid), wanted); SendClientMessage(player1,blue,string); } return SetPlayerWantedLevel(player1, wanted); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ilyen játékos nem létezik\"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ehez a parancshoz legalább 3-as szintû adminnak kéne lenned!\"); } dcmd_setname(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3 || IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) || !strlen(tmp2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Használat: /setname [playerid] [új név]\"); new player1 = strval(tmp), length = strlen(tmp2), string[128]; if(length < 3 || length > MAX_PLAYER_NAME) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"Hiba: rosz név nagyság\"); if(PlayerInfo[player1][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ezt a parancsot te nem használhatod magasabb szintû admin ellen\"); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,\"SETNAME\"); format(string, sizeof(string), \"Te átállítotatd \\\"%s\'s\\\" -nak/nek a nevét \\\"%s\\\"-re\", pName(player1), tmp2); SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string); if(player1 != playerid) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"Adminisztrátor \\\"%s\\\" átállította a neved \\\"%s\\\"-re \", pName(playerid), tmp2); SendClientMessage(player1,blue,string); } SetPlayerName(player1, tmp2); return OnPlayerConnect(player1); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ilyen játékos nem létezik\"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ehez a parancshoz legalább 3-as szintû adminnak kéne lenned!\"); } dcmd_setcolour(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 2) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) || !strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2)) { SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Használat: /setcolour [playerid] [színKód]\"); return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Szín Kódok: 0=fekete 1=fehér 2=piros 3=narancs 4=sárga 5=zöld 6=kék 7=lila 8=barna 9=rózsaszin\"); } new player1 = strval(tmp), Colour = strval(tmp2), string[128], colour[24]; if(Colour > 9) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Szín Kódok: 0=fekete 1=fehér 2=piros 3=narancs 4=sárga 5=zöld 6=kék 7=lila 8=barna 9=rózsaszin\"); if(PlayerInfo[player1][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ezt a parancsot te nem használhatod magasabb szintû admin ellen\"); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,\"SETCOLOUR\"); switch (Colour) { case 0: { SetPlayerColor(player1,black); colour = \"fekete\"; } case 1: { SetPlayerColor(player1,COLOR_WHITE); colour = \"fehér\"; } case 2: { SetPlayerColor(player1,red); colour = \"piros\"; } case 3: { SetPlayerColor(player1,orange); colour = \"narancs\"; } case 4: { SetPlayerColor(player1,orange); colour = \"sárga\"; } case 5: { SetPlayerColor(player1,COLOR_GREEN1); colour = \"zöld\"; } case 6: { SetPlayerColor(player1,COLOR_BLUE); colour = \"Blue\"; } case 7: { SetPlayerColor(player1,COLOR_PURPLE); colour = \"lila\"; } case 8: { SetPlayerColor(player1,COLOR_BROWN); colour = \"barna\"; } case 9: { SetPlayerColor(player1,COLOR_PINK); colour = \"rózsaszín\"; } } if(player1 != playerid) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"Adminisztrátor \\\"%s\\\" átállította a színed \'%s\'-re \", pName(playerid), colour); SendClientMessage(player1,blue,string); } format(string, sizeof(string), \"Te átállítottad \\\"%s\'s\\\" a szinét \'%s\'-re \", pName(player1), colour); return SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ilyen játékos nem létezik\"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ehez a parancshoz legalább 2-es szintû adminnak kéne lenned!\"); } dcmd_setweather(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) || !strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Használat: /setweather [playerid] [idõjárás id]\"); new player1 = strval(tmp), weather = strval(tmp2), string[128]; if(PlayerInfo[player1][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ezt a parancsot te nem használhatod magasabb szintû admin ellen\"); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,\"SETWEATHER\"); format(string, sizeof(string), \"Te átállítottad \\\"%s\'s\\\"-nak/nek az idõjárását \'%d-ra\", pName(player1), weather); SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string); if(player1 != playerid) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"Adminisztrátor \\\"%s\\\" átállította az idõjárásod \'%d\'-ra\", pName(playerid), weather); SendClientMessage(player1,blue,string); } SetPlayerWeather(player1,weather); PlayerPlaySound(player1,1057,0.0,0.0,0.0); return PlayerPlaySound(playerid,1057,0.0,0.0,0.0); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ilyen játékos nem létezik\"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ehez a parancshoz legalább 3-as szintû adminnak kéne lenned!\"); } dcmd_settime(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) || !strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Használat: /settime [playerid] [óra]\"); new player1 = strval(tmp), time = strval(tmp2), string[128]; if(PlayerInfo[player1][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ezt a parancsot te nem használhatod magasabb szintû admin ellen\"); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,\"SETTIME\"); format(string, sizeof(string), \"Te átállítottad \\\"%s\'s\\\"-nak/nek az idejét %d:00-ra\", pName(player1), time); SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string); if(player1 != playerid) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"Adminisztrátor \\\"%s\\\" átállította az idõdet to %d:00-ra\", pName(playerid), time); SendClientMessage(player1,blue,string); } PlayerPlaySound(player1,1057,0.0,0.0,0.0); return SetPlayerTime(player1, time, 0); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ilyen játékos nem létezik\"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ehez a parancshoz legalább 3-as szintû adminnak kéne lenned!\"); } dcmd_setworld(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) || !strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Használat: /setworld [playerid] [virtual world]\"); new player1 = strval(tmp), time = strval(tmp2), string[128]; if(PlayerInfo[player1][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ezt a parancsot te nem használhatod magasabb szintû admin ellen\"); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,\"SETWORLD\"); format(string, sizeof(string), \"Te átállítottad \\\"%s\'s\\\"-nak/nek a virtuális világát \'%d\'-ra\", pName(player1), time); SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string); if(player1 != playerid) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"Adminisztrátor \\\"%s\\\" átállította a viruális világodat \'%d\'-ra \", pName(playerid), time); SendClientMessage(player1,blue,string); } PlayerPlaySound(player1,1057,0.0,0.0,0.0); return SetPlayerVirtualWorld(player1, time); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ilyen játékos nem létezik\"); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ehez a parancshoz legalább 3-as szintû adminnak kéne lenned!\"); } dcmd_setinterior(playerid,params[]) { if(PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] >= 3) { new tmp[256], tmp2[256], Index; tmp = strtok(params,Index), tmp2 = strtok(params,Index); if(!strlen(tmp) || !strlen(tmp2) || !IsNumeric(tmp2)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, red, \"Használat: /setinterior [playerid] [interior]\"); new player1 = strval(tmp), time = strval(tmp2), string[128]; if(PlayerInfo[player1][Level] == ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel] && PlayerInfo[playerid][Level] != ServerInfo[MaxAdminLevel]) return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ezt a parancsot te nem használhatod magasabb szintû admin ellen!\"); if(IsPlayerConnected(player1) && player1 != INVALID_PLAYER_ID) { CMDMessageToAdmins(playerid,\"SETINTERIOR\"); format(string, sizeof(string), \"Te átállítottad \\\"%s\'s\\\"-nak/nek az interiorát \'%d\'-ra \", pName(player1), time); SendClientMessage(playerid,blue,string); if(player1 != playerid) { format(string,sizeof(string),\"Adminisztrátor \\\"%s\\\" átállította az interiorod \'%d\'-ra \", pName(playerid), time); SendClientMessage(player1,blue,string); } PlayerPlaySound(player1,1057,0.0,0.0,0.0); return SetPlayerInterior(player1, time); } else return SendClientMessage(playerid,red,\"HIBA: Ilyen játékos nem létezik\"); } else return SendClientMessage(p
« Dátum: 2013. december 20. - 16:49:55 »
Valaki megcsinálná nekem ezt a Scriptet, és elküldeni az .amx fájlt és a .pwn-t is? public OnPlayerText(playerid,text[]) { new szChat[144]; if(/*Ide azt rakd ahogy te kérdezed le hogy admin-e*/) format(szChat,sizeof (szChat),\"[Admin]{%06x}%s{007f9c}(%d): {ffffff}%s\", GetPlayerColor(playerid) >>> 8, pName(playerid), playerid, text); else { if(/*Ide azt ahogy te kérdezed le hogy VIP-e*/) format(szChat,sizeof (szChat),\"[Vip]{%06x}%s{007f9c}(%d): {ffffff}%s\", GetPlayerColor(playerid) >>> 8, pName(playerid), playerid, text); else format(szChat,sizeof (szChat),\"{%06x}%s{007f9c}(%d): {ffffff}%s\", GetPlayerColor(playerid) >>> 8, pName(playerid), playerid, text);//Ez pedig az a rész hogy ha se nem Admin se nem V.I.P. akkor is küldjön üzenetet } SendClientMessageToAll(-1, szChat); return 0; } //Ha ilyened már van vedd ki. stock pName(playerid) { new name[24]; GetPlayerName(playerid,name,24); return name; }
Nekem ERROR-t ír
« Dátum: 2013. december 20. - 15:39:55 »
Sziasztok! A Skype telepítésnél kb a közepénél kiír egy ilyen hibát: A network error occurred while attempting to road from the file: C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\Skype\\{4E76FF7E-4C87-B788-XD47E5425B9D}\\SkypeSetup_6.5.0.157.msi Ezután amikor le OK-olom, kijön hogy Skype telepítés megszakadt hibakód:1061 Valaki segítsen!!! Elõre is köszi
« Dátum: 2013. december 20. - 15:36:51 »
Sziasztok! A Skype telepítésnél kb a közepénél kiír egy ilyen hibát: A network error occurred while attempting to road from the file: C:\\Documents and Settings\\All Users\\Application Data\\Skype\\{4E76FF7E-4C87-B788-XD47E5425B9D}\\SkypeSetup_6.5.0.157.msi Ezután amikor le OK-olom, kijön hogy Skype telepítés megszakadt hibakód:1061 Valaki segítsen!!! Elõre is köszi
« Dátum: 2013. december 20. - 12:38:32 »
Hello mindenki! Elkészítettem a sampforum szervert! Íme egykis bemutatkozás: Server name: [HUN - 0.3x]Sampforum.hu Gamemode: [HUN]Sampforum.hu Weboldal: [admin]törölve[/admin] IP cím: [admin]törölve[/admin] Tulajdonos: Mars Slots: x/60 Szerveren lévõ parancsok: /teles, /cmds, /dm (2-10), /admins, /animlist Teleportok: /ls, /sf, /lv, /ls-air, /ls-air, /lv-air, /jizzy, stb... A szervert azért készítettem el, mert rendeltem egy hostot, és nem tudtam hogy mire használjam! Így gondolkodtam, hogy van a sampforum gamemode, és akkor megcsinálom a sampforum szervert Remélem mindenkinek tetszik
« Dátum: 2013. december 18. - 12:06:00 »
Oké, és köszi
« Dátum: 2013. december 17. - 19:40:59 »
Sziasztok!!!!!! Valaki sûrgõsen tudna nekem segíteni? Az a gond, hogy van egy admin rendszerem, benne van minenhol cfg-ben, scriptfiles-be is benne van a mappa, meg a filterscript-be is!!! Az a gond, hogy amikor felmegyek, nem jön fel a regisztrációs felület, és amikor be írom /admins azt írja ki, hogy nem létezik a parancs!!! Valaki segítsen, vagy ha tud akkor küldjön nekem egy dialogos bug mentes admin rendszert! Köszi elõre is!!!
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