Ez a szekció lehetővé teszi a felhasználó által írt összes hozzászólás megtekintését. Vedd figyelembe, hogy csak azokba a fórumokba írt hozzászólásokat látod, amelyekhez hozzáférésed van.
Üzenetek - Chad12341
« Dátum: 2017. július 10. - 19:33:24 »
Sziasztok, lenne egy olyan problémám hogy írtam egy olyan scriptet ami a szuperadminoknak elérhető ez nem más mint az astats és az megmutatja mennyi a küldött és mennyi a fogadott PM-e és a fixelés száma. Az vele a probléma hogy megírtam neki egy savefixek functiont : function savefixek(source, dataName,oldValue) if (dataName == \"char:adminduty\") and isElement(source) and getElementData(source, \"acc:admin\") >= 1 then local currFix = getElementData(source, \'admin:fixes\') -- outputChatBox(currFix .. \" \" .. getPlayerName(source)) dbExec(con, \"UPDATE characters SET fixVehicles=? WHERE id=\'\" .. getElementData(source, \"char:id\") .. \"\'\", currFix) -- outputDebugString(getPlayerName(source) .. \" fixei mentve! (\" .. currFix .. \")\") end end addEventHandler(\"onElementDataChange\", getRootElement(), savefixek) Valamint beleírtam a fixveh parancsba is hogy insertelje a mysqlbe function fixPlayerVehicle(thePlayer, commandName, targetPlayer) if getElementData(thePlayer, \"acc:admin\") >= 1 then
if not (targetPlayer) then outputChatBox(\"#7cc576Használat: #ffffff/\" .. commandName .. \" [Név / ID]\", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) else local targetPlayer, targetPlayerName = exports.mta_main:findPlayer(thePlayer, targetPlayer) local adminduty = getElementData(thePlayer, \"char:adminduty\") local alevel = getElementData(thePlayer, \"acc:admin\") local veh = getPedOccupiedVehicle(targetPlayer) local currFix = getElementData(thePlayer, \'admin:fixes\') or 0 if not targetPlayer or not getElementData(targetPlayer, \"loggedin\") then return end if veh then if (adminduty) == 0 then if (alevel) >= 6 then fixVehicle(veh) triggerClientEvent(root, \"setvehicleCompVisible\", root, targetPlayer) outputChatBox(\"#32b3ef \" .. getPlayerAdminName(thePlayer) .. \"#ffffff megjavította a járművedet. \", targetPlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox(\"Sikeresen megjavítottad #7cc576\" .. targetPlayerName:gsub(\"_\", \" \") .. \"#ffffff járművét.\", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) outputAdminMessage(\"#7cc576\" .. getPlayerAdminName(thePlayer) .. \"#ffffff megjavította #7cc576\" .. targetPlayerName:gsub(\"_\",\" \") .. \"#ffffff járművét.\") setElementData(thePlayer, \'admin:fixes\', currFix + 1) --adminlog dbExec(con, adminlog, getPlayerAdminName(thePlayer), getElementData(thePlayer, \"acc:id\"), \"FIXVEH\", \"\" .. getPlayerAdminName(thePlayer) .. \" megjavította \" .. targetPlayerName:gsub(\"_\",\" \") .. \" járművét.\", targetPlayerName, getElementData(targetPlayer, \"acc:id\")) else outputChatBox(exhiba .. \"Nincs jogosultságod adminduty-n kívül megjavítani a járművet. Hibakód: FIXVEHAD1\", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) --adminlog dbExec(con, adminlog, getPlayerAdminName(thePlayer), getElementData(thePlayer, \"acc:id\"), \"FIXVEHAD1\", \"\" .. getPlayerAdminName(thePlayer) .. \" megpróbálta megjavitani \" .. targetPlayerName:gsub(\"_\",\" \") .. \" járművét. [ACCES DENIED] [Hibakod: FIXVEHAD1]\", targetPlayerName, getElementData(targetPlayer, \"acc:id\")) end else triggerClientEvent(root, \"setvehicleCompVisible\", root, targetPlayer) fixVehicle(veh) outputChatBox(\"#32b3ef \" .. getPlayerAdminName(thePlayer) .. \"#ffffff megjavította a járművedet. \", targetPlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) outputChatBox(\"Sikeresen megjavítottad #7cc576\" .. targetPlayerName:gsub(\"_\", \" \") .. \"#ffffff járművét.\", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) outputAdminMessage(\"#7cc576\" .. getPlayerAdminName(thePlayer) .. \"#ffffff megjavította #7cc576\" .. targetPlayerName:gsub(\"_\",\" \") .. \"#ffffff járművét.\") --adminlog dbExec(con, \"UPDATE characters SET fixVehicles=? WHERE id=\'\" .. getElementData(thePlayer, \"char:id\") .. \"\'\", currFix) end else outputChatBox(exhiba .. \"A játékos nincsen járműben.\", thePlayer, 255, 255, 255, true) end end end end addCommandHandler(\"fixveh\", fixPlayerVehicle, false, false) Nem kezdi el beleírni a mysql-be a Characters/fixvehicles-be. az alapértelmezetten van és nem moccan sehova hogyha tolok egy reconnectet akkor 0-zódik a fixek száma IG. Ha valaki tudna ebben segíteni megköszönném.
« Dátum: 2017. június 15. - 20:29:55 »
Sziasztok, azt szeretném megkérdezni, hogy mikre lenne szükség egy olyan script megírásához hogy egy adott sebességnél kikapcsoljon a fekvőrendőrnek a collisionje?
« Dátum: 2017. április 17. - 17:29:26 »
És azzal mit lehet kezdeni hogy látszódjon a háton? hogyha már nem errorozik
« Dátum: 2017. április 17. - 15:56:24 »
A Double MTA is ugyan ilyen rendszerrel használja csak nem az inventoryba van beleépítve hanem külön resource-ba és exportálja az item-systemet, de viszont ha úgy próbálom meg akkor sem látszik a hátán a fegyver.
« Dátum: 2017. április 17. - 15:24:08 »
A currentInventory-val írta ki az errort
« Dátum: 2017. április 17. - 15:17:29 »
Ahol az errort írta hozzáírtam egy ilyet: function updatePlayerWeapons() triggerServerEvent(\"getPlayerItems\", localPlayer, localPlayer) setTimer(function() for k, v in pairs(exports[\'mta_item\']:getPlayeritems(localPlayer)) do <--- itt írta a hibát local item = v[1] local weaponID = getWeaponID(item) or 0 if weaponID > 0 and not isInTable(localPlayer, weaponID) then triggerServerEvent(\"attachWeapon\", localPlayer, localPlayer, weaponID) end end end, 300, 1) end Az errort már nem írja viszont nem látszik a fegyver a háton
« Dátum: 2017. április 17. - 14:56:24 »
Sziasztok, az External 2017.01.10_1.-ei kipublikált modban van az item-systemben egy weapon attach script, egyetlen egy errort ír a debugscript, valamint meg sem jelenik a háton egyik fegyver sem. Ha valaki tudna segíteni hogy mi lehet a probléma akkor megköszönném! ERROR:mta_item\\weapon_client.lua:302: bad argument #1 to \'pairs\' (table expected, got nil) local objs = {} local playerCache = {} local pedsToAttached = {} local weaponModels = { --- uzi, mp3, tec9 [28] = 352, [29] = 353, [32] = 372, --- deagle [24] = 348, --- shotgunok [25] = 349, [26] = 350, [27] = 351, --- nagykaliber [30] = 355, [31] = 356, --- ütőfegyverek --[2] = 333, [5] = 336, --[6] = 337, --[7] = 338, --[8] = 339, --- sniper [33] = 357, [34] = 358, } local attachedRootCache = {} local pedWeapons = {} function isInTable(ped, wep) if pedWeapons[ped] then for k, v in ipairs(pedWeapons[ped]) do if v == wep then return true, k end end end return false end function addWep(ped, wep) if not pedWeapons[ped] then pedWeapons[ped] = {} end table.insert(pedWeapons[ped], wep) end function attachWeaponToBone(ped, wep, walkingstyle) if weaponModels[wep] then if not objs[ped] then objs[ped] = {} end if isInTable(ped, wep) then return end local this = #objs[ped]+1 objs[ped][this] = createObject(weaponModels[wep], 0, 0, 0) setElementData(objs[ped][this], \"wep\", wep) setElementData(objs[ped][this], \"owner\", ped) if not pedsToAttached[ped] then pedsToAttached[ped] = {} end if not attachedRootCache[ped] then attachedRootCache[ped] = {} end table.insert(attachedRootCache[ped], {wep, objs[ped][this]}) local newKey = #pedsToAttached[ped] pedsToAttached[ped][newKey] = objs[ped][this] if wep == 29 or wep == 28 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 14, 0.1, 0.05, 0, 0, -90, 90) elseif wep == 16 or wep == 17 or wep == 18 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 14, 0.15, -0.1, 0.2, 0, 0, 90) elseif wep == 32 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 14, 0.12, 0.05, 0, 0, -90, 90) elseif wep == 22 or wep == 23 or wep == 24 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 13, -0.06, 0.05, 0, 0, -90, 90) elseif wep == 4 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 13, -0.035, -0.1, 0.3, 0, 0, 90) elseif wep == 27 or wep == 26 or wep == 25 then if walkingstyle == 131 or walkingstyle == 132 or walkingstyle == 133 or walkingstyle == 129 or walkingstyle == 126 or walkingstyle == 121 or walkingstyle == 122 or walkingstyle == 124 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 5, 0.16, 0, 0.1, 190, 30, -90) elseif walkingstyle == 125 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][ped][this], ped, 5, 0.16, 0, 0.1, 190, 30, -105) else exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 5, 0.16, 0, 0.1, 190, 20, -110) end elseif wep == 33 or wep == 34 then if walkingstyle == 131 or walkingstyle == 132 or walkingstyle == 133 or walkingstyle == 129 or walkingstyle == 126 or walkingstyle == 121 or walkingstyle == 122 or walkingstyle == 124 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 5, 0.16, 0, 0.1, 190, 30, -90) elseif walkingstyle == 125 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][ped][this], ped, 5, 0.16, 0, 0.1, 190, 30, -105) else exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 5, 0.16, 0, 0.1, 190, 20, -110) end elseif wep == 30 then if walkingstyle == 131 or walkingstyle == 132 or walkingstyle == 133 or walkingstyle == 129 or walkingstyle == 126 or walkingstyle == 121 or walkingstyle == 122 or walkingstyle == 124 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 6, -0.08, -0.1, 0.2, 10, 165, 82) elseif walkingstyle == 125 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 6, -0.08, -0.1, 0.2, 10, 165, 92) else exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 6, -0.05, -0.1, 0.2, 10, 165, 95) end elseif wep == 31 then if walkingstyle == 131 or walkingstyle == 132 or walkingstyle == 133 or walkingstyle == 129 or walkingstyle == 126 or walkingstyle == 121 or walkingstyle == 122 or walkingstyle == 124 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 6, -0.15, -0.1, -0.2, 185, 145, 82) elseif walkingstyle == 125 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 6, -0.15, -0.1, -0.2, 185, 145, 92) else exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 6, -0.12, -0.1, -0.2, 185, 145, 95) end elseif wep >= 2 and wep <= 8 and wep ~= 4 then if walkingstyle == 131 or walkingstyle == 132 or walkingstyle == 133 or walkingstyle == 129 or walkingstyle == 126 or walkingstyle == 121 or walkingstyle == 122 or walkingstyle == 124 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 6, -0.08, 0, -0.02, 0, -90, 82) elseif walkingstyle == 125 then exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 6, -0.08, 0, -0.02, 10, -90, 92) else exports.bone_attach:attachElementToBone(objs[ped][this], ped, 6, -0.08, 0, -0.02, 10, -90, 100) end end end end addEvent(\"attachWeaponToBody\", true) addEventHandler(\"attachWeaponToBody\", root, function(player, wep) if not playerCache[player] then playerCache[player] = {} end if not playerCache[player][wep] then playerCache[player][wep] = true end if isElementStreamedIn(player) then if not isInTable(player, wep) then attachWeaponToBone(player, wep, getPedWalkingStyle(player)) addWep(player, wep) end end end) addEvent(\"removeWeaponFromBone\", true) addEventHandler(\"removeWeaponFromBone\", root, function(player, wep) if playerCache[player] then if playerCache[player][wep] then local tbl, key = isInTable(player, wep) if tbl then pedWeapons[player][key] = nil end if attachedRootCache[player] then for k, v in pairs(attachedRootCache[player]) do if v[1] == wep and isElement(v[2]) then exports.bone_attach:detachElementFromBone(v[2]) destroyElement(v[2]) attachedRootCache[player][k] = nil end end end playerCache[player][wep] = nil end end end) addEventHandler(\"onClientElementDataChange\", root, function(dataName) if source and dataName == \"char:adminduty\" then if getElementData(source, dataName) == 1 then if getElementType(source) == \"player\" then if objs[source] then for k, v in ipairs(objs[source]) do if isElement(v) then destroyElement(v) exports.bone_attach:detachElementFromBone(v) end end end objs[source] = {} pedWeapons[source] = {} end else if getElementType(source) == \"player\" then if playerCache[source] then for wep, _ in pairs(playerCache[source]) do if not isInTable(player, wep) then attachWeaponToBone(source, wep, getPedWalkingStyle(source)) addWep(source, wep) end end end end end end end) --if getElementData(value, \"char:weaponInHand\")[1] or -1 > 0 then --if getWeaponModel(items[getElementData(value, \"char:weaponInHand\")[1] ][5]) ~= getElementModel(weapon) then addEventHandler(\"onClientElementDataChange\", root, function(dataName) if source and dataName == \"char:weaponInHand\" then local weapon = getElementData(source, dataName)[3] or -1 if weapon > 0 then if objs[source] then for k, v in ipairs(objs[source]) do if isElement(v) and getElementModel(v) == weaponModels[weapon] then setElementAlpha(v, 0) end end end else if objs[source] then for k, v in ipairs(objs[source]) do if isElement(v) and getElementAlpha(v) == 0 then setElementAlpha(v, 255) end end end end end end) addEvent(\"updateWeapons\", true) addEventHandler(\"updateWeapons\", root, function(player) if getElementType(player) == \"player\" then if objs[player] then for k, v in ipairs(objs[player]) do if isElement(v) then destroyElement(v) exports.bone_attach:detachElementFromBone(v) end end end objs[player] = {} pedWeapons[player] = {} if playerCache[player] then for wep, _ in pairs(playerCache[player]) do if not isInTable(player, wep) then attachWeaponToBone(player, wep, getPedWalkingStyle(player)) addWep(player, wep) end end end end end) addEventHandler(\"onClientElementStreamIn\", root, function() if getElementType(source) == \"player\" then if playerCache[source] then for wep, _ in pairs(playerCache[source]) do if not isInTable(player, wep) then attachWeaponToBone(source, wep, getPedWalkingStyle(source)) addWep(source, wep) end end end end end) addEventHandler(\"onClientElementStreamOut\", root, function() if getElementType(source) == \"player\" then if objs[source] then for k, v in ipairs(objs[source]) do if isElement(v) then destroyElement(v) exports.bone_attach:detachElementFromBone(v) end end end objs[source] = {} pedWeapons[source] = {} end end) addEvent(\"getPlayerInventory\", true) addEventHandler(\"getPlayerInventory\", root, function(table) currentInventory = {} currentInventory = table end) function updatePlayerWeapons() triggerServerEvent(\"getPlayerItems\", localPlayer, localPlayer) setTimer(function() for k, v in pairs(currentInventory) do local item = v[1] local weaponID = getWeaponID(item) or 0 if weaponID > 0 and not isInTable(localPlayer, weaponID) then triggerServerEvent(\"attachWeapon\", localPlayer, localPlayer, weaponID) end end end, 300, 1) end addEventHandler(\"onClientResourceStart\", resourceRoot, function() if getElementData(localPlayer, \"loggedin\") then updatePlayerWeapons() end triggerServerEvent(\"getAllWeaponCache\", localPlayer) end) addEvent(\"receiveWeaponCache\", true) addEventHandler(\"receiveWeaponCache\", root, function(data) for k, v in pairs(data) do if isElement(k) and k ~= localPlayer then playerCache[v] = {} for wep,_ in pairs(v) do playerCache[v][wep] = true if isElementStreamedIn(k) then if not isInTable(k, wep) then attachWeaponToBone(k, wep, getPedWalkingStyle(k)) addWep(k, wep) end end end end end end) addEventHandler(\"onClientPlayerQuit\", getRootElement(), function() if objs[source] then for k, v in ipairs(objs[source]) do if isElement(v) then destroyElement(v) exports.bone_attach:detachElementFromBone(v) end end end playerCache[source] = nil pedWeapons[source] = nil objs[source] = nil end)
« Dátum: 2016. december 13. - 17:54:23 »
Itt az egész client oldali script esetleg ha valaki rátudna jönni mi lehet megköszönném if fileExists(\"client.lua\") then fileDelete(\"client.lua\") end local monitorSize = {guiGetScreenSize()} local panelSize = {350, 30} local vehicleComponents = {} local damageComponents = {} local damageParts = {} local loadingVehicleDamage = false local isPedinVehicle = false local mechanic = false local sound = false local font = dxCreateFont(\":mta_score/files/myriadproregular.ttf\",9) --<[ Font ]>-- local font2 = dxCreateFont(\":mta_score/files/myriadproregular.ttf\",11) --<[ Font ]>-- local font3 = dxCreateFont(\":mta_score/files/myriadproregular.ttf\",10) --<[ Font ]>-- local mechanic_progress_tick = 0 local mechanic_progress_max = panelSize[1] local mechanic_progress_text = \"\" local mechanic_progress_arguments = {} local ColhapePos = { {1632.9809570313, -2138.9689941406, 13.63906288147, 10, 10,4}, {1646.7819824219, -2139.0419921875, 13.63906288147, 10, 10,4}, {1619.1810302734, -2139.0419921875, 13.63906288147, 10, 10,4}, {1631.8903808594, -2175.7092285156, 13.631258010864, 10, 12,4}, {1618.0882568359, -2175.7080078125, 13.631258010864, 10, 12,4}, {1604.2884521484, -2175.7080078125, 13.631258010864, 10, 12,4}, {1590.4876708984, -2175.7082519531, 13.631258010864, 10, 12,4}, } local createdMechanicCols = {} local object1 = {} local objectCol = {} local vehiceLiftPanel = false local currentLiftID = 0 addEventHandler(\"onClientResourceStart\", getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()), function() for index, value in ipairs (ColhapePos) do createdMechanicCols[index] = createColCuboid(value[1], value[2], value[3]-1, value[4], value[5], value[6]) setElementData(createdMechanicCols[index], \"mechanic:boxID\", index) end setElementData(localPlayer, \"current\", false) end) local vehicleElement = nil addEventHandler(\"onClientColShapeHit\", getRootElement(), function(player) if player ~= getLocalPlayer() then return end if (source and exports[\"exg_dashboard\"]:isPlayerInFaction(11)) then if (source == createdMechanicCols[getElementData(source, \"mechanic:boxID\")]) then mechanic = true elseif source:getData(\"mechanic:liftID\") and isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then triggerServerEvent(\"attachFunction\", localPlayer, getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer), source:getData(\"mechanic:liftID\"), 0) currentLiftID = source:getData(\"mechanic:liftID\") vehicleElement = getPedOccupiedVehicle(localPlayer) end end end ) addEventHandler(\"onClientColShapeLeave\", getRootElement(), function(player) if player ~= getLocalPlayer() then return end if (source) then if (source == createdMechanicCols[getElementData(source, \"mechanic:boxID\")]) then mechanic = false end end end ) function vehicleLiftClick(button, state, x, y, elementx, elementy, elementZ, element) if element and (element:getData(\"mechanic:Object\") or 0) > 0 and not isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) then if state == \"down\" and button == \"right\" and exports[\"exg_dashboard\"]:isPlayerInFaction(11) then local x, y, z = getElementPosition(getLocalPlayer()) if getElementData(element, \"moving\") then outputChatBox(\"#F7CA18[ExternalGaming - Emelő] #ffffffEz az emelő már használatba van próbáld újra.\",255,255,255,true) return end if getElementData(localPlayer, \"current\") then outputChatBox(\"#F7CA18[ExternalGaming - Emelő] #ffffffTe már használsz egy emelőt próbáld később.\",255,255,255,true) return end if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(x, y, z, elementx, elementy, elementZ) <= 5 then if not vehiceLiftPanel then local liftID = tonumber(element:getData(\"mechanic:Object\") or 0) triggerServerEvent(\"moveObjectFunction\", localPlayer, localPlayer, element, objectTable[liftID][2], objectTable[liftID][3], objectTable[liftID][4]+2) if vehicleElement then setElementData(vehicleElement, \"forklift\", true) end vehiceLiftPanel = true local sound = playSound(\"files/lift.mp3\", true) setTimer(function() if isElement(sound) then stopSound(sound) end end,10000, 1) else local liftID = tonumber(element:getData(\"mechanic:Object\") or 0) if vehicleElement then triggerServerEvent(\"detachFunction\", localPlayer, vehicleElement) setElementData(vehicleElement, \"forklift\", false) end triggerServerEvent(\"moveObjectFunction\", localPlayer, localPlayer, element, objectTable[liftID][2], objectTable[liftID][3], objectTable[liftID][4]) vehiceLiftPanel = false local sound = playSound(\"files/lift.mp3\", true) setTimer(function() if isElement(sound) then stopSound(sound) end end,10000, 1) end end end end end addEventHandler(\"onClientClick\", root, vehicleLiftClick) function drawMechanicPanel () if not isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) and mechanic and exports[\"exg_dashboard\"]:isPlayerInFaction(11) then if #damageParts > 0 then dxDrawRectangle(monitorSize[1] - 200, monitorSize[2]/2 - (#damageParts*22 + 10)/2, 200, (#damageParts*22 + 10),tocolor(0,0,0,160)) -- Player Cuccok kirajzolasa ami nemfer componentbe for partIndex, partValue in pairs(damageParts) do dxDrawRectangle(monitorSize[1] - 200, monitorSize[2]/2 - (#damageParts*22 + 10)/2 + partIndex / 22 - 16, 200, 20,tocolor(0, 0, 0,240)) dxDrawText(\"ExternalGaming - #7cc576Mechanic\",monitorSize[1] - 200+5, monitorSize[2]/2 - (#damageParts*22 + 10)/2 + partIndex / 22 - 16+2, 200, 20, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, font, \"left\", \"top\", false, false, false, true) if isInSlot(monitorSize[1] - 190, monitorSize[2]/2 - (#damageParts*22 + 10)/2 + partIndex * 22 - 16, 180, 20) then dxDrawRectangle(monitorSize[1] - 190, monitorSize[2]/2 - (#damageParts*22 + 10)/2 + partIndex * 22 - 16, 180, 20,tocolor(124, 197, 118,180)) dxDrawText(partValue[1],monitorSize[1] - 190 +180/2, monitorSize[2]/2 - (#damageParts*22 + 10)/2 + partIndex * 22 - 16, monitorSize[1] - 190+180/2, 20 + monitorSize[2]/2 - (#damageParts*22 + 10)/2 + partIndex * 22 - 16, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, font, \"center\", \"center\", false, false, false, true) else dxDrawRectangle(monitorSize[1] - 190, monitorSize[2]/2 - (#damageParts*22 + 10)/2 + partIndex * 22 - 16, 180, 20,tocolor(0,0,0,180)) dxDrawText(partValue[1],monitorSize[1] - 190+180/2, monitorSize[2]/2 - (#damageParts*22 + 10)/2 + partIndex * 22 - 16,monitorSize[1] - 190+180/2, 20 + monitorSize[2]/2 - (#damageParts*22 + 10)/2 + partIndex * 22 - 16, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, font, \"center\", \"center\", false, false, false, true) end end end local state = getVehicleTarget()[1] local veh = getVehicleTarget()[2] isPedinVehicle = veh if mechanic_progress_state then mechanic_progress_tick = mechanic_progress_tick + 0.5 if mechanic_progress_tick >= mechanic_progress_max then mechanic_progress_state = false mechanic_progress_tick = 0 callRightFunction(mechanic_progress_text, mechanic_progress_arguments) mechanic_progress_text = \"\" end dxDrawRectangle(monitorSize[1]/2 - panelSize[1]/2, monitorSize[2] - panelSize[2]-60, panelSize[1], panelSize[2],tocolor(0, 0, 0,180)) dxDrawRectangle(monitorSize[1]/2 - panelSize[1]/2, monitorSize[2] - panelSize[2]-60, mechanic_progress_tick, panelSize[2],tocolor(124, 197, 118,180)) dxCreateBorder(monitorSize[1]/2 - panelSize[1]/2, monitorSize[2] - panelSize[2]-60, panelSize[1], panelSize[2],tocolor(0,0,0,255)) dxDrawText(mechanic_progress_text, monitorSize[1]/2 - panelSize[1]/2 + panelSize[1]/2, monitorSize[2] - panelSize[2]-60 +panelSize[2]/2 , monitorSize[1]/2 - panelSize[1]/2 + panelSize[1]/2, monitorSize[2] - panelSize[2]-60 +panelSize[2]/2, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, font3, \"center\", \"center\", false, false, false, true) end if not state or getElementData(veh, \"player->repairing\") then return end for k,v in pairs (damageComponents) do if vehicleComponents[v[4]] then local text = v[1] local text_kieg = \"\" local x = vehicleComponents[v[4]][2] local y = vehicleComponents[v[4]][3] if getVehicleComponentVisible(veh, v[4]) then text_kieg = \"leszerelése\" end if not getVehicleComponentVisible(veh, v[4]) then text_kieg = \"felszerelése\" end local width = dxGetTextWidth(text .. \" \" .. text_kieg,1)*1.2 if isInSlot(x-5 - (width+25)/2, y, width+25, 25) then dxDrawRectangle(x-5 - (width+25)/2, y, width+25, 25,tocolor(124, 197, 118,220)) dxDrawText(text .. \" \" .. text_kieg, x - (width+25)/2, y, width+15 + x - (width+25)/2, 25 + y, tocolor(0, 0, 0, 255), 1, font2, \"center\", \"center\", false, false, false, true) else dxDrawRectangle(x-5 - (width+25)/2, y, width+25, 25,tocolor(0, 0, 0,200)) dxDrawText(text .. \" \" .. text_kieg, x - (width+25)/2, y, width+15 + x - (width+25)/2, 25 + y, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 255), 1, font2, \"center\", \"center\", false, false, false, true) end dxCreateBorder(x-5 - (width+25)/2, y, width+25, 25,tocolor(0,0,0,255)) end end end end addEventHandler(\"onClientRender\", root, drawMechanicPanel) function functionClick(Button, state, playerx, playery) if Button == \"left\" and state == \"down\" and loadingVehicleDamage then if mechanic_progress_state then outputChatBox(\"#19B5FE[ExternalGaming - Mechanic] #ffffffEgyszerre csak egy folyamatot végezhetsz\", 255, 255, 255, true) return end for k,v in pairs (damageComponents) do if vehicleComponents[v[4]] then local text = v[1] local x = vehicleComponents[v[4]][2] local y = vehicleComponents[v[4]][3] local width = dxGetTextWidth(text,1)*1.4 if dobozbaVan(x-5 - (width+25)/2, y, width+25, 25, playerx, playery) then if getVehicleComponentVisible(v[5], v[4]) then mechanic_progress_state = true mechanic_progress_text = v[1]..\" leszerelése folyamatban\" mechanic_progress_tick = 0 mechanic_progress_arguments = {v[1], v[5], v[4]} sound = playSound(\"files/mechanic.mp3\", true) setSoundVolume(sound, 1) setElementData(v[5], \"player->repairing\", true) setElementData(localPlayer, \"player->repairing\", true) triggerServerEvent(\"playerAnimationToServer\", localPlayer, localPlayer, \"BOMBER\", \"BOM_Plant\") exports.mta_chat:sendLocalMeMessage(localPlayer,\"elkezdte leszerelni a(z) \".. v[1] .. \"-t\") else if exports[\'mta_item\']:hasItem(localPlayer, v[6], 1) then triggerServerEvent(\"playerAnimationToServer\", localPlayer, localPlayer, \"BOMBER\", \"BOM_Plant\", v[6]) mechanic_progress_state = true mechanic_progress_text = v[1]..\" felszerelése folyamatban\" mechanic_progress_tick = 0 mechanic_progress_arguments = {v[1], v[5], v[4]} sound = playSound(\"files/mechanic.mp3\", true) setSoundVolume(sound, 1) exports.mta_chat:sendLocalMeMessage(localPlayer,\"elkezdte felszerelni a(z) \".. v[1] .. \"-t\") setElementData(v[5], \"player->repairing\", true) setElementData(localPlayer, \"player->repairing\", true) updateVehicleComponent(v[5], v[4], \"create\") else outputChatBox(\"#19B5FE[ExternalGaming - Mechanic] #ffffff Nincs meg a megfelelő alkatrész a szereléshez. #7cc576(\" .. exports[\'mta_item\']:getItemName(v[6])..\")\", 255, 255, 255, true) end end end end end for partIndex, partValue in pairs(damageParts) do if dobozbaVan(monitorSize[1]- 110, monitorSize[2]/2 - (#damageParts*22 + 10)/2 + partIndex * 22 - 16, 100, 20, playerx, playery) then if partValue[1] == \"Motor javítása\" then triggerServerEvent(\"player->repairEngine\", localPlayer, localPlayer, isPedinVehicle) end end end end end addEventHandler(\"onClientClick\", getRootElement(), functionClick) function callRightFunction(text, v) if text == v[1]..\" leszerelése folyamatban\" then updateVehicleComponent(v[2], v[3], \"remove\") if isElement(sound) then destroyElement(sound) end triggerServerEvent(\"playerAnimationToServer\", localPlayer, localPlayer, nil, nil) setElementData(localPlayer, \"player->repairing\", false) elseif text == v[1]..\" felszerelése folyamatban\" then updateVehicleComponent(v[2], v[3], \"create\") if isElement(sound) then destroyElement(sound) end setElementData(localPlayer, \"player->repairing\", false) triggerServerEvent(\"playerAnimationToServer\", localPlayer, localPlayer, nil, nil) else
end setElementData(v[2], \"player->repairing\", false) end function getVehicleTarget() if not isPedInVehicle(localPlayer) and mechanic then vehicleComponents = {} damageParts = {} loadingVehicleDamage = false isPedinVehicle = false local playerX, playerY, playerZ = getElementPosition(localPlayer) for index, value in ipairs (getElementsByType(\"vehicle\")) do local vehicleX, vehicleY, VehicleZ = getElementPosition(value) if getDistanceBetweenPoints3D(playerX, playerY, playerZ, vehicleX, vehicleY, VehicleZ) < 5 then if not loadingVehicleDamage then loadingVehicleDamage = true getVehicleDamagedComponent(value) for componentName in pairs (getVehicleComponents(value)) do local x,y,z = getVehicleComponentPosition (value,componentName,\"world\") local wx,wy,wz = getScreenFromWorldPosition (x,y,z) if wx and wy then vehicleComponents[componentName] = {componentName,wx,wy} end setElementData(value, \"player->repairing\", false) end if (getElementHealth(value) < 999) then damageParts[#damageParts + 1] = {\"Motor javítása\"} end loadingVehicleDamage = true end return {true,value} end end return {false,false} end end
function getVehicleDamagedComponent(vehicle) if exports[\"exg_dashboard\"]:isPlayerInFaction(11) then if not isElement(vehicle) then return end damageComponents = {} local panelNames = {{\"Bal első panel\",\"\", 67}, {\"Jobb első panel\",\"\", 68}, {\"Bal hátsó panel\",\"\", 69}, {\"Jobb hátsó panel\",\"\", 70}, {\"Szélvédő\",\"windscreen_dummy\", 71}, {\"Első lökhárító\",\"bump_front_dummy\", 72}, {\"Hátsó lökhárító\",\"bump_rear_dummy\", 83}} for i = 0, 6 do local panelState = getVehiclePanelState(vehicle, i) if (panelState ~= 0) then damageComponents[#damageComponents + 1] = {panelNames[i + 1][1], 1, i, panelNames[i + 1][2], vehicle, panelNames[i + 1][3]} --setElementData(vehicle, \"player->panel\", true) -- Beállítás Leszerelésre. end end local doorNames = {{\"Motorháztető\",\"bonnet_dummy\", 73}, {\"Csomagtartó\",\"boot_dummy\", 74}, {\"Bal első ajtó\",\"door_lf_dummy\", 75}, {\"Jobb első ajtó\",\"door_rf_dummy\", 76}, {\"Bal hátsó ajtó\",\"door_lr_dummy\", 77}, {\"Jobb hátsó ajtó\",\"door_rr_dummy\", 78}} for i = 0, 5 do local doorState = getVehicleDoorState(vehicle, i) if (doorState ~= 0) then damageComponents[#damageComponents + 1] = {doorNames[i + 1][1], 2, i, doorNames[i + 1][2], vehicle, doorNames[i + 1][3]} setElementData(vehicle, \"player->door\", 1) -- Beállítás Leszerelésre. end end -- if getElementData(vehicle, \"forklift\") then local wheelNames = {{\"Bal első kerék\",\"wheel_lf_dummy\", 79}, {\"Bal hátsó kerék\",\"wheel_lb_dummy\", 80}, {\"Jobb első kerék\",\"wheel_rf_dummy\", 81}, {\"Jobb hátsó kerék\",\"wheel_rb_dummy\", 82}} local fLeftWheel, rLeftWheel, fRightWheel, rRightWheel = getVehicleWheelStates(vehicle) if (fLeftWheel ~= 0) then damageComponents[#damageComponents + 1] = {wheelNames[1][1], 3, 1, wheelNames[1][2], vehicle, wheelNames[1][3]} setElementData(vehicle, \"player->fLeftWheel\", 1) -- Beállítás Leszerelésre. end if (rLeftWheel ~= 0) then damageComponents[#damageComponents + 1] = {wheelNames[2][1], 3, 2, wheelNames[2][2], vehicle, wheelNames[2][3]} setElementData(vehicle, \"player->rLeftWheel\", 1) -- Beállítás Leszerelésre. end if (fRightWheel ~= 0) then damageComponents[#damageComponents + 1] = {wheelNames[3][1], 3, 3, wheelNames[3][2], vehicle, wheelNames[3][3]} setElementData(vehicle, \"player->fRightWheel\", 1) -- Beállítás Leszerelésre. end if (rRightWheel ~= 0) then damageComponents[#damageComponents + 1] = {wheelNames[4][1], 3, 4, wheelNames[4][2], vehicle, wheelNames[4][3]} setElementData(vehicle, \"player->rRightWheel\", 1) -- Beállítás Leszerelésre. end --end return damageComponents end end -- Component törlés function updateVehicleComponent(element, componentName, type) if element and componentName then if type == \"remove\" then triggerServerEvent(\"player->removeComponentFromVehicle\", localPlayer, localPlayer, element, componentName) else triggerServerEvent(\"player->updateComponentVehicle\", localPlayer, localPlayer, element, componentName) if string.find(componentName, \"wheel\") then triggerServerEvent(\"player->repairWheel\", localPlayer, localPlayer, element, componentName) end if componentName == \"windscreen_dummy\" or componentName == \"bump_front_dummy\" or componentName == \"bump_rear_dummy\" then triggerServerEvent(\"player->repairPanel\", localPlayer, localPlayer, element, getDamagedPanelID(componentName)) end if componentName == \"bonnet_dummy\" or componentName == \"boot_dummy\" or componentName == \"door_lf_dummy\" or componentName == \"door_rf_dummy\" or componentName == \"door_lr_dummy\" or componentName == \"door_rr_dummy\" then triggerServerEvent(\"player->repairDoors\", localPlayer, localPlayer, element, getDamagedDoorID(componentName)) end end end end function receiveRemove(element, componentName) if element and componentName then setVehicleComponentVisible(element, componentName, false) end end addEvent(\"player->removeComponentFromVehicleG\", true) addEventHandler(\"player->removeComponentFromVehicleG\", root, receiveRemove) function receiveCreate(element, componentName) if element and componentName then setVehicleComponentVisible(element, componentName, true) end end addEvent(\"player->updateComponentVehicleG\", true) addEventHandler(\"player->updateComponentVehicleG\", root, receiveCreate) -- Component törlés vége local panelID = { {\"Front-left panel\", 0}, -- Nem Hasznalt cucc {\"Front-right panel\", 1}, -- Nem Hasznalt cucc {\"Rear-left panel\", 2}, -- Nem Hasznalt cucc {\"Rear-right panel\", 3}, -- Nem Hasznalt cucc {\"windscreen_dummy\", 4}, {\"bump_front_dummy\", 5}, {\"bump_rear_dummy\", 6}, } local doorID = { {\"bonnet_dummy\", 0}, {\"boot_dummy\", 1}, {\"door_lf_dummy\", 2}, {\"door_rf_dummy\", 3}, {\"door_lr_dummy\", 4}, {\"door_rr_dummy\", 5}, } function getDamagedPanelID(componentName) for k, v in ipairs(panelID) do if tostring(componentName) == tostring(v[1]) then return v[2] end end return false end function getDamagedDoorID(componentName) for k, v in ipairs(doorID) do if tostring(componentName) == tostring(v[1]) then return v[2] end end return false end function isInSlot(xS,yS,wS,hS) if(isCursorShowing()) then XY = {guiGetScreenSize()} local cursorX, cursorY = getCursorPosition() cursorX, cursorY = cursorX*XY[1], cursorY*XY[2] if(dobozbaVan(xS,yS,wS,hS, cursorX, cursorY)) then return true else return false end end end function dobozbaVan(dX, dY, dSZ, dM, eX, eY) if(eX >= dX and eX <= dX+dSZ and eY >= dY and eY <= dY+dM) then return true else return false end end function dxCreateBorder(x,y,w,h,color) dxDrawRectangle(x,y,w+1,1,color) -- Fent dxDrawRectangle(x,y+1,1,h,color) -- Bal Oldal dxDrawRectangle(x+1,y+h,w,1,color) -- Lent Oldal dxDrawRectangle(x+w,y+1,1,h,color) -- Jobb Oldal end
« Dátum: 2016. december 10. - 13:16:13 »
Debugscript 3-t érdemes használni, lehet valamit nem tud letölteni vagy pedig olyan jót sikerült megírniuk, hogy renderbe került valami olyan aminek nem kellett volna. Lehetséges egy rakat dolog amitől laggolhat, ezt így azért random senki nem fogja neked kiszülni, mert nem mágus senki. Vagy nézd meg milyen hibakódot/kódokat kapsz és ha van akkor is, illetve ha nincs akkor is a scriptet érdemes társítani ide. Köszönöm, hogy te legalább segítettél valamit nem úgy mint Incama!
« Dátum: 2016. december 09. - 15:33:23 »
Üdv mindenkinek belenéztem az external gaming-es szerelő scriptbe hogy is működik stb. de az a probléma hogy ha valaki elkezdi szerelni a kocsit akkor olyan mint ha ping laggja lenne de elég keményen, ennek mi lehet az oka?
« Dátum: 2016. december 05. - 16:40:24 »
Sikerült megoldanom, köszönöm a segítséget
« Dátum: 2016. december 03. - 13:08:23 »
sajnos nem igazán sikerült megoldani
« Dátum: 2016. november 26. - 13:17:03 »
Sziasztok, miért van az hogy modelleztem egy plázát és berakom egy object helyére és az alap gta object texturája ottmarad, de viszont áttudok rajta futni? és hogyha felé repülök akkor ott tudok mászkálni a láthatatlan modellen.
« Dátum: 2016. november 22. - 17:23:46 »
tudnál valami segítséget adni hogy mégis hogy kéne megadni neki az értéket?
« Dátum: 2016. november 21. - 14:22:57 »
Az értéket a MYSQL-ből kellene neki lekérni, mert MYSQL-el működik a rendszer csak hiába szúrok be egy kaput sql táblába IG nem jelenik meg sehogy sem.