-Fixed linux versions-Fixed a lot of crashes(connect/disconnect/death/streamin/streamout/minimize/maximize Game)-Fixed dead animations after respawn-Fixed random invalid models(on spawn, streamin etc.)-Added new world to screen calculation-Added automatic player/actor drive functions-Removed Webkit-Improved InVehicle/OnFoot/Weapon-Sync-Added a lot of new events(shotevents, vehicle-damage events, vehicle-death events)-Disabled Ragdoll-Added Vehicle-Engine system(& disabled automatic turn on)-Added empty vehiclesync-Fixed HTTP download system (clientside)-Added more functions into GUI (client can select font etc.)-Increased MAX_PLAYERS up to 48 and MAX_VEHICLES up to 1054-Fixed streaming bugs-Fixed interior streaming(vehicles, players)-Fixed object attach functions-Added a lot of GTA IV world function which were disabled since IV:MP Alpha-Started reversing Trains(subway)-New DirectXHook, now IV:MP is working with mobile graphicscards-Updated RakNet/SILLY/CEGUI/Mongoose Librarys-Deactivated custom nametags(they\'re comming back in RC3)-Fixed checkpoint system(creation, streaming etc.)-Fixed crashes on gamestartup/disconnect button press-Added ChatInput recallup & fixed carat-Fixed vehicle turning front wheels(right/left)-Added new hooks to prevent crashes-Fixed player and vehicle colors-Fixed vehicle requests events-Fixed missing components at vehicles(NRG,Helicopters)-Added new scripting natives and events (see wiki for more information)-Added a vehicle respawn delay-Added dimensons(virtual worlds)-Moved audio stuff into seperate thread