Szerző Téma: Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade  (Megtekintve 525 alkalommal)

Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 18:57:27 »
0 Show voters
a sok seggparaszt magyar is ott van már -.- valami sofõr (drifter_pro) fel jött most h furikázza a haverját -..--.--..---..--

Nem elérhető emu420

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Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 18:58:59 »
0 Show voters
xddd az konkrét.  :D :D

Nem elérhető Attila

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Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 19:10:57 »
0 Show voters
meglátom kiütöm a fejét a fülei közül

Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 19:51:35 »
0 Show voters
na jolvan eléggg befejezem a gtat olyan fos lett a sok kis köcögtõl
fõleg az a 2 magyartól omg de csicskák -.- csak pofáznak és egyik se öl -.-

Nem elérhető RyDerBoy96

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Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #4 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 19:52:06 »
0 Show voters
Most már végképp sz*r, hogy ilyen loky félék feljárnak sírni :(
Igen drifter vezet, én meg lövök a kocsiból és ez már freeroam. Loky te meg miközben játszol és valaki más lelõ(nem mi) akkor egybõl \"noob csicska sz*ros köcsög buzi f***fej anyád\" stb. .. pl. lelõ téged valami külföldi gyerek és nem csak õt hibáztatod, hanem minket is. És nézzétek, amikor nem fogadtam el a duel-t, hogy reagált a gyerek:
E: igen, ma éjjel fedeztem fel a szervert, meg ma se reggeltõl játszottam idáig, csak párszor megyek fel de már mi ketten elbasszuk az egész szervert :( :( :( :( szörnyû a világ  :Cry2:  aki pofázik, az te vagy. És mondd csak, hogy a faszba volt legalább 1 pontom is(pedig annál sokkal több volt), hogy ha csak pofázok és nem ölök? Én csak akkor pofázok, amikor megpróbállak elcsitítani, mert nem értesz se a szép szóból, se ha durvábban kezelem az idegeidet.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 19:54:48 írta RyDerBoy96 »

Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #5 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 20:00:18 »
0 Show voters
azt miért nem mutatod meg te miket írtál  :OO :D
végig ott pofáztál nekem pedig te járkálsz mindenhova a csajoddal db-zni hát le a kalappal

Nem elérhető RyDerBoy96

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Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #6 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 20:02:53 »
0 Show voters
Legalább nem pofázunk be annak a ki megöl minket.. Mellesleg de, megmutatom, itt van a log amióta beléptem:

[18:40:31] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9B9BF}0.3e {FFFFFF}Started
[18:40:34] Connecting to
[18:40:34] Connected. Joining the game...
[18:40:34] [0.GL] lowryder has joined this channel
[18:40:37] Connected to {B9B9BF}GTAT 0.3e - EU (Ping<200ms) -
[18:40:37] (auth) You successfully authed as lowryder!
[18:40:37] [1.EN] lowryder has joined this channel
[18:40:38] (frenzy) If you kill 20 players with Sniper Rifle first you gain $1000 and 40 respect.
[18:40:38] (frenzy) If you dont want to take part at the frenzies, type \'/frenzy\'
[18:40:39] [s7]DENNISy00 got the artefact now.
[18:40:41] (fight) The fight is over, [AsL]DypeL won
[18:40:56] [sTARS]ProSkill has left the server.
[18:41:05] .BlaZeR. got the artefact now.
[18:41:10] [V8]djiinn_ got the artefact now.
[18:41:12] [V8]ReikO_ has left the server.
[18:41:23] b4lder has left the server.
[18:41:31] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: scheiß hurensohnreason
[18:41:31] [M2B]Impact_ got the artefact now.
[18:41:31] [V8]djiinn_ got the artefact now.
[18:41:32] [0.GL] Di3hard: god hacker
[18:41:56] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:41:59] <Di3hard> csõ
[18:41:59] [AsL] captured Yellow Bell Station.
[18:41:59] [s7] captured Race: Pot race.
[18:42:14] <Di3hard> na ki vagy?xd
[18:42:15] [PE]BusinessMan got the artefact now.
[18:42:16] [LBG]kN_ is on a respect spree now.
[18:42:16] [G_O]Insane_Cody has left the server.
[18:42:17] Gained Expirience (Progress 99/100)
[18:42:17] lowryder is on a respect spree now.
[18:42:17] (respect) You did 2 respectful things: 2 Respect and 10$ for you!
[18:42:17] Gained 4 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[18:42:17] [0.GL] Re4per has joined this channel
[18:42:17] [1.EN] Re4per has joined this channel
[18:42:19] [0.GL] lowryder: XDD
[18:42:23] [0.GL] Di3hard: fuck you
[18:42:23] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: AHAHAHHA
[18:42:25] [0.GL] lowryder: bosszú
[18:42:33] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: na?
[18:42:35] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: haha
[18:42:36] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: ;)
[18:42:37] [0.GL] Di3hard: i catch you gay man
[18:42:39] [0.GL] [PE]BusinessMan: 2/fight
[18:42:59] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: hol vagy?
[18:43:13] [0.GL] lowryder: lv
[18:43:27] [0.GL] Di3hard: dikk ez ki?
[18:43:32] [0.GL] lowryder: xdd
[18:43:32] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: én is...parkoló
[18:43:43] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:43:49] [0.GL] Di3hard: ki a f***om vagy?
[18:43:50] [0.GL] desk. has joined this channel
[18:43:50] [1.EN] desk. has joined this channel
[18:43:51] Gained Expirience (Progress 102/300)
[18:43:51] lowryder is \'PLAYA\' now. He did 5 respectful things in 3 minutes
[18:43:51] (respect) You did 5 respectful things: 2 Respect and 25$ for you!
[18:43:51] Gained 6 respect and found $37 in the wallet.
[18:43:54] [0.GL] aKrO has joined this channel
[18:43:54] [1.EN] aKrO has joined this channel
[18:43:57] [uH_]ArriveDerci whispers: :S
[18:44:03] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ki ki?
[18:44:04] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[18:44:04] [0.GL] LinkineR has joined this channel
[18:44:07] <.BlaZeR.> ASD
[18:44:08] Di3hard got the artefact now.
[18:44:09] [1.EN] LinkineR has joined this channel
[18:44:10] [0.GL] [PE]BusinessMan: omf
[18:44:13] [0.GL] lowryder: x
[18:44:15] [LBG]dEaLeR_ has left the server.
[18:44:19] [0.GL] [M2B]Impact_: im frapsing for \"idiots of gtat\"
[18:44:20] [0.GL] lowryder: arrive derchíí
[18:44:27] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:44:29] [V8]djiinn_ has left the server.
[18:44:31] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: de hó vagymá?
[18:44:34] Gained Expirience (Progress 103/300)
[18:44:34] lowryder is \'HOMIE\' now. He did 8 respectful things in 3 minutes
[18:44:34] (respect) You did 8 respectful things: 2 Respect and 40$ for you!
[18:44:34] Gained 2 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[18:44:43] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: NOOB
[18:44:43] [0.GL] [M2B]Impact_: kkkk
[18:44:46] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: pff
[18:44:52] Gained Expirience (Progress 105/300)
[18:44:52] Gained 4 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[18:44:52] [0.GL] [PE]BusinessMan: idiots of gtat, starring MYSELF
[18:44:56] [0.GL] [M2B]Impact_: kkkkk
[18:44:57] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: m2b super idiot
[18:44:57] [0.GL] lowryder: de pro vok :O
[18:44:59] [0.GL] [PE]zuuga: fmm in gat
[18:45:04] (respect spree) Respect spree over!
[18:45:04] (respect spree) Congratulations you did 10 respectful things in 3 minutes!
[18:45:08] [0.GL] lowryder: hol vagy low?
[18:45:09] [0.GL] lucasek has joined this channel
[18:45:14] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: spawn lv
[18:45:16] <lowryder> ok
[18:45:16] Nobody heard you. Try /0 hello! to chat in a channel!
[18:45:20] [1.EN] lucasek has joined this channel
[18:45:21] [0.GL] lowryder: lopok kocsit oszt mek
[18:45:26] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ok
[18:45:41] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: am ki a f***om ez a dihard?
[18:45:44] [0.GL] lowryder: már van sniperem
[18:45:50] [NSG]lucasek got the artefact now.
[18:46:20] [0.GL] [k2S]Aztecaz: how to aimbot deniss
[18:46:25] [PE]BusinessMan has left the server.
[18:46:34] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: kutas
[18:46:36] [0.GL] PiriReis has joined this channel
[18:46:44] [1.EN] PiriReis has joined this channel
[18:46:47] [0.GL] _Ryder_ has joined this channel
[18:46:47] [1.EN] _Ryder_ has joined this channel
[18:46:56] [0.GL] [PE]zuuga: aim :) fuck ur mother
[18:47:01] [PE]zuuga has left the server.
[18:47:11] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: AHAHAHA
[18:47:16] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: AHAHAHA NICE KILL??
[18:47:24] [0.GL] [NSG]VetiuS: /fight all
[18:47:24] .BlaZeR. has left the server.
[18:47:26] <lowryder> loky hanyadik vagy a toplistán?
[18:47:35] (salary) Hello lowryder. You get 228 as salary.
[18:47:40] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: xd
[18:47:43] [s7]Re4per got the artefact now.
[18:48:12] Gained Expirience (Progress 110/300)
[18:48:12] lowryder is on a respect spree now.
[18:48:12] (respect) You did 2 respectful things: 2 Respect and 10$ for you!
[18:48:12] Gained 10 respect and found $58 in the wallet.
[18:48:15] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: hurensohn
[18:48:17] zuzu.russia has left the server.
[18:48:29] [0.GL] [M2B]Impact_: kkk
[18:48:33] [0.GL] ReX has joined this channel
[18:48:33] [1.EN] ReX has joined this channel
[18:48:33] [LBG]kN_ got the artefact now.
[18:48:34] [0.GL] lowryder: ha valakit megölök ne körözz a szív körül hanem állj meg
[18:48:46] <Drifter_Pro> kuss
[18:48:58] [0.GL] _CaVaLerul has joined this channel
[18:48:58] [1.EN] _CaVaLerul has joined this channel
[18:49:10] [NSG]lucasek got the artefact now.
[18:49:22] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: cheat
[18:49:23] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[18:49:25] [0.GL] [NSG]VetiuS: ;]
[18:49:25] Gained Expirience (Progress 112/300)
[18:49:25] lowryder is \'PLAYA\' now. He did 5 respectful things in 3 minutes
[18:49:25] (respect) You did 5 respectful things: 2 Respect and 25$ for you!
[18:49:25] Gained 4 respect and found $30 in the wallet.
[18:49:30] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: son banned
[18:49:37] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: cioty
[18:49:38] Gained Expirience (Progress 114/300)
[18:49:38] lowryder is \'HOMIE\' now. He did 8 respectful things in 3 minutes
[18:49:38] (respect) You did 8 respectful things: 2 Respect and 40$ for you!
[18:49:38] Gained 4 respect and found $29 in the wallet.
[18:49:47] <Drifter_Pro> xdddddd
[18:49:48] [uH_]ArriveDerci got the artefact now.
[18:49:53] [0.GL] lowryder: latod pro vagyok
[18:49:53] <Drifter_Pro> kuss for it
[18:49:55] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: pizda
[18:49:55] [0.GL] [AoF]ReX: fail
[18:50:00] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: xD
[18:50:08] [0.GL] lowryder: tobb pontom van mint diharnak
[18:50:11] Gained Expirience (Progress 115/300)
[18:50:11] Gained 2 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[18:50:22] [s7]Re4per has left the server.
[18:50:24] [0.GL] Di3hard: most jöttem fel okos gyerek-.-
[18:50:26] [0.GL] lowryder: új kocsi
[18:50:32] [0.GL] lowryder: én meg utánat :D :D okosgyerek
[18:50:32] [Ga]aKrO has left the server.
[18:50:43] [0.GL] lowryder: utánad*
[18:50:50] [0.GL] eRsT_ has joined this channel
[18:50:50] [1.EN] eRsT_ has joined this channel
[18:50:56] [0.GL] aKrO has joined this channel
[18:50:56] [1.EN] aKrO has joined this channel
[18:50:58] [0.GL] Di3hard: gay asl
[18:51:04] [s7]DENNISy00 got the artefact now.
[18:51:05] [RevS] captured Yellow Bell Station.
[18:51:05] [PE] captured Race: Pot race.
[18:51:05] (respect spree) Respect spree over!
[18:51:05] (respect spree) Congratulations you did 11 respectful things in 3 minutes!
[18:51:07] [0.GL] lowryder: de ne sirjál már 44-42..
[18:51:12] [0.GL] XIII has joined this channel
[18:51:13] [0.GL] lowryder: nem komolyan mondtam
[18:51:16] [PE]LinkineR got the artefact now.
[18:51:18] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: hrsn
[18:51:21] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: ale cwele ;)
[18:51:25] [0.GL] Andy_xXL has joined this channel
[18:51:25] Andy_xXL has left the server.
[18:51:28] [0.GL] yaroslav_mashtakov has joined this channel
[18:51:28] yaroslav_mashtakov has left the server.
[18:51:29] [k2S]Aztecaz got the artefact now.
[18:51:35] [0.GL] Andy_xXL has joined this channel
[18:51:35] Andy_xXL has left the server.
[18:51:38] [0.GL] yaroslav_mashtakov has joined this channel
[18:51:38] yaroslav_mashtakov has left the server.
[18:51:45] XIII has left the server.
[18:51:50] [0.GL] yaroslav_mashtakov has joined this channel
[18:51:50] yaroslav_mashtakov has left the server.
[18:51:53] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:51:53] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:51:56] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: YO EMIR
[18:52:00] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: i am not emir
[18:52:00] [0.GL] lowryder: holvagy?
[18:52:01] [0.GL] yaroslav_mashtakov has joined this channel
[18:52:01] yaroslav_mashtakov has left the server.
[18:52:02] [0.GL] salahinno has joined this channel
[18:52:02] salahinno has left the server.
[18:52:06] [0.GL] memo has joined this channel
[18:52:09] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:52:09] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:52:11] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: te?
[18:52:14] memo has left the server.
[18:52:15] Peronda has left the server.
[18:52:15] [0.GL] Ruslan_Abdrahmanov has joined this channel
[18:52:16] Ruslan_Abdrahmanov has left the server.
[18:52:17] [0.GL] salahinno has joined this channel
[18:52:17] salahinno has left the server.
[18:52:17] [0.GL] Edison has joined this channel
[18:52:17] [0.GL] mouhssinnno has joined this channel
[18:52:17] mouhssinnno has left the server.
[18:52:19] [0.GL] Di3hard: csicska drifter pro...
[18:52:20] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[18:52:21] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:52:21] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:52:23] [0.GL] DubStep23 has joined this channel
[18:52:23] [1.EN] DubStep23 has joined this channel
[18:52:26] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: kuss
[18:52:26] [0.GL] lowryder: miért csicska?
[18:52:31] [0.GL] Ruslan_Abdrahmanov has joined this channel
[18:52:31] Ruslan_Abdrahmanov has left the server.
[18:52:31] [0.GL] Daniiiii has joined this channel
[18:52:31] Daniiiii has left the server.
[18:52:32] (fight) The fight is over, [NSG]VetiuS won
[18:52:32] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:52:33] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:52:33] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:52:34] [0.GL] [NSG]VetiuS: die
[18:52:41] [0.GL] Di3hard: egybõl elmegy -.- sz*ros kis csicskaa
[18:52:43] Edison has left the server.
[18:52:43] [0.GL] Ruslan_Abdrahmanov has joined this channel
[18:52:43] Ruslan_Abdrahmanov has left the server.
[18:52:45] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:52:45] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:52:46] [LBG]kN_ got the artefact now.
[18:52:46] [0.GL] Qpeer has joined this channel
[18:52:47] [1.EN] Qpeer has joined this channel
[18:52:47] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: dypel hrsn
[18:52:54] [0.GL] striky has joined this channel
[18:52:54] striky has left the server.
[18:52:54] [0.GL] lowryder: ha csak sírni tudsz akkor /0
[18:52:55] [0.GL] [r2v]_Ryder_: fuckin spaser.
[18:52:57] [zR_]desk. got the artefact now.
[18:52:58] [0.GL] lowryder: /q XD
[18:52:58] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:52:58] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:52:58] [0.GL] HitManFromHell has joined this channel
[18:52:58] HitManFromHell has left the server.
[18:53:02] [0.GL] xpos has joined this channel
[18:53:02] xpos has left the server.
[18:53:02] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: lol
[18:53:02] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: die
[18:53:05] [0.GL] soso has joined this channel
[18:53:08] [0.GL] Artem_Kolesnikov has joined this channel
[18:53:08] Artem_Kolesnikov has left the server.
[18:53:10] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:53:10] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:53:12] [0.GL] lowryder: lehet hogy nem akar meghalni
[18:53:16] [0.GL] watch4em has joined this channel
[18:53:16] [1.EN] watch4em has joined this channel
[18:53:18] [0.GL] lowryder: te biztos odarohansz mindenki elé hogy öljön meg :O
[18:53:22] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:53:22] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:53:23] [0.GL] Artem_Kolesnikov has joined this channel
[18:53:23] Artem_Kolesnikov has left the server.
[18:53:25] [0.GL] killing_ has joined this channel
[18:53:30] [1.EN] killing_ has joined this channel
[18:53:33] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:53:33] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:53:34] [0.GL] Artem_Kolesnikov has joined this channel
[18:53:34] Artem_Kolesnikov has left the server.
[18:53:34] [0.GL] [AoF]ReX: ez
[18:53:35] [0.GL] reby has joined this channel
[18:53:35] reby has left the server.
[18:53:39] soso has left the server.
[18:53:40] [PE]LinkineR got the artefact now.
[18:53:40] <Drifter_Pro> xd csak ilyen volt
[18:53:40] [0.GL] Di3hard: -.- ez egy dm szeró nem kocsikázó szeró
[18:53:45] [0.GL] Artem_Kolesnikov has joined this channel
[18:53:45] Artem_Kolesnikov has left the server.
[18:53:49] [0.GL] [PE]DubStep23: urwamac
[18:53:50] [0.GL] lowryder: engem keres kocsival mi meg ölünk
[18:53:51] <Drifter_Pro> dmezünk:D
[18:53:53] [0.GL] Di3hard: senkit nem ölt és egyszer halt meg akkor meg mi a f***nak van itt
[18:54:00] [0.GL] lowryder: õ a sofõröm
[18:54:01] (duel) [NSG]VetiuS won the duel against [AsL]DypeL
[18:54:02] [0.GL] Artem_Kolesnikov has joined this channel
[18:54:02] Artem_Kolesnikov has left the server.
[18:54:10] [0.GL] Sergey_Boyka has joined this channel
[18:54:10] Sergey_Boyka has left the server.
[18:54:20] [0.GL] TeRRoR_747 has joined this channel
[18:54:20] TeRRoR_747 has left the server.
[18:54:23] [s7]DENNISy00 got the artefact now.
[18:54:29] [0.GL] lowryder: miért ugrasz ki low?
[18:54:29] [0.GL] [uH_]watch4em: omg
[18:54:32] [0.GL] Lime has joined this channel
[18:54:38] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: mert gránátot dobtak
[18:54:42] [0.GL] HitManFromHell has joined this channel
[18:54:42] HitManFromHell has left the server.
[18:54:43] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[18:54:43] Di3hard has left the server.
[18:54:45] [AsL]DypeL got the artefact now.
[18:54:46] [AoF]ReX got the artefact now.
[18:54:47] [0.GL] lowryder: arrive :(
[18:54:53] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: sory i dont see yo
[18:54:54] [0.GL] TeRRoR747 has joined this channel
[18:54:55] [1.EN] TeRRoR747 has joined this channel
[18:54:57] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:54:57] [1.EN] Lime has joined this channel
[18:54:59] [0.GL] M(Gaby)C has joined this channel
[18:54:59] M(Gaby)C has left the server.
[18:55:00] [0.GL] [uH_]watch4em: EZ
[18:55:00] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: hol vagy?
[18:55:02] [0.GL] lowryder: <3
[18:55:02] Lime has left the server.
[18:55:13] [0.GL] Lime has joined this channel
[18:55:15] [0.GL] M(Gaby)C has joined this channel
[18:55:15] M(Gaby)C has left the server.
[18:55:18] [0.GL] lucas has joined this channel
[18:55:21] [0.GL] lowryder: partnál
[18:55:25] lucas has left the server.
[18:55:25] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: gay
[18:55:26] [0.GL] lowryder: gyere visza
[18:55:27] [1.EN] Lime has joined this channel
[18:55:28] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:55:29] [NSG]VetiuS has left the server.
[18:55:31] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[18:55:31] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[18:55:37] [0.GL] razvi_cj has joined this channel
[18:55:37] [AsL] captured Yellow Bell Station.
[18:55:37] [s7] captured Race: Pot race.
[18:55:39] [0.GL] [PE]DubStep23: -.- xd
[18:55:42] razvi_cj has left the server.
[18:55:45] [PE]LinkineR got the artefact now.
[18:55:45] Lime has left the server.
[18:55:47] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[18:55:47] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[18:55:50] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: lagger noob
[18:55:50] [0.GL] [uH_]watch4em: ezz
[18:55:52] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: v8 aimbot anti-lagg
[18:55:55] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: ya vurmadýk var ya
[18:55:55] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: knaka pardon D:
[18:55:58] [0.GL] half has joined this channel
[18:55:58] half has left the server.
[18:55:58] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: amýna kyodun hp nin
[18:55:59] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[18:55:59] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[18:56:02] [Ga]aKrO has left the server.
[18:56:03] [FG]TeRRoR747 has left the server.
[18:56:03] [0.GL] edreybert has joined this channel
[18:56:03] edreybert has left the server.
[18:56:05] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: okunmuyo siyahtan
[18:56:06] [0.GL] Lime has joined this channel
[18:56:10] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[18:56:10] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[18:56:11] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: hem orda ne iþin var oc clana gel :D
[18:56:12] [0.GL] lowryder: mindenki engem öl xd
[18:56:13] [0.GL] half has joined this channel
[18:56:13] half has left the server.
[18:56:14] [0.GL] Insane_Cody has joined this channel
[18:56:15] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: eeeez
[18:56:17] [1.EN] Lime has joined this channel
[18:56:19] [0.GL] XXGabrielXX has joined this channel
[18:56:19] XXGabrielXX has left the server.
[18:56:21] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:56:22] [1.EN] Insane_Cody has joined this channel
[18:56:23] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: qnq sen býlmyýosun galýba
[18:56:24] [0.GL] TeRRoR747 has joined this channel
[18:56:24] [1.EN] TeRRoR747 has joined this channel
[18:56:27] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: ben ayrýldým uh dan :D
[18:56:29] [0.GL] razvi_cj has joined this channel
[18:56:29] [0.GL] XXGabrielXX has joined this channel
[18:56:29] XXGabrielXX has left the server.
[18:56:32] [0.GL] JOJOMARISSAL has joined this channel
[18:56:32] JOJOMARISSAL has left the server.
[18:56:35] [NSG]lucasek got the artefact now.
[18:56:35] [1.EN] razvi_cj has joined this channel
[18:56:40] [0.GL] XXGabrielXX has joined this channel
[18:56:40] XXGabrielXX has left the server.
[18:56:43] [0.GL] lowryder: gyere a gyár szerûséghez drifter
[18:56:46] [0.GL] lowryder: bejárathoz
[18:56:47] [0.GL] JOJOMARISSAL has joined this channel
[18:56:47] JOJOMARISSAL has left the server.
[18:56:50] [0.GL] XXGabrielXX has joined this channel
[18:56:50] XXGabrielXX has left the server.
[18:56:51] [0.GL] zwol has joined this channel
[18:56:51] [1.EN] zwol has joined this channel
[18:56:51] [r2v]_Ryder_ has left the server.
[18:56:53] [0.GL] elalex has joined this channel
[18:56:53] elalex has left the server.
[18:56:56] [0.GL] HawK has joined this channel
[18:56:56] [1.EN] HawK has joined this channel
[18:56:59] [0.GL] JOJOMARISSAL has joined this channel
[18:56:59] JOJOMARISSAL has left the server.
[18:57:00] [0.GL] Prozz15 has joined this channel
[18:57:00] Prozz15 has left the server.
[18:57:03] [0.GL] AbCr has joined this channel
[18:57:05] [NSG]killing_ got the artefact now.
[18:57:06] [0.GL] Bandana has joined this channel
[18:57:11] [0.GL] TheReptile has joined this channel
[18:57:11] [1.EN] TheReptile has joined this channel
[18:57:11] [0.GL] Akum4_ has joined this channel
[18:57:12] [0.GL] JOJOMARISSAL has joined this channel
[18:57:12] JOJOMARISSAL has left the server.
[18:57:15] [0.GL] Dragos.V.8 has joined this channel
[18:57:15] Dragos.V.8 has left the server.
[18:57:16] <Drifter_Pro> xdddd
[18:57:20] [1.EN] Akum4_ has joined this channel
[18:57:21] <Drifter_Pro> az már sérült
[18:57:22] <lowryder> nem tudunk bemenni
[18:57:25] [1.EN] AbCr has joined this channel
[18:57:25] [0.GL] Dragos.V.8 has joined this channel
[18:57:25] Dragos.V.8 has left the server.
[18:57:26] Karluscha has left the server.
[18:57:27] [0.GL] elalex has joined this channel
[18:57:27] elalex has left the server.
[18:57:32] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: aim noob
[18:57:33] [1.EN] Bandana has joined this channel
[18:57:35] [uH_]ArriveDerci got the artefact now.
[18:57:36] [0.GL] Dragos.V.8 has joined this channel
[18:57:36] Dragos.V.8 has left the server.
[18:57:37] [AoF]ReX has left the server.
[18:57:37] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: :D
[18:57:38] [0.GL] elalex has joined this channel
[18:57:38] elalex has left the server.
[18:57:38] [0.GL] Greg024 has joined this channel
[18:57:38] Greg024 has left the server.
[18:57:39] [0.GL] bulSs has joined this channel
[18:57:43] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: dennis aim
[18:57:46] [G_O]Insane_Cody has left the server.
[18:57:46] Gained Expirience (Progress 117/300)
[18:57:46] lowryder is on a respect spree now.
[18:57:46] (respect) You did 2 respectful things: 2 Respect and 10$ for you!
[18:57:46] Gained 4 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[18:57:49] [0.GL] Greg024 has joined this channel
[18:57:49] Greg024 has left the server.
[18:57:51] [1.EN] bulSs has joined this channel
[18:57:52] [PE]DubStep23 has left the server.
[18:57:58] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: bu sefer ben vurmadým
[18:57:59] [0.GL] Greg024 has joined this channel
[18:57:59] Greg024 has left the server.
[18:58:05] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_ got the artefact now.
[18:58:07] [uH_]ArriveDerci got the artefact now.
[18:58:13] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:58:13] Draki has left the server.
[18:58:14] [0.GL] oN1moD(e) has joined this channel
[18:58:14] oN1moD(e) has left the server.
[18:58:17] [uH_]watch4em has left the server.
[18:58:28] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:58:28] Draki has left the server.
[18:58:29] [0.GL] oN1moD(e) has joined this channel
[18:58:29] oN1moD(e) has left the server.
[18:58:40] [0.GL] JuneXx has joined this channel
[18:58:40] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:58:40] Draki has left the server.
[18:58:45] [s7]DENNISy00 got the artefact now.
[18:58:51] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:58:51] Draki has left the server.
[18:58:53] [k2S]Aztecaz has left the server.
[18:58:56] [1.EN] JuneXx has joined this channel
[18:59:03] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:59:03] Draki has left the server.
[18:59:12] [0.GL] lowryder: könnyen leszednek errõl
[18:59:15] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:59:15] Draki has left the server.
[18:59:16] [QIJ_]tiui has left the server.
[18:59:18] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: aim.exe kid
[18:59:20] [0.GL] [AsL]bulSs: ez
[18:59:22] [AsL]DypeL got the artefact now.
[18:59:26] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: kid
[18:59:27] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:59:27] Draki has left the server.
[18:59:29] [M2B]Akum4_ has left the server.
[18:59:29] [0.GL] oN1moD(e) has joined this channel
[18:59:29] oN1moD(e) has left the server.
[18:59:30] [0.GL] Siwan has joined this channel
[18:59:33] [0.GL] joker_nal has joined this channel
[18:59:33] joker_nal has left the server.
[18:59:34] [0.GL] Santa_Clausas has joined this channel
[18:59:34] Santa_Clausas has left the server.
[18:59:39] [1.EN] Siwan has joined this channel
[18:59:39] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:59:39] Draki has left the server.
[18:59:39] [0.GL] kateky has joined this channel
[18:59:39] [1.EN] kateky has joined this channel
[18:59:44] [0.GL] lowryder: te hol vagy?
[18:59:48] [0.GL] joker_nal has joined this channel
[18:59:48] joker_nal has left the server.
[18:59:49] [0.GL] Santa_Clausas has joined this channel
[18:59:49] Santa_Clausas has left the server.
[18:59:50] [0.GL] Semih has joined this channel
[18:59:51] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ugyanott
[18:59:51] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:59:51] Draki has left the server.
[18:59:51] [uMED]kateky has left the server.
[18:59:51] [0.GL] artem_rulev has joined this channel
[18:59:51] artem_rulev has left the server.
[18:59:53] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:59:53] (spawn) You didnt have enough money in your wallet to buy your spawnweapons, so it was paid by your bank.
[18:59:54] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: élek
[18:59:56] Semih has left the server.
[18:59:58] [0.GL] ZaZ_Miner has joined this channel
[18:59:58] ZaZ_Miner has left the server.
[19:00:00] [0.GL] lowryder: látom
[19:00:01] [0.GL] Santa_Clausas has joined this channel
[19:00:01] Santa_Clausas has left the server.
[19:00:04] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:00:04] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[19:00:04] Draki has left the server.
[19:00:04] [0.GL] lowryder: ölöm és sz ar sz rám :D
[19:00:05] (salary) Hello lowryder. You get 488 as salary.
[19:00:05] (respect spree) Respect spree over!
[19:00:05] (respect spree) Congratulations you did 3 respectful things in 3 minutes!
[19:00:07] [0.GL] artem_rulev has joined this channel
[19:00:07] artem_rulev has left the server.
[19:00:11] [RevS] captured Yellow Bell Station.
[19:00:11] [PE] captured Race: Pot race.
[19:00:12] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: na hol vagy?
[19:00:13] [0.GL] ZaZ_Miner has joined this channel
[19:00:13] ZaZ_Miner has left the server.
[19:00:15] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[19:00:18] [0.GL] ProSkill has joined this channel
[19:00:18] [1.EN] ProSkill has joined this channel
[19:00:18] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: LoL...
[19:00:19] [0.GL] artem_rulev has joined this channel
[19:00:19] artem_rulev has left the server.
[19:00:19] [0.GL] lowryder: új map. grove-ba tali
[19:00:25] [0.GL] ZaZ_Miner has joined this channel
[19:00:25] ZaZ_Miner has left the server.
[19:00:29] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: na***dmeg
[19:00:29] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[19:00:30] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[19:00:36] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: mnice
[19:00:45] [0.GL] [NSG]killing_: LOL
[19:00:56] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: stupidly ez... --> ME... :P
[19:01:01] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: frapsed ez
[19:01:02] (frenzy) [RevS]DiscoReasoN_ won. Next frenzy will start in 5 minutes.
[19:01:08] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: zal
[19:01:11] [0.GL] Lacero has joined this channel
[19:01:11] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: kurwa
[19:01:11] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: ha kurwa
[19:01:15] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: ty chuju
[19:01:16] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: ile miales
[19:01:24] [0.GL] somi_sine has joined this channel
[19:01:24] somi_sine has left the server.
[19:01:24] [0.GL] Draki_sm has joined this channel
[19:01:24] Draki_sm has left the server.
[19:01:26] [0.GL] lowryder: grove ba vagyok
[19:01:35] [0.GL] somi_sine has joined this channel
[19:01:35] somi_sine has left the server.
[19:01:40] [0.GL] Draki_sm has joined this channel
[19:01:40] Draki_sm has left the server.
[19:01:41] [1.EN] Lacero has joined this channel
[19:01:42] [0.GL] Qpeer: én meg nem
[19:01:43] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: i huj
[19:01:45] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: kurwa
[19:01:45] [0.GL] somi_sine has joined this channel
[19:01:45] somi_sine has left the server.
[19:01:50] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: forzen na 3 minuty
[19:01:52] [0.GL] Draki_sm has joined this channel
[19:01:52] Draki_sm has left the server.
[19:01:56] [0.GL] somi_sine has joined this channel
[19:01:56] somi_sine has left the server.
[19:01:59] Qpeer has left the server.
[19:02:01] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: pros....bunch of noobs togethre...thats waht AsL is
[19:02:04] [0.GL] Draki_sm has joined this channel
[19:02:04] Draki_sm has left the server.
[19:02:04] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: ezaz
[19:02:05] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: ye aimbot
[19:02:06] [0.GL] somi_sine has joined this channel
[19:02:06] somi_sine has left the server.
[19:02:12] [0.GL] haazj has joined this channel
[19:02:12] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: gj ladie
[19:02:12] [0.GL] [NSG]Lacero: hello @ all
[19:02:15] [0.GL] D4mo_ has joined this channel
[19:02:15] [1.EN] D4mo_ has joined this channel
[19:02:16] [0.GL] lowryder: jössz grove-ba?
[19:02:18] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: bu oc tam hileci
[19:02:21] [1.EN] haazj has joined this channel
[19:02:22] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: los santosba vok már
[19:02:28] [0.GL] lowryder: de grove ***dmeg
[19:02:29] [0.GL] Believer has joined this channel
[19:02:31] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: DIE BITCH
[19:02:31] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: i dont need aimbot for u
[19:02:32] [0.GL] lowryder: groove street
[19:02:36] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ok
[19:02:37] [0.GL] Peronda has joined this channel
[19:02:38] [1.EN] Believer has joined this channel
[19:02:42] [0.GL] [_B2k]D4mo_: drug?
[19:02:47] [0.GL] [_B2k]D4mo_: drug_3fect?
[19:03:06] [0.GL] vilym has joined this channel
[19:03:06] vilym has left the server.
[19:03:11] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: u can kill me only when u have aimbot cuz u r fucking little kid noob gimbus cwelu
[19:03:17] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: xD
[19:03:22] [0.GL] vilym has joined this channel
[19:03:22] vilym has left the server.
[19:03:23] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: ye funny kid.
[19:03:32] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: i dont need`
[19:03:36] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: aimbot for u
[19:03:37] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: japa cygan
[19:03:39] [1.EN] Peronda has joined this channel
[19:03:41] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: ta japa cygan
[19:03:44] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BITCH
[19:03:47] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: jebany rumunie
[19:03:54] [AsL]DypeL has left the server.
[19:03:55] [PE]TheReptile has left the server.
[19:03:58] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: poda
[19:03:59] [0.GL] Lime: :D
[19:04:00] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: ty
[19:04:04] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: debil
[19:04:06] AbCr got the artefact now.
[19:04:07] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: PODA....noobo
[19:04:07] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: jebany
[19:04:21] [0.GL] zuzu.russia has joined this channel
[19:04:25] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[19:04:25] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[19:04:28] [1.EN] zuzu.russia has joined this channel
[19:04:29] [AsL]bulSs got the artefact now.
[19:04:30] [AsL]Sam0 has left the server.
[19:04:33] [r2v]Believer got the artefact now.
[19:04:38] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[19:04:38] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[19:04:39] [0.GL] DypeL has joined this channel
[19:04:45] [AsL] captured Yellow Bell Station.
[19:04:45] [s7] captured Race: Pot race.
[19:04:48] [0.GL] Lime: Kak dela bratishki
[19:04:50] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[19:04:50] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[19:05:01] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[19:05:01] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[19:05:01] [1.EN] DypeL has joined this channel
[19:05:05] (frenzy) If you kill 40 players with M4 first you gain $2500 and 100 respect.
[19:05:05] (frenzy) If you want to take part at the frenzies, type \'/frenzy\'
[19:05:09] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: NOOOOOOOOOB
[19:05:09] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BASTARDS
[19:05:15] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[19:05:15] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[19:05:15] Gained Expirience (Progress 118/300)
[19:05:15] lowryder is on a respect spree now.
[19:05:15] (respect) You did 2 respectful things: 2 Respect and 10$ for you!
[19:05:15] Gained 2 respect and found $573 in the wallet.
[19:05:15] lowryder got the artefact now.
[19:05:19] [0.GL] [r2v]Believer: jaki pojeb z auta
[19:05:24] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:05:26] [0.GL] _Screen has joined this channel
[19:05:27] [0.GL] lowryder: x
[19:05:43] [0.GL] [wEEd]Siwan: spasten
[19:05:47] Gained Expirience (Progress 119/300)
[19:05:47] lowryder is \'PLAYA\' now. He did 5 respectful things in 3 minutes
[19:05:47] (respect) You did 5 respectful things: 2 Respect and 25$ for you!
[19:05:47] Gained 2 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[19:05:54] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: bitch db
[19:05:55] [0.GL] [_B2k]D4mo_: xd
[19:05:58] [0.GL] [NSG]Lacero: bisschen mad wa
[19:05:58] [0.GL] lowryder: xd 1 db
[19:06:05] (respect spree) Respect spree over!
[19:06:05] (respect spree) Congratulations you did 6 respectful things in 3 minutes!
[19:06:08] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ***dmeg
[19:06:16] [0.GL] [_B2k]D4mo_: pro
[19:06:18] Peronda has left the server.
[19:06:24] [0.GL] lowryder: holvagy?
[19:06:26] [0.GL] Wak3_ has joined this channel
[19:06:29] [1.EN] Wak3_ has joined this channel
[19:06:40] [1.EN] _Screen has joined this channel
[19:06:50] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: f*** tudja
[19:06:51] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: shiz on u pros...backshootaers/
[19:07:09] [0.GL] lowryder: dehabi elhúzott vagy ki a fsazom
[19:07:16] [0.GL] lowryder: már nemtudott miért sírni
[19:07:18] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: omg lagger
[19:07:22] [0.GL] AbCr: ok
[19:07:31] [0.GL] Hapci has joined this channel
[19:07:31] [1.EN] Hapci has joined this channel
[19:07:35] [0.GL] lowryder: na gyere már elõ
[19:07:44] [0.GL] Goldie has joined this channel
[19:07:53] [0.GL] Sam0 has joined this channel
[19:07:53] [1.EN] Sam0 has joined this channel
[19:07:54] [1.EN] Goldie has joined this channel
[19:08:10] [0.GL] [_B2k]D4mo_: yo caverual
[19:08:17] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: yo
[19:08:18] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: /fight
[19:08:20] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: /fig ht
[19:08:30] [0.GL] Lime: Çàåáàëè óáèâàòü, ÿ âàñ ïîöåëîâàòü õî÷ó, à âû...
[19:08:36] [0.GL] Cooller_)124rus has joined this channel
[19:08:36] Cooller_)124rus has left the server.
[19:08:38] [0.GL] lowryder: hol vagy?
[19:08:43] [0.GL] lowryder: eltudsz jönni groove-ra?
[19:08:49] [0.GL] [V8]_Screen: lol alied
[19:08:51] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: asszem
[19:08:53] [0.GL] [V8]_Screen: nsg alied v8
[19:09:00] [0.GL] lowryder: ok az infinek annyi
[19:09:04] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BITCH
[19:09:07] [0.GL] lowryder: elmenekültem vele
[19:09:13] [0.GL] lowryder: de már feketén gõzölög
[19:09:14] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: I love you
[19:09:15] [0.GL] Hapci: lowryder
[19:09:23] <lowryder> low
[19:09:23] Nobody heard you. Try /0 hello! to chat in a channel!
[19:09:24] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: jebac ally
[19:09:25] [0.GL] lowryder: low
[19:09:29] [0.GL] [NSG]Goldie: omfG
[19:09:30] [VIP]_CaVaLerul has left the server.
[19:09:31] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: shiz on uH nabs
[19:09:35] [NSG]lucasek has left the server.
[19:09:44] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: ahaha ownd
[19:09:45] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: õõ itt vpok ahol van ez a Winewood felirat
[19:09:46] Lime has left the server.
[19:09:49] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: nice )
[19:09:52] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: olyan mint a hollywood
[19:09:53] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: who duel with me
[19:09:54] [0.GL] lowryder: megyek ode
[19:09:58] [0.GL] JuneXx: nb spas
[19:10:00] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: tudod hol van?
[19:10:03] [0.GL] lowryder: aha
[19:10:05] [0.GL] SouL. has joined this channel
[19:10:05] [1.EN] SouL. has joined this channel
[19:10:08] [0.GL] lowryder: az vine vood
[19:10:10] [0.GL] Hapci: drifter_pro és losryder, ez egy dm szerver, nem freeroom
[19:10:12] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: AsL denied
[19:10:12] [0.GL] lowryder: vinewood
[19:10:14] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: who duel with me ?
[19:10:22] [0.GL] [NSG]Goldie: asl noobs srsly
[19:10:25] [0.GL] [NSG]Goldie: type kill
[19:10:25] [0.GL] PiltO has joined this channel
[19:10:26] [0.GL] lowryder: igen és?
[19:10:32] [0.GL] lowryder: kocsiból ölünk
[19:10:33] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: dmezünk
[19:10:36] Recep has left the server.
[19:10:36] [0.GL] Recep has joined this channel
[19:10:36] [1.EN] PiltO has joined this channel
[19:10:37] [0.GL] Hapci: nem hurcolni kell egymást hanem lõni
[19:10:41] [0.GL] lowryder: igen és?
[19:10:44] [0.GL] lowryder: kocsiból ölünk
[19:10:45] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:10:46] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_ has left the server.
[19:10:46] [0.GL] Recep has joined this channel
[19:10:46] Recep has left the server.
[19:10:48] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: sam0 cheater
[19:10:48] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: soul busted
[19:10:50] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: de nem szabad találkozni?vagy mi?
[19:10:54] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: a bunch of sucking noobs play on this server...who cant fight face to face and fairly
[19:10:57] [0.GL] Recep has joined this channel
[19:10:57] Recep has left the server.
[19:11:02] [0.GL] zaku has joined this channel
[19:11:02] [1.EN] zaku has joined this channel
[19:11:05] [zYx]Bandana got the artefact now.
[19:11:05] [0.GL] TheMolk has joined this channel
[19:11:05] TheMolk has left the server.
[19:11:07] [0.GL] Recep has joined this channel
[19:11:07] Recep has left the server.
[19:11:09] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: i am a cheater cho
[19:11:12] [0.GL] lowryder: annyi hogy nem gyalog megyek el érte
[19:11:13] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: who duel with me ? ?
[19:11:18] [0.GL] Recep has joined this channel
[19:11:18] Recep has left the server.
[19:11:19] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: duel me
[19:11:21] [0.GL] TheMolk has joined this channel
[19:11:21] TheMolk has left the server.
[19:11:21] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ***dmegh
[19:11:24] [0.GL] lowryder: de ha ez is baj már akkor felakasztom magam :
[19:11:28] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: mi a f***ért kellet?
[19:11:28] [NSG]Goldie got the artefact now.
[19:11:29] [0.GL] Recep has joined this channel
[19:11:29] Recep has left the server.
[19:11:35] [0.GL] Hapci: dm szerver
[19:11:41] [sTARS]ProSkill has left the server.
[19:11:41] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ökör jánka
[19:11:42] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: /fight
[19:11:51] [0.GL] lowryder: értelmezted amit leírtam?
[19:11:55] [0.GL] lowryder: kocsiból ölünk
[19:12:00] [0.GL] lowryder: nem db
[19:12:01] AbCr has left the server.
[19:12:01] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: bug
[19:12:02] (duel) [g4s]zwol won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:12:03] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: omg
[19:12:04] [0.GL] Hapci: ok má, csak sir ez a gyerek hogy megöltem
[19:12:11] [_To_]razvi_cj has left the server.
[19:12:14] (duel) [g4s]zwol won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:12:15] [0.GL] [PE]LinkineR: killing addict spas
[19:12:15] [0.GL] lowryder: melyik?
[19:12:15] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: who wants duel?
[19:12:16] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: azt mondtam hogy ***dmeg
[19:12:17] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: backshorer
[19:12:20] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: nem sirok
[19:12:21] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: omg bug
[19:12:22] [0.GL] Hapci: drifter_pro
[19:12:30] SouL. got the artefact now.
[19:12:34] [0.GL] [NSG]Goldie: hahah
[19:12:37] <lowryder> mark newey
[19:12:37] Nobody heard you. Try /0 hello! to chat in a channel!
[19:12:39] [0.GL] Chokamiga has joined this channel
[19:12:39] [1.EN] Chokamiga has joined this channel
[19:12:42] [0.GL] lowryder: newey
[19:12:50] [0.GL] lowryder: geci kigyulladt a kocsim
[19:12:53] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: na kuss,hapci,menny másnak rinyálni,.meg okosdkodnio
[19:12:54] (duel) [AsL]PiriReis won the duel against [g4s]zwol
[19:13:01] [0.GL] JuneXx: OMG SPAS
[19:13:08] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: read left
[19:13:10] zuzu.russia has left the server.
[19:13:13] [0.GL] lowryder: nyugodj meg drifter, õ jó ember!
[19:13:14] [_B2k]D4mo_ has left the server.
[19:13:21] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: igazad van
[19:13:31] (duel) [s7]DENNISy00 won the duel against [AsL]eRsT_
[19:13:31] [0.GL] lowryder: itt vagyok vinewood feliratnál
[19:13:32] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: :/
[19:13:33] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BASTARDS
[19:13:34] [0.GL] Huguinho66 has joined this channel
[19:13:34] [1.EN] Huguinho66 has joined this channel
[19:13:44] [0.GL] JuneXx: spas _))
[19:13:53] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: én meg los santos beach
[19:14:00] [0.GL] lowryder: anyád
[19:14:01] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: leszedet a k*rv*
[19:14:03] [0.GL] lowryder: mit keresel ott?
[19:14:08] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: id 5
[19:14:09] [0.GL] lowryder: miért nem ütötted le?
[19:14:10] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: minigun
[19:14:13] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: fürdök ***dmeg
[19:14:18] [0.GL] lowryder: jóóvan
[19:14:22] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: wtf bitch
[19:14:25] [_uT_]Huguinho66 has left the server.
[19:14:31] [0.GL] [NSG]Lacero: soul toggel
[19:14:38] [0.GL] Zepy has joined this channel
[19:14:38] [1.EN] Zepy has joined this channel
[19:14:40] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: trust me...GTA:T is becoming shiz....just cause ppl cant kill in a fair fight..they try and win thru cheating...
[19:14:46] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[19:14:46] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: bitch
[19:14:47] [NSG]Lacero got the artefact now.
[19:14:48] [0.GL] JuneXx: kkkkkk
[19:14:52] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: yout mom
[19:14:53] [0.GL] lowryder: elkaptak
[19:14:56] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: your mom
[19:14:57] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: fag
[19:14:58] (duel) [AsL]PiriReis won the duel against [g4s]zwol
[19:15:01] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[19:15:02] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: hóvagy?
[19:15:06] [0.GL] lowryder: közel
[19:15:21] PiltO got the artefact now.
[19:15:32] (duel) [s7]DENNISy00 won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:15:38] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: pro
[19:15:40] [0.GL] SouL.: omg
[19:15:42] [0.GL] SouL.: spas
[19:15:43] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: stun stun stun.
[19:16:06] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:16:13] (duel) [g4s]zwol won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:16:16] [0.GL] SouL.: kjaskas
[19:16:16] [0.GL] JuneXx: nb
[19:16:37] [0.GL] SouL.: jajaja cheot
[19:16:41] <Drifter_Pro> :D
[19:16:41] [0.GL] JuneXx: nb1
[19:16:42] [0.GL] lowryder: hogy hívsz le kocsit?
[19:16:42] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: abaah...this problem on minc
[19:16:45] [NSG]Goldie has left the server.
[19:16:48] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: kuuusssssss
[19:16:52] [0.GL] lowryder: anyáááááááád
[19:16:53] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: abaah...this problem on mine...shiz ..............
[19:16:54] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: :P
[19:17:09] [0.GL] Manfr3das has joined this channel
[19:17:09] <Drifter_Pro> am csak idehozza a legközelebbi kocsikat
[19:17:09] [1.EN] Manfr3das has joined this channel
[19:17:17] [0.GL] Hapci: jólenne ha nem csitelnétek
[19:17:18] <Drifter_Pro> kb 200méter környék max
[19:17:23] [0.GL] lowryder: a legközelebbi az 2 méterre volt tõlem xd
[19:17:30] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ***dmeg...most már csitelünk is
[19:17:44] <Drifter_Pro> szedda gecit
[19:17:47] <Drifter_Pro> azaz
[19:17:48] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[19:17:50] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: hahahahaha
[19:17:57] [0.GL] SouL.: nb
[19:18:08] [0.GL] lowryder: ne beszélj többes számban newey
[19:18:17] [PDz]Zepy has left the server.
[19:18:17] [0.GL] Hapci: ez db
[19:18:21] [0.GL] Hapci: deagle-el buggolsz
[19:18:21] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: wtf bastard
[19:18:25] (duel) [g4s]zwol won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:18:26] [PE] captured Race: Pot race.
[19:18:27] [0.GL] lowryder: ez nem bug xd
[19:18:29] [zR_]desk. has left the server.
[19:18:32] [0.GL] Hapci: de az az
[19:18:36] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: noob
[19:18:37] [0.GL] lowryder: lõjelek m4-el?
[19:18:46] [NSG]Lacero has left the server.
[19:18:47] [0.GL] lowryder: tök mindegy ígyis úgyis meghalsz
[19:18:48] [0.GL] Hapci: deagle bug, igen m4-el mert deagle úgylõ kocsiból mint a minigun
[19:19:02] Gained Expirience (Progress 121/300)
[19:19:02] Gained 4 respect and found $3026 in the wallet.
[19:19:02] lowryder got the artefact now.
[19:19:05] [0.GL] lowryder: xddddd
[19:19:05] <Drifter_Pro> xddddd
[19:19:10] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: pff lagger
[19:19:11] (duel) [g4s]zwol won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:19:14] [0.GL] PiltO: nob
[19:19:16] <Drifter_Pro> másik
[19:19:21] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: 20fps ;>
[19:19:32] <Drifter_Pro> válassz
[19:19:56] PiltO has left the server.
[19:19:57] [0.GL] lowryder: amúgy a cbug is bug, mégis  használja mindenki
[19:20:03] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: idiot
[19:20:03] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: raped
[19:20:10] Gained Expirience (Progress 123/300)
[19:20:10] (respect) You did 2 respectful things: 2 Respect and 10$ for you!
[19:20:10] Gained 4 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[19:20:11] Gained Expirience (Progress 124/300)
[19:20:11] lowryder is \'PLAYA\' now. He did 5 respectful things in 3 minutes
[19:20:11] (respect) You did 5 respectful things: 2 Respect and 25$ for you!
[19:20:11] Gained 2 respect and found $25 in the wallet.
[19:20:20] [LBG]kN_ has left the server.
[19:20:20] [0.GL] Hapci: de azért lásd a két bug között a különbséget
[19:20:23] [0.GL] SouL.: jajajaj ez
[19:20:35] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: fu
[19:20:37] [0.GL] dexeN has joined this channel
[19:20:37] [1.EN] dexeN has joined this channel
[19:20:43] [0.GL] SouL.: omg
[19:20:43] Manfr3das is \'HOMIE\' now. He did 8 respectful things in 3 minutes
[19:20:47] Manfr3das got the artefact now.
[19:20:48] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: geciii
[19:20:49] [RevS]zaku got the artefact now.
[19:20:51] (duel) [s7]DENNISy00 won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:21:01] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[19:21:04] [wEEd]Siwan got the artefact now.
[19:21:04] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: wtf
[19:21:05] (respect spree) Respect spree over!
[19:21:05] (respect spree) Congratulations you did 7 respectful things in 3 minutes!
[19:21:08] [0.GL] Chokamiga: :)
[19:21:11] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: cheater no hits
[19:21:15] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: aim.
[19:21:15] [0.GL] lowryder: látom.
[19:21:18] [0.GL] SouL.: cheto
[19:21:20] [0.GL] lowryder: ha már van kocsi
[19:21:20] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: anan amk yazcana
[19:21:26] [AsL]PiriReis has left the server.
[19:21:26] [0.GL] lowryder: akkor nem hisze mhogy vezetés miatt rakták csak be
[19:21:27] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:21:27] [r2v]Believer got the artefact now.
[19:21:55] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: ASS****
[19:22:00] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: bsuetd
[19:22:04] [0.GL] lowryder: hol vagy drefter?
[19:22:07] [0.GL] [lRkl]Wak3_: noob
[19:22:12] Manfr3das got the artefact now.
[19:22:13] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: pffffffffffff
[19:22:17] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: dickhead
[19:22:27] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: grove
[19:22:51] [0.GL] .BlaZeR. has joined this channel
[19:22:51] [1.EN] .BlaZeR. has joined this channel
[19:23:00] [NTL] captured The Four Dragons Casino.
[19:23:00] [s7] captured Race: Pot race.
[19:23:09] [s7]DENNISy00 got the artefact now.
[19:23:10] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: te?
[19:23:13] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: sucker
[19:23:15] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: ^^
[19:23:16] [0.GL] lowryder: megyek oda
[19:23:44] [wEEd]Siwan has left the server.
[19:23:47] <Drifter_Pro> :D
[19:23:54] [0.GL] Hapci: fucking noob
[19:23:57] [0.GL] lowryder: hátra akartam ülni
[19:24:02] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: zaku O.o
[19:24:12] [0.GL] [RevS]zaku: bug;-p
[19:24:24] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BITHC
[19:24:25] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: fucking noob is your fucking mom
[19:24:25] Chokamiga has left the server.
[19:24:29] SouL. has left the server.
[19:24:34] Manfr3das got the artefact now.
[19:24:36] [uH_]ArriveDerci has left the server.
[19:24:41] [0.GL] Chokamiga has joined this channel
[19:24:41] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: fucking spazer
[19:24:41] Chokamiga has left the server.
[19:24:53] [0.GL] Hapci: you say?
[19:24:55] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ...
[19:24:56] [0.GL] [V8]_Screen: -_-
[19:24:57] [0.GL] Chokamiga has joined this channel
[19:24:57] Chokamiga has left the server.
[19:25:02] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: hackzor
[19:25:02] [0.GL] lowryder: minek állsz meg?
[19:25:03] [0.GL] nytelife has joined this channel
[19:25:03] [1.EN] nytelife has joined this channel
[19:25:05] (salary) Hello lowryder. You get 492 as salary.
[19:25:10] [PE]LinkineR got the artefact now.
[19:25:15] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: beachj
[19:25:25] [AsL]eRsT_ got the artefact now.
[19:25:28] [0.GL] JuneXx: DENNIS IS AIM
[19:25:28] [0.GL] [PE]LinkineR: 6 vs me
[19:25:31] [0.GL] [PE]LinkineR: ._.
[19:25:37] Manfr3das has left the server.
[19:25:58] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: O.o
[19:26:02] nytelife has left the server.
[19:26:07] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: idiots
[19:26:21] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: pawned...sucker noob
[19:26:35] [HoT]dexeN got the artefact now.
[19:26:38] [0.GL] Idiotas has joined this channel
[19:26:44] [PE]LinkineR has left the server.
[19:26:48] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:26:50] [AsL]bulSs has left the server.
[19:26:51] [1.EN] Idiotas has joined this channel
[19:26:55] [0.GL] lowryder: most ránk van állva :D
[19:26:57] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[19:27:01] [zYx]Bandana got the artefact now.
[19:27:08] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: bekeményitett a kis f***:D
[19:27:13] [r2v]Believer got the artefact now.
[19:27:15] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: idiiotas
[19:27:16] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BASTARD
[19:27:19] [NSG]killing_ has left the server.
[19:27:31] [zYx]Bandana got the artefact now.
[19:27:34] [k2S] captured The Four Dragons Casino.
[19:27:34] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ugyanoda
[19:27:40] [0.GL] lowryder: õ is jönni fo
[19:27:42] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: kiked pls id 33 ping 340 O_o
[19:27:45] [0.GL] lowryder: mert tudja hogy hol vagyunk
[19:27:51] [RevS]zaku got the artefact now.
[19:27:59] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: OMG BASTARD  EVRYWHERE
[19:28:00] [AsL]eRsT_ got the artefact now.
[19:28:04] [0.GL] Di3hard has joined this channel
[19:28:04] [1.EN] Di3hard has joined this channel
[19:28:16] [0.GL] lowryder: megyek érted drefter
[19:28:25] [s7]DENNISy00 has left the server.
[19:28:35] [0.GL] lowryder: holvagy?
[19:28:42] [AsL]DypeL has left the server.
[19:28:53] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: cheat
[19:29:05] Drifter_Pro got the artefact now.
[19:29:21] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: gecihapci kerget
[19:29:27] [0.GL] lowryder: de holvagy
[19:29:30] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: sucker
[19:29:35] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BITCHGONEMAD
[19:29:42] [g4s]zwol is \'HOMIE\' now. He did 8 respectful things in 3 minutes
[19:29:47] [0.GL] FaasT has joined this channel
[19:29:48] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: paraszt utakon
[19:29:53] [1.EN] FaasT has joined this channel
[19:29:54] [0.GL] lowryder: az f***tudja holvan
[19:30:11] [0.GL] lowryder: benzinkútnál állj meg
[19:30:15] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: NOOOOOOOOBZOR
[19:30:21] [0.GL] [V8]_Screen: ahahaha i pwned you nob
[19:30:24] [0.GL] DENNISy00 has joined this channel
[19:30:24] [1.EN] DENNISy00 has joined this channel
[19:30:25] [V8]FaasT has left the server.
[19:30:26] [0.GL] [V8]_Screen: spierdalaj
[19:30:31] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: backshooting sucker
[19:30:33] [0.GL] typo has joined this channel
[19:30:40] [1.EN] typo has joined this channel
[19:30:46] [0.GL] [V8]_Screen: i dont backshoot bitch
[19:30:48] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BASTARD
[19:31:05] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: stFU
[19:31:08] [0.GL] lowryder: állj
[19:31:10] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: most bánya
[19:31:19] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: DIE FAGGIT
[19:31:20] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: fucking aim.exe
[19:31:20] [0.GL] lowryder: szállj be
[19:31:22] <Drifter_Pro> xddddddd
[19:31:25] [0.GL] Di3hard: mi a f***t keresel még itt drifter -.-
[19:31:25] <Drifter_Pro> de
[19:31:25] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[19:31:28] [0.GL] lowryder: hamar
[19:31:29] [0.GL] JuneXx: retardw
[19:31:33] [0.GL] lowryder: várjuk meg
[19:31:36] [0.GL] DENNISy00: pff
[19:31:37] [0.GL] lowryder: hali
[19:31:38] [0.GL] UnmoveD_ has joined this channel
[19:31:47] [0.GL] .BlaZeR.: noob
[19:31:48] [1.EN] UnmoveD_ has joined this channel
[19:31:51] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[19:32:07] [V8]_Screen has left the server.
[19:32:08] [0.GL] FaasT has joined this channel
[19:32:08] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:32:14] [1.EN] FaasT has joined this channel
[19:32:26] <Drifter_Pro> xd
[19:32:29] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: ASSHOLE
[19:32:45] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: rvs sucker
[19:32:55] [V8]FaasT has left the server.
[19:32:57] [0.GL] lowryder: pihenjünk
[19:33:05] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: fucking lamer
[19:33:10] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: ez shiz
[19:33:13] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: SUCKER
[19:33:19] [0.GL] PiriReis has joined this channel
[19:33:24] [1.EN] PiriReis has joined this channel
[19:33:25] * lowryder .
[19:33:26] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: suckar
[19:33:31] [0.GL] Gogapilnik has joined this channel
[19:33:32] [0.GL] Idiotas: noobs 2x1
[19:33:32] * lowryder kirakja drifter-nek a ..
[19:33:32] [0.GL] zlaja has joined this channel
[19:33:32] zlaja has left the server.
[19:33:36] * Drifter_Pro nem
[19:33:38] [1.EN] Gogapilnik has joined this channel
[19:33:42] * Drifter_Pro ne
[19:33:48] [0.GL] zlaja has joined this channel
[19:33:48] zlaja has left the server.
[19:33:49] [AsL]eRsT_ has left the server.
[19:33:50] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[19:33:52] [0.GL] lowryder: hovaM
[19:33:53] [0.GL] lowryder: hova?
[19:34:00] [0.GL] zlaja has joined this channel
[19:34:00] zlaja has left the server.
[19:34:15] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[19:34:20] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: ASL SUCKER
[19:34:21] [0.GL] lowryder: bukta
[19:34:25] [0.GL] lowryder: de hogy követ minket xdxd
[19:34:27] [0.GL] Di3hard: drifter takarodj már innen itt ölni kell nem szopni
[19:34:29] <Drifter_Pro> kitartó egy f***
[19:34:29] [0.GL] zlaja has joined this channel
[19:34:29] zlaja has left the server.
[19:34:37] [0.GL] Idiotas: fuck all spaz masters
[19:34:38] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: :D idegesek
[19:34:38] Congratulations! [zYx]Bandana achieved Level 16.
[19:34:42] [0.GL] lowryder: dihard akkor ölj és fogd be a pofád
[19:34:50] [0.GL] Alex_Komarov has joined this channel
[19:34:50] Alex_Komarov has left the server.
[19:34:51] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: n1
[19:34:58] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: PRO SPASSIS SHIZ
[19:34:59] [0.GL] Di3hard: a f*** ideges a szádban
[19:35:01] [0.GL] lowryder: balf*** xd
[19:35:04] [0.GL] DypeL has joined this channel
[19:35:04] [0.GL] kN_ has joined this channel
[19:35:04] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: xddddddddddddddd
[19:35:04] [1.EN] kN_ has joined this channel
[19:35:05] JuneXx got the artefact now.
[19:35:06] [0.GL] Alex_Komarov has joined this channel
[19:35:06] Alex_Komarov has left the server.
[19:35:07] [0.GL] 4nTh0nY has joined this channel
[19:35:07] [1.EN] 4nTh0nY has joined this channel
[19:35:07] [0.GL] lowryder: jó ez k*rv* nagy oltás volt
[19:35:09] [1.EN] DypeL has joined this channel
[19:35:10] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[19:35:12] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: PRO BACKSHOTER
[19:35:15] [0.GL] RobinKing has joined this channel
[19:35:20] [1.EN] RobinKing has joined this channel
[19:35:30] _AFK_JuneXx has left the server.
[19:35:35] DENNISy00 has left the server.
[19:35:35] .BlaZeR. got the artefact now.
[19:35:35] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: PRO BACKSHOTER SUCKER
[19:35:37] Gained Expirience (Progress 125/300)
[19:35:37] lowryder is on a respect spree now.
[19:35:37] (respect) You did 2 respectful things: 2 Respect and 10$ for you!
[19:35:37] Gained 2 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[19:35:49] Di3hard got the artefact now.
[19:35:50] [0.GL] lowryder: drifter
[19:35:51] [0.GL] djiinn_ has joined this channel
[19:35:51] [1.EN] djiinn_ has joined this channel
[19:35:57] [0.GL] DENNISy00 has joined this channel
[19:35:57] DENNISy00 has left the server.
[19:35:58] [0.GL] lowryder: gyere oda ahol van a ház szerónkon az erdõbe
[19:35:59] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BASTARD
[19:36:02] [0.GL] armani has joined this channel
[19:36:05] (respect spree) Respect spree over!
[19:36:05] (respect spree) Congratulations you did 3 respectful things in 3 minutes!
[19:36:06] [0.GL] lowryder: tó mellett
[19:36:08] [1.EN] armani has joined this channel
[19:36:13] [0.GL] JuneXx has joined this channel
[19:36:16] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: xyd f*** tudja hol van---nemhiába relytek
[19:36:20] [zYx]Bandana has left the server.
[19:36:22] [0.GL] lowryder: ahhoz képest
[19:36:24] [0.GL] [HoT]dexeN: OMG
[19:36:28] [0.GL] lowryder: hogy rejtek.. mindenki tudott róla
[19:36:29] [1.EN] JuneXx has joined this channel
[19:36:33] [xG]HawK has left the server.
[19:36:35] Hapci got the artefact now.
[19:36:40] [NTL] captured The Four Dragons Casino.
[19:36:56] [0.GL] [AsL]Gogapilnik: syka pidr razdavil
[19:37:17] [0.GL] lowryder: emlékszel hogy hol stuntoltunk múltkor?
[19:37:19] [V8]djiinn_ got the artefact now.
[19:37:28] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:37:35] (salary) Hello lowryder. You get 495 as salary.
[19:37:37] typo got the artefact now.
[19:37:38] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: tudod hol van az amiot kesrestünkk h4ckerrel,mikor chilliadon **szkodott?
[19:37:41] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: omg
[19:37:50] [0.GL] lowryder: õõ nem?
[19:37:51] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: a lelógó füvess...
[19:37:55] [0.GL] lowryder: az nem chilliad
[19:37:59] [RevS]zaku got the artefact now.
[19:38:04] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: de ott keresdtük
[19:38:10] [0.GL] lowryder: aha
[19:38:11] [0.GL] Peronda has joined this channel
[19:38:15] Congratulations! [AsL]Gogapilnik achieved Level 20.
[19:38:19] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ak gyere
[19:38:25] [0.GL] FaasT has joined this channel
[19:38:31] [1.EN] FaasT has joined this channel
[19:38:33] [0.GL] lowryder: chilliadra vagy a másikra?
[19:38:34] JuneXx got the artefact now.
[19:38:42] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: a helyre amit kerestünk
[19:38:47] [0.GL] lowryder: ok
[19:38:59] [0.GL] lowryder: hapci nyomkövetõt használ vigyázz
[19:39:01] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: wtf
[19:39:04] [0.GL] Di3hard: runner
[19:39:06] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: xd
[19:39:18] [V8]FaasT has left the server.
[19:39:20] [0.GL] typo: ..a
[19:39:52] [LBG]kN_ has left the server.
[19:40:05] [0.GL] lowryder: most minket idegesít azzal hogy lövöget mert mást nemtud lelõni
[19:40:06] typo has left the server.
[19:40:26] [0.GL] Idiotas: fuck
[19:40:30] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: engem nem idegesit...:D ha nyomi,hát õ baja
[19:40:49] <Drifter_Pro> namá
[19:40:52] Idiotas has left the server.
[19:40:54] [0.GL] Di3hard: noob 2 vs 1
[19:41:04] [0.GL] typo has joined this channel
[19:41:05] <Drifter_Pro> anyád
[19:41:06] [0.GL] Di3hard: öljé már te buzi vagy takarodj
[19:41:10] [1.EN] typo has joined this channel
[19:41:17] [0.GL] lowryder: loky te mindenkinek beszólsz akinek csak tudsz..
[19:41:18] typo has left the server.
[19:41:30] [0.GL] lowryder: lelõnek és mindenkinek bekell szólnod igaz? kuss ölj és fogd be a pofádat
[19:41:32] [0.GL] Di3hard: nem mert anyád még kimaradt
[19:41:37] [0.GL] lowryder: ok
[19:41:38] [0.GL] lowryder: na
[19:41:41] [0.GL] lowryder: kuss
[19:41:41] [0.GL] Di3hard: te még ölni se tudsz
[19:41:48] [0.GL] lowryder: igen nem tudok
[19:41:51] [0.GL] lowryder: de mostmár kussolj kérlek
[19:41:52] [r2v]Believer has left the server.
[19:41:56] <Drifter_Pro> xddd
[19:42:03] [0.GL] lowryder: f*** kéne a szádba oszt majd akkor elkussolsz
[19:42:04] [0.GL] _Vctor_ has joined this channel
[19:42:04] [1.EN] _Vctor_ has joined this channel
[19:42:08] [0.GL] Di3hard: miért mi lesz ha nem?
[19:42:08] [0.GL] b4lder has joined this channel
[19:42:08] [1.EN] b4lder has joined this channel
[19:42:10] UnmoveD_ has left the server.
[19:42:14] [0.GL] lowryder: afk
[19:42:22] [wEEd]haazj has left the server.
[19:42:32] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: noob suka
[19:42:38] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: busted
[19:42:50] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:42:55] [0.GL] [RevS]zaku: samo lag.cs
[19:43:05] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: kdi cheater
[19:43:06] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ryder gyere grovera
[19:43:09] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: oO
[19:43:09] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: u,
[19:43:10] [0.GL] lowryder: oksa
[19:43:10] <Drifter_Pro> xd átbasszuk
[19:43:11] [0.GL] lowryder: goo
[19:43:18] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: and gm ;D
[19:43:20] [lRkl]Wak3_ has left the server.
[19:43:22] [0.GL] lowryder: odajönnek aztán lelõjük õket
[19:43:28] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: de ***dmeg..megint fog jönni hapcikuki
[19:43:31] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: noob
[19:43:37] [0.GL] Di3hard: mekkora buzi omg :O
[19:43:38] [0.GL] lowryder: nem baj elbújunk a bokorba xdxd
[19:43:41] [0.GL] [HoT]dexeN: stupid back shoters and spawn killer
[19:44:04] [0.GL] Nikita_Timberlan has joined this channel
[19:44:04] Nikita_Timberlan has left the server.
[19:44:07] [M2B]Impact_ has left the server.
[19:44:08] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: and spazers
[19:44:10] [0.GL] FaasT has joined this channel
[19:44:17] [0.GL] lowryder: lokynak most mindenhez van hozzáfûznivalója
[19:44:17] [1.EN] FaasT has joined this channel
[19:44:20] [0.GL] Nikita_Timberlan has joined this channel
[19:44:20] Nikita_Timberlan has left the server.
[19:44:20] [0.GL] lowryder: árt neki a game :(
[19:44:32] [0.GL] Nikita_Timberlan has joined this channel
[19:44:32] Nikita_Timberlan has left the server.
[19:44:44] [0.GL] Nikita_Timberlan has joined this channel
[19:44:44] Nikita_Timberlan has left the server.
[19:44:45] [V8]FaasT has left the server.
[19:45:04] [0.GL] Di3hard: csicska -.- minek jöttél ide egyáltalán
[19:45:05] [HoT]dexeN got the artefact now.
[19:45:42] [0.GL] lowryder: azt tudom hogy te miért: sírni
[19:45:58] armani got the artefact now.
[19:45:58] [0.GL] Di3hard: buzi god hacker drifter
[19:46:01] _AFK_Drifter_Pro has left the server.
[19:46:14] [0.GL] Di3hard: még is jobb vagyok mint te db-s
[19:46:14] [iX]_Vctor_ got the artefact now.
[19:46:17] [0.GL] armani: EZ
[19:46:22] [0.GL] lowryder: te már csak tudod hogy jobb vagy
[19:46:26] [HoT]dexeN got the artefact now.
[19:46:32] [0.GL] lowryder: mert már megöltél több milliószor
[19:46:39] [0.GL] lowryder: non prón tolod
[19:46:48] [0.GL] lowryder: isten vagy.. csak ez senkit sem érdekel:(
[19:46:54] JuneXx has left the server.
[19:46:56] [0.GL] Slayeeeers has joined this channel
[19:46:57] [AsL]Gogapilnik got the artefact now.
[19:47:00] [0.GL] Di3hard: fogadd el akkor na
[19:47:12] Slayeeeers has left the server.
[19:47:12] [0.GL] maxa has joined this channel
[19:47:12] maxa has left the server.
[19:47:13] [0.GL] lowryder: elfogaja mindenki csak lesz*rjuk
[19:47:21] [0.GL] lowryder: nyui legalább nem sír miközben játszik
[19:47:27] [0.GL] maxa has joined this channel
[19:47:27] maxa has left the server.
[19:47:31] [0.GL] Di3hard: itt sincs..
[19:47:39] [0.GL] maxa has joined this channel
[19:47:40] maxa has left the server.
[19:47:40] [0.GL] M4F1A_KILL3R has joined this channel
[19:47:42] [0.GL] Slayeeeers has joined this channel
[19:47:43] [0.GL] J.KILL_PT has joined this channel
[19:47:43] [0.GL] lowryder: amikor itt volt ***dmeg
[19:47:44] [0.GL] Di3hard: fogadd el a duelt csicska-.-
[19:47:48] M4F1A_KILL3R has left the server.
[19:47:50] [1.EN] Slayeeeers has joined this channel
[19:47:52] [1.EN] J.KILL_PT has joined this channel
[19:47:54] [0.GL] lowryder: nem fogadom el
[19:47:56] [0.GL] lowryder: kuss
[19:47:58] [0.GL] lowryder: játsz
[19:48:00] [0.GL] Di3hard: sz*ros...
[19:48:04] [0.GL] lowryder: igen sz*ros
[19:48:07] [0.GL] lowryder: na játssz
[19:48:11] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:48:19] [0.GL] M4F1A_KILL3R has joined this channel
[19:48:22] [0.GL] Di3hard: mek megdugom anyád na csõ
[19:48:23] Di3hard has left the server.
[19:48:29] [1.EN] M4F1A_KILL3R has joined this channel
Részemrõl ennyi.  A szerveren lévõ utolsó megnyilvánulásodból az jön le, hogy nem lehetsz több 14-nél. Legalábbis agyilag.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 20:11:18 írta RyDerBoy96 »

Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #7 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 20:07:07 »
0 Show voters

Legalább nem pofázunk be annak a ki megöl minket.. Mellesleg de, megmutatom, itt van a log amióta beléptem:

[18:40:31] {FFFFFF}SA-MP {B9B9BF}0.3e {FFFFFF}Started
[18:40:34] Connecting to
[18:40:34] Connected. Joining the game...
[18:40:34] [0.GL] lowryder has joined this channel
[18:40:37] Connected to {B9B9BF}GTAT 0.3e - EU (Ping<200ms) -
[18:40:37] (auth) You successfully authed as lowryder!
[18:40:37] [1.EN] lowryder has joined this channel
[18:40:38] (frenzy) If you kill 20 players with Sniper Rifle first you gain $1000 and 40 respect.
[18:40:38] (frenzy) If you dont want to take part at the frenzies, type \'/frenzy\'
[18:40:39] [s7]DENNISy00 got the artefact now.
[18:40:41] (fight) The fight is over, [AsL]DypeL won
[18:40:56] [sTARS]ProSkill has left the server.
[18:41:05] .BlaZeR. got the artefact now.
[18:41:10] [V8]djiinn_ got the artefact now.
[18:41:12] [V8]ReikO_ has left the server.
[18:41:23] b4lder has left the server.
[18:41:31] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: scheiß hurensohnreason
[18:41:31] [M2B]Impact_ got the artefact now.
[18:41:31] [V8]djiinn_ got the artefact now.
[18:41:32] [0.GL] Di3hard: god hacker
[18:41:56] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:41:59] <Di3hard> csõ
[18:41:59] [AsL] captured Yellow Bell Station.
[18:41:59] [s7] captured Race: Pot race.
[18:42:14] <Di3hard> na ki vagy?xd
[18:42:15] [PE]BusinessMan got the artefact now.
[18:42:16] [LBG]kN_ is on a respect spree now.
[18:42:16] [G_O]Insane_Cody has left the server.
[18:42:17] Gained Expirience (Progress 99/100)
[18:42:17] lowryder is on a respect spree now.
[18:42:17] (respect) You did 2 respectful things: 2 Respect and 10$ for you!
[18:42:17] Gained 4 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[18:42:17] [0.GL] Re4per has joined this channel
[18:42:17] [1.EN] Re4per has joined this channel
[18:42:19] [0.GL] lowryder: XDD
[18:42:23] [0.GL] Di3hard: fuck you
[18:42:23] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: AHAHAHHA
[18:42:25] [0.GL] lowryder: bosszú
[18:42:33] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: na?
[18:42:35] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: haha
[18:42:36] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: ;)
[18:42:37] [0.GL] Di3hard: i catch you gay man
[18:42:39] [0.GL] [PE]BusinessMan: 2/fight
[18:42:59] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: hol vagy?
[18:43:13] [0.GL] lowryder: lv
[18:43:27] [0.GL] Di3hard: dikk ez ki?
[18:43:32] [0.GL] lowryder: xdd
[18:43:32] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: én is...parkoló
[18:43:43] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:43:49] [0.GL] Di3hard: ki a f***om vagy?
[18:43:50] [0.GL] desk. has joined this channel
[18:43:50] [1.EN] desk. has joined this channel
[18:43:51] Gained Expirience (Progress 102/300)
[18:43:51] lowryder is \'PLAYA\' now. He did 5 respectful things in 3 minutes
[18:43:51] (respect) You did 5 respectful things: 2 Respect and 25$ for you!
[18:43:51] Gained 6 respect and found $37 in the wallet.
[18:43:54] [0.GL] aKrO has joined this channel
[18:43:54] [1.EN] aKrO has joined this channel
[18:43:57] [uH_]ArriveDerci whispers: :S
[18:44:03] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ki ki?
[18:44:04] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[18:44:04] [0.GL] LinkineR has joined this channel
[18:44:07] <.BlaZeR.> ASD
[18:44:08] Di3hard got the artefact now.
[18:44:09] [1.EN] LinkineR has joined this channel
[18:44:10] [0.GL] [PE]BusinessMan: omf
[18:44:13] [0.GL] lowryder: x
[18:44:15] [LBG]dEaLeR_ has left the server.
[18:44:19] [0.GL] [M2B]Impact_: im frapsing for \"idiots of gtat\"
[18:44:20] [0.GL] lowryder: arrive derchíí
[18:44:27] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:44:29] [V8]djiinn_ has left the server.
[18:44:31] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: de hó vagymá?
[18:44:34] Gained Expirience (Progress 103/300)
[18:44:34] lowryder is \'HOMIE\' now. He did 8 respectful things in 3 minutes
[18:44:34] (respect) You did 8 respectful things: 2 Respect and 40$ for you!
[18:44:34] Gained 2 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[18:44:43] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: NOOB
[18:44:43] [0.GL] [M2B]Impact_: kkkk
[18:44:46] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: pff
[18:44:52] Gained Expirience (Progress 105/300)
[18:44:52] Gained 4 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[18:44:52] [0.GL] [PE]BusinessMan: idiots of gtat, starring MYSELF
[18:44:56] [0.GL] [M2B]Impact_: kkkkk
[18:44:57] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: m2b super idiot
[18:44:57] [0.GL] lowryder: de pro vok :O
[18:44:59] [0.GL] [PE]zuuga: fmm in gat
[18:45:04] (respect spree) Respect spree over!
[18:45:04] (respect spree) Congratulations you did 10 respectful things in 3 minutes!
[18:45:08] [0.GL] lowryder: hol vagy low?
[18:45:09] [0.GL] lucasek has joined this channel
[18:45:14] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: spawn lv
[18:45:16] <lowryder> ok
[18:45:16] Nobody heard you. Try /0 hello! to chat in a channel!
[18:45:20] [1.EN] lucasek has joined this channel
[18:45:21] [0.GL] lowryder: lopok kocsit oszt mek
[18:45:26] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ok
[18:45:41] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: am ki a f***om ez a dihard?
[18:45:44] [0.GL] lowryder: már van sniperem
[18:45:50] [NSG]lucasek got the artefact now.
[18:46:20] [0.GL] [k2S]Aztecaz: how to aimbot deniss
[18:46:25] [PE]BusinessMan has left the server.
[18:46:34] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: kutas
[18:46:36] [0.GL] PiriReis has joined this channel
[18:46:44] [1.EN] PiriReis has joined this channel
[18:46:47] [0.GL] _Ryder_ has joined this channel
[18:46:47] [1.EN] _Ryder_ has joined this channel
[18:46:56] [0.GL] [PE]zuuga: aim :) fuck ur mother
[18:47:01] [PE]zuuga has left the server.
[18:47:11] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: AHAHAHA
[18:47:16] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: AHAHAHA NICE KILL??
[18:47:24] [0.GL] [NSG]VetiuS: /fight all
[18:47:24] .BlaZeR. has left the server.
[18:47:26] <lowryder> loky hanyadik vagy a toplistán?
[18:47:35] (salary) Hello lowryder. You get 228 as salary.
[18:47:40] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: xd
[18:47:43] [s7]Re4per got the artefact now.
[18:48:12] Gained Expirience (Progress 110/300)
[18:48:12] lowryder is on a respect spree now.
[18:48:12] (respect) You did 2 respectful things: 2 Respect and 10$ for you!
[18:48:12] Gained 10 respect and found $58 in the wallet.
[18:48:15] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: hurensohn
[18:48:17] zuzu.russia has left the server.
[18:48:29] [0.GL] [M2B]Impact_: kkk
[18:48:33] [0.GL] ReX has joined this channel
[18:48:33] [1.EN] ReX has joined this channel
[18:48:33] [LBG]kN_ got the artefact now.
[18:48:34] [0.GL] lowryder: ha valakit megölök ne körözz a szív körül hanem állj meg
[18:48:46] <Drifter_Pro> kuss
[18:48:58] [0.GL] _CaVaLerul has joined this channel
[18:48:58] [1.EN] _CaVaLerul has joined this channel
[18:49:10] [NSG]lucasek got the artefact now.
[18:49:22] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: cheat
[18:49:23] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[18:49:25] [0.GL] [NSG]VetiuS: ;]
[18:49:25] Gained Expirience (Progress 112/300)
[18:49:25] lowryder is \'PLAYA\' now. He did 5 respectful things in 3 minutes
[18:49:25] (respect) You did 5 respectful things: 2 Respect and 25$ for you!
[18:49:25] Gained 4 respect and found $30 in the wallet.
[18:49:30] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: son banned
[18:49:37] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: cioty
[18:49:38] Gained Expirience (Progress 114/300)
[18:49:38] lowryder is \'HOMIE\' now. He did 8 respectful things in 3 minutes
[18:49:38] (respect) You did 8 respectful things: 2 Respect and 40$ for you!
[18:49:38] Gained 4 respect and found $29 in the wallet.
[18:49:47] <Drifter_Pro> xdddddd
[18:49:48] [uH_]ArriveDerci got the artefact now.
[18:49:53] [0.GL] lowryder: latod pro vagyok
[18:49:53] <Drifter_Pro> kuss for it
[18:49:55] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: pizda
[18:49:55] [0.GL] [AoF]ReX: fail
[18:50:00] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: xD
[18:50:08] [0.GL] lowryder: tobb pontom van mint diharnak
[18:50:11] Gained Expirience (Progress 115/300)
[18:50:11] Gained 2 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[18:50:22] [s7]Re4per has left the server.
[18:50:24] [0.GL] Di3hard: most jöttem fel okos gyerek-.-
[18:50:26] [0.GL] lowryder: új kocsi
[18:50:32] [0.GL] lowryder: én meg utánat :D :D okosgyerek
[18:50:32] [Ga]aKrO has left the server.
[18:50:43] [0.GL] lowryder: utánad*
[18:50:50] [0.GL] eRsT_ has joined this channel
[18:50:50] [1.EN] eRsT_ has joined this channel
[18:50:56] [0.GL] aKrO has joined this channel
[18:50:56] [1.EN] aKrO has joined this channel
[18:50:58] [0.GL] Di3hard: gay asl
[18:51:04] [s7]DENNISy00 got the artefact now.
[18:51:05] [RevS] captured Yellow Bell Station.
[18:51:05] [PE] captured Race: Pot race.
[18:51:05] (respect spree) Respect spree over!
[18:51:05] (respect spree) Congratulations you did 11 respectful things in 3 minutes!
[18:51:07] [0.GL] lowryder: de ne sirjál már 44-42..
[18:51:12] [0.GL] XIII has joined this channel
[18:51:13] [0.GL] lowryder: nem komolyan mondtam
[18:51:16] [PE]LinkineR got the artefact now.
[18:51:18] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: hrsn
[18:51:21] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: ale cwele ;)
[18:51:25] [0.GL] Andy_xXL has joined this channel
[18:51:25] Andy_xXL has left the server.
[18:51:28] [0.GL] yaroslav_mashtakov has joined this channel
[18:51:28] yaroslav_mashtakov has left the server.
[18:51:29] [k2S]Aztecaz got the artefact now.
[18:51:35] [0.GL] Andy_xXL has joined this channel
[18:51:35] Andy_xXL has left the server.
[18:51:38] [0.GL] yaroslav_mashtakov has joined this channel
[18:51:38] yaroslav_mashtakov has left the server.
[18:51:45] XIII has left the server.
[18:51:50] [0.GL] yaroslav_mashtakov has joined this channel
[18:51:50] yaroslav_mashtakov has left the server.
[18:51:53] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:51:53] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:51:56] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: YO EMIR
[18:52:00] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: i am not emir
[18:52:00] [0.GL] lowryder: holvagy?
[18:52:01] [0.GL] yaroslav_mashtakov has joined this channel
[18:52:01] yaroslav_mashtakov has left the server.
[18:52:02] [0.GL] salahinno has joined this channel
[18:52:02] salahinno has left the server.
[18:52:06] [0.GL] memo has joined this channel
[18:52:09] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:52:09] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:52:11] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: te?
[18:52:14] memo has left the server.
[18:52:15] Peronda has left the server.
[18:52:15] [0.GL] Ruslan_Abdrahmanov has joined this channel
[18:52:16] Ruslan_Abdrahmanov has left the server.
[18:52:17] [0.GL] salahinno has joined this channel
[18:52:17] salahinno has left the server.
[18:52:17] [0.GL] Edison has joined this channel
[18:52:17] [0.GL] mouhssinnno has joined this channel
[18:52:17] mouhssinnno has left the server.
[18:52:19] [0.GL] Di3hard: csicska drifter pro...
[18:52:20] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[18:52:21] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:52:21] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:52:23] [0.GL] DubStep23 has joined this channel
[18:52:23] [1.EN] DubStep23 has joined this channel
[18:52:26] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: kuss
[18:52:26] [0.GL] lowryder: miért csicska?
[18:52:31] [0.GL] Ruslan_Abdrahmanov has joined this channel
[18:52:31] Ruslan_Abdrahmanov has left the server.
[18:52:31] [0.GL] Daniiiii has joined this channel
[18:52:31] Daniiiii has left the server.
[18:52:32] (fight) The fight is over, [NSG]VetiuS won
[18:52:32] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:52:33] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:52:33] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:52:34] [0.GL] [NSG]VetiuS: die
[18:52:41] [0.GL] Di3hard: egybõl elmegy -.- sz*ros kis csicskaa
[18:52:43] Edison has left the server.
[18:52:43] [0.GL] Ruslan_Abdrahmanov has joined this channel
[18:52:43] Ruslan_Abdrahmanov has left the server.
[18:52:45] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:52:45] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:52:46] [LBG]kN_ got the artefact now.
[18:52:46] [0.GL] Qpeer has joined this channel
[18:52:47] [1.EN] Qpeer has joined this channel
[18:52:47] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: dypel hrsn
[18:52:54] [0.GL] striky has joined this channel
[18:52:54] striky has left the server.
[18:52:54] [0.GL] lowryder: ha csak sírni tudsz akkor /0
[18:52:55] [0.GL] [r2v]_Ryder_: fuckin spaser.
[18:52:57] [zR_]desk. got the artefact now.
[18:52:58] [0.GL] lowryder: /q XD
[18:52:58] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:52:58] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:52:58] [0.GL] HitManFromHell has joined this channel
[18:52:58] HitManFromHell has left the server.
[18:53:02] [0.GL] xpos has joined this channel
[18:53:02] xpos has left the server.
[18:53:02] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: lol
[18:53:02] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: die
[18:53:05] [0.GL] soso has joined this channel
[18:53:08] [0.GL] Artem_Kolesnikov has joined this channel
[18:53:08] Artem_Kolesnikov has left the server.
[18:53:10] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:53:10] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:53:12] [0.GL] lowryder: lehet hogy nem akar meghalni
[18:53:16] [0.GL] watch4em has joined this channel
[18:53:16] [1.EN] watch4em has joined this channel
[18:53:18] [0.GL] lowryder: te biztos odarohansz mindenki elé hogy öljön meg :O
[18:53:22] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:53:22] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:53:23] [0.GL] Artem_Kolesnikov has joined this channel
[18:53:23] Artem_Kolesnikov has left the server.
[18:53:25] [0.GL] killing_ has joined this channel
[18:53:30] [1.EN] killing_ has joined this channel
[18:53:33] [0.GL] Mouhamed has joined this channel
[18:53:33] Mouhamed has left the server.
[18:53:34] [0.GL] Artem_Kolesnikov has joined this channel
[18:53:34] Artem_Kolesnikov has left the server.
[18:53:34] [0.GL] [AoF]ReX: ez
[18:53:35] [0.GL] reby has joined this channel
[18:53:35] reby has left the server.
[18:53:39] soso has left the server.
[18:53:40] [PE]LinkineR got the artefact now.
[18:53:40] <Drifter_Pro> xd csak ilyen volt
[18:53:40] [0.GL] Di3hard: -.- ez egy dm szeró nem kocsikázó szeró
[18:53:45] [0.GL] Artem_Kolesnikov has joined this channel
[18:53:45] Artem_Kolesnikov has left the server.
[18:53:49] [0.GL] [PE]DubStep23: urwamac
[18:53:50] [0.GL] lowryder: engem keres kocsival mi meg ölünk
[18:53:51] <Drifter_Pro> dmezünk:D
[18:53:53] [0.GL] Di3hard: senkit nem ölt és egyszer halt meg akkor meg mi a f***nak van itt
[18:54:00] [0.GL] lowryder: õ a sofõröm
[18:54:01] (duel) [NSG]VetiuS won the duel against [AsL]DypeL
[18:54:02] [0.GL] Artem_Kolesnikov has joined this channel
[18:54:02] Artem_Kolesnikov has left the server.
[18:54:10] [0.GL] Sergey_Boyka has joined this channel
[18:54:10] Sergey_Boyka has left the server.
[18:54:20] [0.GL] TeRRoR_747 has joined this channel
[18:54:20] TeRRoR_747 has left the server.
[18:54:23] [s7]DENNISy00 got the artefact now.
[18:54:29] [0.GL] lowryder: miért ugrasz ki low?
[18:54:29] [0.GL] [uH_]watch4em: omg
[18:54:32] [0.GL] Lime has joined this channel
[18:54:38] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: mert gránátot dobtak
[18:54:42] [0.GL] HitManFromHell has joined this channel
[18:54:42] HitManFromHell has left the server.
[18:54:43] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[18:54:43] Di3hard has left the server.
[18:54:45] [AsL]DypeL got the artefact now.
[18:54:46] [AoF]ReX got the artefact now.
[18:54:47] [0.GL] lowryder: arrive :(
[18:54:53] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: sory i dont see yo
[18:54:54] [0.GL] TeRRoR747 has joined this channel
[18:54:55] [1.EN] TeRRoR747 has joined this channel
[18:54:57] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:54:57] [1.EN] Lime has joined this channel
[18:54:59] [0.GL] M(Gaby)C has joined this channel
[18:54:59] M(Gaby)C has left the server.
[18:55:00] [0.GL] [uH_]watch4em: EZ
[18:55:00] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: hol vagy?
[18:55:02] [0.GL] lowryder: <3
[18:55:02] Lime has left the server.
[18:55:13] [0.GL] Lime has joined this channel
[18:55:15] [0.GL] M(Gaby)C has joined this channel
[18:55:15] M(Gaby)C has left the server.
[18:55:18] [0.GL] lucas has joined this channel
[18:55:21] [0.GL] lowryder: partnál
[18:55:25] lucas has left the server.
[18:55:25] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: gay
[18:55:26] [0.GL] lowryder: gyere visza
[18:55:27] [1.EN] Lime has joined this channel
[18:55:28] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:55:29] [NSG]VetiuS has left the server.
[18:55:31] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[18:55:31] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[18:55:37] [0.GL] razvi_cj has joined this channel
[18:55:37] [AsL] captured Yellow Bell Station.
[18:55:37] [s7] captured Race: Pot race.
[18:55:39] [0.GL] [PE]DubStep23: -.- xd
[18:55:42] razvi_cj has left the server.
[18:55:45] [PE]LinkineR got the artefact now.
[18:55:45] Lime has left the server.
[18:55:47] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[18:55:47] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[18:55:50] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: lagger noob
[18:55:50] [0.GL] [uH_]watch4em: ezz
[18:55:52] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: v8 aimbot anti-lagg
[18:55:55] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: ya vurmadýk var ya
[18:55:55] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: knaka pardon D:
[18:55:58] [0.GL] half has joined this channel
[18:55:58] half has left the server.
[18:55:58] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: amýna kyodun hp nin
[18:55:59] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[18:55:59] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[18:56:02] [Ga]aKrO has left the server.
[18:56:03] [FG]TeRRoR747 has left the server.
[18:56:03] [0.GL] edreybert has joined this channel
[18:56:03] edreybert has left the server.
[18:56:05] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: okunmuyo siyahtan
[18:56:06] [0.GL] Lime has joined this channel
[18:56:10] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[18:56:10] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[18:56:11] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: hem orda ne iþin var oc clana gel :D
[18:56:12] [0.GL] lowryder: mindenki engem öl xd
[18:56:13] [0.GL] half has joined this channel
[18:56:13] half has left the server.
[18:56:14] [0.GL] Insane_Cody has joined this channel
[18:56:15] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: eeeez
[18:56:17] [1.EN] Lime has joined this channel
[18:56:19] [0.GL] XXGabrielXX has joined this channel
[18:56:19] XXGabrielXX has left the server.
[18:56:21] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:56:22] [1.EN] Insane_Cody has joined this channel
[18:56:23] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: qnq sen býlmyýosun galýba
[18:56:24] [0.GL] TeRRoR747 has joined this channel
[18:56:24] [1.EN] TeRRoR747 has joined this channel
[18:56:27] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: ben ayrýldým uh dan :D
[18:56:29] [0.GL] razvi_cj has joined this channel
[18:56:29] [0.GL] XXGabrielXX has joined this channel
[18:56:29] XXGabrielXX has left the server.
[18:56:32] [0.GL] JOJOMARISSAL has joined this channel
[18:56:32] JOJOMARISSAL has left the server.
[18:56:35] [NSG]lucasek got the artefact now.
[18:56:35] [1.EN] razvi_cj has joined this channel
[18:56:40] [0.GL] XXGabrielXX has joined this channel
[18:56:40] XXGabrielXX has left the server.
[18:56:43] [0.GL] lowryder: gyere a gyár szerûséghez drifter
[18:56:46] [0.GL] lowryder: bejárathoz
[18:56:47] [0.GL] JOJOMARISSAL has joined this channel
[18:56:47] JOJOMARISSAL has left the server.
[18:56:50] [0.GL] XXGabrielXX has joined this channel
[18:56:50] XXGabrielXX has left the server.
[18:56:51] [0.GL] zwol has joined this channel
[18:56:51] [1.EN] zwol has joined this channel
[18:56:51] [r2v]_Ryder_ has left the server.
[18:56:53] [0.GL] elalex has joined this channel
[18:56:53] elalex has left the server.
[18:56:56] [0.GL] HawK has joined this channel
[18:56:56] [1.EN] HawK has joined this channel
[18:56:59] [0.GL] JOJOMARISSAL has joined this channel
[18:56:59] JOJOMARISSAL has left the server.
[18:57:00] [0.GL] Prozz15 has joined this channel
[18:57:00] Prozz15 has left the server.
[18:57:03] [0.GL] AbCr has joined this channel
[18:57:05] [NSG]killing_ got the artefact now.
[18:57:06] [0.GL] Bandana has joined this channel
[18:57:11] [0.GL] TheReptile has joined this channel
[18:57:11] [1.EN] TheReptile has joined this channel
[18:57:11] [0.GL] Akum4_ has joined this channel
[18:57:12] [0.GL] JOJOMARISSAL has joined this channel
[18:57:12] JOJOMARISSAL has left the server.
[18:57:15] [0.GL] Dragos.V.8 has joined this channel
[18:57:15] Dragos.V.8 has left the server.
[18:57:16] <Drifter_Pro> xdddd
[18:57:20] [1.EN] Akum4_ has joined this channel
[18:57:21] <Drifter_Pro> az már sérült
[18:57:22] <lowryder> nem tudunk bemenni
[18:57:25] [1.EN] AbCr has joined this channel
[18:57:25] [0.GL] Dragos.V.8 has joined this channel
[18:57:25] Dragos.V.8 has left the server.
[18:57:26] Karluscha has left the server.
[18:57:27] [0.GL] elalex has joined this channel
[18:57:27] elalex has left the server.
[18:57:32] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: aim noob
[18:57:33] [1.EN] Bandana has joined this channel
[18:57:35] [uH_]ArriveDerci got the artefact now.
[18:57:36] [0.GL] Dragos.V.8 has joined this channel
[18:57:36] Dragos.V.8 has left the server.
[18:57:37] [AoF]ReX has left the server.
[18:57:37] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: :D
[18:57:38] [0.GL] elalex has joined this channel
[18:57:38] elalex has left the server.
[18:57:38] [0.GL] Greg024 has joined this channel
[18:57:38] Greg024 has left the server.
[18:57:39] [0.GL] bulSs has joined this channel
[18:57:43] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: dennis aim
[18:57:46] [G_O]Insane_Cody has left the server.
[18:57:46] Gained Expirience (Progress 117/300)
[18:57:46] lowryder is on a respect spree now.
[18:57:46] (respect) You did 2 respectful things: 2 Respect and 10$ for you!
[18:57:46] Gained 4 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[18:57:49] [0.GL] Greg024 has joined this channel
[18:57:49] Greg024 has left the server.
[18:57:51] [1.EN] bulSs has joined this channel
[18:57:52] [PE]DubStep23 has left the server.
[18:57:58] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: bu sefer ben vurmadým
[18:57:59] [0.GL] Greg024 has joined this channel
[18:57:59] Greg024 has left the server.
[18:58:05] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_ got the artefact now.
[18:58:07] [uH_]ArriveDerci got the artefact now.
[18:58:13] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:58:13] Draki has left the server.
[18:58:14] [0.GL] oN1moD(e) has joined this channel
[18:58:14] oN1moD(e) has left the server.
[18:58:17] [uH_]watch4em has left the server.
[18:58:28] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:58:28] Draki has left the server.
[18:58:29] [0.GL] oN1moD(e) has joined this channel
[18:58:29] oN1moD(e) has left the server.
[18:58:40] [0.GL] JuneXx has joined this channel
[18:58:40] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:58:40] Draki has left the server.
[18:58:45] [s7]DENNISy00 got the artefact now.
[18:58:51] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:58:51] Draki has left the server.
[18:58:53] [k2S]Aztecaz has left the server.
[18:58:56] [1.EN] JuneXx has joined this channel
[18:59:03] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:59:03] Draki has left the server.
[18:59:12] [0.GL] lowryder: könnyen leszednek errõl
[18:59:15] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:59:15] Draki has left the server.
[18:59:16] [QIJ_]tiui has left the server.
[18:59:18] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: aim.exe kid
[18:59:20] [0.GL] [AsL]bulSs: ez
[18:59:22] [AsL]DypeL got the artefact now.
[18:59:26] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: kid
[18:59:27] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:59:27] Draki has left the server.
[18:59:29] [M2B]Akum4_ has left the server.
[18:59:29] [0.GL] oN1moD(e) has joined this channel
[18:59:29] oN1moD(e) has left the server.
[18:59:30] [0.GL] Siwan has joined this channel
[18:59:33] [0.GL] joker_nal has joined this channel
[18:59:33] joker_nal has left the server.
[18:59:34] [0.GL] Santa_Clausas has joined this channel
[18:59:34] Santa_Clausas has left the server.
[18:59:39] [1.EN] Siwan has joined this channel
[18:59:39] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:59:39] Draki has left the server.
[18:59:39] [0.GL] kateky has joined this channel
[18:59:39] [1.EN] kateky has joined this channel
[18:59:44] [0.GL] lowryder: te hol vagy?
[18:59:48] [0.GL] joker_nal has joined this channel
[18:59:48] joker_nal has left the server.
[18:59:49] [0.GL] Santa_Clausas has joined this channel
[18:59:49] Santa_Clausas has left the server.
[18:59:50] [0.GL] Semih has joined this channel
[18:59:51] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ugyanott
[18:59:51] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[18:59:51] Draki has left the server.
[18:59:51] [uMED]kateky has left the server.
[18:59:51] [0.GL] artem_rulev has joined this channel
[18:59:51] artem_rulev has left the server.
[18:59:53] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[18:59:53] (spawn) You didnt have enough money in your wallet to buy your spawnweapons, so it was paid by your bank.
[18:59:54] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: élek
[18:59:56] Semih has left the server.
[18:59:58] [0.GL] ZaZ_Miner has joined this channel
[18:59:58] ZaZ_Miner has left the server.
[19:00:00] [0.GL] lowryder: látom
[19:00:01] [0.GL] Santa_Clausas has joined this channel
[19:00:01] Santa_Clausas has left the server.
[19:00:04] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:00:04] [0.GL] Draki has joined this channel
[19:00:04] Draki has left the server.
[19:00:04] [0.GL] lowryder: ölöm és sz ar sz rám :D
[19:00:05] (salary) Hello lowryder. You get 488 as salary.
[19:00:05] (respect spree) Respect spree over!
[19:00:05] (respect spree) Congratulations you did 3 respectful things in 3 minutes!
[19:00:07] [0.GL] artem_rulev has joined this channel
[19:00:07] artem_rulev has left the server.
[19:00:11] [RevS] captured Yellow Bell Station.
[19:00:11] [PE] captured Race: Pot race.
[19:00:12] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: na hol vagy?
[19:00:13] [0.GL] ZaZ_Miner has joined this channel
[19:00:13] ZaZ_Miner has left the server.
[19:00:15] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[19:00:18] [0.GL] ProSkill has joined this channel
[19:00:18] [1.EN] ProSkill has joined this channel
[19:00:18] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: LoL...
[19:00:19] [0.GL] artem_rulev has joined this channel
[19:00:19] artem_rulev has left the server.
[19:00:19] [0.GL] lowryder: új map. grove-ba tali
[19:00:25] [0.GL] ZaZ_Miner has joined this channel
[19:00:25] ZaZ_Miner has left the server.
[19:00:29] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: na***dmeg
[19:00:29] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[19:00:30] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[19:00:36] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: mnice
[19:00:45] [0.GL] [NSG]killing_: LOL
[19:00:56] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: stupidly ez... --> ME... :P
[19:01:01] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: frapsed ez
[19:01:02] (frenzy) [RevS]DiscoReasoN_ won. Next frenzy will start in 5 minutes.
[19:01:08] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: zal
[19:01:11] [0.GL] Lacero has joined this channel
[19:01:11] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: kurwa
[19:01:11] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: ha kurwa
[19:01:15] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: ty chuju
[19:01:16] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: ile miales
[19:01:24] [0.GL] somi_sine has joined this channel
[19:01:24] somi_sine has left the server.
[19:01:24] [0.GL] Draki_sm has joined this channel
[19:01:24] Draki_sm has left the server.
[19:01:26] [0.GL] lowryder: grove ba vagyok
[19:01:35] [0.GL] somi_sine has joined this channel
[19:01:35] somi_sine has left the server.
[19:01:40] [0.GL] Draki_sm has joined this channel
[19:01:40] Draki_sm has left the server.
[19:01:41] [1.EN] Lacero has joined this channel
[19:01:42] [0.GL] Qpeer: én meg nem
[19:01:43] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: i huj
[19:01:45] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: kurwa
[19:01:45] [0.GL] somi_sine has joined this channel
[19:01:45] somi_sine has left the server.
[19:01:50] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: forzen na 3 minuty
[19:01:52] [0.GL] Draki_sm has joined this channel
[19:01:52] Draki_sm has left the server.
[19:01:56] [0.GL] somi_sine has joined this channel
[19:01:56] somi_sine has left the server.
[19:01:59] Qpeer has left the server.
[19:02:01] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: pros....bunch of noobs togethre...thats waht AsL is
[19:02:04] [0.GL] Draki_sm has joined this channel
[19:02:04] Draki_sm has left the server.
[19:02:04] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: ezaz
[19:02:05] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: ye aimbot
[19:02:06] [0.GL] somi_sine has joined this channel
[19:02:06] somi_sine has left the server.
[19:02:12] [0.GL] haazj has joined this channel
[19:02:12] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: gj ladie
[19:02:12] [0.GL] [NSG]Lacero: hello @ all
[19:02:15] [0.GL] D4mo_ has joined this channel
[19:02:15] [1.EN] D4mo_ has joined this channel
[19:02:16] [0.GL] lowryder: jössz grove-ba?
[19:02:18] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: bu oc tam hileci
[19:02:21] [1.EN] haazj has joined this channel
[19:02:22] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: los santosba vok már
[19:02:28] [0.GL] lowryder: de grove ***dmeg
[19:02:29] [0.GL] Believer has joined this channel
[19:02:31] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: DIE BITCH
[19:02:31] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: i dont need aimbot for u
[19:02:32] [0.GL] lowryder: groove street
[19:02:36] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ok
[19:02:37] [0.GL] Peronda has joined this channel
[19:02:38] [1.EN] Believer has joined this channel
[19:02:42] [0.GL] [_B2k]D4mo_: drug?
[19:02:47] [0.GL] [_B2k]D4mo_: drug_3fect?
[19:03:06] [0.GL] vilym has joined this channel
[19:03:06] vilym has left the server.
[19:03:11] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: u can kill me only when u have aimbot cuz u r fucking little kid noob gimbus cwelu
[19:03:17] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: xD
[19:03:22] [0.GL] vilym has joined this channel
[19:03:22] vilym has left the server.
[19:03:23] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: ye funny kid.
[19:03:32] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: i dont need`
[19:03:36] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: aimbot for u
[19:03:37] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: japa cygan
[19:03:39] [1.EN] Peronda has joined this channel
[19:03:41] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: ta japa cygan
[19:03:44] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BITCH
[19:03:47] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: jebany rumunie
[19:03:54] [AsL]DypeL has left the server.
[19:03:55] [PE]TheReptile has left the server.
[19:03:58] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: poda
[19:03:59] [0.GL] Lime: :D
[19:04:00] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: ty
[19:04:04] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: debil
[19:04:06] AbCr got the artefact now.
[19:04:07] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: PODA....noobo
[19:04:07] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: jebany
[19:04:21] [0.GL] zuzu.russia has joined this channel
[19:04:25] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[19:04:25] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[19:04:28] [1.EN] zuzu.russia has joined this channel
[19:04:29] [AsL]bulSs got the artefact now.
[19:04:30] [AsL]Sam0 has left the server.
[19:04:33] [r2v]Believer got the artefact now.
[19:04:38] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[19:04:38] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[19:04:39] [0.GL] DypeL has joined this channel
[19:04:45] [AsL] captured Yellow Bell Station.
[19:04:45] [s7] captured Race: Pot race.
[19:04:48] [0.GL] Lime: Kak dela bratishki
[19:04:50] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[19:04:50] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[19:05:01] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[19:05:01] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[19:05:01] [1.EN] DypeL has joined this channel
[19:05:05] (frenzy) If you kill 40 players with M4 first you gain $2500 and 100 respect.
[19:05:05] (frenzy) If you want to take part at the frenzies, type \'/frenzy\'
[19:05:09] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: NOOOOOOOOOB
[19:05:09] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BASTARDS
[19:05:15] [0.GL] Miguelx123 has joined this channel
[19:05:15] Miguelx123 has left the server.
[19:05:15] Gained Expirience (Progress 118/300)
[19:05:15] lowryder is on a respect spree now.
[19:05:15] (respect) You did 2 respectful things: 2 Respect and 10$ for you!
[19:05:15] Gained 2 respect and found $573 in the wallet.
[19:05:15] lowryder got the artefact now.
[19:05:19] [0.GL] [r2v]Believer: jaki pojeb z auta
[19:05:24] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:05:26] [0.GL] _Screen has joined this channel
[19:05:27] [0.GL] lowryder: x
[19:05:43] [0.GL] [wEEd]Siwan: spasten
[19:05:47] Gained Expirience (Progress 119/300)
[19:05:47] lowryder is \'PLAYA\' now. He did 5 respectful things in 3 minutes
[19:05:47] (respect) You did 5 respectful things: 2 Respect and 25$ for you!
[19:05:47] Gained 2 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[19:05:54] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: bitch db
[19:05:55] [0.GL] [_B2k]D4mo_: xd
[19:05:58] [0.GL] [NSG]Lacero: bisschen mad wa
[19:05:58] [0.GL] lowryder: xd 1 db
[19:06:05] (respect spree) Respect spree over!
[19:06:05] (respect spree) Congratulations you did 6 respectful things in 3 minutes!
[19:06:08] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ***dmeg
[19:06:16] [0.GL] [_B2k]D4mo_: pro
[19:06:18] Peronda has left the server.
[19:06:24] [0.GL] lowryder: holvagy?
[19:06:26] [0.GL] Wak3_ has joined this channel
[19:06:29] [1.EN] Wak3_ has joined this channel
[19:06:40] [1.EN] _Screen has joined this channel
[19:06:50] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: f*** tudja
[19:06:51] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: shiz on u pros...backshootaers/
[19:07:09] [0.GL] lowryder: dehabi elhúzott vagy ki a fsazom
[19:07:16] [0.GL] lowryder: már nemtudott miért sírni
[19:07:18] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: omg lagger
[19:07:22] [0.GL] AbCr: ok
[19:07:31] [0.GL] Hapci has joined this channel
[19:07:31] [1.EN] Hapci has joined this channel
[19:07:35] [0.GL] lowryder: na gyere már elõ
[19:07:44] [0.GL] Goldie has joined this channel
[19:07:53] [0.GL] Sam0 has joined this channel
[19:07:53] [1.EN] Sam0 has joined this channel
[19:07:54] [1.EN] Goldie has joined this channel
[19:08:10] [0.GL] [_B2k]D4mo_: yo caverual
[19:08:17] [0.GL] [VIP]_CaVaLerul: yo
[19:08:18] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: /fight
[19:08:20] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: /fig ht
[19:08:30] [0.GL] Lime: Çàåáàëè óáèâàòü, ÿ âàñ ïîöåëîâàòü õî÷ó, à âû...
[19:08:36] [0.GL] Cooller_)124rus has joined this channel
[19:08:36] Cooller_)124rus has left the server.
[19:08:38] [0.GL] lowryder: hol vagy?
[19:08:43] [0.GL] lowryder: eltudsz jönni groove-ra?
[19:08:49] [0.GL] [V8]_Screen: lol alied
[19:08:51] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: asszem
[19:08:53] [0.GL] [V8]_Screen: nsg alied v8
[19:09:00] [0.GL] lowryder: ok az infinek annyi
[19:09:04] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BITCH
[19:09:07] [0.GL] lowryder: elmenekültem vele
[19:09:13] [0.GL] lowryder: de már feketén gõzölög
[19:09:14] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: I love you
[19:09:15] [0.GL] Hapci: lowryder
[19:09:23] <lowryder> low
[19:09:23] Nobody heard you. Try /0 hello! to chat in a channel!
[19:09:24] [0.GL] [NSG]lucasek: jebac ally
[19:09:25] [0.GL] lowryder: low
[19:09:29] [0.GL] [NSG]Goldie: omfG
[19:09:30] [VIP]_CaVaLerul has left the server.
[19:09:31] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: shiz on uH nabs
[19:09:35] [NSG]lucasek has left the server.
[19:09:44] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: ahaha ownd
[19:09:45] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: õõ itt vpok ahol van ez a Winewood felirat
[19:09:46] Lime has left the server.
[19:09:49] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: nice )
[19:09:52] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: olyan mint a hollywood
[19:09:53] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: who duel with me
[19:09:54] [0.GL] lowryder: megyek ode
[19:09:58] [0.GL] JuneXx: nb spas
[19:10:00] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: tudod hol van?
[19:10:03] [0.GL] lowryder: aha
[19:10:05] [0.GL] SouL. has joined this channel
[19:10:05] [1.EN] SouL. has joined this channel
[19:10:08] [0.GL] lowryder: az vine vood
[19:10:10] [0.GL] Hapci: drifter_pro és losryder, ez egy dm szerver, nem freeroom
[19:10:12] [0.GL] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_: AsL denied
[19:10:12] [0.GL] lowryder: vinewood
[19:10:14] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: who duel with me ?
[19:10:22] [0.GL] [NSG]Goldie: asl noobs srsly
[19:10:25] [0.GL] [NSG]Goldie: type kill
[19:10:25] [0.GL] PiltO has joined this channel
[19:10:26] [0.GL] lowryder: igen és?
[19:10:32] [0.GL] lowryder: kocsiból ölünk
[19:10:33] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: dmezünk
[19:10:36] Recep has left the server.
[19:10:36] [0.GL] Recep has joined this channel
[19:10:36] [1.EN] PiltO has joined this channel
[19:10:37] [0.GL] Hapci: nem hurcolni kell egymást hanem lõni
[19:10:41] [0.GL] lowryder: igen és?
[19:10:44] [0.GL] lowryder: kocsiból ölünk
[19:10:45] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:10:46] [RevS]DiscoReasoN_ has left the server.
[19:10:46] [0.GL] Recep has joined this channel
[19:10:46] Recep has left the server.
[19:10:48] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: sam0 cheater
[19:10:48] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: soul busted
[19:10:50] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: de nem szabad találkozni?vagy mi?
[19:10:54] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: a bunch of sucking noobs play on this server...who cant fight face to face and fairly
[19:10:57] [0.GL] Recep has joined this channel
[19:10:57] Recep has left the server.
[19:11:02] [0.GL] zaku has joined this channel
[19:11:02] [1.EN] zaku has joined this channel
[19:11:05] [zYx]Bandana got the artefact now.
[19:11:05] [0.GL] TheMolk has joined this channel
[19:11:05] TheMolk has left the server.
[19:11:07] [0.GL] Recep has joined this channel
[19:11:07] Recep has left the server.
[19:11:09] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: i am a cheater cho
[19:11:12] [0.GL] lowryder: annyi hogy nem gyalog megyek el érte
[19:11:13] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: who duel with me ? ?
[19:11:18] [0.GL] Recep has joined this channel
[19:11:18] Recep has left the server.
[19:11:19] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: duel me
[19:11:21] [0.GL] TheMolk has joined this channel
[19:11:21] TheMolk has left the server.
[19:11:21] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ***dmegh
[19:11:24] [0.GL] lowryder: de ha ez is baj már akkor felakasztom magam :
[19:11:28] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: mi a f***ért kellet?
[19:11:28] [NSG]Goldie got the artefact now.
[19:11:29] [0.GL] Recep has joined this channel
[19:11:29] Recep has left the server.
[19:11:35] [0.GL] Hapci: dm szerver
[19:11:41] [sTARS]ProSkill has left the server.
[19:11:41] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ökör jánka
[19:11:42] [0.GL] [LBG]kN_: /fight
[19:11:51] [0.GL] lowryder: értelmezted amit leírtam?
[19:11:55] [0.GL] lowryder: kocsiból ölünk
[19:12:00] [0.GL] lowryder: nem db
[19:12:01] AbCr has left the server.
[19:12:01] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: bug
[19:12:02] (duel) [g4s]zwol won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:12:03] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: omg
[19:12:04] [0.GL] Hapci: ok má, csak sir ez a gyerek hogy megöltem
[19:12:11] [_To_]razvi_cj has left the server.
[19:12:14] (duel) [g4s]zwol won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:12:15] [0.GL] [PE]LinkineR: killing addict spas
[19:12:15] [0.GL] lowryder: melyik?
[19:12:15] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: who wants duel?
[19:12:16] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: azt mondtam hogy ***dmeg
[19:12:17] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: backshorer
[19:12:20] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: nem sirok
[19:12:21] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: omg bug
[19:12:22] [0.GL] Hapci: drifter_pro
[19:12:30] SouL. got the artefact now.
[19:12:34] [0.GL] [NSG]Goldie: hahah
[19:12:37] <lowryder> mark newey
[19:12:37] Nobody heard you. Try /0 hello! to chat in a channel!
[19:12:39] [0.GL] Chokamiga has joined this channel
[19:12:39] [1.EN] Chokamiga has joined this channel
[19:12:42] [0.GL] lowryder: newey
[19:12:50] [0.GL] lowryder: geci kigyulladt a kocsim
[19:12:53] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: na kuss,hapci,menny másnak rinyálni,.meg okosdkodnio
[19:12:54] (duel) [AsL]PiriReis won the duel against [g4s]zwol
[19:13:01] [0.GL] JuneXx: OMG SPAS
[19:13:08] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: read left
[19:13:10] zuzu.russia has left the server.
[19:13:13] [0.GL] lowryder: nyugodj meg drifter, õ jó ember!
[19:13:14] [_B2k]D4mo_ has left the server.
[19:13:21] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: igazad van
[19:13:31] (duel) [s7]DENNISy00 won the duel against [AsL]eRsT_
[19:13:31] [0.GL] lowryder: itt vagyok vinewood feliratnál
[19:13:32] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: :/
[19:13:33] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BASTARDS
[19:13:34] [0.GL] Huguinho66 has joined this channel
[19:13:34] [1.EN] Huguinho66 has joined this channel
[19:13:44] [0.GL] JuneXx: spas _))
[19:13:53] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: én meg los santos beach
[19:14:00] [0.GL] lowryder: anyád
[19:14:01] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: leszedet a k*rv*
[19:14:03] [0.GL] lowryder: mit keresel ott?
[19:14:08] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: id 5
[19:14:09] [0.GL] lowryder: miért nem ütötted le?
[19:14:10] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: minigun
[19:14:13] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: fürdök ***dmeg
[19:14:18] [0.GL] lowryder: jóóvan
[19:14:22] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: wtf bitch
[19:14:25] [_uT_]Huguinho66 has left the server.
[19:14:31] [0.GL] [NSG]Lacero: soul toggel
[19:14:38] [0.GL] Zepy has joined this channel
[19:14:38] [1.EN] Zepy has joined this channel
[19:14:40] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: trust me...GTA:T is becoming shiz....just cause ppl cant kill in a fair fight..they try and win thru cheating...
[19:14:46] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[19:14:46] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: bitch
[19:14:47] [NSG]Lacero got the artefact now.
[19:14:48] [0.GL] JuneXx: kkkkkk
[19:14:52] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: yout mom
[19:14:53] [0.GL] lowryder: elkaptak
[19:14:56] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: your mom
[19:14:57] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: fag
[19:14:58] (duel) [AsL]PiriReis won the duel against [g4s]zwol
[19:15:01] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[19:15:02] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: hóvagy?
[19:15:06] [0.GL] lowryder: közel
[19:15:21] PiltO got the artefact now.
[19:15:32] (duel) [s7]DENNISy00 won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:15:38] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: pro
[19:15:40] [0.GL] SouL.: omg
[19:15:42] [0.GL] SouL.: spas
[19:15:43] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: stun stun stun.
[19:16:06] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:16:13] (duel) [g4s]zwol won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:16:16] [0.GL] SouL.: kjaskas
[19:16:16] [0.GL] JuneXx: nb
[19:16:37] [0.GL] SouL.: jajaja cheot
[19:16:41] <Drifter_Pro> :D
[19:16:41] [0.GL] JuneXx: nb1
[19:16:42] [0.GL] lowryder: hogy hívsz le kocsit?
[19:16:42] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: abaah...this problem on minc
[19:16:45] [NSG]Goldie has left the server.
[19:16:48] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: kuuusssssss
[19:16:52] [0.GL] lowryder: anyáááááááád
[19:16:53] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: abaah...this problem on mine...shiz ..............
[19:16:54] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: :P
[19:17:09] [0.GL] Manfr3das has joined this channel
[19:17:09] <Drifter_Pro> am csak idehozza a legközelebbi kocsikat
[19:17:09] [1.EN] Manfr3das has joined this channel
[19:17:17] [0.GL] Hapci: jólenne ha nem csitelnétek
[19:17:18] <Drifter_Pro> kb 200méter környék max
[19:17:23] [0.GL] lowryder: a legközelebbi az 2 méterre volt tõlem xd
[19:17:30] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ***dmeg...most már csitelünk is
[19:17:44] <Drifter_Pro> szedda gecit
[19:17:47] <Drifter_Pro> azaz
[19:17:48] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[19:17:50] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: hahahahaha
[19:17:57] [0.GL] SouL.: nb
[19:18:08] [0.GL] lowryder: ne beszélj többes számban newey
[19:18:17] [PDz]Zepy has left the server.
[19:18:17] [0.GL] Hapci: ez db
[19:18:21] [0.GL] Hapci: deagle-el buggolsz
[19:18:21] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: wtf bastard
[19:18:25] (duel) [g4s]zwol won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:18:26] [PE] captured Race: Pot race.
[19:18:27] [0.GL] lowryder: ez nem bug xd
[19:18:29] [zR_]desk. has left the server.
[19:18:32] [0.GL] Hapci: de az az
[19:18:36] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: noob
[19:18:37] [0.GL] lowryder: lõjelek m4-el?
[19:18:46] [NSG]Lacero has left the server.
[19:18:47] [0.GL] lowryder: tök mindegy ígyis úgyis meghalsz
[19:18:48] [0.GL] Hapci: deagle bug, igen m4-el mert deagle úgylõ kocsiból mint a minigun
[19:19:02] Gained Expirience (Progress 121/300)
[19:19:02] Gained 4 respect and found $3026 in the wallet.
[19:19:02] lowryder got the artefact now.
[19:19:05] [0.GL] lowryder: xddddd
[19:19:05] <Drifter_Pro> xddddd
[19:19:10] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: pff lagger
[19:19:11] (duel) [g4s]zwol won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:19:14] [0.GL] PiltO: nob
[19:19:16] <Drifter_Pro> másik
[19:19:21] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: 20fps ;>
[19:19:32] <Drifter_Pro> válassz
[19:19:56] PiltO has left the server.
[19:19:57] [0.GL] lowryder: amúgy a cbug is bug, mégis  használja mindenki
[19:20:03] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: idiot
[19:20:03] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: raped
[19:20:10] Gained Expirience (Progress 123/300)
[19:20:10] (respect) You did 2 respectful things: 2 Respect and 10$ for you!
[19:20:10] Gained 4 respect and found $0 in the wallet.
[19:20:11] Gained Expirience (Progress 124/300)
[19:20:11] lowryder is \'PLAYA\' now. He did 5 respectful things in 3 minutes
[19:20:11] (respect) You did 5 respectful things: 2 Respect and 25$ for you!
[19:20:11] Gained 2 respect and found $25 in the wallet.
[19:20:20] [LBG]kN_ has left the server.
[19:20:20] [0.GL] Hapci: de azért lásd a két bug között a különbséget
[19:20:23] [0.GL] SouL.: jajajaj ez
[19:20:35] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: fu
[19:20:37] [0.GL] dexeN has joined this channel
[19:20:37] [1.EN] dexeN has joined this channel
[19:20:43] [0.GL] SouL.: omg
[19:20:43] Manfr3das is \'HOMIE\' now. He did 8 respectful things in 3 minutes
[19:20:47] Manfr3das got the artefact now.
[19:20:48] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: geciii
[19:20:49] [RevS]zaku got the artefact now.
[19:20:51] (duel) [s7]DENNISy00 won the duel against [AsL]PiriReis
[19:21:01] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[19:21:04] [wEEd]Siwan got the artefact now.
[19:21:04] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: wtf
[19:21:05] (respect spree) Respect spree over!
[19:21:05] (respect spree) Congratulations you did 7 respectful things in 3 minutes!
[19:21:08] [0.GL] Chokamiga: :)
[19:21:11] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: cheater no hits
[19:21:15] [0.GL] [AsL]PiriReis: aim.
[19:21:15] [0.GL] lowryder: látom.
[19:21:18] [0.GL] SouL.: cheto
[19:21:20] [0.GL] lowryder: ha már van kocsi
[19:21:20] [0.GL] [uH_]ArriveDerci: anan amk yazcana
[19:21:26] [AsL]PiriReis has left the server.
[19:21:26] [0.GL] lowryder: akkor nem hisze mhogy vezetés miatt rakták csak be
[19:21:27] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:21:27] [r2v]Believer got the artefact now.
[19:21:55] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: ASS****
[19:22:00] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: bsuetd
[19:22:04] [0.GL] lowryder: hol vagy drefter?
[19:22:07] [0.GL] [lRkl]Wak3_: noob
[19:22:12] Manfr3das got the artefact now.
[19:22:13] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: pffffffffffff
[19:22:17] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: dickhead
[19:22:27] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: grove
[19:22:51] [0.GL] .BlaZeR. has joined this channel
[19:22:51] [1.EN] .BlaZeR. has joined this channel
[19:23:00] [NTL] captured The Four Dragons Casino.
[19:23:00] [s7] captured Race: Pot race.
[19:23:09] [s7]DENNISy00 got the artefact now.
[19:23:10] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: te?
[19:23:13] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: sucker
[19:23:15] [0.GL] [s7]DENNISy00: ^^
[19:23:16] [0.GL] lowryder: megyek oda
[19:23:44] [wEEd]Siwan has left the server.
[19:23:47] <Drifter_Pro> :D
[19:23:54] [0.GL] Hapci: fucking noob
[19:23:57] [0.GL] lowryder: hátra akartam ülni
[19:24:02] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: zaku O.o
[19:24:12] [0.GL] [RevS]zaku: bug;-p
[19:24:24] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BITHC
[19:24:25] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: fucking noob is your fucking mom
[19:24:25] Chokamiga has left the server.
[19:24:29] SouL. has left the server.
[19:24:34] Manfr3das got the artefact now.
[19:24:36] [uH_]ArriveDerci has left the server.
[19:24:41] [0.GL] Chokamiga has joined this channel
[19:24:41] [0.GL] [AsL]Sam0: fucking spazer
[19:24:41] Chokamiga has left the server.
[19:24:53] [0.GL] Hapci: you say?
[19:24:55] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ...
[19:24:56] [0.GL] [V8]_Screen: -_-
[19:24:57] [0.GL] Chokamiga has joined this channel
[19:24:57] Chokamiga has left the server.
[19:25:02] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: hackzor
[19:25:02] [0.GL] lowryder: minek állsz meg?
[19:25:03] [0.GL] nytelife has joined this channel
[19:25:03] [1.EN] nytelife has joined this channel
[19:25:05] (salary) Hello lowryder. You get 492 as salary.
[19:25:10] [PE]LinkineR got the artefact now.
[19:25:15] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: beachj
[19:25:25] [AsL]eRsT_ got the artefact now.
[19:25:28] [0.GL] JuneXx: DENNIS IS AIM
[19:25:28] [0.GL] [PE]LinkineR: 6 vs me
[19:25:31] [0.GL] [PE]LinkineR: ._.
[19:25:37] Manfr3das has left the server.
[19:25:58] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: O.o
[19:26:02] nytelife has left the server.
[19:26:07] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: idiots
[19:26:21] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: pawned...sucker noob
[19:26:35] [HoT]dexeN got the artefact now.
[19:26:38] [0.GL] Idiotas has joined this channel
[19:26:44] [PE]LinkineR has left the server.
[19:26:48] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:26:50] [AsL]bulSs has left the server.
[19:26:51] [1.EN] Idiotas has joined this channel
[19:26:55] [0.GL] lowryder: most ránk van állva :D
[19:26:57] Now you got your weapons, be careful.
[19:27:01] [zYx]Bandana got the artefact now.
[19:27:08] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: bekeményitett a kis f***:D
[19:27:13] [r2v]Believer got the artefact now.
[19:27:15] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: idiiotas
[19:27:16] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BASTARD
[19:27:19] [NSG]killing_ has left the server.
[19:27:31] [zYx]Bandana got the artefact now.
[19:27:34] [k2S] captured The Four Dragons Casino.
[19:27:34] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: ugyanoda
[19:27:40] [0.GL] lowryder: õ is jönni fo
[19:27:42] [0.GL] [AsL]DypeL: kiked pls id 33 ping 340 O_o
[19:27:45] [0.GL] lowryder: mert tudja hogy hol vagyunk
[19:27:51] [RevS]zaku got the artefact now.
[19:27:59] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: OMG BASTARD  EVRYWHERE
[19:28:00] [AsL]eRsT_ got the artefact now.
[19:28:04] [0.GL] Di3hard has joined this channel
[19:28:04] [1.EN] Di3hard has joined this channel
[19:28:16] [0.GL] lowryder: megyek érted drefter
[19:28:25] [s7]DENNISy00 has left the server.
[19:28:35] [0.GL] lowryder: holvagy?
[19:28:42] [AsL]DypeL has left the server.
[19:28:53] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: cheat
[19:29:05] Drifter_Pro got the artefact now.
[19:29:21] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: gecihapci kerget
[19:29:27] [0.GL] lowryder: de holvagy
[19:29:30] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: sucker
[19:29:35] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BITCHGONEMAD
[19:29:42] [g4s]zwol is \'HOMIE\' now. He did 8 respectful things in 3 minutes
[19:29:47] [0.GL] FaasT has joined this channel
[19:29:48] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: paraszt utakon
[19:29:53] [1.EN] FaasT has joined this channel
[19:29:54] [0.GL] lowryder: az f***tudja holvan
[19:30:11] [0.GL] lowryder: benzinkútnál állj meg
[19:30:15] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: NOOOOOOOOBZOR
[19:30:21] [0.GL] [V8]_Screen: ahahaha i pwned you nob
[19:30:24] [0.GL] DENNISy00 has joined this channel
[19:30:24] [1.EN] DENNISy00 has joined this channel
[19:30:25] [V8]FaasT has left the server.
[19:30:26] [0.GL] [V8]_Screen: spierdalaj
[19:30:31] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: backshooting sucker
[19:30:33] [0.GL] typo has joined this channel
[19:30:40] [1.EN] typo has joined this channel
[19:30:46] [0.GL] [V8]_Screen: i dont backshoot bitch
[19:30:48] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: BASTARD
[19:31:05] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: stFU
[19:31:08] [0.GL] lowryder: állj
[19:31:10] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: most bánya
[19:31:19] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: DIE FAGGIT
[19:31:20] [0.GL] [g4s]zwol: fucking aim.exe
[19:31:20] [0.GL] lowryder: szállj be
[19:31:22] <Drifter_Pro> xddddddd
[19:31:25] [0.GL] Di3hard: mi a f***t keresel még itt drifter -.-
[19:31:25] <Drifter_Pro> de
[19:31:25] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[19:31:28] [0.GL] lowryder: hamar
[19:31:29] [0.GL] JuneXx: retardw
[19:31:33] [0.GL] lowryder: várjuk meg
[19:31:36] [0.GL] DENNISy00: pff
[19:31:37] [0.GL] lowryder: hali
[19:31:38] [0.GL] UnmoveD_ has joined this channel
[19:31:47] [0.GL] .BlaZeR.: noob
[19:31:48] [1.EN] UnmoveD_ has joined this channel
[19:31:51] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[19:32:07] [V8]_Screen has left the server.
[19:32:08] [0.GL] FaasT has joined this channel
[19:32:08] (battle) The battle is over. Noone won!
[19:32:14] [1.EN] FaasT has joined this channel
[19:32:26] <Drifter_Pro> xd
[19:32:29] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: ASSHOLE
[19:32:45] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: rvs sucker
[19:32:55] [V8]FaasT has left the server.
[19:32:57] [0.GL] lowryder: pihenjünk
[19:33:05] [0.GL] [AsL]eRsT_: fucking lamer
[19:33:10] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: ez shiz
[19:33:13] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: SUCKER
[19:33:19] [0.GL] PiriReis has joined this channel
[19:33:24] [1.EN] PiriReis has joined this channel
[19:33:25] * lowryder .
[19:33:26] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: suckar
[19:33:31] [0.GL] Gogapilnik has joined this channel
[19:33:32] [0.GL] Idiotas: noobs 2x1
[19:33:32] * lowryder kirakja drifter-nek a ..
[19:33:32] [0.GL] zlaja has joined this channel
[19:33:32] zlaja has left the server.
[19:33:36] * Drifter_Pro nem
[19:33:38] [1.EN] Gogapilnik has joined this channel
[19:33:42] * Drifter_Pro ne
[19:33:48] [0.GL] zlaja has joined this channel
[19:33:48] zlaja has left the server.
[19:33:49] [AsL]eRsT_ has left the server.
[19:33:50] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[19:33:52] [0.GL] lowryder: hovaM
[19:33:53] [0.GL] lowryder: hova?
[19:34:00] [0.GL] zlaja has joined this channel
[19:34:00] zlaja has left the server.
[19:34:15] [0.GL] lowryder: xd
[19:34:20] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: ASL SUCKER
[19:34:21] [0.GL] lowryder: bukta
[19:34:25] [0.GL] lowryder: de hogy követ minket xdxd
[19:34:27] [0.GL] Di3hard: drifter takarodj már innen itt ölni kell nem szopni
[19:34:29] <Drifter_Pro> kitartó egy f***
[19:34:29] [0.GL] zlaja has joined this channel
[19:34:29] zlaja has left the server.
[19:34:37] [0.GL] Idiotas: fuck all spaz masters
[19:34:38] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: :D idegesek
[19:34:38] Congratulations! [zYx]Bandana achieved Level 16.
[19:34:42] [0.GL] lowryder: dihard akkor ölj és fogd be a pofád
[19:34:50] [0.GL] Alex_Komarov has joined this channel
[19:34:50] Alex_Komarov has left the server.
[19:34:51] [0.GL] [zYx]Bandana: n1
[19:34:58] [1.EN] [xG]HawK: PRO SPASSIS SHIZ
[19:34:59] [0.GL] Di3hard: a f*** ideges a szádban
[19:35:01] [0.GL] lowryder: balf*** xd
[19:35:04] [0.GL] DypeL has joined this channel
[19:35:04] [0.GL] kN_ has joined this channel
[19:35:04] [0.GL] Drifter_Pro: xddddddddddddddd
[19:35:04] [1.EN] kN_ has joined this channel
[19:35:05] JuneXx got the artefact now.
[19:35:06] [0.GL] Alex_Komarov has joined this channel
[19:35:06] Alex_Komarov has left the server.
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Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #8 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 20:09:38 »
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Nehogy elkezdj sirni Loky,hiszen te kezdegetsz..Mi közöd van hozzá hogy mi mit csinálunk?Belém kötsz,mert vezetek? Hol élünk?Ezért ilyen sz*r a szerók többsége,mert az ilyen magadfajták mindenkibe kötözködnek ok nélkül...  :mistrust:  Mellesleg,valahogy idegesnek nézel ki...Bevetted a napi adag nyugtatót? :/ Na menj csicsikálni,már 8 óra elmúlt...

Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #9 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 20:13:18 »
+1 Show voters
Idézetet írta: zordo120 date=1346263778\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"27111\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Nehogy elkezdj sirni Loky,hiszen te kezdegetsz..Mi közöd van hozzá hogy mi mit csinálunk?Belém kötsz,mert vezetek? Hol élünk?Ezért ilyen sz*r a szerók többsége,mert az ilyen magadfajták mindenkibe kötözködnek ok nélkül...  :mistrust:  Mellesleg,valahogy idegesnek nézel ki...Bevetted a napi adag nyugtatót? :/ Na menj csicsikálni,már 8 óra elmúlt...
1.kösz jól beégettél
2.te jársz fel egy dm szerverre stuntolni,autókázni,dbzni


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Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #10 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 20:17:58 »
+2 Show voters
azzal nincs gond, hogy vezet valaki jobbra balra, DE AZ, HOGY LÖVÖLDÖZIK AZ ABLAKBÓL... ISTENEM:dddddddddddddddDDD LEGNAGYOBB NYOMORÉKSÁG
de amúgy mindenki csináljon amit akar, maximum majd kiutálja az egész szerver

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Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #11 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 20:23:38 »
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Igen mi ilyen kis nyomorékok vagyunk :) én szoktam gyalog is menni és lõhetnék úgy is hogy kimászok a kocsi tetejére. De akkor meg az van hogy \"NE MENJ MÁR A HAVEROD KOCSIJÁRA HOGY ENGEM LÕJ TE SZEMÉTLÁDA\" kb. mellesleg loky teljesen tudja hogy mit csinálunk, egyetlen egyszer találkoztam vele game-ben. Azóta elkerültük egymást mert megdöglöttem én is meg õis. De mintha spectate-ben nézne, tudja hogy mi stuntolunk, db-zünk meg kocsikázunk a világ másik oldalán :D amúgy eddig senkinek nem volt vele gondja, sõt nem csak mi csináltuk. Loky-t se lõttük le ezzel, csak hát legyen kin levezetnie azt a fájdalmat és csalódást, hogy õt most igen, lelõtték  :cry3:

Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #12 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 20:36:45 »
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képzeld ott beszélgetettek h meünk stuntolni? meg ott lövöldöztél rám a kocsiból stb. -.-

Nem elérhető RyDerBoy96

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Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #13 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 20:39:24 »
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Ott a log, keresd ki ezt a sort loky, kíváncsian várom.. kocsi tetejérõl meg max m4-el lõhetek ami semmit se ér ezen a szerveren, alig sebez és ezek laggerek. Amúgy te minek jársz fel? Sírni? Mert eddig nem nagyon láttalak kussba esetleg normálisan írva játszani.

Re:GTA:Tournament Arcade
« Válasz #14 Dátum: 2012. Augusztus 29. - 20:44:42 »
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öcsém teljesen átszerkesztetted azt a rohadt logot -.-
képzeld feltalálták az spasert is
és ha láttad volna titeket szidott kb 10 ember


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