Szerző Téma: Hangling XD  (Megtekintve 2320 alkalommal)

Hangling XD
« Dátum: 2010. szeptember 24. - 22:30:23 »
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Nos hy mindenki, szeretném kérdezni hogy a sampba a handling cska csittel müxik?:S ha avval akkor meikkel? és hogyan kell özembe helyezni hogy sampba is tudjak hanglindgal driftelni?
THX elõre is a válaszokat...


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Hangling XD
« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 24. - 22:49:55 »
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Próbáltam én is, sõt még timecyc-el is (ezekkel a .two formátumú fájlokkal), de pff

Hangling XD
« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 25. - 08:34:05 »
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Csittel ne próbálkozz, mert szerintem minden szerverrõl ki leszel banolva.
Ha jól tudsz driftelni, akkor felesleges a handling.
Ha nem tudsz jól, akkor tanulj meg!

Nem elérhető tru3man

  • 3254
  • Richard
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Hangling XD
« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 25. - 08:37:17 »
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Idézetet írta: TengeriMalac date=1285396445\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"3497\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Csittel ne próbálkozz, mert szerintem minden szerverrõl ki leszel banolva.
Ha jól tudsz driftelni, akkor felesleges a handling.
Ha nem tudsz jól, akkor tanulj meg!
És akkor az LMD is béna?..

Hangling XD
« Válasz #4 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 25. - 11:41:20 »
0 Show voters
Tudok driftelni eléggé jól... szinte már pro vok handling nél is de vna olyan hajtû kanyar amit 2 ét gyakorlás után se megy:S

Nem elérhető Doriftar

  • 1741
  • Straight Outta Budapest
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Hangling XD
« Válasz #5 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 25. - 11:51:51 »
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s0beit kell hozzá.

Hangling XD
« Válasz #6 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 25. - 12:27:30 »
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Letöltöttem, F11 el kell bekapcsolnia menût ugye? és akkor ha bekacspoltam annontól hogyan, mit? (nem haceklni szedtem le nyugi.......)

Nem elérhető Doriftar

  • 1741
  • Straight Outta Budapest
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Hangling XD
« Válasz #7 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 25. - 14:11:52 »
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keresel egy handlingot, GTA San Andreas/data/HANDLING.two ott kikeresed az autót amire szeretnél tenni, kitörlöd a sorát, amit leszedtél handling bemásolod elmented és kész.

Hangling XD
« Válasz #8 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 25. - 17:35:48 »
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Az már megvan, én elegyt irtam \"felül\" nos belépek benyomom az f11 et megjelenik a s0beit menû, próbálok driftelni ÉS NEM JÓÓ MET ALAPUL DRIFTEL:S

Nem elérhető Doriftar

  • 1741
  • Straight Outta Budapest
    • Profil megtekintése
Hangling XD
« Válasz #9 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 25. - 21:23:48 »
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melyik s0b ?

Hangling XD
« Válasz #10 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 25. - 21:41:05 »
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Nem elérhető M4tr1X

  • 1131
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Hangling XD
« Válasz #11 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 26. - 10:34:41 »
0 Show voters
Át kell állítani a m0d_s0beit_sa.ini-ben, hogy alapból aktiválja a handling.two fájlt.

Hangling XD
« Válasz #12 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 26. - 13:15:39 »
0 Show voters
Ezaz? ??? ::|
# ini file for teh modified s0beit haxx
# **** ERRORS ARE LOGGED TO s0beit_hack.log ****
# File format:
# variable_name = value       assigns \"value\" to \"variable_name\"
# array_name[index] = value   assigns \"value\" to array_name[index]
# array_name[] = value        assigns \"value\" to the first free index in the array
# Entries ending with a backslash (\'\\\') continue on the next line.
# Lines starting with \'#\' or \';\' are ignored.
# \\ escapes \" within strings, eg \"foo \\\"bar\\\" baz\"
# Valid hotkey names include:
#   a-z, 0-9
#   lbutton, rbutton, mbutton (mouse buttons)
#   backspace, tab, return
#   lshift, rshift, lctrl, rctrl, lalt, ralt
#   space, pageup, pagedn, end, home
#   left, up, right, down
#   insert, delete, pause
#   np0-9 (numpad 0-9)
#   multiply, add, separator, subtract, decimal, divide
#   f1-f24
#   oem_plus, oem_comma, oem_minus, oem_period (non-numpad keys)
#   &num (where num is the key\'s constant number, in decimal, see URL below)
#   oem_1-oem_8:
# VK_OEM_1: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the \';:\' key
# VK_OEM_2: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the \'/?\' key
# VK_OEM_3: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the \'`~\' key
# VK_OEM_4: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the \'[{\' key
# VK_OEM_5: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the \'\\|\' key
# VK_OEM_6: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the \']}\' key
# VK_OEM_7: Windows 2000/XP: For the US standard keyboard, the \'single-quote/double-quote\' key
# VK_OEM_8: Used for miscellaneous characters; it can vary by keyboard.
# See:
# for more information about keys
# Use &0 to disable a hotkey
# ====================
# Toggle invincibility
# ====================
key_hp_cheat = insert
# In god mode, never go below this amount of HP (set to < 1000.0 to make cheating harder to spot)
# (0.0 = dead, 1000.0 = full HP)
# Really high values above 1000 will make you invulnerable to missiles, etc..
# The HP bar seems to range from ~275 to 1000.
# NOTE: This is for vehicles only.
hp_minimum = 1000.0
# Damage reduction in %
# Negative values will reverse the effect (eg. -25.0 = you take 25% more damage)
# NOTE: This is for vehicles only.
hp_damage_reduce = 75.0
# HP Regeneration, HP per second (you have 1000 HP)
# 1000 / 60 = 16.666, fully regenerate all HP in 60 seconds
# NOTE: This is for vehicles only.
hp_regen = 0
# Indestructible
# This will protect you from most damage. This includes
# all kinds of weapon damage, fall damage, collision damage,
# flying into mountains, etc. You can still drown, and your
# car will take damage when it has flipped over.
# And for some reason, it does not work on boats.
# NOTE: This is for vehicles and when on foot.
hp_indestructible = true
# When going below a certain HP value, warp to the nearest safe haven.
# A safe haven is a place where it is ok to regenerate HP...
# such as... candy machines. ;p
# When warped there, your HP will be fully restored, and after
# 1 second (configurable) you will be warped back to your previous
# position.
# A list of safe haven coordinates can be found in s0biet_hack_safe_haven.ini
# Set to something below 1.0 to disable, such as 0.0.
# 100.0 = Full HP, 0.0 = Dead.
hp_safe_haven_warp_below = 0.0
# =========
# Panic key
# =========
# Disables all cheats when pressed.
# ==============
# Air break keys
# ==============
# key_air_break_foot_mod is the key to use when on foot.
key_air_break_mod      = lshift
key_air_break_foot_mod = add
key_air_break_mod2     = &0
key_air_break_forward  = w
key_air_break_backward = s
key_air_break_left     = a
key_air_break_right    = d
key_air_break_up       = up
key_air_break_down     = down
# Air break rotation keys
# Yaw (aka turn left/right)
key_air_break_rot_yaw1 = h
key_air_break_rot_yaw2 = k
# Roll (left/right)
key_air_break_rot_roll1 = n
key_air_break_rot_roll2 = m
# Pitch (aka up/down)
key_air_break_rot_pitch1 = u
key_air_break_rot_pitch2 = j
# Air break key mode
# If set to true, key_air_break_mod toggle air break mode on and off.
# key_air_break_mod2 will also become a toggle-key.
air_break_toggle = true
# Air break behaviour
# 0 - original s0beit - simple x/y/z addition
# 1 - up/down moves along z-axis, others move in the car\'s direction
# 2 - full 3d movement (default)
air_break_behaviour = 2
# Speed multiplier for movement (Units per second)
air_break_speed = 100.0
# Speed multiplier for rotation (full turns per second)
air_break_rot_speed = 0.4
# Time to full speed (in seconds)
air_break_accel_time = 1.0
# ========
# Warp key
# ========
# Also known as one-hit-kill.
key_warp_mod = np0
# Warp speed modified (1.2 ~= regular car max speed)
warp_speed = 9.0
# Use speed vector
# If set to true, the direction in which the vehicle is heading
# will be used, instead of the direction in which the vehicle is
# pointing.. but only _if_ the vehicle actually is moving.
# If the vehicle is not moving, the direction in which the
# vehicle is pointing is always used.
# If set to false, the car\'s direction is always used.
warp_use_speed = true
# =================
# In-game menu keys
# =================
key_menu        = f11
key_menu_up     = up
key_menu_right  = right
key_menu_down   = down
key_menu_left   = left
key_menu_select = return
key_menu_dec    = subtract
key_menu_inc    = add
# ========
# Teleport
# ========
# Go back to previous location
key_teleport_hist = p
# Up to 10 teleports are supported. If any of key_teleport(_set)
# through 10 are set to &0, they are disabled.
# Preset locations
# Format: x y z interior_id
# If set to \"0.0 0.0 0.0 0\" they are considered to be disabled.
# Custom Location
key_teleport[0]     = multiply
key_teleport_set[0] = divide
teleport_pos[0]     = 0.0 0.0 0.0  0
# Los Santos Building
key_teleport[1]     = 2
key_teleport_set[1] = &0
teleport_pos[1]     = 1555.40 -1367.01 329.45  0
# LS Skatepark
key_teleport[2]     = 3
key_teleport_set[2] = &0
teleport_pos[2]     = 1866.7365 -1380.6753 13.3250  0
# Desert Jump
key_teleport[3]     = 4
key_teleport_set[3] = &0
teleport_pos[3]     = -661.0194 2324.8943 138.2033  0
# Four Dragons Casino
key_teleport[4]     = 5
key_teleport_set[4] = &0
teleport_pos[4]     = 1903.9926 956.2845 10.3013  0
# Mount Chilliad
key_teleport[5]     = 6
key_teleport_set[5] = &0
teleport_pos[5]     = -2265.13 -1730.46 486.92  0
# Area 69
key_teleport[6]     = 7
key_teleport_set[6] = &0
teleport_pos[6]     = 205.81 1931.52 23.24  0
# Loco-Lows Garage
key_teleport[7]     = 8
key_teleport_set[7] = &0
teleport_pos[7]     = 2639.47 -2005.51 13.32  0
# SF - XOOMER Transfender
key_teleport[8]     = 9
key_teleport_set[8] = &0
teleport_pos[8]     = -1910.09 210.21 35.05  0
# Wheel Arch Angels
key_teleport[9]     = 0
key_teleport_set[9] = &0
teleport_pos[9]     = -2690.25 208.41 4.22  0
# =========================
# Static teleport locations
# =========================
# These are accessible from the in-game menu.
# No more than 200 teleport locations can be defined ([0] -> [199])
static_teleport_name[] = \"Airport Garage in Verdant Meadows\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 403.58 2486.33 17.23   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Airport Plane Garage in Las Venturas\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1578.24 1245.20 11.57   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Commerce Region, Loading Bay Garage\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1641.14 -1526.87 14.30   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Eight Ball Autos near El Corona\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1836.93 -1856.28 14.13   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"LowRider Tuning Garage in Willowfield\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2645.61 -2029.15 14.28   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Michelles Pay \'n\' Spray in Downtown\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1787.25 1202.00 25.84   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Transfender in Temple\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1041.26 -1036.77 32.48   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Transfender in come-a-lot\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2387.55 1035.70 11.56   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Transfender near Wang Cars in Doherty\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1935.77 228.79 34.16   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Welding Wedding Bomb-workshop in Emerald Isle\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2006.11 2292.87 11.57   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Wheel Archangels in Ocean Flats\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2707.48 218.65 4.93   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Pay \'n\' Spray in Dillimore\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 720.10 -470.93 17.07   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Pay \'n\' Spray in El Quebrados\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1420.21 2599.45 56.43   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Pay \'n\' Spray in Fort Carson\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -100.16 1100.79 20.34   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Pay \'n\' Spray in Idlewood\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2078.44 -1831.44 14.13   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Pay \'n\' Spray in Juniper Hollow\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2426.89 1036.61 51.14   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Pay \'n\' Spray in Redsands East\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1957.96 2161.96 11.56   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Pay \'n\' Spray in Santa Maria Beach\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 488.29 -1724.85 12.01   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Pay \'n\' Spray in Temple\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1025.08 -1037.28 32.28   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Pay \'n\' Spray near Royal Casino\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2393.70 1472.80 11.42   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Pay \'n\' Spray near Wang Cars in Doherty\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1904.97 268.51 41.04   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Police Garage in DownTown\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1617.58 688.69 -4.50   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Calton Heights\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2105.79 905.11 77.07   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Derdant Meadows\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 423.69 2545.99 17.07   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Dillimore \"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 785.79 -513.12 17.44   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Doherty\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2027.34 141.02 29.57   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: El Corona\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1698.10 -2095.88 14.29   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Fort Carson\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -361.10 1185.23 20.49   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Hashbury\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2463.27 -124.86 26.41   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Johnson House\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2505.64 -1683.72 14.25   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Mulholland\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1350.76 -615.56 109.88   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Palomino Creek\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2231.64 156.93 27.63   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Paradiso\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2695.51 810.70 50.57   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Prickle Pine\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1293.61 2529.54 11.42   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Redland West\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 1401.34 1903.08 11.99   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Rockshore West\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2436.50 698.43 11.60   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Santa Maria Beach\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 322.65 -1780.30 5.55   0
static_teleport_name[] = \"Player Garage: Whitewood Estates\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 917.46 2012.14 11.65   0
# =======================
# All Interiors around SA
# =======================
static_teleport_name[] = \"Interior: Andromada\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 315.48 984.13 1959.11   9
static_teleport_name[] = \"Interior: Shamal\"
static_teleport_pos[]  =  1.6127 34.7411 1199.0   1
static_teleport_name[] = \"Interior: Burning Desire House\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2338.32 -1180.61 1027.98   5
static_teleport_name[] = \"Interior: RC Zero\'s Battlefield\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -975.5766 1061.1312 1345.6719   10
static_teleport_name[] = \"Interior: Liberty City\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -750.80 491.00 1371.70   1
static_teleport_name[] = \"Interior: Unknown Stadium\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1400.2138 106.8926 1032.2779   1
static_teleport_name[] = \"Interior: Secret San Fierro Chunk\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2015.6638 147.2069 29.3127   14
static_teleport_name[] = \"Interior: Jefferson Motel\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2220.26 -1148.01 1025.80   15
static_teleport_name[] = \"Interior: Jizzy\'s Pleasure Dome\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -2660.6185 1426.8320 907.3626   3
# Stadiums
# ========
static_teleport_name[] = \"Stadium: Bloodbowl\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1394.20 987.62 1023.96   15
static_teleport_name[] = \"Stadium: Kickstart\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1410.72 1591.16 1052.53   14
# 24/7 Stores
# ===========
static_teleport_name[] = \"24/7 Store: Big - L-Shaped\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -25.8844 -185.8689 1003.5499   17
static_teleport_name[] = \"24/7 Store: Big - Oblong\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 6.0911 -29.2718 1003.5499   10
static_teleport_name[] = \"24/7 Store: Med - Square\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -30.9469 -89.6095 1003.5499   18
static_teleport_name[] = \"24/7 Store: Med - Square\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -25.1329 -139.0669 1003.5499   16
static_teleport_name[] = \"24/7 Store: Sml - Long\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -27.3123 -29.2775 1003.5499   4
static_teleport_name[] = \"24/7 Store: Sml - Square\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -26.6915 -55.7148 1003.5499   6
# Airport / Airplane interiors
# ============================
static_teleport_name[] = \"Airport: Ticket sales\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1827.1473 7.2074 1061.1435   14
static_teleport_name[] = \"Airport: Baggage claim\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = -1855.5687 41.2631 1061.1435   14
static_teleport_name[] = \"Airplane: Shamal cabin\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 2.3848 33.1033 1199.8499   1
static_teleport_name[] = \"Airplane: Andromada Cargo hold\"
static_teleport_pos[]  = 315.8561 1024.4964 1949.7973   9
# ======================
# Nitro / Constant speed
# ======================
# Unlike the original s0beit, this nitro will not keep accelerating
# towards the speed of light, but rather keep a constant high speed.
key_nitro_mod = pagedn
# Speed multiplier at full speed
# 1.25 = as fast or faster than most vehicles. Higher = faster.
nitro_high = 3.00
# Reduce to this speed multiplier when the key is released
nitro_low = 3.00
# Time in seconds to accelerate from 0 to full speed
nitro_accel_time = 3.0
# Time in seconds to decelerate from full speed to reduced speed
nitro_decel_time = 0.1
# To disable nitro deceleration, set nitro_low to the same value
# as nitro_high, and nitro_decel_time to 0.
# =====
# Break
# =====
key_break_mod = &0
# Break multiplier
# Higher values = faster break
# Lower values = slower break :p
break_mult = 1.0
# ===========
# Vehicle hop
# ===========
key_vehicle_hop = oem_3
vehicle_hop_speed = 0.2
# =============================
# Toggle freeze nearby vehicles
# =============================
key_vehicle_freeze = oem_7
# ==========
# Unflip car
# ==========
# Unflips the car. If held down, the car will rotate.
key_unflip = delete
# ==========
# Quick turn
# ==========
# Rotates the car 180 degrees about its Z-axis (Z being up and down)
key_quick_turn = backspace
# =============================
# Toggle stick-to-other-players
# =============================
key_stick = end
# Keys to switch between players
key_stick_prev = pageup
key_stick_next = pagedn
# Key to stick to the nearest car
key_stick_nearest = home
# When sticking to players, don\'t go below this z-value.
stick_min_height = -100.0
# Stick vector + distance
# The vector is automatically normalized. They can also be modified
# with in-game keys, so you probably don\'t want to touch these.
# Examples:
# Stay slightly above other players:    vect= 0.0  0.0  1.0  dist=7.0
# Stay slightly below other players:    vect= 0.0  0.0 -1.0  dist=7.0
# Stay slightly ahead of other players: vect= 0.0  1.0  0.0  dist=7.0
# Stay slightly behind & above:         vect= 0.0 -1.0  1.0  dist=7.0
# Side-kick: vect= 1.0 0.5  0.5  dist=7.0
stick_vect      = 0.0 -1.0 0.5
stick_vect_dist = 10.0
# Note:
# When in stick-to-car mode, the warp key will always warp towards
# the car you\'re following.
# Keys to control stick position in-game
key_stick_forward  = w
key_stick_backward = s
key_stick_left     = a
key_stick_right    = d
key_stick_up       = up
key_stick_down     = down
# Move towards / away
key_stick_in  = u
key_stick_out = j
# Acceleration time for control keys
stick_accel_time = 1.0
# ===============
# Checkpoint warp
# ===============
# Sorry, there\'s no auto-win feature..
key_checkpoint_1 = &0
key_checkpoint_2 = &0
# Minimum height
checkpoint_min_height = -90.0
# =======================
# Toggle misc protections
# =======================
key_protection = subtract
# Prevent the car from spinning too fast
protection_spin_cap = 0.25
# Prevent vehicles from going too fast
protection_speed_cap = 1.30
# Prevent the car from going below a certain point
protection_min_height = -90.0
# =============
# Self destruct
# =============
# Holding this key down will eventually cause you to explode.
key_self_destruct = f3
# ===============
# Toggle auto aim
# ===============
# Keeps your crosshair locked on the nearest player or car.
# Only works when on foot, or as a car passenger
key_autoaim = r
# ==========
# Toggle map
# ==========
# Toggles teh map
key_map = l
# ==================
# Toggle money cheat
# ==================
key_money = f2
# Enable money cheat by default?
money_enabled = false
# Max $$$. Up to an additional 50% $$$ (random) will be
# added to this value to prevent easy detection.
money_amount_max = 100000
# Receive money_amount_rand_min>-<max> $$$ every
# <interval_rand_min>-<max> seconds.
# The amount of money that is added is rounded to the nearest $100.
money_amount_rand_min   = 500
money_amount_rand_max   = 5000
money_interval_rand_min = 10
money_interval_rand_max = 30
# ===========
# Weapon haxx
# ===========
# Key to enable infinite ammo + equip all weapons chosen below.
key_weapon = pageup
# Enable weapon cheat by default?
weapon_enabled = false
# Weapons
# Note that some weapons do not work. If you don\'t appear
# to be doing any damage in the game, then the weapon is
# most likely not working.
# The default settings only include weapons that work.
#weapon_slot[0]   = \"Brass Knuckles\"
weapon_slot[0]   = \"Fist\"
#weapon_slot[1]  = \"Golf Club\"
#weapon_slot[1]  = \"Nitestick\"
#weapon_slot[1]  = \"Knife\"
#weapon_slot[1]  = \"Baseball Bat\"
#weapon_slot[1]  = \"Shovel\"
#weapon_slot[1]  = \"Pool Cue\"
#weapon_slot[1]  = \"Katana\"
#weapon_slot[1]  = \"Chainsaw\"
#weapon_slot[2]  = \"Pistol\"
weapon_slot[2]  = \"Silenced Pistol\"
#weapon_slot[2]  = \"Desert Eagle\"
#weapon_slot[3]  = \"Shotgun\"
weapon_slot[3]  = \"Sawn-Off Shotgun\"
#weapon_slot[3]  = \"SPAZ12\"
#weapon_slot[4]  = \"Micro UZI\"
#weapon_slot[4]  = \"MP5\"
weapon_slot[4]  = \"Tech9\"
#weapon_slot[5]  = \"AK47\"
#weapon_slot[5]  = \"M4\"
# Do not work(?)
#weapon_slot[6]  = \"Country Rifle\"
#weapon_slot[6]  = \"Sniper Rifle\"
#weapon_slot[7]  = \"Rocket Launcher\"
#weapon_slot[7]  = \"Heat Seeking RPG\"
#weapon_slot[7]  = \"Flame Thrower\"
weapon_slot[7]  = \"Minigun\"
#weapon_slot[8]  = \"Grenade\"
#weapon_slot[8]  = \"Teargas\"
#weapon_slot[8]  = \"Molotov Cocktail\"
weapon_slot[8]  = \"Remote Explosives\"
#weapon_slot[9]  = \"Spray Can\"
weapon_slot[9]  = \"Fire Extinguisher\"
#weapon_slot[9]  = \"Camera\"
#weapon_slot[10] = \"Dildo 1\"
#weapon_slot[10] = \"Dildo 2\"
#weapon_slot[10] = \"Vibe 1\"
#weapon_slot[10] = \"Vibe 2\"
#weapon_slot[10] = \"Flowers\"
#weapon_slot[10] = \"Cane\"
#weapon_slot[11] = \"NV Goggles\"
#weapon_slot[11] = \"IR Goggles\"
#weapon_slot[11] = \"Parachute\"
weapon_slot[12] = \"Detonator\"
# =================
# Force ingame time
# =================
# Set to -1 to disable
force_hour = 13
# =============
# Force weather
# =============
# Set to -1 to disable.
force_weather = -1
# ============
# D3D Text HUD
# ============
# This can be toggled from the in-game menu as well.
d3dtext_hud = true
# =============================
# Replace SA:MPs text rendering
# =============================
# This can be toggled in-game by pressing the F7 and F9 keys.
d3dtext_chat = false
d3dtext_kill = false
# Replaces the name tag rendering code (Name + HP/Armor bars)
d3dtext_tags = false
# If you enable all 3 options above, you may experience up to 5x
# higher frame rates, no sky flickering, and working health bars! :>
# ===========
# Window Mode
# ===========
# If window_mode & window_mode_titlebar are both enabled, make sure
# that your desktop screen resolution is HIGHER than the in-game resolution.
# Otherwise the titlebar will not fit on your screen. :p
window_mode          = false
window_mode_titlebar = false
# ==================
# Remove blur effect
# ==================
blur_remove = true
# ========================
# Use the old keyhook code
# ========================
# There is a bug (which I am unable to reproduce) in the new
# keyhook code, which sometimes causes keys to get stuck.
# Note: The new keyhook code is better (when it works ;).
# Note: The old keyhook can not filter out keys sent to the in-game menu.
old_keyhook = false
# ==========================
# Misc default menu settings
# ==========================
# Unlock vehicle doors?
vehicles_unlock = false
# Warp vehicles to you?
vehicles_warp_invert = true
# ===================
# Change this to true
# ===================
i_have_edited_the_ini_file = true
# ========================
# Simple byte code patcher
# ========================
# Format: name hotkey enable { base_dll address original_data replace_data }
# name          - A name. :p
# hotkey        - Hotkey to toggle this patch.
# enable        - Whether or not to install this patch automatically.
# {
# base_dll      - The DLL which the address is relative to,
#                 or empty for absolute addresses. Example: \"samp.dll\"
# address       - An address. Prefix with 0x for hex addresses.
# original_data - Compare the data at the address with this. If it
#                 does not match, no patching is done. It must be
#                 the same size as \"replace_data\", or be empty in which
#                 case patching is always done. (In hex)
# replace_data  - Data to write to the address. (In hex)
# }
# All 4 arguments inside the { } brackets, can be repeated up 16 times;
# this allows patching multiple addresses within a single patch.
# See the \"Allow weapons inside\" patch for an example.
# These patches are accessible from the in-game menu.
# They are not reloaded on .ini reloads.
# Limited to 64 patches.
# Always allow weapon switching (by s0beit)
patch[] = \"Allow weapons inside\" &0 0 \\
          \"\" 0x0047D4DE \"C6412000\"       \"90909090\"       \\
          \"\" 0x0060D9BA \"C6422000\"       \"90909090\"       \\
          \"\" 0x00478E02 \"C6801D01000001\" \"C6801D01000000\"
# Don\'t fall off bikes (by CrazyT)
patch[] = \"Anti bike fall off\" &0 0 \\
          \"\" 0x004BA3B9 \"0F84A6030000\" \"E9A703000090\" \\
          \"\" 0x004B3296 \"D86504\"       \"909090\"
# Walk / drive / fly under water (by s0beit)
patch[] = \"Walk under water\" &0 0 \"\" 0x006C2759 \"00\" \"01\"
# Prevent admins from freezing you
patch[] = \"Prevent admin freezing\" &0 0 \\
          \"samp.dll\" 0x00007860 \"6AFF\" \"C390\"
# GTA cheats
# To enable any of these by default, change the 0 to 1.
patch[] = \"GTA: Cars can fly\"             f10 0 \"\" 0x00969160 \"\" \"!01\"
patch[] = \"GTA: Boats can fly\"            f10 0 \"\" 0x00969153 \"\" \"!01\"
patch[] = \"GTA: All cars have nitro\"      &0  0 \"\" 0x00969165 \"\" \"!01\"
patch[] = \"GTA: Infinite ammo, no reload\" &0  0 \"\" 0x00969178 \"\" \"!01\"
patch[] = \"GTA: Perfect handling\"         &0  0 \"\" 0x0096914C \"\" \"!01\"
patch[] = \"GTA: Mega jump\"                &0  0 \"\" 0x0096916C \"\" \"!01\"
patch[] = \"GTA: Wheels only\"              &0  0 \"\" 0x0096914B \"\" \"!01\"
patch[] = \"GTA: Tank mode\"                &0  0 \"\" 0x00969164 \"\" \"!01\"
patch[] = \"GTA: Cars float away when hit\" &0  0 \"\" 0x00969166 \"\" \"!01\"
patch[] = \"GTA: Full Weapon aiming\"       &0  0 \"\" 0x00969179 \"\" \"!01\"
patch[] = \"GTA: Infinite oxygen\"          &0  0 \"\" 0x0096916E \"\" \"!01\"
#                                             ^ change to 1 to enable by default
# Remove the SA:MP cheat protection (you want this)
patch[] = \"Remove SA:MP cheat prot.\" &0 1 \\
          \"samp.dll\" 0x00011A2F \"E80CDBFFFF\" \"9090909090\"
# Enable the /vehicle command (mostly just for fun, vehicles are not synced)
patch[] = \"Enable /vehicle <id>\" &0 1 \\
          \"samp.dll\" 0x0000A8EB \"0F84EC000000\" \"909090909090\"

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Hangling XD
« Válasz #13 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 26. - 13:24:07 »
0 Show voters
És asszem a patch[] = \"GTA: Perfect handling\"         &0  0 \"\" 0x0096914C \"\" \"!01\" sor.

Hangling XD
« Válasz #14 Dátum: 2010. szeptember 26. - 14:04:18 »
0 Show voters
És ebbe a patch[] = \"GTA: Perfect handling\"         &0  0 \"\" 0x0096914C \"\" \"!01\" ba mit irjak át?


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