k*rv* ezzek vagytok... MINEK VAN SÖR A SZERVEREN? HA?
posztold a videót, hogy felmegy az élete, posztold te buzi!
/a a burger közelében, /b ha nincs a közelben és máris felmegy. Fulmit mindenki basztatja aki ezz...
[12:21:40] [0.GL] [uH_]watch4em: /stats lucky best noob asdasdfdsas
[12:21:46] [0.GL] [TeK]Just_[ice]: wathcem dumb turk
[12:21:50] [0.GL] [s7]FULMICOTONE: lucky is cool
[12:21:53] [0.GL] [TeK]Just_[ice]: he can pwn you whenever he wants in aad
[12:21:55] [0.GL] [uH_]watch4em: just crying kid
[12:21:55] [0.GL] [NSG]attila: yeah, lucky is good.
[12:22:03] [0.GL] [TeK]Just_[ice]: lucky is pro
[12:22:07] [0.GL] [TeK]Just_[ice]: unlike this turk
[12:22:09] [0.GL] [uH_]watch4em: pro ? /stats lucky xdd
[12:22:12] [0.GL] [NSG]attila: and?
[12:22:15] [0.GL] [NSG]attila: ratio is nothing.
[12:22:16] [0.GL] [uH_]watch4em: and /stats watch
[12:22:17] [0.GL] [TeK]Just_[ice]: gtat doesnt mean any shit
[12:22:21] [0.GL] [TeK]Just_[ice]: or the stats
[12:22:29] [0.GL] [uH_]watch4em: jajajajajaja
[12:22:35] [0.GL] [NSG]attila: it\'s hard to get good ratio here.
[12:22:42] [0.GL] [uH_]watch4em: jajajajajaja
[12:22:45] [0.GL] [NSG]attila: there are so much turk kebabs, who cannot be shot
[12:22:48] [0.GL] [NSG]attila: they spaz you to death
[12:22:57] [0.GL] [NSG]attila: steals your kills
[12:22:58] [0.GL] [TeK]Just_[ice]: xD t
[12:22:59] [0.GL] [NSG]attila: backrapes you
[12:23:00] [0.GL] [TeK]Just_[ice]: +11
[12:23:05] [0.GL] [NSG]attila: you know what i\'M saying watch4em?
[12:23:15] [0.GL] [NSG]attila: so now stfu frown
[12:23:20] [uH_]watch4em has left the server.