Szerző Téma: Szerver resi  (Megtekintve 1640 alkalommal)

Szerver resi
« Dátum: 2012. november 14. - 17:33:50 »
0 Show voters
Szeretnék kérni egy olyan szkriptet ami jó a see modba.
Amit tudjon a script:
Mondjuk ha beírom, hogy /gmx (FÕadmintól lehessen) akkor mentse el az adatokat és írja ki, hogy a szerver restartig van még 45mp.

Szerver resi
« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2012. november 14. - 17:51:43 »
0 Show voters
Ez kell neked??

Remélem igen további sok sikert kívánok!!

Szerver resi
« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2012. november 14. - 18:26:53 »
0 Show voters
NEm rosz az se de neme nem ilyen kell.
HAnem olyan, hogy beírok egy parancsot és akkor elment mindent a szerverrõl és utána újra indul és onann folytatódik minden.Szóval, hogy ne legyen adat vesztés és akár mikor megtudjam ezt tenni.

Szerver resi
« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2012. november 17. - 20:52:14 »
0 Show voters
if(strcmp(cmd, \"/resi\", true) == 0)
      GameTextForAll(\"~w~szerver restart\",2000,1);
      SetTimer(\"Gor10\", 1000, 0);
      SetTimer(\"Gor9\", 2000, 0);
      SetTimer(\"Gor8\", 3000, 0);
      SetTimer(\"Gor7\", 4000, 0);
      SetTimer(\"Gor6\", 5000, 0);
      SetTimer(\"Gor5\", 6000, 0);
      SetTimer(\"Gor4\", 7000, 0);
      SetTimer(\"Gor3\", 8000, 0);
      SetTimer(\"Gor2\", 9000, 0);
      SetTimer(\"Gor1\", 10000, 0);
             SetTimer(\"ServerReset\", 11000,0);
               new nev[32];
           GetPlayerName(playerid, nev, sizeof(nev));
      new h,mi,s,y,m,d;
      format(stringx,sizeof(stringx), \"[%d/%d/%d][%d:%d:%d] %s restartolta a   szervert.\",y,m,d,h,mi,s,nev);
      format(stringx,sizeof(stringx), \"[%d/%d/%d][%d:%d:%d]-----------------LEÁLT A SZERVER-----------------\",y,m,d,h,mi,s);
      format(stringx, sizeof(stringx), \"Összes Karakter Elmentve!\");
      for(new i = 0; i<MAX_PLAYERS; i++)
      SendClientMessage(playerid, COLOR_GRAD1, \"Nem vagy Tulaj!\");
return 1;

Tessék,remélem jó.

Szerver resi
« Válasz #4 Dátum: 2012. november 25. - 12:52:41 »
0 Show voters
És ezt írja:
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"s\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"d\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\pawno\\include\\ : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(9396) : warning 219: local variable \"d\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(11418) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(12193) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(12205) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(12327) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(12409) : warning 219: local variable \"s\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(12502) : warning 219: local variable \"s\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(12569) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(12569) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(12696) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(13056) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(13308) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(13373) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(17409) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(20463) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(20651) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(20687) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(21354) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(21454) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(21501) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(22549) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(22559) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(22569) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(23308) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(23456) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(23700) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(23715) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(23729) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(23743) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(23759) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(23807) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(24492) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(24502) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(24514) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(24521) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(24528) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(24562) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(24575) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(24747) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(24798) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(24885) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(24920) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(24973) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(25748) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(27285) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(27434) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(27737) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(27760) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(28426) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(30542) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(31844) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(32319) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(34632) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(34656) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(34897) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(35764) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(37719) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(38146) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(40774) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(42944) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(43505) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(44168) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(46574) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(46587) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(46664) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(46683) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(47808) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(48467) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(48502) : warning 219: local variable \"m\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(48518) : warning 219: local variable \"m\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(48683) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(48771) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(48814) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(50424) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(50433) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(50537) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(51927) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(52078) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(52114) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(52150) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(52186) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(52221) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(52834) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(52884) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(54260) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(54458) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(54631) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(54973) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(55698) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(55921) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(55959) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(56137) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(56194) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(56288) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(56484) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(56503) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(56781) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(56823) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(56989) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(57223) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(57989) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(61833) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(64335) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(64589) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(64594) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(64721) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(64740) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(64792) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(65147) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(65217) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(65219) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(65279) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(65313) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(65443) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(65714) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(65883) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(67176) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(73232) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(73306) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(74217) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(76675) : warning 219: local variable \"m\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(77299) : warning 219: local variable \"m\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(77306) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(78419) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(78470) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(79220) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(85320) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(85352) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(85384) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(85479) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(85496) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(85513) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(87629) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(87668) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(87701) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(90634) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(90898) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(91264) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(91331) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(91661) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(91938) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(91961) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(92020) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(92050) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(92404) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(93526) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(93700) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(94417) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(94428) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(94460) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(94480) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(95055) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(95063) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(95073) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(95078) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(95083) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(95088) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(95095) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(95105) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(95115) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(95123) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(95173) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(95202) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(95852) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(96355) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(96375) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(96522) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(96535) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(97228) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(97237) : warning 219: local variable \"d\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(97270) : warning 219: local variable \"m\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(97291) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(97299) : warning 219: local variable \"d\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(98484) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(98986) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(98993) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(99082) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(99336) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(100301) : warning 219: local variable \"h\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(100425) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(100446) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(100610) : warning 219: local variable \"nev\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(100695) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(100852) : warning 219: local variable \"d\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101134) : warning 219: local variable \"y\" shadows a variable at a preceding level
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101303) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101305) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101307) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101309) : error 021: symbol already defined: \"fixchars_GameTextForAll\"
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101322) : error 021: symbol already defined: \"GetPlayerName\"
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101324) : error 021: symbol already defined: \"getdate\"
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101328) : warning 218: old style prototypes used with optional semicolumns
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101329) : error 021: symbol already defined: \"SaveAccounts\"
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101332) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101334) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101339) : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101341) : warning 203: symbol is never used: \"d\"
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101341) : warning 203: symbol is never used: \"h\"
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101341) : warning 203: symbol is never used: \"m\"
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101341) : warning 203: symbol is never used: \"mi\"
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101341) : warning 203: symbol is never used: \"nev\"
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101341) : warning 203: symbol is never used: \"s\"
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Andras\\Dokumentumok\\SeeRPG\\gamemodes\\SeeRPG.pwn(101341) : warning 203: symbol is never used: \"y\"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664           Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
10 Errors.
>Exit code: 1    Time: 39.821
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Szerver resi
« Válasz #5 Dátum: 2012. november 25. - 13:12:09 »
0 Show voters
még szép h nem jó oxford módbol van kioperálva..

Szerver resi
« Válasz #6 Dátum: 2012. november 25. - 13:20:52 »
0 Show voters
Idézetet írta: attila91 date=1353845529\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"29840\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
még szép h nem jó oxford módbol van kioperálva..
És esetleg egy mûködõ cuccot nem tudnál nekem össze dobni erre.

Nem elérhető Casamiro

  • 1046
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Szerver resi
« Válasz #7 Dátum: 2012. november 25. - 13:45:24 »
0 Show voters
Van see modba ilyen.
/szerver gmx [idõ]

Szerver resi
« Válasz #8 Dátum: 2012. november 25. - 13:48:11 »
0 Show voters
Idézetet írta: Casamiro date=1353847524\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"29840\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Van see modba ilyen.
/szerver gmx [idõ]

Vagy nincs benne vagy nem mûködik.
Próbáltam kötõjellel is...
De semmi....
Módban se találom...

Szerver resi
« Válasz #9 Dátum: 2012. november 25. - 19:49:51 »
0 Show voters
Ha a see modrol van szó akkor ha jól tudom /resivan -és restartol

Szerver resi
« Válasz #10 Dátum: 2012. november 25. - 19:53:25 »
0 Show voters
 Köszönöm a segítséget.


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