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Üzenetek - Luk_Ass

Oldalak: [1]
Beszélgetés / Championship: DE vs. CZ vs. SK vs. HU (?).
« Dátum: 2010. július 16. - 17:01:29 »
SawnOff 2 shoot tournament with participation of the representational skillers of Czech republic, Slovakia, Germany and maybe Hungary and Austria.
The matches will be 7vs7 with friendly fire off (team kill off) at SF airport - total 5 rounds per 50 points. Please set up your representational team (if you want) of 14 members (7 playing + 7 substituting). The teams of the countries are going to play against each other. Every sunday at 20:00 (GMT +1), there will be one match played at the game server (HoMieS 1rd server), which is located in Prague as the perfect place for the match between DE, CZ, SK and HU.
Before match, please place a country code in front of your nickname (eg. [DE] or [CZ]), so it\'s clear in which team your are.
Pinglimit 120ms, who will have more than 3 times higher ping, will not play. Minimal FPS limit is 25.
18.7. Slovakia vs. Germany.
25.7. Czech republic vs. Germany.
1.8. Czech republic vs. Slovakia.
8.8. Czech republic vs. Hungary (???).
15.8. Slovakia vs. Hungary (???).
22.8. Germany vs. Hungary (???).
All at 20:00 (GMT +1).
Can you set up Hungary representational team of the best Hungary fighters (sawnoff 2 shoot / glitch)?

Oldalak: [1]
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