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Üzenetek - RyanCaleb

Oldalak: [1]
Beszélgetés / Can you see anything wrong with what I\'m about to do?
« Dátum: 2017. szeptember 19. - 12:20:56 »
We have three 200kw pumps on our roof plant room which have recently had new inverters installed. The inverters aren\'t responding to our building management system. The inverters, installed and commissioned by company A, aren\'t responding to the commands issued to them by the kit installed by company B, which in turn works in conjunction with kit installed by company C. 
So, three different companies, need all three to attend at the same time. I want to send an email to all three, ie. not CC\'d in, or separate emails, one email to all. 

I didn\'t find the right solution from the internet.
References:https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/threads/can-you-see-anything-wrong-with-what-im-about-to-do.18787822/whiteboard video

Képek / Videók / Nvidia Shield TV, GameStream, 21:9
« Dátum: 2017. szeptember 19. - 12:19:49 »
I just bought an Nvidia Shield TV today to stream games to my 4K TV. Hooked it up and... every game defaults to 1920x1080, and while it can be increased within the game settings, it only goes as high as my computer\'s monitor resolution, 3440x1440. 4k is not selectable.
Surely this isn\'t how it\'s meant to work? Am I missing some setting somewhere? I did see a post on the Nvidia site, dated December of 2015, that you needed a 16:9 monitor for 4k to be a selectable option, but I would hope that\'s been fixed in a year and a half with how popular 21:9 has become.

I didn\'t find the right solution from the internet.
References:https://hardforum.com/threads/nvidia-shield-tv-gamestream-21-9.1929205/video marketing

Oldalak: [1]
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