Üzenetek megjelenítése

Ez a szekció lehetővé teszi a felhasználó által írt összes hozzászólás megtekintését. Vedd figyelembe, hogy csak azokba a fórumokba írt hozzászólásokat látod, amelyekhez hozzáférésed van.

Üzenetek - BGAB

Oldalak: [1] 2
Segítségkérés / Étel, Ital, energia csík
« Dátum: 2017. november 23. - 18:18:04 »
Köszönöm szépen!

Segítségkérés / Étel, Ital, energia csík
« Dátum: 2017. november 23. - 17:12:15 »
Lenne még egy kérdésem! Hogyan tudnám összekötni, hogyha eszik a játékos felmenjen az étel csíkja, illetve ha sokáig nem eszik, és már nullán van az étel, lemenjen a élete?

Segítségkérés / Étel, Ital, energia csík
« Dátum: 2017. november 23. - 15:40:44 »
Idézetet írta: BlackSy date=1511375698

      Eltűntetés: https://wiki.multitheftauto.com/wiki/SetPlayerHudComponentVisible
      Csík hozzáadáshoz létrehozol egy ElementData-t, pl:

food = getElementData(localPlayer,\"int:Food\") or 100

      aztán használod úgy, mint a health-ot, vagy az armor-t.
      Levonáshoz használj egy Timer-t.

if food > 0 then
   setElementData(localPlayer, \"int:Food\", food - 2)      
end, 6000, 0)

      Az energiához meg https://community.mtasa.com/index.php?p=resources&s=details&id=8149

Nagyon szépen köszönöm. Meg fogom csinálni!

Segítségkérés / Étel, Ital, energia csík
« Dátum: 2017. november 22. - 19:03:21 »
Barátaimmal elkezdtünk lua-t tanulni, majd kitaláltuk ZeroMTA modjával létrehozunk egy privát szervert, ahol így 10-15-en (ez a kis baráti társaság RP-zik). Tegnap csináltam egy HUD-ot, de az alap ZeroMTA-s pénz és az alap játékbeli idő ott van mögött, ezt hogyan tudnám eltűntetni?
Illetve, hogyan tudnék étel és ital illetve energia csíkot hozzáadni, hogy adott időnként menjen lejjebb az étel és ital szint, az energia meg akkor fogyjon ha fut?

      local x,y = guiGetScreenSize()
      oX, oY = 1920, 1080
      function mainRender()
          local health, armor = getElementHealth(localPlayer), getPedArmor(localPlayer)
          local h, m = getTime()
          if h < 10 then h = \"0\" .. h end
          if m < 10 then m = \"0\" .. m end
          dxDrawRectangle(1590/oX*x, 30/oY*y, 300/oX*x, 100/oY*y, 0x7F000000) --Háttér
          dxDrawRectangle(1600/oX*x, 40/oY*y, 280*health/100/oX*x, 10/oY*y, 0xCCFF0000) --Élet
          dxDrawRectangle(1600/oX*x, 60/oY*y, 280*armor/100/oX*x, 10/oY*y, 0xCC006EB2) --Pajzs
          dxDrawText(h .. \":\" .. m, 1600/oX*x, 70/oY*y, _, _, _, 2/oX*x, \"pricedown\", \"left\", \"top\") --Idő
      addEventHandler(\"onClientRender\", root, mainRender)    


Előre is köszönök minden választ,

Segítségkérés / Mozgó NPC-k
« Dátum: 2017. április 22. - 15:31:43 »
Nos sziasztok!
Lehet-e valahogyan mozgó npc-ket lerakni, olyanokat, mint az alap játéknál? Vagy van-e valami script hozzá, vagy beállítás? Nagyon fontos lenne, egy filmhez kellene! A válaszokat előre is köszönöm!

Segítségkérés / Login panel
« Dátum: 2017. április 20. - 21:44:07 »
Idézetet írta: Eduka date=1492716752

      Ebből szerinted bárki is lát valamit?

Bocsi, de nem tudtam máshogy elkűldeni :/ holnap megpróbálom, olvashatóbban...
telefonon nagyon olvashatatlan, gépen egy fokkal jobb, de holnap teszek érte valamit, hátha...

Segítségkérés / Login panel
« Dátum: 2017. április 20. - 18:13:16 »
Sziasztok!Leszedtem netről egy login panelt, tanulmányozni, és kicsit átalakítottam. Nos... Ugye egy alap szerónál chatbe lehet /register és /login-ozni. Ez nekünk régen volt. Most itt amikor regizni akarunk mindig azt írja, hogy \"Hiba! Kérlek válassz egy másik nevet vagy jelszót!\", de ha be szeretnénk lépni, akár azzal amit regiztünk a panelbe, akár azt amit /register-rel írtunk, hogy 
\"Hibás név vagy jelszó!\"
Ez a server.lua:
function PlayerLogin(username,password,checksave)
    if not (username == \"\") then
        if not (password == \"\") then
            local account = getAccount ( username, password )
            if ( account ~= false ) then
                logIn(source, account, password)
                triggerClientEvent (source,\"hideLoginWindow\",getRootElement())
                    if checksave == true then
                triggerClientEvent(source,\"set_warning_text\",getRootElement(),\"Login\",\"Hibás név vagy jelszó!\")
            triggerClientEvent(source,\"set_warning_text\",getRootElement(),\"Login\",\"Kérlek add meg a jelszavad!!\")
        triggerClientEvent(source,\"set_warning_text\",getRootElement(),\"Login\",\"Kérlek add meg a neved!!\")
function registerPlayer(username,password,passwordConfirm)
    if not (username == \"\") then
        if not (password == \"\") then
            if not (passwordConfirm == \"\") then
                if password == passwordConfirm then
                    local account = getAccount (username,password)
                    if (account == false) then
                        local accountAdded = addAccount(tostring(username),tostring(password))
                        if (accountAdded) then
                            outputChatBox (\"#00FF00Sikeresen regisztráltál! [Név: #FFFFFF\" .. username .. \" #00FF00| Jelszó: #FFFFFF\" .. password .. \"#00FF00 ]\",source,255,255,255,true )
                            outputChatBox (\"#FF0000- DLRPG - Login Panel By.: BGAB\",source,255,255,255,true )
                            triggerClientEvent(source,\"set_warning_text\",getRootElement(),\"Register\",\"Hiba! Kérlek válassz egy másik nevet vagy jelszót!\")
                        triggerClientEvent(source,\"set_warning_text\",getRootElement(),\"Register\",\"Ez a név már foglalt!\")
                    triggerClientEvent(source,\"set_warning_text\",getRootElement(),\"Register\",\"A jelszavak nem egyeznek!\")
                triggerClientEvent(source,\"set_warning_text\",getRootElement(),\"Register\",\"Kérlek erősítsd meg a jelszavad!\")
            triggerClientEvent(source,\"set_warning_text\",getRootElement(),\"Register\",\"Kérlek add meg a jelszavad!\")
        triggerClientEvent(source,\"set_warning_text\",getRootElement(),\"Register\",\"Kérlek add meg a neved!\")
addEventHandler(\"onRequestRegister\",getRootElement(),registerPlayer)És ez pedig a client.lua:
wdwLogin_Pannel = {} tabPannel_Main = {} tab_Login = {} tab_Register = {} function open_log_reg_pannel() if not(isElement(wdwLogin_Pannel)) then          showChat(false)          x,y = guiGetScreenSize()          local sWidth,sHeight = guiGetScreenSize()     local Width,Height = 350,350     local X = (sWidth/2) - (Width/2)     local Y = (sHeight/2) - (Height/2)               Image = guiCreateStaticImage( 0, 0, 1920, 1200, \"login_bg.jpeg\", false )     guiSetEnabled (Image, false)          Login_img = guiCreateStaticImage( X, Y + 120, 350, 350, \"login_window.png\", false )     guiSetEnabled (Login_img, false)          --!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     shLogin = guiCreateStaticImage( X + 23, Y + 349, 301, 44, \"login.png\", false )     addEventHandler(\"onClientGUIClick\",shLogin,onClickBtnLogin)     addEventHandler( \"onClientMouseEnter\",shLogin,LoginSH)     addEventHandler(\"onClientMouseLeave\",shLogin,SErem)          edit_Login = guiCreateEdit(X + 20,Y + 205,250,35,\"\",false)     edit_password = guiCreateEdit(X + 20,Y + 280,250,35,\"\",false)     guiEditSetMaxLength ( edit_Login,25)     guiEditSetMaxLength ( edit_password,25)     guiEditSetMasked ( edit_password, true )          lbl_about_legth = guiCreateLabel(142,42,184,18,\"\",false)     guiLabelSetColor(lbl_about_legth,253,255,68)     guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(lbl_about_legth,\"center\")     guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(lbl_about_legth,\"center\",false)          checkbox_save = guiCreateCheckBox(X + 175,Y + 260,100,20,\"(Mentés)\",false,false)     guiSetFont(checkbox_save,\"default-small\")                    login_tab_error_msg = guiCreateLabel(X,Y + 310,364,31,\"Error_login_tab\",false)     guiLabelSetColor(login_tab_error_msg,255,0,0)     guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(login_tab_error_msg,\"center\")     guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(login_tab_error_msg,\"center\",false)     guiSetFont(login_tab_error_msg,\"default-bold-small\")          lbl_reg_top_info = guiCreateLabel(X - 70,Y + 380,500,30,\"Töltsd ki! Ne használd:(\\\"!@#$\\\"%\'^&*()\\\")\",false)     guiLabelSetColor(lbl_reg_top_info,255,234,55)     guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(lbl_reg_top_info,\"center\")     guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(lbl_reg_top_info,\"center\",false)     guiSetVisible(lbl_reg_top_info,false)          edit_account_name = guiCreateEdit(X + 20,Y + 210,250,35,\"\",false)     guiEditSetMaxLength ( edit_account_name,25)     guiSetVisible(edit_account_name,false)          edit__reg_tab_password = guiCreateEdit(X + 20,Y + 275,250,35,\"\",false)     guiEditSetMaxLength ( edit__reg_tab_password,25)     guiEditSetMasked ( edit__reg_tab_password, true )     guiSetVisible(edit__reg_tab_password,false)               edit__reg_tab_Repassword = guiCreateEdit(X + 20,Y + 345,250,35,\"\",false)     guiEditSetMaxLength ( edit__reg_tab_Repassword,25)     guiEditSetMasked ( edit__reg_tab_Repassword, true )     guiSetVisible(edit__reg_tab_Repassword,false)     guiSetEnabled (edit__reg_tab_Repassword, true)              --!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     shRegister = guiCreateStaticImage( X + 182, Y + 401, 143, 45, \"register.png\", false )     addEventHandler(\"onClientGUIClick\",shRegister,OnBtnRegister)     addEventHandler( \"onClientMouseEnter\",shRegister,RegisterSH)     addEventHandler(\"onClientMouseLeave\",shRegister,SErem)          --!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!     shRegister2 = guiCreateStaticImage( X + 23, Y + 409, 301, 44, \"register2.png\", false )     addEventHandler(\"onClientGUIClick\",shRegister2,onClickBtnRegister)     addEventHandler( \"onClientMouseEnter\",shRegister2,Register2SH)     addEventHandler(\"onClientMouseLeave\",shRegister2,SErem)         guiSetVisible(shRegister2,false)          reg_tab_error_msg = guiCreateLabel(X,Y + 310,364,31,\"Error_reg_ttab\",false)     guiLabelSetColor(reg_tab_error_msg,255,20,0)     guiLabelSetVerticalAlign(reg_tab_error_msg,\"center\")     guiLabelSetHorizontalAlign(reg_tab_error_msg,\"center\",false)     guiSetFont(reg_tab_error_msg,\"default-bold-small\")          showCursor(true)     guiSetText(reg_tab_error_msg, \"\")     guiSetText(login_tab_error_msg, \"\")               local username, password = loadLoginFromXML()          if not( username == \"\" or password == \"\") then         guiCheckBoxSetSelected ( checkbox_save, true )         guiSetText ( edit_Login, tostring(username))         guiSetText ( edit_password, tostring(password))     else         guiCheckBoxSetSelected ( checkbox_save, false )         guiSetText ( edit_Login, tostring(username))         guiSetText ( edit_password, tostring(password))     end     end      end function LoginSH ()     guiStaticImageLoadImage(shLogin, \"sh.png\" ) end function RegisterSH ()     guiStaticImageLoadImage(shRegister, \"shr.png\" ) end function Register2SH ()     guiStaticImageLoadImage(shRegister2, \"shr2.png\" ) end function SErem () guiStaticImageLoadImage(shLogin, \"login.png\" ) guiStaticImageLoadImage(shRegister, \"register.png\" ) guiStaticImageLoadImage(shRegister2, \"register2.png\" ) end function start_cl_resource()     open_log_reg_pannel() end addEventHandler(\"onClientResourceStart\",getResourceRootElement(getThisResource()),start_cl_resource) function loadLoginFromXML()     local xml_save_log_File = xmlLoadFile (\"files/xml/userdata.xml\")     if not xml_save_log_File then         xml_save_log_File = xmlCreateFile(\"files/xml/userdata.xml\", \"login\")     end     local usernameNode = xmlFindChild (xml_save_log_File, \"username\", 0)     local passwordNode = xmlFindChild (xml_save_log_File, \"password\", 0)     if usernameNode and passwordNode then         return xmlNodeGetValue(usernameNode), xmlNodeGetValue(passwordNode)     else         return \"\", \"\"     end     xmlUnloadFile ( xml_save_log_File ) end     function saveLoginToXML(username, password)     local xml_save_log_File = xmlLoadFile (\"files/xml/userdata.xml\")     if not xml_save_log_File then         xml_save_log_File = xmlCreateFile(\"files/xml/userdata.xml\", \"login\")     end     if (username ~= \"\") then         local usernameNode = xmlFindChild (xml_save_log_File, \"username\", 0)         if not usernameNode then             usernameNode = xmlCreateChild(xml_save_log_File, \"username\")         end         xmlNodeSetValue (usernameNode, tostring(username))     end     if (password ~= \"\") then         local passwordNode = xmlFindChild (xml_save_log_File, \"password\", 0)         if not passwordNode then             passwordNode = xmlCreateChild(xml_save_log_File, \"password\")         end                 xmlNodeSetValue (passwordNode, tostring(password))     end     xmlSaveFile(xml_save_log_File)     xmlUnloadFile (xml_save_log_File) end addEvent(\"saveLoginToXML\", true) addEventHandler(\"saveLoginToXML\", getRootElement(), saveLoginToXML) function resetSaveXML()         local xml_save_log_File = xmlLoadFile (\"files/xml/userdata.xml\")         if not xml_save_log_File then             xml_save_log_File = xmlCreateFile(\"files/xml/userdata.xml\", \"login\")         end         if (username ~= \"\") then             local usernameNode = xmlFindChild (xml_save_log_File, \"username\", 0)             if not usernameNode then                 usernameNode = xmlCreateChild(xml_save_log_File, \"username\")             end         end         if (password ~= \"\") then             local passwordNode = xmlFindChild (xml_save_log_File, \"password\", 0)             if not passwordNode then                 passwordNode = xmlCreateChild(xml_save_log_File, \"password\")             end                     xmlNodeSetValue (passwordNode, \"\")         end         xmlSaveFile(xml_save_log_File)         xmlUnloadFile (xml_save_log_File) end addEvent(\"resetSaveXML\", true) addEventHandler(\"resetSaveXML\", getRootElement(), resetSaveXML) function onClickBtnLogin(button,state)          showChat(true)     showCursor(false)     guiSetVisible(Image,false)         guiSetVisible(Image, false)         guiSetVisible(shLogin, false)         guiSetVisible(shRegister, false)         guiSetVisible(edit_password, false)         guiSetVisible(edit_Login, false)         guiSetVisible(checkbox_save, false)         guiSetVisible(Login_img, false)               if(button == \"left\" and state == \"up\") then         if (source == shLogin) then             username = guiGetText(edit_Login)             password = guiGetText(edit_password)                 if guiCheckBoxGetSelected ( checkbox_save ) == true then                     checksave = true                 else                     checksave = false                 end             triggerServerEvent(\"onRequestLogin\",getLocalPlayer(),username,password,checksave)         end     end end function OnBtnRegister ()     guiStaticImageLoadImage(Login_img, \"register_window.png\" )     guiSetVisible(shRegister2, true)     guiSetVisible(lbl_reg_top_info,true)     guiSetVisible(edit__reg_tab_Repassword,true)     guiSetEnabled (edit__reg_tab_Repassword, true)     guiSetVisible(edit__reg_tab_password,true)     guiSetVisible(edit_account_name,true)         guiSetVisible(shLogin, false)         guiSetVisible(shRegister, false)         guiSetVisible(edit_password, false)         guiSetVisible(edit_Login, false)         guiSetVisible(checkbox_save, false) end function onClickBtnRegister(button,state)               guiStaticImageLoadImage(Login_img, \"Login_window.png\" )              guiSetVisible(shLogin, true)         guiSetVisible(shRegister, true)         guiSetVisible(edit_password, true)         guiSetVisible(edit_Login, true)         guiSetVisible(checkbox_save, true)         guiSetVisible(shRegister2, false)         guiSetVisible(edit__reg_tab_password, false)         guiSetVisible(edit__reg_tab_Repassword, false)         guiSetVisible(edit_account_name, false)         guiSetVisible(lbl_reg_top_info, false)         showCursor(true)          --             username = guiGetText(edit_account_name)             password = guiGetText(edit__reg_tab_password)             passwordConfirm = guiGetText(edit__reg_tab_Repassword)             triggerServerEvent(\"onRequestRegister\",getLocalPlayer(),username,password,passwordConfirm)                          guiSetText(reg_tab_error_msg, \"Sikeres regisztráció! Most jelentkezz be!\")             guiLabelSetColor ( reg_tab_error_msg, 0, 255, 0 )             setTimer(function() guiSetText(reg_tab_error_msg, \"\") end,3000,1)             setTimer(function() guiLabelSetColor ( reg_tab_error_msg, 255, 0, 0 ) end,3000,1)              end function Error_msg(Tab, Text) showCursor(true)     if Tab == \"Login\" then              guiSetVisible(btnGuest, true)         guiSetVisible(shGuest, true)         guiSetVisible(Image, true)         guiSetVisible(shLogin, true)         guiSetVisible(shRegister, true)         guiSetVisible(btn_reg_tab_register, true)         guiSetVisible(edit_password, true)         guiSetVisible(edit_Login, true)         guiSetVisible(checkbox_save, true)         guiSetVisible(Login_img, true)              guiSetText(login_tab_error_msg, tostring(Text))         setTimer(function() guiSetText(login_tab_error_msg, \"\") end,3000,1)     elseif Tab == \"Register\" then         guiSetText(reg_tab_error_msg, tostring(Text))         setTimer(function() guiSetText(reg_tab_error_msg, \"\") end,3000,1)     end end addEvent(\"set_warning_text\",true) addEventHandler(\"set_warning_text\",getRootElement(),Error_msg) function onClickGuest()          showChat(true)          guiSetVisible(Image,false)         guiSetVisible(shGuest, false)         guiSetVisible(Image, false)         guiSetVisible(shLogin, false)         guiSetVisible(shRegister, false)         guiSetVisible(edit_password, false)         guiSetVisible(edit_Login, false)         guiSetVisible(checkbox_save, false)         guiSetVisible(Login_img, false)             showCursor(false) end function hideLoginWindow()          outputChatBox(\"Üdvözlünk a szerveren! Jó Szórakozást!\")     showCursor(false)     showChat(true)     removeEventHandler(\"onClientGUIClick\",shLogin,onClickBtnLogin) end addEvent(\"hideLoginWindow\", true) addEventHandler(\"hideLoginWindow\", getRootElement(), hideLoginWindow) function CursorError () outputChatBox(\"Kurzor elrejtve\") showCursor(false) end addCommandHandler(\"showc\", CursorError)
Valakinek van valami ötlete, hogy tudnám megcsinálni, hogy jó legyen?

Segítségkérés / Andromada interior és Autó ejtőernyő
« Dátum: 2017. január 29. - 13:20:23 »
Idézetet írta: Kovacs_Richard date=1485690308

      ez samp részleg, ha MTA vidit csinálsz, akkor gondolom rossz helyre nyitottad
      sa-mp belül is megoldható mind2 dolog amit kérsz, de ha rossz helyre nyitottad, akkor a másik szekciónál próbálkozz :)

Igen, már észrevettem, köszi :D

Segítségkérés / Andromada interior és Autó ejtőernyő
« Dátum: 2017. január 29. - 12:00:10 »
Sziasztok, Itt újra BGAB!

Olyan kérdésem lenne, hogy valahogy lehetséges-e az, hogy egy andromada repülőbe hátulra be lehessen vinni kocsikat?

Ha lehetséges, hogyan?

A második kérdésem pedig az lenne, hogy lehet-e valahogy autóra ejtőernyőt rakni, és zuhanás közben azt kinyitni? Mert találtam egy scriptet, de az nem működik, videót láttam róla, de ott nem volt letöltési link! 

Ezért, valaki esetleg lenne-e olyan kedves, és csinálna-e ilyen scriptet?

Egy MTA filmet szeretnénk csinálni, ami már félig kész van, ahhoz kellene, de interiorral és ilyenekkel még nem nagyon foglalkoztam, és videót se találtam neten róla!

Előre is köszönöm a segítséget!

Balla \'BGAB\' Gábor

Segítségkérés / Andromada interior és Autó ejtőernyő
« Dátum: 2017. január 29. - 11:31:49 »
Sziasztok, Itt újra BGAB!
Olyan kérdésem lenne, hogy valahogy lehetséges-e az, hogy egy andromada repülőbe hátulra be lehessen vinni kocsikat?
Ha lehetséges, hogyan?
A második kérdésem pedig az lenne, hogy lehet-e valahogy autóra ejtőernyőt rakni, és zuhanás közben azt kinyitni? Mert találtam egy scriptet, de az nem működik, videót láttam róla, de ott nem volt letöltési link! 
Ezért, valaki esetleg lenne-e olyan kedves, és csinálna-e ilyen scriptet?
Egy MTA filmet szeretnénk csinálni, ami már félig kész van, ahhoz kellene, de interiorral és ilyenekkel még nem nagyon foglalkoztam, és videót se találtam neten róla!
Előre is köszönöm a segítséget!
Balla \'BGAB\' Gábor

Segítségkérés / Valhalla berakása
« Dátum: 2017. január 28. - 13:55:16 »
Aha... Oké. Akkor inkább hagyom, mert ezt így nem értettem :S

Segítségkérés / Valhalla berakása
« Dátum: 2017. január 25. - 22:02:04 »
Idézetet írta: Enigma date=1485363755

      Nagyon egyszerű. A betöltési sorrend sem mindegy.

Tehát? Hogyan tudnám megoldani?

Segítségkérés / Valhalla berakása
« Dátum: 2017. január 25. - 10:21:04 »
@citromhun lehet ez hülye kérdés lesz, de log = hibakonzol?
Mert ott rengeteg minden van, többek között error:
= Multi Theft Auto: San Andreas v1.5.2 [64 bit]
= Server name      : Big Team Szerver | By: Clans.hu
= Server IP address:
= Server port      : 22131

= Log file         : ..r808/server/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log
= Maximum players  : 30
= HTTP port        : 22231
= Voice Chat       : Disabled
= Bandwidth saving : Medium
[2017-01-24 12:12:18] WARNING: Ignoring duplicate client file in resource \'account-system\': \'img/100.png\'
[2017-01-24 12:12:18] Resource \'acpanel\' requests some acl rights. Use the command \'aclrequest list acpanel\'
[2017-01-24 12:12:18] ERROR: Couldn\'t find script Vehicle/s_vehicle_commands.lua for resource admin-system
[2017-01-24 12:12:18] Loading of resource \'admin-system\' failed
[2017-01-24 12:12:18] WARNING: Ignoring duplicate client file in resource \'computers-system\': \'websites/images/san-logo.png\'
[2017-01-24 12:12:18] ERROR: Couldn\'t find script websites/RandBsburialservice.lua for resource computers-system
[2017-01-24 12:12:18] Loading of resource \'computers-system\' failed
[2017-01-24 12:12:19] ERROR: Couldn\'t find file Left.wav for resource gps-system
[2017-01-24 12:12:19] Loading of resource \'gps-system\' failed
[2017-01-24 12:12:19] ERROR: Couldn\'t find script custom/createObject.lua for resource interior-system
[2017-01-24 12:12:19] Loading of resource \'interior-system\' failed
[2017-01-24 12:12:19] ERROR: Couldn\'t find file books/PDmanual.xml for resource item-system
[2017-01-24 12:12:19] Loading of resource \'item-system\' failed
[2017-01-24 12:12:19] ERROR: Couldn\'t find script c_createObject.lua for resource map-system
[2017-01-24 12:12:19] Loading of resource \'map-system\' failed
[2017-01-24 12:12:19] ERROR: Couldn\'t find file Ringer1.wav for resource phone-system
[2017-01-24 12:12:19] Loading of resource \'phone-system\' failed
[2017-01-24 12:12:20] ERROR: Couldn\'t find file TruckBackingUpBeep.mp3 for resource realism-system
[2017-01-24 12:12:20] Loading of resource \'realism-system\' failed
[2017-01-24 12:12:20] ERROR: Couldn\'t find script s_resCheck.lua for resource resource-keeper
[2017-01-24 12:12:20] Loading of resource \'resource-keeper\' failed
[2017-01-24 12:12:22] ERROR: Couldn\'t find script c_getVehicleType.lua for resource vehicle-system
[2017-01-24 12:12:22] Loading of resource \'vehicle-system\' failed
[2017-01-24 12:12:22] ERROR: Problem with resource: editor; 
[2017-01-24 12:12:22] ERROR: Problem with resource: editor_main; Failed to link to freecam
[2017-01-24 12:12:22] ERROR: Problem with resource: fallout; Failed to link to freecam
[2017-01-24 12:12:22] ERROR: Not processing resource \'freecam\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
                  Path #1: \"resources/freecam\"
                  Path #2: \"resources/[editor]/freecam\"
[2017-01-24 12:12:22] ERROR: Not processing resource \'parachute\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
                  Path #1: \"resources/parachute\"
                  Path #2: \"resources/[gameplay]/parachute\"
[2017-01-24 12:12:22] ERROR: Not processing resource \'runcode\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
                  Path #1: \"resources/runcode\"
                  Path #2: \"resources/[admin]/runcode\"
[2017-01-24 12:12:22] Resources: 280 loaded, 3 failed
[2017-01-24 12:12:22] Server password set to \'BigTeamRPG\'
[2017-01-24 12:12:22] MODULE: Loaded \"MySQL 5.0 database module\" (0.50) by \"Alberto Alonso <[email protected]>\"
[2017-01-24 12:12:22] MODULE: Loaded \"Sockets Module\" (1.30) by \"Gamesnert, MCvarial & x86\"
[2017-01-24 12:12:22] Starting resources...
[2017-01-24 12:12:23] Server minclientversion is now 1.5.3-9.10835.0
[2017-01-24 12:12:23] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource parachute. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:23] Gamemode \'play\' started.
[2017-01-24 12:12:23] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource fps. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:23] ERROR: cctv/cctv.lua:41: Database query failed: no such table: cctvterminals
[2017-01-24 12:12:23] ERROR: cctv/cctv.lua:52: Database query failed: no such table: cctvcameras
[2017-01-24 12:12:23] ERROR: cctv/cctv.lua:68: Database query failed: no such table: cctvterminals
[2017-01-24 12:12:23] ERROR: cctv/cctv.lua:70: bad argument #1 to \'ipairs\' (table expected, got string)
[2017-01-24 12:12:23] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource diesel. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:23] Map \'Big City RPG Map\' started.
[2017-01-24 12:12:23] WARNING: account-system/c_options.lua(Line 60) [Client] isPlayerDead is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isPedDead.
[2017-01-24 12:12:23] Some files in \'account-system\' use deprecated functions.
[2017-01-24 12:12:23] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: account-system/s_main.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: account-system/s_characters.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: account-system/s_login.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: account-system/s_create_character.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] WARNING: account-system/s_news.lua:2: Access denied @ \'callRemote\'
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: account-system/s_main.lua:31: exports: Call to non-running server resource (anticheat-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: account-system/s_main.lua:31: attempt to index local \'motdresult\' (a nil value)
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource admin-system. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: animation-system/s_animation_system.lua:3: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: animation-system/s_animation_system.lua:4: bad argument #1 to \'ipairs\' (table expected, got nil)
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: apps-system/s_apps.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: bank-system/s_bank_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: cache/s_playernames.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: camera-system/s_camera_management.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_crusher.lua:3: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:40: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:117: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:117: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: chat-system/s_chat_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource computers-system. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: dancer-system/s_dancers.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: donators/s_donation_gui.lua:3: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: donators/s_donation_gui.lua:4: bad argument #1 to \'ipairs\' (table expected, got nil)
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: elevator-system/s_elevator_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: faction-system/s_faction_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: faction-system/s_faction_system.lua:114: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: faction-system/s_faction_system.lua:115: bad argument #1 to \'ipairs\' (table expected, got nil)
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource freecam. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: fuel-system/s_fuel_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: fuel-system/s_fuel_peds.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: gates/s_gates.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: global/s_money_globals.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource gps-system. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] WARNING: hardwaresurvey/s_hardwaresurvey.lua:6: fileCreate; unable to load file
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] WARNING: hardwaresurvey/s_hardwaresurvey.lua:7: Bad argument @ \'fileGetSize\' [Expected scriptfile at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] WARNING: hardwaresurvey/s_hardwaresurvey.lua:7: Bad argument @ \'fileRead\' [Expected scriptfile at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] WARNING: hardwaresurvey/s_hardwaresurvey.lua:8: Bad argument @ \'fromJSON\' [Expected string at argument 1, got nil]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] WARNING: hardwaresurvey/s_hardwaresurvey.lua:9: Bad argument @ \'fileClose\' [Expected scriptfile at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] WARNING: heligrab/c_heli.lua(Line 142) [Client] isPlayerDead is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isPedDead.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] Some files in \'heligrab\' use deprecated functions.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] WARNING: help-system/s_infopoints.lua:1: Access denied @ \'aclReload\'
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: id-system/s_id_system.lua:29: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: id-system/s_id_system.lua:31: bad argument #1 to \'ipairs\' (table expected, got nil)
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource interior-system. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource item-system. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: item-world/s_load_items.lua:5: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: item-world/s_load_items.lua:6: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: item-world/s_load_items.lua:7: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: item-world/s_load_items.lua:8: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: item-world/s_load_items.lua:9: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: item-world/s_load_items.lua:11: bad argument #1 to \'mysql_connect\' (string expected, got nil)
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] WARNING: job-system/photographer/c_photographer_job.lua(Line 85) [Client] isPlayerDead is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isPedDead.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] Some files in \'job-system\' use deprecated functions.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: job-system/s_job_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: language-system/s_language_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: language-system/s_language_system.lua:110: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: language-system/s_language_system.lua:111: bad argument #1 to \'ipairs\' (table expected, got nil)
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: license-system/s_license_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: lses-system/s_lves_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: lspd-system/s_policecommands.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: lspd-system/s_police_garage.lua:10: exports: Call to non-running server resource (pool) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource map-system. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: mdc-system/s_mdc.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Unable to connect to mysql: (2002) Can\'t connect to local MySQL server through socket \'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock\' (2)
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] Start up of resource mysql cancelled by script
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Unable to start resource mysql; Start up of resource cancelled by script
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: object-system/s_object_management.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource parachute. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: payday/s_payday.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: paynspray-system/s_paynspray_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource phone-system. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource realism-system. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: report-system/s_reports.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource resource-keeper. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource runcode. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: saveplayer-system/s_saveplayer_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: savevehicle-system/s_savevehicle_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: shop-system/s_generalshop_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: shop-system/s_generalshop_system.lua:175: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: shop-system/s_generalshop_system.lua:520: attempt to index local \'result\' (a nil value)
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: social-system/s_player_rightclick.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: tag-system/s_tag_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: tow-system/s_tow.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: vehicle-interiors/s_vehicle_interiors.lua:35: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: vehicle-plate-system/s_plate_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource vehicle-system. Check it exists.
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] Querying MTA master server... success! (Auto detected IP:
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] Server started and is ready to accept connections!
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] To stop the server, type \'shutdown\' or press Ctrl-C
[2017-01-24 12:12:24] Type \'help\' for a list of commands.
[2017-01-24 12:12:25] WARNING: startup/s_startup.lua:10: Access denied @ \'restartResource\'
[2017-01-24 12:14:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:14:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:16:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:16:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:17:04] CONNECT: BGAB connected (IP:  Serial: 9430728718F5457BEC21D42B29675994  Version: 1.5.3-9.10835.0)
[2017-01-24 12:17:10] JOIN: BGAB joined the game (IP:
[2017-01-24 12:17:19] DIAGNOSTIC: BGAB #1012 External HTTP file download error:[404] Error downloading requested files. HTTP response code said error. [The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found] [server/account-system/banners/3.png] (Disabling External HTTP) [superman\\c_superman.lua]
[2017-01-24 12:17:19] DIAGNOSTIC: BGAB #1012 External HTTP file download error:[404] Error downloading requested files. HTTP response code said error. [The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found] [server/account-system/banners/3.png] (Disabling External HTTP) [hud\\images\\hud\\window2.png]
[2017-01-24 12:17:19] DIAGNOSTIC: BGAB #1012 External HTTP file download error:[404] Error downloading requested files. HTTP response code said error. [The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found] [server/account-system/banners/3.png] (Disabling External HTTP) [hud\\images\\hud\\speed120.png]
[2017-01-24 12:18:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:18:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:18:30] LOGIN: (Admin, Everyone) BGAB successfully logged in as \'BGAB\' (IP:  Serial: 9430728718F5457BEC21D42B29675994)
[2017-01-24 12:19:23] ERROR: account-system/s_login.lua:27: attempt to concatenate local \'safepassword\' (a nil value)
[2017-01-24 12:19:33] ADMIN: Resource \'account-system\' stopped by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:19:33] Stopping account-system
[2017-01-24 12:19:55] QUIT: BGAB left the game [Quit]
[2017-01-24 12:19:59] CONNECT: BGAB connected (IP:  Serial: 9430728718F5457BEC21D42B29675994  Version: 1.5.3-9.10835.0)
[2017-01-24 12:20:00] JOIN: BGAB joined the game (IP:
[2017-01-24 12:20:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:20:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:20:40] LOGIN: (Admin, Everyone) BGAB successfully logged in as \'BGAB\' (IP:  Serial: 9430728718F5457BEC21D42B29675994)
[2017-01-24 12:21:08] ADMIN: Resource \'fuel-system\' restarted by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:21:08] Stopping fuel-system
[2017-01-24 12:21:08] Starting fuel-system
[2017-01-24 12:21:08] ERROR: fuel-system/s_fuel_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:21:08] ERROR: fuel-system/s_fuel_peds.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:21:08] fuel-system restarted successfully
[2017-01-24 12:21:17] ADMIN: Resource \'fuel-system\' stopped by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:21:17] Stopping fuel-system
[2017-01-24 12:21:19] Starting fuel-system
[2017-01-24 12:21:19] ERROR: fuel-system/s_fuel_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:21:19] ERROR: fuel-system/s_fuel_peds.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:21:19] startResource: Resource \'fuel-system\' started
[2017-01-24 12:21:19] ADMIN: Resource \'fuel-system\' started by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:22:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:22:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:24:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:24:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:26:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:26:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:27:48] ERROR: logs/s_logs.lua:134: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:27:48] ERROR: logs/s_logs.lua:134: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x4]
[2017-01-24 12:27:48] ERROR: logs/s_logs.lua:134: attempt to concatenate a nil value
[2017-01-24 12:27:48] ERROR: chat-system/s_chat_system.lua:186: call: failed to call \'logs:dbLog\' [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:27:51] ERROR: toll/s_tollsystem.lua:201: attempt to concatenate local \'currSlot\' (a boolean value)
[2017-01-24 12:27:54] ERROR: logs/s_logs.lua:134: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:27:54] ERROR: logs/s_logs.lua:134: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x4]
[2017-01-24 12:27:54] ERROR: logs/s_logs.lua:134: attempt to concatenate a nil value
[2017-01-24 12:27:54] ERROR: chat-system/s_chat_system.lua:186: call: failed to call \'logs:dbLog\' [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:27:55] ERROR: toll/s_tollsystem.lua:201: attempt to concatenate local \'currSlot\' (a boolean value)
[2017-01-24 12:28:17] ERROR: logs/s_logs.lua:134: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:28:17] ERROR: logs/s_logs.lua:134: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x4]
[2017-01-24 12:28:17] ERROR: logs/s_logs.lua:134: attempt to concatenate a nil value
[2017-01-24 12:28:17] ERROR: chat-system/s_chat_system.lua:186: call: failed to call \'logs:dbLog\' [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:28:18] ERROR: toll/s_tollsystem.lua:201: attempt to concatenate local \'currSlot\' (a boolean value)
[2017-01-24 12:28:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:28:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:29:28] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:181: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value
[2017-01-24 12:29:34] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:181: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value
[2017-01-24 12:29:45] ADMIN: BGAB has set BGAB\'s money to 100000000000
[2017-01-24 12:29:57] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:181: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value
[2017-01-24 12:30:03] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:181: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value
[2017-01-24 12:30:03] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:181: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value
[2017-01-24 12:30:09] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:181: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value
[2017-01-24 12:30:09] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:181: attempt to perform arithmetic on a boolean value
[2017-01-24 12:30:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:30:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:32:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:32:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:33:38] ADMIN: Resource \'event-system\' stopped by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:33:38] Stopping event-system
[2017-01-24 12:33:41] Starting event-system
[2017-01-24 12:33:41] startResource: Resource \'event-system\' started
[2017-01-24 12:33:41] ADMIN: Resource \'event-system\' started by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:33:43] ADMIN: Resource \'event-system\' stopped by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:33:43] Stopping event-system
[2017-01-24 12:33:45] Starting event-system
[2017-01-24 12:33:45] startResource: Resource \'event-system\' started
[2017-01-24 12:33:45] ADMIN: Resource \'event-system\' started by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:33:54] ADMIN: Resource \'fuel-system\' stopped by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:33:54] Stopping fuel-system
[2017-01-24 12:33:56] Starting fuel-system
[2017-01-24 12:33:56] ERROR: fuel-system/s_fuel_system.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:33:56] ERROR: fuel-system/s_fuel_peds.lua:1: exports: Call to non-running server resource (mysql) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:33:56] startResource: Resource \'fuel-system\' started
[2017-01-24 12:33:56] ADMIN: Resource \'fuel-system\' started by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:34:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:34:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:36:20] ADMIN: Resource \'hardwaresurvey\' stopped by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:36:20] Stopping hardwaresurvey
[2017-01-24 12:36:23] Starting hardwaresurvey
[2017-01-24 12:36:23] startResource: Resource \'hardwaresurvey\' started
[2017-01-24 12:36:23] ADMIN: Resource \'hardwaresurvey\' started by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:36:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:36:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:36:58] ADMIN: Resource \'weather-system\' stopped by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:36:58] Stopping weather-system
[2017-01-24 12:36:59] Starting weather-system
[2017-01-24 12:36:59] startResource: Resource \'weather-system\' started
[2017-01-24 12:36:59] ADMIN: Resource \'weather-system\' started by BGAB
[2017-01-24 12:38:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:38:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:40:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:40:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:42:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:42:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:44:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:44:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:46:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:46:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:48:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:48:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:50:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:50:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:52:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:52:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:54:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:54:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:56:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:56:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 12:58:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 12:58:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:00:24] WARNING: global/s_money_globals.lua:132: Bad argument @ \'getElementData\' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 13:00:24] WARNING: global/s_money_globals.lua:136: Bad argument @ \'getElementType\' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 13:00:24] WARNING: global/s_money_globals.lua:132: Bad argument @ \'getElementData\' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 13:00:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:00:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:02:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:02:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:04:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:04:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:05:18] CHAT: BGAB: Itt az O.R.F.K. kérjük húzdojon félre, állítsa le a motort, és szálljon ki a gépjárműből
[2017-01-24 13:05:19] CHAT: BGAB: Üdvözlöm én Balla Gábor vagyok az O.R.F.K.-tól, kérjük adja át iratait
[2017-01-24 13:06:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:06:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:08:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:08:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:10:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:10:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:12:24] INFO: WORLDSAVE INCOMING
[2017-01-24 13:12:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:12:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:14:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:14:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:16:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:16:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:18:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:18:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:20:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:20:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:22:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:22:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:24:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:24:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:26:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:26:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:28:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:28:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:30:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:30:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:32:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:32:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:34:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:34:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:36:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:36:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:38:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:38:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:40:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:40:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:42:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:42:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:44:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:44:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:46:11] QUIT: BGAB left the game [Quit]
[2017-01-24 13:46:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:46:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:48:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:48:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:50:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:50:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:52:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:52:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:54:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:54:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:56:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:56:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 13:58:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 13:58:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:00:24] WARNING: global/s_money_globals.lua:132: Bad argument @ \'getElementData\' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 14:00:24] WARNING: global/s_money_globals.lua:136: Bad argument @ \'getElementType\' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 14:00:24] WARNING: global/s_money_globals.lua:132: Bad argument @ \'getElementData\' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 14:00:24] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:00:30] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:02:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:02:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:04:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:04:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:06:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:06:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:08:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:08:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:10:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:10:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:12:24] INFO: WORLDSAVE INCOMING
[2017-01-24 14:12:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:12:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:14:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:14:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:16:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:16:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:18:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:18:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:20:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:20:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:22:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:22:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:24:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:24:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:26:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:26:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:28:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:28:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:30:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:30:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:32:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:32:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:34:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:34:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:36:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:36:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:38:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:38:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:40:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:40:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:42:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:42:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:44:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:44:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:46:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:46:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:48:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:48:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:50:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:50:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:52:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:52:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:54:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:54:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:56:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:56:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 14:58:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 14:58:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:00:24] WARNING: global/s_money_globals.lua:132: Bad argument @ \'getElementData\' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 15:00:24] WARNING: global/s_money_globals.lua:136: Bad argument @ \'getElementType\' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 15:00:25] WARNING: global/s_money_globals.lua:132: Bad argument @ \'getElementData\' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 15:00:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:00:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:02:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:02:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:04:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:04:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:06:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:06:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:08:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:08:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:10:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:10:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:12:24] INFO: WORLDSAVE INCOMING
[2017-01-24 15:12:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:12:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:14:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:14:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:16:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:16:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:18:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:18:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:20:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:20:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:22:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:22:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:24:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:24:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:26:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:26:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:28:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:28:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:30:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:30:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:32:25] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:32:31] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:34:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:34:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:36:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:36:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:38:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:38:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:40:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:40:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:42:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:42:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:44:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:44:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:46:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:46:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:48:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:48:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:50:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:50:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:52:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:52:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:54:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:54:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:56:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:56:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 15:58:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 15:58:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:00:24] WARNING: global/s_money_globals.lua:132: Bad argument @ \'getElementData\' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 16:00:24] WARNING: global/s_money_globals.lua:136: Bad argument @ \'getElementType\' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 16:00:26] WARNING: global/s_money_globals.lua:132: Bad argument @ \'getElementData\' [Expected element at argument 1, got boolean]
[2017-01-24 16:00:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:00:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:02:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:02:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:04:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:04:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:06:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:06:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:08:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:08:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:10:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:10:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:12:24] INFO: WORLDSAVE INCOMING
[2017-01-24 16:12:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:12:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:14:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:14:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:16:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:16:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:18:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:18:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:20:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:20:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:22:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:22:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:24:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:24:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:26:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:26:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:28:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:28:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:30:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:30:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:32:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:32:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:34:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:34:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:36:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:36:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:38:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:38:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:40:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:40:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:42:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:42:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:44:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:44:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:46:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:46:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:48:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:48:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:50:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:50:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:52:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:52:32] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]  [DUP x39]
[2017-01-24 16:54:26] ERROR: carshop-system/s_shop.lua:88: exports: Call to non-running server resource (vehicle-system) [string \"?\"]
[2017-01-24 16:

Segítségkérés / Valhalla berakása
« Dátum: 2017. január 24. - 14:46:45 »
Remélem erre gondoltál. Ezek vannak ott:      
    To specify several resources, add more <resource> parameter(s). -->
    <module src=\"mta_mysql.so\"/>
    <module src=\"ml_sockets.so\"/>
    <resource src=\"admin\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"defaultstats\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"helpmanager\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"joinquit\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"mapcycler\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"mapmanager\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"parachute\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"performancebrowser\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"resourcebrowser\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"1\" default=\"true\"/>
    <resource src=\"resourcemanager\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"1\"/>
    <resource src=\"scoreboard\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"spawnmanager\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"voice\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"votemanager\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"webadmin\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <!-- play is the default freeroam gamemode. Remove the following line to prevent it from starting. -->
    <resource src=\"play\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"LaFerrari\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"AudiPolice\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"NissanPolice\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"AUDIR8\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"fps\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"cctv\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"superman\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"paulwalker\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"diesel\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"eclipse\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"charger\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"hud\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"rpg\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"account-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"admin-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"animation-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"anticheat-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"apps-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"bank-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"cache\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"camera-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"carradio\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"carshop-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"chat-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"cleanup\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"colorblender\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"computers-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"dancer-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"donators\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"driveby\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"duty\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"elevator-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"event-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"faction-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"flood\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"freecam\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"freecam-tv\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"fuel-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"gatekeepers-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"gates\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"global\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"glue-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"glue-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"gps-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"hardwaresurvey\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"heligrab\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"help\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"help-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"hud\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"id-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"interior-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"item-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"item-world\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"job-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"language-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"license-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"logs\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"lses-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"lsia\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"lspd-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"map-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"mdc-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"mods-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"mtavg\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"mtaworkaround\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"mysql\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"object-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"parachute\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"payday\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"paynspray-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"phone-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"pool\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"rangeban-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"realism-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"realistictrains\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"realtime-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"report-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"resource-keeper\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"roadblock-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"runcode\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"saveplayer-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"savevehicle-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"shader_radar\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"shader_water\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"shop-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"sittablechairs\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"social-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"spike-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"startup\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"statistics-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"superman\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"tag-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"toll\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"tooltips-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"tow-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"vehicle-interiors\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"vehicle-mods-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"vehicle-plate-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"vehicle-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"versions\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"vG-logs\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"vgscoreboard\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"weaponcap\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
    <resource src=\"weather-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
És mindet beraktam a resource mappába amik itt is vannak, de nem megy csak 2-3, illetve per pillanat egész ols santos valamitől vízbe áll, ez nem tudom miért van :S

Segítségkérés / Valhalla berakása
« Dátum: 2017. január 24. - 12:34:08 »
Idézetet írta: citromhun date=1485199735

      mtaserver.conf nevű fájlt megnyitod, majd a valhallához szükséges resourcokat soronként beírod.

// Példa
<resource src=\"joinquit\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\" />
/*    src=\"RESOURCENEVE\"
startup=\"0/1\" (0= Kikapcsolod a resourcet; 1= Bekapcsolod a resourcet; vagy \"false\"; \"true\")


Megcsináltam, például itt van egy: 
    <resource src=\"fuel-system\" startup=\"1\" protected=\"0\"/>
Be is raktam a resources mappába. Szeró resi, belépek letöltött 19 MB-ot és kb. működik 2-3 dolog, más semmi. Mi lehet még a baj? 
Idézetet írta: BGAB date=1485202506


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