Ez a szekció lehetővé teszi a felhasználó által írt összes hozzászólás megtekintését. Vedd figyelembe, hogy csak azokba a fórumokba írt hozzászólásokat látod, amelyekhez hozzáférésed van. 46
Segítségkérés / Gamemode hiba.« Dátum: 2013. április 19. - 15:08:42 »
Es azt honnan tudom letolteni?
Es aval fog meni a GM is? 47
Segítségkérés / Gamemode hiba.« Dátum: 2013. április 19. - 14:16:19 »
A gamemoden valamiert nem fogadja az ekezetes betuket . PL: ha a PPC_PlayerComands-ba az egyik parancsnal atirok valamit magyarra azt valamiert kierrorolja.
Miert? Ha valaki tudja a valszat az szoljon elore is kosz mindenkinek. 48
Segítségkérés / Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D« Dátum: 2013. április 18. - 15:59:41 »
// Keep the values and assignments below this line to what they are //************************************************************************************************************************************ // Define path to player\'s account-files #define PlayerFile \"ServerData/Players/%s.ini\" #define HouseFile \"ServerData/Houses/House%i.ini\" #define CameraFile \"ServerData/Cameras/Camera%i.ini\" #define BusinessFile \"ServerData/Business/Business%i.ini\" #define BankFile \"ServerData/Bank/%s.ini\" // Define vehicles #define VehicleFlatbed 455 // Truck: Flatbed #define VehicleDFT30 578 // Truck: DFT-30 #define VehicleCementTruck 524 // Truck: Cementtruck #define VehicleLineRunner 403 // Truck: LineRunner #define VehicleTanker 514 // Truck: Tanker #define VehicleRoadTrain 515 // Truck: RoadTrain #define VehicleTrailerCargo 435 // Trailer: cargo #define VehicleTrailerCargo2 591 // Trailer: cargo #define VehicleTrailerOre 450 // Trailer: Ore #define VehicleTrailerFluids 584 // Trailer: Fluids #define VehicleCoach 437 // Bus #define VehicleShamal 519 // Plane: Shamal #define VehicleNevada 553 // Plane: Nevada #define VehicleStuntPlane 513 // Plane: Stuntplane #define VehicleDodo 593 // Plane: Dodo #define VehicleMaverick 487 // Helicopter: Maverick #define VehicleCargobob 548 // Helicopter: Cargobob #define VehiclePoliceLSPD 596 // Police Car Los Santos Police Department #define VehiclePoliceSFPD 597 // Police Car San Fierro Police Department #define VehiclePoliceLVPD 598 // Police Car Las Venturas Police Department #define VehicleHPV1000 523 // Police motorcycle #define VehiclePoliceRanger 599 // Police Ranger #define VehicleSandKing 495 // Mafia-van: Sandking #define VehicleMoonbeam 418 // Mafia-van: Moonbeam #define VehicleBike 509 // Bike: Bike #define VehicleBMX 481 // Bike: BMX #define VehicleMountainBike 510 // Bike: Mountain Bike #define VehicleFaggio 462 // Bike: Faggio #define VehiclePizzaBoy 448 // Bike: Pizzaboy #define VehicleBF400 581 // Bike: BF-400 #define VehicleNRG500 522 // Bike: NRG-500 #define VehiclePCJ600 461 // Bike: PCJ-600 #define VehicleFCR900 521 // Bike: FCR-900 #define VehicleFreeway 463 // Bike: Freeway #define VehicleWayfarer 586 // Bike: Wayfarer #define VehicleSanchez 468 // Bike: Sanchez #define VehicleQuad 471 // Bike: Quad #define VehicleCoastguard 472 // Boat: Coastguard #define VehicleDinghy 473 // Boat: Dinghy #define VehicleJetmax 493 // Boat: Jetmax #define VehicleLaunch 595 // Boat: Launch #define VehicleMarquis 484 // Boat: Marquis #define VehiclePredator 430 // Boat: Predator #define VehicleReefer 453 // Boat: Reefer #define VehicleSpeeder 452 // Boat: Speeder #define VehicleSquallo 446 // Boat: Squallo #define VehicleTropic 454 // Boat: Tropic #define VehicleRhino 432 // Tank: Rhino #define VehiclePatriot 470 // Jeep: Patriot #define VehicleTowTruck 525 // Towtruck #define VehicleBurrito 482 // Van: Burrito #define VehicleFaggio 462 // Bike: Faggio #define VehicleBenson 499 // Truck: Benson #define VehicleDozer 486 // Dozer #define VehicleUtilityVan 552 // Utility Van #define VehicleUtilityTrailer 611 // Utility trailer #define VehicleDumper 406 // Dumper #define VehicleYankee 456 // Yankee #define VehicleBoxville 498 //Boxville1 #define VehiclePacker 443 //Packer #define VehicleTrashmaster 408 // Kukás kocsi #define VehicleLandstalker 400 // terepjáró #define VehicleBarracks 433 // Katonai kamion #define VehicleBerkley\'s RC Van 459 // Kisteherautó #define VehicleRumpo 440 // Kisteherautó #define VehiclePony 413 // Kisteherautó #define VehiclePizza 448 // Pizzaboy (pizzásrobogó) #define VehicleNrg 522 // NRG-500 #define VehicleInfernus 411 // Infi #define VehicleCross 468 // Sanchez // Define player-class AND vehicle statements to use for missions (PCV = PlayerClass and Vehicle) #define PCV_TruckerOreTrailer 1 #define PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer 2 #define PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer 3 #define PCV_TruckerCementTruck 4 #define PCV_TruckerNoTrailer 6 #define PCV_PilotPlane 7 #define PCV_PilotHelicopter 8 #define PCV_MafiaVan 9 #define PCV_TruckerDumper 10 #define PCV_TruckerMatya 11 #define PCV_TruckerKukas 12 #define PCV_TruckerPacker 13 #define PCV_TruckerKatona 14 // Define classes #define ClassTruckDriver 1 #define ClassBusDriver 2 #define ClassPilot 3 #define ClassPolice 4 #define ClassMafia 5 #define ClassCourier 6 #define ClassAssistance 7 #define ClassRoadWorker 8 // Defines for truckers #define Trucker_TimeToFailMission 60 // Defines for busdrivers #define BusDriver_TimeToFailMission 60 // Defines for mafia #define Mafia_TimeToFailMission 60 // Defines for all classes #define Job_TimeToFailMission 60 // Define class-colors #define ColorClassTruckDriver 0xDDDD2357 // Citromsárga #define ColorClassBusDriver 0x7CFC00AA // Light blue #define ColorClassPilot 0x33AA33AA // fekete #define ColorClassPolice 0x0000FFFF // Blue #define ColorClassMafia 0x8000FFFF // Purple #define ColorClassCourier 0xFF0080FF // Pink #define ColorClassAssistance 0x80FF00FF // Dark green #define ColorClassRoadWorker 0xFFFF80FF // Light yellow // Define Dialogs #define DialogRegister 1 #define DialogLogin 2 #define DialogStats 3 #define DialogStatsOtherPlayer 4 #define DialogRules 5 #define DialogReports 6 #define DialogStatsHouse 7 #define DialogStatsGoHouse 8 #define DialogStatsGoBusiness 9 #define DialogRescue 11 #define DialogBuyLicenses 12 #define DialogTruckerJobMethod 21 #define DialogTruckerSelectLoad 22 #define DialogTruckerStartLoc 23 #define DialogTruckerEndLoc 24 #define DialogBusJobMethod 31 #define DialogBusSelectRoute 32 #define DialogCourierSelectQuant 41 #define DialogBike 101 #define DialogCar 102 #define DialogPlane 103 #define DialogTrailer 104 #define DialogRentCarClass 105 #define DialogRentCar 106 #define DialogBoat 107 #define DialogWeather 201 #define DialogCarOption 202 #define DialogSelectConvoy 401 #define DialogConvoyMembers 402 #define DialogPlayerCommands 501 #define DialogPrimaryCarColor 502 #define DialogSedundaryCarColor 503 #define DialogHouseMenu 601 #define DialogUpgradeHouse 602 #define DialogGoHome 603 #define DialogHouseNameChange 604 #define DialogSellHouse 605 #define DialogBuyCarClass 606 #define DialogBuyCar 607 #define DialogSellCar 608 #define DialogBuyInsurance 609 #define DialogGetCarSelectHouse 610 #define DialogGetCarSelectCar 611 #define DialogUnclampVehicles 612 #define DialogCreateBusSelType 701 #define DialogBusinessMenu 702 #define DialogGoBusiness 703 #define DialogBusinessNameChange 704 #define DialogSellBusiness 705 #define DialogBankPasswordRegister 801 #define DialogBankPasswordLogin 802 #define DialogBankOptions 803 #define DialogBankDeposit 804 #define DialogBankWithdraw 805 #define DialogBankTransferMoney 806 #define DialogBankTransferName 807 #define DialogBankCancel 808 #define DialogHelpItemChosen 901 #define DialogHelpItem 902 #define DialogOldPassword 1001 #define DialogNewPassword 1002 #define DialogConfirmPassword 1003 #define DialogNoResponse 25000 // Define the maximum amount of convoys at the same time #define MAX_CONVOYS 8 #define CONVOY_MAX_MEMBERS 65 #define CONVOY_EMPTY 0 #define CONVOY_OPEN 1 #define CONVOY_FULL 2 #define CONVOY_CLOSED 3 // Define messagecolors #define ColorRed 0xFF0000FF #define ColorGreen 0x00FF00FF #define ColorBlue 0x0000FFFF // Define Virtual Worlds #define WORLD_JAIL 10254 // Define options for admins #define AutoKickAfterWarn 1 // Define if the player gets kicked after a certain amount of warnings #define AutoKickWarnings 3 // Define the amount of warnings before a player is kicked automatically // Define spectate modes #define ADMIN_SPEC_TYPE_NONE 0 #define ADMIN_SPEC_TYPE_PLAYER 1 #define ADMIN_SPEC_TYPE_VEHICLE 2 // Create some global variables that are used to display large dialogs new DialogMsg5000[5000]; // These variables are only used during the GameModeInit, they are used for debugging purposes // A variable to hold the ID of every vehicle (used to record the last ID of a vehicle, for debugging) new LastVehicleID; // A variable to hold the ID of every object (used to record the last ID of an object, for debugging) new LastObjectID; // A variable to hold the total amount of houses that are loaded new TotalHouses; // A variable that holds the last speedcam-id new TotalCameras; // A variable that holds the total amount of businesses loaded new TotalBusiness; // This variable holds the number of the last TimedMessage that was sent to all players new LastTimedMessage; // This array holds all timed messages that will be sent every few minutes new ATimedMessages[][128] = { {TXT_TimedRefuel}, {TXT_TimedConvoy}, {TXT_TimedGohome}, {TXT_TimedRentCar}, {TXT_TimedLicense}, {TXT_TimedSpeedTraps}, {TXT_TimedGoBusiness} // {\"{808080}Message\"} // {\"{808080}Message\"} // {\"{808080}Message\"} // {\"{808080}Message\"} // {\"{808080}Message\"} // {\"{808080}Message\"} }; // Holds the data about the random bonus mission enum TRandomBonusMission { RandomLoad, // Holds the random LoadID RandomStartLoc, // Holds the random StartLocation ID RandomEndLoc, // Holds the random EndLocation ID bool:MissionFinished // Holds true if the bonus mission has been completed by someone, a new random mission will be chosen next } // Create one random bonus mission new RandomBonusMission[TRandomBonusMission]; // Holds the admin-levelnames new AdminLevelName[7][25] = { {\"Player\"}, // Admin-level 0 {\"Moderátor\"}, // Admin-level 1 {\"Segéd-admin\"}, // Admin-level 2 {\"Admin\"}, // Admin-level 3 {\"csak van\"}, // Admin-level 4 {\"Fõadmin\"}, // Admin-level 5 {\"Scripter/Tulaj\"} //Admin-Level 6 }; // Holds the reference to the pickup that can reward you with a trucker/busdriver license new Pickup_License; // Setup a custom type that holds the data of pickups enum TPickupData { Float:pux, Float:puy, Float:puz, PickupID } // Holds the data for pickups for refuelling (maximum 50 refuel-pickups) new ARefuelPickups[50][TPickupData]; // Holds the data for pickups for 3 cardealers new ACarDealerPickups[3][TPickupData]; // Setup a custom type that holds all data about toll-boots enum TTollGate { GateID, // Holds the object-id of the gate TollPrice, // Holds the price for passing the gate GateStatus, // Holds the status of the gate (open = 1, closed = 0) Float:OpenX, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is opened Float:OpenY, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is opened Float:OpenZ, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is opened Float:CloseX, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is closed Float:CloseY, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is closed Float:CloseZ // Holds the coordinates when the gate is closed } new ATollGates[MAX_TOLLGATES][TTollGate]; // Setup a custom type that holds all data about spikestrips enum TSpikeStrip { SpikeTime, // This holds the time left when the spikestrip automatically disappears SpikeTimer, // This holds the reference to the timer for spikestrips SpikeObject, // This holds the ObjectID of the spikestrip object Float:SpikeX, // This holds the X coordinates of the spikestrip Float:SpikeY, // This holds the Y coordinates of the spikestrip Float:SpikeZ // This holds the Z coordinates of the spikestrip } new ASpikeStrips[MAX_SPIKESTRIPS][TSpikeStrip]; // Setup a custom type that holds all data about a speedcamera enum TSpeedCamera { Float:CamX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the camera Float:CamY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the camera Float:CamZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the camera Float:CamAngle, // Holds the Angle of the camera CamSpeed, // Holds the maximum speed allowed to pass this camera without being caught CamObj1, // Holds the reference to the first camera object CamObj2 // Holds the reference to the second camera object } new ACameras[100][TSpeedCamera]; // Setup a custom type to hold all data about a convoy enum TConvoyData { Members[CONVOY_MAX_MEMBERS], // This array holds the playerid\'s of all members (at index 0, the leader is stored), so a convoy can hold 1 leader and 9 members LoadID, // Holds the ID of the load Location1, // Holds the location-id of the start-location Location2, // Holds the location-id of the end-location Status, // Holds the status of the convoy (1 = open, 2 = full, 3 = closed, 0 = empty) ConvoyStep, // Holds the jobstep for the entire convoy TrailerModel, // Holds the trailer-model required by the convoy bool:LeaderInformedTrailers, // Is used to inform the leader ONCE if all members failed to have the same trailer Text:ConvoyTextLeader, // This is the textdraw for the leader of the convoy Text:ConvoyTextMember, // This is the textdraw for all members of the convoy ConvoyTimer // This convoy-timer checks everything for the whole convoy } // Setup an array which holds all data for every convoy new AConvoys[MAX_CONVOYS][TConvoyData]; // Setup a custom type to hold all data about a vehicle enum TVehicleData { bool:MafiaLoad, // Holds True if the vehicle (or trailer) is carrying a mafia-wanted load Fuel, // Holds the amount of fuel for this vehicle BelongsToHouse, // Holds the HouseID to which this vehicle belongs bool:StaticVehicle, // Holds true if this is a static vehicle bool:Owned, // Holds true if the vehicle is owned by somebody Owner[24], // Holds the name of the owned of the vehicle Model, // Holds the vehicle-model of this vehicle PaintJob, // Holds the ID of the paintjob applied to the vehicle Components[14], // Holds all Component-ID\'s for all components on the vehicle Color1, // Holds the primary color for this vehicle Color2, // Holds the secundairy color for this vehicle Float:SpawnX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the parking spot for this vehicle Float:SpawnY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the parking spot for this vehicle Float:SpawnZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the parking spot for this vehicle Float:SpawnRot, // Holds the rotation of the parking spot for this vehicle bool:Clamped // Holds \"true\" if the vehicle is clamped by an admin } // Setup an array which holds all data for every vehicleid, max 2000 vehicles (server limit) new AVehicleData[2000][TVehicleData]; // Setup a custom type that holds all data for businesses enum TBusinessData { PickupID, // Holds the pickup-id that is linked to this business Text3D:DoorText, // Holds the reference to the 3DText above the business\'s pickup MapIconID, // Holds the ID of the mapicon for the business BusinessName[100], // Holds the name of the business (this will be displayed above the pickup near the business when it\'s owned) Float:BusinessX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the pickup for the Business Float:BusinessY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the pickup for the Business Float:BusinessZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the pickup for the Business BusinessType, // Holds the type of business (well stacked pizza, burger shot, ...), this defines which icon and interior to use BusinessLevel, // Holds the level of upgrades the business has LastTransaction, // Holds the amount of minutes when the last transaction took place (buying the business or retrieving the money by the owner) bool:Owned, // Holds true if the Business is owned by somebody Owner[24] // Holds the name of the owner of the Business } // Holds the data for all houses new ABusinessData[MAX_BUSINESS][TBusinessData]; // This variable holds the business-time (this value is increased every hour and is used to calculate the amount of money a business // has generated after the last transaction of the business) new BusinessTransactionTime; // Setup a custom type that holds all data for houses enum THouseData { PickupID, // Holds the pickup-id that is linked to this house Text3D:DoorText, // Holds the reference to the 3DText above the house\'s pickup MapIconID, // Holds the ID of the mapicon for the house HouseName[100], // Holds the name of the house (this will be displayed above the pickup near the house when it\'s owned) Insurance, // Holds \"1\" if the house has an insurance for the vehicles belonging to this house Float:HouseX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the pickup for the house Float:HouseY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the pickup for the house Float:HouseZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the pickup for the house HouseLevel, // Holds the level of upgrades the house has (also defines how many vehicles can currently be added to the house) HouseMaxLevel, // Holds the maximum level this house can be upgraded to HousePrice, // Holds the price for buying the house, the same price applies when upgrading a house per level bool:Owned, // Holds true if the house is owned by somebody Owner[24], // Holds the name of the owner of the house bool:HouseOpened, // Holds true if the house is open to the public (anyone can enter), false means: only the owner can enter it VehicleIDs[10] // Holds the vehicle-id\'s of the vehicles linked to this house } // Holds the data for all houses new AHouseData[MAX_HOUSES][THouseData]; // Setup a custom type that holds all data about a house-interior (selected when entering a house, based on the house-level) enum THouseInterior { InteriorName[50], // Holds the name of the interior InteriorID, // Holds the interior-id Float:IntX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the spawn-location where you enter the house Float:IntY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the spawn-location where you enter the house Float:IntZ // Holds the Z-coordinate of the spawn-location where you enter the house } // Holds the data for all interiors for houses new AHouseInteriors[][THouseInterior] = { {\"Dummy\", 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, // Dummy interior (Level 0), as the house-level starts at 1 {\"Small motel room\", 10, 2262.83, -1137.71, 1050.63}, // Level 1 {\"Small house\", 2, 2467.36, -1698.38, 1013.51}, // Level 2 {\"Small house 2\", 1, 223.00, 1289.26, 1082.20}, // Level 3 {\"Medium house\", 10, 2260.76, -1210.45, 1049.02}, // Level 4 {\"Medium house 2\", 8, 2365.42, -1131.85, 1050.88}, // Level 5 {\"Duplex house\", 12, 2324.33, -1144.79, 1050.71}, // Level 6 {\"Big house\", 15, 295.14, 1474.47, 1080.52}, // Level 7 {\"Big duplex house\", 3, 235.50, 1189.17, 1080.34}, // Level 8 {\"Huge house\", 7, 225.63, 1022.48, 1084.07}, // Level 9 {\"Mansion\", 5, 1299.14, -794.77, 1084.00} // Level 10 }; // Setup a custom type that holds all data about a business enum TBusinessType { InteriorName[50], // Holds the name of the interior InteriorID, // Holds the interior-id Float:IntX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the spawn-location where you enter the business Float:IntY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the spawn-location where you enter the business Float:IntZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the spawn-location where you enter the business BusPrice, // Holds the price for the business BusEarnings, // Holds the earnings for this type of business IconID // Holds the icon-id which represents the business } // Holds the data for all interiors for businesses new ABusinessInteriors[][TBusinessType] = { {\"Dummy\", 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0}, // Dummy business (Type 0) {\"bolt (Small)\", 6, -26.75, -55.75, 1003.6, 500000, 60, 52}, // Type 1 (earnings per day: $1200) {\"bolt (Medium)\", 18, -31.0, -89.5, 1003.6, 750000, 85, 52}, // Type 2 (earnings per day: $1900) {\"Bár\", 11, 502.25, -69.75, 998.8, 550000, 65, 49}, // Type 3 (earnings per day: $1800) {\"Barber (Small)\", 2, 411.5, -21.25, 1001.8, 400000, 45, 7}, // Type 4 (earnings per day: $1500) {\"Barber (Medium)\", 3, 418.75, -82.5, 1001.8, 800000, 85, 7}, // Type 5 (earnings per day: $1500) {\"Betting shop\", 3, 833.25, 7.0, 1004.2, 1800000, 190, 52}, // Type 6 (earnings per day: $4300) {\"Hambruger\", 10, 363.5, -74.5, 1001.5, 150000, 20, 10}, // Type 7 (earnings per day: $500) {\"Casino (4 Dragons)\", 10, 2017.25, 1017.75, 996.9, 3500000, 360, 44}, // Type 8 (earnings per day: $9000) {\"Casino (Caligula\'s)\", 1, 2234.0, 1710.75, 1011.3, 3500000, 360, 25}, // Type 9 (earnings per day: $9000) {\"Casino (Small)\", 12, 1133.0, -9.5, 1000.7, 2500000, 260, 43}, // Type 10 (earnings per day: $6000) {\"Clothing (Binco)\", 15, 207.75, -109.0, 1005.2, 850000, 90, 45}, // Type 11 (earnings per day: $2100) {\"Clothing (Pro)\", 3, 207.0, -138.75, 1003.5, 850000, 90, 45}, // Type 12 (earnings per day: $2100) {\"Clothing (Urban)\", 1, 203.75, -48.5, 1001.8, 850000, 90, 45}, // Type 13 (earnings per day: $2100) {\"Clothing (Victim)\", 5, 226.25, -7.5, 1002.3, 850000, 90, 45}, // Type 14 (earnings per day: $2100) {\"Clothing (ZIP)\", 18, 161.5, -92.25, 1001.8, 850000, 90, 45}, // Type 15 (earnings per day: $2100) {\"Cluckin\' Bell\", 9, 365.75, -10.75, 1001.9, 900000, 95, 14}, // Type 16 (earnings per day: $2300) {\"Disco (Small)\", 17, 492.75, -22.0, 1000.7, 1400000, 145, 48}, // Type 17 (earnings per day: $3500) {\"Disco (Large)\", 3, -2642.0, 1406.5, 906.5, 1800000, 185, 48}, // Type 18 (earnings per day: $3800) {\"Gym (LS)\", 5, 772.0, -3.0, 1000.8, 550000, 60, 54}, // Type 19 (earnings per day: $1400) {\"Gym (SF)\", 6, 774.25, -49.0, 1000.6, 550000, 60, 54}, // Type 20 (earnings per day: $1400) {\"Gym (LV)\", 7, 774.25, -74.0, 1000.7, 550000, 60, 54}, // Type 21 (earnings per day: $1400) {\"Motel\", 15, 2216.25, -1150.5, 1025.8, 1500000, 160, 37}, // Type 22 (earnings per day: $4000) {\"RCbolt\", 6, -2238.75, 131.0, 1035.5, 600000, 65, 46}, // Type 23 (earnings per day: $1500) {\"Szexbolt\", 3, -100.25, -22.75, 1000.8, 950000, 100, 38}, // Type 24 (earnings per day: $2500) {\"Slaughterhouse\", 1, 933.75, 2151.0, 1011.1, 700000, 75, 50}, // Type 25 (earnings per day: $1600) {\"Stadion (roncsderby)\", 15, -1394.25, 987.5, 1024.0, 2000000, 210, 33}, // Type 26 (earnings per day: $4500) {\"Stadion (rally)\", 14, -1410.75, 1591.25, 1052.6, 2000000, 210, 33}, // Type 27 (earnings per day: $4500) {\"Stadion (verseny)\", 7, -1396.0, -208.25, 1051.2, 2000000, 210, 33}, // Type 28 (earnings per day: $4500) {\"Stadion (Corss)\", 4, -1425.0, -664.5, 1059.9, 2000000, 210, 33}, // Type 29 (earnings per day: $4500) {\"Striptizbár (Small)\", 3, 1212.75, -30.0, 1001.0, 900000, 95, 48}, // Type 30 (earnings per day: $2000) {\"Sztriptizbár (Large)\", 2, 1204.75, -12.5, 1001.0, 1050000, 105, 48}, // Type 31 (earnings per day: $2300) {\"Tetováló\", 16, -203.0, -24.25, 1002.3, 650000, 70, 39}, // Type 32 (earnings per day: $1600) {\"Pizzéria\", 5, 372.25, -131.50, 1001.5, 750000, 80, 29} // Type 33 (earnings per day: $1800) }; // This holds all data about a report enum TReport { bool:ReportUsed, // Holds true if this report-spot has been used ReportName[24], // Holds the name of the offender ReportReason[128] // Holds the reason why he\'s been reported } // This array holds all data about the recent 50 reports that have been reported new AReports[50][TReport]; new ReportList[5000]; // Setup an array to holds the reports for the report-dialog // Setup all the fields required for the player data (Speedometer TextDraw, current job, ...) enum TPlayerData { PlayerPassword[50], // Holds the password of the player\'s account PlayerNewPassword[50], // Holds the new password for the player PlayerLevel, // The admin-level of the player PlayerJailed, // Holds jail-time left for this player PlayerJailedTimer, // Holds the reference to the jail-timer PlayerFrozen, // Holds the time this player is frozen PlayerFrozenTimer, // Holds the reference to the frozen-timer Warnings, // Holds the number of warnings for this player Bans, // Holds the number of bans for this player BanTime, // Holds the time where the player is unbanned automatically (when the ban is over) bool:LoggedIn, // Holds true if the player has properly logged in bool:Muted, // Holds \"true\" if the player is muted bool:RulesRead, // Holds \"true\" if the player accepted the rules AutoReportTime, // Used to prevent the anti-hack system reporting the player every half a second when the player uses hacks TruckerLicense, // Holds \"1\" if the player has acquired his truckers-license BusLicense, // Holds \"1\" if the player has acquired his busdriver license PlayerMoney, // Holds the money of this player PlayerScore, // Holds the score of this player PlayerName[24], // Holds the name of the player Houses[MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER], // Holds the HouseID\'s of the houses that the player owns (index of the AHouseData array) CurrentHouse, // Holds the HouseID to track in which house the player currently is (used when accessing the housemenu) Business[MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER], // Holds the BusinessID\'s of the business that the player owns CurrentBusiness, // Holds the BusinessID to track in which business the player currently is (used when accessing the businessmenu) PlayerClass, //Holds the Class that the player chose (1 = truckdriver, 2 = taxidriver, ... -> see DEFINES) SpectateID, // Holds the ID of the other player which this player is spectating SpectateVehicle, // If the target player is inside a vehicle, store it here SpectateType, // Holds the type of spectating (none, player or vehicle) Float:PreviousX, // Holds the previous X location of the player (used to detect airbreak hacks) Float:PreviousY, // Holds the previous Y location of the player (used to detect airbreak hacks) Float:PreviousZ, // Holds the previous Z location of the player (used to detect airbreak hacks) PreviousInt, // Holds the previous interior id (used to detect airbreak hacks) StatsTruckerJobs, // Holds the number of succesfully completed trucker-missions StatsConvoyJobs, // Holds the number of completed trucking-routes when in a convoy StatsBusDriverJobs, // Holds the number of completed busroutes StatsPilotJobs, // Holds the number of completed pilot-missions StatsMafiaJobs, // Holds the number of completed mafia-missions StatsMafiaStolen, // Holds the number of succesfully deliveries of stolen mafialoads StatsPoliceFined, // Holds the number of fined players for police StatsPoliceJailed, // Holds the number of jailed players for police StatsCourierJobs, // Holds the number of completed courier-jobs StatsAssistance, // Holds the number of player-vehicles that this player has repaired/refuelled StatsRoadworkerJobs, // Holds the number of completed roadworker jobs Float:StatsMetersDriven, // Holds the total kilometers that the player has driven already Text:SpeedometerText, // The TextDraw of the speedometer for this player Text:FuelGauge, // The textdraw of the fuel-gauge for this player SpeedometerTimer, // Holds the reference to the speedometer timer for this player PlayerSpeed, // Holds the speed of the player PlayerCaughtSpeeding, // This holds a value to prevent being caught multiple times by the same speedcamera Timer_PoliceCanJailMe, // This holds a reference to the timer which is started when the player got warned by a police player Value_PoliceCanJailMe, // This holds the remaining time for the Timer_PoliceCanJailPlayer timer bool:PoliceCanJailMe, // This holds \"true\" when the player was warned by a police player but didn\'t stop before the timer ran out bool:PoliceWarnedMe, // This holds \"true\" is the player got caught by a police player and got at least one warning bool:AssistanceNeeded, // Holds \"true\" is the player called for assistance bool:JobStarted, // States that the player has started a job or not Text:MissionText, // Displays the mission info at the bottom of the screen JobID, // Mission ID of the job (in the appropriate array, based on the PlayerClass), not used by truckers JobStep, // Current step of the job (for trucker: 1 = going to load, 2 = delivering goods to destination) Passengers, // Holds the number of passengers (used for busdriver, taxi classes) PlayerCheckTimer, // A special timer used by certain classes (police, mafia) to check players every second if they\'re wanted/carrying mafialoads LoadingTimer, // The timer used for loading and unloading during jobs VehicleTimer, // The timer used to check if the player exited his vehicle or lost his trailer for more than 60 seconds VehicleTimerTime, // Holds the remaining seconds for the vehicletimer VehicleID, // Holds the ID of the vehicle that the player is driving during his job TrailerID, // Holds the ID of the trailer that the player has attached during his job (is 0 if no trailer attached) LoadID, // Holds the ID of the load JobLoc1, // Holds the LocationID where to pickup the load (used in trucking missions) JobLoc2, // Holds the LocationID where to deliver the load (used in trucking missions) bool:Overloaded, // Holds True if the player\'s vehicle is overloaded (wanted level increases by 2) bool:MafiaLoad, // Holds True is the player\'s load is wanted by the mafia bool:MafiaLoadHijacked, // Holds true if the mafia-player has hijacked a mafia-load bool:InConvoy, // Holds true if the player has joined a convoy already ConvoyID, // Holds the ID of the convoy where this player is a member CourierHouses[11], // This holds up to 10 HouseID\'s for use during Courier-missions CourierMaxStep, // This holds the max number of houses to deliver packages to DialogFirstItem, // Holds the first array-index where a split dialog must start DialogCarFirstCar, // Holds the first array-index where the carlist should start when the player asks to choose a car to spawn (\"/car\") DialogPlaneFirstPlane, // Holds the first array-index where the planelist should start when the player asks to choose a plane to spawn (\"/plane\") DialogTrailerFirstTrailer, // Holds the first array-index where the trailerlist should start when the player asks to choose a trailer to spawn (\"/trailer\") DialogRentVClass, // Holds the ID of the chosen vehicle class to process when renting a vehicle DialogRentCarIndex, // Holds the index in the ABuyableVehicles array which vehicle the player chose to rent DialogBuyVClass, // Holds the ID of the chose vehicle class to process when buying a vehicle DialogBuyCarIndex, // Holds the index in the ABuyableVehicles array which vehicle the player chose to buy DialogGetCarHouseID, // Holds the HouseID from which to get a vehicle when using /getcar DialogOtherPlayer, // Holds the id of the other player when viewing that other player\'s stats DialogOtherPlayerHouse, // Holds the HouseID of the other player when viewing the stats for that house BankPassword[24], // Bank-system: Used to hold the password to your bank-account bool:BankLoggedIn, // Bank-system: Used to determine if you have logged in to your bank account BankMoney, // Bank-system: Used to hold the money in your bank-account UseMoney, // Bank-system: Used to hold the money you\'re be transferring to another player\'s account LastIntrestTime, // Bank-system: Used to hold the last time where your bank account has received intrest RentedVehicleID // Holds the vehicle-id of the rented vehicle (if any) } // Create an array to hold the playerdata for every player new APlayerData[MAX_PLAYERS][TPlayerData]; // This variable holds the intrest-time (this value is increased every hour // and is used to calculate the intrest you receive on your bank account new CurrentIntrestTime; // Setup all the fields for a spawnlocation enum TSpawnLocation { Float:SpawnX, Float:SpawnY, Float:SpawnZ, Float:SpawnAngle } // Setup spawnlocations for each class (when selecting \"Spawn\" at class-selection, a random spawnlocation is selected) new ASpawnLocationsTrucker[][TSpawnLocation] = { {-525.0, -502.0, 26.0, 0.0}, // Fallen Tree Depó {-74.7, -1137.5, 4.5, 0.0}, // Flint Trucking Depó {1457.0, 975.5, 11.0, 0.0}, // LVA Freight Depó {-2136.0, -247.5, 36.5, 270.0}, // Doherty Depó {1766.5, -2040.7, 14.0, 270.0}, // El Corona Depó {-546.0, 2594.0, 54.0, 270.0}, // Las Payasdas Depó {332.0, 900.0, 25.0, 205.0}, // Bánya {-1575.0, -2724.0, 49.0, 146.0}, // Shady Creek Depó {4414.4, 597.8, 57.4, 0.0}, // Lv szigeti depó {2925.9, -2452.4, 9.0, 0.0} // Ls dokkoki depó }; new ASpawnLocationsBusDriver[][TSpawnLocation] = { {1809.0, -1905.0, 13.6, 90.0}, // Los Santos busdepot {-1983.0, 110.0, 27.7, 180.0}, // San Fierro busdepot {1060.0, 1260.0, 11.0, 270.0} // Las Venturas busdepot }; new ASpawnLocationsPilot[][TSpawnLocation] = { {2010.0, -2345.0, 13.6, 90.0}, // Los Santos airport {-1211.0, -105.0, 14.2, 135.0}, // San Fierro airport {1630.0, 1615.0, 10.9, 90.0} // Las Venturas airport }; new ASpawnLocationsPolice[][TSpawnLocation] = { {1568.5, -1693.5, 6.0, 180.0}, // Los Santos police station {-1590.0, 716.25, -5.0, 270.0}, // San Fierro police station {2275.0, 2460.0, 10.9, 90.0} // Las Venturas police station }; new ASpawnLocationsMafia[][TSpawnLocation] = { {2822.5, 898.5, 10.8, 0.0} // Mafia hideout }; new ASpawnLocationsCourier[][TSpawnLocation] = { {798.0, -618.75, 16.4, 0.0}, // Los Santos {-1849.25, -135.0, 12.0, 90.0}, // San Fierro {1050.5, 1931.0, 10.9, 270.0}, // Las Venturas {-2197.1, -2154.8, 46.8, 0.0} // Chilliadi depó }; new ASpawnLocationsAssistance[][TSpawnLocation] = { {211.25, 24.75, 2.6, 270.0} }; new ASpawnLocationsRoadWorker[][TSpawnLocation] = { {-1866.25, -1715.25, 22.7, 125.0} // Junkyard }; // Setup an array that holds all prices for vehicle-components new AVehicleModPrices[] = { 400, // ID 1000, Spoiler Pro Certain Transfender cars 550, // ID 1001, Spoiler Win Certain Transfender cars 200, // ID 1002, Spoiler Drag Certain Transfender cars 250, // ID 1003, Spoiler Alpha Certain Transfender cars 100, // ID 1004, Hood Champ Scoop Certain Transfender cars 150, // ID 1005, Hood Fury Scoop Certain Transfender cars 80, // ID 1006, Roof Roof Scoop Certain Transfender cars 500, // ID 1007, Sideskirt Right Sideskirt Certain Transfender cars 500, // ID 1008, Nitro 5 times Most cars, Most planes and Most Helicopters 200, // ID 1009, Nitro 2 times Most cars, Most planes and Most Helicopters 1000, // ID 1010, Nitro 10 times Most cars, Most planes and Most Helicopters 220, // ID 1011, Hood Race Scoop Certain Transfender cars 250, // ID 1012, Hood Worx Scoop Certain Transfender cars 100, // ID 1013, Lamps Round Fog Certain Transfender cars 400, // ID 1014, Spoiler Champ Certain Transfender cars 500, // ID 1015, Spoiler Race Certain Transfender cars 200, // ID 1016, Spoiler Worx Certain Transfender cars 500, // ID 1017, Sideskirt Left Sideskirt Certain Transfender cars 350, // ID 1018, Exhaust Upswept Most cars 300, // ID 1019, Exhaust Twin Most cars 250, // ID 1020, Exhaust Large Most cars 200, // ID 1021, Exhaust Medium Most cars 150, // ID 1022, Exhaust Small Most cars 350, // ID 1023, Spoiler Fury Certain Transfender cars 50, // ID 1024, Lamps Square Fog Certain Transfender cars 1000, // ID 1025, Wheels Offroad Certain Transfender cars 480, // ID 1026, Sideskirt Right Alien Sideskirt Sultan 480, // ID 1027, Sideskirt Left Alien Sideskirt Sultan 770, // ID 1028, Exhaust Alien Sultan 680, // ID 1029, Exhaust X-Flow Sultan 370, // ID 1030, Sideskirt Left X-Flow Sideskirt Sultan 370, // ID 1031, Sideskirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt Sultan 170, // ID 1032, Roof Alien Roof Vent Sultan 120, // ID 1033, Roof X-Flow Roof Vent Sultan 790, // ID 1034, Exhaust Alien Elegy 150, // ID 1035, Roof X-Flow Roof Vent Elegy 500, // ID 1036, SideSkirt Right Alien Sideskirt Elegy 690, // ID 1037, Exhaust X-Flow Elegy 190, // ID 1038, Roof Alien Roof Vent Elegy 390, // ID 1039, SideSkirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt Elegy 500, // ID 1040, SideSkirt Left Alien Sideskirt Elegy 390, // ID 1041, SideSkirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt Elegy 1000, // ID 1042, SideSkirt Right Chrome Sideskirt Broadway 500, // ID 1043, Exhaust Slamin Broadway 500, // ID 1044, Exhaust Chrome Broadway 510, // ID 1045, Exhaust X-Flow Flash 710, // ID 1046, Exhaust Alien Flash 670, // ID 1047, SideSkirt Right Alien Sideskirt Flash 530, // ID 1048, SideSkirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt Flash 810, // ID 1049, Spoiler Alien Flash 620, // ID 1050, Spoiler X-Flow Flash 670, // ID 1051, SideSkirt Left Alien Sideskirt Flash 530, // ID 1052, SideSkirt Left X-Flow Sideskirt Flash 130, // ID 1053, Roof X-Flow Flash 210, // ID 1054, Roof Alien Flash 230, // ID 1055, Roof Alien Stratum 520, // ID 1056, Sideskirt Right Alien Sideskirt Stratum 430, // ID 1057, Sideskirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt Stratum 620, // ID 1058, Spoiler Alien Stratum 720, // ID 1059, Exhaust X-Flow Stratum 530, // ID 1060, Spoiler X-Flow Stratum 180, // ID 1061, Roof X-Flow Stratum 520, // ID 1062, Sideskirt Left Alien Sideskirt Stratum 430, // ID 1063, Sideskirt Left X-Flow Sideskirt Stratum 830, // ID 1064, Exhaust Alien Stratum 850, // ID 1065, Exhaust Alien Jester 750, // ID 1066, Exhaust X-Flow Jester 250, // ID 1067, Roof Alien Jester 200, // ID 1068, Roof X-Flow Jester 550, // ID 1069, Sideskirt Right Alien Sideskirt Jester 450, // ID 1070, Sideskirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt Jester 550, // ID 1071, Sideskirt Left Alien Sideskirt Jester 450, // ID 1072, Sideskirt Left X-Flow Sideskirt Jester 1100, // ID 1073, Wheels Shadow Most cars 1030, // ID 1074, Wheels Mega Most cars 980, // ID 1075, Wheels Rimshine Most cars 1560, // ID 1076, Wheels Wires Most cars 1620, // ID 1077, Wheels Classic Most cars 1200, // ID 1078, Wheels Twist Most cars 1030, // ID 1079, Wheels Cutter Most cars 900, // ID 1080, Wheels Switch Most cars 1230, // ID 1081, Wheels Grove Most cars 820, // ID 1082, Wheels Import Most cars 1560, // ID 1083, Wheels Dollar Most cars 1350, // ID 1084, Wheels Trance Most cars 770, // ID 1085, Wheels Atomic Most cars 100, // ID 1086, Stereo Stereo Most cars 1500, // ID 1087, Hydraulics Hydraulics Most cars 150, // ID 1088, Roof Alien Uranus 650, // ID 1089, Exhaust X-Flow Uranus 450, // ID 1090, Sideskirt Right Alien Sideskirt Uranus 100, // ID 1091, Roof X-Flow Uranus 750, // ID 1092, Exhaust Alien Uranus 350, // ID 1093, Sideskirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt Uranus 450, // ID 1094, Sideskirt Left Alien Sideskirt Uranus 350, // ID 1095, Sideskirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt Uranus 1000, // ID 1096, Wheels Ahab Most cars 620, // ID 1097, Wheels Virtual Most cars 1140, // ID 1098, Wheels Access Most cars 1000, // ID 1099, Sideskirt Left Chrome Sideskirt Broadway 940, // ID 1100, Bullbar Chrome Grill Remington 780, // ID 1101, Sideskirt Left `Chrome Flames` Sideskirt Remington 830, // ID 1102, Sideskirt Left `Chrome Strip` Sideskirt Savanna 3250, // ID 1103, Roof Convertible Blade 1610, // ID 1104, Exhaust Chrome Blade 1540, // ID 1105, Exhaust Slamin Blade 780, // ID 1106, Sideskirt Right `Chrome Arches` Remington 780, // ID 1107, Sideskirt Left `Chrome Strip` Sideskirt Blade 780, // ID 1108, Sideskirt Right `Chrome Strip` Sideskirt Blade 1610, // ID 1109, Rear Bullbars Chrome Slamvan 1540, // ID 1110, Rear Bullbars Slamin Slamvan 55, // ID 1111, Front Sign? Little Sign? Slamvan 55, // ID 1112, Front Sign? Little Sign? Slamvan 3340, // ID 1113, Exhaust Chrome Slamvan 3250, // ID 1114, Exhaust Slamin Slamvan 2130, // ID 1115, Front Bullbars Chrome Slamvan 2050, // ID 1116, Front Bullbars Slamin Slamvan 2040, // ID 1117, Front Bumper Chrome Slamvan 780, // ID 1118, Sideskirt Right `Chrome Trim` Sideskirt Slamvan 940, // ID 1119, Sid Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( 2013. április 18. - 16:01:10 ) //************************************************************************************************************************************ // Keep the values and assignments below this line to what they are //************************************************************************************************************************************ // Define path to player\'s account-files #define PlayerFile \"ServerData/Players/%s.ini\" #define HouseFile \"ServerData/Houses/House%i.ini\" #define CameraFile \"ServerData/Cameras/Camera%i.ini\" #define BusinessFile \"ServerData/Business/Business%i.ini\" #define BankFile \"ServerData/Bank/%s.ini\" // Define vehicles #define VehicleFlatbed 455 // Truck: Flatbed #define VehicleDFT30 578 // Truck: DFT-30 #define VehicleCementTruck 524 // Truck: Cementtruck #define VehicleLineRunner 403 // Truck: LineRunner #define VehicleTanker 514 // Truck: Tanker #define VehicleRoadTrain 515 // Truck: RoadTrain #define VehicleTrailerCargo 435 // Trailer: cargo #define VehicleTrailerCargo2 591 // Trailer: cargo #define VehicleTrailerOre 450 // Trailer: Ore #define VehicleTrailerFluids 584 // Trailer: Fluids #define VehicleCoach 437 // Bus #define VehicleShamal 519 // Plane: Shamal #define VehicleNevada 553 // Plane: Nevada #define VehicleStuntPlane 513 // Plane: Stuntplane #define VehicleDodo 593 // Plane: Dodo #define VehicleMaverick 487 // Helicopter: Maverick #define VehicleCargobob 548 // Helicopter: Cargobob #define VehiclePoliceLSPD 596 // Police Car Los Santos Police Department #define VehiclePoliceSFPD 597 // Police Car San Fierro Police Department #define VehiclePoliceLVPD 598 // Police Car Las Venturas Police Department #define VehicleHPV1000 523 // Police motorcycle #define VehiclePoliceRanger 599 // Police Ranger #define VehicleSandKing 495 // Mafia-van: Sandking #define VehicleMoonbeam 418 // Mafia-van: Moonbeam #define VehicleBike 509 // Bike: Bike #define VehicleBMX 481 // Bike: BMX #define VehicleMountainBike 510 // Bike: Mountain Bike #define VehicleFaggio 462 // Bike: Faggio #define VehiclePizzaBoy 448 // Bike: Pizzaboy #define VehicleBF400 581 // Bike: BF-400 #define VehicleNRG500 522 // Bike: NRG-500 #define VehiclePCJ600 461 // Bike: PCJ-600 #define VehicleFCR900 521 // Bike: FCR-900 #define VehicleFreeway 463 // Bike: Freeway #define VehicleWayfarer 586 // Bike: Wayfarer #define VehicleSanchez 468 // Bike: Sanchez #define VehicleQuad 471 // Bike: Quad #define VehicleCoastguard 472 // Boat: Coastguard #define VehicleDinghy 473 // Boat: Dinghy #define VehicleJetmax 493 // Boat: Jetmax #define VehicleLaunch 595 // Boat: Launch #define VehicleMarquis 484 // Boat: Marquis #define VehiclePredator 430 // Boat: Predator #define VehicleReefer 453 // Boat: Reefer #define VehicleSpeeder 452 // Boat: Speeder #define VehicleSquallo 446 // Boat: Squallo #define VehicleTropic 454 // Boat: Tropic #define VehicleRhino 432 // Tank: Rhino #define VehiclePatriot 470 // Jeep: Patriot #define VehicleTowTruck 525 // Towtruck #define VehicleBurrito 482 // Van: Burrito #define VehicleFaggio 462 // Bike: Faggio #define VehicleBenson 499 // Truck: Benson #define VehicleDozer 486 // Dozer #define VehicleUtilityVan 552 // Utility Van #define VehicleUtilityTrailer 611 // Utility trailer #define VehicleDumper 406 // Dumper #define VehicleYankee 456 // Yankee #define VehicleBoxville 498 //Boxville1 #define VehiclePacker 443 //Packer #define VehicleTrashmaster 408 // Kukás kocsi #define VehicleLandstalker 400 // terepjáró #define VehicleBarracks 433 // Katonai kamion #define VehicleBerkley\'s RC Van 459 // Kisteherautó #define VehicleRumpo 440 // Kisteherautó #define VehiclePony 413 // Kisteherautó #define VehiclePizza 448 // Pizzaboy (pizzásrobogó) #define VehicleNrg 522 // NRG-500 #define VehicleInfernus 411 // Infi #define VehicleCross 468 // Sanchez // Define player-class AND vehicle statements to use for missions (PCV = PlayerClass and Vehicle) #define PCV_TruckerOreTrailer 1 #define PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer 2 #define PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer 3 #define PCV_TruckerCementTruck 4 #define PCV_TruckerNoTrailer 6 #define PCV_PilotPlane 7 #define PCV_PilotHelicopter 8 #define PCV_MafiaVan 9 #define PCV_TruckerDumper 10 #define PCV_TruckerMatya 11 #define PCV_TruckerKukas 12 #define PCV_TruckerPacker 13 #define PCV_TruckerKatona 14 // Define classes #define ClassTruckDriver 1 #define ClassBusDriver 2 #define ClassPilot 3 #define ClassPolice 4 #define ClassMafia 5 #define ClassCourier 6 #define ClassAssistance 7 #define ClassRoadWorker 8 // Defines for truckers #define Trucker_TimeToFailMission 60 // Defines for busdrivers #define BusDriver_TimeToFailMission 60 // Defines for mafia #define Mafia_TimeToFailMission 60 // Defines for all classes #define Job_TimeToFailMission 60 // Define class-colors #define ColorClassTruckDriver 0xDDDD2357 // Citromsárga #define ColorClassBusDriver 0x7CFC00AA // Light blue #define ColorClassPilot 0x33AA33AA // fekete #define ColorClassPolice 0x0000FFFF // Blue #define ColorClassMafia 0x8000FFFF // Purple #define ColorClassCourier 0xFF0080FF // Pink #define ColorClassAssistance 0x80FF00FF // Dark green #define ColorClassRoadWorker 0xFFFF80FF // Light yellow // Define Dialogs #define DialogRegister 1 #define DialogLogin 2 #define DialogStats 3 #define DialogStatsOtherPlayer 4 #define DialogRules 5 #define DialogReports 6 #define DialogStatsHouse 7 #define DialogStatsGoHouse 8 #define DialogStatsGoBusiness 9 #define DialogRescue 11 #define DialogBuyLicenses 12 #define DialogTruckerJobMethod 21 #define DialogTruckerSelectLoad 22 #define DialogTruckerStartLoc 23 #define DialogTruckerEndLoc 24 #define DialogBusJobMethod 31 #define DialogBusSelectRoute 32 #define DialogCourierSelectQuant 41 #define DialogBike 101 #define DialogCar 102 #define DialogPlane 103 #define DialogTrailer 104 #define DialogRentCarClass 105 #define DialogRentCar 106 #define DialogBoat 107 #define DialogWeather 201 #define DialogCarOption 202 #define DialogSelectConvoy 401 #define DialogConvoyMembers 402 #define DialogPlayerCommands 501 #define DialogPrimaryCarColor 502 #define DialogSedundaryCarColor 503 #define DialogHouseMenu 601 #define DialogUpgradeHouse 602 #define DialogGoHome 603 #define DialogHouseNameChange 604 #define DialogSellHouse 605 #define DialogBuyCarClass 606 #define DialogBuyCar 607 #define DialogSellCar 608 #define DialogBuyInsurance 609 #define DialogGetCarSelectHouse 610 #define DialogGetCarSelectCar 611 #define DialogUnclampVehicles 612 #define DialogCreateBusSelType 701 #define DialogBusinessMenu 702 #define DialogGoBusiness 703 #define DialogBusinessNameChange 704 #define DialogSellBusiness 705 #define DialogBankPasswordRegister 801 #define DialogBankPasswordLogin 802 #define DialogBankOptions 803 #define DialogBankDeposit 804 #define DialogBankWithdraw 805 #define DialogBankTransferMoney 806 #define DialogBankTransferName 807 #define DialogBankCancel 808 #define DialogHelpItemChosen 901 #define DialogHelpItem 902 #define DialogOldPassword 1001 #define DialogNewPassword 1002 #define DialogConfirmPassword 1003 #define DialogNoResponse 25000 // Define the maximum amount of convoys at the same time #define MAX_CONVOYS 8 #define CONVOY_MAX_MEMBERS 65 #define CONVOY_EMPTY 0 #define CONVOY_OPEN 1 #define CONVOY_FULL 2 #define CONVOY_CLOSED 3 // Define messagecolors #define ColorRed 0xFF0000FF #define ColorGreen 0x00FF00FF #define ColorBlue 0x0000FFFF // Define Virtual Worlds #define WORLD_JAIL 10254 // Define options for admins #define AutoKickAfterWarn 1 // Define if the player gets kicked after a certain amount of warnings #define AutoKickWarnings 3 // Define the amount of warnings before a player is kicked automatically // Define spectate modes #define ADMIN_SPEC_TYPE_NONE 0 #define ADMIN_SPEC_TYPE_PLAYER 1 #define ADMIN_SPEC_TYPE_VEHICLE 2 // Create some global variables that are used to display large dialogs new DialogMsg5000[5000]; // These variables are only used during the GameModeInit, they are used for debugging purposes // A variable to hold the ID of every vehicle (used to record the last ID of a vehicle, for debugging) new LastVehicleID; // A variable to hold the ID of every object (used to record the last ID of an object, for debugging) new LastObjectID; // A variable to hold the total amount of houses that are loaded new TotalHouses; // A variable that holds the last speedcam-id new TotalCameras; // A variable that holds the total amount of businesses loaded new TotalBusiness; // This variable holds the number of the last TimedMessage that was sent to all players new LastTimedMessage; // This array holds all timed messages that will be sent every few minutes new ATimedMessages[][128] = { {TXT_TimedRefuel}, {TXT_TimedConvoy}, {TXT_TimedGohome}, {TXT_TimedRentCar}, {TXT_TimedLicense}, {TXT_TimedSpeedTraps}, {TXT_TimedGoBusiness} // {\"{808080}Message\"} // {\"{808080}Message\"} // {\"{808080}Message\"} // {\"{808080}Message\"} // {\"{808080}Message\"} // {\"{808080}Message\"} }; // Holds the data about the random bonus mission enum TRandomBonusMission { RandomLoad, // Holds the random LoadID RandomStartLoc, // Holds the random StartLocation ID RandomEndLoc, // Holds the random EndLocation ID bool:MissionFinished // Holds true if the bonus mission has been completed by someone, a new random mission will be chosen next } // Create one random bonus mission new RandomBonusMission[TRandomBonusMission]; // Holds the admin-levelnames new AdminLevelName[7][25] = { {\"Player\"}, // Admin-level 0 {\"Moderátor\"}, // Admin-level 1 {\"Segéd-admin\"}, // Admin-level 2 {\"Admin\"}, // Admin-level 3 {\"csak van\"}, // Admin-level 4 {\"Fõadmin\"}, // Admin-level 5 {\"Scripter/Tulaj\"} //Admin-Level 6 }; // Holds the reference to the pickup that can reward you with a trucker/busdriver license new Pickup_License; // Setup a custom type that holds the data of pickups enum TPickupData { Float:pux, Float:puy, Float:puz, PickupID } // Holds the data for pickups for refuelling (maximum 50 refuel-pickups) new ARefuelPickups[50][TPickupData]; // Holds the data for pickups for 3 cardealers new ACarDealerPickups[3][TPickupData]; // Setup a custom type that holds all data about toll-boots enum TTollGate { GateID, // Holds the object-id of the gate TollPrice, // Holds the price for passing the gate GateStatus, // Holds the status of the gate (open = 1, closed = 0) Float:OpenX, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is opened Float:OpenY, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is opened Float:OpenZ, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is opened Float:CloseX, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is closed Float:CloseY, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is closed Float:CloseZ // Holds the coordinates when the gate is closed } new ATollGates[MAX_TOLLGATES][TTollGate]; // Setup a custom type that holds all data about spikestrips enum TSpikeStrip { SpikeTime, // This holds the time left when the spikestrip automatically disappears SpikeTimer, // This holds the reference to the timer for spikestrips SpikeObject, // This holds the ObjectID of the spikestrip object Float:SpikeX, // This holds the X coordinates of the spikestrip Float:SpikeY, // This holds the Y coordinates of the spikestrip Float:SpikeZ // This holds the Z coordinates of the spikestrip } new ASpikeStrips[MAX_SPIKESTRIPS][TSpikeStrip]; // Setup a custom type that holds all data about a speedcamera enum TSpeedCamera { Float:CamX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the camera Float:CamY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the camera Float:CamZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the camera Float:CamAngle, // Holds the Angle of the camera CamSpeed, // Holds the maximum speed allowed to pass this camera without being caught CamObj1, // Holds the reference to the first camera object CamObj2 // Holds the reference to the second camera object } new ACameras[100][TSpeedCamera]; // Setup a custom type to hold all data about a convoy enum TConvoyData { Members[CONVOY_MAX_MEMBERS], // This array holds the playerid\'s of all members (at index 0, the leader is stored), so a convoy can hold 1 leader and 9 members LoadID, // Holds the ID of the load Location1, // Holds the location-id of the start-location Location2, // Holds the location-id of the end-location Status, // Holds the status of the convoy (1 = open, 2 = full, 3 = closed, 0 = empty) ConvoyStep, // Holds the jobstep for the entire convoy TrailerModel, // Holds the trailer-model required by the convoy bool:LeaderInformedTrailers, // Is used to inform the leader ONCE if all members failed to have the same trailer Text:ConvoyTextLeader, // This is the textdraw for the leader of the convoy Text:ConvoyTextMember, // This is the textdraw for all members of the convoy ConvoyTimer // This convoy-timer checks everything for the whole convoy } // Setup an array which holds all data for every convoy new AConvoys[MAX_CONVOYS][TConvoyData]; // Setup a custom type to hold all data about a vehicle enum TVehicleData { bool:MafiaLoad, // Holds True if the vehicle (or trailer) is carrying a mafia-wanted load Fuel, // Holds the amount of fuel for this vehicle BelongsToHouse, // Holds the HouseID to which this vehicle belongs bool:StaticVehicle, // Holds true if this is a static vehicle bool:Owned, // Holds true if the vehicle is owned by somebody Owner[24], // Holds the name of the owned of the vehicle Model, // Holds the vehicle-model of this vehicle PaintJob, // Holds the ID of the paintjob applied to the vehicle Components[14], // Holds all Component-ID\'s for all components on the vehicle Color1, // Holds the primary color for this vehicle Color2, // Holds the secundairy color for this vehicle Float:SpawnX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the parking spot for this vehicle Float:SpawnY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the parking spot for this vehicle Float:SpawnZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the parking spot for this vehicle Float:SpawnRot, // Holds the rotation of the parking spot for this vehicle bool:Clamped // Holds \"true\" if the vehicle is clamped by an admin } // Setup an array which holds all data for every vehicleid, max 2000 vehicles (server limit) new AVehicleData[2000][TVehicleData]; // Setup a custom type that holds all data for businesses enum TBusinessData { PickupID, // Holds the pickup-id that is linked to this business Text3D:DoorText, // Holds the reference to the 3DText above the business\'s pickup MapIconID, // Holds the ID of the mapicon for the business BusinessName[100], // Holds the name of the business (this will be displayed above the pickup near the business when it\'s owned) Float:BusinessX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the pickup for the Business Float:BusinessY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the pickup for the Business Float:BusinessZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the pickup for the Business BusinessType, // Holds the type of business (well stacked pizza, burger shot, ...), this defines which icon and interior to use BusinessLevel, // Holds the level of upgrades the business has LastTransaction, // Holds the amount of minutes when the last transaction took place (buying the business or retrieving the money by the owner) bool:Owned, // Holds true if the Business is owned by somebody Owner[24] // Holds the name of the owner of the Business } // Holds the data for all houses new ABusinessData[MAX_BUSINESS][TBusinessData]; // This variable holds the busi 49
Segítségkérés / Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D« Dátum: 2013. április 18. - 15:50:00 »
// This function is used to debug the key-presses
stock DebugKeys(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys) { // Debug keys if ((newkeys & KEY_FIRE) && !(oldkeys & KEY_FIRE)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_FIRE key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_ACTION) && !(oldkeys & KEY_ACTION)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_ACTION key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_CROUCH) && !(oldkeys & KEY_CROUCH)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_CROUCH key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_SPRINT) && !(oldkeys & KEY_SPRINT)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_SPRINT key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK) && !(oldkeys & KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_SECONDARY_ATTACK key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_JUMP) && !(oldkeys & KEY_JUMP)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_JUMP key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_LOOK_RIGHT) && !(oldkeys & KEY_LOOK_RIGHT)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0x0000FFFF, \"You pressed the KEY_LOOK_RIGHT key\"); if ((newkeys & KEY_HANDBRAKE) && !(oldkeys & KEY_HANDBRAKE)) 50
Segítségkérés / Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D« Dátum: 2013. április 18. - 15:36:18 »
Egyik includeba sincs benne a Dialog_Neon sajna
Ha valakinek va meg valami jo otlete az irjon pls. Es koszonom mindenkinek aki eddig tanacsokat adot nekem. 51
Segítségkérés / Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D« Dátum: 2013. április 17. - 20:33:55 »
Ugy is probaltam de csak azt irja hogy ijen nem letezik.
Most mit csinaljak? 52
Segítségkérés / Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D« Dátum: 2013. április 17. - 20:22:18 »
igy is semmi sajna
Segítségkérés / Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D« Dátum: 2013. április 17. - 20:10:04 »
de azt irja ki hogy a szoveg nem letezik es megis ezzel a van az error.
Segítségkérés / Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D« Dátum: 2013. április 17. - 19:25:57 »
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Racz\\Desktop\\SA-mp Folder!\\E-verzio\\SA-MP [0.3e]\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1337) : warning 203: symbol is never used: \"Dialog_Neon\"
Ezt irja ki! Mit csinaljak hogy rendesen mukodjon? Amugy egy hazi szerorol van szo. Aki tud az segitsen lecci.Kosz elore is xD |