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Üzenetek - [T.I.R.]Rolii

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Fórum Archívum (Témák/Fórumok) / [FS]Vicc Szkript
« Dátum: 2011. augusztus 12. - 21:23:22 »
Idézetet írta: feheristi97 date=1313173857\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"10374\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Várom a +  ;D
Ha tudnák, mínuszt adnák!

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Editelt PPC Kamionos Mode
« Dátum: 2011. augusztus 12. - 17:36:30 »
Idézetet írta: feheristi97 date=1313155160\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"10337\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Pff PPC_Trucking modja nekem nem teszik az a szerver egy fos pl:   KENGU JÓBB VOLT A TIEDD
Az is az volt te igen *******!

Fórum Archívum (Témák/Fórumok) / [FS]Vicc Szkript
« Dátum: 2011. augusztus 12. - 17:34:22 »
17 viccek és 37 sóros! Helyesírás 5-ös!!!

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Editelt PPC Kamionos Mode
« Dátum: 2011. augusztus 11. - 12:36:34 »
[HUN]-->*Kamionosok és Rendõrök*<-- @ sunwell.hu-nek a Szerver Módja mivel ez egy PPC edit ezért szabadon használaható a mode! a szerver ip.
LETÖLTÉSHEZ KATTINTS IDE ha nem müködne a link le tudod innen szedni
Current features:
- trucking missions (231 routes)
- busdriver missions (7 routes for now)
- trucker\'s license and busdriver\'s license can be bought at driving school in Doherty (allows you to choose your own routes)
- speedometer with fuel-gauge (you can refuel at a gas station, just park your car over a refuel pickup and honk the horn)
- pilot missions (you need to transport passengers and cargo between the major airports with a shamal airplane), this class has 82 routes (also includes helicopter routes, these only transport passengers)
- alot of commands (use the /cmds command to list them all)
- police class
- mafia class (you can steal a trucker\'s trailer or truck when they have a load that\'s wanted by the mafia)
- housing system (2 houses per player by default, editable)
- car-ownership (maximum 5 vehicles per house, not editable)
* - house-level 1 or 2 supports 1 carslot
* - house-level 3 or 4 supports 2 carslots
* - house-level 5 or 6 supports 3 carslots
* - house-level 7 or 8 supports 4 carslots
* - house-level 9 or 10 supports 5 carslots
- rentable cars (Wang Cars), these disappear when you logout, you won\'t get it back when you login
- speedcamera\'s to catch speeders (the police will see speeders in red on the radar and need to fine them)
- business system (you can buy up to 2 businesses, these generate money every hour even when you\'re offline)
- roadworker class with 2 job-types: you can use a utility van with utility trailer to fix speedcamera\'s and you can use a towtruck to tow broken vehicles to the shredder
- several anti-hacking systems, such as anti-jetpack hack, anti-money hack, anti-score hack, speed hack (anyone driving a vehicle over 300kph is kicked), anti-weapons hack
- built-in bank system (deposit and withdraw money, transfer money to online or offline players and hourly intrest of 0.1% per hour, even when offline)
To install properly: (I\'m using a example directory \"D:\\Server\" here, change this to wherever you want to install the server)
1. Download this script (it now comes with everything you need: default samp includes, pawno.exe and samp-server.exe)
2. Unzip it somewhere (example: D:\\Server)
3. Double click the file \"D:\\Server\\Samp server.exe\" to start the server
4. If the server is running, you\'ll see that the last line will say: \"Number of vehicle models: 25\"
5. Open the samp client and add a new server to your favorites by clicking the orange button with a check (Add server) and input:
6. Now you can play locally by choosing the new server you added and start the game.
To edit something (or do a re-compile):
1. Right-click \"D:\\Server\\Pawno\\Pawno.exe\", select \"Properties\", then \"Compatibility\" and set it to execute as administrator
2. Open the pawno.exe in the same directory (D:\\Server\\Pawno\\Pawno.exe)
3. From within pawno, select \"File -> Open\" and load the main script (D:\\Server\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn)
4. Press F5 to compile the script
5. If everything went ok, you\'ll see a new window without errors and the first line should say:
\"Pawn compiler 3.2.3664    Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase\"
6. Close pawno
NOTE: Do NOT open the file PPC_Trucking.pwn by double clicking it and launching pawno that way.
Always open pawno first, then open the file using pawno\'s menu: File -> Open.
To set yourself as admin:
1. Start your game and register (input your password)
2. Exit the game, your account will be saved
3. Go to the folder \"D:\\Server\\scriptfiles\\ServerData\\Players\"
4. You\'ll see an ini-file with your name, open it with Notepad
5. You\'ll see a line that says: \"Level 0\", change that to \"Level 5\" and save the file again (leave the rest as it is)
6. Start your game again and login, you\'re now admin lvl 5
You only need to do this once.
After you\'ve set yourself as lvl 5 admin, you can set admin-levels to other players with the /setlevel command.
To make the roadworker and courier classes working properly, you\'ll need to create speedcamera\'s and houses.
To create those, you need to be admin lvl 5.
Just go to a spot where you want to create a house and enter the command: /createhouse <price> <maxlevel (1-10)>
\"/createhouse 158000 8\" would create a house which costs $158000 to buy, with a maximum upgrade-level of 8.
To delete a house, stand near the pickup and use /delhouse.
To create speedcamera\'s, go to a spot where you want it and use the command /createcamera <maxspeed>
\"/createcamera 120\" would create a speedcamera which gives one star when you drive past it at a speed higher than 120.
To delete a speedcamera, stand near the camera and use /delcamera.
EREDETI: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=184109
A mód az egyik készítõtöl van. Õ engedélyezte a publikálását. Mivel rájött hogy átverték. A publikálást Feri engedélyezte a szerver egyik tulajdonosa!

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Kamionos mod by Power Pc603
« Dátum: 2011. július 20. - 11:05:51 »
Idézetet írta: feheristi97 date=1311152186\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"9671\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
De hogyan magyarositotad le te nem nekem kell hanem egy barátomnak egyépként.. inc lemagyarositod és aztán a modot is le magyarositod vagy hogyan?
Mennyi pénzed van rá hogy elmondjuk?

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Kamionos mod by Power Pc603
« Dátum: 2011. július 20. - 09:22:30 »
Idézetet írta: feheristi97 date=1311145378\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"9671\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Figyelj az máshogyan volt és pl zsoltii segitet bene felajánlotta hogy lemagyarositja a modot..
Barátom te be vagy szívva mert én semmit nem ajánlottam fel.

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