Üzenetek megjelenítése

Ez a szekció lehetővé teszi a felhasználó által írt összes hozzászólás megtekintését. Vedd figyelembe, hogy csak azokba a fórumokba írt hozzászólásokat látod, amelyekhez hozzáférésed van.

Üzenetek - ZSOLTI99

Oldalak: 1 ... 105 106 [107] 108 109 ... 117
Segítségkérés / Hiba
« Dátum: 2013. március 18. - 17:57:21 »
Ugyan azt írja  :(

Segítségkérés / Hiba
« Dátum: 2013. március 18. - 16:19:53 »
Bocsi el írtam most nézd

Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( 2013. március 18. - 16:55:38 )

Valaki tud segíteni?

Segítségkérés / Hiba
« Dátum: 2013. március 18. - 15:55:13 »
Hello. Vala mért ezt az errort írja ki még tegnap jó volt nem volt ilyen benne  valaki segítsen pls
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\pawno\\include\\PPC_Dialogs.inc(1282) : error 037: invalid string (possibly non-terminated string)
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\pawno\\include\\PPC_Dialogs.inc(1282) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\pawno\\include\\PPC_Dialogs.inc(1282) : error 017: undefined symbol \"FF0000\"
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\pawno\\include\\PPC_Dialogs.inc(1282) : warning 217: loose indentation
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\pawno\\include\\PPC_Dialogs.inc(1282) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\pawno\\include\\PPC_Dialogs.inc(1282) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664           Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
4 Errors.


// Process the Register-dialog
Dialog_Register(playerid, response, inputtext[])
new file[100], Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; // Setup local variables
GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name)); // Get the playername
format(file, sizeof(file), PlayerFile, Name); // Construct the complete filename for this player\'s account
switch (response) // Check which button was clicked
case 1: // Player clicked \"Register\"
   // Check if the player entered a password
      // Store the password
      format(APlayerData[playerid][PlayerPassword], 50, \"%s\", inputtext);
      //pénz levonás a jogsiért
      RewardPlayer(playerid, 50000, 0);
      //jogsi adás
      APlayerData[playerid][TruckerLicense] = 1;   
       APlayerData[playerid][busLicense] = 1;
      APlayerData[playerid][KukasLicense] = 1;
      // Create the file and save default data to it, then reload it (so all data is put into the correct place)
      // Send a message to the client to inform him that his account has been registered
      SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_AccountRegistered);
      APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] = true; // The player has logged in properly
      SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_WrongPassword);
    case 0: // Player clicked \"Cancel\"
   // Show a message that the player must be registered to play on this server
   SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_PlayerMustRegister);
    // Kick the player
return 1;
// Process the login-dialog
Dialog_Login(playerid, response, inputtext[])
switch (response) // Check which button was clicked
    case 1: // Player clicked \"Login\"
   // Check if the player entered a password
   if (strlen(inputtext) > 0)
      // Check if the entered password is the same as the password saved in the player\'s account
       if (strcmp(APlayerData[playerid][PlayerPassword], inputtext, false) == 0)
         APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] = true; // The player has logged in properly
                    BankFile_Load(playerid); // Load your bank account (if it exists, the player will be notified about this)
         SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_LoggedIn); // Send a message to the client to inform him that he logged in properly
         APlayerData[playerid][TruckerLicense] = 1;
         SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_WrongPassword);
      SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_WrongPassword);
    case 0: // Player clicked \"Cancel\"
   // Show a message that the player must be logged in to play on this server
   SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_PlayerMustLogin);
    // Kick the player
return 1;
// Process the rescue dialog
Dialog_Rescue(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Check the class of the player
switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass])
case ClassTruckDriver:
   // Set the spawn coordinates based on the selection in the list
   switch (listitem)
      case 0: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), -525.0, -502.0, 26.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 1: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), -74.7, -1137.5, 4.5, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 2: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 1457.0, 975.5, 11.0, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 3: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), -2136.0, -247.5, 36.5, 270.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 4: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 1766.5, -2040.7, 14.0, 270.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 5: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), -546.0, 2594.0, 54.0, 270.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 6: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 332.0, 900.0, 25.0, 205.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 7: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), -1575.0, -2724.0, 49.0, 146.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 8: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 2539.0049,2811.4998,10.8203,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
case ClassBusDriver:
   // Set the spawn coordinates based on the selection in the list
   switch (listitem)
      case 0: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 1809.0, -1905.0, 13.6, 90.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 1: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), -1983.0, 110.0, 27.7, 180.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 2: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 1060.0, 1260.0, 11.0, 270.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
case ClassPilot:
   // Set the spawn coordinates based on the selection in the list
   switch (listitem)
      case 0: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 2010.0, -2345.0, 13.6, 90.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 1: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), -1211.0, -105.0, 14.2, 135.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 2: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 1630.0, 1615.0, 10.9, 90.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
case ClassPolice:
   // Set the spawn coordinates based on the selection in the list
   switch (listitem)
      case 0: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 1568.5, -1693.5, 6.0, 180.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 1: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), -1590.0, 716.25, -5.0, 270.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 2: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 2275.0, 2460.0, 10.9, 90.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
case ClassCourier:
   // Set the spawn coordinates based on the selection in the list
   switch (listitem)
      case 0: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 798.0, -618.75, 16.4, 0.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 1: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), -1849.25, -135.0, 12.0, 90.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
      case 2: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 1050.5, 1931.0, 10.9, 270.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        case ClassKukasDriver:
    // Set the spawn coordinates based on the selection in the list
   switch (listitem)
       case 0: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), -2401.8904,2369.1118,4.9289,230.9574, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); // bayside
       case 1: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 2780.0513,2686.7649,10.8203,91.4652, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        case 2: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), -2569.0674,1393.9148,7.5707,168.6592, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); //SF
        case 3: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), -1865.1222,-1714.3632,22.6953,128.5216, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
        case 4: SetSpawnInfo(playerid, 0, GetPlayerSkin(playerid), 2173.6841,-1995.7412,19.3947,311.5052, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
SpawnPlayer(playerid); // Force the player to spawn at the requested coordinates
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_PlayerRescued); // Send the player a message that using \"/rescue\" costs $200
// Reduce the player\'s money by 200
RewardPlayer(playerid, -200, 0);
return 1;
// Process the BuyLicense dialog
Dialog_BuyLicenses(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
switch (listitem)
case 0: // Player wants to buy a busdriver license
   // Check if the player is a busdriver
   if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] == ClassBusDriver)
       // Check if the player hasn\'t acquired his busdriver\'s license yet
      if (APlayerData[playerid][busLicense] == 0)
         // Check if the player has enough money and enough score
         if ((APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] >= 25000) && (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerScore] >= 50))
            // Withdraw the money and score from the player\'s account
            RewardPlayer(playerid, -25000, -50);
            // Give the player the busdriver\'s license
            APlayerData[playerid][busLicense] = 1;
            // Let the player know he acquired his busdriver\'s license
            SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{00FF00}Megszerezted a busz jogositványt.\");
             SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{00FF00}Nincs elég pontod vagy pénzed.\");
          SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{00FF00}Már megvan a buszos jogositványod\");
      SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{00FF00}Buszsoförnek kell lenned hogy megtudd venni a jogositványt.\");
   case 1: // Player wants to buy a busdriver license
   // Check if the player is a busdriver
   if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass] == ClassKukasDriver)
       // Check if the player hasn\'t acquired his busdriver\'s license yet
      if (APlayerData[playerid][KukasLicense] == 0)
         // Check if the player has enough money and enough score
         if ((APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] >= 250000) && (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerScore] >= 100))
            // Withdraw the money and score from the player\'s account
            RewardPlayer(playerid, -250000, -100);
            // Give the player the busdriver\'s license
            APlayerData[playerid][KukasLicense] = 1;
            // Let the player know he acquired his busdriver\'s license
            SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{00FF00}Megszerezted a kukás jogositványt.\");
             SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{00FF00}Nincs elég pénzed vagy pontod.\");
          SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{00FF00}Már megvan a kukás jogositványod.\");
      SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{00FF00}Kukás söfõrnek kell lenned hogy megtudd venni a jogositványt.\");
return 1;
// Process the work dialog for licensed truckers (show the list of loads after the player selected to choose his own load)
Dialog_TruckerSelectJobMethod(playerid, response, listitem)
// Setup local variables
new ProductList[50], NumProducts, TotalLoadList[1000];
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Select what to do after the player chose \"Select your own load\" or \"Auto assigned load\"
switch (listitem)
case 0: // Let the player choose his own load
   switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) // Check the vehicle-model of the player to decide which loads the player can carry
      case VehicleFlatbed, VehicleDFT30: // If the player\'s vehicle is a \"Flatbed\" or \"DFT-30\"
         ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers without a trailer
      case VehicleCementTruck: // If the player\'s vehicle is a \"CementTruck\"
         ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerCementTruck, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers witha cement truck
      case VehicleLineRunner, VehicleTanker, VehicleRoadTrain: // If the player\'s vehicle is a \"LineRunner\", \"Tanker\" or \"RoadTrain\"
         switch (GetVehicleModel(GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)))) // Select the loads based on the trailer model of the player
            case VehicleTrailerCargo, VehicleTrailerCargo2: // A cargo-trailer is attached
               ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers with a cargo-trailer
            case VehicleTrailerOre: // An Ore-trailer is attached
               ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers with an ore-trailer
            case VehicleTrailerFluids: // A fluids-trailer is attached
               ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers with a fluids-trailer
   // Build the List with product-names
   for (new i; i < NumProducts; i++)
      format(TotalLoadList, 1000, \"%s%s\\n\", TotalLoadList, ALoads[ProductList][LoadName]);
   // Let the player choose a load
      ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogTruckerSelectLoad, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, TXT_TruckerDialogSelectLoad, TotalLoadList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);
case 1: Trucker_StartRandomJob(playerid); // Start a random trucker-job
return 1;
// Process the selected load and create the startlocation-dialog
Dialog_TruckerSelectLoad(playerid, response, listitem)
    // Setup local variables
new TotalStartLocList[1000], ProductList[50], NumProducts, ProductID, LocID;
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// First get the list of products again, so we can retrieve the selected load from it
switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) // Check the vehicle-model of the player
case VehicleFlatbed, VehicleDFT30: // If the player\'s vehicle is a \"Flatbed\" or \"DFT-30\"
   ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers without a trailer
case VehicleCementTruck: // If the player\'s vehicle is a \"CementTruck\"
   ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerCementTruck, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers witha cement truck
case VehicleLineRunner, VehicleTanker, VehicleRoadTrain: // If the player\'s vehicle is a \"LineRunner\", \"Tanker\" or \"RoadTrain\"
   switch (GetVehicleModel(GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)))) // Select the loads based on the trailer model of the player
      case VehicleTrailerCargo, VehicleTrailerCargo2: // A cargo-trailer is attached
         ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers with a cargo-trailer
      case VehicleTrailerOre: // An Ore-trailer is attached
         ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers with an ore-trailer
      case VehicleTrailerFluids: // A fluids-trailer is attached
         ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers with a fluids-trailer
// Store the selected LoadID in the player\'s account
APlayerData[playerid][LoadID] = ProductList[listitem];
ProductID = APlayerData[playerid][LoadID];
// Build a list of start-locations for this product
for (new i; i < 30; i++)
    // Get the location-id
    LocID = ALoads[ProductID][FromLocations];
    // Check if it a valid location-id (not 0)
    if (LocID != 0)
   format(TotalStartLocList, 1000, \"%s%s\\n\", TotalStartLocList, ALocations[LocID][LocationName]); // Add the location-name to the list
    break; // As soon as an invalid location-id has been found, stop adding entries to the location-list
// Ask the player to choose a start-location
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogTruckerStartLoc, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, TXT_TruckerDialogSelectStartLoc, TotalStartLocList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel); // Let the player choose a starting location
return 1;
// Process the selected startlocation and create the endlocation-dialog
Dialog_TruckerSelectStartLoc(playerid, response, listitem)
    // Setup local variables
new ProductID, LocID, TotalEndLocList[1000];
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Get the LoadID that\'s stored in the player\'s account
ProductID = APlayerData[playerid][LoadID];
// Store the chosen start-location in the player\'s account
APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1] = ALoads[ProductID][FromLocations][listitem];
// Build a list of end-locations for this product
for (new i; i < 30; i++)
    // Get the location-id
    LocID = ALoads[ProductID][ToLocations];
    // Check if it a valid location-id (not 0)
    if (LocID != 0)
   format(TotalEndLocList, 1000, \"%s%s\\n\", TotalEndLocList, ALocations[LocID][LocationName]); // Add the location-name to the list
    break; // As soon as an invalid location-id has been found, stop adding entries to the location-list
// Ask the player to choose an end-location
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogTruckerEndLoc, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, TXT_TruckerDialogSelectEndLoc, TotalEndLocList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel); // Let the player choose a endlocation
return 1;
// Process the selected endlocation and start the job
Dialog_TruckerSelectEndLoc(playerid, response, listitem)
    // Setup local variables
new RouteText[128], loadName[50], startlocName[50], endlocName[50], LoadMsg[128], Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, ProductID;
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Get the LoadID that\'s stored in the player\'s account
ProductID = APlayerData[playerid][LoadID];
// Store the chosen end-location in the player\'s account
APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2] = ALoads[ProductID][ToLocations][listitem];
    // Get the names for the load, startlocation and endlocation
format(loadName, 50, \"%s\", ALoads[ProductID][LoadName]);
format(startlocName, 50, \"%s\", ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocationName]);
format(endlocName, 50, \"%s\", ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocationName]);
// Job has started
APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] = true;
// Store the vehicleID (required to be able to check if the player left his vehicle)
APlayerData[playerid][VehicleID] = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
// Store the trailerID (required to be able to check if the player lost his trailer)
APlayerData[playerid][TrailerID] = GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid));
// Set jobstep to 1 (going to load the goods)
APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] = 1;
// Combine all data into a string for the TextDraw (the player can see this all the time) to describe the mission
format(RouteText, 255, TXT_HaulingCargoFromToPickup, loadName, startlocName, endlocName);
// Set the TextDraw so the player can see it
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], RouteText);
// Grab the x, y, z positions for the first location
x = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocX];
y = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocY];
z = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocZ];
// Create a checkpoint where the player should load the goods
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, x, y, z, 7);
// Set the job-fail-time for the global vehicle-timer
APlayerData[playerid][VehicleTimerTime] = Job_TimeToFailMission;
// Inform the player that he must load his goods
format(LoadMsg, 128, TXT_PickupCargoAt, loadName, startlocName);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, LoadMsg);
return 1;

// Process the work dialog for licensed busdrivers (show the list of busroutes after the player selected to choose his own route)
Dialog_BusSelectJobMethod(playerid, response, listitem)
// Setup local variables
new BusLine, Description[100], TotalRouteList[500];
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
    // Check if the player already started a job
if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] == false)
// Select what to do after the player chose \"Choose your own busroute\" or \"Auto assigned busroute\"
switch (listitem)
   case 0: // Let the player choose his own busroute
      // Construct the list of busroutes
      for (new i; i < sizeof(ABusRoutes); i++)
         // Get the data about the route
         BusLine = ABusRoutes[LineNumber];
         format(Description, 100, ABusRoutes[RouteDescription]);
         // Add the busline to the list
         format(TotalRouteList, 500, \"%s%sLine %i (%s)\", TotalRouteList, \"\\n\", BusLine, Description);
      // Let the player choose a busroute
         ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogBusSelectRoute, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, TXT_SelectBusRoute, TotalRouteList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);
   case 1: BusDriver_StartJob(playerid, random(sizeof(ABusRoutes))); // Start a random job
else // Send a message to let the player know he already has a job
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_BusdriverAlreadyDoingJob);
return 1;
Dialog_KukasSelectJobMethod(playerid, response, listitem)
// Setup local variables
new KukasLine, Description[100], TotalRouteList[500];
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
    // Check if the player already started a job
if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] == false)
// Select what to do after the player chose \"Choose your own busroute\" or \"Auto assigned busroute\"
switch (listitem)
   case 0: // Let the player choose his own busroute
      // Construct the list of busroutes
      for (new i; i < sizeof(AKukasRoutes); i++)
         // Get the data about the route
         KukasLine = AKukasRoutes[LineNumber];
         format(Description, 100, AKukasRoutes[RouteDescription]);
         // Add the busline to the list
         format(TotalRouteList, 500, \"%s%sLine %i (%s)\", TotalRouteList, \"\\n\", KukasLine, Description);
      // Let the player choose a busroute
         ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogKukasSelectRoute, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, TXT_SelectBusRoute, TotalRouteList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);
   case 1: KukasDriver_StartJob(playerid, random(sizeof(AKukasRoutes))); // Start a random job
else // Send a message to let the player know he already has a job
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_BusdriverAlreadyDoingJob);
return 1;
Dialog_VonatSelectJobMethod(playerid, response, listitem)
// Setup local variables
new VonatLine, Description[100], TotalRouteList[500];
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
    // Check if the player already started a job
if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] == false)
// Select what to do after the player chose \"Choose your own busroute\" or \"Auto assigned busroute\"
switch (listitem)
   case 0: // Let the player choose his own busroute
      // Construct the list of busroutes
      for (new i; i < sizeof(AVonatRoutes); i++)
         // Get the data about the route
         VonatLine = AVonatRoutes[LineNumber];
         format(Description, 100, AVonatRoutes[RouteDescription]);
         // Add the busline to the list
         format(TotalRouteList, 500, \"%s%sLine %i (%s)\", TotalRouteList, \"\\n\", VonatLine, Description);
      // Let the player choose a busroute
         ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogVonatSelectRoute, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, TXT_SelectBusRoute, TotalRouteList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);
   case 1: VonatDriver_StartJob(playerid, random(sizeof(AVonatRoutes))); // Start a random job
else // Send a message to let the player know he already has a job
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_BusdriverAlreadyDoingJob);
return 1;
// Process the work dialog for licensed busdrivers (let the player start the job he selects from the busroute-list)
Dialog_BusSelectRoute(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// The selected listitem is automatically the busroute, so start the job based on the item selected in the busroute-list
BusDriver_StartJob(playerid, listitem);
return 1;
Dialog_KukasSelectRoute(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// The selected listitem is automatically the busroute, so start the job based on the item selected in the busroute-list
KukasDriver_StartJob(playerid, listitem);
return 1;
Dialog_VonatSelectRoute(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// The selected listitem is automatically the busroute, so start the job based on the item selected in the busroute-list
VonatDriver_StartJob(playerid, listitem);
return 1;
// Process the chosen quantity for courier job
Dialog_CourierSelectQuant(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Listitem 0 represent maximum 2 houses to deliver a package, listitem 1 is max 5 houses, item 2 is max 10 houses
switch (listitem)
case 0: APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep] = 2;
case 1: APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep] = 5;
case 2: APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep] = 10;
// Start the job
return 1;
// Process the bike dialog
Dialog_Bike(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Setup local variables
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rot, CarID, msg[120], vID, pName[24];
new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;
// Get the player\'s position and name
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, rot);
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
// Spawn the motorcycle based on the selection in the list, and spawn it 5 units north of the player
switch (listitem)
case 0: CarID = VehicleBike; // Bike
case 1: CarID = VehicleBMX; // BMX
case 2: CarID = VehicleMountainBike; // Mountain Bike
case 3: CarID = VehicleFaggio; // Faggio
case 4: CarID = VehiclePizzaBoy; // Pizzaboy
case 5: CarID = VehicleBF400; // BF-400
case 6: CarID = VehicleNRG500; // NRG-500
case 7: CarID = VehiclePCJ600; // PCJ-600
case 8: CarID = VehicleFCR900; // FCR-900
case 9: CarID = VehicleFreeway; // Freeway
case 10: CarID = VehicleWayfarer; // Wayfarer
case 11: CarID = VehicleSanchez; // Sanchez
case 12: CarID = VehicleQuad; // Quad
// Spawn the vehicle based on the selection in the list with a random color
// Also set max-fuel and save the model for the vehicle
vID = Vehicle_Create(CarID, x, y, z, rot, random(126), random(126), 600);
// Put the player in the vehicle
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vID, 0);
// Turn on the engine and lights
GetVehicleParamsEx(vID, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
SetVehicleParamsEx(vID, 1, 1, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
// Store the player\'s current location and interior-id, otherwise anti-airbreak hack code could kick you
GetPlayerPos(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PreviousX], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousY], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousZ]);
APlayerData[playerid][PreviousInt] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
// Inform all players about it
format(msg, 120, TXT_PlayerSpawnedVehicle, pName, vID, CarID, x, y, z);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, msg);
return 1;
// Process the car dialog
Dialog_Car(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
// Reset the FirstCar (so the list won\'t start at an unexpected location in the list, but back at the start of the list)
APlayerData[playerid][DialogCarFirstCar] = 0;
return 1; // Exit the function
// Process the selected listitem
switch (listitem)
case 10: // Player chooses the empty line between the carlist and \"Next...\", so refresh the current list
    // Refresh the current list of cars and let the player choose one (show dialog)
   // Exit the function
   return 1;
case 11: // Player chooses \"Next...\"
    // Add 10 to the FirstCar, so the list will start further down the array (will show the next 10 cars)
    APlayerData[playerid][DialogCarFirstCar] = APlayerData[playerid][DialogCarFirstCar] + 10;
    // Create a new list of cars and show the dialog
default: // Player chooses a car
    // Setup local variables
       new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rot, CarIndex, msg[128], vID, pName[24];
   new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;
   // FirstCar is the index of the first car in the list, so select the proper index when a car is chosen by the player
   CarIndex = APlayerData[playerid][DialogCarFirstCar] + listitem;
   // Get the player\'s position and name
   GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
   GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, rot);
   GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
   // Spawn the vehicle based on the selection in the list with a random color
   // Also set max-fuel and save the model for the vehicle
   vID = Vehicle_Create(ACars[CarIndex][CarModel], x, y, z, rot, random(126), random(126), 600);
   // Put the player in the vehicle
   PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vID, 0);
   // Turn on the engine and lights
   GetVehicleParamsEx(vID, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
   SetVehicleParamsEx(vID, 1, 1, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
   // Store the player\'s current location and interior-id, otherwise anti-airbreak hack code could kick you
   GetPlayerPos(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PreviousX], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousY], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousZ]);
   APlayerData[playerid][PreviousInt] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
   // Inform all players about it
   format(msg, 120, TXT_PlayerSpawnedVehicle, pName, vID, ACars[CarIndex][CarModel], x, y, z);
   SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, msg);
   // Also, after spawning a vehicle, reset FirstCar (so next time, the list starts from the start)
   APlayerData[playerid][DialogCarFirstCar] = 0;
return 1;
// Process the Plane dialog
Dialog_Plane(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
// Reset the FirstPlane (so the list won\'t start at an unexpected location in the list, but back at the start of the list)
APlayerData[playerid][DialogPlaneFirstPlane] = 0;
return 1; // Exit the function
// Process the selected listitem
switch (listitem)
case 10: // Player chooses the empty line between the Planelist and \"Next...\", so refresh the current list
    // Refresh the current list of Planes and let the player choose one (show dialog)
   // Exit the function
   return 1;
case 11: // Player chooses \"Next...\"
    // Add 10 to the FirstPlane, so the list will start further down the array (will show the next 10 Planes)
    APlayerData[playerid][DialogPlaneFirstPlane] = APlayerData[playerid][DialogPlaneFirstPlane] + 10;
    // Create a new list of Planes and show the dialog
default: // Player chooses a Plane
    // Setup local variables
       new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rot, PlaneIndex, msg[128], vID, pName[24];
   new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;
   // FirstPlane is the index of the first Plane in the list, so select the proper index when a Plane is chosen by the player
   PlaneIndex = APlayerData[playerid][DialogPlaneFirstPlane] + listitem;
   // Get the player\'s position and name
   GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
   GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, rot);
   GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
   // Spawn the vehicle based on the selection in the list with a random color
   // Also set max-fuel and save the model for the vehicle
   vID = Vehicle_Create(APlanes[PlaneIndex][PlaneModel], x, y, z, rot, random(126), random(126), 600);
   // Put the player in the vehicle
   PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vID, 0);
   // Turn on the engine and lights
   GetVehicleParamsEx(vID, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
   SetVehicleParamsEx(vID, 1, 1, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
   // Store the player\'s current location and interior-id, otherwise anti-airbreak hack code could kick you
   GetPlayerPos(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PreviousX], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousY], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousZ]);
   APlayerData[playerid][PreviousInt] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
   // Inform the player about it
   format(msg, 128, TXT_PlayerSpawnedVehicle, pName, vID, APlanes[PlaneIndex][PlaneModel], x, y, z);
   SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, msg);
   // Also, after spawning a vehicle, reset FirstPlane (so next time, the list starts from the start)
   APlayerData[playerid][DialogPlaneFirstPlane] = 0;
return 1;
// Process the Trailer dialog
Dialog_Trailer(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
// Reset the FirstTrailer (so the list won\'t start at an unexpected location in the list, but back at the start of the list)
APlayerData[playerid][DialogTrailerFirstTrailer] = 0;
return 1; // Exit the function
// Process the selected listitem
switch (listitem)
case 10: // Player chooses the empty line between the Trailerlist and \"Next...\", so refresh the current list
    // Refresh the current list of Trailers and let the player choose one (show dialog)
   // Exit the function
   return 1;
case 11: // Player chooses \"Next...\"
    // Add 10 to the FirstTrailer, so the list will start further down the array (will show the next 10 Trailers)
    APlayerData[playerid][DialogTrailerFirstTrailer] = APlayerData[playerid][DialogTrailerFirstTrailer] + 10;
    // Create a new list of Trailers and show the dialog
default: // Player chooses a Trailer
    // Setup local variables
       new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, TrailerIndex, msg[128], vID, pName[24];
   // FirstTrailer is the index of the first Trailer in the list, so select the proper index when a Trailer is chosen by the player
   TrailerIndex = APlayerData[playerid][DialogTrailerFirstTrailer] + listitem;
   // Get the player\'s position and name
   GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
   GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
   // Spawn the vehicle based on the selection in the list with a random color, and spawn it 10 units north of the player
   // Also set max-fuel and save the model for the vehicle
   vID = Vehicle_Create(ATrailers[TrailerIndex][TrailerModel], x, y + 10.0, z + 5.0, 0.0, random(126), random(126), 600);
   // Inform the player about it
   format(msg, 128, TXT_PlayerSpawnedVehicle, pName, vID, ATrailers[TrailerIndex][TrailerModel], x, y + 10.0, z + 5.0);
   SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, msg);
   // Also, after spawning a vehicle, reset FirstTrailer (so next time, the list starts from the start)
   APlayerData[playerid][DialogTrailerFirstTrailer] = 0;
return 1;
// Process the boat dialog
Dialog_Boat(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Setup local variables
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rot, CarID, msg[120], vID, pName[24];
new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;
// Get the player\'s position and name
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, rot);
GetPlayerName(playerid, pName, 24);
// Spawn the boat based on the selection in the list
switch (listitem)
case 0: CarID = VehicleCoastguard; // Coastguard
case 1: CarID = VehicleDinghy; // Dinghy
case 2: CarID = VehicleJetmax; // Jetmax
case 3: CarID = VehicleLaunch; // Launch
case 4: CarID = VehicleMarquis; // Marquis
case 5: CarID = VehiclePredator; // Predator
case 6: CarID = VehicleReefer; // Reefer
case 7: CarID = VehicleSpeeder; // Speeder
case 8: CarID = VehicleSquallo; // Squallo
case 9: CarID = VehicleTropic; // Tropic
// Spawn the vehicle based on the selection in the list with a random color
// Also set max-fuel and save the model for the vehicle
vID = Vehicle_Create(CarID, x, y, z, rot, random(126), random(126), 600);
// Put the player in the vehicle
PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, vID, 0);
// Turn on the engine and lights
GetVehicleParamsEx(vID, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
SetVehicleParamsEx(vID, 1, 1, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
// Store the player\'s current location and interior-id, otherwise anti-airbreak hack code could kick you
GetPlayerPos(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PreviousX], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousY], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousZ]);
APlayerData[playerid][PreviousInt] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
// Inform all players about it
format(msg, 120, TXT_PlayerSpawnedVehicle, pName, vID, CarID, x, y, z);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, msg);
return 1;
// Process the chosen vehicleclass to show the actual vehicle-list of this vehicleclass
Dialog_RentProcessClass(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Setup local variables
new CarList[1000], DialogTitle[128];
// Set the player\'s chosen vehicle-class based on the listitem he chose (add 1 as the vehicleclass starts at 1)
APlayerData[playerid][DialogRentVClass] = listitem + 1;
// Add all vehicles of the same class to the list
for (new i; i < sizeof(ABuyableVehicles); i++)
// Check if the vehicle in the list has the same class as requested
if (ABuyableVehicles[VehicleClass] == APlayerData[playerid][DialogRentVClass])
   // Add the carname to the list and it\'s price
   format(CarList, 1000, \"%s%s%s ($%i)\", CarList, \"\\n\", ABuyableVehicles[CarName], ABuyableVehicles[Price] / 10); // Add the name of the next car to the list on the next line
// Check if the list is empty
if (strlen(CarList) == 0)
// Send the player a message that all vehicles have been disabled of the chosen class (no vehicles in the array of this class)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_BuyRentCarEmptyList);
// Exit the function (don\'t ask to choose a vehicle)
return 1;
// Set a title for the dialog based on the requested vehicleclass
switch (APlayerData[playerid][DialogRentVClass])
case VClassBike: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentBike);
case VClassBoat: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentBoat);
case VClassConvertible: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentConvertible);
case VClassHelicopter: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentHelicopter);
case VClassIndustrial: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentIndustrial);
case VClassLowRider: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentLowRider);
case VClassOffRoad: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentOffRoad);
case VClassPlane: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentPlane);
case VClassPublic: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentPublicService);
case VClassRCVehicle: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentRC);
case VClassSaloons: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentSaloon);
case VClassSportCar: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentSport);
case VClassStationCar: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentStationWagon);
case VClassTrailer: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentTrailer);
case VClassUnique: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_RentUnique);
// Ask which car the player wants to have by showing the dialog
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogRentCar, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, DialogTitle, CarList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);
return 1;
// This dialog gives the chosen vehicle to the player (bought or rented)
Dialog_RentCar(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Setup local variables
new Counter, Name[24], Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Msg[128];
// Loop through the entire list of buyable vehicles
for (new i; i < sizeof(ABuyableVehicles); i++)
// Check if the vehicle in the list has the same class as requested
if (ABuyableVehicles[VehicleClass] == APlayerData[playerid][DialogRentVClass])
    // Check if this is the vehicle that the player chose
    if (Counter == listitem)
       // Check if the player has enough money to afford renting this vehicle
       if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] >= (ABuyableVehicles[Price] / 10))
         // Check if the player already has a rented vehicle
         if (APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID] != 0)
            // Clear the data for the already rented vehicle
            AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Model] = 0;
            AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Fuel] = 0;
            AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Owned] = false;
            AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Owner] = 0;
            AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][PaintJob] = 0;
            for (new j; j < 14; j++)
               AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Components][j] = 0;
            // Destroy the vehicle
            // Send the player a message that his previously rented vehicle has been replaced by the new one
            SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_AlreadyRentedVehicle);
         // Create the vehicle and link it to the player\'s account
         GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
          APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID] = CreateVehicle(ABuyableVehicles[CarModel], x, y, z, 0.0, -1, -1, 600);
         // Also set owndership data
         AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Model] = ABuyableVehicles[CarModel];
         AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Fuel] = MaxFuel;
         AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Owned] = true;
         GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
         format(AVehicleData[APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID]][Owner], 24, Name);
         // Put the player in the vehicle
         PutPlayerInVehicle(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID], 0);
         // Turn on the engine
         new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;
         GetVehicleParamsEx(APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID], engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
         SetVehicleParamsEx(APlayerData[playerid][RentedVehicleID], 1, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
         // Store the player\'s current location and interior-id, otherwise anti-airbreak hack code could kick you
         GetPlayerPos(playerid, APlayerData[playerid][PreviousX], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousY], APlayerData[playerid][PreviousZ]);
         APlayerData[playerid][PreviousInt] = GetPlayerInterior(playerid);
         // Let the player pay for renting the vehicle
         APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] = APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] - (ABuyableVehicles[Price] / 10);
         // Let the player know he rented a vehicle
         format(Msg, 128, TXT_PlayerRentsVehicle, ABuyableVehicles[CarName], (ABuyableVehicles[Price] / 10));
         SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
      else // The player has not enough money to rent this vehicle
          SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_RentingTooExpensive);
      // Stop looking for the vehicle, as it\'s found and given to the player already
      return 1;
    else // The player chose another vehicle from the same class, keep looking for another one
return 1;
// Process the weather dialog
Dialog_Weather(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Setup local variables
new WeatherID;
// Select the weather
switch (listitem)
case 0: WeatherID = 0; // Normal
case 1: WeatherID = 8; // Stormy
case 2: WeatherID = 9; // Foggy
case 3: WeatherID = 11; // Scorching hot
case 4: WeatherID = 16; // Dull, cloudy, rainy
case 5: WeatherID = 19; // Sandstorm
case 6: WeatherID = 20; // Green Fog
case 7: WeatherID = 33; // Dark, cloudy, brown
case 8: WeatherID = 39; // Extremely bright
case 9: WeatherID = 43; // Dark toxic clouds
case 10: WeatherID = 44; // Black & white sky
// Set the weather
    // Inform the player about it
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_ChangedWeather;
return 1;
// Process the caroption dialog
Dialog_CarOption(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
    // Setup local variables
new vehicleid, engine, lights, bool:alarm, bool:doors, bool:bonnet, bool:boot, bool:objective;
// Get the player\'s vehicle
vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
// Get the current status of the vehicle
GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
// Select the weather
switch (listitem)
case 0: SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, 1 - engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
case 1: SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, 1 - lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
case 2:
   if (alarm == true)
      SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, false, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
      SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, true, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
case 3:
   if (doors == true)
      SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, false, bonnet, boot, objective);
      SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, true, bonnet, boot, objective);
case 4:
   if (bonnet == true)
      SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, false, boot, objective);
      SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, true, boot, objective);
case 5:
   if (boot == true)
      SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, false, objective);
      SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, true, objective);
case 6:
   if (objective == true)
      SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, false);
      SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, true);
return 1;
// This function processes the convoy dialog
Dialog_SelectConvoy(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Setup local variables
new Convoy;
// The convoy-id is automatically the listitem
Convoy = listitem;
// Check the status of the selected convoy to determine what to do
switch (AConvoys[Convoy][status])
    case CONVOY_EMPTY: // Convoy isn\'t started yet, this is a free convoy
   Convoy_Create(playerid, Convoy); // Try to create the convoy
    case CONVOY_OPEN: // Convoy has been created but still open for new members to join
    Convoy_Join(playerid, Convoy); // Try to join the convoy
    case CONVOY_FULL: // Convoy is full (10 members)
   SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}A convoy tele van.\");
    case CONVOY_CLOSED: // Convoy has started already (the leader already chose a job, causing the convoy to close)
   SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Convoy már fuvarban van nemtudsz csatlakozni.\");
return 1;
// This function processes the housemenu dialog
Dialog_HouseMenu(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Setup local variables
new UpgradeList[2000], HouseID, DialogTitle[200], Counter, UpgradePrice, Msg[128], CarSlot, VehicleClassList[1000], VehicleList[500];
// Get the HouseID of the house where the player is
HouseID = APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse];
// Select an option based on the selection in the list
    case 0: // Change house name
   // Only the house-owner can use this option
   if (House_PlayerIsOwner(playerid, HouseID) == 1)
        format(DialogTitle, 200, \"Régi ház név: %s\", AHouseData[HouseID][HouseName]);
      ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogHouseNameChange, DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT, DialogTitle, \"Adj új nevet a háznak.\", TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);
       SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Csak az tudja ezt használni,akinek van háza.\");
    case 1: // Upgrade the house
   // Only the house-owner can use this option
   if (House_PlayerIsOwner(playerid, HouseID) == 1)
        // Check if it\'s possible to upgrade further
      if (AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel] < AHouseData[HouseID][HouseMaxLevel])
         // Add only the upgrades above the current house-level to the upgradelist
         for (new i = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel] + 1; i <= AHouseData[HouseID][HouseMaxLevel]; i++)
             Counter++; // Add 1 to the counter each time an upgrade is added to the upgradelist
             UpgradePrice = ((AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice] * Counter) / 100) * HouseUpgradePercent;
             // Add the upgrade-info in green if the player can afford it, and in red if he cannot afford it
            if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] >= UpgradePrice)
               format(UpgradeList, 2000, \"%s{00FF00}%s (level %i)\\t\\t$%i\\n\", UpgradeList, AHouseInteriors[interiorName], i, UpgradePrice);
               format(UpgradeList, 2000, \"%s{FF0000}%s (level %i)\\t\\t$%i\\n\", UpgradeList, AHouseInteriors[interiorName], i, UpgradePrice);
           // Show another dialog to let the player select which upgrade he wants for his house
         ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogUpgradeHouse, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, TXT_DialogSelectHouseUpgrade, UpgradeList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);
          SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Elérted a maximális ház szintet nem tudod tovább fejleszteni.\");
       SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Csak az tudja ezt használni,akinek van háza.\");
case 2: // Buy house-car
   // Only the house-owner can use this option
   if (House_PlayerIsOwner(playerid, HouseID) == 1)
       // Find a free carslot
       CarSlot = House_GetFreeCarSlot(HouseID);
       // Check if the carslot is valid
       if (CarSlot != -1)
          // Let the player choose a vehicle-class
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{00FF00}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Kétkerekû\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{40FF00}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Hajók\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{80FF00}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Convertibles\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{B0FF00}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Helikopterek\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{FFFF00}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Industrial vehicles\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{B0FF40}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Low-riderek\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{80FF80}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Off-Road jármûvek\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{40FFB0}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Repülõk\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{00FFFF}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Közszolgálati jármûvek\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{00B0FF}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"RC jármûvek\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{0080FF}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Saloon vehicles\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{0040FF}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Sport kocsik\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{0000FF}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Station wagons\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{4000FF}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Trailerek\");
         format(VehicleClassList, 1000, \"%s{8000FF}%s{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleClassList, \"Unique vehicles\");
         // Ask which vehicle class the player wants to see to buy a vehicle
         ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogBuyCarClass, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, \"Válaszz jármûosztályt.\", VehicleClassList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);
           SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Nem vehetsz több autót ebbe a házba.\");
       SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Csak az tudja ezt használni,akinek van háza\");
case 3: // Buy house-car insurance
   // Only the house-owner can use this option
   if (House_PlayerIsOwner(playerid, HouseID) == 1)
       new MsgInsurance[128];
       // Check if this house doesn\'t have insurance yet
       if (AHouseData[HouseID][insurance] == 0)
           // Check if the player can afford the insurance
           if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] >= (AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice] / 10))
             // Construct the message for the dialog, this includes the price for the insurance
             format(MsgInsurance, 128, TXT_DialogBuyInsurance, AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice] / 10);
            // Ask the player if the wants to buy an insurance for this house\'s vehicles
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogBuyInsurance, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, TXT_DialogTitleBuyInsurance, MsgInsurance, TXT_DialogButtonYes, TXT_DialogButtonNo);
            SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_CannotAffordInsurance);
          SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_HouseAlreadyHasInsurance);
       SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Csak az tudja ezt használni,akinek van háza\");
case 4: // Sell house-car
   // Only the house-owner can use this option
   if (House_PlayerIsOwner(playerid, HouseID) == 1)
       new BuyableCarIndex, bool:HouseHasCars = false;
      // Check if the house has any cars assigned to it
      for (CarSlot = 0; CarSlot < 5; CarSlot++)
          if (AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot] != 0)
              HouseHasCars = true;
      // Check if the house has any cars assigned to it
      if (HouseHasCars == true)
         // Add all vehicles to the list
         for (CarSlot = 0; CarSlot < 10; CarSlot++)
            if (AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot] != 0)
                // Get the index where the first vehicle is found in the ABuyableVehicles array
                BuyableCarIndex = VehicleBuyable_GetIndex(GetVehicleModel(AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot]));
                // Add the name of the vehicle to the list
                format(VehicleList, 500, \"%s{00FF00}%s: $%i{FFFFFF}\\n\", VehicleList, ABuyableVehicles[buyableCarIndex][CarName], ABuyableVehicles[buyableCarIndex][Price] / 2);
               format(VehicleList, 500, TXT_EmptyCarSlot, VehicleList);
         // Ask which vehicle class the player wants to see to buy a vehicle
         ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogSellCar, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, TXT_SelectVehicleToSell, VehicleList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);
          SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_NoHouseVehicles);
       SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Csak az tudja ezt használni,akinek van háza\");
case 5: // Sell house
   // Only the house-owner can use this option
   if (House_PlayerIsOwner(playerid, HouseID) == 1)
       // Setup local variables
       new bool:HouseHasCars = false;
      // Check if the house has any cars assigned to it
      for (CarSlot = 0; CarSlot < 10; CarSlot++)
          if (AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot] != 0)
              HouseHasCars = true;
      // Check if all house-cars have been sold (all slots are empty)
      if (HouseHasCars == false)
          format(Msg, 128, TXT_SureSellHouse, House_CalcSellPrice(HouseID));
         ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogSellHouse, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, TXT_AreYouSure, Msg, TXT_DialogButtonYes, TXT_DialogButtonNo);
          SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_CannotSellHouseWithCars);
       SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Csak az tudja ezt használni,akinek van háza\");
    case 6: // Open the house to the public (everyone can enter it)
   // Only the house-owner can use this option
   if (House_PlayerIsOwner(playerid, HouseID) == 1)
       // Open the house to the public
      AHouseData[HouseID][HouseOpened] = true;
      // Let the player know he opened the house to the public
      SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{00FF00}Kinyitottad a házad,bárki be tud menni.\");
       SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Csak az tudja ezt használni,akinek van háza\");
    case 7: // Close the house to the public (only the owner can enter it)
   // Only the house-owner can use this option
   if (House_PlayerIsOwner(playerid, HouseID) == 1)
       // Close the house to the public
      AHouseData[HouseID][HouseOpened] = false;
      // Let the player know he closed the house to the public
      SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{00FF00}Bezártad a házad,csak te tudsz bemenni.\");
       SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Csak az tudja ezt használni,akinek van háza\");
    case 8: // Exit the house
   House_Exit(playerid, HouseID);
return 1;
// This function processes the house-upgrade menu
Dialog_UpgradeHouse(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Get the HouseID of the house where the player is
new HouseID = APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse];
// Calculate the new house-level based on the selection in the list (the first entry is 1 level higher than the current house-level)
new hLevel = listitem + 1 + AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel];
// Calculate the price for upgrading
new Payment = ((AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice] * (listitem + 1)) / 100) * HouseUpgradePercent;
// Check if the player can afford it
if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] >= Payment)
// Upgrade the house
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel] = hLevel;
// Set the worldid so other players cannot see him anymore
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 1000 + playerid);
// Set the player inside the new interior of the house
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, AHouseInteriors[hLevel][interiorID]);
// Set the position of the player at the spawn-location of the house\'s interior
SetPlayerPos(playerid, AHouseInteriors[hLevel][intX], AHouseInteriors[hLevel][intY], AHouseInteriors[hLevel][intZ]);
// Let the player pay for the upgrade
new Msg[128];
RewardPlayer(playerid, -Payment, 0);
format(Msg, 128, TXT_PlayerUpgradedHouse, AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel], Payment);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
// Also update the 3DText at the entrance of the house
// Save the player-file (and his houses)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_CannotAffordUpgrade);
return 1;
// Check which house the player chose, and port him to it
Dialog_GoHome(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Setup local variables
new HouseIndex, HouseID;
// The listitem directly indicates the house-index
HouseIndex = listitem;
HouseID = APlayerData[playerid][Houses][HouseIndex];
// Check if this is a valid house (HouseID != 0)
if (HouseID != 0)
// Get the coordinates of the house\'s entrance
SetPlayerPos(playerid, AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ]);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_NoHouseInSlot);
return 1;
// Let the player change the name of his house
Dialog_ChangeHouseName(playerid, response, inputtext[])
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\" or if the player didn\'t input any text
if ((!response) || (strlen(inputtext) == 0)) return 1;
// Change the name of the house
format(AHouseData[APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse]][HouseName], 100, inputtext);
// Also update the 3DText at the entrance of the house
// Let the player know that the name of his house has been changed
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_ChangedHouseName);
// Save the player-file (and his houses)
return 1;
// Choose a vehicle class from which to buy a vehicle
Dialog_BuyCarClass(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Setup local variables
new CarList[1000], DialogTitle[128];
// Set the player\'s chosen vehicle-class based on the listitem he chose (add 1 as the vehicleclass starts at 1)
APlayerData[playerid][DialogBuyVClass] = listitem + 1;
// Add all vehicles of the same class to the list
for (new i; i < sizeof(ABuyableVehicles); i++)
// Check if the vehicle in the list has the same class as requested
if (ABuyableVehicles[VehicleClass] == APlayerData[playerid][DialogBuyVClass])
   // Add the carname to the list and it\'s price
   format(CarList, 1000, \"%s%s%s ($%i)\", CarList, \"\\n\", ABuyableVehicles[CarName], ABuyableVehicles[Price]); // Add the name of the next car to the list on the next line
// Check if the list is empty
if (strlen(CarList) == 0)
// Send the player a message that all vehicles have been disabled of the chosen class (no vehicles in the array of this class)
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_BuyRentCarEmptyList);
// Exit the function (don\'t ask to choose a vehicle)
return 1;
// Set a title for the dialog based on the requested vehicleclass
switch (APlayerData[playerid][DialogBuyVClass])
case VClassBike: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuyBike);
case VClassBoat: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuyBoat);
case VClassConvertible: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuyConvertible);
case VClassHelicopter: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuyHelicopter);
case VClassIndustrial: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuyIndustrial);
case VClassLowRider: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuyLowRider);
case VClassOffRoad: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuyOffRoad);
case VClassPlane: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuyPlane);
case VClassPublic: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuyPublicService);
case VClassRCVehicle: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuyRC);
case VClassSaloons: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuySaloon);
case VClassSportCar: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuySport);
case VClassStationCar: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuyStationWagon);
case VClassTrailer: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuyTrailer);
case VClassUnique: format(DialogTitle, 128, TXT_BuyUnique);
// Ask which car the player wants to have by showing the dialog
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogBuyCar, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, DialogTitle, CarList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);
return 1;
// Buy a vehicle and assign it to the house
Dialog_BuyCar(playerid, response, listitem)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Setup local variables
new Counter, Msg[128], cComponents[14];
// Get the HouseID
new HouseID = APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse];
// Loop through the entire list of buyable vehicles
for (new i; i < sizeof(ABuyableVehicles); i++)
// Check if the vehicle in the list has the same class as requested
if (ABuyableVehicles[VehicleClass] == APlayerData[playerid][DialogBuyVClass])
    // Check if this is the vehicle that the player chose
    if (Counter == listitem)
       // Check if the player has enough money to afford buying this vehicle
       if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] >= (ABuyableVehicles[Price]))
         // Add the vehicle to the house (this sets ownership and other data that\'s needed)
         // The vehicles are by default created inside the hangar of KACC Military Fuels instead of near the EasterBoard Farm
         House_AddVehicle(HouseID, ABuyableVehicles[CarModel], 0, cComponents, 2585.0, 2829.0, 10.9, 0.0, -1, -1);
         // Let the player pay for buying the vehicle
         APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] = APlayerData[playerid][PlayerMoney] - ABuyableVehicles[Price];
         // Let the player know he bought a vehicle
         format(Msg, 128, TXT_PlayerBoughtVehicle, ABuyableVehicles[CarName], ABuyableVehicles[Price]);
         SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
         SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_PlayerMustUseGetcarAndPark);
         // Save the player-file (and his houses)
      else // The player has not enough money to buy this vehicle
          SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_CannotAffordVehicle);
      // Stop looking for the vehicle, as it\'s found and given to the player already
      return 1;
    else // The player chose another vehicle from the same class, keep looking for another one
return 1;
// Buy insurance for the house\'s vehicles
Dialog_BuyInsurance(playerid, response)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"No\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Setup local variables
new Msg[128];
// Get the HouseID where the player is right now
new HouseID = APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse];
// Buy an insurance for this house\'s vehicles (insurance costs 10% of the house\'s baseprice)
AHouseData[HouseID][insurance] = 1;
RewardPlayer(playerid, -(AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice] / 10), 0);
// Let the player know he has bought a vehicle-insurance for this house
format(Msg, 128, TXT_PlayerBoughtInsurance, AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice] / 10);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
// Save the player-file (and his houses)
// Also save the sold house, otherwise the old ownership-data is still there
return 1;
// Sell the house
Dialog_SellHouse(playerid, response)
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Get the HouseID where the player is right now
new HouseID = APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse];
// Set the player in the normal world again
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
// Set the position of the player at the entrance of his house
SetPlayerPos(playerid, AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ]);
// Also clear the tracking-variable to track in which house the player is
APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse] = 0;
// Clear the owner of the house

Segítségkérés / Állapot
« Dátum: 2013. március 18. - 15:37:56 »
Üdv.Tudnátok nekem segíteni  az állapot jelzõbe  szeretnék csinálni PPC módba ha valaminek neki megyek akkor jelezze az állapotot  pl Tökéletes kiváló jó törött rosz  a TextDraw részt azt majd kimére valahova..
Elõre is köszönöm a segítséget!

Segítségkérés / Növelés
« Dátum: 2013. március 17. - 15:12:23 »
Köszönöm ezt kerestem

Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( 2013. március 17. - 15:13:45 )

egy példát tudnál írni?

Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( 2013. március 17. - 15:23:28 )

Erre lehetne? Egy példát?
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, \"~g~Kamionos\", 3000, 4); //sárga

Segítségkérés / Fura szöveg
« Dátum: 2013. március 17. - 14:50:29 »
Köszönöm tényleg nagy volt valahol az a szám

Segítségkérés / Növelés
« Dátum: 2013. március 17. - 14:44:17 »
Üdv.A GameTextForPlayer meg lehet növelni? ami szöveget ki ír? Vaslagabbra.

 Ezt a függvényt

Segítségkérés / Fura szöveg
« Dátum: 2013. március 17. - 14:28:06 »
De attól még mükszik a mód?

Segítségkérés / Fura szöveg
« Dátum: 2013. március 17. - 14:16:48 »
Ez mi? Valaki tudja?
awn compiler 3.2.3664           Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
Header size:           8640 bytes
Code size:           503160 bytes
Data size:          2878024 bytes
Stack/heap size:      16384 bytes; estimated max. usage=60177 cells (240708 bytes)
Total requirements: 3406208 bytes

Segítségkérés / Térben
« Dátum: 2013. március 17. - 11:11:04 »
Nem változik semmi ugyan úgy kilóg

Segítségkérés / Térben
« Dátum: 2013. március 17. - 10:19:03 »
TextDrawLetterSize(........, 3.2 ,5.1);

Segítségkérés / Térben
« Dátum: 2013. március 17. - 09:39:09 »
Ezt írja
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(179) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(179) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(179) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(179) : error 001: expected token: \";\", but found \")\"
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(179) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(179) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664           Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
4 Errors.

Segítségkérés / Járgányok
« Dátum: 2013. március 17. - 09:30:24 »
Ezt ismerem más hogy nem lehetne mert ez sok idõ

Segítségkérés / Térben
« Dátum: 2013. március 16. - 20:47:46 »
Az sikerült köszi az elõzõt is ezt is próbálom

Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( 2013. március 16. - 20:52:25 )

valami nem jó
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(178) : error 017: undefined symbol \"MyTextDraw\"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664           Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
1 Error.


C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(179) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(179) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(179) : warning 215: expression has no effect
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(179) : error 001: expected token: \";\", but found \")\"
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(179) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\\Documents and Settings\\Rendszergazda\\Asztal\\ppc\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(179) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line
Compilation aborted.Pawn compiler 3.2.3664           Copyright (c) 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
4 Errors.
Ha ezt a mód elejére írom  #define MyTextDraw akkor errot ír

Segítségkérés / Térben
« Dátum: 2013. március 16. - 19:45:01 »
Üdv. Ezen lehetne még egy kicsit formálni hogy ne lógjon ki annyira nagyon kilóg a széle és nem látszik a\"Szállítás\"szó esetleg kicsit tömöríteni ezeket? Ott alul a szöveget nagyon kilóg.

Oldalak: 1 ... 105 106 [107] 108 109 ... 117
SimplePortal 2.3.7 © 2008-2024, SimplePortal