Ez a szekció lehetővé teszi a felhasználó által írt összes hozzászólás megtekintését. Vedd figyelembe, hogy csak azokba a fórumokba írt hozzászólásokat látod, amelyekhez hozzáférésed van.
Üzenetek - ZSOLTI99
Oldalak: 1 ... 101 102 [103] 104 105 ... 117
« Dátum: 2013. április 09. - 17:32:53 »
Ha WIN7-ed van akkor Win 7-re kéne állítani a kompatibilitásnál
« Dátum: 2013. április 07. - 18:33:29 »
Próbáld meg a módba keresni a parancsokat hátha ott vannak
« Dátum: 2013. április 07. - 18:28:40 »
Üdv. Valaki meg tudná csinálni hogy a másodpercet is ki írja Óra/perc/másodperc?? Így szeretném ha valaki tud segíteni! // // Keeps the in game time synced to the server\'s time and // draws the current time on the player\'s hud using a textdraw/ // (1 minute = 1 minute real world time) // // Kye 2009 #include <a_samp> #pragma tabsize 0 //-------------------------------------------------- new Text:txtTimeDisp; new hour, minute; new timestr[32]; forward UpdateTime(); //-------------------------------------------------- public UpdateTime() { gettime(hour, minute); format(timestr,32,\"%02d:%02d\",hour,minute); TextDrawSetString(txtTimeDisp,timestr); SetWorldTime(hour); new x=0; while(x!=MAX_PLAYERS) { if(IsPlayerConnected(x) && GetPlayerState(x) != PLAYER_STATE_NONE) { SetPlayerTime(x,hour,minute); } x++; } } //-------------------------------------------------- public OnGameModeInit() { // Init our text display txtTimeDisp = TextDrawCreate(605.0,25.0,\"00:00\"); TextDrawUseBox(txtTimeDisp, 0); TextDrawFont(txtTimeDisp, 2); TextDrawSetShadow(txtTimeDisp,0); // no shadow TextDrawSetOutline(txtTimeDisp,2); // thickness 1 TextDrawBackgroundColor(txtTimeDisp,0x000000FF); TextDrawColor(txtTimeDisp,0xFFFFFFFF); TextDrawAlignment(txtTimeDisp,3); TextDrawLetterSize(txtTimeDisp,0.5,1.5); UpdateTime(); SetTimer(\"UpdateTime\",1000 * 60,1); return 1; } //-------------------------------------------------- public OnPlayerSpawn(playerid) { TextDrawShowForPlayer(playerid,txtTimeDisp); gettime(hour, minute); SetPlayerTime(playerid,hour,minute); return 1; } //-------------------------------------------------- public OnPlayerDeath(playerid, killerid, reason) { TextDrawHideForPlayer(playerid,txtTimeDisp); return 1; } //-------------------------------------------------- public OnPlayerConnect(playerid) { gettime(hour, minute); SetPlayerTime(playerid,hour,minute); return 1; } //--------------------------------------------------
« Dátum: 2013. április 07. - 13:49:37 »
Kos meg tudnád csinálni? Mert eddig írtam bele fuvart oszt az jó volt de már így ezt a 248-256-ig nem olvassa be mindig mikor választanám a lerakodást ott már eltûnik nem lehet kiválasztani.
Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( 2013. április 07. - 21:00:30 )
Valaki meg tudná csinálni hogy mindet beolvassa? itt a link
« Dátum: 2013. április 07. - 12:43:29 »
Én ebbe nem látok hibát nézd meg te is hátha látol valamit. COMMAND:work(playerid, params[]) { // Send the command to all admins so they can see it SendAdminText(playerid, \"/work\", params); // Check if the player has logged in if (APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] == true) { // First check if the player already has a job if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] == false) { // Check the player\'s class switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass]) { case ClassTruckDriver: { // Get the id of the convoy (if the player is in a convoy) new Convoy = APlayerData[playerid][ConvoyID]; // Check if the player is part of a convoy AND is not the leader if ((APlayerData[playerid][inConvoy] == true) && (AConvoys[Convoy][Members][0] != playerid)) { // Let the player know he\'s not the leader of his convoy and cannot start a job SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"{07aced}Nem te vagy a vezetõ nem tudod elinditani a munkát\"); // Exit the function return 1; } // A convoy-leader proceeds here, and also a normal player (no convoy-member) // Check if the player is the driver of a vehicle if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0) { switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) { case VehicleFlatbed, VehicleDFT30, VehicleCementTruck: // Flatbed, DFT-30, CementTruck if (APlayerData[playerid][TruckerLicense] == 1) // Check if the player has acquired a truckers license ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogTruckerJobMethod, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, \"{07aced}Válassz fuvart:\", \"{FFFF00}Manuális(te állítod be)\\r\\n{1500ff}Automata választás\", \"Oké\", \"Vissza\"); else Trucker_StartRandomJob(playerid); // Start a random job case VehicleLineRunner, VehicleTanker, VehicleRoadTrain: // Player is driving a truck which needs a trailer if(IsTrailerAttachedToVehicle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) // Check if there is a trailer attached if (APlayerData[playerid][TruckerLicense] == 1) // Check if the player has acquired a truckers license ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogTruckerJobMethod, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, \"{07aced}Válassz fuvart:\", \"{FFFF00}Manuális(te állítod be)\\r\\n{1500ff}Automata választás\", \"Oké\", \"Vissza\"); else Trucker_StartRandomJob(playerid); // Start a random job else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Elõször vegyél fel egy pótkocsit\"); default: SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy kamionba\"); } } else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy kamionba\"); } case ClassBusDriver: { // Check if the player is the driver of a vehicle if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0) if (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == VehicleCoach) // Check if the player is inside a valid busdriver vehicle if (APlayerData[playerid][busLicense] == 1) // Check if the player has acquired a busdriver license ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogBusJobMethod, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, \"{07aced}Válazd ki:\", \"{FFFF00}Manuális munka\\r\\n{1500ff}Automata munka\", \"Oké\", \"Vissza\"); else BusDriver_StartJob(playerid, random(sizeof(ABusRoutes))); // Start a random job else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy buszba\"); else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy buszba\"); } case ClassKukasDriver: { // Check if the player is the driver of a vehicle if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0) if (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == VehicleTrashmaster) // Check if the player is inside a valid busdriver vehicle if (APlayerData[playerid][KukasLicense] == 1) // Check if the player has acquired a busdriver license ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogKukasJobMethod, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, \"{07aced}Válazd ki:\", \"{FFFF00}Manuális munka\\r\\n{1500ff}Automata munka\", \"Oké\", \"Vissza\"); else KukasDriver_StartJob(playerid, random(sizeof(AKukasRoutes))); // Start a random job else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy kukás kocsiba\"); else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy kukás kocsiba\"); } case ClassVonatDriver: { // Check if the player is the driver of a vehicle if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0) if (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)) == VehicleVonat2) // Check if the player is inside a valid busdriver vehicle if (APlayerData[playerid][VonatLicense] == -1) // Check if the player has acquired a busdriver license ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogVonatJobMethod, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, \"{07aced}Válazd ki:\", \"{FFFF00}Manuális munka\\r\\n{1500ff}Automata munka\", \"Oké\", \"Vissza\"); else VonatDriver_StartJob(playerid, random(sizeof(AVonatRoutes))); // Start a random job else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy vonatba.\"); else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy vonatba.\"); } case ClassMafia: { // Check if the player is the driver of a vehicle if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0) { // Check if the player is inside a valid piloting vehicle switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) { case VehicleSandKing, VehicleMoonbeam, VehicleLandstalker: // Sangking, Moonbeam Mafia_StartRandomJob(playerid); // Start a random mafia job default: SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy maffia kocsiba\"); } } else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy maffia kocsiba\"); } case ClassDumper: { // Check if the player is the driver of a vehicle if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0) { // Check if the player is inside a valid piloting vehicle switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) { case VehicleDumper: // Sangking, Moonbeam Dumper_StartRandomJob(playerid); // Start a random mafia job default: SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy dömperber\"); } } else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy dömperber\"); } case ClassPilot: { // Check if the player is the driver of a vehicle if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0) { // Check if the player is inside a valid piloting vehicle switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) { case VehicleShamal, VehicleNevada, VehicleMaverick, VehicleCargobob: // Plane (Shamal), Plane (Nevada), helicopter (Maverick) Pilot_StartRandomJob(playerid); // Start a random piloting job default: SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy repûlõbe\"); } } else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy repûlõbe\"); } case ClassCourier: { // Check if the player is the driver of a vehicle if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0) { // Check if the player is inside a valid courier vehicle switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) { case VehicleBurrito, VehicleFaggio: // Van (Burrito), bike (Faggio) Courier_StartJob(playerid); // Start a random courier job default: SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy csomagkihordó jármübe.\"); } } else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Nincs a közelbe elég ház megvéve.\"); } case ClassRoadWorker: { // Check if the player is the driver of a vehicle if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0) { // Check if the player is inside a valid courier vehicle switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) { case VehicleUtilityVan, VehicleTowTruck: // Utility Van, Towtruck Roadworker_StartRandomJob(playerid); // Start a random roadworker job default: SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy towtruck\"); } } else SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy towtruck\"); } default: SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Nincs most munka\"); } } else // Send a message to let the player know he already has a job SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Nincs még munka\"); } else return 0; // Let the server know that this was a valid command return 1; }
Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( 2013. április 07. - 13:15:59 )
Ha el küldöm neked pm-meg nézed?
« Dátum: 2013. április 07. - 12:05:49 »
Mi lehet a hiba? Nem találom sehol se!
« Dátum: 2013. április 07. - 10:17:59 »
Meg van de hol ebbe a hiba hogy nem olvassa be a fuvart? // Process the Register-dialog Dialog_Register(playerid, response, inputtext[]) { new file[100], Name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; // Setup local variables GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name)); // Get the playername format(file, sizeof(file), PlayerFile, Name); // Construct the complete filename for this player\'s account switch (response) // Check which button was clicked { case 1: // Player clicked \"Register\" { // Check if the player entered a password if(strlen(inputtext)>0) { // Store the password format(APlayerData[playerid][PlayerPassword], 50, \"%s\", inputtext); // Create the file and save default data to it, then reload it (so all data is put into the correct place) PlayerFile_Create(playerid); PlayerFile_Load(playerid); // Send a message to the client to inform him that his account has been registered SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_AccountRegistered); APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] = true; // The player has logged in properly } else { SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_WrongPassword); Kick(playerid); } } case 0: // Player clicked \"Cancel\" { // Show a message that the player must be registered to play on this server SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_PlayerMustRegister); // Kick the player Kick(playerid); } } return 1; }
« Dátum: 2013. április 06. - 20:12:26 »
Nem akarja elindítanám a fuvart és kiválasztom honnan vigyen és már a lerakodásnál eltûnik azt nem tudom kiválasztani
« Dátum: 2013. április 05. - 20:45:50 »
Üdv. Valami van ezzel a fuvarral nem adja be a lerakodási pontot hol lehet benne a hiba?(ppc módba) Sorba kellene rakni a rakodási pontot és a lerakodási pontot? Pedig az elõtt jó volt adni akartam volna hozzá fuvart oszt nem adja be a lerakodó helyt PPC_DefLoads // Setup a custom type that holds all data about a load enum TLoad { LoadName[50], // The name of the load bool:Mafia, // Holds \"true\" if this load is wanted by the mafia Float:PayPerUnit, // Holds the price for every meter to haul this type of load (this gets multiplied by the distance to calculate the payment) PCV_Required, // This holds the vehicle-type the player needs to use this load (and automatically the player\'s class) FromLocations[30], // This array holds all loading-points for this load ToLocations[30] // This array holds all unloading-points for this load } new ALoads[][TLoad] = { // LoadName, MafiaLoad, PayPerUnit, VehicleNeeded, From-Locations, To-Locations // Dummy Load (never used) {\"Dummy\", false, 0.00, 0, {0}, {0}}, // LoadID 0 114+ // Loads for ore trailer {\"Kõ\", false, 14.10, PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, {11, 215}, {1, 2, 3}}, // LoadID 1 {\"Homok\", false, 16.10, PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, {12}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}, // LoadID 2 {\"Szikla\", false, 15.10, PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, {11}, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}}, // LoadID 3 {\"Szén\", false, 14.10, PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, {12}, {6, 7, 8}}, // LoadID 4 {\"Érc\", false, 17.00, PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, {12}, {6, 9}}, // LoadID 5 {\"Napló\", false, 14.10, PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, {13}, {7, 10}}, // LoadID 6 {\"Faapriték\", false, 12.10, PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, {10}, {14}}, // LoadID 7 {\"Szemét\", false, 13.10, PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, {6, 15, 16}, {17, 18, 19}}, // LoadID 8 {\"Törmelék\", false, 15.10, PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, {17, 19}, {6, 18, 20}}, // LoadID 9 {\"Takarmány\", false, 14.10, PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, {21, 22}, {18, 23, 24}}, // LoadID 10 // Loads for liquids trailer {\"Benzin\", true, 14.70, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {8, 25, 26}, {27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 115, 207}}, // LoadID 11 {\"Gázolaj\", true, 14.00, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {8, 25, 26}, {27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 115, 207}}, // LoadID 12 {\"Repülõgépi benzin\", true, 15.00, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {8, 25, 26}, {35, 36, 252}}, // LoadID 13 {\"Olaj\", false, 16.20, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {8, 25, 26, 200}, {6, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 115, 207}}, // LoadID 14 {\"Folyékony Nitrogén\", false, 14.00, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {37, 38}, {39, 40}}, // LoadID 15 {\"Vegyszerek\", false, 15.00, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {37}, {6, 15, 39, 40}}, // LoadID 16 {\"Viz\", false,15.00, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {37, 208}, {15, 40, 41}}, // LoadID 17 {\"Zsir\", false, 14.00, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {8, 25}, {6, 10, 14, 42}}, // LoadID 18 {\"Trágya\", false, 15.00, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {37, 38}, {21, 22}}, // LoadID 19 {\"Tej\", false, 15.00, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {21, 22}, {43, 44, 45}}, // LoadID 20 {\"Sör\", true, 14.00, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {41}, {44, 46}}, // LoadID 21 {\"Ethanol\", false, 15.00, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {37, 41}, {26, 39, 40, 115, 207}}, // LoadID 22 // Loads for cargo trailer {\"Élelmiszer\", false, 14.20, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {7, 44, 47, 48}, {49, 50, 51, 52, 53}}, // LoadID 23 {\"Üditõ\", false, 16.20, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {15, 54, 55}, {49, 50, 51, 52, 53}}, // LoadID 24 {\"Dobozos sör\", true, 13.20, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {56}, {57, 58, 59, 60, 61}}, // LoadID 25 {\"Luxus cikkek\", false, 17.20, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {24, 55}, {47, 48, 50}}, // LoadID 26 {\"Elektronika\", true, 15.20, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {7, 24, 48}, {50, 51, 62, 63}}, // LoadID 27 {\"Sport ruházat\", false, 14.20, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {47, 48, 210}, {50, 53, 57}}, // LoadID 28 {\"Boards\", false, 15.20, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {10}, {4, 7, 18, 22}}, // LoadID 29 {\"Épitöanyagok\", false, 16.20, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {4}, {1, 2, 3, 5}}, // LoadID 30 {\"Állatok\", false, 19.20, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {21, 22}, {23, 43, 47}}, // LoadID 31 {\"Hús\", false, 15.20, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {43}, {44, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53}}, // LoadID 32 {\"Papir\", false, 16.20, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {14}, {9, 62, 253}}, // LoadID 33 // Loads for cement truck {\"Cement\", false, 16.40, PCV_TruckerCementTruck, {12}, {1, 2, 3, 4}}, // LoadID 34 // Loads for truckers without trailer {\"Élelmiszer\", false, 15.300, PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, {7, 44, 47, 48}, {49, 50, 51, 52, 53}}, // LoadID 35 {\"Üditõ\", false, 14.30, PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, {15, 54, 55}, {49, 50, 51, 52, 53}}, // LoadID 36 {\"Dobozos sör\", true, 15.30, PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, {56}, {57, 58, 59, 60, 61}}, // LoadID 37 {\"Luxus Cikkek\", false, 16.30, PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, {24, 55}, {47, 48, 50}}, // LoadID 38 {\"Elektronika\", true, 17.30, PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, {7, 24, 48}, {50, 51, 62, 63}}, // LoadID 39 {\"Sport ruházat\", false, 15.30, PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, {47, 48}, {50, 53, 57}}, // LoadID 40 {\"Boards\", false, 16.30, PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, {10}, {4, 7, 18, 22}}, // LoadID 41 {\"Épitõanyagok\", false, 17.30, PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, {4}, {1, 2, 3, 5}}, // LoadID 42 {\"Állatok\", false, 14.30, PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, {21, 22}, {23, 43, 47}}, // LoadID 43 {\"Hús\", false, 15.30, PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, {43}, {44, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53}}, // LoadID 44 {\"Papir\", false, 16.30, PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, {14}, {9, 62}}, // LoadID 45 // Loads for pilots {\"Utasok\", false, 16.40, PCV_PilotPlane, {210, 211, 214, 215, 219, 220, 223}, {210, 211, 214, 215, 219, 220, 223}}, // LoadID 46 +89 {\"Nehéz szállitmany\", false, 15.40, PCV_PilotPlane, {212, 213, 216, 217, 218, 221, 222, 224}, {212, 213, 216, 217, 218, 221, 222, 224}}, // LoadID 47 {\"Utasok\", false, 14.40, PCV_PilotHelicopter, {210, 211, 214, 215, 219, 220, 223}, {210, 211, 214, 215, 219, 220, 223}}, // LoadID 48 // Loads for mafia {\"Élelmiszer\", false, 15.22, PCV_MafiaVan, {7, 44, 47, 48}, {49, 50, 51, 52, 53}}, // LoadID 49 {\"Üditõ\", false, 12.55, PCV_MafiaVan, {15, 54, 55}, {49, 50, 51, 52, 53}}, // LoadID 50 {\"Dobozos Sör\", true, 4.15, PCV_MafiaVan, {56}, {57, 58, 59, 60, 61}}, // LoadID 51 {\"Luxus Cikkek\", false, 17.00, PCV_MafiaVan, {24, 55}, {47, 48, 50}}, // LoadID 52 {\"Elektronika\", true, 16.35, PCV_MafiaVan, {7, 24, 48}, {50, 51, 62, 63}}, // LoadID 53 {\"Sport Ruházat\", false, 15.60, PCV_MafiaVan, {47, 48}, {50, 53, 57}}, // LoadID 54 {\"Boards\", false, 14.40, PCV_MafiaVan, {10}, {4, 7, 18, 22}}, // LoadID 55 {\"Épitöanyagok\", false, 15.50, PCV_MafiaVan, {4}, {1, 2, 3, 5}}, // LoadID 56 {\"Állatok\", false, 12.25, PCV_MafiaVan, {21, 22}, {23, 43, 47}}, // LoadID 57 {\"Hús\", false, 13.20, PCV_MafiaVan, {43}, {44, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53}}, // LoadID 58 {\"Papir\", false, 14.00, PCV_MafiaVan, {14}, {9, 62}}, // LoadID 59 //Loads for Dumperes {\"Salak\", false, 14.00, PCV_DumperVan, {191, 197, 199, 214, 218}, {194, 195, 196, 198, 216, 217}}, // LoadID 60 {\"Kox\", false, 15.00, PCV_DumperVan, {193, 213}, {190}}, // LoadID 61 // Loads for liquids trailer {\"Disel Olaj\", true, 15.82, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {8, 207}, {30, 32, 219, 228, 247, 251, 252}}, // LoadID 62 {\"Sóder\", true, 15.80, PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, {11, 12}, {30}}, // LoadID 63 {\"Klórozott víz\", true, 15.83, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {40, 221}, {222}}, // LoadID 63 {\"Ólommentes Benzin\", true, 15.85, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {8, 25}, {32, 207, 223, 252}}, // LoadID 64 {\"Konténerek\", false, 14.20, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {7, 44}, {209, 211, 221}}, // LoadID 65 {\"Kõ olaj\", true, 15.81, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {25, 225}, {8, 26}}, // LoadID 66 {\"Föld Gáz\", true, 15.92, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {226}, {8, 26}}, // LoadID 67 {\"Fúró Fejek\", true, 17.85, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {17}, {23, 36, 63}}, // LoadID 68 {\"Bio Ethanol\", true, 19.83, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {8}, {30, 36, 226}}, // LoadID 69 {\"Nitrátok\", true, 18.88, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {8, 227}, {25, 56, 228}}, // LoadID 70 {\"Olajos Hordók\", true, 17.82, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {229}, {36, 200, 227, 250}}, // LoadID 71 {\"Broshordók\", true, 17.80, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {229}, {18, 22, 44, 250}}, // LoadID 72 {\"Alkatrészek\", true, 20.82, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {48}, {53, 44, 230}}, // LoadID 73 {\"Golfütõk\", true, 18.82, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {48, 55}, {62, 231}}, // LoadID 74 {\"Fürdõruhák\", true, 16.96, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {50, 55, 56}, {57, 233}}, // LoadID 75 {\"Tégla\", true, 16.94, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {212}, {209, 211, 233}}, // LoadID 76 {\"Vakolat\", false, 12.40, PCV_TruckerCementTruck, {12}, {1, 2, 3, 234}}, // LoadID 77 {\"Törmelék\", true, 15.00, PCV_DumperVan, {191, 193, 198}, {235}}, // LoadID 78 {\"Arany rudak\", true, 14.00, PCV_MafiaVan, {14}, {246, 50}}, // LoadID 79 aha lehet megvan {\"Kerozin\", true, 15.82, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {8, 225}, {25, 27, 32, 247, 252, 225, 247, 252}}, // LoadID 80 {\"Halak\", false, 16.94, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {34, 43}, {248, 44 ,51, 53}}, // LoadID 81 {\"Katonai Fegyverek\", true, 16.94, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {63}, {249, 44, 51}}, // LoadID 82 {\"Vegyianyagok\", true, 15.84, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, {25, 250}, {8, 39, 40}}, // LoadID 83 {\"Papír Dobozok\", false, 16.94, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, {14, 253}, {59, 60, 62, 230}} // LoadID 84 }; PPC_Loction // Setup a custom type that holds all data about a location on the map (used for missions) //{\"asd1\",256.8013,2985.9453,-1.0002}, //vascsövek R 147 //{\"asd2\",248.8672,2984.9473,-0.7812}, //Tégla R 148 //{\"asd3\",241.9697,2984.0647,-0.9437}, // Benzin hordóba R 149 //{\"asd4\",234.0562,2986.1377,-1.1707}, //Betonbhengerek R 150 //{\"asd5\",268.9752,2936.4092,0.0430}, //Vasgerendák R 151 //{\"asd6\",2521.5381,509.2180,-0.2678}, //Benzin hordóba LR 152 //{\"asd7\",2505.6594,509.2868,-0.4027}, //Benzin R 153 //{\"asd8\",2532.2507,502.0985,-0.4684}, //vasgerendák LR 154 //{\"asd9\",2539.8274,488.7192,-0.4902}, //Betinhenger LR 155 //{\"asd10\",2539.5398,469.2506,-0.4314}, //Vascsövek LR 156 // {\"asd11\",-168.1920,-5437.8105,-0.7527}, //Benzin LR 157 // {\"asd12\",-162.4490,-5463.3516,-1.1361}, //Benzin hordóba R 158 // {\"asd13\",-149.1858,-5498.9072,-0.0908}, //Betonhenger R 159 //// {\"asd14\",-158.9667,-5496.6270,-0.2407}, //Vasgerendák R 160 // {\"asd15\",-162.7208,-5426.9897,-1.3655}, //Benzin LR 161 // {\"asd16\",251.6559,3039.8398,-0.7278}, //Benzin LR 162 enum TLocation { LocationName[50], // The name of the location Float:LocX, // The X-position of the location Float:LocY, // The Y-position of the location Float:LocZ // The Z-position of the location } // Setup an array that holds all location-data (except taxi and busdriver classes, these have their own locations) new ALocations[][TLocation] = { // LocationName, LocationX, LocationY, LocationZ {\"Dummy location\", 0.0, 0.0, 0.0}, // Location 0 = dummy location (never used) {\"LS Épitkezés\", 1859.0, -1314.0, 14.0}, // Location 1 {\"SF Épitkezés\", -2083.0, 209.0, 35.5}, // Location 2 {\"LV Épitkezés\", 2708.0, 878.0, 10.0}, // Location 3 {\"Avery Épitkezés\", 312.25, -233.75, 1.6}, // Location 4 {\"Clown\'s Pocket Constr.\", 2467.0, 1923.0, 9.8}, // Location 5 {\"Solarin Industries\", -1822.5, 41.25, 15.25}, // Location 6 {\"Blueberry Truck Terminal\", 52.75, -278.0, 1.7}, // Location 7 {\"KACC Üzemanyaggyár\", 2529.5559,2733.0906,10.3130}, // Location 8 {\"SA Federal Mint\", -2441.0, 521.5, 30.0}, // Location 9 {\"Angel Pine Sawmill\", -1965.75, -2436.0, 30.7}, // Location 10 {\"Quarry\", 587.25, 844.75, -42.5}, // Location 11 {\"Bánya\", 370.0, 874.0, 20.5}, // Location 12 {\"Easter Bay Lumberyard\", -763.5, -136.0, 65.7}, // Location 13 {\"LS Papermill\", 2331.5, -2071.5, 13.6}, // Location 14 {\"Sprunk Factory\", 1334.75, 287.0, 19.6}, // Location 15 {\"SF Medical Center\", -2607.0, 684.0, 27.9}, // Location 16 {\"Angel Pine Junkyard\", -1873.0, -1685.0, 21.8}, // Location 17 {\"LV Freight Depot\", 599.5, 1224.75, 11.8}, // Location 18 {\"LS Garbage Compound\", 2181.0, -1980.5, 13.6}, // Location 19 {\"LV Industrial Estate\", 1635.75, 750.5, 11.0}, // Location 20 {\"EasterBoard Farm\", -69.5, -35.75, 3.2}, // Location 21 {\"SF Hill Farm\", -1423.5, -1469.0, 101.7}, // Location 22 {\"Pecker\'s Feed & Seed\", -310.5, 2669.5, 62.7}, // Location 23 {\"San Fierro Port\", -1691.0, 31.5, 3.6}, // Location 24 {\"LV Refinery\", 262.5, 1453.75, 10.6}, // Location 25 {\"LS Refinery\", 2484.0, -2085.0, 13.6}, // Location 26 {\"Countryside Gas Station\", -86.0, -1192.75, 2.0}, // Location 27 {\"SF Xoomer Gas Station\", -1659.0, 444.0, 7.2}, // Location 28 {\"SF Gas Station\", -2421.5, 953.25, 45.3}, // Location 29 {\"LS Going Station\", 1926.0, -1791.5, 13.5}, // Location 30 {\"Xoomer Gas Station\", -1488.75, 1875.25, 32.7}, // Location 31 {\"Whetstone Gas Station\", -1629.0, -2700.0, 48.6}, // Location 32 {\"Desert Gas Station\", -1309.5, 2703.75, 50.1}, // Location 33 {\"Dilimore Gas Station\", 664.5, -583.75, 16.4}, // Location 34 {\"Abandoned Airport Fuel\", 387.9, 2590.25, 16.5}, // Location 35 {\"San Fierro International\", -1152.25, -146.5, 14.2}, // Location 36 {\"Easter Bay Chemical\", -1033.75, -625.25, 32.1}, // Location 37 {\"LS Ocean Docks\", 2466.0, -2219.25, 13.6}, // Location 38 {\"Bioengineering Corp.\", 1347.5, 349.5, 20.0}, // Location 39 {\"Greenglass College\", 999.0, 1086.75, 11.0}, // Location 40 {\"Fleischberg Brewery\", -149.75, -220.25, 1.5}, // Location 41 {\"Bayside Boatyard\", -2430.75, 2310.5, 5.0}, // Location 42 {\"LV Butcher\", 977.5, 2096.75, 11.0}, // Location 43 {\"SF Catering LTD\", -1945.75, -1073.5, 31.0}, // Location 44 {\"LS Donut shop\", 1025.75, -1355.0, 13.8}, // Location 45 {\"Porter\'s House\", 2439.75, 114.5, 26.5}, // Location 46 {\"Chuckup LTD\", 1470.5, 1017.5, 10.9}, // Location 47 {\"LS Warehouse\", 2178.5, -2279.75, 13.6}, // Location 48 {\"SF Supa Save\", -2463.5, 782.0, 35.2}, // Location 49 {\"Verona Mall\", 1044.75, -1548.75, 13.6}, // Location 50 {\"Las Venturas Mall\", 2867.25, 2586.0, 10.7}, // Location 51 {\"Vank Hoff Hotel\", -2490.75, 337.5, 33.4}, // Location 52 {\"Emerald Mall\", 2056.75, 2251.25, 10.7}, // Location 53 {\"LS Ocean Docks\", 2574.25, -2223.75, 13.4}, // Location 54 {\"Bayside Warehouse\", -2285.0, 2281.5, 5.0}, // Location 55 {\"Fleischberg Brewery\", -18.5, -282.0, 5.5}, // Location 56 {\"Las Venturas Stadium\", 1377.5, 2245.75, 10.9}, // Location 57 {\"P. Creek General Store\", 2318.0, -92.5, 26.5}, // Location 58 {\"LV Dirtring Stadium\", 1112.0, 1451.75, 5.9}, // Location 59 {\"The Pleasure Domes\", -2697.0, 1402.5, 7.2}, // Location 60 {\"4 Dragons Casino\", 1903.75, 960.5, 10.9}, // Location 61 {\"SF Financial Center\", -2039.5, 467.5, 35.2}, // Location 62 {\"Area 69\", 134.54, 1945.79, 19.00}, // Location 63 {\"Bayside szeméttelep\", -2369.1785,2400.6396,8.0003}, //64 {\"Bayside1\",-2522.5625,2356.9229,4.9846}, //153 {\"Bayside2\",-2610.0659,2342.2822,8.3864}, //154 {\"Bayside3\",-2462.8801,2518.6101,16.8213}, //155 {\"Bayside4\",-2253.7051,2365.8013,4.9899}, //156 {\"Bayside5\",-2530.8037,2291.3586,4.9844}, //157 {\"LV szeméttelep\",2818.1975,2706.9407,10.8203}, //158 {\"LV1\",2552.5693,2238.5203,10.5255},//159 {\"LV2\",2522.3423,2321.7043,10.5278},//160 {\"LV3\",2377.4163,2238.8933,10.5252},//161 {\"LV4\",2259.1077,2286.0381,10.4531},//162 {\"LV5\",1661.1730,2167.6858,10.5234},//163 {\"LV6\",1700.4750,1268.6523,10.5211},//164 {\"LV7\",2656.2083,1948.5350,10.5242},//165 {\"LV8\",2776.8896,2532.0505,10.6020},//166 {\"LV9\",2816.3018,2599.6528,10.6003},//167 {\"SF szeméttelep\",-2553.0466,1437.6163,7.1172},//168 {\"SF1\",-2581.3083,1359.8815,6.7418},//169 {\"SF2\",-2408.4863,1385.0991,6.7359},//170 {\"SF3\",-2272.2361,1342.5118,6.7308},//171 {\"SF4\",-2153.2231,1340.6471,6.7376},//172 {\"SF5\",-2074.6001,1327.4072,6.6678},//173 {\"SF6\",-2280.8618,1221.4768,48.4237},//174 {\"SF7\",-2243.6975,1169.6740,55.4030},//175 {\"SF8\",-2274.0750,1036.7260,83.3913},//176 {\"SF9\",-2377.1621,804.5245,34.6474},//177 {\"SF10\",-2531.3960,720.8549,27.7312},//178 {\"SF11\",-2529.9722,837.2560,49.4822},//179 {\"SF12\",-2521.6343,896.4390,64.3978},//180 {\"SF13\",-2532.5212,936.2451,64.6347},//181 {\"SF14\",-2532.1404,1084.2366,55.3450},//182 {\"Angel Pine szeméttelep\",-1873.5803,-1674.6334,21.3749},//183 {\"Angel Pine1\",-2135.3667,-2256.2854,30.2569},//184 {\"Angel Pine2\",-2092.8357,-2349.2297,30.2498},//185 {\"Angel Pine3\",-2114.2915,-2428.8147,30.1685},//186 {\"Angel Pine4\",-2104.8149,-2453.9885,30.2497},//187 {\"Angel Pine5\",-2099.0439,-2483.3933,30.2508},//188 {\"Angel Pine6\",-2142.6299,-2466.4949,30.2500},//189 {\"Angel Pine7\",-2131.0679,-2453.9861,30.2487},//190 {\"Angel Pine8\",-2182.2371,-2451.9690,30.0947},//191 {\"Angel Pine9\",-2174.2910,-2441.7822,30.0936},//192 {\"Angel Pine10\",-2172.5564,-2427.7783,30.2499},//193 {\"Angel Pine11\",-2214.5642,-2333.4319,30.2492},//194 {\"LS szeméttelep\",2180.7380,-1982.5576,13.5514},//195 {\"LS1\",2290.4746,-2118.2710,13.1719},//196 {\"LS2\",1916.8707,-2122.2212,13.2108},//197 {\"LS3\",1917.2539,-2086.6628,13.2053},//198 {\"LS4\",2398.8982,-1726.4392,13.1870},//199 {\"LS5\",2488.7932,-1682.4401,12.9603},//200 {\"LS6\",2503.6223,-1660.6345,13.0183},//201 {\"LS7\",2491.1909,-1657.2974,12.9858},//114 {\"AngelPine GAS benzinkut\",-2251.4038,-2558.4998,31.8875}, // 115 {\"Busstop\", 1067.00, 1357.75, 10.7}, // Location 64 {\"Busstop\", 1324.75, 1190.75, 10.7}, // Location 65 {\"Busstop\", 1544.00, 1135.50, 10.7}, // Location 66 {\"Busstop\", 1603.50, 1130.50, 10.7}, // Location 67 {\"Busstop\", 1722.50, 1373.25, 10.5}, // Location 68 {\"Busstop\", 1714.25, 1421.75, 10.5}, // Location 69 {\"Busstop\", 1010.00, 1411.25, 10.7}, // Location 70 {\"Busstop\", 1726.50, 1481.75, 10.7}, // Location 71 {\"Busstop\", 1729.50, 1529.50, 10.7}, // Location 72 {\"Busstop\", 1705.00, 1965.00, 10.7}, // Location 73 {\"Busstop\", 1385.00, 1920.00, 10.7}, // Location 74 {\"Busstop\", 1335.25, 2055.50, 10.7}, // Location 75 {\"Busstop\", 1073.00, 2055.50, 10.7}, // Location 76 {\"Busstop\", 1502.25, 2055.50, 10.7}, // Location 77 {\"Busstop\", 1565.00, 2200.25, 10.7}, // Location 78 {\"Busstop\", 1636.25, 2175.50, 10.7}, // Location 79 {\"Busstop\", 1503.50, 2311.00, 10.7}, // Location 80 {\"Busstop\", 1564.75, 2345.75, 10.7}, // Location 81 {\"Busstop\", 1725.00, 2247.75, 10.7}, // Location 82 {\"Busstop\", 1894.50, 2175.50, 10.7}, // Location 83 {\"Busstop\", 1925.25, 2314.75, 10.7}, // Location 84 {\"Busstop\", 1925.25, 2115.75, 10.8}, // Location 85 {\"Busstop\", 2083.50, 2455.50, 10.7}, // Location 86 {\"Busstop\", 2285.00, 2315.00, 10.7}, // Location 87 {\"Busstop\", 2305.00, 2515.50, 10.7}, // Location 140 {\"Busstop\", 2392.00, 2415.50, 10.7}, // Location 89 {\"Busstop\", 2425.00, 2285.00, 10.7}, // Location 90 {\"Busstop\", 2449.75, 2235.50, 10.7}, // Location 91 {\"Busstop\", 2580.25, 2115.50, 10.7}, // Location 92 {\"Busstop\", 2447.50, 2055.50, 10.7}, // Location 93 {\"Busstop\", 2115.00, 755.50, 10.7}, // Location 94 {\"Busstop\", 2019.75, 750.50, 10.7}, // Location 95 {\"Busstop\", 1975.00, 775.50, 10.7}, // Location 96 {\"Busstop\", 1885.00, 770.75, 10.7}, // Location 97 {\"Busstop\", 1894.00, 635.75, 10.7}, // Location 150 {\"Busstop\", 1974.25, 631.00, 10.7}, // Location 99 {\"Busstop\", 2020.50, 670.50, 10.7}, // Location 100 {\"Busstop\", 2114.75, 675.75, 10.7}, // Location 101 {\"Busstop\", 1084.75, 1196.00, 10.7}, // Location 154 {\"Busstop 1 Bayside\", -2565.75, 2315.25, 4.83}, // Location 103 {\"Busstop 2 Bayside\", -2337.00, 2375.00, 5.59}, // Location 104 {\"Busstop 1 El Quebrados\", -1467.00, 2674.00, 55.68}, // Location 105 {\"Busstop 2 El Quebrados\", -1528.50, 2548.00, 55.68}, // Location 106 {\"Busstop 1 Las Barrancas\", -805.64, 1562.30, 26.96}, // Location 107 {\"Busstop 2 Las Barrancas\", -847.00, 1529.50, 21.66}, // Location 160 {\"Busstop Las Payasdas\", -269.00, 2625.75, 62.64}, // Location 109 {\"Busstop 1 Fort Carson\", -45.37, 1200.68, 19.21}, // Location 110 {\"Busstop 2 Fort Carson\", -100.50, 1195.75, 19.58}, // Location 111 {\"Busstop 3 Fort Carson\", -249.50, 1016.00, 19.59}, // Location 112 {\"Busstop 1 Angel Pine\", -2169.75, -2305.75, 30.46}, // Location 113 {\"Busstop 2 Angel Pine\", -2098.25, -2499.50, 30.46}, // Location 114 {\"Busstop 1 Palomino Creek\", 2263.75, -30.75, 26.33}, // Location 115 {\"Busstop 2 Palomino Creek\", 2461.75, 1.00, 26.33}, // Location 116 {\"Busstop 1 Montgomery\", 1288.50, 329.00, 19.40}, // Location 117 {\"Busstop 2 Montgomery\", 1286.75, 323.75, 19.40}, // Location 170 {\"Busstop 1 Dillimore\", 736.00, -527.50, 16.18}, // Location 119 {\"Busstop 2 Dillimore\", 736.00, -532.50, 16.18}, // Location 120 {\"SF Airport Gate\", -1337.94, -222.79, 14.14}, // ID = 121 {\"SF Airport Gate\", -1395.26, -104.20, 14.14}, // ID = 122 {\"SF Airport Cargo Bay\", -1337.16, -542.29, 14.14}, // ID = 123 {\"SF Airport Cargo Bay\", -1412.96, -579.85, 14.14}, // ID = 124 {\"LS Airport Gate\", 1747.04, -2441.04, 13.55}, // ID = 125 {\"LS Airport Gate\", 1902.16, -2350.11, 13.54}, // ID = 126 {\"LS Airport Cargo Bay\", 1889.10, -2625.49, 13.54}, // ID = 127 {\"LS Airport Cargo Bay\", 1754.74, -2622.69, 13.54}, // ID = 180 {\"LS Airport Cargo Bay\", 1617.61, -2622.30, 13.54}, // ID = 129 {\"LV Airport Gate\", 1564.77, 1536.77, 10.82}, // ID = 130 {\"LV Airport Gate\", 1569.85, 1358.58, 10.86}, // ID = 131 {\"LV Airport Cargo Bay\", 1307.41, 1324.01, 10.82}, // ID = 132 {\"LV Airport Cargo Bay\", 1308.47, 1361.32, 10.82}, // ID = 133 {\"Verdant Meadows Gate\", 392.13, 2531.27, 16.54}, // ID = 134 {\"Verdant Meadows Cargo Bay\", 291.08, 2525.75, 16.79}, // ID = 135 {\"TestRock\", 351.5, 1008.75, 28.4}, // ID = 136 {\"TestCP\", 344.75, 1020.5, 28.3}, // ID = 189 {\"Vasutállomás\",601.3481,1206.2527,11.7188}, // Kox Lerakodás 190 {\"Bánya fent\",371.9308,880.1357,20.3990}, // Location 191 {\"Bánya kapu\",866.5075,857.8689,13.3516}, // Location 192 {\"Bánya kapu\",893.1061,877.4375,13.3516}, // Location 193 {\"Salak depó\",613.5944,944.1698,-7.3731}, // Location 194 {\"Bánya osztályzó\",698.0740,842.7642,-27.6088}, // Location 195 {\"Bánya osztályzó\",684.3479,821.8713,-27.3116}, // Location 196 {\"Bánya lent\",510.0340,799.8667,-21.9453}, // Location 197 {\"Bánya Salakkiégetõ\",672.8630,895.4267,-40.3273}, // Location 198 {\"Bánya lent\",537.2725,907.2144,-42.9609}, // Location 199 {\"Furótorony\",2199.7324,-3754.1375,13.9547}, // Location 200 {\"San Fierró-i vonatmegálló\",-1946.3340,114.5342,25.7186}, // Location 201 {\"Los Santos-i vonatmegálló\",839.0564,-1391.2054,-1.6183}, // Location 202 {\"Los Santos-i vonatmegálló\",1773.7065,-1955.5391,13.5469}, // Location 203 {\"Külvárosi vonatmegálló\",2824.0334,93.2304,25.8723}, // Location 204 {\"Las Vegas-i vonatmegálló\",2866.7578,1301.0490,10.8203}, // Location 205 {\"Las Vegas-i vonatmegálló\",1404.5134,2634.2705,10.8203}, // Location 206 {\"Lindes Side\",3643.6462,-2009.2200,2.4000}, // Location 207 {\"Lindes Side\",-3082.7666,-1290.1460,12.2216}, // Location 208 {\"Lindes Side\",3915.7109,-21.9978,7.4000}, // Location 209 {\"Lindes Side\",4179.9336,-3056.9092,20.4598}, // Location 210 {\"Fs Nevara\",4173.3496,-3351.6721,3.9688}, // Location 211 {\"Fs Nevara Tüzép\",-4279.0981,-3320.5730,3.9688}, // Location 212 {\"Lindes Side\",3580.9597,-3061.2158,8.3362}, // Location 213 {\"Lindes Side\",3616.7778,-3080.0098,8.4690}, // Location 214 {\"Lindes Side\",3398.7720,1066.1224,12.0023}, // Location 215 {\"Lindes Side\",3368.9788,854.1220,15.4563}, // Location 216 {\"Lindes Sidet\",347.4177,865.6387,15.1392}, // Location 217 {\"Lindes Side\",3377.8752,915.6217,-0.0812}, // Location 218 {\"Fs Nevara Sziget\",-4245.8931,-1107.3492,5.8216}, // Location 219 {\"Fs Nevara Tüzép\",-4273.6577,-3327.9456,3.9688}, // Location 220 {\"Fs Nevara Víz Tisztító\",-3091.1179,-1202.5186,12.2266}, // Location 221 {\"LV Medence Klórozozz víz\",550.9822,-3074.8516,11.9688}, // Location 222 {\"LS Dock sziget Olaj kutak\",2594.5898,-4099.1489,13.7281}, // Location 223 {\"Fs Nevara Raktár\",-4438.3726,-3087.4868,6.9688}, // Location 224 {\"LS Olaj Finomító\",2138.7700,-3720.0791,14.0547}, // Location 225 {\"LS Sziget\",2458.4958,-4181.3550,13.8702}, // Location 226 {\"LS Olaj Raktár\",2607.3049,-4058.1902,13.7281}, // Location 227 {\"LV Kaszkabelesz Raktar\",4703.2256,2722.9180,12.2142}, // Location 228 {\"LV NEW Island\",5271.4155,1935.4825,2.7606}, // Location 229 {\"LS Tuningolo\",-2713.0481,199.8991,4.3281}, // Location 230 {\"AVISPA CLUB\",-2653.2632,-289.6893,7.5435}, // Location 231 {\"AngelPine Reptér\",-2328.3274,-3685.2756,11.2172}, // Location 232 {\"LS Fürdõ\",453.0037,-2861.6013,12.0219}, // Location 233 {\"TIarra\",-686.5221,1737.4807,5.2829}, // Location 234 {\"LV Blacfield\",1368.9734,766.3123,10.8203}, // Location 235 {\"Tiarra\",-1217.0529,738.7878,10.8203}, // Location 246 {\"SF Sziget\",-3645.4255,415.3175,3.3732}, // Location 247 {\"LV Sziget\",4666.8052,2749.3372,12.1951}, // Location 248 {\"SF Anya Hajó\",-4568.4912,609.7745,11.9891}, // Location 249 {\"LV Sziget\",4739.7910,2745.9456,12.2019}, // Location 250 {\"LV Kamionos raktár\",4722.0625,2871.2061,12.2156}, // Location 251 {\"LV Benzinkút\",4923.7573,2343.3979,2.1828}, // Location 252 {\"SF Raktár\",-4609.4683,412.0891,11.2766} // Location 253 hogy ezt a számot meghaladva };
Elõre is köszönöm a segítséget.
« Dátum: 2013. április 04. - 22:01:22 »
Üdv. Azzal a fordulok hozzátok hogy két scriptet össze tudna nekem fûzni valaki az anti hírdetés és az ID mutatása a player neve mellett Itt a hírdetés. #include <a_samp> new str[128]; public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { if(anty(text) && !IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)) { format(str,256,\"***Player %s Bannolva lett a szerverrõl. Reason: Hrdetés IP / PAGE\",PlayerName(playerid)); SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF0000FF, str); Ban(playerid); return 0; } return 1; } stock anty(string[]) { if(strfind(string,\"www.\",true)!=-1 || strfind(string,\"http://\",true)!=-1 || strfind(string,\".com\",true)!=-1 || strfind(string,\".net\",true)!=-1 || strfind(string,\"91.\",true)!=-1 || strfind(string,\"195.\",true)!=-1 || strfind(string,\".pl\",true)!=-1|| strfind(string,\".org\",true)!=-1) return true; return false; } stock PlayerName(playerid) { new name[MAX_PLAYER_NAME]; GetPlayerName(playerid, name, MAX_PLAYER_NAME); return name; } És az ID mutatás a név mellett public OnPlayerText(playerid, text[]) { new estr[128]; format( estr , 128 , \"[%i]%s\" , playerid , text ); SendPlayerMessageToAll( playerid , estr ); return 0; Elõre is köszönöm a segítséget!
« Dátum: 2013. április 04. - 16:04:02 »
Nem rossz le írás. sok sikert.
« Dátum: 2013. április 03. - 20:52:08 »
Köszönöm a segítséget írok ha van valami.
Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( 2013. április 03. - 21:16:04 )
Köszönöm még 1x a segítséget mind a kettõtöknek mûködik
« Dátum: 2013. április 03. - 19:26:10 »
De melyik függvény alatt van a módba?
« Dátum: 2013. április 03. - 19:21:55 »
Majd utána ha a jogsi is mükszik csak a jogsi nem jó
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