Üzenetek megjelenítése

Ez a szekció lehetővé teszi a felhasználó által írt összes hozzászólás megtekintését. Vedd figyelembe, hogy csak azokba a fórumokba írt hozzászólásokat látod, amelyekhez hozzáférésed van.

Üzenetek - Chrispapa

Oldalak: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 21
Segítségkérés / Ez mit jelent ?
« Dátum: 2014. december 25. - 16:27:40 »
istenem.Létre hozol egy plugins mappát és belerakod.

Beszélgetés / Szólánc v3.
« Dátum: 2014. december 25. - 15:13:29 »

Segítségkérés / háztörlés funkció
« Dátum: 2014. december 25. - 12:49:23 »
Így jobb:

// This command searches every house and business that the player owns and restores the data for it in the player\'s account
COMMAND:profil(playerid, params[])
   // Setup local variables
   new Name[24], AdminName[24], Msg[128], OtherPlayer;
   // Send the command to all admins so they can see it
   SendAdminText(playerid, \"/profil\", params);
    if ((GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_WASTED) || (GetPlayerState(playerid) == PLAYER_STATE_NONE)) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Először spawnol le a parancs használatára!\");
   // Check if the player has logged in
   if (APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] == true)
      // Check if the player\'s admin-level is at least 5
      if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] >= 5)
         if (sscanf(params, \"u\", OtherPlayer)) SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000AA, \"Használd: \\\"/profil <JátékosNév/ID>\\\"\");
             // Check if the other player is logged in
            //if (APlayerData[OtherPlayer][LoggedIn] == true)
               // Get the names of both players
               GetPlayerName(playerid, AdminName, sizeof(AdminName));
               GetPlayerName(OtherPlayer, Name, sizeof(Name));
                             // Setup local variables
               //new Msg[128];
               // Loop through all player-owned houses
               for (new HouseID = 1; HouseID < MAX_HOUSES; HouseID++)
                  // Check if the house exists (it must have a valid pickup)
                  if (IsValidDynamicPickup(AHouseData[HouseID][PickupID]))
                     // Check if the player is in range of the house-pickup
                     //if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ]))
                        // Delete the house, inform the owner if he\'s online and remove the house from the owner\'s account
                        // Also let the player know he deleted the house
                        format(Msg, 128, \"{00FF00}Te tőrőltél egy házat ID: {FFFF00}%i\", HouseID);
                        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
                        // Exit the function
                        return 1;
               // In case no house was found in range, try to find a business to delete
               // Loop through all businesses
               for (new BusID = 1; BusID < MAX_BUSINESS; BusID++)
                  // Check if the business exists (it must have a valid pickup)
                  if (IsValidDynamicPickup(ABusinessData[busID][PickupID]))
                     // Check if the player is in range of the house-pickup
                     //if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.5, ABusinessData[busID][businessX], ABusinessData[busID][businessY], ABusinessData[busID][businessZ]))
                        // Delete the business, inform the owner if he\'s online and remove the business from the owner\'s account
                        // Also let the player know he deleted the business
                        format(Msg, 128, \"{00FF00}Te torőltél egy bóltot ID: {FFFF00}%i\", BusID);
                        SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
                        // Exit the function
                        return 1;
               // Clear the houses and businesses that the player owns right now
               for (new i; i < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; i++)
                   APlayerData[OtherPlayer][Houses] = 0;
               for (new i; i < MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER; i++)
                   APlayerData[OtherPlayer][business] = 0;
               // Now search through all houses and re-add them to the player
               for (new HouseID = 1; HouseID < MAX_HOUSES; HouseID++)
                  if (AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] == true) // Check if the house is owned by somebody
                     if (strcmp(AHouseData[HouseID][Owner], Name, false) == 0) // Check if the player is the owner of the house
                        for (new i; i < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; i++) // Loop through all houses the player owns
                            if (APlayerData[OtherPlayer][Houses] == 0) // Check if the houseslot is free
                              APlayerData[OtherPlayer][Houses] = HouseID; // Store the HouseID
                              break; // Stop searching for more free slots
               // Now search through all businesses and re-add them to the player
               for (new BusID = 1; BusID < MAX_BUSINESS; BusID++)
                  if (ABusinessData[busID][Owned] == true) // Check if the business is owner by someone
                     if (strcmp(ABusinessData[busID][Owner], Name, false) == 0) // Check if the player is the owner of the business
                        for (new i; i < MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER; i++) // Loop through all businesses the player owns
                            if (APlayerData[OtherPlayer][business] == 0) // Check if the businessslot is free
                              APlayerData[OtherPlayer][business] = BusID; // Store the BusID
                              break; // Stop searching for more free slots
               // Let the other player know his property has been restored
               format(Msg, 128, \"{00FF00}Sikeresen javítottad az adatait by: {FFFF00}%s\", AdminName);
               SendClientMessage(OtherPlayer, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
               // Save the other player\'s account
               // SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Ez a játkos nem csatlakozott/vagy nincs fent\");
         return 0;
       return 0;
   // Let the server know that this was a valid command
   return 1;
// This command lets the player evict a house or business (remove ownership of the house or business to make it available for sale again)
COMMAND:evict(playerid, params[])
   // Send the command to all admins so they can see it
   SendAdminText(playerid, \"/evict\", params);
   // Exit the command if the player hasn\'t logged in using his password
   if (APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] == false) return 0;
   // Exit the command if the player has an admin-level lower than 5
   if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerLevel] < 5) return 0;
   // Exit the command if the player is inside a vehicle
   if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) != -1) return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Nem használhatod /evict -parancsot járműben\");
   // Setup local variables
   new Msg[128];
   // Loop through all player-owned houses
   for (new HouseID = 1; HouseID < MAX_HOUSES; HouseID++)
      // Check if the house exists (it must have a valid pickup)
      if (IsValidDynamicPickup(AHouseData[HouseID][PickupID]))
         // Check if the player is in range of the house-pickup
         if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.5, AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ]))
            // Check if the house is owned
            if (AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] == true)
               // Evict the house, inform the owner if he\'s online and remove the house from the owner\'s account
               // Also let the player know he evicted the house
               format(Msg, 128, \"{00FF00}Lefoglaltad a házad ID: {FFFF00}%i\", HouseID);
               SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
               // Exit the function
               return 1;
               return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Ennek a háznak nincs tulajdonosa ezért lefoglatuk\");
   // In case no house was found in range, try to find a business to delete
   // Loop through all businesses
   for (new BusID = 1; BusID < MAX_BUSINESS; BusID++)
      // Check if the business exists (it must have a valid pickup)
      if (IsValidDynamicPickup(ABusinessData[busID][PickupID]))
         // Check if the player is in range of the house-pickup
         if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.5, ABusinessData[busID][businessX], ABusinessData[busID][businessY], ABusinessData[busID][businessZ]))
            // Check if the business is owned
            if (ABusinessData[busID][Owned] == true)
               // Evict the business, inform the owner if he\'s online and remove the business from the owner\'s account
               // Also let the player know he evicted the business
               format(Msg, 128, \"{00FF00}Lefoglaltad az üzletet ID: {FFFF00}%i\", BusID);
               SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
               // Exit the function
               return 1;
               return SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Ennek a boltnak nincs tulajdonosa ezért lefoglaltuk\");
   // There was no house or business in range, so let the player know about it
   SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Nincs ház/bolt a kőzelben\");
   // Let the server know that this was a valid command
   return 1;
// This function will delete the given house from the server and from the owner\'s account (if it has an owner)
   // Setup local variables
   new file[100], Msg[128], Name[24], bool:PlayerOnline = false;
   // Check if the house is owned
   if (AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] == true)
      // Loop through all players to find the owner (if he\'s online)
      for (new pid; pid < MAX_PLAYERS; pid++)
         // Check if this player is online
          if (IsPlayerConnected(pid))
              // Get that player\'s name
              GetPlayerName(pid, Name, sizeof(Name));
              // Compare if this player has the same name as the owner of the house
            if (strcmp(AHouseData[HouseID][Owner], Name, false) == 0)
                // Set PlayerOnline to \"true\"
                PlayerOnline = true;
               // Inform the player that his house is being deleted
               format(Msg, 128, \"{FFF000}A {FF0000}\\\"%s\\\"{FFF000} házad törölve lett\", AHouseData[HouseID][HouseName]);
               SendClientMessage(pid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
               // Also remove the HouseID from his list of houses
               for (new HouseSlot; HouseSlot < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; HouseSlot++)
                   // Check if the house is stored in this houseslot
                   if (APlayerData[pid][Houses][HouseSlot] == HouseID)
                       // If the house is stored in this slot, clear the slot
                       APlayerData[pid][Houses][HouseSlot] = 0;
               // Save the player\'s account again
               // Stop this For-loop, as the owner was already found and informed
      // Check if the player was not online
      if (PlayerOnline == false)
         // Remove the house from the player\'s account (open the account, remove the data and re-save it)
         PlayerFile_RemoveProperty(AHouseData[HouseID][Owner], HouseID, 0);
   // First remove all vehicles from the house
   // Clear all data of the house
   AHouseData[HouseID][HouseName] = 0;
   AHouseData[HouseID][insurance] = 0;
   AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX] = 0.0;
   AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY] = 0.0;
   AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ] = 0.0;
   AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel] = 0;
   AHouseData[HouseID][HouseMaxLevel] = 0;
   AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice] = 0;
   AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] = false;
   AHouseData[HouseID][Owner] = 0;
   // Destroy the mapicon, 3DText and pickup for the house
   AHouseData[HouseID][PickupID] = 0;
   AHouseData[HouseID][MapIconID] = 0;
   // Delete the House-file
   format(file, sizeof(file), HouseFile, HouseID); // Construct the complete filename for this house-file
   if (fexist(file)) // Make sure the file exists
      fremove(file); // Delete the file
// This function will evict the given house from the server and from the owner\'s account (if it has an owner)
   // Setup local variables
   new Msg[128], Name[24], bool:PlayerOnline = false;
   // Check if the house is owned
   if (AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] == true)
      // Loop through all players to find the owner (if he\'s online)
      for (new pid; pid < MAX_PLAYERS; pid++)
         // Check if this player is online
          if (IsPlayerConnected(pid))
              // Get that player\'s name
              GetPlayerName(pid, Name, sizeof(Name));
              // Compare if this player has the same name as the owner of the house
            if (strcmp(AHouseData[HouseID][Owner], Name, false) == 0)
                // Set PlayerOnline to \"true\"
                PlayerOnline = true;
               // Inform the player that his house is being deleted
               format(Msg, 128, \"{FFF000}A {FF0000}\\\"%s\\\"{FFF000} házad le lett foglalva!\", AHouseData[HouseID][HouseName]);
               SendClientMessage(pid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
               // Also remove the HouseID from his list of houses
               for (new HouseSlot; HouseSlot < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; HouseSlot++)
                   // Check if the house is stored in this houseslot
                   if (APlayerData[pid][Houses][HouseSlot] == HouseID)
                       // If the house is stored in this slot, clear the slot
                       APlayerData[pid][Houses][HouseSlot] = 0;
               // Save the player\'s account again
               // Stop this For-loop, as the owner was already found and informed
      // Check if the player was not online
      if (PlayerOnline == false)
         // Remove the house from the player\'s account (open the account, remove the data and re-save it)
         PlayerFile_RemoveProperty(AHouseData[HouseID][Owner], HouseID, 0);
   // First remove all vehicles from the house
   // Clear ownership of the house
   AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] = false;
   AHouseData[HouseID][Owner] = 0;
   // Update the entrance of the house
   // Save the housefile
// This function will delete the given business from the server and from the owner\'s account (if it has an owner)
   // Setup local variables
   new file[100], Msg[128], Name[24], bool:PlayerOnline = false;
   // Check if the business is owned
   if (ABusinessData[busID][Owned] == true)
      // Loop through all players to find the owner (if he\'s online)
      for (new pid; pid < MAX_PLAYERS; pid++)
         // Check if this player is online
          if (IsPlayerConnected(pid))
              // Get that player\'s name
              GetPlayerName(pid, Name, sizeof(Name));
              // Compare if this player has the same name as the owner of the business
            if (strcmp(ABusinessData[busID][Owner], Name, false) == 0)
                // Set PlayerOnline to \"true\"
                PlayerOnline = true;
               // Inform the player that his business is being deleted
               format(Msg, 128, \"{FFF000}A {FF0000}\\\"%s\\\"{FFF000} üzleted törölve lett!\", ABusinessData[busID][businessName]);
               SendClientMessage(pid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
               // Also remove the BusID from his list of businesses
               for (new BusSlot; BusSlot < MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER; BusSlot++)
                   // Check if the business is stored in this business-slot
                   if (APlayerData[pid][business][busSlot] == BusID)
                       // If the business is stored in this slot, clear the slot
                       APlayerData[pid][business][busSlot] = 0;
               // Save the player\'s account again
               // Stop this For-loop, as the owner was already found and informed
      // Check if the player was not online
      if (PlayerOnline == false)
         // Remove the house from the player\'s account (open the account, remove the data and re-save it)
         PlayerFile_RemoveProperty(ABusinessData[busID][Owner], 0, BusID);
   // Clear all data of the business
   ABusinessData[busID][businessName] = 0;
   ABusinessData[busID][businessX] = 0.0;
   ABusinessData[busID][businessY] = 0.0;
   ABusinessData[busID][businessZ] = 0.0;
   ABusinessData[busID][businessType] = 0;
   ABusinessData[busID][businessLevel] = 0;
   ABusinessData[busID][LastTransaction] = 0;
   ABusinessData[busID][Owned] = false;
   ABusinessData[busID][Owner] = 0;
   // Destroy the mapicon, 3DText and pickup for the business
   ABusinessData[busID][PickupID] = 0;
   ABusinessData[busID][MapIconID] = 0;
   // Delete the business-file
   format(file, sizeof(file), BusinessFile, BusID); // Construct the complete filename for this business-file
   if (fexist(file)) // Make sure the file exists
      fremove(file); // Delete the file
// This function will evict the given business from the server and from the owner\'s account (if it has an owner)
   // Setup local variables
   new Msg[128], Name[24], bool:PlayerOnline = false;
   // Check if the business is owned
   if (ABusinessData[busID][Owned] == true)
      // Loop through all players to find the owner (if he\'s online)
      for (new pid; pid < MAX_PLAYERS; pid++)
         // Check if this player is online
          if (IsPlayerConnected(pid))
              // Get that player\'s name
              GetPlayerName(pid, Name, sizeof(Name));
              // Compare if this player has the same name as the owner of the business
            if (strcmp(ABusinessData[busID][Owner], Name, false) == 0)
                // Set PlayerOnline to \"true\"
                PlayerOnline = true;
               // Inform the player that his business is being deleted
               format(Msg, 128, \"{FFF000}A {FF0000}\\\"%s\\\"{FFF000} üzleted le lett foglalva!\", ABusinessData[busID][businessName]);
               SendClientMessage(pid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
               // Also remove the BusID from his list of businesses
               for (new BusSlot; BusSlot < MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER; BusSlot++)
                   // Check if the business is stored in this business-slot
                   if (APlayerData[pid][business][busSlot] == BusID)
                       // If the business is stored in this slot, clear the slot
                       APlayerData[pid][business][busSlot] = 0;
               // Save the player\'s account again
               // Stop this For-loop, as the owner was already found and informed
      // Check if the player was not online
      if (PlayerOnline == false)
         // Remove the house from the player\'s account (open the account, remove the data and re-save it)
         PlayerFile_RemoveProperty(ABusinessData[busID][Owner], 0, BusID);
   // Clear ownership of the business
   ABusinessData[busID][Owned] = false;
   ABusinessData[busID][Owner] = 0;
   // Update the entrance of the business
   // Save the businessfile
// This function loads the playerfile for the given player, removes the lines that contain the HouseID or BusinessID and resaves the file
PlayerFile_RemoveProperty(Name[], HouseID, BusID)
   // Setup local variables
   new file[100], File:PFile, LineFromFile[100], Index, SearchString[100];
   // Construct the complete filename for this player\'s account
   format(file, sizeof(file), PlayerFile, Name);
   // Check if the player\'s datafile exists
   if (fexist(file))
      // First clear the array before using it to make sure it\'s empty
      for (Index = 0; Index < 100; Index++)
            FileContent[index][0] = 0;
      // Open the playerfile for reading
      PFile = fopen(file, io_read);
      // Read up to 100 lines from the file (no player-account should have more than this)
      for (Index = 0; Index < 100; Index++)
         // Read a line from the file
         fread(PFile, LineFromFile);
         // Strip any newline characters from the LineFromFile
         // Check if this line holds data
         if (strlen(LineFromFile) > 0)
            // Store this line into the array
            format(FileContent[index], 100, LineFromFile);
         else // If the read line doesn\'t contain any more data (empty string), the end of the file has been reached
        // Close the file
      // Now the file has been read and stored into the array, now scan the array to search for the matching HouseID and/or BusinessID
      // Loop through the entire array
      for (Index = 0; Index < 100; Index++)
         // Build the string to search for the HouseID
         format(SearchString, 100, \"House %i\", HouseID);
         // Check if this line holds the string we\'re looking for
         if (strcmp(FileContent[index], SearchString, false) == 0)
             // Clear the array-index
             FileContent[index][0] = 0;
         // Build the string to search for the BusinessID
         format(SearchString, 100, \"Business %i\", BusID);
         // Check if this line holds the string we\'re looking for
         if (strcmp(FileContent[index], SearchString, false) == 0)
             // Clear the array-index
             FileContent[index][0] = 0;
      // Now all matching HouseID\'s and BusinessID\'s should be removed from the account, now re-save the playerfile
        // Open the playerfile for writing
      PFile = fopen(file, io_write);
      // Loop through the entire array
      for (Index = 0; Index < 100; Index++)
         // Check if there is data in this array-slot
         if (FileContent[index][0] != 0)
             // Construct the line for saving
            format(LineFromFile, 100, \"%s\\r\\n\", FileContent[index]);
              // And save it to the file
            fwrite(PFile, LineFromFile);
        // Close the file

Munkaerő keresése / VCRPG Fejlesztői Felvétel 2.
« Dátum: 2014. december 25. - 10:45:57 »
Üdvözlök mindenkit!


A GTA United Vice City Roleplay Fejlesztői felvételt hirdet!

Szerintem nem kell senkinek se megemlíteni miről is van szó.


-Legalább 2 hónapos pawn tudás.


-Tudjon megvalósítani ötleteket

-Napi 1-2 óra aktivitás

-Életkor nem számít.Az a lényeg,hogy tudd a dolgod





Ha érdekel akkor írj PM-be, és megbeszéljük a részleteket!!!

Ezt a szervert mi komolyan gondoljuk, hogy megcsinálnánk!

Ami nem hátrány, ha rendelkezel szabadidõvel, mindenben partner vagy, és nem szeretsz ronda, nem igényes munkát hagyni a hátad mögött. Na meg persze az se hátrány ha értesz ahhoz amit csinálsz.


Jutalmazás: -20-35 slotos ts3 szerver

-30-35 slotos samp szerver

 Sajnos nem tudunk pénzbeli jutalmat adni ezekért. Addig is jó társaságot mindenféleképpen és tiszteletet :) Természetesen kaphtat jogot is a szerveren,de ha nem szeretné ezt elvállalni nem szükséges.


Várom a jelentkezéseket.

TS3: vcrpg.tk

Beszélgetés / Kinek mit hozott a Jézuska?
« Dátum: 2014. december 25. - 10:03:05 »

Kérdések, Segítség / UCP "telepítési" hiba
« Dátum: 2014. december 25. - 09:50:34 »
Van hozzá sql táblád?Mert ha nincs feltöltve akkor nehéz lesz...

Archívum / Live and Die in Los Santos ~ 2014-2015
« Dátum: 2014. december 24. - 18:01:58 »
Mert...Karácsony van.Gondolj bele.  ;)

Rendezvények / [HUN] 2014 @ xMas Party - 2014.12.24. | 9:00
« Dátum: 2014. december 24. - 10:34:36 »
Idézetet írta: Dfoglalo date=1418233015\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"51527\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Annak érdekében, hogy úgymond lefoglalhassátok a fórumos felhasználóneveteket a szerveren, létrehoztam egy webes felületet, amely alkalmas erre. Aki szeretné ezt igénybe venni, írjon nekem egy PM-et. Válaszul egy egyedi linket fog kapni, amely a nyitásig és/vagy a sikeres regisztrációig él. Ezen a linken át be tud regisztrálni a szerverre. A linket megnyitva előre meg lesz adva a felhasználóneved, amellyel később be tudsz majd jelentkezni, illetve egy plusz dolog is: a fórumos rangod, amely látható lesz majd a szerveren. Ha nyitás után, a szerveren szeretnél regisztrálni, akkor ezt a rangot időbe telik majd megadni neked (ráírsz egy szervezőre, aki megnézni a rangodat és beállítja neked). Ráadásul ekkor az a veszély is fennáll, hogy valaki más előtted beregisztrál a neveddel. Így ajánlott az elő regisztrációs módszert választani. A megnyitott oldalon tehát csak a regisztrálni kívánt jelszót kell megadnod. Várom a PM-eket. Weboldal: www.xmas.sunwell.hu
Hát ez nagyon jó csak kb.2 hete váróm h küldön,de nem küldd.

Fórum Archívum (Témák/Fórumok) / Neo Life RPG
« Dátum: 2014. december 23. - 16:55:44 »
Valaki csak azért regisztrál be,hogy a sz¤r szerverét hírdesse.

Munkaerő keresése / Mappert keresünk!
« Dátum: 2014. december 23. - 13:07:47 »
Én tudnák segíteni.
Írj privátot ha kell még.

Munkaerő keresése / Mappert keresünk!
« Dátum: 2014. december 23. - 11:37:45 »
Samp szerver vagy mta?

Beszélgetés / Karácsony
« Dátum: 2014. december 21. - 21:35:08 »
Idézetet írta: GeGe. date=1419193165\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"51761\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Maradék karácsonyi hangulatom el is szállt, de mindegy is...

Pénz szűkében valami apróságot veszek mindenkinek. Anyunak csokit meg valamit még kitalálok, apunak gondoltam valami jobb whiskeyt, de hát... Tesómnak tusfürdő. Ruhákat kaptam nem rég, már csak valami apróságot fogok meg remélem pár ezer forintot szilveszterre. És kész. Igazából nem égek -már...- karácsonyi lázban, csak szeretnék végre egy estét, ahol nincsenek veszekedések, én se csak a sz*r dolgokra gondolok és betakarózva nézhetem a Reszkessetek betörőket. Épp elég ennyi nekem.

Boldog karácsonyt és sikeres új évet kívánok mindenkinek! Jó szünetet, pihenjetek sokat.

Nekem ez megható volt.

Általános / Szerver rendelés sms-el,Romániából!
« Dátum: 2014. december 21. - 21:31:53 »
Hát az lehetetlen múltkor Romániából rendelt haverom.

Általános / Szerver rendelés sms-el,Romániából!
« Dátum: 2014. december 21. - 20:42:17 »
Akkor marad a ....  :Cry2: clans.hu

Segítségkérés / Szerver Error
« Dátum: 2014. december 20. - 19:50:37 »
Istenem..  :facepalm:
Minek szerver log?
Leffutatta de nem azzal a pluginnal,ami van a szeróm.Tehát ugyanaz a stremer.so és stremer.inc-el kell lefuttatni ami a szerón van.

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