Üzenetek megjelenítése

Ez a szekció lehetővé teszi a felhasználó által írt összes hozzászólás megtekintését. Vedd figyelembe, hogy csak azokba a fórumokba írt hozzászólásokat látod, amelyekhez hozzáférésed van.

Témák - BarbaNegra

Oldalak: [1] 2
SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Supa Save Interior
« Dátum: 2016. január 26. - 23:10:54 »
Hello this is the inside of Supa Save map, hope you like

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / [MAP] Supa Save
« Dátum: 2016. január 15. - 20:12:39 »
Hello , I present you my new map , this time is a feat supermarket in the city of Los Santos

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Dealership
« Dátum: 2015. július 18. - 01:37:59 »
I\'m back to samp, this is my new map

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Bank Security
« Dátum: 2015. február 03. - 21:51:07 »
Hello everyone, today I will show my new map, is a bank located next to City Hall.

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Walmart - Exterior
« Dátum: 2015. január 25. - 17:19:08 »
Hello everybody, I\'m back with a new map, and this is a supermarket, Walmart.

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Ten Green Bottles
« Dátum: 2015. január 07. - 01:07:29 »
Hello again to all, and the map that I bring you today is a bar, it is famous because it is in a popular place, as the place was kind of ugly, I took a quick improvement, maintaining the location, natural, etc. When I just did the outside, I thought why not also an interior, that\'s when I when I started the inside, but when I was about to end I saw that when I put the same color was all black, as happened once to me, then let the textures without modification in cores.Tanto the outside as the inside is modern, that is my intention, start mapping neighborhoods where the lack of modernism ..

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / House of Coffe- Exterior
« Dátum: 2014. december 29. - 13:37:37 »
Hello everybody, I present to you my new map, and at first I was not sure what he was doing at the end I was combining the texture and realized that could be helpful to stores with the brown color found most suitable for coffee, final result was impressive considering the object, ask to leave their like in the video and if you can sign up, because then receive notifications of new videos.

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Dealers - Champions
« Dátum: 2014. december 15. - 16:28:07 »
Hello everyone, after a downtime\'m back to make maps, and map this time is a dealership with indoor and outdoor.
Map Video:

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Mc Donald\'s - Int & Ext
« Dátum: 2014. október 19. - 16:47:46 »
Hello all good people? good after a few days I\'m back with a new map as well is an establishment of Mc Donald\'s, some time ago I had already put one, I decided to remake it by adding an interior and giving some small changes at first it took me to start doing, after a while it was almost automatic, tested various colors and method of making this map, concludes that this was the one that best fitted within the interior has tables, desks, televisions, among others.

Remove Exterior e interior:

new Verde[7]; 
new Branco[7]; 
new Muro[25]; 
new Chao[21]; 
new Vidro[10]; 
new VidroINT[17]; 
new Mesa[6]; 
new Balcao[8]; 

new Burguer= CreateObject(5418, 1184.84814, -900.17932, 48.25650,   0.00000, 0.00000, 97.45490);
SetObjectMaterial(Burguer, 13,15041, \"bigsfsave\", \"ah_utilbor2\", 0xFFEECBAD);
SetObjectMaterial(Burguer, 11,8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFF002600);
SetObjectMaterial(Burguer, 5,8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFF002600);
SetObjectMaterial(Burguer, 3,-1,\"none\",\"none\",  0xFF005900);
SetObjectMaterial(Burguer, 7,-1,\"none\",\"none\", 0xFFFFFFFF);
SetObjectMaterial(Burguer, 1, 8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFFFFFFFF);
SetObjectMaterial(Burguer, 2,8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFF002600);
new MuroA= CreateObject(5741, 1196.88379, -914.84723, 41.95880,   0.00000, 0.00000, 9.17620);
SetObjectMaterial(MuroA, 2,8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFF002600);
SetObjectMaterial(MuroA, 0, 12855, \"cunte_cop\", \"sw_copgrass01\");
SetObjectMaterial(MuroA, 1, 14846, \"genintintpoliceb\", \"pol_flr3\");
SetObjectMaterial(MuroA, 3, 11301, \"carshow_sfse\", \"ws_carpark2\", 0xFF4F4F4F);
new VidroEXT= CreateObject(3851, 1190.83057, -906.53351, 42.41430,   -90.78000, 0.00000, 277.31549);
SetObjectMaterial(VidroEXT, 0,19325, \"lsmall_shops\", \"lsmall_window01\", 0xFF3CB371);
new VidroEXT1= CreateObject(3851, 1186.49609, -907.09277, 40.32186,   -90.78000, 0.00000, 277.59549);
SetObjectMaterial(VidroEXT1, 0,19325, \"lsmall_shops\", \"lsmall_window01\", 0xFF3CB371);
new VidroEXT2= CreateObject(3851, 1199.10791, -905.44629, 42.41430,   -90.78000, 0.00000, 277.31549);
SetObjectMaterial(VidroEXT2, 0,19325, \"lsmall_shops\", \"lsmall_window01\", 0xFF3CB371);
new VidroEXT3= CreateObject(3851, 1203.57202, -904.90277, 40.53430,   -90.78000, 0.00000, 277.31549);
SetObjectMaterial(VidroEXT3, 0,19325, \"lsmall_shops\", \"lsmall_window01\", 0xFF3CB371);
Muro[0]= CreateObject(19446, 1181.56995, -913.05920, 41.15480,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Muro[1]= CreateObject(19354, 1182.49426, -919.41278, 41.15480,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Muro[23]= CreateObject(19446, 1188.74744, -921.24371, 41.15480,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Muro[2]= CreateObject(19354, 1194.51294, -920.40997, 41.15480,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Muro[3]= CreateObject(19354, 1197.66724, -919.96478, 41.15480,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Muro[4]= CreateObject(19427, 1199.35181, -920.47540, 41.15480,   0.00000, 0.00000, 13.94140);
Muro[5]= CreateObject(19354, 1201.16650, -920.91302, 41.15480,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Muro[6]= CreateObject(19354, 1204.09741, -920.48798, 41.15480,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Muro[7]= CreateObject(19446, 1210.65454, -909.22522, 41.15480,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Muro[8]= CreateObject(19354, 1211.56128, -915.53619, 41.15480,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Muro[9]= CreateObject(19354, 1211.90955, -917.93829, 41.15480,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Vidro[0]= CreateObject(3850, 1181.30640, -911.62891, 42.99400,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Muro[10]= CreateObject(19427, 1181.00110, -909.11981, 41.77840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Muro[11]= CreateObject(19427, 1181.72021, -914.07922, 41.79840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Vidro[1]= CreateObject(3850, 1182.03625, -916.58533, 42.99400,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Muro[12]= CreateObject(19427, 1182.33716, -918.20911, 41.79840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Vidro[2]= CreateObject(3850, 1182.50037, -919.28510, 42.99400,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Muro[13]= CreateObject(19427, 1183.33960, -921.36121, 41.79840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 57.90680);
Vidro[3]= CreateObject(3850, 1185.69604, -921.62299, 42.99400,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Muro[14]= CreateObject(19427, 1188.21326, -921.30878, 41.79840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Vidro[4]= CreateObject(3850, 1190.70984, -920.96588, 42.99400,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Muro[15]= CreateObject(19427, 1193.18384, -920.59058, 41.79840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Vidro[5]= CreateObject(3850, 1195.65991, -920.26239, 42.99400,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Muro[16]= CreateObject(19427, 1198.13220, -919.86340, 41.79840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Muro[17]= CreateObject(19427, 1199.36182, -920.47540, 41.79840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 13.94140);
Vidro[6]= CreateObject(3850, 1201.25024, -920.92700, 42.99400,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Muro[22]= CreateObject(19427, 1203.75708, -920.51367, 41.79840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Muro[18]= CreateObject(19427, 1198.32214, -919.83337, 41.78840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 278.27579);
Muro[19]= CreateObject(19427, 1210.03723, -905.29181, 41.78840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Vidro[7]= CreateObject(3850, 1210.38733, -907.78711, 42.99400,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Muro[24]= CreateObject(19427, 1210.79834, -910.22321, 41.78840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Vidro[8]= CreateObject(3850, 1211.23291, -912.71338, 42.99400,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Muro[20]= CreateObject(19427, 1211.50916, -915.20001, 41.78840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
Vidro[9]= CreateObject(3850, 1211.61377, -916.22400, 42.99400,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);
for(new i = 0; i != 10; i++) SetObjectMaterial(Vidro,0,-1, \"none\", \"none\", 0xFF228B22);

Muro[21]= CreateObject(19427, 1212.01917, -918.71381, 41.78840,   0.00000, 0.00000, 8.25880);

for(new i = 0; i != 25; i++) SetObjectMaterial(Muro
,0,5810, \"lawnstripm\", \"sl_lavicdtwall1\");

Branco[0]= CreateObject(643, 1185.1266, -911.3056, 42.7969,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Branco[1]= CreateObject(643, 1190.8424, -910.6236, 42.7869,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Branco[2]= CreateObject(643, 1186.4563, -916.6749, 42.7869,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Branco[3]= CreateObject(643, 1192.3212, -915.9865, 42.7769,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Branco[4]= CreateObject(643, 1206.2460, -909.6307, 42.7969,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Branco[5]= CreateObject(643, 1200.4991, -909.1115, 42.7969,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Branco[6]= CreateObject(643, 1208.4363, -913.8591, 42.7977,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

for(new i = 0; i != 7; i++) SetObjectMaterial(Branco
,2,14444, \"carter_block_2\", \"cd_wall1\", 0xFFFFFFFF);

Verde[0]= CreateObject(642, 1185.08984, -911.36810, 43.58070,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Verde[1]= CreateObject(642, 1186.42395, -916.72571, 43.56970,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Verde[2]= CreateObject(642, 1192.31726, -916.02759, 43.50970,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Verde[3]= CreateObject(642, 1190.82080, -910.67969, 43.50970,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Verde[4]= CreateObject(642, 1200.47827, -909.18518, 43.43970,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Verde[5]= CreateObject(642, 1206.21826, -909.67792, 43.34970,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Verde[6]= CreateObject(642, 1208.40906, -913.91229, 43.32970,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

for(new i = 0; i != 7; i++) SetObjectMaterial(Verde
,0,8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFF002600);

for(new i = 0; i != 7; i++) SetObjectMaterial(Verde
,1,8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFFFFFFFF);

new Faixa= CreateObject(10183, 1221.04028, -885.90997, 42.05160,   0.00000, 0.00000, 325.47641);

SetObjectMaterial(Faixa, 0, -1, \"none\", \"none\", 0xFFFFFFFF);

new Faixa1= CreateObject(10183, 1189.46765, -880.05688, 42.24160,   0.00000, 0.00000, 55.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(Faixa1, 0, -1, \"none\", \"none\", 0xFFFFFFFF);

CreateObject(18981, 1177.8029, -881.4448, 41.7267,   0.00000, 90.00000, 98.47160);

CreateObject(18981, 1194.65845, -878.88019, 41.64670,   0.00000, 90.00000, 98.47160);

CreateObject(3627, 1224.46912, -874.90863, 31.58260,   20.00000, 0.00000, 99.00000);

CreateObject(1557, 1193.50525, -906.17700, 42.17470,   0.00000, 0.00000, 5.39970);

CreateObject(1557, 1196.47815, -905.86450, 42.17470,   0.00000, 0.00000, 186.44569);

Chao[0]= CreateObject(19378, 1202.63135, -893.41968, 42.25860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[1]= CreateObject(19378, 1192.25684, -894.81671, 42.25860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[2]= CreateObject(19378, 1182.28259, -896.15320, 42.25860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[3]= CreateObject(19378, 1203.91394, -902.97198, 42.25860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[4]= CreateObject(19378, 1193.54712, -904.36493, 42.24860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[5]= CreateObject(19378, 1185.67175, -905.41479, 42.23860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[6]= CreateObject(19378, 1205.19995, -912.51599, 42.25860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[7]= CreateObject(19378, 1194.77979, -913.92371, 42.24860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[8]= CreateObject(19378, 1186.93799, -914.90637, 42.23860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[9]= CreateObject(19378, 1187.22058, -916.86658, 42.22860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[10]= CreateObject(19378, 1197.60364, -915.47791, 42.22860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[11]= CreateObject(19378, 1205.72363, -916.45343, 42.20860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[12]= CreateObject(19378, 1203.20642, -916.78412, 42.21860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[13]= CreateObject(19378, 1182.78015, -905.12592, 42.25860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[14]= CreateObject(19378, 1181.56641, -896.24512, 42.26860,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[15]= CreateObject(19378, 1207.42407, -921.00732, 37.05220,   0.00000, 0.00000, 277.63391);

Chao[16]= CreateObject(19378, 1203.41040, -921.53113, 37.05220,   0.00000, 0.00000, 277.63391);

Chao[17]= CreateObject(19378, 1206.38354, -916.85339, 42.07130,   0.00000, 90.00000, 7.66370);

Chao[18]= CreateObject(19378, 1207.44409, -921.48730, 36.81220,   0.00000, 0.00000, 277.63391);

Chao[19]= CreateObject(19378, 1205.91479, -921.20758, 37.05220,   0.00000, 0.00000, 277.63391);

Chao[20]= CreateObject(19378, 1206.60400, -921.61139, 36.81220,   0.00000, 0.00000, 277.63391);

for(new i = 0; i != 21; i++) SetObjectMaterial(Chao
,0,3997, \"cityhall_lan\", \"sl_plazatile01\");

CreateObject(1231, 1211.75110, -920.04669, 43.76820,   0.00000, 0.00000, 271.44647);

CreateObject(1231, 1198.31018, -920.32953, 43.76820,   0.00000, 0.00000, 279.77991);

CreateObject(1231, 1183.10913, -921.99286, 43.76820,   0.00000, 0.00000, 279.77991);

CreateObject(1231, 1180.63904, -910.01660, 43.76820,   0.00000, 0.00000, 279.77991);

CreateObject(2774, 1209.54578, -907.56171, 41.45000,   0.00000, 90.00000, 98.59400);


new Texto = CreateObject(19353, 1194.45715, -907.47052, 46.26850,   0.00000, 0.00000, 97.00000);

SetObjectMaterialText(Texto, \"{006400}Mc\", 0, 50, \"Wide Latin\", 24, 0, 0xFF006400, 0, 0);

new Texto1= CreateObject(19353, 1196.15808, -907.17889, 46.26850,   0.00000, 0.00000, 97.00000);

SetObjectMaterialText(Texto1, \"{006400}Donald\", 0, 50, \"Wide Latin\", 24, 0, 0xFF006400, 0, 0);



new MCINT= CreateObject(18020, 346.79630, -66.77840, 1002.50000,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(MCINT, 7,18026, \"scummy\", \"ceiling_256\");

SetObjectMaterial(MCINT, 6,15041, \"bigsfsave\", \"ah_utilbor2\");

//SetObjectMaterial(MCINT, 1,8501, \"casroyale\", \"royalewall01_128\", 0xFFFFFFFF);

SetObjectMaterial(MCINT, 1,-1, \"none\", \"none\", 0xFF008B00);

SetObjectMaterial(MCINT, 0,14846, \"genintintpoliceb\", \"pol_flr3\");

SetObjectMaterial(MCINT, 2,6136,\"venice_law\",\"stonewall_la\");

SetObjectMaterial(MCINT, 5,6357,\"sunstrans_law2\",\"gymshop1_LAe\");

SetObjectMaterial(MCINT, 3,4141,\"civic01_lan\",\"sl_laglasswall1\");

new Teste= CreateObject(2420, 336.85660, -73.60110, 1000.50458,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(Teste, 1,2420,\"cj_ff_acc1\",\"cj_burger\");

SetObjectMaterial(Teste, 0, 18949, \"matclothes\", \"bowlergang\");

new Teste1= CreateObject(2420, 340.30280, -76.27160, 1000.50702,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(Teste1, 1,2420,\"cj_ff_acc1\",\"pepperonip\");

SetObjectMaterial(Teste1, 0, 18949, \"matclothes\", \"bowlergang\");

CreateObject(2642, 339.57181, -76.27660, 1001.78888,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

CreateObject(2431, 348.98590, -64.69740, 1003.02942,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.00000);

CreateObject(2430, 350.44299, -67.09010, 1003.09772,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Balcao[0]= CreateObject(18762, 354.49979, -65.79930, 999.08130,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Balcao[1]= CreateObject(18762, 353.72421, -65.92210, 999.08533,   0.00000, 0.00000, 15.00000);

Balcao[2]= CreateObject(18762, 352.92841, -66.24580, 999.08130,   0.00000, 0.00000, 30.00000);

Balcao[3]= CreateObject(18762, 352.24280, -66.42730, 999.08533,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Balcao[4]= CreateObject(18762, 351.30469, -66.42790, 999.08130,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Balcao[5]= CreateObject(18762, 350.62451, -66.23880, 999.08533,   0.00000, 0.00000, -30.00000);

Balcao[6]= CreateObject(18762, 349.85760, -65.92190, 999.08130,   0.00000, 0.00000, -15.00000);

Balcao[7]= CreateObject(18762, 349.02710, -65.80920, 999.08533,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

for(new i = 0; i != 8; i++) SetObjectMaterial(Balcao
,0,11301, \"carshow_sfse\", \"ws_carpark2\", 0xFF4F4F4F);

new TVF= CreateObject(2267, 354.73160, -70.74490, 1002.54681,   8.00000, 0.00000, 270.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(TVF, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

SetObjectMaterial(TVF, 1, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF000000);

new TVA= CreateObject(2267, 354.78009, -70.76960, 1002.55682,   -8.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(TVA, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

SetObjectMaterial(TVA, 1, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

new TVF1= CreateObject(2267, 345.59149, -76.19580, 1003.05823,   8.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(TVF1, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

SetObjectMaterial(TVF1, 1, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF000000);

new TVA1= CreateObject(2267, 345.57150, -76.21580, 1003.06818,   -8.00000, 0.00000, 360.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(TVA1, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

SetObjectMaterial(TVA1, 1, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

new TVF2= CreateObject(2267, 342.75220, -64.30850, 1002.56317,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(TVF2, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

SetObjectMaterial(TVF2, 1, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF000000);

new Som= CreateObject(2231, 354.67770, -77.01550, 1001.81848,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(Som, 3, 14385, \"trailerkb\", \"tr_wood1\");

SetObjectMaterial(Som, 0, 2231, \"cj_hi_fi2\", \"CJ_SPEAKER2\");

new Som1= CreateObject(2231, 336.49069, -65.91040, 1001.80450,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(Som1, 3, 14385, \"trailerkb\", \"tr_wood1\");

SetObjectMaterial(Som1, 0, 2231, \"cj_hi_fi2\", \"CJ_SPEAKER2\");

new Som2= CreateObject(2231, 340.44949, -76.68390, 1001.78619,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(Som2, 3, 14385, \"trailerkb\", \"tr_wood1\");

SetObjectMaterial(Som2, 0, 2231, \"cj_hi_fi2\", \"CJ_SPEAKER2\");

CreateObject(2027, 336.46509, -68.48290, 1001.06677,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

CreateObject(2027, 336.61526, -71.60958, 1001.06677,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

CreateObject(2027, 347.94891, -76.57407, 1001.06677,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

CreateObject(2027, 351.60394, -76.50653, 1001.06677,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

CreateObject(2027, 340.44971, -67.62920, 1001.06677,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

CreateObject(2027, 340.59268, -70.80605, 1001.06677,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

Mesa[0]= CreateObject(2747, 344.73111, -66.51450, 1000.80829,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

Mesa[1]= CreateObject(2747, 343.82080, -68.50830, 1000.80829,   0.00000, 0.00000, 45.09230);

Mesa[2]= CreateObject(2747, 350.83591, -72.94680, 1000.80609,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Mesa[3]= CreateObject(2747, 348.85580, -72.90900, 1000.78607,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

VidroINT[0]= CreateObject(3850, 349.21979, -71.16520, 1001.58740,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

VidroINT[1]= CreateObject(3850, 347.49841, -72.38110, 1000.39740,   90.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

VidroINT[2]= CreateObject(3850, 347.48569, -71.71510, 1000.39740,   90.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

VidroINT[3]= CreateObject(3850, 350.24850, -71.15430, 1001.58740,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

VidroINT[4]= CreateObject(3850, 351.97659, -72.40580, 1000.39740,   90.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

VidroINT[5]= CreateObject(3850, 351.96811, -71.71430, 1000.39740,   90.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

VidroINT[6]= CreateObject(3850, 344.46948, -70.39191, 1000.39740,   90.00000, 0.00000, 316.32904);

VidroINT[7]= CreateObject(3850, 345.21970, -69.61520, 1000.39740,   90.00000, 0.00000, 316.32901);

VidroINT[8]= CreateObject(3850, 345.94711, -68.84880, 1000.39740,   90.00000, 0.00000, 316.32901);

VidroINT[9]= CreateObject(3850, 346.33289, -67.92370, 1000.39740,   90.00000, 0.00000, 178.04570);

VidroINT[10]= CreateObject(3850, 346.34451, -66.87400, 1000.39740,   90.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

VidroINT[11]= CreateObject(3850, 346.32660, -65.83210, 1000.39740,   90.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

VidroINT[12]= CreateObject(3850, 346.32440, -64.87230, 1000.39740,   90.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

VidroINT[13]= CreateObject(3850, 339.28629, -72.03080, 1000.39740,   90.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

VidroINT[14]= CreateObject(3850, 339.28119, -69.95410, 1001.58740,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

VidroINT[15]= CreateObject(3850, 339.29950, -68.24110, 1001.58740,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

VidroINT[16]= CreateObject(3850, 339.30209, -66.56825, 1000.39740,   90.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

for(new i = 0; i != 17; i++) SetObjectMaterial(VidroINT
,0,-1, \"none\", \"none\", 0xFF228B22);

CreateObject(2416, 350.36795, -62.90336, 1000.51398,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2416, 353.45258, -62.85727, 1000.51398,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2415, 350.50229, -60.51580, 1000.51428,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

CreateObject(2415, 350.49640, -59.69390, 1000.51428,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

CreateObject(2451, 350.41690, -58.93680, 1000.51392,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

CreateObject(2418, 351.37360, -57.03830, 1000.51312,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2417, 353.26569, -56.72620, 1000.51068,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2417, 354.22781, -56.72740, 1000.51068,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2419, 355.17630, -56.77640, 1000.51178,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2421, 356.20410, -56.19850, 1001.81531,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2718, 355.55811, -56.27880, 1002.94000,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2421, 351.31360, -56.27630, 1001.98187,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2421, 352.54901, -56.16170, 1001.92188,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2718, 351.75769, -56.27830, 1002.92590,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2688, 349.79239, -60.86850, 1002.28241,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

CreateObject(2688, 349.80170, -59.50160, 1002.28241,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

CreateObject(1523, 337.44351, -64.23580, 1000.50739,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2515, 340.87189, -62.80160, 1001.43872,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

CreateObject(2515, 342.65094, -62.78975, 1001.43872,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

CreateObject(2515, 344.30869, -62.76616, 1001.43872,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

CreateObject(2515, 345.96756, -62.72209, 1001.43872,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

CreateObject(2738, 341.84302, -56.69529, 1001.04761,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2738, 343.81433, -56.58252, 1001.04761,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2738, 345.89023, -56.71275, 1001.04761,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2742, 336.81329, -61.09840, 1001.65210,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

CreateObject(2742, 336.85031, -62.58010, 1001.65210,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

CreateObject(2742, 346.81070, -60.64930, 1001.87451,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.00000);

CreateObject(2742, 346.75168, -61.64778, 1001.87451,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.00000);

CreateObject(2741, 345.85141, -63.19090, 1002.09943,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

CreateObject(2741, 344.31152, -63.21600, 1002.09943,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

CreateObject(2741, 342.54541, -63.24151, 1002.09943,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

CreateObject(2741, 340.88492, -63.23358, 1002.09943,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

CreateObject(2685, 345.13702, -63.27038, 1002.49359,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2685, 343.52396, -63.27090, 1002.48859,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(2685, 341.70865, -63.27197, 1002.45398,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(1367, 346.85410, -61.06740, 1000.50702,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.00000);

CreateObject(1367, 336.75830, -61.86150, 1000.50629,   0.00000, 0.00000, 90.00000);

CreateObject(1367, 357.11099, -56.78730, 1000.57080,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(1367, 350.22122, -56.52047, 1000.51532,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

CreateObject(1500, 336.89539, -75.07740, 1000.50623,   0.00000, 0.00000, 317.13660);

new Suporte= CreateObject(2040, 351.77011, -66.48960, 1001.48389,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(Suporte, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF000000);

new Suporte1= CreateObject(2040, 353.12207, -66.08060, 1001.48389,   0.00000, 0.00000, 296.65192);

SetObjectMaterial(Suporte1, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF000000);

new Suporte2= CreateObject(2040, 350.11520, -66.03630, 1001.48389,   0.00000, 0.00000, 248.69220);

SetObjectMaterial(Suporte2, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF000000);

new Suporte3= CreateObject(2228, 350.09961, -66.06590, 1001.15143,   0.00000, 0.00000, 336.95889);

SetObjectMaterial(Suporte3, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF000000);

new Suporte4= CreateObject(2228, 351.76962, -66.51591, 1001.15143,   0.00000, 0.00000, 358.83063);

SetObjectMaterial(Suporte4, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF000000);

new Suporte5= CreateObject(2228, 353.13596, -66.13464, 1001.15143,   0.00000, 0.00000, 25.96540);

SetObjectMaterial(Suporte5, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF000000);

new MonitorF= CreateObject(2265, 351.39941, -66.03370, 1001.91101,   0.00000, -90.00000, 180.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(MonitorF, 1, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF000000);

SetObjectMaterial(MonitorF, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

new MonitorF1= CreateObject(2265, 352.62421, -65.83950, 1001.89099,   0.00000, -90.00000, 207.44341);

SetObjectMaterial(MonitorF1, 1, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF000000);

SetObjectMaterial(MonitorF1, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

new MonitorF2= CreateObject(2265, 349.97849, -65.48450, 1001.91101,   0.00000, -90.00000, 156.70461);

SetObjectMaterial(MonitorF2, 1, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF000000);

SetObjectMaterial(MonitorF2, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

new MonitorA= CreateObject(2265, 350.24991, -66.66380, 1001.91101,   0.00000, -90.00000, 337.13489);

SetObjectMaterial(MonitorA, 1, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

SetObjectMaterial(MonitorA, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

new MonitorA1= CreateObject(2265, 352.11581, -67.00460, 1001.91101,   0.00000, -90.00000, 0.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(MonitorA1, 1, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

SetObjectMaterial(MonitorA1, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

new MonitorA2= CreateObject(2265, 353.72000, -66.36370, 1001.89099,   0.00000, -90.00000, 27.91180);

SetObjectMaterial(MonitorA2, 1, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

SetObjectMaterial(MonitorA2, 0, 1786, \"cj_tv\", \"CJ_Black_metal\", 0xFF888888);

new Teclado= CreateObject(1547, 353.01239, -65.80827, 1001.58087,   0.00000, 0.00000, 205.57651);

SetObjectMaterial(Teclado, 0, 2198, \"cj_office\", \"of_key_256\");

new Teclado1= CreateObject(1547, 351.80661, -66.12470, 1001.58087,   0.00000, 0.00000, 178.66080);

SetObjectMaterial(Teclado1, 0, 2198, \"cj_office\", \"of_key_256\");

new Teclado2= CreateObject(1547, 350.26807, -65.76422, 1001.58087,   0.00000, 0.00000, 157.26465);

SetObjectMaterial(Teclado2, 0, 2198, \"cj_office\", \"of_key_256\");

new BancoI= CreateObject(1706, 348.25229, -71.85780, 1000.50641,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI, 1, 18949, \"matclothes\", \"bowlergang\");

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI, 2, 2298, \"cj_s_beds\", \"CJ_MATRESS3\");

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI, 0, 8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFF000000);

new BancoI1= CreateObject(1706, 350.41589, -71.85040, 1000.50641,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI1, 1, 18949, \"matclothes\", \"bowlergang\");

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI1, 2, 2298, \"cj_s_beds\", \"CJ_MATRESS3\");

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI1, 0, 8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFF000000);

new BancoI2= CreateObject(1706, 344.72351, -76.44040, 1000.50641,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI2, 1, 18949, \"matclothes\", \"bowlergang\");

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI2, 2, 2298, \"cj_s_beds\", \"CJ_MATRESS3\");

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI2, 0, 8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFF000000);

new BancoI3= CreateObject(1706, 342.55331, -76.43910, 1000.50641,   0.00000, 0.00000, 180.00000);

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI3, 1, 18949, \"matclothes\", \"bowlergang\");

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI3, 2, 2298, \"cj_s_beds\", \"CJ_MATRESS3\");

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI3, 0, 8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFF000000);

Mesa[4]= CreateObject(2747, 344.21951, -75.44662, 1000.78607,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

Mesa[5]= CreateObject(2747, 342.08749, -75.43720, 1000.78607,   0.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000);

for(new i = 0; i != 6; i++) SetObjectMaterial(Mesa
,1,18949, \"matclothes\", \"bowlergang\");

for(new i = 0; i != 6; i++) SetObjectMaterial(Mesa
,0,14385, \"trailerkb\", \"tr_wood1\", 0xFF1C1C1C);

for(new i = 0; i != 6; i++) SetObjectMaterial(Mesa
,2,8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFFFFFFFF);

new BancoI4= CreateObject(1706, 345.02808, -68.90972, 1000.50641,   0.00000, 0.00000, 226.81281);

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI4, 1, 18949, \"matclothes\", \"bowlergang\");

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI4, 2, 2298, \"cj_s_beds\", \"CJ_MATRESS3\");

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI4, 0, 8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFF000000);

new BancoI5= CreateObject(1706, 345.66296, -65.96946, 1000.50641,   0.00000, 0.00000, 270.66403);

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI5, 1, 18949, \"matclothes\", \"bowlergang\");

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI5, 2, 2298, \"cj_s_beds\", \"CJ_MATRESS3\");

SetObjectMaterial(BancoI5, 0, 8409, \"gnhotel1\", \"gnhotelwall02_128\", 0xFF000000);

new Teste2= CreateObject(2420, 345.92291, -68.21914, 1000.50745,   0.00000, 0.00000, 254.38887);

SetObjectMaterial(Teste2, 1,2420,\"cj_ff_acc1\",\"cj_burger\");

SetObjectMaterial(Teste2, 0, 18949, \"matclothes\", \"bowlergang\");

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Driving School
« Dátum: 2014. szeptember 26. - 02:18:15 »
Hello guys, I\'ll post my new map for you is very useful for RP / G servers driving school.

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Hotel
« Dátum: 2014. szeptember 05. - 18:38:47 »
Hello mindenkinek, én mutassam be az új térképet, egy szálloda fedett és szabadtéri.

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Wood Clothes Shop
« Dátum: 2014. augusztus 26. - 20:26:09 »
Írok az új térkép az Ön számára, egy ruházati bolt, fedett és szabadtéri, sok különbözõ ruhák..

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / Gold Tec
« Dátum: 2014. augusztus 13. - 21:22:51 »
Hello personal beauty, came today to post my map, and this map is an electronics store, specifically for Smartphones, TV\'S, monitors and Cases, the map contains interior and exterior.

SA-MP: Szerverfejlesztés / BlueClub
« Dátum: 2014. július 23. - 22:51:57 »
This is my new map, well it is a dance club, has exterior and interior.

Oldalak: [1] 2
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