[12:23:12] Crash caused by fread at address 00000090 (gamemodes\\test.amx)
What is more interesting is to find how this managed to happen... And you can! Just compile that script with symbolic information (pass -d3 flag to the compiler), you will get this:[/quote]Ebbõl azt vettem ki,hogy még több információt kapunk a crashrõl ha valamilyen információval fordítjuk le a scriptünket,ott volt egy link amibõl kihalásztam ezt a témát: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showpost.php?p=1253632&postcount=7 és ebbõl a tlmából meg kihaklásztam ezt a témát: http://forum.sa-mp.com/showthread.php?t=249897Amibõl azt vettem ki,hogy a pawno könyvtárában (szóval ahol van a fordítód) létre kell hozni egy pawn.cfg nevû fájlt és ezt kell bele írni: -d0 -r Helyesbítés,ezt kell bele írni: -d3 Eredmény: [12:20:55] Crash caused by fread on line 13 in test.pwn (gamemodes\\test.amx)[12:20:55] Stack trace of gamemodes\\test.amx (most recent call first):[12:20:55] function2 on line 8 in test.pwn[12:20:55] function1 on line 4 in test.pwn[12:20:55] main (entry point) Én még nem teszteltem,de érdekesnek látszik
-d0 -r
[12:20:55] Crash caused by fread on line 13 in test.pwn (gamemodes\\test.amx)[12:20:55] Stack trace of gamemodes\\test.amx (most recent call first):[12:20:55] function2 on line 8 in test.pwn[12:20:55] function1 on line 4 in test.pwn[12:20:55] main (entry point)
Két dologra hívnám fel a figyelmet, amit rosszúl írtál.Egyik:\"What is more interesting is to find how this managed to happen... And you can! Just compile that script with symbolic information (pass -d3 flag to the compiler), you will get this:\"Tehát a pawn.cfg-be -d3 at kell írni.A másik, hogy ez az egész a szerver logban van.
,ilyesmit fogsz látni a szervered logjában:[/quote]
[2011/11/03 22:26:30] [2011/11/03 22:26:30] ----- Crashdetect v3.6 loaded -----[2011/11/03 22:26:32] Loaded debug info from \'gamemodes/nmss.amx\'[2011/11/05 14:22:33] Script[gamemodes/nmss.amx]: In file \'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Rockstar Games\\GTA San Andreas\\SERVER\\gamemodes\\Backup\\nmss_Last_0.3c.pwn\' at line 18841:[2011/11/05 14:22:33] Script[gamemodes/nmss.amx]: Run time error 4: \"Array index out of bounds\".[2011/11/05 14:22:33] Backtrace (most recent call first):[2011/11/05 14:22:33] File \'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Rockstar Games\\GTA San Andreas\\SERVER\\gamemodes\\Backup\\nmss_Last_0.3c.pwn\'[2011/11/05 14:22:33] cmd_propdata(playerid=0x1) [entry point][2011/11/05 14:22:33] Error details:[2011/11/05 14:22:33] Array max. index is 211 but accessing element at 4294966896[2011/11/05 14:22:39] Script[gamemodes/nmss.amx]: In file \'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Rockstar Games\\GTA San Andreas\\SERVER\\gamemodes\\Backup\\nmss_Last_0.3c.pwn\' at line 18841:[2011/11/05 14:22:39] Script[gamemodes/nmss.amx]: Run time error 4: \"Array index out of bounds\".[2011/11/05 14:22:39] Backtrace (most recent call first):[2011/11/05 14:22:39] File \'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Rockstar Games\\GTA San Andreas\\SERVER\\gamemodes\\Backup\\nmss_Last_0.3c.pwn\'[2011/11/05 14:22:39] cmd_propdata(playerid=0x1) [entry point][2011/11/05 14:22:39] Error details:[2011/11/05 14:22:39] Array max. index is 211 but accessing element at 4294966896[2011/11/05 14:22:43] Script[gamemodes/nmss.amx]: In file \'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Rockstar Games\\GTA San Andreas\\SERVER\\gamemodes\\Backup\\nmss_Last_0.3c.pwn\' at line 18841:[2011/11/05 14:22:43] Script[gamemodes/nmss.amx]: Run time error 4: \"Array index out of bounds\".[2011/11/05 14:22:43] Backtrace (most recent call first):[2011/11/05 14:22:43] File \'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Rockstar Games\\GTA San Andreas\\SERVER\\gamemodes\\Backup\\nmss_Last_0.3c.pwn\'[2011/11/05 14:22:43] cmd_propdata(playerid=0x1) [entry point][2011/11/05 14:22:43] Error details:[2011/11/05 14:22:43] Array max. index is 211 but accessing element at 4294966896[2011/11/05 14:34:08] Server crashed due to an unknown error.[2011/11/05 14:34:19] [2011/11/05 14:34:19] ----- Crashdetect v3.6 loaded -----[2011/11/05 14:34:21] Loaded debug info from \'gamemodes/nmss.amx\'[2011/11/06 18:19:20] Script[gamemodes/nmss.amx]: In file \'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Rockstar Games\\GTA San Andreas\\SERVER\\gamemodes\\Backup\\nmss_Last_0.3c.pwn\' at line 16416:[2011/11/06 18:19:20] Script[gamemodes/nmss.amx]: Run time error 4: \"Array index out of bounds\".[2011/11/06 18:19:20] Backtrace (most recent call first):[2011/11/06 18:19:20] File \'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Rockstar Games\\GTA San Andreas\\SERVER\\gamemodes\\Backup\\nmss_Last_0.3c.pwn\'[2011/11/06 18:19:20] cmd_warns(playerid=0xe, params[]=0x146550) [entry point][2011/11/06 18:19:20] Error details:[2011/11/06 18:19:20] Array max. index is 59 but accessing element at 65535[2011/11/06 18:20:11] Script[gamemodes/nmss.amx]: In file \'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Rockstar Games\\GTA San Andreas\\SERVER\\gamemodes\\Backup\\nmss_Last_0.3c.pwn\' at line 16416:[2011/11/06 18:20:11] Script[gamemodes/nmss.amx]: Run time error 4: \"Array index out of bounds\".[2011/11/06 18:20:11] Backtrace (most recent call first):[2011/11/06 18:20:11] File \'C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Rockstar Games\\GTA San Andreas\\SERVER\\gamemodes\\Backup\\nmss_Last_0.3c.pwn\'[2011/11/06 18:20:11] cmd_warns(playerid=0xe, params[]=0x146550) [entry point][2011/11/06 18:20:11] Error details:[2011/11/06 18:20:11] Array max. index is 59 but accessing element at 65535
valaki nem irná le részletesen hogy kell ezt beüzemelni mer én nem vágom.. csináltam pawno mappába egy pawn.cfg-t abba beleirtam hogy -d3meg a fájlokat bemásoltam a szerver mappába és ujra compileztem amodot de semmi