Ennek a videónak a készítõjével volt egy levélváltásom.
Angol tudás szükségeltetik, ha gáz van lefordítom majd magyarra...
I\'m writing to you because I want to talk about your 4 years old parkour video.
Maybe you know the UFR, or not. Type UFRproductions into youtube channel searcher and take a look on our videos, and just see where the parkour advanced within 4 years.
If you think they are good, I just tell you a secret. Your video inspired me to start parkour in SA:MP. For 2 or 3 years we were just jumping around in the game, but we formed our clan with 2 of my friends.
If you don\'t make this video, we don\'t form UFR.
Maybe we could play some together, explore some new unknown spots and shits. Waiting for your answer.

I still can\'t believe that it have passed so much years since i made that video.
Anyway, I am glad that my video inspired someone
Just watched some UFRproductions channel and I saw that SAMP have developed in these years. You have nice videos there with good spots of jumping.
I still have sanadreas on my computer, so maybe we could play. But problem is that, I dont really have a free time to do gaming