Szerző Téma: Miket nem talál az ember..  (Megtekintve 1931 alkalommal)

Nem elérhető kurta999

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Miket nem talál az ember..
« Válasz #15 Dátum: 2011. február 21. - 15:12:55 »
0 Show voters
Idézetet írta: Seville date=1298135968\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"6122\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Látszik sokat járok oda, fõleg a vbulletin miatt...
Én már kezdek megbarátkozni vele, sõt a VB jobb, mint az SMF. Nade nem az official fórumons, hanem a GamerX-es.
Meg valamit csináltak, az egyik betatestart telespamolták.

[13:15] <SA-MP> Players Online: 23418
[13:15] <JaTochNietDan>
[13:15] <woot> !servers
[13:15] <SA-MP> Servers Online: 4586
[13:15] <JaTochNietDan> O_O
[13:15] <woot> owned
[13:15] <woot> lol
[13:15] <JaTochNietDan> Someone doesn\'t like JaTochNietDan!
[13:15] *** Bews has joined #sa-mp
[13:15] <norby89> ooollo
[13:15] *** Bews has quit (Quit: User is permanently banned (bb))
[13:16] * RZK stares at norby89
[13:16] <RZK> lol awe poor JaTochNietDan
[13:16] <JaTochNietDan>
[13:16] <JaTochNietDan> LOL
[13:16] *** Bews has joined #sa-mp
[13:17] <RZK> haha
[13:17] <JaTochNietDan> woah
[13:17] <JaTochNietDan> \"dude,your not a beta tester for shit.The only person who actually does anything here is Kalcor and basically your his dick sucker by testing his shit.Your nothing special.I bet your putrid trash in your real life community because you were inb4ban. \"
[13:17] <JaTochNietDan> This guy is serial
[13:17] <JaTochNietDan> :>
[13:17] <RZK> why do they hate you :o
[13:18] <JaTochNietDan> Dunno it\'s all one guy
[13:18] <JaTochNietDan> Wonder who he is lol
[13:18] <RZK> ah i see lol
[13:20] *** BigETI has quit (Ping timeout)
[13:20] <JaTochNietDan> Kinda sounds like someone from before, rather than someone I banned on the forums or something
[13:21] <woot>
[13:21] <woot> the game
[13:22] *** Pablo has quit (Ping timeout)
[13:23] <norby89> lmao
[13:24] <RZK> :o
[13:25] <norby89> O,O
[13:26] *** Pablo has joined #sa-mp
[13:26] *** Kabbo has joined #sa-mp
[13:26] <RZK> omg it got deleted
[13:27] <norby89> omg
[13:27] <norby89> whyy
[13:27] <norby89> :naca2:
[13:28] *** BigETI has joined #sa-mp
[13:28] <RZK> naca2
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2011. február 27. - 13:43:06 írta kurta999 »


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