pScore, pMoney, pLevel, pVIP, pKMA, pRank, pKills, pDeaths, pMuted, pJailed, pFrozen, pMutedTimes, pJailedTimes, pFrozenTimes, pLogins, pCookies, Float:pPosX, Float:pPosY, Float:pPosZ, Float:pPosA
#define SERVER_NAME \"Your server name\"#define notknown \"This command is unknown to the server. Please use /help to or \'@ [chat]\' to ask a question, or visit our forums.\"#define SERVER_MAP \"Sanandreas\"#define SERVER_WEBSITE \"\"#define SQL_HOST \"localhost\"#define SQL_USER \"root\"#define SQL_PASS \"\"#define SQL_DB \"database\"
new randommessages[][]={ \"Random message 1.\", \"Random message 2..\", \"Random message 3.\", \"Random message 4.\", \"Do not use hacks or cheats. Beware, you will not be unbanned.\", \"Do not hesitate to ask questions to admins, they are here for that sole purpose.\", \"Play fair. Play and let play.\"};