[19-04-14 14:25:43] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value) [19-04-14 14:25:43] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value) [19-04-14 14:25:43] ERROR: ***_admins/codeServer.lua:359: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\' [string \"?\"] [19-04-14 14:25:43] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value) [19-04-14 14:25:43] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value) [19-04-14 14:25:43] ERROR: ***_admins/codeServer.lua:359: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\' [string \"?\"] [19-04-14 14:25:43] ERROR: ***_admins/codeServer.lua:359: attempt to concatenate a boolean value [/quote] A válaszokat előre is köszönöm.
Mysql : return mysql_escape_string(MySQLConnection, string) MTA : local dbid = getElementData(targetPlayer, \"dbid\") local result = mysql:query(\"SELECT charactername FROM characters WHERE charactername=\'\" .. mysql:escape_string(newName) .. \"\' AND id != \" .. mysql:escape_string(dbid)) if (mysql:num_rows(result)>0) then outputChatBox(\"#7CC576[#7CC576***#ffffffMTA #ffffff- #53bfdcAdmin információ#7CC576]:#ffffff Ez a név már használatban.\", thePlayer, 255, 0, 0,true) else [/quote]