Szerző Téma: Mi lehet a gond?  (Megtekintve 647 alkalommal)

Mi lehet a gond?
« Dátum: 2016. augusztus 30. - 16:54:37 »
0 Show voters
local screenSize = {guiGetScreenSize()}
local lastTick = 0
local isNotificationActive = false
local notificationText, notificationType = nil, nil
local startY, endY = 0, 0
local infoboxTimer = nil
function addNotification(typ, text)
if string.lower(typ) == \"info\" then
notificationText = text
notificationType = typ
isNotificationActive = true
lastTick = getTickCount()
startY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2) + 300
endY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2)
playSound(\"fajlok/hang.mp3\", false)
elseif string.lower(typ) == \"warning\" then
notificationText = text
notificationType = typ
isNotificationActive = true
lastTick = getTickCount()
startY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2) + 300
endY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2)
playSound(\"fajlok/hang.mp3\", false)
elseif string.lower(typ) == \"error\" then
notificationText = text
notificationType = typ
isNotificationActive = true
lastTick = getTickCount()
startY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2) + 300
endY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2)
playSound(\"fajlok/hang.mp3\", false)
elseif string.lower(typ) == \"success\" then
notificationText = text
notificationType = typ
isNotificationActive = true
lastTick = getTickCount()
startY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2) + 300
endY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2)
playSound(\"fajlok/hang.mp3\", false)
 eelseif string.lower(typ) == \"admindutyon\" then
notificationText = text
notificationType = typ
isNotificationActive = true
lastTick = getTickCount()
startY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2) + 300
endY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2)
playSound(\"fajlok/hang.mp3\", false)
    elseif string.lower(typ) == \"admindutyoff\" then
      notificationText = text
notificationType = typ
isNotificationActive = true
lastTick = getTickCount()
startY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2) + 300
endY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2)
playSound(\"fajlok/hang.mp3\", false)
if not isTimer(infoboxTimer) then
addEventHandler(\"onClientRender\", root, renderNotification)
if isTimer(infoboxTimer) then
infoboxTimer = setTimer(function()
startY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2)
endY = ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2) + 300
lastTick = 0
lastTick = getTickCount()
end, 5000, 1)
addEvent(\"showNotification\", true)
addEventHandler(\"showNotification\", root, showNotification)
function renderNotification()
if notificationText and notificationType and isNotificationActive then
animX = interpolateBetween(startY, 0, 0, endY, 0, 0, getProgress(800), \"Linear\")
dxDrawImage(animX, 150, 319, 171, \"files/\" .. notificationType .. \".png\")
dxDrawText(notificationText, animX + 30, 225, 319, 200, tocolor(255, 255, 255, 150), 1, \"default-bold\")
if animX == ((screenSize[1]/2 - 319/2) * 2) + 300 then
   removeEventHandler(\"onClientRender\", root, renderNotification)
   lastTick = 0
addEventHandler(\"onClientRender\", root, renderNotification)
function getProgress( addtick )
    local now = getTickCount()
    local elapsedTime = now - lastTick
    local duration = lastTick+addtick - lastTick
    local progress = elapsedTime / duration
    return progress
addCommandHandler(\"e\", function()
showNotification(\"error\", \"Ez egy szöveg amit tesztelek.\")
addCommandHandler(\"s\", function()
showNotification(\"success\", \"Ez egy szöveg amit tesztelek.\")
addCommandHandler(\"i\", function()
showNotification(\"info\", \"Ez egy szöveg amit tesztelek.\")
addCommandHandler(\"w\", function()
showNotification(\"warning\", \"Ez egy szöveg amit tesztelek.\")

Így néz ki az infobox ami működik házi szerveren, de ha rp szeróra berakom és átírkálom a showboxot addNotificationra akkor sem működik /asay error meg egyebekkel
szerver oldali
function showNotification(playerSource, typ, text)
if playerSource and typ and text then
triggerClientEvent(playerSource, \"showNotification\", playerSource, typ, text)
addCommandHandler(\"noticetests\", function(player, cmd)
showNotification(player, \"error\", cmd)

<script src=\"sourceC.lua\" type=\"client\"></script>
<script src=\"sourceS.lua\" type=\"server\"></script>
<file src=\"files/info.png\"></file>
<file src=\"files/warning.png\"></file>
<file src=\"files/error.png\"></file>
<file src=\"files/success.png\"></file>
<file src=\"files/bip.mp3\"></file>
<export function=\"showNotification\" type=\"shared\"></export>

Mi lehet a gond?
« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2016. szeptember 01. - 20:41:35 »
0 Show voters
/debugscript 3


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