Sziasztok,a Double MTA-t szeretném házi hostra beinditani magamnak de nem sikerül.
\" [2016-12-21 17:39:22] ERROR: account-system\\s_account_system.lua:764: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\' [string \"?\"]
[2016-12-21 17:39:22] ERROR: account-system\\s_account_system.lua:770: attempt to concatenate local \'safepassword\' (a boolean value)
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: mysql\\sourceS.lua:209: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: mysql\\sourceS.lua:209: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: account-system\\s_account_system.lua:763: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\' [string \"?\"]
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: mysql\\sourceS.lua:209: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: mysql\\sourceS.lua:209: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: account-system\\s_account_system.lua:764: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\' [string \"?\"]
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: account-system\\s_account_system.lua:770: attempt to concatenate local \'safepassword\' (a boolean value)
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: mysql\\sourceS.lua:209: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: mysql\\sourceS.lua:209: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: account-system\\s_account_system.lua:763: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\' [string \"?\"]
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: mysql\\sourceS.lua:209: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: mysql\\sourceS.lua:209: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: account-system\\s_account_system.lua:764: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\' [string \"?\"]
[2016-12-21 17:39:23] ERROR: account-system\\s_account_system.lua:770: attempt to concatenate local \'safepassword\' (a boolean value) \"
Ez a log,gondolom valahol nem írtam át a mysql-t de fogalmam sincs hogy hol. Valaki tudna segíteni?