jailx, jaily, jailz = 1516, -1462, 10 -- You can change to custom cordinates. jailInterior = 0 jailDimension = 0 releaseX, releaseY, releaseZ = 1546, -1675, 14 -- the release cordinates of the jail releaseInterior = 0-- The interior that they will be released to releaseDimension= 0 -- The dimension that they will be released to. function onPlayerJail(player,command,player2,timer,reason) timer = timer -- I just do this incase, for the timer function. local chat = outputChatBox -- Lets define \"chat\" to \"outputChatBox\" just to save some time prisoner = getPlayerFromName(player2) -- This will get the player who you wan tto jail. if isObjectInACLGroup(\"user.\"..getAccountName, getPlayerAccount( player ),aclGetGroup(\"Admin\")) then -- Check if the player is in the Admin ACL group. if (timer) then if (prisoner) then -- if \"player2\" is a valid player then --- Here Is Where Most of the coding will take place. --- setElementPosition(prisoner,jailx, jaily, jailz) -- Take them to jail setElementInterior(prisoner,jailInterior) -- If they where in an interior, set them to your jails interior setElementDimension(prisoner,jailDimension) -- set them to the jail dimension (opsional) chat(\"Jail :#7cc576 \"..getPlayerName(player)..\" #ffffffbebörtönözte#7cc576 \"..player2..\" #32b3ef\"..timer..\" percre\",root,255,0,0) chat(\"Jail] #7cc576Indok:#ffffff\"..reason,root,255,0,0) jailTimer = ( -- Set the timer, of the player to be released. function ( chat(\"Jail: \"..player2..\" has been released from jail.\",255,255,0) setElementPosition(prisoner,releaseX, releaseY, releaseZ)-- Set their position when they get released SetElementDimension(prisoner,releaseDimension) -- set they dimensioon to the release dimension setElementInterior(prisoner,releaseInterior) -- set their interior to the defined release interior end, jailTimer 1000, 1 -- Will convert the timer into miliseconds. ) else chat(\"Jail: \"..player2..\"Nem érvényes játékos\",player,255,0,0) end else chat(\"[Jail]:#ffffff /\"..command..\" [NÉV] [IDŐ] [INDOK]\",player,255,0,0) -- If they didn\'t enter a time, then outputChatBox that message. end else -- And if their not in the admin ACL chat(\"#d75959[AdminJail]:#ffffffTe nem vagy Admin!.\",player,255,0,0) -- this is really going to do: outputChatBox(\"Jail: Your not an admin.\",player,255,0,0) end end addCommandHandler(\"ajail\",onPlayerJail) [/quote]
end, jailTimer 1000, 1
end, 1000, 1