[10:15:36] Loading filterscript \'Objects.amx\'...[10:15:36] Loading filterscript \'Objects2.amx\'...[10:15:36] Loaded 4 filterscripts.[10:15:36] Error: Function not registered: \'WP_Hash\'[10:15:36] [10:15:36] [10:15:36] [10:15:36] ======================================= [10:15:36] | | [10:15:36] | YSI version 3.09.0684 | [10:15:36] | By Alex \"Y_Less\" Cole | [10:15:36] | | [10:15:36] ======================================= [10:15:36] [10:15:36] [10:15:36] [10:15:36] [Névmentő] Fájl metalálva.[10:15:36] IP 0.0.*.* has been banned.[10:15:36] -mSelection- WARNING: Failed to load list: \"planes.txt\"[10:15:36] -mSelection- WARNING: Failed to load list: \"boats.txt\"[10:15:36] -mSelection- WARNING: Failed to load list: \"vehicles.txt\"[10:15:36] -mSelection- WARNING: Failed to load list: \"skins.txt\"[10:15:36] -mSelection- WARNING: Failed to load list: \"gun.txt\"[10:15:36] ---------------------------------- [10:15:36] DaRkNeSS FreeRoam Szerver [10:15:36] Sikeresen Betöltve! [10:15:36] Szerver Üzemideje: [10:15:36] 578 Nap [10:15:36] ------------------------------------ [10:15:36] Number of vehicle models: 13
[10:08:09] Error: Function not registered: \'WP_Hash\'
new hashpass[129], date[20], year, month, day, str[200]; new random_color = ( 16777216 * random( 256 ) ) + ( 65536 * random( 256 ) ) + ( 256 * random( 256 ) ) + 255; WP_Hash(hashpass, sizeof(hashpass), inputtext); getdate(year, month, day); format(date, sizeof(date), \"%d/%d/%d\", day, month, year); new INI:File = INI_Open(UserPath(playerid)); INI_SetTag(File, \"Player\'s Data\"); INI_WriteString(File, \"Password\", hashpass); INI_WriteString(File, \"Registered_On\", date); INI_WriteInt(File,\"Admin\", 0); INI_WriteInt(File,\"XP\", 0); INI_WriteInt(File,\"VIP\", 0); INI_WriteInt(File,\"Cash\", 0); INI_WriteInt(File,\"Score\", 0); INI_WriteInt(File,\"Kills\", 0); INI_WriteInt(File,\"Deaths\", 0); INI_WriteInt(File, \"Hours\", 0); INI_WriteInt(File, \"Minutes\", 0); INI_Close(File);
new date[20], year, month, day, str[200];new random_color = ( 16777216 * random( 256 ) ) + ( 65536 * random( 256 ) ) + ( 256 * random( 256 ) ) + 255;getdate(year, month, day);format(date, sizeof(date), \"%d/%d/%d\", day, month, year);new INI:File = INI_Open(UserPath(playerid));INI_SetTag(File, \"Player\'s Data\");INI_WriteString(File, \"Password\", inputtext);// és így tovább....