Szerző Téma: Vami include hiba  (Megtekintve 1005 alkalommal)

Vami include hiba
« Dátum: 2018. január 08. - 19:47:43 »
0 Show voters
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Loaded log file: \"server_log.txt\".
SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7-R2, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team
[20:43:27] bind = \"\"  (string)
[20:43:27] filterscripts = \"\"  (string)
[20:43:27] Server Plugins
[20:43:27] --------------
[20:43:27]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.dll
[20:43:27]   CrashDetect v4.12 is OK.
[20:43:27]   Loaded.
[20:43:27]  Loading plugin: streamer.dll
*** Streamer Plugin v2.9.2 by Incognito loaded ***
[20:43:27]   Loaded.
[20:43:27]  Loading plugin: sscanf.dll
[20:43:27]  ===============================
[20:43:27]       sscanf plugin loaded.    
[20:43:27]          Version:  2.8.1        
[20:43:27]    (c) 2012 Alex \"Y_Less\" Cole  
[20:43:27]  ===============================
[20:43:27]   Loaded.
[20:43:27]  Loading plugin: mysql.dll
[20:43:27]  >> plugin.mysql: R34 successfully loaded.
[20:43:27]   Loaded.
[20:43:27]  Loading plugin: Whirlpool.dll
[20:43:27]   Failed.
[20:43:27]  Loading plugin: audio.dll
[20:43:27]   Failed.
[20:43:27]  Loading plugin: crashdetect.dll
[20:43:27]   AMX errors won\'t be tracked because \'streamer.dll\' has been loaded before CrashDetect.
[20:43:27]   CrashDetect v4.12 is OK.
[20:43:28]   Loaded.
[20:43:28]  Loaded 5 plugins.
[20:43:28] Filterscripts
[20:43:28] ---------------
[20:43:28]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.
[20:43:29]  =======================================
[20:43:29]  |                                     |
[20:43:29]  |        YSI version 1.04.0000        |
[20:43:29]  |        By Alex \"Y_Less\" Cole        |
[20:43:29]  |                                     |
[20:43:29]  =======================================
[20:43:29] Iter_OnGameModeInit start: 250
[20:43:29]   Filterscript \'objectek.amx\' unload failed.
[20:43:30] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x276001) does not match plugin version (0x292) (script might need to be recompiled with the correct include file).
[20:43:30]  =======================================
[20:43:30]  |                                     |
[20:43:30]  |        YSI version 1.04.0000        |
[20:43:30]  |        By Alex \"Y_Less\" Cole        |
[20:43:30]  |                                     |
[20:43:30]  =======================================
[20:43:30] Iter_OnFilterScriptInit start: 500
[20:43:30] *** Streamer Plugin: CreateDynamicObject: Expecting 14 parameter(s), but found 12.
[20:43:30] Iter_OnFilterScriptInit end
[20:43:30]   Filterscript \'objectek.amx\' loaded.
[20:43:30]   Filterscript \'havazas.amx\' unload failed.
[20:43:30]   Filterscript \'havazas.amx\' load failed\'.
[20:43:30] Teszt v0.2 betoltese folyamatban
[20:43:30] ---------------------------------------------------
[20:43:30] MySQL: Kapcsolodas a MySQL-hez!
[20:43:30] Szerver: Inditas a 0 porton! | Eles szerver
[20:43:30] ---------------------------------------------------
[20:43:30] Szerver: Idozitok elinditasa!
[20:43:30] Szerver: Idozitok elinditasa sikeresen megtortent!
[20:43:30] Szerver: Ajtók betöltése!
[20:43:30] Szerver: 89 ajtó sikeresen betöltve!
[20:43:30] Szerver: Automatak betoltese!
[20:43:30] Szerver: 80 automata sikeresen betoltve!
[20:43:30] Szerver: Teleportok betöltése!
[20:43:30] Szerver: 0 teleport sikeresen betöltve!
[20:43:30] Szerver: Tűz pozíciók betöltése!
[20:43:30] Szerver: 21 tűz pozíció sikeresen betöltve!
[20:43:30] Szerver: Fák sikeresen lerakva!
[20:43:30] Szerver: 287 aratás object sikeresen betöltve!
[20:43:30] Szerver: Botok betoltese folyamatban!
[20:43:31] Szerver: BoltBotok betöltése megtörtént!
[20:43:31] Szerver: Botok betöltése!
[20:43:31] Szerver: BoltBotok betöltése megtörtént!
[20:43:31] Fegyveres NPC-k csatlakozása!
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] Fegyveres NPC-k csatlakozva!
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [debug] Run time error 4: \"Array index out of bounds\"
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [debug]  Accessing element at index 3319264 past array upper bound 499
[20:43:32] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [debug] #0 00056aa0 in public FIXES_OnGameModeInit () at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\gamemodes\\Teszt.pwn:8624
[20:43:32] [debug] #1 native CallLocalFunction () [004743b0] from samp-server.exe
[20:43:32] [debug] #2 000230b8 in public GPA_OnGameModeInit () at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\pawno\\include\\
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [debug] #3 native CallLocalFunction () [004743b0] from samp-server.exe
[20:43:32] [debug] #4 0001b8f0 in public VehicleDriver_OnGameModeInit () at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\pawno\\include\\
[20:43:32] [debug] #5 native CallLocalFunction () [004743b0] from samp-server.exe
[20:43:32] [debug] #6 00011684 in public zcmd_OnGameModeInit () at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\pawno\\include\\
[20:43:32] [debug] #7 native CallLocalFunction () [004743b0] from samp-server.exe
[20:43:32] [debug] #8 0000b35c in public Itter_OnGameModeInit () at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\pawno\\include\\
[20:43:32] [debug] #9 native CallLocalFunction () [004743b0] from samp-server.exe
[20:43:32] [debug] #10 00009334 in public ScriptInit_OnGameModeInit () at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\pawno\\include\\foreach:774
[20:43:32] [debug] #11 native CallLocalFunction () [004743b0] from samp-server.exe
[20:43:32] [debug] #12 00007ccc in public SSCANF_OnGameModeInit () at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\pawno\\include\\YSI\\internal\\..\\
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] [debug] #13 0000124c in public OnGameModeInit () at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\pawno\\include\\
[20:43:32] Iter_OnGameModeInit: first
[20:43:32] Iter_OnGameModeInit start: 500
[20:43:32] Iter_OnGameModeInit: first
[20:43:32] Number of vehicle models: 0
[20:43:32] [connection] incoming connection: id: 0
[20:43:32] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:32] New version of CrashDetect is available for download (4.13)
[20:43:32] Szerver: Hifik betöltése!
[20:43:32] Szerver: 0 Hifi betöltve!
[20:43:32] Szerver: CCTV Kamerák betöltése!
[20:43:32] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:43:32] Szerver: 0 CCTV Kamera Sikeresen betöltve!
[20:43:32] Szerver: Grafitik betöltése!
[20:43:33] Szerver: 0 Grafiti Sikeresen betöltve!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Drink pontok betöltése!
[20:43:33] Szerver: 0 Drink pontok betöltve!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Járművek betöltése!
[20:43:33] Szerver: 1 jármű sikeresen betöltve!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Házak betöltése!
[20:43:33] Szerver: 0 ház sikeresen betöltve!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Frakciók betöltése!
[20:43:33] Szerver: 1 frakció sikeresen betöltve!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Területek betöltése!
[20:43:33] Szerver: 0 terület sikeresen betöltve!
[20:43:33] Szerver: GPS Koordináták betöltése!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Nem lett betöltve GPS Koordináta!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Benzinkútak betöltése!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Nem lett betöltve benzinkút!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Eldobtt Cuccok Betöltése!
[20:43:33] Szerver: 0 eldobott cucc betöltve!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Teleportok betöltése!
[20:43:33] Szerver: 0 teleport sikeresen betöltve!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Kapuk betöltése!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Nem lett betöltve kapu!
[20:43:33] Szerver: 0 bútor sikeresen betöltve!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Jarmuadatok betoltese!
[20:43:33] Szerver: 0 jarmuadat sikeresen betoltve!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Cegek betoltese!
[20:43:33] Szerver: 0 ceg sikeresen betoltve!
[20:43:33] Szerver: 3DTextLabelek betöltése!
[20:43:33] Szerver: Nem lett betöltve 3DTextLabel!
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 1
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 2
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 3
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [npc:join] [NPC]boltbot_1 has joined the server (0:
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 0
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 0
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] [npc:join] [NPC]boltbot_4 has joined the server (1:
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 1
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 1
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] [npc:join] [NPC]boltbot_2 has joined the server (2:
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 2
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 2
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] [npc:join] [NPC]boltbot_3 has joined the server (3:
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 3
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 3
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 4
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 5
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 6
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 7
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 8
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 9
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 10
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 11
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 12
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [npc:join] [NPC]boltbot_5 has joined the server (4:
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 4
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 4
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] [npc:join] [NPC]boltbot_0 has joined the server (5:
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 5
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 5
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] [npc:join] [NPC]boltbot_6 has joined the server (6:
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 6
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 6
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 13
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 14
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [npc:join] [NPC]boltbot_7 has joined the server (7:
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 7
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 7
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 15
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:33] [npc:join] [NPC]bankbot_0 has joined the server (8:
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 8
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 8
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] [npc:join] [NPC]Jordan_Mills has joined the server (9:
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 9
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 9
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] [npc:join] [NPC]Wayne_Freeman has joined the server (10:
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 10
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 10
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] [npc:join] [NPC]Steve_Pullman has joined the server (11:
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 11
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 11
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] [npc:join] [NPC]Dwayne_Harrison has joined the server (12:
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 12
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 12
[20:43:33] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:33] [connection] incoming connection: id: 16
[20:43:33] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [connection] incoming connection: id: 17
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [npc:join] [NPC]Jose_Dolores has joined the server (13:
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 13
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 13
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:34] [npc:join] [NPC]Cruzito_Espinosa has joined the server (14:
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 14
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 14
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:34] [npc:join] [NPC]Alphonse_Finucci has joined the server (15:
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 15
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 15
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [npc:join] [NPC]Sergey_Stanislav has joined the server (16:
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 16
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 16
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [npc:join] [NPC]Ferruccio_Sostrato has joined the server (17:
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 17
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 17
[20:43:34] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:43:34] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:44:01] [connection] requests connection cookie.
[20:44:02] [connection] incoming connection: id: 18
[20:44:02] [debug] Run time error 20: \"Invalid index parameter (bad entry point)\"
[20:44:03] [join] Teszt_Kari has joined the server (18:
[20:44:03] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 18
[20:44:03] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:44:03] Iter_OnPlayerConnect: 18
[20:44:03] [nick] Teszt_Kari nick changed to Nincs_Belepve18
[20:44:03] Iter_OnPlayerConnect end
[20:44:13] Szerver: Teszt_Kari belepett - uID: 3 | BID: 1823
[20:44:15] [nick] Nincs_Belepve18 nick changed to Teszt_Kari
[20:44:31] [debug] Server crashed while executing Teszt.amx
[20:44:31] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[20:44:31] [debug] #0 native strcmp () [00406540] from samp-server.exe
[20:44:31] [debug] #1 0019b9f0 in AjtoKereses (ajtonakaneve[]=@0x00b4b930 \"v\") at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\gamemodes\\Teszt.pwn:29024
[20:44:31] [debug] #2 002cca28 in public cmd_ajto (playerid=18, params[]=@0x00b47ccc \"goto ki v\") at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\gamemodes\\Teszt.pwn:49195
[20:44:31] [debug] #3 native CallLocalFunction () [004743b0] from samp-server.exe
[20:44:31] [debug] #4 0000b898 in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=18, cmdtext[]=@0x00b47c6c \"/ajto goto ki v\") at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\pawno\\include\\
[20:44:31] [debug] Native backtrace:
[20:44:31] [debug] #0 74bf9bf5 in ?? () from C:\\Windows\\System32\\KERNELBASE.dll
[20:44:31] [debug] #1 004061b4 in ?? () from E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\samp-server.exe
[20:44:31] [debug] Server crashed while executing Teszt.amx
[20:44:31] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[20:44:31] [debug] #0 native strcmp () [00406540] from samp-server.exe
[20:44:31] [debug] #1 0019b9f0 in public cmd_ajto (playerid=18, params[]=@0x00b47c6c \"/ajto goto ki v\") at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\gamemodes\\Teszt.pwn:29024
[20:44:31] [debug] #2 native CallLocalFunction () [004743b0] from samp-server.exe
[20:44:31] [debug] #3 0000b898 in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=18, cmdtext[]=@0x00b47c6c \"/ajto goto ki v\") at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\pawno\\include\\
[20:44:32] [debug] Native backtrace:
[20:44:32] [debug] #0 004061b4 in ?? () from E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\samp-server.exe
[20:44:32] [debug] Server crashed while executing Teszt.amx
[20:44:32] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[20:44:32] [debug] #0 native strcmp () [00406540] from samp-server.exe
[20:44:32] [debug] #1 0019b9f0 in public cmd_ajto (playerid=18, params[]=@0x00b47c6c \"/ajto goto ki v\") at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\gamemodes\\Teszt.pwn:29024
[20:44:32] [debug] #2 native CallLocalFunction () [004743b0] from samp-server.exe
[20:44:32] [debug] #3 0000b898 in public OnPlayerCommandText (playerid=18, cmdtext[]=@0x00b47c6c \"/ajto goto ki v\") at E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\pawno\\include\\
[20:44:32] [debug] Native backtrace:
[20:44:32] [debug] #0 004061b4 in ?? () from E:\\SAMP módok\\Teszt-2016.09.14\\samp-server.exe
[20:44:32] [debug] Server crashed while executing Teszt.amx


Vami include hiba
« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2018. január 08. - 20:28:35 »
0 Show voters
Idézetet írta: willianhunt date=1515437263

      [20:43:30] *** Streamer Plugin: Include file version (0x276001) does not match plugin version (0x292) (script might need to be recompiled with the correct include file).

Helló! Ebből kivéve nem egyezik meg az include verziója a plugin verziójával, tehát nem kompatibilisek egymással. A Friss include-al kell újra kiexportálni a plugint.

Vami include hiba
« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2018. január 08. - 22:48:21 »
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