if (strcmp(\"/text\", cmdtext, true) == 0){new myobject = CreateObject(19353, 0, 0, 10, 0.0, 0.0, 90.0); //create the objectSetObjectMaterialText(myobject, \"SA-MP {FFFFFF}0.3{008500}e {FF8200}RC7\", 0, OBJECT_MATERIAL_SIZE_256x128,\\\"Arial\", 28, 0, 0xFFFF8200, 0xFF000000, OBJECT_MATERIAL_TEXT_ALIGN_CENTER);// write \"SA-MP 0.3e RC7\" on the object, with orange font color and black backgroundreturn 1;}
new LVFTC = CreateObject(19353, 2326.6062, 1383.9382, 40.9603, 0.0000, 0.0000, 89.6325);SetObjectMaterialText(LVFTC, \"ASDASDASD\", 0, 100, \"Arial\", 25, 1, -16468988, 0, 2);