Szerző Téma: Rendõr,Pizzás  (Megtekintve 777 alkalommal)

« Dátum: 2012. Június 29. - 17:23:21 »
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Sziasztok hogy lehet beálitani a rendõr munkát hogy ha elkap akkor ne csillagonként 1000$ Vonjon le hanem 10.000$ dollárt 
És a Pizzás melót is bekelene állítani de azt sem találom hogy hol lehetne ezt megtenni mert a PPC_Courier-nél nem lehet az az INC-e a pizásnak de nem lehet ott.....
Elõre is köszi a válaszokat

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« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2012. Június 29. - 17:28:38 »
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Szia! Kicsit konkrétabban is leírhatnád, hogy milyen módban van ez, vagy bemásolhatnád az adott kódokat. Ha többet tudunk, akkor tudunk csak segíteni.  :)

« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2012. Június 29. - 18:06:15 »
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PPC_Trucking módról lenne szó azt szeretném meg tudni hogy a rendõr és a pizzás küldetéseket(munkákat hogyan lehetne beállítani hogy többet keressenek és itt vannak a kódok
Ez a pizzás
forward Courier_VehicleTimer(playerid);
// This function gets called whenever a courier player enters \"/work\"
// Setup local variables
new HouseCounter, HousesInRange[200], DialogList[200];
// First clear the house-list
for (new i; i < 11; i++)
APlayerData[playerid][CourierHouses] = 0;
// Count how many owned houses are in range of the player
for (new HouseID = 1; HouseID < MAX_HOUSES; HouseID++)
// Check if the house is owned
if (AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] == true)
   // Check if the house is in range of the player
   if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, CourierJobRange, AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ]))
       // Check if there aren\'t 200 in-range houses have been found yet
      if (HouseCounter < 200)
         HousesInRange[HouseCounter] = HouseID; // Store the HouseID in the list of in-range houses
         HouseCounter++; // Increase the number of owned houses in range of the player (range = 1000 meters)
         break; // Stop searching for more houses (200 is the maximum)
// Abort the mission if there are less than 2 houses in range and inform the player
if (HouseCounter < 2)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAA3333AA, \"{FF0000}Nincs elég ház megvéve.Nem tudod hova szállítani a csomagokat.\");
return 0;
// Try to add the 3 lines to the dialog-list
if (HouseCounter >= 2)
    format(DialogList, sizeof(DialogList), \" szállits 2 csomagot\\n\"); // Add the line to the dialog
APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep] = 2; // Set the number of houses for the job to 2
if (HouseCounter >= 5)
    format(DialogList, sizeof(DialogList), \"%s szállits 5 csomagot\\n\", DialogList); // Add the line to the dialog
APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep] = 5; // Set the number of houses for the job to 5
if (HouseCounter >= 10)
    format(DialogList, sizeof(DialogList), \"%s szállits 10 csomagot\\n\", DialogList); // Add the line to the dialog
APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep] = 10; // Set the number of houses for the job to 10
// Choose a random house for the first house to visit
APlayerData[playerid][CourierHouses][1] = HousesInRange[random(HouseCounter)];
// Now choose as many houses randomly as allowed, starting from the second
for (new i = 2; i <= APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep]; i++)
// Copy a random HouseID from the prepared list on in-range houses to the job-list
    APlayerData[playerid][CourierHouses] = HousesInRange[random(HouseCounter)];
// If the HouseID is the same as the previous HouseID (the player would visit the same house twice in a row)
while (APlayerData[playerid][CourierHouses][i - 1] == APlayerData[playerid][CourierHouses])
   APlayerData[playerid][CourierHouses] = HousesInRange[random(HouseCounter)]; // Get a new random HouseID as long as the HouseID is the same as the previous one
// Let the player choose how many packages he wants to deliver
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogCourierSelectQuant, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, \"Choose how many packages you want to deliver\", DialogList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, \"Vissza\");
return 1;
// This function is called when the player has chosen how many packages he wants to deliver
// Setup local variables
new RouteText[128], Step, HouseID, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
// Job has started
APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] = true;
// Store the vehicleID (required to be able to check if the player left his vehicle)
APlayerData[playerid][VehicleID] = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
// Set jobstep to 1 (going to the first house)
Step = 1;
APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] = Step;
// Get the HouseID of the house where the mission starts (the first house in the list of in-range owned house)
HouseID = APlayerData[playerid][CourierHouses][step];
// Set the TextDraw so the player can see it
format(RouteText, 255, \"~w~Deliver package ~b~%i/%i~w~ to: ~r~%s\", Step, APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseName]);
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], RouteText);
// Grab the x, y, z positions for the first location
x = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX];
y = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY];
z = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ];
// Create a checkpoint where the player should deliver his package
SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, x, y, z, 3);
// Start a timer that ticks every second to see if the player is still inside his vehicle
APlayerData[playerid][VehicleTimerTime] = Job_TimeToFailMission;
APlayerData[playerid][VehicleTimer] = SetTimerEx(\"Courier_VehicleTimer\", 1000, true, \"d\" , playerid);
// Send the player a message to inform him that the mission has started
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAA3333AA, \"{00FF00}Deliver packages to player\'s houses\");
return 1;
// This function is called when a courier enters a checkpoint
// Setup local variables
new RouteText[128], Step, HouseID, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Name[24], Msg[128], Payment;
// Check if the player is outside his vehicle while entering a checkpoint
if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == -1)
// Check if all the packages haven\'t been delivered
if (APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep] != APlayerData[playerid][JobStep])
   // First disable the current checkpoint
   // Let the player know he delivered a package
   GameTextForPlayer(playerid, \"Leszálítottál egy csomagot\", 5000, 4);
   SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAA3333AA, \"Leszálitottál egy csomagot\");
   // Set next JobStep (next house)
   Step = APlayerData[playerid][JobStep];
   // Get the HouseID of the house where the mission starts (the first house in the list of in-range owned house)
   HouseID = APlayerData[playerid][CourierHouses][step];
   // Set the TextDraw so the player can see it
   format(RouteText, 255, \"~w~Deliver package ~b~%i/%i~w~ to: ~r~%s\", Step, APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseName]);
   TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], RouteText);
   // Grab the x, y, z positions for the first location
   x = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX];
   y = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY];
   z = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ];
   // Create a checkpoint where the player should deliver his package
   SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, x, y, z, 3);
else // All packages have been delivered, the player has to get paid now
   // Get the player name
   GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
   // Send a message to all players to inform them that this player completed a courier-job
   format(Msg, 128, \"{FFFFFF}Pizzafutár {FF00FF}%s{FFFFFF} sikeresen leszálitott {0000FF}%i{FFFFFF} csomagot\", Name, APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep]);
   SendClientMessageToAll(0xAA3333AA, Msg);
   // Set a payment based on the number of packages
   Payment = APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep] * PaymentPerPackage;
   // Pay the player money and give scorepoints, both based on the number of packages delivered
   RewardPlayer(playerid, Payment, APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep]);
   // Send a message to let the player know he finished his mission and got paid
   format(Msg, 128, TXT_RewardJob, Payment);
   SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAA3333AA, Msg);
   // Increase the stats for completing a courier job
   // End the current trucker job (clear mission-data)
   // Also save the data (in case the server crashes, progress would be lost)
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAA3333AA, TXT_NeedOnFootToProceed);
return 1;
// A timer that runs every second to see if the player is still inside his vehicle
public Courier_VehicleTimer(playerid)
new OldVehicleID = APlayerData[playerid][VehicleID];
new NewVehicleID = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
if (APlayerData[playerid][VehicleTimerTime] != 0)
// If VehicleID and TrailerID are still the same as when the player accepted the job
if (OldVehicleID == NewVehicleID)
   APlayerData[playerid][VehicleTimerTime] = Job_TimeToFailMission; // Reset the time before the mission fails
else // Player stepped out of his vehicle
   new TimeLeft[5];
   // Reduce the time left by 1
   APlayerData[playerid][VehicleTimerTime] = APlayerData[playerid][VehicleTimerTime] - 1;
   // Convert the time left to a string for displaying
   valstr(TimeLeft, APlayerData[playerid][VehicleTimerTime]);
   // Display the time left
   GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TimeLeft, 1000, 4);
   // Send only one message to inform the player what he must do
   if (APlayerData[playerid][VehicleTimerTime] == (Job_TimeToFailMission - 1))
      SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xAA3333AA, \"Szálj be egy csomagkihordó jármûbe\");
    // Time left has reached 0
// Inform the player that he failed the mission
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_FailedMission, 5000, 4);
// Reduce the player\'s cash by 1000
RewardPlayer(playerid, -1000, 0);
// This function is used to stop any Courier-mission that has been started
if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] == true)
// Clear all data about the job from the player, so he can start a new one
APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] = false;
APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] = 0;
APlayerData[playerid][VehicleTimerTime] = 0;
APlayerData[playerid][VehicleID] = 0;
APlayerData[playerid][CourierMaxStep] = 0;
// Clear the list of houses-in-range
for (new i; i < 11; i++)
   APlayerData[playerid][CourierHouses] = 0;
// Delete the checkpoint
// Reset the missiontext
TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], \"Vállalj munkát \\\"~g~/munka~w~\\\" parancsal.\");
// Kill the VehicleTimer
return 1;

// Forward the function to timer to check players every second to see if they\'re wanted
forward Police_CheckWantedPlayers(playerid);
forward UnjailPlayer(playerid);
// This timer is created every time a player changes his class to police
public Police_CheckWantedPlayers(playerid)
// Scan through all players
for (new PlayerToCheck; PlayerToCheck < MAX_PLAYERS; PlayerToCheck++)
// check if this player is connected
if (IsPlayerConnected(PlayerToCheck))
   //Check if that player is wanted
   if (GetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerToCheck) > 0)
       SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, 0xFF0000FF); // Make that player red to the police-player
      // Reset the playercolor based on the player\'s class
       switch (APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][PlayerClass])
           case ClassTruckDriver: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassTruckDriver);
           case ClassBusDriver: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassBusDriver);
           case ClassPilot: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassPilot);
           case ClassPolice: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassPolice);
           case ClassMafia: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassMafia);
           case ClassCourier: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassCourier);
           case ClassAssistance: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassAssistance);
           case ClassKukasDriver: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassKukasDriver);
           case ClassDumper: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassDumper);
// This function gets called when a police player presses the SECUNDAIRY FIRE button (to warn nearby wanted players)
// Setup local variables
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Name[24], Msg[128];
// Scan through all players
for (new PlayerToCheck; PlayerToCheck < MAX_PLAYERS; PlayerToCheck++)
// check if this player is connected
if (IsPlayerConnected(PlayerToCheck))
   // Check if the current player is wanted
   if (GetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerToCheck) > 0)
       // Get the position of this player
       GetPlayerPos(PlayerToCheck, x, y, z);
       // Check if the police-player is in range of the player
      if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 50.0, x, y, z))
         GameTextForPlayer(PlayerToCheck, \"Hªz¦djon f¾lre!!! Itt a rend§rs¾g!!!\", 3000, 4); // Warn the player
         // Also start a timer which gives the player a chance to stop and get a fine
         // If he doesn\'t stop, the player will be sent to jail when he gets fined
         if (APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][PoliceWarnedMe] == false)
             APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][PoliceWarnedMe] = true;
            APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][Value_PoliceCanJailMe] = 60;
            APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][Timer_PoliceCanJailMe] = SetTimerEx(\"Timer_PoliceCanJailPlayer\", 5000, true, \"i\", PlayerToCheck);
         // Let the police player know that he warned the player
         GetPlayerName(PlayerToCheck, Name, sizeof(Name));
         format(Msg, 128, \"{00FF00}Felszólítottad {FFFF00}%s\", Name);
         SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
return 1;
// This function gets called when a police player presses the FIRE key (to fine nearby wanted players) when he\'s on foot
// Setup local variables
new Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
// Scan through all players
for (new PlayerToCheck; PlayerToCheck < MAX_PLAYERS; PlayerToCheck++)
// check if this player is connected
if (IsPlayerConnected(PlayerToCheck))
   // Check if the other player isn\'t the same police player
   if (PlayerToCheck != playerid)
      // Check if the current player is wanted and the wanted player is driving slowly (below 30 kph)
      if ((GetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerToCheck) > 0) && (APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][PlayerSpeed] < 30))
          // Get the position of this player
          GetPlayerPos(PlayerToCheck, x, y, z);
          // Check if the police-player is in range of the player (police player and wanted player must be within 10 meters of eachother)
         if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 10.0, x, y, z))
             // Fine the player
            Police_PayFine(playerid, PlayerToCheck);
            // Exit the function
            return 1;
         // Check if the police-player is in range of the player (he can be inside his vehicle or on foot)
         if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 50.0, x, y, z))
            GameTextForPlayer(PlayerToCheck, \"Hªz¦djon f¾lre!!! Itt a rend§rs¾g!!!\", 3000, 4); // Warn the player
            // Also start a timer which gives the player a chance to stop and get a fine
            // If he doesn\'t stop, the player will be sent to jail when he gets fined
            if (APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][PoliceWarnedMe] == false)
                APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][PoliceWarnedMe] = true;
               APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][Value_PoliceCanJailMe] = DefaultWarnTimeBeforeJail;
               APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][Timer_PoliceCanJailMe] = SetTimerEx(\"Timer_PoliceCanJailPlayer\", 5000, true, \"i\", PlayerToCheck);
return 1;
// Pay the police player and fine the player
Police_PayFine(playerid, PlayerToFine)
// Setup local variables
new PoliceName[24], FinedPlayerName[24], PoliceMsg[200], PlayerMsg[200], JailTime, Fine;
// Get the names of the police player and the wanted player
GetPlayerName(playerid, PoliceName, 24);
GetPlayerName(PlayerToFine, FinedPlayerName, 24);
// Check if the wanted player\'s timer hasn\'t ran out yet
if (APlayerData[PlayerToFine][PoliceCanJailMe] == false)
// Calculate the fine
Fine = GetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerToFine) * DefaultFinePerStar;
// Reward the police player (give cash and points)
RewardPlayer(playerid, Fine, GetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerToFine));
// Let the police player know that he fined the player
format(PoliceMsg, 200, \"Megbüntette: $%i\", FinedPlayerName, Fine);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF7318FF, PoliceMsg);
// Let the wanted player pay the fine
RewardPlayer(PlayerToFine, -Fine, 0);
format(PlayerMsg, 200, \"Elkapott %s és enyi birságot fizettél $%i\", PoliceName, Fine);
SendClientMessage(PlayerToFine, 0xFF7318FF, PlayerMsg);
// Let the other players know that the police player has fined the wanted player
format(PoliceMsg, 200, \"%s Megbüntette: %s\", PoliceName, FinedPlayerName);
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF7318FF, PoliceMsg);
// Increase the stats for fining a player
else // The wanted player didn\'t pull over, now the police player has the right to send him to jail and double the fine
    // Set jailtime
    JailTime = DefaultJailTime;
// Calculate the fine (double the normal fine)
Fine = GetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerToFine) * DefaultFinePerStar * 2;
// Reward the police player (give cash and points)
RewardPlayer(playerid, Fine, GetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerToFine));
// Let the police player know that he jailed the wanted player
format(PoliceMsg, 200, \"Lecsukta és szerzett: $%i\", FinedPlayerName, Fine);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF7318FF, PoliceMsg);
// Let the wanted player pay a double fine
RewardPlayer(PlayerToFine, -Fine, 0);
// Let the player know he\'s been jailed and for how long
format(PlayerMsg, 200, \"Bezártak a börtönbe %s ennyi %i percre, PoliceName\", (JailTime / 75));
SendClientMessage(PlayerToFine, 0xFF7318FF, PlayerMsg);
// Let the other players know that the police player has jailed the wanted player
format(PoliceMsg, 200, \"Rendõr tiszt %s A börtönbe zárta %s a %i perc\", PoliceName, FinedPlayerName, (JailTime / 75));
SendClientMessageToAll(0xFF7318FF, PoliceMsg);
// Teleport the player to jail
Police_JailPlayer(PlayerToFine, JailTime);
// Increase the stats for jailing a player
// Clear the wanted player\'s wanted status (the speedometer will automatically clear all data and kill the timer)
SetPlayerWantedLevel(PlayerToFine, 0);
// Also save the data (in case the server crashes, progress would be lost)
return 1;
// This function ports the player inside the jail and sets a timer to get him back out
Police_JailPlayer(playerid, JailTime)
// First remove the player from his vehicle
// Set the player in the virtual world of the jail (so other players cannot see the jailed players on their radar)
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, WORLD_JAIL);
// Set player interior to the police station in San Fierro
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 10);
// Put the player inside the jail
SetPlayerPos(playerid, 220.0, 110.0, 999.1);
// Store the jailtime for this player
APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed] = JailTime;
// Start the jailtimer, which checks every second if the player is allowed to get out
APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailedTimer] = SetTimerEx(\"UnjailPlayer\", 1000, true, \"i\", playerid);
// If the player started a job, let it fail
if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] == true)
// Stop any job that may have started
switch (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerClass])
   case ClassTruckDriver: Trucker_EndJob(playerid);
   case ClassBusDriver: BusDriver_EndJob(playerid);
   case ClassPilot: Pilot_EndJob(playerid);
   case ClassPolice: Police_EndJob(playerid);
   case ClassMafia: Mafia_EndJob(playerid);
   case ClassCourier: Courier_EndJob(playerid);
   case ClassAssistance: Assistance_EndJob(playerid);
   case ClassKukasDriver: KukasDriver_EndJob(playerid);
   case ClassDumper: Dumper_EndJob(playerid);
// Inform the player that he failed the mission
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, \"~w~Te ~r~elrontottad~w~ a munkát.Ezért  ~y~$1000~w~ levonunk tõled.\", 5000, 4);
// Reduce the player\'s cash by 1000
RewardPlayer(playerid, -1000, 0);
return 1;
// This is the timer that runs for every player who\'s in jail
public UnjailPlayer(playerid)
new JailMsg[20];
// Check if the player is allowed to leave yet
if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed] == 0)
// Set the player in the normal world
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
// Set player interior to the outside
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
// Put the player outside the jail (he should spawn at the location where he spawned after login or after choosing a rescue-point)
// Also, kill the jailtimer
// Show the remaining jailtime (only if the remaining time is below 60 seconds)
if (APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed] < 60)
   format(JailMsg, 20, \"~w~Szabadulsz: ~r~%i~w~ másodperc mulva.\", APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed]);
   GameTextForPlayer(playerid, JailMsg, 750, 4);
// Decrease the jailtime by 1 second
        APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed] = APlayerData[playerid][PlayerJailed] - 1;
// This function gets called when the police player dies (or changes class)
// Kill the PlayerCheckTimer
// Scan through all players (to reset them to their default colors for the police-player)
for (new PlayerToCheck; PlayerToCheck < MAX_PLAYERS; PlayerToCheck++)
// check if this player is connected
if (IsPlayerConnected(PlayerToCheck))
   // Reset the playercolor based on the player\'s class
    switch (APlayerData[PlayerToCheck][PlayerClass])
        case ClassTruckDriver: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassTruckDriver);
        case ClassBusDriver: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassBusDriver);
        case ClassPilot: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassPilot);
        case ClassPolice: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassPolice);
        case ClassMafia: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassMafia);
        case ClassCourier: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassCourier);
        case ClassAssistance: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassAssistance);
        case ClassKukasDriver: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassKukasDriver);
        case ClassDumper: SetPlayerMarkerForPlayer(playerid, PlayerToCheck, ColorClassDumper);
return 1;
// This timer is started when a wanted player was warned by a police player
forward Timer_PoliceCanJailPlayer(playerid);
public Timer_PoliceCanJailPlayer(playerid)
// Setup local variables
new Msg[128];
// Let the player know how much time he has left to pull over
format(Msg, 128, \"{FF0000}Álj meg %i másodperced van rá  \", APlayerData[playerid][Value_PoliceCanJailMe]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
// Check if the timer has ran out
if (APlayerData[playerid][Value_PoliceCanJailMe] == 0)
    // Set a switch that indicates that this player didn\'t stop when he got the warning from the police player
    // When the police can catch him now, he\'ll be sent to jail and the fine is doubled
    APlayerData[playerid][PoliceCanJailMe] = true;
// Also kill the timer, as it\'s not needed anymore
// Let the player know what consequences it will have by not stopping
format(Msg, 128, \"{FF0000}Ha legközelebb meg álsz börtönbe csuknak\");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF7318FF, Msg);
format(Msg, 128, \"{FF0000}Bírság duplájára növekedett\");
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF7318FF, Msg);
// Reduce the remaining time by 5 seconds
APlayerData[playerid][Value_PoliceCanJailMe] = APlayerData[playerid][Value_PoliceCanJailMe] - 5;
return 1;
// This function creates a spikestrip when the player is standing
// Setup local variables
new StripIndex = -1, Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, Float:rot;
// Check if a spikestrip can be created
for (new i; i < MAX_SPIKESTRIPS; i++)
if (ASpikeStrips[spikeTime] == 0)
   StripIndex = i;
// Check if a free index has been found
if (StripIndex != -1)
// Get the position of the player
GetPlayerPos(playerid, x, y, z);
GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, rot);
// Create a new spike-strip object at the location of the player and store the coordinates of the spikestrip
ASpikeStrips[stripIndex][spikeObject] = CreateObject(2892, x, y, z - 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, rot + 90.0);
ASpikeStrips[stripIndex][spikeX] = x;
ASpikeStrips[stripIndex][spikeY] = y;
ASpikeStrips[stripIndex][spikeZ] = z;
// Set the time for this timer to 1 minute
ASpikeStrips[stripIndex][spikeTime] = 600;
// Create a timer that checks all players in range to see if they run over the spikestrip
ASpikeStrips[stripIndex][spikeTimer] = SetTimerEx(\"CheckSpikeStrip\", 100, true, \"i\", StripIndex);
// Let the player know he created a spikestrip
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{00FF00}Letetted a szögesdrótot.\");
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, \"{FF0000}Nem tehetsz le több szögesdrótot.\");
// This timer checks the spikestrips that have been planted (they automatically disappear after one minute)
forward CheckSpikeStrip(StripIndex);
public CheckSpikeStrip(StripIndex)
// Setup local variables
new vid, panels, doors, lights, tires;
// Decrease the time left for the spikestrip
// Check if the spikestrip is still allowed to exist
if (ASpikeStrips[stripIndex][spikeTime] > 0)
// Loop through all players
for (new playerid; playerid < MAX_PLAYERS; playerid++)
   // Check if the player is connected
   if (APlayerData[playerid][LoggedIn] == true)
      // Check if the player is the driver of a vehicle
      if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0)
         // Get the vehicleid
         vid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
         // Check if the player is near the spikestrip object
         if (IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 7.0, ASpikeStrips[stripIndex][spikeX], ASpikeStrips[stripIndex][spikeY], ASpikeStrips[stripIndex][spikeZ]))
            // Pop all the tires of the player\'s vehicle
            GetVehicleDamageStatus(vid, panels, doors, lights, tires);
            UpdateVehicleDamageStatus(vid, panels, doors, lights, 15);
// Kill the timer and destroy the spikestrip object
return 1;
// This function sends the given message to all police players
for (new PoliceID; PoliceID < MAX_PLAYERS; PoliceID++) // Loop through all players
if (APlayerData[PoliceID][LoggedIn] == true) // Check if this player has logged in
    if (APlayerData[PoliceID][PlayerClass] == ClassPolice) // Check if this player is a police player
      SendClientMessage(PoliceID, 0xFFFFFFFF, PoliceMessage); // Send the message to the police player


Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( 2012. Június 29. - 21:50:32 )

És még kellene nekem olyan sript hogy ha hirdetnek akkor ki csilagoza a számokat pl:154788 ********
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2012. Június 29. - 21:50:32 írta jozsi0502 »


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