{1, \"/asay <message>\", \"Admin-chat (this allows admins to chat privately)\"},{1, \"/bike\", \"Spawns a bike of your choice\"},{1, \"/boat\", \"Spawns a boat of your choice\"},{1, \"/car\", \"Spawns a car of your choice\"},{1, \"/endspec\", \"Stop spectating a player\"},{1, \"/engine <EngineStatus (0/1)>\", \"Toggle engine-status on or off\"},{1, \"/freeze <OtherPlayer> <Duration> <Reason>\", \"Freeze a player for a certain time in seconds\"},{1, \"/fuel\", \"Refuels your vehicle for free\"},{1, \"/get <OtherPlayer>\", \"Teleports another player to your location\"},{1, \"/jail <PlayerToJail> <JailTime> <Reason>\", \"Jails another player for a certain time in seconds\"},{1, \"/kick <PlayerToKick> <Reason>\", \"Kick a player\"},{1, \"/mute <OtherPlayer> <Reason>\", \"Mute a player\"},{1, \"/mutes\", \"Display muted players\"},{1, \"/nos\", \"Adds nitro to your vehicle\"},{1, \"/plane\", \"Spawns a plane of your choice\"},{1, \"/port <OtherPlayer>\", \"Teleport yourself to another player\"},{1, \"/portloc <x> <y> <z>\", \"Teleport yourself to the given coordinates\"},{1, \"/portvehicle <CarID>\", \"Teleport yourself to a vehicle\"},{1, \"/rep\", \"Show the last 50 reports in a dialog\"},{1, \"/repair\", \"Repairs your vehicle for free\"},{1, \"/respawn <Vehicle-id>\", \"Forces a vehicle to respawn\"},{1, \"/spec <OtherPlayer>\", \"Spectate a player\"},{1, \"/tele <PlayerToPort> <TargetPlayer>\", \"Teleport a player to another player\"},{1, \"/trailer\", \"Spawns a trailer of your choice\"},{1, \"/unmute <OtherPlayer>\", \"Un-mutes a player\"},{1, \"/warn <PlayerToWarn> <Reason>\", \"Warn a player, up to three times\"},{2, \"/eject <OtherPlayer>\", \"Ejects a player from his vehicle\"},{2, \"/wanted <PlayerID> <Stars>\", \"Set a player\'s wanted level\"},{3, \"/ban <PlayerToBan> <Days> <Hours> <Reason>\", \"Ban a player for a certain time\"},{3, \"/caroption\", \"Changes some options for your vehicle\"},{3, \"/cleanupcars\", \"Removes all spawned vehicles from the map\"},{3, \"/fly\", \"Equips yourself with a jetpack\"},{3, \"/healall\", \"Heals all the players\"},{3, \"/ipban <PlayerToBan> <Reason>\", \"Ban a player\'s IP\"},{3, \"/loc\", \"Display your current location\"},{3, \"/plate <NumberPlate>\", \"Changes the plate on your vehicle\"},{3, \"/rangeban <PlayerToBan> <Reason>\", \"Ban a player\'s entire IP-range\"},{3, \"/repairall\", \"Repair all vehicles for free\"},{3, \"/setscore <OtherPlayer> <Score>\", \"Sets another player\'s score to the given value\"},{3, \"/unban <PlayerToUnban>\", \"Unban a player\"},{4, \"/cash <amount>\", \"Give cash to yourself\"},{4, \"/score <amount>\", \"Give scorepoints to yourself\"},{4, \"/setskin <skin-id (0-299)>\", \"Lets an admin choose another skin\"},{4, \"/weather\", \"Changes the weather\"},{5, \"/clamp <vehicleid> <reason>\", \"Delete a player-owned vehicle\"},{5, \"/createbusiness\", \"Create a business at your location\"},{5, \"/createhouse <price> <maxlevel (1-10)>\", \"Create a new house\"},{5, \"/delbusiness\", \"Delete a business\"}, {5, \"/createcamera <max_speed>\", \"Create s speedcamera at your location\"},{5, \"/delcamera\", \"Delete a speedcamera\"},{5, \"/delhouse\", \"Delete a house\"},{5, \"/delobject <ObjectID>\", \"Deletes an object\"},{5, \"/delvehicle <VehicleID>\", \"Deletes a vehicle\"},{5, \"/fixplayer <OtherPlayer>\", \"Fix a player\'s property (re-add his houses and buinesses)\"},{5, \"/object <ObjectModel> <x> <y> <z> <Angle>\", \"Create an object\"},{5, \"/pickup <PickupModel> <x> <y> <z> <PickupType>\", \"Create a pickup\"},{5, \"/resetplayer <OtherPlayer> <Money (0/1)> <Score (0/1)> <Stats (0/1)> <Reason>\", \"Reset a player\'s money, score, stats\"},{5, \"/restart\", \"Restarts the server in 2 minutes\"},{5, \"/saveloc <ID> <LocationName>\", \"Saves your location to a file\"},{5, \"/vehicle <VehicleModel> <x> <y> <z> <Angle> <SpawnDelay>\", \"Create a vehicle\"},{6, \"/setlevel <OtherPlayer> <AdminLevel>\", \"Changes a player\'s admin-level\"}