Ezeket a CrashDetect-es hibákat hogyan tudnám kijavítani?
[11:34:03]: Script[gamemodes\\HellRPG.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerKeyStateChange():
[11:34:03]: Script[gamemodes\\.amx]: Run time error 4: \"Array index out of bounds\"
[11:34:03]: Additional information:
[11:34:03]: Array max index is 999 but accessing an element at -1
[11:52:43]: Script[gamemodes\\.amx]: During execution of OnPlayerCommandText():
[11:52:43]: Script[gamemodes\\.amx]: Run time error 4: \"Array index out of bounds\"
[11:52:43]: Additional information:
[11:52:43]: Array max index is 17 but accessing an element at 20
[12:00:51]: Script[gamemodes\\.amx]: During execution of SyncUp():
[12:00:51]: Script[gamemodes\\.amx]: Run time error 4: \"Array index out of bounds\"
[12:00:51]: Additional information:
[12:00:51]: Array max index is 7 but accessing an element at 2272