stock JarmuID()
new i = 0, idje = 0;
for(;++i < MAX_VEHICLES;)
idje = i;
return idje;
stock JarmuKeszit(tipus , bool:elado , ar , szin1, szin2, Float:X, Float:Y, Float:Z, Float:Angle)
new vdb = JarmuID();
if(vdb > 0)
JarmuInfo[vdb][vTulajdonos] = 0;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vTipus] = tipus;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vSzin1] = szin1;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vSzin2] = szin2;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vElado] = elado;
if(elado == true)
JarmuInfo[vdb][vAr] = ar;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vElet] = 1000.0;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vUzemanyag] = 30;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vPanelek] = 0;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vLampak] = 0;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vAjtok] = 0;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vKerekek] = 0;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vHidraulika] = 0;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vMatrica] = 0;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vFrakcio] = 0;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vZarva] = false;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vX] = X;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vY] = Y;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vZ] = Z;
JarmuInfo[vdb][vAngle] = Angle;
CreateVehicle(tipus, X, Y ,Z , Angle , szin1, szin2, 0);
JarmuInfo[vdb][vID] = cache_insert_id();
new query[128];
mysql_format(kapcsolat, query, sizeof(query), \"INSERT INTO `Jarmuvek` (`ID`, `Tulajdonos`, `Tipus`, `Szin1`, `Szin2`, `Elado` ,`Ar`, `Elet`, `Uzemanyag`, `Panelek`, `Lampak` , `Ajtok` , `Kerekek` , `Hidraulika`, `Matrica` , `Frakcio` , `Zar` , `PosX` , `PosY` , `PosZ` , `PosA`) VALUES (\'%i\', 0, \'%i\', \'%i\', \'%i\', \'%i\' , 1000, 0, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0, 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 , \'%f\', \'%f\', \'%f\', \'%f\')\", JarmuInfo[vdb][vID], tipus, szin1, szin2, elado , X, Y, Z, Angle);
mysql_tquery(kapcsolat, query, \"\", \"\" );
[10:18:38] [DEBUG] mysql_format - connection: 1, len: 128, format: \"INSERT INTO `Jarmuvek` (`ID`, `Tulajdonos`, `Tipus`, `Szin1`, `Szin2`, `Elado` ,`Ar`, `Elet`, `Uzemanyag`, `Panelek`, `Lampak` ,...\"
[10:18:38] [ERROR] mysql_format - destination size is too small
[10:18:38] [DEBUG] mysql_tquery - connection: 1, query: \"INSERT INTO `Jarmuvek` (`ID`, `Tulajdonos`, `Tipus`, `Szin1`, `S\", callback: \"(null)\", format: \"(null)\"
[10:18:38] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - starting query execution
[10:18:38] [ERROR] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - (error #1064) You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near \'\' at line 1
[10:18:38] [DEBUG] CMySQLQuery::Execute[] - error will be triggered in OnQueryError
[10:18:41] [DEBUG] cache_insert_id - connection: 1
[10:18:41] [WARNING] cache_insert_id - no active cache