Szerző Téma: Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!  (Megtekintve 153078 alkalommal)

Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1350 Dátum: 2017. december 06. - 17:30:42 »
0 Show voters
Sziasztok nekem egy olyan problémám lenne hogy egy bizonyos 029 es hibakódu hibát nem tudok kijavítani erről itt is a log:

C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\samp modom\\gamemodes\\mymode.pwn(12367) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\samp modom\\gamemodes\\mymode.pwn(12367) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\samp modom\\gamemodes\\mymode.pwn(12367) : error 029: invalid expression, assumed zero
C:\\Users\\User\\Desktop\\samp modom\\gamemodes\\mymode.pwn(12367) : fatal error 107: too many error messages on one line

És amelyik sorra ezt írja:

    PlayerTextDrawSetString(p, [Adatok][p], TD_tmp);

Válaszaitokat előre is köszönöm!
UI: Hiába néztem utána a kódnak nem tudtam kijavítani!
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2017. december 06. - 17:31:53 írta Riarko »

Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1351 Dátum: 2017. december 06. - 17:35:11 »
0 Show voters
Idézetet írta: Query date=1497777477


warning 235: public function lacks forward declaration (symbol \"OnPlayerWeaponShot\")
 error 017: undefined symbol \"BULLET_HIT_TYPE_PLAYER\"
 error 017: undefined symbol \"BULLET_HIT_TYPE_VEHICLE\"
 error 025: function heading differs from prototype
 warning 203: symbol is never used: \"strtok\"

      Sziasztok mik lehetnek a gondok ?

Nem definiáltad le a \"BULLET_HIT_TYPE_PLAYER\" és a \"BULLET_HIT_TYPE_VEHICLE\" ezt #define-vel tudod megtenni! remélem segítettem!

Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1352 Dátum: 2018. január 07. - 17:00:03 »
0 Show voters
Hali,Valaki segitsen pawnoba expresion has no effect hibát észlel! És egyszerüen nem értem mi lehet a baj. !
stock _Text_2Send(playerid,format[ ], va_args<>)
new kimenet [128];
//print(\"c(2)\");va_format(kimenet, sizeof (kimenet), format, va_start<2>); <------ Expresion has no effect  Hibát észlel a sornál és nem tudom milehet !
return 1;
//#define Text_2Send(%1,%2,%3,%4)    if(ALL_PLAYERS == %1) { foreach(Player,defid) { _Text_2Send(defid,L(defid,%2,%3),%4); } } else { _Text_2Send(%1,L(%1,%2,%3),%4); }
#define Text_22Send(ALL_PLAYERS,%1,%2,%3); foreach(Player,defid) { _Text_2Send(defid,L(defid,%1,%2),%3); }
#define Text_2Send(%1,%2,%3,%4) _Text_2Send(%1,L(%1,%2,%3),%4)

Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1353 Dátum: 2019. december 04. - 17:20:19 »
0 Show voters
Hali, valaki tudna segíteni ebbe a hibában?

E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(2783) : error 021: symbol already defined: \"Itter_OnPlayerConnect\"
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(2968) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(5618) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7233) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7237) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7243) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7247) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7253) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7257) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7263) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7267) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7302) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7308) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7314) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)

public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){
if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return 1;
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, \"\");
new connecting_ip[32+1];
new num_players_on_ip = GetNumberOfPlayersOnThisIP(connecting_ip);
if(num_players_on_ip > MAX_CONNECTIONS_FROM_IP)
   printf(\"MAXIPs: Connecting player(%d) exceeded %d IP connections from %s.\", playerid, MAX_CONNECTIONS_FROM_IP, connecting_ip);
    BanEx(playerid, \"BOT attack!\");
drogtimers[0][playerid] = -1;
drogtimers[1][playerid] = -1;
drogtype[playerid] = 0;
SetPVarInt(playerid, \"korhaz\", 0);
SetPVarInt(playerid, \"myooc\", 1);
    playerstats[playerid] = SetTimerEx(\"PlayerStatus\", 1000, 1, \"i\",playerid);
ehseg[playerid] = 0;
szomj[playerid] = 0;
RecOn[playerid] = false;
LoadMobile( playerid );
    LoadPlayerVehicles( playerid );
    printf( \"%s: pv betöltve.\", GPN(playerid) );
    KolcsonHazBetoltes( playerid );
    printf( \"%s: kh betöltve.\", GPN(playerid) );
    format( reporttext[playerid], (128), \" \" );
    reporttext[playerid][0] = \'\\0\';
SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR_WHITE);
    WaitForBuf[playerid] = false;
    OldCar[playerid] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
    PassengerSeat[playerid] = 0;
    aszolit[playerid] = SetTimerEx(\"aszolitimer\",1000,true,\"i\",playerid);
    GetPlayerIp(playerid, p_ip, 16);
SetPVarString(playerid, \"IP_A\", p_ip);
SetPVarInt(playerid, \"kihezbilincs\", -1);
    format(str, 140, \"[AdminÜzenet] %s csatlakozott a szerverre  - IP címe: %s\", PlayerName(playerid), p_ip);
SendAdminMessage(COLOR_RED, str);
format( query, sizeof(query),\"UPDATE `players` SET `online` = \'1\' WHERE `name` = \'%s\'\", PlayerName(playerid));
mysql_query( query );
if(!IsValidName(playerid)) {
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,\"A neved nem elfogadható ezen a szerveren. Válts másik névre.\");
if(!IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) {
   SetPVarInt(playerid, \"LoggedIn\", 0);
   SetPVarInt(playerid, \"RegID\", -1);
   SetPVarInt(playerid, \"FristSpawn\", 1);
   GetPlayerIp(playerid, ipp, sizeof(ipp));
   gpci(playerid, i_str, sizeof(i_str));
   getdate(year, month, day);
   gettime(hour, minute, second);
   format(query, sizeof(query), \"INSERT INTO `connections`(id, name, ip, serial, time) VALUES(0, \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%02d.%02d.%02d/%02d.%02d.%02d\')\", PlayerName(playerid), ipp, i_str, year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
   format(query, sizeof(query), \"SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `name` = \'%s\' AND `ip` = \'%s\'\", PlayerName(playerid), ipp);
   if(mysql_num_rows() != 0) {
    noclipdata[playerid][cameramode]    =    CAMERA_MODE_NONE;
noclipdata[playerid][lrold]             =    0;
noclipdata[playerid][udold]         =    0;
noclipdata[playerid][mode]         =    0;
noclipdata[playerid][lastmove]      =    0;
noclipdata[playerid][accelmul]      =    0.0;
vizvisel[playerid] = -1;
trafi1[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid,323.000000, 373.000000, \"Legutobbi sebesseg: \");
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 255);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 2);
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 0.500000, 1.000000);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid,trafi1[playerid], -1);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 0);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 0);
trafi2[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid,353.000000, 388.000000, \"Rendszam: \");
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 255);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 2);
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 0.500000, 1.000000);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid,trafi2[playerid], -1);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 0);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 0);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2139.7891, 90.2891, 31.8906, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2151.5391, 88.4453, 29.5859, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2163.3281, 86.6016, 27.4688, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 12909, 2159.4297, 91.1250, 19.1719, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2142.5469, 97.5859, 31.1875, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2154.4609, 95.6406, 29.1797, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2166.3828, 93.6875, 27.2109, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2103.7578, 94.2734, 32.8359, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2106.7266, 102.9688, 32.8750, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, 2410.7813, 101.7188, 26.0234, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, 2416.3125, 101.5781, 26.0234, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, 2421.8125, 101.4375, 26.0234, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 790, 2410.1094, 259.8594, 24.4219, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1410, 1400.1484, 368.3125, 19.3516, 0.25);
pLagTimes[playerid] = 0;
    BowlingMinutes[playerid] = 0;
    BowlingSeconds[playerid] = 0;
BowlingStatus[playerid] = F_BOWLING_THROW;
AbleToPlay[playerid] = 0;
PlayersBowlingScore[playerid] = 0;
for(new pl=0; pl<mxPRds; pl++) PinsLeft[pl][playerid] = 0;
return 1;


Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1354 Dátum: 2019. december 26. - 16:37:21 »
0 Show voters
Idézetet írta: willianhunt date=1575476419

      Hali, valaki tudna segíteni ebbe a hibában?

E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(2783) : error 021: symbol already defined: \"Itter_OnPlayerConnect\"
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(2968) : error 025: function heading differs from prototype
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(5618) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7233) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7237) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7243) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7247) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7253) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7257) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7263) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7267) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7302) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7308) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)
E:\\módok\\mod\\gamemodes\\mod.pwn(7314) : error 035: argument type mismatch (argument 2)


public OnPlayerConnect(playerid){
if(IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) return 1;
PlayAudioStreamForPlayer(playerid, \"\");
new connecting_ip[32+1];
new num_players_on_ip = GetNumberOfPlayersOnThisIP(connecting_ip);
if(num_players_on_ip > MAX_CONNECTIONS_FROM_IP)
   printf(\"MAXIPs: Connecting player(%d) exceeded %d IP connections from %s.\", playerid, MAX_CONNECTIONS_FROM_IP, connecting_ip);
    BanEx(playerid, \"BOT attack!\");
drogtimers[0][playerid] = -1;
drogtimers[1][playerid] = -1;
drogtype[playerid] = 0;
SetPVarInt(playerid, \"korhaz\", 0);
SetPVarInt(playerid, \"myooc\", 1);
    playerstats[playerid] = SetTimerEx(\"PlayerStatus\", 1000, 1, \"i\",playerid);
ehseg[playerid] = 0;
szomj[playerid] = 0;
RecOn[playerid] = false;
LoadMobile( playerid );
    LoadPlayerVehicles( playerid );
    printf( \"%s: pv betöltve.\", GPN(playerid) );
    KolcsonHazBetoltes( playerid );
    printf( \"%s: kh betöltve.\", GPN(playerid) );
    format( reporttext[playerid], (128), \" \" );
    reporttext[playerid][0] = \'\\0\';
SetPlayerColor(playerid, COLOR_WHITE);
    WaitForBuf[playerid] = false;
    OldCar[playerid] = INVALID_VEHICLE_ID;
    PassengerSeat[playerid] = 0;
    aszolit[playerid] = SetTimerEx(\"aszolitimer\",1000,true,\"i\",playerid);
    GetPlayerIp(playerid, p_ip, 16);
SetPVarString(playerid, \"IP_A\", p_ip);
SetPVarInt(playerid, \"kihezbilincs\", -1);
    format(str, 140, \"[AdminÜzenet] %s csatlakozott a szerverre  - IP címe: %s\", PlayerName(playerid), p_ip);
SendAdminMessage(COLOR_RED, str);
format( query, sizeof(query),\"UPDATE `players` SET `online` = \'1\' WHERE `name` = \'%s\'\", PlayerName(playerid));
mysql_query( query );
if(!IsValidName(playerid)) {
    SendClientMessage(playerid,COLOR_RED,\"A neved nem elfogadható ezen a szerveren. Válts másik névre.\");
if(!IsPlayerNPC(playerid)) {
   SetPVarInt(playerid, \"LoggedIn\", 0);
   SetPVarInt(playerid, \"RegID\", -1);
   SetPVarInt(playerid, \"FristSpawn\", 1);
   GetPlayerIp(playerid, ipp, sizeof(ipp));
   gpci(playerid, i_str, sizeof(i_str));
   getdate(year, month, day);
   gettime(hour, minute, second);
   format(query, sizeof(query), \"INSERT INTO `connections`(id, name, ip, serial, time) VALUES(0, \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%s\', \'%02d.%02d.%02d/%02d.%02d.%02d\')\", PlayerName(playerid), ipp, i_str, year, month, day, hour, minute, second);
   format(query, sizeof(query), \"SELECT * FROM `players` WHERE `name` = \'%s\' AND `ip` = \'%s\'\", PlayerName(playerid), ipp);
   if(mysql_num_rows() != 0) {
    noclipdata[playerid][cameramode]    =    CAMERA_MODE_NONE;
noclipdata[playerid][lrold]             =    0;
noclipdata[playerid][udold]         =    0;
noclipdata[playerid][mode]         =    0;
noclipdata[playerid][lastmove]      =    0;
noclipdata[playerid][accelmul]      =    0.0;
vizvisel[playerid] = -1;
trafi1[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid,323.000000, 373.000000, \"Legutobbi sebesseg: \");
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 255);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 2);
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 0.500000, 1.000000);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid,trafi1[playerid], -1);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 0);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid,trafi1[playerid], 0);
trafi2[playerid] = CreatePlayerTextDraw(playerid,353.000000, 388.000000, \"Rendszam: \");
PlayerTextDrawBackgroundColor(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 255);
PlayerTextDrawFont(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 2);
PlayerTextDrawLetterSize(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 0.500000, 1.000000);
PlayerTextDrawColor(playerid,trafi2[playerid], -1);
PlayerTextDrawSetOutline(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 0);
PlayerTextDrawSetProportional(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetShadow(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 1);
PlayerTextDrawSetSelectable(playerid,trafi2[playerid], 0);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2139.7891, 90.2891, 31.8906, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2151.5391, 88.4453, 29.5859, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2163.3281, 86.6016, 27.4688, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 12909, 2159.4297, 91.1250, 19.1719, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2142.5469, 97.5859, 31.1875, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2154.4609, 95.6406, 29.1797, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2166.3828, 93.6875, 27.2109, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2103.7578, 94.2734, 32.8359, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 3276, 2106.7266, 102.9688, 32.8750, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, 2410.7813, 101.7188, 26.0234, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, 2416.3125, 101.5781, 26.0234, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1408, 2421.8125, 101.4375, 26.0234, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 790, 2410.1094, 259.8594, 24.4219, 0.25);
RemoveBuildingForPlayer(playerid, 1410, 1400.1484, 368.3125, 19.3516, 0.25);
pLagTimes[playerid] = 0;
    BowlingMinutes[playerid] = 0;
    BowlingSeconds[playerid] = 0;
BowlingStatus[playerid] = F_BOWLING_THROW;
AbleToPlay[playerid] = 0;
PlayersBowlingScore[playerid] = 0;
for(new pl=0; pl<mxPRds; pl++) PinsLeft[pl][playerid] = 0;
return 1;


Ha lefenyképezed amit szövegben küldtél be, akkor egyszerűbb a segítségre választ adni. Így nem látni a sorok számát/jelölését.

Re:Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1355 Dátum: 2020. január 12. - 19:24:11 »
0 Show voters
hali, valaki tudna ebben segíteni ?

SA-MP Dedicated Server
v0.3.7, (C)2005-2015 SA-MP Team

[19:21:37] filterscripts = ""  (string)
[19:21:37] Server Plugins
[19:21:37] --------------
[19:21:37]  Loading plugin: mysql
[19:21:37]   Failed.
[19:21:37]  Loading plugin: sscanf

[19:21:37]  ===============================

[19:21:37]       sscanf plugin loaded.     

[19:21:37]          Version:  2.8.1       

[19:21:37]    (c) 2012 Alex "Y_Less" Cole 

[19:21:37]  ===============================

[19:21:37]   Loaded.
[19:21:37]  Loading plugin: streamer

*** Streamer Plugin v2.7.2 by Incognito loaded ***

[19:21:37]   Loaded.
[19:21:37]  Loading plugin: crashdetect
[19:21:37]   CrashDetect v4.13.1-lse is OK.
[19:21:37]   Loaded.
[19:21:37]  Loaded 3 plugins.

[19:21:37] Filterscripts
[19:21:37] ---------------
[19:21:37]   Loaded 0 filterscripts.

[19:21:37] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[19:21:37] [debug]  mysql_connect
[19:21:37] [debug]  mysql_log
[19:21:37] [debug]  mysql_format
[19:21:37] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[19:21:37] [debug]  cache_get_row_count
[19:21:37] [debug]  cache_get_data
[19:21:37] [debug]  cache_get_field_content_int
[19:21:37] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[19:21:37] [debug]  cache_get_field_content_float
[19:21:37] [debug] Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[19:21:37] [debug]  mysql_connect
[19:21:37] [debug]  mysql_log
[19:21:37] [debug]  mysql_format
[19:21:37] [debug]  mysql_tquery
[19:21:37] [debug]  cache_get_row_count
[19:21:37] [debug]  cache_get_data
[19:21:37] [debug]  cache_get_field_content_int
[19:21:37] [debug]  cache_get_field_content
[19:21:37] [debug]  cache_get_field_content_float
[19:21:37] Script[gamemodes/mod.amx]: Run time error 19: "File or function is not found"
[19:21:37] Number of vehicle models: 0

Nem elérhető gbr333

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Re:Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1356 Dátum: 2020. január 12. - 19:31:59 »
0 Show voters
[19:21:37]  Loading plugin: mysql
[19:21:37]   Failed.

Re:Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1357 Dátum: 2020. január 12. - 21:25:21 »
0 Show voters
meg csináltam  de ebben kéne segíteni?
[debug] AMX backtrace:
[debug] #0 0000dc24 in ?? (0x00000000) from mod.amx
[debug] #1 000152c8 in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x00000000) from mod.amx
[debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[debug]  Accessing element at negative index -1
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2020. január 13. - 15:19:41 írta willianhunt »

Nem elérhető gbr333

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Re:Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1358 Dátum: 2020. január 13. - 15:00:31 »
0 Show voters
Másold be nekem az egész public OnPlayerKeyStateChange-et.

Re:Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1359 Dátum: 2020. január 13. - 15:19:02 »
0 Show voters

public OnPlayerKeyStateChange(playerid, newkeys, oldkeys)
if(newkeys == KEY_FIRE)
if(pInfo[playerid][Iszik] == true && GetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid) == SPECIAL_ACTION_DRINK_SPRUNK && pInfo[playerid][IszikTimer] == 0) { pInfo[playerid][Iszik] = false; SetPlayerSpecialAction(playerid,SPECIAL_ACTION_NONE); }
if(pInfo[playerid][Iszik] == true) {
pInfo[playerid][IszikTimer]--; Kozerzet(playerid, 2, -3); }
if(newkeys == KEY_NO)
return 1;
if(newkeys == KEY_YES)
if(pInfo[playerid][pBelepve] == false) return 1;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, -326.1909,1049.2335,19.7422) || IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 2.0, -323.0682,1050.5905,19.7422))
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 9999, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, ""#COL_LRED"[Kórházi Pácienslista]",
wszoveg, // Etc.
"OK", "");
return 1;
if(IsPlayerInShop(playerid)) return ShowBoltDialog(playerid);
if(IsPlayerInCarShop(playerid)) return ShowJarmuVasarlas(playerid);
if(BszInfo[playerid][Bejelentkezve] == 0)
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_UJBANK_ELSOPANEL, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, "{FFF700}[Bankszámla Felület]", ""#COL_FEHER"Új Bankszámlaszám Létrehozása\nMeglévő Bankszámlaszám Használata", "Tovább","Kilépés");
return 1;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0,1309.4163,1302.4043,10.9708))
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, 9999, DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX, ""#COL_FEHER"Buszmegálló", ""#COL_FEHER"Buszjáratok.:\n"#COL_LRED"62E "#COL_FEHER"- Átlagos közlekedési idő - 5 perc - (Las Venturas Reptér - Fort Carson)\n\
"COL_LRED"63 "#COL_FEHER"- Átlagos közlekedési idő - 7 perc - (Las Venturas Reptér - Fort Carson)", "Kilépés","");
return 1;
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 3.0,1344.1357,1258.2992,10.8203)) // Kávézó - Reptér
PlayerPlaySound(playerid, 1054, 0.0, 0.0, 10.0);
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DIALOG_KAVE, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, ""#COL_LRED"[Kávé - Vásárlás]",
Kávé\t$5\t1 (0.5l)\t-\n", // Etc.
"Vásárlás", "Vissza");
return 1;

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Re:Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1360 Dátum: 2020. január 13. - 17:16:16 »
0 Show voters
Nem látok itt semmit.
Rakd be ezt a filet:

a pawno mappádba és fordítsd át megint a modot.
Így elvileg a crashdetect már pontosan ki fogja írni,hogy hol a hiba.

Re:Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1361 Dátum: 2020. január 13. - 17:30:00 »
0 Show voters
Most ezt erre PickUpItem  írja hibát
[17:26:59] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:26:59] [debug]  Accessing element at index 5 past array upper bound 4
[17:26:59] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:26:59] [debug] #0 000105b4 in public PickUpItem (0x00000000) from mod.amx
[17:26:59] [debug] #1 0001aabc in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x00000000) from mod.amx
[17:27:06] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:27:06] [debug]  Accessing element at index 5 past array upper bound 4
[17:27:06] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:27:06] [debug] #0 000105b4 in public PickUpItem (0x00000000) from mod.amx
[17:27:06] [debug] #1 0001aabc in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x00000000) from mod.amx
[17:27:16] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:27:16] [debug]  Accessing element at index 5 past array upper bound 4
[17:27:16] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:27:16] [debug] #0 000105b4 in public PickUpItem (0x00000000) from mod.amx
[17:27:16] [debug] #1 0001aabc in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x00000000) from mod.amx
[17:27:25] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:27:25] [debug]  Accessing element at index 5 past array upper bound 4
[17:27:25] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:27:25] [debug] #0 000105b4 in public PickUpItem (0x00000000) from mod.amx
[17:27:25] [debug] #1 0001aabc in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x00000000) from mod.amx
[17:27:28] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:27:28] [debug]  Accessing element at index 500 past array upper bound 499
[17:27:28] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:27:28] [debug] #0 00011608 in ?? (0x00000000) from mod.amx
[17:27:28] [debug] #1 0001aa7c in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x00000000) from mod.amx
[17:27:32] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:27:32] [debug]  Accessing element at index 500 past array upper bound 499
[17:27:32] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:27:32] [debug] #0 00011608 in ?? (0x00000000) from mod.amx
[17:27:32] [debug] #1 0001aa7c in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (0x00000000, 0x00010000, 0x00000000) from mod.amx

fuggveny PickUpItem(playerid)
new teljesszoveg[2048],bool:talalt[MAX_PLAYERS];
for(new i; i < MAX_TARGY; i++) { InvID[playerid][i] = 0; strmid(InvSzovegLekerdezes[playerid][i],"Üres",0,64); InvIDLekerdezes[playerid][i] = 0; InvDarabLekerdezes[playerid][i] = 0; }
for(new i ; i < MAX_TARGY; i++)
if(IsPlayerInRangeOfPoint(playerid, 5.0, EldobottInfo[i][PosX],EldobottInfo[i][PosY],EldobottInfo[i][PosZ]))
InvIDLekerdezes[playerid][i] = i;
ideigleneslekerdezes[playerid][i] = i;
talalt[playerid] = true;
if(talalt[playerid] == false) return 1;
for(new i; i < MAX_TARGY; i++)
for(new x; x < MAX_TARGY; x++)
if(InvIDLekerdezes[playerid][x] != 0)
if(InvID[playerid][x] == 0)
InvDarabLekerdezes[playerid][x] = EldobottInfo[i][Darabszam];
InvID[playerid][x] = InvIDLekerdezes[playerid][i];
InventoryAutoID[playerid][x] = ideigleneslekerdezes[playerid][i];
InvIDLekerdezes[playerid][i] = 0;
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, ELDOBOTT_TARGYAK, DIALOG_STYLE_TABLIST_HEADERS, ""#COL_LRED"[Eldobott Tárgyak]",wszoveg,"Felvesz","Kilépés");
return 1;

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Re:Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1362 Dátum: 2020. január 13. - 17:34:26 »
0 Show voters
Megcsináltad azt amit kértem? A crashdetect pluginod a legfrissebb?

Re:Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1363 Dátum: 2020. január 13. - 17:46:37 »
0 Show voters
igen meg csináltam 
[17:44:22] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:44:22] [debug] #0 000105b4 in public PickUpItem (playerid=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:900
[17:44:22] [debug] #1 0001aa88 in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (playerid=0, newkeys=65536, oldkeys=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:1790
[17:44:28] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:44:28] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 5 in array of size 5
[17:44:28] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:44:28] [debug] #0 000105b4 in public PickUpItem (playerid=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:900
[17:44:29] [debug] #1 0001aa88 in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (playerid=0, newkeys=65536, oldkeys=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:1790
[17:44:34] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:44:34] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 5 in array of size 5
[17:44:34] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:44:34] [debug] #0 000105b4 in public PickUpItem (playerid=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:900
[17:44:34] [debug] #1 0001aa88 in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (playerid=0, newkeys=65536, oldkeys=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:1790
[17:44:35] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:44:35] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 5 in array of size 5
[17:44:35] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:44:35] [debug] #0 000105b4 in public PickUpItem (playerid=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:900
[17:44:35] [debug] #1 0001aa88 in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (playerid=0, newkeys=65536, oldkeys=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:1790
[17:44:35] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:44:35] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 5 in array of size 5
[17:44:35] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:44:35] [debug] #0 000105b4 in public PickUpItem (playerid=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:900
[17:44:35] [debug] #1 0001aa88 in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (playerid=0, newkeys=65536, oldkeys=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:1790
[17:44:35] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:44:35] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 5 in array of size 5
[17:44:35] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:44:35] [debug] #0 000105b4 in public PickUpItem (playerid=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:900
[17:44:35] [debug] #1 0001aa88 in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (playerid=0, newkeys=65536, oldkeys=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:1790
[17:44:35] [debug] Run time error 4: "Array index out of bounds"
[17:44:35] [debug]  Attempted to read/write array element at index 5 in array of size 5
[17:44:35] [debug] AMX backtrace:
[17:44:35] [debug] #0 000105b4 in public PickUpItem (playerid=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:900
[17:44:35] [debug] #1 0001aa88 in public OnPlayerKeyStateChange (playerid=0, newkeys=65536, oldkeys=0) at D:\mod\gamemodes\mod.pwn:1790

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Re:Itt kérdezz warningot/error -t!
« Válasz #1364 Dátum: 2020. január 13. - 17:55:57 »
0 Show voters
Kérlek másold be nekem a 900. és 1790. sort.


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