PPC_Housing includeba ez a rész:
// This function calculates the sell-price for the given house
// Setup local variables
new SellPrice, NumUpgrades, UpgradePrice;
// Calculate 50% of the original buying price (base-price for selling)
SellPrice = AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice] / 2;
// Calculate the number of upgrades applied to the house
NumUpgrades = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel] - 1;
// Also calculate 50% for each upgrade, based on the percentage for upgrading the house
UpgradePrice = ((AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice] / 100) * HouseUpgradePercent) * NumUpgrades;
// Add 50% of the upgrade-price to the sell-price
SellPrice = SellPrice + UpgradePrice;
// Return the total sell-price to the calling function
return SellPrice;