Szerző Téma: PPC modhoz új munka készítés  (Megtekintve 1615 alkalommal)

PPC modhoz új munka készítés
« Dátum: 2013. Szeptember 09. - 16:31:44 »
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Sziasztok PPC modban szeretnék új munkákat készíteni új munka gépekkel.... Konkrétan ara lennék kiváncsi hogy hogya tudnék uj munka jármûvet betenni pl ha eddig bentvolt a flatbed és most be akarom raknia  bensont is természetesen teljesen más rakodási pontal meg miegymással....  De sehogy sem jön össze ez a dolog  úgy hogy nagyon hálás lennék ha valaki tudna nekem ebben segíteni

Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( 2013. Szeptember 09. - 22:28:01 )

nah probálkoztam és van egy pár error mi lehet a gond?
C:\\Users\\Portik Botond\\Desktop\\server 8\\pawno\\include\\ : error 017: undefined symbol \"PCV_TruckerPacker\"
C:\\Users\\Portik Botond\\Desktop\\server 8\\pawno\\include\\ : error 020: invalid symbol name \"\"
C:\\Users\\Portik Botond\\Desktop\\server 8\\pawno\\include\\ : error 055: start of function body without function header
C:\\Users\\Portik Botond\\Desktop\\server 8\\pawno\\include\\ : error 055: start of function body without function header
C:\\Users\\Portik Botond\\Desktop\\server 8\\pawno\\include\\ : error 010: invalid function or declaration
C:\\Users\\Portik Botond\\Desktop\\server 8\\pawno\\include\\ : error 017: undefined symbol \"PCV_TruckerPacker\"
C:\\Users\\Portik Botond\\Desktop\\server 8\\pawno\\include\\ : error 017: undefined symbol \"PCV_TruckerPacker\"
C:\\Users\\Portik Botond\\Desktop\\server 8\\pawno\\include\\ : error 017: undefined symbol \"PCV_TruckerPacker\"
C:\\Users\\Portik Botond\\Desktop\\server 8\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1481) : warning 203: symbol is never used: \"\"
C:\\Users\\Portik Botond\\Desktop\\server 8\\gamemodes\\PPC_Trucking.pwn(1481) : warning 203: symbol is never used: \"ret_memcpy\"
Pawn compiler 3.2.3664           Copyright © 1997-2006, ITB CompuPhase
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2013. Szeptember 09. - 22:28:01 írta Bryan22 »

Nem elérhető frix

PPC modhoz új munka készítés
« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2013. Szeptember 11. - 11:38:55 »
0 Show voters
Be tudnád másolni a hibás sorokat?
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2013. Szeptember 11. - 11:56:53 írta frix »

Nem elérhető ZSOLTI99

  • 1827
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PPC modhoz új munka készítés
« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2013. Szeptember 11. - 19:10:19 »
+1 Show voters
Nincs definialva a be

PPC modhoz új munka készítés
« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2013. Szeptember 11. - 19:58:04 »
+1 Show voters
Meg a PPC_Dialogs meg a PPC_PlayerCommands a work-nál kell átírni a Defines inc-be csak a jármû modelt kell megadni ha jól emlékszem..

Nem elérhető ZSOLTI99

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PPC modhoz új munka készítés
« Válasz #4 Dátum: 2013. Szeptember 11. - 20:09:57 »
+1 Show voters
Meg ezt is meg kell adni #define PCV_TruckerPacker                    9

PPC modhoz új munka készítés
« Válasz #5 Dátum: 2013. Szeptember 12. - 11:05:45 »
0 Show voters
huha na jo ez elég maceráns

PPC modhoz új munka készítés
« Válasz #6 Dátum: 2013. Szeptember 14. - 14:12:41 »
0 Show voters
teljes folyamatot valaki pls le irná? mert valamit biztosan rosszul csinálok mert van vagy 9 errorom is :S

Nem elérhető ZSOLTI99

  • 1827
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PPC modhoz új munka készítés
« Válasz #7 Dátum: 2013. Szeptember 14. - 19:57:01 »
+1 Show voters
Persze hogy le ...
#define PCV_TruckerMatya                  9// nem tudom nálad hogy mint van sorba írd a kövi számot

{\"MIT VISZEL\", false, 23.42, PCV_TruckerMatya, {Rakodás}, {Lerakodás}}, // LoadID  load szám ami következik

belemész be
vannak ilyenek
Dialog_TruckerSelectJobMethod(playerid, response, listitem)
// Setup local variables
new ProductList[50], NumProducts, TotalLoadList[1000];
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// Select what to do after the player chose \"Select your own load\" or \"Auto assigned load\"
switch (listitem)
case 0: // Let the player choose his own load
   switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) // Check the vehicle-model of the player to decide which loads the player can carry
      case VehicleFlatbed, VehicleDFT30: // If the player\'s vehicle is a \"Flatbed\" or \"DFT-30\"
         ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers without a trailer
      case VehicleCementTruck: // If the player\'s vehicle is a \"CementTruck\"
         ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerCementTruck, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers witha cement truck
              case VehicleBenson, VehicleYankee: // /Ide pedig mivel akarod vinni jármû pl most ezek vannak
         ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerMatya, NumProducts); //ide is definesbe
      case VehicleLineRunner, VehicleTanker, VehicleRoadTrain: // If the player\'s vehicle is a \"LineRunner\", \"Tanker\" or \"RoadTrain\"
         switch (GetVehicleModel(GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)))) // Select the loads based on the trailer model of the player
            case VehicleTrailerCargo, VehicleTrailerCargo2: // A cargo-trailer is attached
               ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers with a cargo-trailer
            case VehicleTrailerOre: // An Ore-trailer is attached
               ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers with an ore-trailer
            case VehicleTrailerFluids: // A fluids-trailer is attached
               ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers with a fluids-trailer
   // Build the List with product-names
   for (new i; i < NumProducts; i++)
      format(TotalLoadList, 1000, \"%s%s\\n\", TotalLoadList, ALoads[ProductList][LoadName]);
   // Let the player choose a load
      ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogTruckerSelectLoad, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, TXT_TruckerDialogSelectLoad, TotalLoadList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel);
case 1: Trucker_StartRandomJob(playerid); // Start a random trucker-job
return 1;
// Process the selected load and create the startlocation-dialog
Dialog_TruckerSelectLoad(playerid, response, listitem)
    // Setup local variables
new TotalStartLocList[1000], ProductList[50], NumProducts, ProductID, LocID;
// Just close the dialog if the player clicked \"Cancel\"
if(!response) return 1;
// First get the list of products again, so we can retrieve the selected load from it
switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) // Check the vehicle-model of the player
case VehicleFlatbed, VehicleDFT30: // If the player\'s vehicle is a \"Flatbed\" or \"DFT-30\"
   ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerNoTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers without a trailer
case VehicleCementTruck: // If the player\'s vehicle is a \"CementTruck\"
   ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerCementTruck, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers witha cement truck
case VehicleBenson, VehicleYankee: //Ide pedig mivel akarod vinni jármû pl most ezek vannak
   ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerMatya, NumProducts); // ÉS amit a definesbe írtunk azt írjuk ide is
case VehicleLineRunner, VehicleTanker, VehicleRoadTrain: // If the player\'s vehicle is a \"LineRunner\", \"Tanker\" or \"RoadTrain\"
   switch (GetVehicleModel(GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)))) // Select the loads based on the trailer model of the player
      case VehicleTrailerCargo, VehicleTrailerCargo2: // A cargo-trailer is attached
         ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers with a cargo-trailer
      case VehicleTrailerOre: // An Ore-trailer is attached
         ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerOreTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers with an ore-trailer
      case VehicleTrailerFluids: // A fluids-trailer is attached
         ProductList = Product_GetList(PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer, NumProducts); // Build a list of products defined for truckers with a fluids-trailer
// Store the selected LoadID in the player\'s account
APlayerData[playerid][LoadID] = ProductList[listitem];
ProductID = APlayerData[playerid][LoadID];
// Build a list of start-locations for this product
for (new i; i < 30; i++)
    // Get the location-id
    LocID = ALoads[ProductID][FromLocations];
    // Check if it a valid location-id (not 0)
    if (LocID != 0)
   format(TotalStartLocList, 1000, \"%s%s\\n\", TotalStartLocList, ALocations[LocID][LocationName]); // Add the location-name to the list
    break; // As soon as an invalid location-id has been found, stop adding entries to the location-list
// Ask the player to choose a start-location
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogTruckerStartLoc, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, TXT_TruckerDialogSelectStartLoc, TotalStartLocList, TXT_DialogButtonSelect, TXT_DialogButtonCancel); // Let the player choose a starting location
return 1;
// If the player is the driver of the vehicle (GetPlayerVehicleSeat returns -1 if the player is not in a vehicle)
if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0)
// Check the vehicle-model of the player to decide which job the player can get
switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)))
   case VehicleFlatbed, VehicleDFT30: // Select a random job from the routes that don\'t require a trailer and store the data for the player (Flatbed or DFT-30)
      return Trucker_SetRandomJobData(playerid, PCV_TruckerNoTrailer);
   case VehicleCementTruck: // Select a random job from the routes for cementtrucks and store the data for the player
         return Trucker_SetRandomJobData(playerid, PCV_TruckerCementTruck);
            case VehicleBenson, VehicleYankee: // Select a random job from the routes for cementtrucks and store the data for the player
         return Trucker_SetRandomJobData(playerid, PCV_TruckerMatya); //ide kell írni ezt amit definesbe egy csomag több jármvel tudol szállítai
   case VehicleLineRunner, VehicleTanker, VehicleRoadTrain: // If the player\'s vehicle is a \"LineRunner\", \"Tanker\" or \"RoadTrain\"
      // Select a job based on the trailer model of the player
      switch (GetVehicleModel(GetVehicleTrailer(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))))
         case VehicleTrailerCargo, VehicleTrailerCargo2: // Select a random job from the routes that require a cargo-trailer and store the data for the player
            return Trucker_SetRandomJobData(playerid, PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer);
         case VehicleTrailerOre: // Select a random job from the routes that require a ore-trailer and store the data for the player
            return Trucker_SetRandomJobData(playerid, PCV_TruckerOreTrailer);
         case VehicleTrailerFluids: // Select a random job from the routes that require a fluids-trailer and store the data for the player
            return Trucker_SetRandomJobData(playerid, PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer);
// If no job could be set correctly, return 0
return 0;

utána bele mész ott rá keresel /work parancsra vagy /munka parancsa kinek mi van......
               if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0)
            switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)))
               case VehicleFlatbed, VehicleDFT30, VehicleCementTruck, VehicleBenson, VehicleYankee: // ide vannak felsorolva mivel lehet vinni a fuvart dft stb...........
                  if (APlayerData[playerid][TruckerLicense] == 1) // Check if the player has acquired a truckers license
                     ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogTruckerJobMethod, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, \"{07aced}Válassz fuvart:\", \"{FFFF00}Manuális(te állítod be)\\r\\n{1500ff}Automata választás\", \"Oké\", \"Vissza\");
                      Trucker_StartRandomJob(playerid); // Start a random job
               case VehicleLineRunner, VehicleTanker, VehicleRoadTrain: // Player is driving a truck which needs a trailer
                  if(IsTrailerAttachedToVehicle(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid))) // Check if there is a trailer attached
                     if (APlayerData[playerid][TruckerLicense] == 1) // Check if the player has acquired a truckers license
                        ShowPlayerDialog(playerid, DialogTruckerJobMethod, DIALOG_STYLE_LIST, \"{07aced}Válassz fuvart:\", \"{FFFF00}Manuális(te állítod be)\\r\\n{1500ff}Automata választás\", \"Oké\", \"Vissza\"); //ez itt a menû
                         Trucker_StartRandomJob(playerid); // Start a random job
                      SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Elõször vegyél fel egy pótkocsit\");
               default: SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy kamionba\");
                SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFF0000FF, \"Szálj be egy kamionba\");


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