Szerző Téma: Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D  (Megtekintve 2273 alkalommal)

Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D
« Válasz #15 Dátum: 2013. április 18. - 15:59:41 »
0 Show voters
// Keep the values and assignments below this line to what they are
// Define path to player\'s account-files
#define PlayerFile \"ServerData/Players/%s.ini\"
#define HouseFile \"ServerData/Houses/House%i.ini\"
#define CameraFile \"ServerData/Cameras/Camera%i.ini\"
#define BusinessFile \"ServerData/Business/Business%i.ini\"
#define BankFile \"ServerData/Bank/%s.ini\"
// Define vehicles
#define VehicleFlatbed         455 // Truck: Flatbed
#define VehicleDFT30         578 // Truck: DFT-30
#define VehicleCementTruck      524 // Truck: Cementtruck
#define VehicleLineRunner      403 // Truck: LineRunner
#define VehicleTanker         514 // Truck: Tanker
#define VehicleRoadTrain      515 // Truck: RoadTrain
#define VehicleTrailerCargo      435 // Trailer: cargo
#define VehicleTrailerCargo2   591 // Trailer: cargo
#define VehicleTrailerOre      450 // Trailer: Ore
#define VehicleTrailerFluids   584 // Trailer: Fluids
#define VehicleCoach         437 // Bus
#define VehicleShamal           519 // Plane: Shamal
#define VehicleNevada           553 // Plane: Nevada
#define VehicleStuntPlane       513 // Plane: Stuntplane
#define VehicleDodo             593 // Plane: Dodo
#define VehicleMaverick         487 // Helicopter: Maverick
#define VehicleCargobob         548 // Helicopter: Cargobob
#define VehiclePoliceLSPD       596 // Police Car Los Santos Police Department
#define VehiclePoliceSFPD       597 // Police Car San Fierro Police Department
#define VehiclePoliceLVPD       598 // Police Car Las Venturas Police Department
#define VehicleHPV1000          523 // Police motorcycle
#define VehiclePoliceRanger     599 // Police Ranger
#define VehicleSandKing         495 // Mafia-van: Sandking
#define VehicleMoonbeam         418 // Mafia-van: Moonbeam
#define VehicleBike             509 // Bike: Bike
#define VehicleBMX              481 // Bike: BMX
#define VehicleMountainBike     510 // Bike: Mountain Bike
#define VehicleFaggio           462 // Bike: Faggio
#define VehiclePizzaBoy         448 // Bike: Pizzaboy
#define VehicleBF400            581 // Bike: BF-400
#define VehicleNRG500           522 // Bike: NRG-500
#define VehiclePCJ600           461 // Bike: PCJ-600
#define VehicleFCR900           521 // Bike: FCR-900
#define VehicleFreeway          463 // Bike: Freeway
#define VehicleWayfarer         586 // Bike: Wayfarer
#define VehicleSanchez          468 // Bike: Sanchez
#define VehicleQuad             471 // Bike: Quad
#define VehicleCoastguard      472 // Boat: Coastguard
#define VehicleDinghy         473 // Boat: Dinghy
#define VehicleJetmax         493 // Boat: Jetmax
#define VehicleLaunch         595 // Boat: Launch
#define VehicleMarquis         484 // Boat: Marquis
#define VehiclePredator         430 // Boat: Predator
#define VehicleReefer         453 // Boat: Reefer
#define VehicleSpeeder         452 // Boat: Speeder
#define VehicleSquallo         446 // Boat: Squallo
#define VehicleTropic         454 // Boat: Tropic
#define VehicleRhino            432 // Tank: Rhino
#define VehiclePatriot          470 // Jeep: Patriot
#define VehicleTowTruck         525 // Towtruck
#define VehicleBurrito          482 // Van: Burrito
#define VehicleFaggio           462 // Bike: Faggio
#define VehicleBenson           499 // Truck: Benson
#define VehicleDozer            486 // Dozer
#define VehicleUtilityVan       552 // Utility Van
#define VehicleUtilityTrailer   611 // Utility trailer
#define VehicleDumper           406 // Dumper
#define VehicleYankee           456 // Yankee
#define VehicleBoxville         498 //Boxville1
#define VehiclePacker           443 //Packer
#define VehicleTrashmaster      408 // Kukás kocsi
#define VehicleLandstalker      400 // terepjáró
#define VehicleBarracks         433 // Katonai kamion
#define VehicleBerkley\'s RC Van 459 // Kisteherautó
#define VehicleRumpo            440 // Kisteherautó
#define VehiclePony             413 // Kisteherautó
#define VehiclePizza            448 // Pizzaboy (pizzásrobogó)
#define VehicleNrg              522 // NRG-500
#define VehicleInfernus         411 // Infi
#define VehicleCross            468 // Sanchez
// Define player-class AND vehicle statements to use for missions (PCV = PlayerClass and Vehicle)
#define PCV_TruckerOreTrailer         1
#define PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer        2
#define PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer         3
#define PCV_TruckerCementTruck          4
#define PCV_TruckerNoTrailer            6
#define PCV_PilotPlane                  7
#define PCV_PilotHelicopter             8
#define PCV_MafiaVan                    9
#define PCV_TruckerDumper              10
#define PCV_TruckerMatya               11
#define PCV_TruckerKukas               12
#define PCV_TruckerPacker              13
#define PCV_TruckerKatona              14
// Define classes
#define ClassTruckDriver 1
#define ClassBusDriver 2
#define ClassPilot 3
#define ClassPolice 4
#define ClassMafia 5
#define ClassCourier 6
#define ClassAssistance 7
#define ClassRoadWorker 8
// Defines for truckers
#define Trucker_TimeToFailMission 60
// Defines for busdrivers
#define BusDriver_TimeToFailMission 60
// Defines for mafia
#define Mafia_TimeToFailMission 60
// Defines for all classes
#define Job_TimeToFailMission   60
// Define class-colors
#define ColorClassTruckDriver      0xDDDD2357 // Citromsárga
#define ColorClassBusDriver         0x7CFC00AA // Light blue
#define ColorClassPilot             0x33AA33AA // fekete
#define ColorClassPolice         0x0000FFFF // Blue
#define ColorClassMafia            0x8000FFFF // Purple
#define ColorClassCourier           0xFF0080FF // Pink
#define ColorClassAssistance        0x80FF00FF // Dark green
#define ColorClassRoadWorker        0xFFFF80FF // Light yellow
// Define Dialogs
#define DialogRegister            1
#define DialogLogin               2
#define DialogStats                 3
#define DialogStatsOtherPlayer      4
#define DialogRules                 5
#define DialogReports               6
#define DialogStatsHouse             7
#define DialogStatsGoHouse          8
#define DialogStatsGoBusiness       9
#define DialogRescue                11
#define DialogBuyLicenses           12
#define DialogTruckerJobMethod      21
#define DialogTruckerSelectLoad     22
#define DialogTruckerStartLoc       23
#define DialogTruckerEndLoc         24
#define DialogBusJobMethod          31
#define DialogBusSelectRoute        32
#define DialogCourierSelectQuant    41
#define DialogBike                  101
#define DialogCar                   102
#define DialogPlane                 103
#define DialogTrailer               104
#define DialogRentCarClass          105
#define DialogRentCar              106
#define DialogBoat                  107
#define DialogWeather               201
#define DialogCarOption             202
#define DialogSelectConvoy          401
#define DialogConvoyMembers         402
#define DialogPlayerCommands        501
#define DialogPrimaryCarColor       502
#define DialogSedundaryCarColor     503
#define DialogHouseMenu             601
#define DialogUpgradeHouse          602
#define DialogGoHome                603
#define DialogHouseNameChange       604
#define DialogSellHouse             605
#define DialogBuyCarClass           606
#define DialogBuyCar                607
#define DialogSellCar               608
#define DialogBuyInsurance          609
#define DialogGetCarSelectHouse     610
#define DialogGetCarSelectCar       611
#define DialogUnclampVehicles       612
#define DialogCreateBusSelType      701
#define DialogBusinessMenu          702
#define DialogGoBusiness            703
#define DialogBusinessNameChange    704
#define DialogSellBusiness          705
#define DialogBankPasswordRegister  801
#define DialogBankPasswordLogin     802
#define DialogBankOptions           803
#define DialogBankDeposit           804
#define DialogBankWithdraw          805
#define DialogBankTransferMoney     806
#define DialogBankTransferName        807
#define DialogBankCancel            808
#define DialogHelpItemChosen        901
#define DialogHelpItem              902
#define DialogOldPassword           1001
#define DialogNewPassword           1002
#define DialogConfirmPassword        1003
#define DialogNoResponse            25000
// Define the maximum amount of convoys at the same time
#define MAX_CONVOYS                 8
#define CONVOY_MAX_MEMBERS          65
#define CONVOY_EMPTY                0
#define CONVOY_OPEN                 1
#define CONVOY_FULL                2
#define CONVOY_CLOSED               3
// Define messagecolors
#define ColorRed 0xFF0000FF
#define ColorGreen 0x00FF00FF
#define ColorBlue 0x0000FFFF
// Define Virtual Worlds
#define WORLD_JAIL 10254
// Define options for admins
#define AutoKickAfterWarn           1 // Define if the player gets kicked after a certain amount of warnings
#define AutoKickWarnings            3 // Define the amount of warnings before a player is kicked automatically
// Define spectate modes
// Create some global variables that are used to display large dialogs
new DialogMsg5000[5000];
// These variables are only used during the GameModeInit, they are used for debugging purposes
// A variable to hold the ID of every vehicle (used to record the last ID of a vehicle, for debugging)
new LastVehicleID;
// A variable to hold the ID of every object (used to record the last ID of an object, for debugging)
new LastObjectID;
// A variable to hold the total amount of houses that are loaded
new TotalHouses;
// A variable that holds the last speedcam-id
new TotalCameras;
// A variable that holds the total amount of businesses loaded
new TotalBusiness;
// This variable holds the number of the last TimedMessage that was sent to all players
new LastTimedMessage;
// This array holds all timed messages that will be sent every few minutes
new ATimedMessages[][128] =
//   {\"{808080}Message\"}
//   {\"{808080}Message\"}
//   {\"{808080}Message\"}
//   {\"{808080}Message\"}
//   {\"{808080}Message\"}
//   {\"{808080}Message\"}
// Holds the data about the random bonus mission
enum TRandomBonusMission
   RandomLoad, // Holds the random LoadID
   RandomStartLoc, // Holds the random StartLocation ID
   RandomEndLoc, // Holds the random EndLocation ID
   bool:MissionFinished // Holds true if the bonus mission has been completed by someone, a new random mission will be chosen next
// Create one random bonus mission
new RandomBonusMission[TRandomBonusMission];
// Holds the admin-levelnames
new AdminLevelName[7][25] =
   {\"Player\"}, // Admin-level 0
   {\"Moderátor\"}, // Admin-level 1
   {\"Segéd-admin\"}, // Admin-level 2
   {\"Admin\"}, // Admin-level 3
   {\"csak van\"}, // Admin-level 4
   {\"Fõadmin\"}, // Admin-level 5
   {\"Scripter/Tulaj\"} //Admin-Level 6
// Holds the reference to the pickup that can reward you with a trucker/busdriver license
new Pickup_License;
// Setup a custom type that holds the data of pickups
enum TPickupData
// Holds the data for pickups for refuelling (maximum 50 refuel-pickups)
new ARefuelPickups[50][TPickupData];
// Holds the data for pickups for 3 cardealers
new ACarDealerPickups[3][TPickupData];
// Setup a custom type that holds all data about toll-boots
enum TTollGate
   GateID, // Holds the object-id of the gate
   TollPrice, // Holds the price for passing the gate
   GateStatus, // Holds the status of the gate (open = 1, closed = 0)
   Float:OpenX, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is opened
   Float:OpenY, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is opened
   Float:OpenZ, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is opened
   Float:CloseX, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is closed
   Float:CloseY, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is closed
   Float:CloseZ // Holds the coordinates when the gate is closed
new ATollGates[MAX_TOLLGATES][TTollGate];
// Setup a custom type that holds all data about spikestrips
enum TSpikeStrip
   SpikeTime, // This holds the time left when the spikestrip automatically disappears
   SpikeTimer, // This holds the reference to the timer for spikestrips
   SpikeObject, // This holds the ObjectID of the spikestrip object
   Float:SpikeX, // This holds the X coordinates of the spikestrip
   Float:SpikeY, // This holds the Y coordinates of the spikestrip
   Float:SpikeZ // This holds the Z coordinates of the spikestrip
new ASpikeStrips[MAX_SPIKESTRIPS][TSpikeStrip];
// Setup a custom type that holds all data about a speedcamera
enum TSpeedCamera
   Float:CamX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the camera
   Float:CamY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the camera
   Float:CamZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the camera
   Float:CamAngle, // Holds the Angle of the camera
   CamSpeed, // Holds the maximum speed allowed to pass this camera without being caught
   CamObj1, // Holds the reference to the first camera object
   CamObj2 // Holds the reference to the second camera object
new ACameras[100][TSpeedCamera];
// Setup a custom type to hold all data about a convoy
enum TConvoyData
   Members[CONVOY_MAX_MEMBERS], // This array holds the playerid\'s of all members (at index 0, the leader is stored), so a convoy can hold 1 leader and 9 members
   LoadID, // Holds the ID of the load
   Location1, // Holds the location-id of the start-location
   Location2, // Holds the location-id of the end-location
   Status, // Holds the status of the convoy (1 = open, 2 = full, 3 = closed, 0 = empty)
   ConvoyStep, // Holds the jobstep for the entire convoy
   TrailerModel, // Holds the trailer-model required by the convoy
   bool:LeaderInformedTrailers, // Is used to inform the leader ONCE if all members failed to have the same trailer
   Text:ConvoyTextLeader, // This is the textdraw for the leader of the convoy
   Text:ConvoyTextMember, // This is the textdraw for all members of the convoy
   ConvoyTimer // This convoy-timer checks everything for the whole convoy
// Setup an array which holds all data for every convoy
new AConvoys[MAX_CONVOYS][TConvoyData];
// Setup a custom type to hold all data about a vehicle
enum TVehicleData
   bool:MafiaLoad, // Holds True if the vehicle (or trailer) is carrying a mafia-wanted load
   Fuel, // Holds the amount of fuel for this vehicle
   BelongsToHouse, // Holds the HouseID to which this vehicle belongs
   bool:StaticVehicle, // Holds true if this is a static vehicle
   bool:Owned, // Holds true if the vehicle is owned by somebody
   Owner[24], // Holds the name of the owned of the vehicle
   Model, // Holds the vehicle-model of this vehicle
   PaintJob, // Holds the ID of the paintjob applied to the vehicle
   Components[14], // Holds all Component-ID\'s for all components on the vehicle
   Color1, // Holds the primary color for this vehicle
   Color2, // Holds the secundairy color for this vehicle
   Float:SpawnX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the parking spot for this vehicle
   Float:SpawnY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the parking spot for this vehicle
   Float:SpawnZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the parking spot for this vehicle
   Float:SpawnRot, // Holds the rotation of the parking spot for this vehicle
   bool:Clamped // Holds \"true\" if the vehicle is clamped by an admin
// Setup an array which holds all data for every vehicleid, max 2000 vehicles (server limit)
new AVehicleData[2000][TVehicleData];
// Setup a custom type that holds all data for businesses
enum TBusinessData
   PickupID, // Holds the pickup-id that is linked to this business
   Text3D:DoorText, // Holds the reference to the 3DText above the business\'s pickup
   MapIconID, // Holds the ID of the mapicon for the business
   BusinessName[100], // Holds the name of the business (this will be displayed above the pickup near the business when it\'s owned)
   Float:BusinessX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the pickup for the Business
   Float:BusinessY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the pickup for the Business
   Float:BusinessZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the pickup for the Business
   BusinessType, // Holds the type of business (well stacked pizza, burger shot, ...), this defines which icon and interior to use
   BusinessLevel, // Holds the level of upgrades the business has
   LastTransaction, // Holds the amount of minutes when the last transaction took place (buying the business or retrieving the money by the owner)
   bool:Owned, // Holds true if the Business is owned by somebody
   Owner[24] // Holds the name of the owner of the Business
// Holds the data for all houses
new ABusinessData[MAX_BUSINESS][TBusinessData];
// This variable holds the business-time (this value is increased every hour and is used to calculate the amount of money a business
// has generated after the last transaction of the business)
new BusinessTransactionTime;
// Setup a custom type that holds all data for houses
enum THouseData
   PickupID, // Holds the pickup-id that is linked to this house
   Text3D:DoorText, // Holds the reference to the 3DText above the house\'s pickup
   MapIconID, // Holds the ID of the mapicon for the house
   HouseName[100], // Holds the name of the house (this will be displayed above the pickup near the house when it\'s owned)
   Insurance, // Holds \"1\" if the house has an insurance for the vehicles belonging to this house
   Float:HouseX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the pickup for the house
   Float:HouseY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the pickup for the house
   Float:HouseZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the pickup for the house
   HouseLevel, // Holds the level of upgrades the house has (also defines how many vehicles can currently be added to the house)
   HouseMaxLevel, // Holds the maximum level this house can be upgraded to
   HousePrice, // Holds the price for buying the house, the same price applies when upgrading a house per level
   bool:Owned, // Holds true if the house is owned by somebody
   Owner[24], // Holds the name of the owner of the house
   bool:HouseOpened, // Holds true if the house is open to the public (anyone can enter), false means: only the owner can enter it
   VehicleIDs[10] // Holds the vehicle-id\'s of the vehicles linked to this house
// Holds the data for all houses
new AHouseData[MAX_HOUSES][THouseData];
// Setup a custom type that holds all data about a house-interior (selected when entering a house, based on the house-level)
enum THouseInterior
   InteriorName[50], // Holds the name of the interior
   InteriorID, // Holds the interior-id
   Float:IntX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the spawn-location where you enter the house
   Float:IntY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the spawn-location where you enter the house
   Float:IntZ // Holds the Z-coordinate of the spawn-location where you enter the house
// Holds the data for all interiors for houses
new AHouseInteriors[][THouseInterior] =
   {\"Dummy\",             0,       0.0,       0.0,       0.0}, // Dummy interior (Level 0), as the house-level starts at 1
   {\"Small motel room\",    10,    2262.83,    -1137.71,    1050.63}, // Level 1
   {\"Small house\",       2,       2467.36,    -1698.38,    1013.51}, // Level 2
   {\"Small house 2\",       1,       223.00,    1289.26,    1082.20}, // Level 3
   {\"Medium house\",       10,    2260.76,    -1210.45,    1049.02}, // Level 4
   {\"Medium house 2\",      8,       2365.42,    -1131.85,    1050.88}, // Level 5
   {\"Duplex house\",      12,    2324.33,    -1144.79,    1050.71}, // Level 6
   {\"Big house\",          15,    295.14,    1474.47,    1080.52}, // Level 7
   {\"Big duplex house\",    3,       235.50,    1189.17,    1080.34}, // Level 8
   {\"Huge house\",          7,       225.63,    1022.48,    1084.07}, // Level 9
   {\"Mansion\",          5,       1299.14,    -794.77,    1084.00} // Level 10
// Setup a custom type that holds all data about a business
enum TBusinessType
   InteriorName[50], // Holds the name of the interior
   InteriorID, // Holds the interior-id
   Float:IntX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the spawn-location where you enter the business
   Float:IntY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the spawn-location where you enter the business
   Float:IntZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the spawn-location where you enter the business
   BusPrice, // Holds the price for the business
   BusEarnings, // Holds the earnings for this type of business
   IconID // Holds the icon-id which represents the business
// Holds the data for all interiors for businesses
new ABusinessInteriors[][TBusinessType] =
   {\"Dummy\",             0,       0.0,       0.0,       0.0,      0,         0,      0}, // Dummy business (Type 0)
   {\"bolt (Small)\",       6,       -26.75,    -55.75,    1003.6,      500000,      60,      52}, // Type 1 (earnings per day: $1200)
   {\"bolt (Medium)\",       18,    -31.0,       -89.5,       1003.6,      750000,      85,      52}, // Type 2 (earnings per day: $1900)
   {\"Bár\",             11,    502.25,    -69.75,    998.8,      550000,      65,      49}, // Type 3 (earnings per day: $1800)
   {\"Barber (Small)\",       2,       411.5,       -21.25,    1001.8,      400000,      45,      7}, // Type 4 (earnings per day: $1500)
   {\"Barber (Medium)\",      3,       418.75,    -82.5,       1001.8,      800000,      85,      7}, // Type 5 (earnings per day: $1500)
   {\"Betting shop\",       3,       833.25,    7.0,       1004.2,      1800000,   190,   52}, // Type 6 (earnings per day: $4300)
   {\"Hambruger\",         10,    363.5,       -74.5,       1001.5,      150000,      20,      10}, // Type 7 (earnings per day: $500)
   {\"Casino (4 Dragons)\",    10,    2017.25,    1017.75,    996.9,      3500000,   360,   44}, // Type 8 (earnings per day: $9000)
   {\"Casino (Caligula\'s)\", 1,       2234.0,    1710.75,    1011.3,      3500000,   360,   25}, // Type 9 (earnings per day: $9000)
   {\"Casino (Small)\",       12,    1133.0,    -9.5,       1000.7,      2500000,   260,   43}, // Type 10 (earnings per day: $6000)
   {\"Clothing (Binco)\",    15,    207.75,    -109.0,    1005.2,      850000,      90,      45}, // Type 11 (earnings per day: $2100)
   {\"Clothing (Pro)\",       3,       207.0,       -138.75,    1003.5,      850000,      90,      45}, // Type 12 (earnings per day: $2100)
   {\"Clothing (Urban)\",    1,       203.75,    -48.5,       1001.8,      850000,      90,      45}, // Type 13 (earnings per day: $2100)
   {\"Clothing (Victim)\",    5,       226.25,    -7.5,       1002.3,      850000,      90,      45}, // Type 14 (earnings per day: $2100)
   {\"Clothing (ZIP)\",      18,    161.5,       -92.25,    1001.8,      850000,      90,      45}, // Type 15 (earnings per day: $2100)
   {\"Cluckin\' Bell\",      9,      365.75,    -10.75,     1001.9,      900000,      95,      14}, // Type 16 (earnings per day: $2300)
   {\"Disco (Small)\",       17,    492.75,      -22.0,       1000.7,      1400000,   145,   48}, // Type 17 (earnings per day: $3500)
   {\"Disco (Large)\",       3,       -2642.0,    1406.5,    906.5,      1800000,   185,   48}, // Type 18 (earnings per day: $3800)
   {\"Gym (LS)\",          5,       772.0,       -3.0,       1000.8,      550000,      60,      54}, // Type 19 (earnings per day: $1400)
   {\"Gym (SF)\",          6,       774.25,    -49.0,       1000.6,      550000,      60,      54}, // Type 20 (earnings per day: $1400)
   {\"Gym (LV)\",          7,       774.25,    -74.0,       1000.7,      550000,      60,      54}, // Type 21 (earnings per day: $1400)
   {\"Motel\",             15,    2216.25,    -1150.5,    1025.8,      1500000,   160,   37}, // Type 22 (earnings per day: $4000)
   {\"RCbolt\",          6,       -2238.75,    131.0,       1035.5,      600000,      65,      46}, // Type 23 (earnings per day: $1500)
   {\"Szexbolt\",          3,       -100.25,    -22.75,    1000.8,      950000,      100,   38}, // Type 24 (earnings per day: $2500)
   {\"Slaughterhouse\",       1,       933.75,    2151.0,    1011.1,      700000,      75,      50}, // Type 25 (earnings per day: $1600)
   {\"Stadion (roncsderby)\", 15,    -1394.25,    987.5,       1024.0,      2000000,   210,   33}, // Type 26 (earnings per day: $4500)
   {\"Stadion (rally)\", 14,    -1410.75,    1591.25,    1052.6,      2000000,   210,   33}, // Type 27 (earnings per day: $4500)
   {\"Stadion (verseny)\",    7,       -1396.0,    -208.25,    1051.2,      2000000,   210,   33}, // Type 28 (earnings per day: $4500)
   {\"Stadion (Corss)\",     4,       -1425.0,    -664.5,    1059.9,      2000000,   210,   33}, // Type 29 (earnings per day: $4500)
   {\"Striptizbár (Small)\",    3,       1212.75,    -30.0,       1001.0,      900000,      95,      48}, // Type 30 (earnings per day: $2000)
   {\"Sztriptizbár (Large)\",    2,       1204.75,    -12.5,       1001.0,      1050000,   105,   48}, // Type 31 (earnings per day: $2300)
   {\"Tetováló\",          16,    -203.0,    -24.25,    1002.3,      650000,      70,      39}, // Type 32 (earnings per day: $1600)
   {\"Pizzéria\",             5,       372.25,    -131.50,    1001.5,      750000,      80,      29} // Type 33 (earnings per day: $1800)
// This holds all data about a report
enum TReport
   bool:ReportUsed, // Holds true if this report-spot has been used
   ReportName[24], // Holds the name of the offender
   ReportReason[128] // Holds the reason why he\'s been reported
// This array holds all data about the recent 50 reports that have been reported
new AReports[50][TReport];
new ReportList[5000]; // Setup an array to holds the reports for the report-dialog
// Setup all the fields required for the player data (Speedometer TextDraw, current job, ...)
enum TPlayerData
   PlayerPassword[50], // Holds the password of the player\'s account
   PlayerNewPassword[50], // Holds the new password for the player
   PlayerLevel, // The admin-level of the player
   PlayerJailed, // Holds jail-time left for this player
   PlayerJailedTimer, // Holds the reference to the jail-timer
   PlayerFrozen, // Holds the time this player is frozen
   PlayerFrozenTimer, // Holds the reference to the frozen-timer
   Warnings, // Holds the number of warnings for this player
   Bans, // Holds the number of bans for this player
   BanTime, // Holds the time where the player is unbanned automatically (when the ban is over)
   bool:LoggedIn, // Holds true if the player has properly logged in
   bool:Muted, // Holds \"true\" if the player is muted
   bool:RulesRead, // Holds \"true\" if the player accepted the rules
   AutoReportTime, // Used to prevent the anti-hack system reporting the player every half a second when the player uses hacks
   TruckerLicense, // Holds \"1\" if the player has acquired his truckers-license
   BusLicense, // Holds \"1\" if the player has acquired his busdriver license
   PlayerMoney, // Holds the money of this player
   PlayerScore, // Holds the score of this player
   PlayerName[24], // Holds the name of the player
   Houses[MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER], // Holds the HouseID\'s of the houses that the player owns (index of the AHouseData array)
    CurrentHouse, // Holds the HouseID to track in which house the player currently is (used when accessing the housemenu)
   Business[MAX_BUSINESSPERPLAYER], // Holds the BusinessID\'s of the business that the player owns
   CurrentBusiness, // Holds the BusinessID to track in which business the player currently is (used when accessing the businessmenu)
   PlayerClass, //Holds the Class that the player chose (1 = truckdriver, 2 = taxidriver, ... -> see DEFINES)
   SpectateID, // Holds the ID of the other player which this player is spectating
   SpectateVehicle, // If the target player is inside a vehicle, store it here
   SpectateType, // Holds the type of spectating (none, player or vehicle)
   Float:PreviousX, // Holds the previous X location of the player (used to detect airbreak hacks)
   Float:PreviousY, // Holds the previous Y location of the player (used to detect airbreak hacks)
   Float:PreviousZ, // Holds the previous Z location of the player (used to detect airbreak hacks)
   PreviousInt, // Holds the previous interior id (used to detect airbreak hacks)
   StatsTruckerJobs, // Holds the number of succesfully completed trucker-missions
   StatsConvoyJobs, // Holds the number of completed trucking-routes when in a convoy
   StatsBusDriverJobs, // Holds the number of completed busroutes
   StatsPilotJobs, // Holds the number of completed pilot-missions
   StatsMafiaJobs, // Holds the number of completed mafia-missions
   StatsMafiaStolen, // Holds the number of succesfully deliveries of stolen mafialoads
   StatsPoliceFined, // Holds the number of fined players for police
   StatsPoliceJailed, // Holds the number of jailed players for police
   StatsCourierJobs, // Holds the number of completed courier-jobs
   StatsAssistance, // Holds the number of player-vehicles that this player has repaired/refuelled
   StatsRoadworkerJobs, // Holds the number of completed roadworker jobs
   Float:StatsMetersDriven, // Holds the total kilometers that the player has driven already
   Text:SpeedometerText, // The TextDraw of the speedometer for this player
   Text:FuelGauge, // The textdraw of the fuel-gauge for this player
   SpeedometerTimer, // Holds the reference to the speedometer timer for this player
   PlayerSpeed, // Holds the speed of the player
   PlayerCaughtSpeeding, // This holds a value to prevent being caught multiple times by the same speedcamera
   Timer_PoliceCanJailMe, // This holds a reference to the timer which is started when the player got warned by a police player
   Value_PoliceCanJailMe, // This holds the remaining time for the Timer_PoliceCanJailPlayer timer
   bool:PoliceCanJailMe, // This holds \"true\" when the player was warned by a police player but didn\'t stop before the timer ran out
   bool:PoliceWarnedMe, // This holds \"true\" is the player got caught by a police player and got at least one warning
   bool:AssistanceNeeded, // Holds \"true\" is the player called for assistance
   bool:JobStarted, // States that the player has started a job or not
   Text:MissionText, // Displays the mission info at the bottom of the screen
   JobID, // Mission ID of the job (in the appropriate array, based on the PlayerClass), not used by truckers
   JobStep, // Current step of the job (for trucker: 1 = going to load, 2 = delivering goods to destination)
   Passengers, // Holds the number of passengers (used for busdriver, taxi classes)
   PlayerCheckTimer, // A special timer used by certain classes (police, mafia) to check players every second if they\'re wanted/carrying mafialoads
   LoadingTimer, // The timer used for loading and unloading during jobs
   VehicleTimer, // The timer used to check if the player exited his vehicle or lost his trailer for more than 60 seconds
   VehicleTimerTime, // Holds the remaining seconds for the vehicletimer
   VehicleID, // Holds the ID of the vehicle that the player is driving during his job
   TrailerID, // Holds the ID of the trailer that the player has attached during his job (is 0 if no trailer attached)
   LoadID, // Holds the ID of the load
   JobLoc1, // Holds the LocationID where to pickup the load (used in trucking missions)
   JobLoc2, // Holds the LocationID where to deliver the load (used in trucking missions)
   bool:Overloaded, // Holds True if the player\'s vehicle is overloaded (wanted level increases by 2)
   bool:MafiaLoad, // Holds True is the player\'s load is wanted by the mafia
   bool:MafiaLoadHijacked, // Holds true if the mafia-player has hijacked a mafia-load
   bool:InConvoy, // Holds true if the player has joined a convoy already
   ConvoyID, // Holds the ID of the convoy where this player is a member
   CourierHouses[11], // This holds up to 10 HouseID\'s for use during Courier-missions
   CourierMaxStep, // This holds the max number of houses to deliver packages to
   DialogFirstItem, // Holds the first array-index where a split dialog must start
   DialogCarFirstCar, // Holds the first array-index where the carlist should start when the player asks to choose a car to spawn (\"/car\")
   DialogPlaneFirstPlane, // Holds the first array-index where the planelist should start when the player asks to choose a plane to spawn (\"/plane\")
   DialogTrailerFirstTrailer, // Holds the first array-index where the trailerlist should start when the player asks to choose a trailer to spawn (\"/trailer\")
   DialogRentVClass, // Holds the ID of the chosen vehicle class to process when renting a vehicle
   DialogRentCarIndex, // Holds the index in the ABuyableVehicles array which vehicle the player chose to rent
   DialogBuyVClass, // Holds the ID of the chose vehicle class to process when buying a vehicle
   DialogBuyCarIndex, // Holds the index in the ABuyableVehicles array which vehicle the player chose to buy
   DialogGetCarHouseID, // Holds the HouseID from which to get a vehicle when using /getcar
   DialogOtherPlayer, // Holds the id of the other player when viewing that other player\'s stats
   DialogOtherPlayerHouse, // Holds the HouseID of the other player when viewing the stats for that house
   BankPassword[24], // Bank-system: Used to hold the password to your bank-account
   bool:BankLoggedIn, // Bank-system: Used to determine if you have logged in to your bank account
   BankMoney, // Bank-system: Used to hold the money in your bank-account
   UseMoney, // Bank-system: Used to hold the money you\'re be transferring to another player\'s account
   LastIntrestTime, // Bank-system: Used to hold the last time where your bank account has received intrest
   RentedVehicleID // Holds the vehicle-id of the rented vehicle (if any)
// Create an array to hold the playerdata for every player
new APlayerData[MAX_PLAYERS][TPlayerData];
// This variable holds the intrest-time (this value is increased every hour
// and is used to calculate the intrest you receive on your bank account
new CurrentIntrestTime;
// Setup all the fields for a spawnlocation
enum TSpawnLocation
// Setup spawnlocations for each class (when selecting \"Spawn\" at class-selection, a random spawnlocation is selected)
new ASpawnLocationsTrucker[][TSpawnLocation] =
   {-525.0, -502.0, 26.0, 0.0}, // Fallen Tree Depó
   {-74.7, -1137.5, 4.5, 0.0}, // Flint Trucking Depó
   {1457.0, 975.5, 11.0, 0.0}, // LVA Freight Depó
   {-2136.0, -247.5, 36.5, 270.0}, // Doherty Depó
   {1766.5, -2040.7, 14.0, 270.0}, // El Corona Depó
   {-546.0, 2594.0, 54.0, 270.0}, // Las Payasdas Depó
   {332.0, 900.0, 25.0, 205.0}, // Bánya
   {-1575.0, -2724.0, 49.0, 146.0}, // Shady Creek Depó
   {4414.4, 597.8, 57.4, 0.0}, // Lv szigeti depó
    {2925.9, -2452.4, 9.0, 0.0} // Ls dokkoki depó
new ASpawnLocationsBusDriver[][TSpawnLocation] =
   {1809.0, -1905.0, 13.6, 90.0}, // Los Santos busdepot
   {-1983.0, 110.0, 27.7, 180.0}, // San Fierro busdepot
   {1060.0, 1260.0, 11.0, 270.0} // Las Venturas busdepot
new ASpawnLocationsPilot[][TSpawnLocation] =
   {2010.0, -2345.0, 13.6, 90.0}, // Los Santos airport
   {-1211.0, -105.0, 14.2, 135.0}, // San Fierro airport
   {1630.0, 1615.0, 10.9, 90.0} // Las Venturas airport
new ASpawnLocationsPolice[][TSpawnLocation] =
   {1568.5, -1693.5, 6.0, 180.0}, // Los Santos police station
   {-1590.0, 716.25, -5.0, 270.0}, // San Fierro police station
   {2275.0, 2460.0, 10.9, 90.0} // Las Venturas police station
new ASpawnLocationsMafia[][TSpawnLocation] =
   {2822.5, 898.5, 10.8, 0.0} // Mafia hideout
new ASpawnLocationsCourier[][TSpawnLocation] =
   {798.0, -618.75, 16.4, 0.0}, // Los Santos
   {-1849.25, -135.0, 12.0, 90.0}, // San Fierro
   {1050.5, 1931.0, 10.9, 270.0}, // Las Venturas
   {-2197.1, -2154.8, 46.8, 0.0} // Chilliadi depó
new ASpawnLocationsAssistance[][TSpawnLocation] =
   {211.25, 24.75, 2.6, 270.0}
new ASpawnLocationsRoadWorker[][TSpawnLocation] =
   {-1866.25, -1715.25, 22.7, 125.0} // Junkyard
// Setup an array that holds all prices for vehicle-components
new AVehicleModPrices[] =
   400, // ID 1000, Spoiler Pro                        Certain Transfender cars
   550, // ID 1001, Spoiler Win                        Certain Transfender cars
   200, // ID 1002, Spoiler Drag                        Certain Transfender cars
   250, // ID 1003, Spoiler Alpha                        Certain Transfender cars
   100, // ID 1004, Hood Champ Scoop                     Certain Transfender cars
   150, // ID 1005, Hood Fury Scoop                     Certain Transfender cars
   80, // ID 1006, Roof Roof Scoop                        Certain Transfender cars
   500, // ID 1007, Sideskirt Right Sideskirt               Certain Transfender cars
   500, // ID 1008, Nitro 5 times                        Most cars, Most planes and Most Helicopters
   200, // ID 1009, Nitro 2 times                        Most cars, Most planes and Most Helicopters
   1000, // ID 1010, Nitro 10 times                          Most cars, Most planes and Most Helicopters
   220, // ID 1011, Hood Race Scoop                         Certain Transfender cars
   250, // ID 1012, Hood Worx Scoop                         Certain Transfender cars
   100, // ID 1013, Lamps Round Fog                         Certain Transfender cars
   400, // ID 1014, Spoiler Champ                           Certain Transfender cars
   500, // ID 1015, Spoiler Race                            Certain Transfender cars
   200, // ID 1016, Spoiler Worx                            Certain Transfender cars
   500, // ID 1017, Sideskirt Left Sideskirt                Certain Transfender cars
   350, // ID 1018, Exhaust Upswept                         Most cars
   300, // ID 1019, Exhaust Twin                            Most cars
   250, // ID 1020, Exhaust Large                           Most cars
   200, // ID 1021, Exhaust Medium                        Most cars
   150, // ID 1022, Exhaust Small                        Most cars
   350, // ID 1023, Spoiler Fury                            Certain Transfender cars
   50, // ID 1024, Lamps Square Fog                     Certain Transfender cars
   1000, // ID 1025, Wheels Offroad                     Certain Transfender cars
   480, // ID 1026, Sideskirt Right Alien Sideskirt         Sultan
   480, // ID 1027, Sideskirt Left Alien Sideskirt            Sultan
   770, // ID 1028, Exhaust Alien                            Sultan
   680, // ID 1029, Exhaust X-Flow                        Sultan
   370, // ID 1030, Sideskirt Left X-Flow Sideskirt          Sultan
   370, // ID 1031, Sideskirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt         Sultan
   170, // ID 1032, Roof Alien Roof Vent                  Sultan
   120, // ID 1033, Roof X-Flow Roof Vent                    Sultan
   790, // ID 1034, Exhaust Alien                        Elegy
   150, // ID 1035, Roof X-Flow Roof Vent                  Elegy
   500, // ID 1036, SideSkirt Right Alien Sideskirt          Elegy
   690, // ID 1037, Exhaust X-Flow                        Elegy
   190, // ID 1038, Roof Alien Roof Vent                  Elegy
   390, // ID 1039, SideSkirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt         Elegy
   500, // ID 1040, SideSkirt Left Alien Sideskirt            Elegy
   390, // ID 1041, SideSkirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt         Elegy
   1000, // ID 1042, SideSkirt Right Chrome Sideskirt         Broadway
   500, // ID 1043, Exhaust Slamin                           Broadway
   500, // ID 1044, Exhaust Chrome                        Broadway
   510, // ID 1045, Exhaust X-Flow                        Flash
   710, // ID 1046, Exhaust Alien                        Flash
   670, // ID 1047, SideSkirt Right Alien Sideskirt          Flash
   530, // ID 1048, SideSkirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt         Flash
   810, // ID 1049, Spoiler Alien                        Flash
   620, // ID 1050, Spoiler X-Flow                           Flash
   670, // ID 1051, SideSkirt Left Alien Sideskirt           Flash
   530, // ID 1052, SideSkirt Left X-Flow Sideskirt         Flash
   130, // ID 1053, Roof X-Flow                        Flash
   210, // ID 1054, Roof Alien                           Flash
   230, // ID 1055, Roof Alien                           Stratum
   520, // ID 1056, Sideskirt Right Alien Sideskirt         Stratum
   430, // ID 1057, Sideskirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt         Stratum
   620, // ID 1058, Spoiler Alien                        Stratum
   720, // ID 1059, Exhaust X-Flow                        Stratum
   530, // ID 1060, Spoiler X-Flow                        Stratum
   180, // ID 1061, Roof X-Flow                        Stratum
   520, // ID 1062, Sideskirt Left Alien Sideskirt            Stratum
   430, // ID 1063, Sideskirt Left X-Flow Sideskirt         Stratum
   830, // ID 1064, Exhaust Alien                        Stratum
   850, // ID 1065, Exhaust Alien                        Jester
   750, // ID 1066, Exhaust X-Flow                        Jester
   250, // ID 1067, Roof Alien                           Jester
   200, // ID 1068, Roof X-Flow                        Jester
   550, // ID 1069, Sideskirt Right Alien Sideskirt         Jester
   450, // ID 1070, Sideskirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt         Jester
   550, // ID 1071, Sideskirt Left Alien Sideskirt            Jester
   450, // ID 1072, Sideskirt Left X-Flow Sideskirt         Jester
   1100, // ID 1073, Wheels Shadow                        Most cars
   1030, // ID 1074, Wheels Mega                        Most cars
   980, // ID 1075, Wheels Rimshine                     Most cars
   1560, // ID 1076, Wheels Wires                        Most cars
   1620, // ID 1077, Wheels Classic                     Most cars
   1200, // ID 1078, Wheels Twist                        Most cars
   1030, // ID 1079, Wheels Cutter                        Most cars
   900, // ID 1080, Wheels Switch                        Most cars
   1230, // ID 1081, Wheels Grove                        Most cars
   820, // ID 1082, Wheels Import                        Most cars
   1560, // ID 1083, Wheels Dollar                        Most cars
   1350, // ID 1084, Wheels Trance                        Most cars
   770, // ID 1085, Wheels Atomic                        Most cars
   100, // ID 1086, Stereo Stereo                        Most cars
   1500, // ID 1087, Hydraulics Hydraulics                  Most cars
   150, // ID 1088, Roof Alien                           Uranus
   650, // ID 1089, Exhaust X-Flow                        Uranus
   450, // ID 1090, Sideskirt Right Alien Sideskirt         Uranus
   100, // ID 1091, Roof X-Flow                        Uranus
   750, // ID 1092, Exhaust Alien                        Uranus
   350, // ID 1093, Sideskirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt         Uranus
   450, // ID 1094, Sideskirt Left Alien Sideskirt            Uranus
   350, // ID 1095, Sideskirt Right X-Flow Sideskirt         Uranus
   1000, // ID 1096, Wheels Ahab                        Most cars
   620, // ID 1097, Wheels Virtual                        Most cars
   1140, // ID 1098, Wheels Access                        Most cars
   1000, // ID 1099, Sideskirt Left Chrome Sideskirt         Broadway
   940, // ID 1100, Bullbar Chrome Grill                  Remington
   780, // ID 1101, Sideskirt Left `Chrome Flames` Sideskirt   Remington
   830, // ID 1102, Sideskirt Left `Chrome Strip` Sideskirt   Savanna
   3250, // ID 1103, Roof Convertible                     Blade
   1610, // ID 1104, Exhaust Chrome                     Blade
   1540, // ID 1105, Exhaust Slamin                     Blade
   780, // ID 1106, Sideskirt Right `Chrome Arches`         Remington
   780, // ID 1107, Sideskirt Left `Chrome Strip` Sideskirt   Blade
   780, // ID 1108, Sideskirt Right `Chrome Strip` Sideskirt   Blade
   1610, // ID 1109, Rear Bullbars Chrome                  Slamvan
   1540, // ID 1110, Rear Bullbars Slamin                  Slamvan
   55, // ID 1111, Front Sign? Little Sign?               Slamvan         ???
   55, // ID 1112, Front Sign? Little Sign?               Slamvan         ???
   3340, // ID 1113, Exhaust Chrome                     Slamvan
   3250, // ID 1114, Exhaust Slamin                     Slamvan
   2130, // ID 1115, Front Bullbars Chrome                  Slamvan
   2050, // ID 1116, Front Bullbars Slamin                  Slamvan
   2040, // ID 1117, Front Bumper Chrome                  Slamvan
   780, // ID 1118, Sideskirt Right `Chrome Trim` Sideskirt   Slamvan
   940, // ID 1119, Sid

Dupla hozzászólás automatikusan összefûzve. ( 2013. április 18. - 16:01:10 )

// Keep the values and assignments below this line to what they are
// Define path to player\'s account-files
#define PlayerFile \"ServerData/Players/%s.ini\"
#define HouseFile \"ServerData/Houses/House%i.ini\"
#define CameraFile \"ServerData/Cameras/Camera%i.ini\"
#define BusinessFile \"ServerData/Business/Business%i.ini\"
#define BankFile \"ServerData/Bank/%s.ini\"
// Define vehicles
#define VehicleFlatbed         455 // Truck: Flatbed
#define VehicleDFT30         578 // Truck: DFT-30
#define VehicleCementTruck      524 // Truck: Cementtruck
#define VehicleLineRunner      403 // Truck: LineRunner
#define VehicleTanker         514 // Truck: Tanker
#define VehicleRoadTrain      515 // Truck: RoadTrain
#define VehicleTrailerCargo      435 // Trailer: cargo
#define VehicleTrailerCargo2   591 // Trailer: cargo
#define VehicleTrailerOre      450 // Trailer: Ore
#define VehicleTrailerFluids   584 // Trailer: Fluids
#define VehicleCoach         437 // Bus
#define VehicleShamal           519 // Plane: Shamal
#define VehicleNevada           553 // Plane: Nevada
#define VehicleStuntPlane       513 // Plane: Stuntplane
#define VehicleDodo             593 // Plane: Dodo
#define VehicleMaverick         487 // Helicopter: Maverick
#define VehicleCargobob         548 // Helicopter: Cargobob
#define VehiclePoliceLSPD       596 // Police Car Los Santos Police Department
#define VehiclePoliceSFPD       597 // Police Car San Fierro Police Department
#define VehiclePoliceLVPD       598 // Police Car Las Venturas Police Department
#define VehicleHPV1000          523 // Police motorcycle
#define VehiclePoliceRanger     599 // Police Ranger
#define VehicleSandKing         495 // Mafia-van: Sandking
#define VehicleMoonbeam         418 // Mafia-van: Moonbeam
#define VehicleBike             509 // Bike: Bike
#define VehicleBMX              481 // Bike: BMX
#define VehicleMountainBike     510 // Bike: Mountain Bike
#define VehicleFaggio           462 // Bike: Faggio
#define VehiclePizzaBoy         448 // Bike: Pizzaboy
#define VehicleBF400            581 // Bike: BF-400
#define VehicleNRG500           522 // Bike: NRG-500
#define VehiclePCJ600           461 // Bike: PCJ-600
#define VehicleFCR900           521 // Bike: FCR-900
#define VehicleFreeway          463 // Bike: Freeway
#define VehicleWayfarer         586 // Bike: Wayfarer
#define VehicleSanchez          468 // Bike: Sanchez
#define VehicleQuad             471 // Bike: Quad
#define VehicleCoastguard      472 // Boat: Coastguard
#define VehicleDinghy         473 // Boat: Dinghy
#define VehicleJetmax         493 // Boat: Jetmax
#define VehicleLaunch         595 // Boat: Launch
#define VehicleMarquis         484 // Boat: Marquis
#define VehiclePredator         430 // Boat: Predator
#define VehicleReefer         453 // Boat: Reefer
#define VehicleSpeeder         452 // Boat: Speeder
#define VehicleSquallo         446 // Boat: Squallo
#define VehicleTropic         454 // Boat: Tropic
#define VehicleRhino            432 // Tank: Rhino
#define VehiclePatriot          470 // Jeep: Patriot
#define VehicleTowTruck         525 // Towtruck
#define VehicleBurrito          482 // Van: Burrito
#define VehicleFaggio           462 // Bike: Faggio
#define VehicleBenson           499 // Truck: Benson
#define VehicleDozer            486 // Dozer
#define VehicleUtilityVan       552 // Utility Van
#define VehicleUtilityTrailer   611 // Utility trailer
#define VehicleDumper           406 // Dumper
#define VehicleYankee           456 // Yankee
#define VehicleBoxville         498 //Boxville1
#define VehiclePacker           443 //Packer
#define VehicleTrashmaster      408 // Kukás kocsi
#define VehicleLandstalker      400 // terepjáró
#define VehicleBarracks         433 // Katonai kamion
#define VehicleBerkley\'s RC Van 459 // Kisteherautó
#define VehicleRumpo            440 // Kisteherautó
#define VehiclePony             413 // Kisteherautó
#define VehiclePizza            448 // Pizzaboy (pizzásrobogó)
#define VehicleNrg              522 // NRG-500
#define VehicleInfernus         411 // Infi
#define VehicleCross            468 // Sanchez
// Define player-class AND vehicle statements to use for missions (PCV = PlayerClass and Vehicle)
#define PCV_TruckerOreTrailer         1
#define PCV_TruckerFluidsTrailer        2
#define PCV_TruckerCargoTrailer         3
#define PCV_TruckerCementTruck          4
#define PCV_TruckerNoTrailer            6
#define PCV_PilotPlane                  7
#define PCV_PilotHelicopter             8
#define PCV_MafiaVan                    9
#define PCV_TruckerDumper              10
#define PCV_TruckerMatya               11
#define PCV_TruckerKukas               12
#define PCV_TruckerPacker              13
#define PCV_TruckerKatona              14
// Define classes
#define ClassTruckDriver 1
#define ClassBusDriver 2
#define ClassPilot 3
#define ClassPolice 4
#define ClassMafia 5
#define ClassCourier 6
#define ClassAssistance 7
#define ClassRoadWorker 8
// Defines for truckers
#define Trucker_TimeToFailMission 60
// Defines for busdrivers
#define BusDriver_TimeToFailMission 60
// Defines for mafia
#define Mafia_TimeToFailMission 60
// Defines for all classes
#define Job_TimeToFailMission   60
// Define class-colors
#define ColorClassTruckDriver      0xDDDD2357 // Citromsárga
#define ColorClassBusDriver         0x7CFC00AA // Light blue
#define ColorClassPilot             0x33AA33AA // fekete
#define ColorClassPolice         0x0000FFFF // Blue
#define ColorClassMafia            0x8000FFFF // Purple
#define ColorClassCourier           0xFF0080FF // Pink
#define ColorClassAssistance        0x80FF00FF // Dark green
#define ColorClassRoadWorker        0xFFFF80FF // Light yellow
// Define Dialogs
#define DialogRegister            1
#define DialogLogin               2
#define DialogStats                 3
#define DialogStatsOtherPlayer      4
#define DialogRules                 5
#define DialogReports               6
#define DialogStatsHouse             7
#define DialogStatsGoHouse          8
#define DialogStatsGoBusiness       9
#define DialogRescue                11
#define DialogBuyLicenses           12
#define DialogTruckerJobMethod      21
#define DialogTruckerSelectLoad     22
#define DialogTruckerStartLoc       23
#define DialogTruckerEndLoc         24
#define DialogBusJobMethod          31
#define DialogBusSelectRoute        32
#define DialogCourierSelectQuant    41
#define DialogBike                  101
#define DialogCar                   102
#define DialogPlane                 103
#define DialogTrailer               104
#define DialogRentCarClass          105
#define DialogRentCar              106
#define DialogBoat                  107
#define DialogWeather               201
#define DialogCarOption             202
#define DialogSelectConvoy          401
#define DialogConvoyMembers         402
#define DialogPlayerCommands        501
#define DialogPrimaryCarColor       502
#define DialogSedundaryCarColor     503
#define DialogHouseMenu             601
#define DialogUpgradeHouse          602
#define DialogGoHome                603
#define DialogHouseNameChange       604
#define DialogSellHouse             605
#define DialogBuyCarClass           606
#define DialogBuyCar                607
#define DialogSellCar               608
#define DialogBuyInsurance          609
#define DialogGetCarSelectHouse     610
#define DialogGetCarSelectCar       611
#define DialogUnclampVehicles       612
#define DialogCreateBusSelType      701
#define DialogBusinessMenu          702
#define DialogGoBusiness            703
#define DialogBusinessNameChange    704
#define DialogSellBusiness          705
#define DialogBankPasswordRegister  801
#define DialogBankPasswordLogin     802
#define DialogBankOptions           803
#define DialogBankDeposit           804
#define DialogBankWithdraw          805
#define DialogBankTransferMoney     806
#define DialogBankTransferName        807
#define DialogBankCancel            808
#define DialogHelpItemChosen        901
#define DialogHelpItem              902
#define DialogOldPassword           1001
#define DialogNewPassword           1002
#define DialogConfirmPassword        1003
#define DialogNoResponse            25000
// Define the maximum amount of convoys at the same time
#define MAX_CONVOYS                 8
#define CONVOY_MAX_MEMBERS          65
#define CONVOY_EMPTY                0
#define CONVOY_OPEN                 1
#define CONVOY_FULL                2
#define CONVOY_CLOSED               3
// Define messagecolors
#define ColorRed 0xFF0000FF
#define ColorGreen 0x00FF00FF
#define ColorBlue 0x0000FFFF
// Define Virtual Worlds
#define WORLD_JAIL 10254
// Define options for admins
#define AutoKickAfterWarn           1 // Define if the player gets kicked after a certain amount of warnings
#define AutoKickWarnings            3 // Define the amount of warnings before a player is kicked automatically
// Define spectate modes
// Create some global variables that are used to display large dialogs
new DialogMsg5000[5000];
// These variables are only used during the GameModeInit, they are used for debugging purposes
// A variable to hold the ID of every vehicle (used to record the last ID of a vehicle, for debugging)
new LastVehicleID;
// A variable to hold the ID of every object (used to record the last ID of an object, for debugging)
new LastObjectID;
// A variable to hold the total amount of houses that are loaded
new TotalHouses;
// A variable that holds the last speedcam-id
new TotalCameras;
// A variable that holds the total amount of businesses loaded
new TotalBusiness;
// This variable holds the number of the last TimedMessage that was sent to all players
new LastTimedMessage;
// This array holds all timed messages that will be sent every few minutes
new ATimedMessages[][128] =
//   {\"{808080}Message\"}
//   {\"{808080}Message\"}
//   {\"{808080}Message\"}
//   {\"{808080}Message\"}
//   {\"{808080}Message\"}
//   {\"{808080}Message\"}
// Holds the data about the random bonus mission
enum TRandomBonusMission
RandomLoad, // Holds the random LoadID
RandomStartLoc, // Holds the random StartLocation ID
RandomEndLoc, // Holds the random EndLocation ID
bool:MissionFinished // Holds true if the bonus mission has been completed by someone, a new random mission will be chosen next
// Create one random bonus mission
new RandomBonusMission[TRandomBonusMission];
// Holds the admin-levelnames
new AdminLevelName[7][25] =
{\"Player\"}, // Admin-level 0
{\"Moderátor\"}, // Admin-level 1
{\"Segéd-admin\"}, // Admin-level 2
{\"Admin\"}, // Admin-level 3
{\"csak van\"}, // Admin-level 4
{\"Fõadmin\"}, // Admin-level 5
{\"Scripter/Tulaj\"} //Admin-Level 6
// Holds the reference to the pickup that can reward you with a trucker/busdriver license
new Pickup_License;
// Setup a custom type that holds the data of pickups
enum TPickupData
// Holds the data for pickups for refuelling (maximum 50 refuel-pickups)
new ARefuelPickups[50][TPickupData];
// Holds the data for pickups for 3 cardealers
new ACarDealerPickups[3][TPickupData];
// Setup a custom type that holds all data about toll-boots
enum TTollGate
GateID, // Holds the object-id of the gate
TollPrice, // Holds the price for passing the gate
GateStatus, // Holds the status of the gate (open = 1, closed = 0)
Float:OpenX, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is opened
Float:OpenY, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is opened
Float:OpenZ, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is opened
Float:CloseX, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is closed
Float:CloseY, // Holds the coordinates when the gate is closed
Float:CloseZ // Holds the coordinates when the gate is closed
new ATollGates[MAX_TOLLGATES][TTollGate];
// Setup a custom type that holds all data about spikestrips
enum TSpikeStrip
SpikeTime, // This holds the time left when the spikestrip automatically disappears
SpikeTimer, // This holds the reference to the timer for spikestrips
SpikeObject, // This holds the ObjectID of the spikestrip object
Float:SpikeX, // This holds the X coordinates of the spikestrip
Float:SpikeY, // This holds the Y coordinates of the spikestrip
Float:SpikeZ // This holds the Z coordinates of the spikestrip
new ASpikeStrips[MAX_SPIKESTRIPS][TSpikeStrip];
// Setup a custom type that holds all data about a speedcamera
enum TSpeedCamera
Float:CamX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the camera
Float:CamY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the camera
Float:CamZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the camera
Float:CamAngle, // Holds the Angle of the camera
CamSpeed, // Holds the maximum speed allowed to pass this camera without being caught
CamObj1, // Holds the reference to the first camera object
CamObj2 // Holds the reference to the second camera object
new ACameras[100][TSpeedCamera];
// Setup a custom type to hold all data about a convoy
enum TConvoyData
Members[CONVOY_MAX_MEMBERS], // This array holds the playerid\'s of all members (at index 0, the leader is stored), so a convoy can hold 1 leader and 9 members
LoadID, // Holds the ID of the load
Location1, // Holds the location-id of the start-location
Location2, // Holds the location-id of the end-location
Status, // Holds the status of the convoy (1 = open, 2 = full, 3 = closed, 0 = empty)
ConvoyStep, // Holds the jobstep for the entire convoy
TrailerModel, // Holds the trailer-model required by the convoy
bool:LeaderInformedTrailers, // Is used to inform the leader ONCE if all members failed to have the same trailer
Text:ConvoyTextLeader, // This is the textdraw for the leader of the convoy
Text:ConvoyTextMember, // This is the textdraw for all members of the convoy
ConvoyTimer // This convoy-timer checks everything for the whole convoy
// Setup an array which holds all data for every convoy
new AConvoys[MAX_CONVOYS][TConvoyData];
// Setup a custom type to hold all data about a vehicle
enum TVehicleData
bool:MafiaLoad, // Holds True if the vehicle (or trailer) is carrying a mafia-wanted load
Fuel, // Holds the amount of fuel for this vehicle
BelongsToHouse, // Holds the HouseID to which this vehicle belongs
bool:StaticVehicle, // Holds true if this is a static vehicle
bool:Owned, // Holds true if the vehicle is owned by somebody
Owner[24], // Holds the name of the owned of the vehicle
Model, // Holds the vehicle-model of this vehicle
PaintJob, // Holds the ID of the paintjob applied to the vehicle
Components[14], // Holds all Component-ID\'s for all components on the vehicle
Color1, // Holds the primary color for this vehicle
Color2, // Holds the secundairy color for this vehicle
Float:SpawnX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the parking spot for this vehicle
Float:SpawnY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the parking spot for this vehicle
Float:SpawnZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the parking spot for this vehicle
Float:SpawnRot, // Holds the rotation of the parking spot for this vehicle
bool:Clamped // Holds \"true\" if the vehicle is clamped by an admin
// Setup an array which holds all data for every vehicleid, max 2000 vehicles (server limit)
new AVehicleData[2000][TVehicleData];
// Setup a custom type that holds all data for businesses
enum TBusinessData
PickupID, // Holds the pickup-id that is linked to this business
Text3D:DoorText, // Holds the reference to the 3DText above the business\'s pickup
MapIconID, // Holds the ID of the mapicon for the business
BusinessName[100], // Holds the name of the business (this will be displayed above the pickup near the business when it\'s owned)
Float:BusinessX, // Holds the X-coordinate of the pickup for the Business
Float:BusinessY, // Holds the Y-coordinate of the pickup for the Business
Float:BusinessZ, // Holds the Z-coordinate of the pickup for the Business
BusinessType, // Holds the type of business (well stacked pizza, burger shot, ...), this defines which icon and interior to use
BusinessLevel, // Holds the level of upgrades the business has
LastTransaction, // Holds the amount of minutes when the last transaction took place (buying the business or retrieving the money by the owner)
bool:Owned, // Holds true if the Business is owned by somebody
Owner[24] // Holds the name of the owner of the Business
// Holds the data for all houses
new ABusinessData[MAX_BUSINESS][TBusinessData];
// This variable holds the busi

Nem elérhető Dfoglalo

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Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D
« Válasz #16 Dátum: 2013. április 18. - 16:10:57 »
0 Show voters
Kódként istenem, akkora warnt fogsz kapni!!!!!!!!
Ebben bizony tényleg nincs... Hát én akkor feladom szerintem, ha valami eszembe jut, ami megoldás lehetne, írok. De mivel ez csak egy warning, szerintem (bocs Modok, de) le lehet sz*rni, attól még mûködni fog a mód.

Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D
« Válasz #17 Dátum: 2013. április 18. - 18:07:05 »
0 Show voters
Lehet más incbe is, mivel editet használsz és ki tudja, hogy az editelõ hogyan rakta bele.Ha gondolod ragd fel solidfilesre az egész modot és átnézem neked.
(Ha nem akarod hogy másnak is meg legyen a mod akkor küld el pmbe.)

Nem elérhető ZSOLTI99

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Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D
« Válasz #18 Dátum: 2013. április 18. - 19:14:00 »
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A elején kellene lenni nekem is volt ilyen

Nem elérhető Dfoglalo

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Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D
« Válasz #19 Dátum: 2013. április 18. - 19:40:03 »
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Idézetet írta: ZSOLTI99 date=1366305240\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"36276\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
A elején kellene lenni nekem is volt ilyen
Már rég kitárgyaltuk, hogy sem a dialogoknál, sem pedig a definícióknál nem találja a kedves Témanyitó azt a bizonyos szöveget. Ahogyan halaloszto100 is mondta, más .inc-ben kell lennie a keresett sornak. Javaslom a Témanyitónak, hogy vegye fel a kapcsolatot halaloszto100-al, mert õ jelenleg is aktív PPC-s.

Nem elérhető ZyZu.

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  • my turbo diesel forum
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Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D
« Válasz #20 Dátum: 2013. április 18. - 19:43:41 »
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Ez nekem is volt amikor még régen PPC módom volt.. én azt csináltam, hogy a PPC_Trucking mód elejére az INC útán beírtam ezt és jó volt semmi probléma nem volt vele..
new Dialog_Neon;

Most nem tudom pontosan, hogy ez egy dialog neve lenne vagy sima változó..
#define Dialog_Neon 1000

Nem elérhető Dfoglalo

  • 4069
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Error! Aki tud segitsen lecci:D
« Válasz #21 Dátum: 2013. április 18. - 19:50:28 »
0 Show voters
Idézetet írta: ZyZu date=1366307021\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"36276\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Ez nekem is volt amikor még régen PPC módom volt.. én azt csináltam, hogy a PPC_Trucking mód elejére az INC útán beírtam ezt és jó volt semmi probléma nem volt vele..
new Dialog_Neon;

Most nem tudom pontosan, hogy ez egy dialog neve lenne vagy sima változó..
#define Dialog_Neon 1000


warning 203: symbol is never used: \"Dialog_Neon\"[/quote]
Ennél elméletileg arról van szó, hogy definiálva van, de nincs használva. Vagy tévedek?
A végén még a warning üzenettel teljesen ellentétes lesz a megoldás, ZyZu jóvoltából :D


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