Szerző Téma: toEdit  (Megtekintve 575 alkalommal)

« Dátum: 2012. augusztus 04. - 14:26:12 »
0 Show voters
Az lenne a kérdésem hogy a toEdit script csak 0.3e RC7-re van? :/
Sima 0.3e-re nincs?

« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2012. augusztus 04. - 15:16:48 »
0 Show voters
Próba verzióra készült, de tökéletesen mûködik a RELEASE verzión is, szoval használhatod azon.

« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2012. augusztus 05. - 10:22:48 »
0 Show voters
nekem 0.3en nem rak le semmit...

« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2012. augusztus 05. - 11:47:46 »
0 Show voters
Nekem tökéletesen mûködik.
#include <a_samp>
#include <zcmd>
new Object[MAX_PLAYERS],
Size[MAX_PLAYERS] = 50,
Index[MAX_PLAYERS] = 0,
UseBold[MAX_PLAYERS] = 0,
TextAlign[MAX_PLAYERS] = 1,
FontSize[MAX_PLAYERS] = 24,
ObjectID[MAX_PLAYERS] = 19353,
Float:Pos[4], Float:Rot[3];
new bool:ObjectType[MAX_PLAYERS] = false,
bool:CreatingTextO[MAX_PLAYERS] = false;
#define R               \"{FF0000}\" //Red
#define G               \"{C4C4C4}\" //Grey
#define Y               \"{EEEA00}\" //Yellow
#define B               \"{00A7EE}\" //Blue
#define MainDialog      0
#define OTypeDialog     1
#define OModelDialog    2
#define TextDialog      3
#define IndexDialog     4
#define SizesDialog     5
#define FontNDialog     6
#define FontSDialog     7
#define BoldDialog      8
#define ColorDialog     9
#define BackgDialog     10
#define BackgColorD     11
#define AlignDialog     12
#define SaveDialog      13
#define ColorDialog2    14
#define ColorDialog3    15
#define ColorDialog4    16
#define ColorDialog5    17
public OnFilterScriptInit()
print(\"       ____________________________\");
print(\"      |-Text Object Editor Loaded- |\");
print(\"      |   Scripted by irinel1996   |\");
print(\"      |    Copyright © 2012-2013   |\");
print(\"      |      Keep the credits!     |\");
print(\"      |____________________________|\");
return 1;
CMD:create(playerid, params[]) {
    if(CreatingTextO[playerid] == false)
TextAlign[playerid] = 1,
        Text[playerid] = \"Example\",
FontName[playerid] = \"Arial\",
TextColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFFFF8200\"),
BackgColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFF000000\");
       CreatingTextO[playerid] = true, ShowMainMenu(playerid);
       GetPlayerPos(playerid, Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]), GetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, Pos[3]);
       new Float:x = Pos[0] + (5.0 * floatsin(-Pos[3], degrees));
new Float:y = Pos[1] + (5.0 * floatcos(-Pos[3], degrees));
       Object[playerid] = CreateObject(ObjectID[playerid], x, y, Pos[2]+0.5, 0.0, 0.0, Pos[3] - 90.0);
       SetObjectMaterialText(Object[playerid], Text[playerid], Index[playerid], Size[playerid], FontName[playerid],
FontSize[playerid], UseBold[playerid], TextColor[playerid], BackgColor[playerid], TextAlign[playerid]);
SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"INFO: \"Y\"New Text Object created.\");
} else { ShowMainMenu(playerid); }
    return 1;
CMD:test(playerid, params[]) {
    new MiObjeto = CreateObject(19353, 1965.633911, 1343.049560, 15.874607, 0.000000, 0.000000, 179.142486);
SetObjectMaterialText(MiObjeto, \"Example\", 0, 50, \"Arial\", 24, 0, -32256, -16777216, 1);
    return 1;
public OnDialogResponse(playerid, dialogid, response, listitem, inputtext[])
if(dialogid == MainDialog){
        switch(listitem) {
            case 0:{
         new string[128], type[30];
         if(ObjectType[playerid] == false) type = \"Normal Object\";
         else if(ObjectType[playerid] == true) type = \"Player Object\";
         format(string, sizeof(string),\"\"B\"Curret Object Type: \"Y\"%s\\
         \\n\"G\"Please, select your Object Type below:\",type);
         ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,OTypeDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_MSGBOX,\"    \"R\"Object Type\",string,\"Normal O.\",\"Player O.\");
            case 1:{
                new string[128];
                format(string, sizeof(string), \"\"B\"Current Object Model ID: \"Y\"%d\\
         \\n\"G\"Please, type below a Model ID for the object (example = 19353):\",ObjectID[playerid]);
         ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,OModelDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,\"    \"R\"Object Model ID\",string,\"Change\",\"Back\");
           case 2:{
               new string[300];
               format(string, sizeof(string),\"\"B\"Current Object Text: \"Y\"%s\\
         \\n\"G\"Please, type below your text for the object:\",Text[playerid]);
               ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,TextDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,\"    \"R\"Object Text\",string,\"Change\",\"Back\");
           case 3: {
         new string[128];
         format(string, sizeof(string),\"\"B\"Current Material Index: \"Y\"%d\\
         \\n\"G\"Please, type below the Material Index which you want use (default = 0):\",Index[playerid]);
         ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,IndexDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,\"    \"R\"Material Index\",string,\"Change\",\"Back\");
      case 4: {
          new sizes[600];
         strcat(sizes,\"\"Y\"1. \"B\"32x32 \"G\"(10)\\
                  \\n\"Y\"2. \"B\"64x32 \"G\"(20)\\
                  \\n\"Y\"3. \"B\"64x64 \"G\"(30)\\
                  \\n\"Y\"4. \"B\"128x32 \"G\"(40)\\
                  \\n\"Y\"5. \"B\"128x64 \"G\"(50)\\
                  \\n\"Y\"6. \"B\"128x128 \"G\"(60)\\
                  \\n\"Y\"7. \"B\"256x32 \"G\"(70)\");
         strcat(sizes,\"\\n\"Y\"8. \"B\"256x64 \"G\"(80)\\
                  \\n\"Y\"9. \"B\"256x128 \"G\"(90)\\
                  \\n\"Y\"10. \"B\"256x256 \"G\"(100)\\
                  \\n\"Y\"11. \"B\"512x64 \"G\"(110)\\
                  \\n\"Y\"12. \"B\"512x128 \"G\"(120)\\
                  \\n\"Y\"13. \"B\"512x256 \"G\"(130)\\
                  \\n\"Y\"14. \"B\"512x512 \"G\"(140)\");
         new current[128];
         format(current, sizeof(current),\"\"R\"Material Size \"G\"| \"B\"Current size: \"Y\"%d\",Size[playerid]);
      case 5: {
          new string[128];
          format(string, sizeof(string), \"\"B\"Current Text Font: \"Y\"%s\\
         \\n\"G\"Please, type below the Text Font name which you want use:\",FontName[playerid]);
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,FontNDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,\"    \"R\"Text Font\",string,\"Change\",\"Back\");
      case 6: {
          new string[128];
          format(string, sizeof(string), \"\"B\"Current Text Size: \"Y\"%d\\
         \\n\"G\"Please, type below the Text Size which you want use:\",FontSize[playerid]);
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,FontSDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,\"    \"R\"Text Size\",string,\"Change\",\"Back\");
      case 7: {
          new title[100]; new yesorno[10];
          if(UseBold[playerid] == 0) yesorno = \"No\";
          else if(UseBold[playerid] == 1) yesorno = \"Yes\";
          format(title, sizeof(title), \"\"R\"Bold Text \"G\"| \"B\"Using Bold Text: \"Y\"%s\",yesorno);
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BoldDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,title,\"\"Y\"1. \"B\"No\\n\"Y\"2. \"B\"Yes\",\"Change\",\"Back\");
      case 8: {
          new titulo[100];
          format(titulo, sizeof(titulo),\"\"R\"Text Color \"G\"| \"B\"Current Text Color: \"Y\"%i\",TextColor[playerid]);
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,ColorDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,titulo,\"\"Y\"1. \"B\"Type a ARGB color code\\
         \\n\"Y\"2. \"B\"Select a predefinded color\",\"Next\",\"Back\");
      case 9: {
          new titulo[100];
          format(titulo, sizeof(titulo),\"\"R\"Object Background \"G\"| \"B\"Current Text Color: \"Y\"%i\",BackgColor[playerid]);
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BackgColorD,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,titulo,\"\"Y\"1. \"B\"Disable Background\\n\"Y\"2. \"B\"Type a ARGB color code\\
         \\n\"Y\"3. \"B\"Select a predefinded color\",\"Next\",\"Back\");
      case 10: {
                    new title[100]; new position[30];
          if(TextAlign[playerid] == 0) position = \"Left\";
          else if(TextAlign[playerid] == 1) position = \"Center\";
          else if(TextAlign[playerid] == 2) position = \"Right\";
          format(title, sizeof(title), \"\"R\"Text Alignment \"G\"| \"B\"Current Alignment: \"Y\"%s\",position);
                    ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,AlignDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,title,\"\"Y\"1. \"B\"Left\\n\"Y\"2. \"B\"Center\\n\"Y\"3. \"B\"Right\",\"Change\",\"Back\");
      case 11: {
          EditObject(playerid, Object[playerid]);
         SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"INFO: \"Y\"Use \"G\"ESC \"Y\"to cancel the object edition.\");
      case 12: {
          ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,SaveDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,\"    \"R\"Exporting Lines\",
         \"Please, type a name for the object below (example = MyObject):\",\"Export\",\"Back\");
      case 13: {
                    CreatingTextO[playerid] = false, DestroyObject(Object[playerid]);
         TextAlign[playerid] = 1, Text[playerid] = \"Example\", FontName[playerid] = \"Arial\",
         TextColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFFFF8200\"), BackgColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFF000000\"),
         Size[playerid] = 50, Index[playerid] = 0, UseBold[playerid] = 0,
         FontSize[playerid] = 24, OName[playerid] = \"0\", ObjectID[playerid] = 19353;
         SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"INFO: \"Y\"All settings have been reseted.\");
    return 1;
if(dialogid == OTypeDialog)
        ObjectType[playerid] = false;
        SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"Object Type: \"Y\"Normal Object\"); ShowMainMenu(playerid);
    } else {
   ObjectType[playerid] = true;
            SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"Object Type: \"Y\"Player Object\"); ShowMainMenu(playerid);
    return 1;
if(dialogid == OModelDialog)
        if(!isNumeric(inputtext)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"Y\"* \"R\"ERROR: \"G\"Please, use a numeric value\"R\"!\"), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
        new string[128];
        ObjectID[playerid] = strval(inputtext);
        format(string, sizeof(string), \"\"R\"* \"B\"Object Model ID: \"Y\"%d\",ObjectID[playerid]);
        SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,string); UpdateObject(playerid), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
    } else { ShowMainMenu(playerid); }
    return 1;
if(dialogid == TextDialog){
        new string[128];
        format(string, sizeof(string),\"%s\",inputtext);
        Text[playerid] = string; format(string, sizeof(string), \"\"R\"* \"B\"Object Text: \"Y\"%s\",Text[playerid]);
        SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,string); UpdateObject(playerid), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
    } else { ShowMainMenu(playerid); }
return 1;
if(dialogid == IndexDialog){
        if(!isNumeric(inputtext)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"Y\"* \"R\"ERROR: \"G\"Please, use a numeric value\"R\"!\"), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
   new string[100];
   Index[playerid] = strval(inputtext);
   format(string, sizeof(string),\"\"R\"* \"B\"Object Material Index: \"Y\"%d\",Index[playerid]);
   SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,string); UpdateObject(playerid), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
    } else { ShowMainMenu(playerid); }
return 1;
if(dialogid == SizesDialog){
        switch(listitem) {
            case 0: Size[playerid] = 10;
            case 1:  Size[playerid] = 20;
            case 2:  Size[playerid] = 30;
            case 3:  Size[playerid] = 40;
            case 4:  Size[playerid] = 50;
            case 5:  Size[playerid] = 60;
            case 6:  Size[playerid] = 70;
            case 7:  Size[playerid] = 80;
            case 8:  Size[playerid] = 90;
            case 9:  Size[playerid] = 100;
            case 10:  Size[playerid] = 110;
            case 11:  Size[playerid] = 120;
            case 12:  Size[playerid] = 130;
            case 13:  Size[playerid] = 140;
            default: Size[playerid] = 70;
   new string[128];
   format(string, sizeof(string), \"\"R\"* \"B\"Object Material Size: \"Y\"%d\",Size[playerid]);
   SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,string); UpdateObject(playerid), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
    } else { ShowMainMenu(playerid); }
    return 1;
if(dialogid == FontNDialog)
    if(response) {
        new string[128]; format(string, sizeof(string),\"%s\",inputtext); FontName[playerid] = string;
        format(string, sizeof(string), \"\"R\"* \"B\"Text Font: \"Y\"%s\",FontName[playerid]); SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,string);
   UpdateObject(playerid), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
    } else { ShowMainMenu(playerid); }
    return 1;
if(dialogid == FontSDialog)
    if(response) {
        if(!isNumeric(inputtext)) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"Y\"* \"R\"ERROR: \"G\"Please, use a numeric value\"R\"!\"), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
        new string[128]; FontSize[playerid] = strval(inputtext);
   format(string, sizeof(string), \"\"R\"* \"B\"Text Size: \"Y\"%d\",FontSize[playerid]); SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,string);
   UpdateObject(playerid), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
    } else { ShowMainMenu(playerid); }
    return 1;
if(dialogid == BoldDialog)
           case 0: {
                    UseBold[playerid] = 0;
              SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"Bold Text: \"Y\"No\");
              UpdateObject(playerid), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
      case 1: {
          UseBold[playerid] = 1;
              SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"Bold Text: \"Y\"Yes\");
              UpdateObject(playerid), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
    } else { ShowMainMenu(playerid); }
    return 1;
if(dialogid == ColorDialog)
       case 0: {
           ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,ColorDialog2,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,\"    \"R\"Text Color\",
           \"\"G\"Please, type a ARGB color code below (example = 0xFFFF0000):\",\"Change\",\"Back\");
       case 1: {
           ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,ColorDialog3,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,\"\"R\"Color List\",
    } else { ShowMainMenu(playerid); }
    return 1;
if(dialogid == ColorDialog2)
    if(response) {
       new string[80]; TextColor[playerid] = HexToInt(inputtext);
   format(string, sizeof(string),\"\"R\"* \"B\"Text Color: \"Y\"%i\", TextColor[playerid]);
   SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,string); UpdateObject(playerid), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
} else {
    new titulo[100];
    format(titulo, sizeof(titulo),\"\"R\"Text Color \"G\"| \"B\"Current Text Color: \"Y\"%i\",TextColor[playerid]);
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,ColorDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,titulo,\"\"Y\"1. \"B\"Type a ARGB color code\\
   \\n\"Y\"2. \"B\"Select a predefinded color\",\"Next\",\"Back\");
         return 1;
if(dialogid == ColorDialog3)
    if(response) {
            case 0: { TextColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFFFF0000\"); } //Red
            case 1: { TextColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFF04B404\"); }
            case 2: { TextColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFF00B5CD\"); }
            case 3: { TextColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFFFFFF00\"); } //Yellow
            case 4: { TextColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFF0000FF\"); }
            case 5: { TextColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFF848484\"); }
            case 6: { TextColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFFFF00FF\"); }
            case 7: { TextColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFFFFFFFF\"); } //White
        new string[80]; UpdateObject(playerid);
        format(string, sizeof(string),\"\"R\"* \"B\"Text Color: \"Y\"%i\", TextColor[playerid]);
   SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,string); ShowMainMenu(playerid);
} else {
    new titulo[100];
    format(titulo, sizeof(titulo),\"\"R\"Text Color \"G\"| \"B\"Current Text Color: \"Y\"%i\",TextColor[playerid]);
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,ColorDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,titulo,\"\"Y\"1. \"B\"Type a ARGB color code\\
   \\n\"Y\"2. \"B\"Select a predefinded color\",\"Next\",\"Back\");
         return 1;
if(dialogid == BackgColorD)
            case 0: { BackgColor[playerid] = 0; UpdateObject(playerid);  ShowMainMenu(playerid); SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"Background Color: \"Y\"Disabled\"); }
            case 1: {
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,ColorDialog4,DIALOG_STYLE_INPUT,\"    \"R\"Background Color\",
           \"\"G\"Please, type a ARGB color code below (example = 0xFFFF0000):\",\"Change\",\"Back\");
            case 2: {
                ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,ColorDialog5,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,\"\"R\"Color List\",
    } else { ShowMainMenu(playerid); }
    return 1;
if(dialogid == ColorDialog4)
    if(response) {
       new string[80]; BackgColor[playerid] = HexToInt(inputtext);
   format(string, sizeof(string),\"\"R\"* \"B\"Background Color: \"Y\"%i\", BackgColor[playerid]);
   SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,string); UpdateObject(playerid), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
} else {
    new titulo[100];
    format(titulo, sizeof(titulo),\"\"R\"Object Background \"G\"| \"B\"Current Text Color: \"Y\"%i\",BackgColor[playerid]);
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BackgColorD,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,titulo,\"\"Y\"1. \"B\"Disable Background\\n\"Y\"2. \"B\"Type a ARGB color code\\
   \\n\"Y\"3. \"B\"Select a predefinded color\",\"Next\",\"Back\");
         return 1;
if(dialogid == ColorDialog5)
    if(response) {
            case 0: { BackgColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFFFF0000\"); } //Red
            case 1: { BackgColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFF04B404\"); }
            case 2: { BackgColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFF00B5CD\"); }
            case 3: { BackgColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFFFFFF00\"); } //Yellow
            case 4: { BackgColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFF0000FF\"); }
            case 5: { BackgColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFF848484\"); }
            case 6: { BackgColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFFFF00FF\"); }
            case 7: { BackgColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFFFFFFFF\"); } //White
        new string[80]; UpdateObject(playerid); ShowMainMenu(playerid);
        format(string, sizeof(string),\"\"R\"* \"B\"Background Color: \"Y\"%i\", BackgColor[playerid]);
} else {
    new titulo[100];
    format(titulo, sizeof(titulo),\"\"R\"Object Background \"G\"| \"B\"Current Text Color: \"Y\"%i\",BackgColor[playerid]);
            ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,BackgColorD,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,titulo,\"\"Y\"1. \"B\"Disable Background\\n\"Y\"2. \"B\"Type a ARGB color code\\
   \\n\"Y\"3. \"B\"Select a predefinded color\",\"Next\",\"Back\");
         return 1;
if(dialogid == AlignDialog)
    if(response) {
       case 0: {
         TextAlign[playerid] = 0; UpdateObject(playerid);
         SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"Text Alignment: \"Y\"Left\"), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
      case 1: {
         TextAlign[playerid] = 1; UpdateObject(playerid);
         SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"Text Alignment: \"Y\"Center\"), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
      case 2: {
         TextAlign[playerid] = 2; UpdateObject(playerid);
         SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"Text Alignment: \"Y\"Right\"), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
} else { ShowMainMenu(playerid); }
if(dialogid == SaveDialog)
        if(strlen(inputtext) <= 0) return SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"Y\"* \"R\"ERROR: \"G\"Please, type something for the object name\"R\"!\"), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
   new string[600], soname[30];
   format(soname, sizeof(soname),\"%s\",inputtext); OName[playerid] = soname;
    new Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ, Float:fRotX, Float:fRotY, Float:fRotZ;
    GetObjectPos(Object[playerid], fX, fY, fZ), GetObjectRot(Object[playerid], fRotX, fRotY, fRotZ);
       new File:archivo = fopen(\"textobjects.txt\", io_write);
       if(ObjectType[playerid] == false) {
           format(string, sizeof(string),\"new %s = CreateObject(%d, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f);\\
         \\r\\nSetObjectMaterialText(%s, \\\"%s\\\", %d, %d, \\\"%s\\\", %d, %d, %i, %i, %d);\",OName[playerid],ObjectID[playerid],
         fX, fY, fZ, fRotX, fRotY, fRotZ, OName[playerid], Text[playerid], Index[playerid], Size[playerid], FontName[playerid],
         FontSize[playerid], UseBold[playerid], TextColor[playerid], BackgColor[playerid], TextAlign[playerid]);
       } else {
         format(string, sizeof(string),\"new %s = CreatePlayerObject(playerid, %d, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f);\\
         \\r\\nSetPlayerObjectMaterialText(%s, \\\"%s\\\", %d, %d, \\\"%s\\\", %d, %d, %i, %i, %d);\",OName[playerid],ObjectID[playerid],
         fX, fY, fZ, fRotX, fRotY, fRotZ, OName[playerid], Text[playerid], Index[playerid], Size[playerid], FontName[playerid],
         FontSize[playerid], UseBold[playerid], TextColor[playerid], BackgColor[playerid], TextAlign[playerid]);
           fwrite(archivo,string); fclose(archivo);
   } else {
               new File:archivo = fopen(\"textobjects.txt\", io_append);
               if(ObjectType[playerid] == false) {
           format(string, sizeof(string),\"\\r\\n\\r\\nnew %s = CreateObject(%d, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f);\\
         \\r\\nSetObjectMaterialText(%s, \\\"%s\\\", %d, %d, \\\"%s\\\", %d, %d, %i, %i, %d);\",OName[playerid],ObjectID[playerid],
         fX, fY, fZ, fRotX, fRotY, fRotZ, OName[playerid], Text[playerid], Index[playerid], Size[playerid], FontName[playerid],
         FontSize[playerid], UseBold[playerid], TextColor[playerid], BackgColor[playerid], TextAlign[playerid]);
           fwrite(archivo,string); fclose(archivo);
       } else {
         format(string, sizeof(string),\"\\r\\n\\r\\nnew %s = CreatePlayerObject(playerid, %d, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f);\\
         \\r\\nSetPlayerObjectMaterialText(%s, \\\"%s\\\", %d, %d, \\\"%s\\\", %d, %d, %i, %i, %d);\",OName[playerid],ObjectID[playerid],
         fX, fY, fZ, fRotX, fRotY, fRotZ, OName[playerid], Text[playerid], Index[playerid], Size[playerid], FontName[playerid],
         FontSize[playerid], UseBold[playerid], TextColor[playerid], BackgColor[playerid], TextAlign[playerid]);
           fwrite(archivo,string); fclose(archivo);
   CreatingTextO[playerid] = false, DestroyObject(Object[playerid]);
   TextAlign[playerid] = 1, Text[playerid] = \"Example\", FontName[playerid] = \"Arial\",
   TextColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFFFF8200\"), BackgColor[playerid] = HexToInt(\"0xFF000000\"),
   Size[playerid] = 50, Index[playerid] = 0, UseBold[playerid] = 0,
   FontSize[playerid] = 24, OName[playerid] = \"0\", ObjectID[playerid] = 19353;
   SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"INFO: \"Y\"Script saved, check your \"G\"textobjects.txt \"Y\"in \"G\"scriptfiles\"Y\".\");
   SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"INFO: \"Y\"All settings have been reseted.\");
    } else { ShowMainMenu(playerid); }
    return 1;
    return 0;
    new string[600];
    strcat(string,\"\"Y\"1. \"B\"Set Object Type\\n\"Y\"2. \"B\"Set Object Model ID\\n\"Y\"3. \"B\"Set Object Text\\
\\n\"Y\"4. \"B\"Set Material Index\\n\"Y\"5. \"B\"Set Material Size\\n\");
strcat(string, \"\"Y\"6. \"B\"Set Text Font\\n\"Y\"7. \"B\"Set Text Size\\n\"Y\"8. \"B\"Set Bold Text\\
\\n\"Y\"9. \"B\"Set Text Color\\n\"Y\"10. \"B\"Set Background Color\\n\"Y\"11. \"B\"Set Text Alignment\\n\"Y\"12. \"G\"Edit Object\\
\\n\"Y\"13. \"G\"Export Lines\\n\"Y\"14. \"G\"Reset Object\");
ShowPlayerDialog(playerid,MainDialog,DIALOG_STYLE_LIST,\"\"R\"Text Object | Main Menu\",string,\"Continue\",\"Exit\");
return 1;
    GetObjectPos(Object[playerid], Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2]);
    GetObjectRot(Object[playerid], Rot[0], Rot[1], Rot[2]); DestroyObject(Object[playerid]);
Object[playerid] = CreateObject(ObjectID[playerid], Pos[0], Pos[1], Pos[2], Rot[0], Rot[1], Rot[2]);
SetObjectMaterialText(Object[playerid], Text[playerid], Index[playerid], Size[playerid], FontName[playerid],
FontSize[playerid], UseBold[playerid], TextColor[playerid], BackgColor[playerid], TextAlign[playerid]);
public OnPlayerEditObject(playerid, playerobject, objectid, response, Float:fX, Float:fY, Float:fZ, Float:fRotX, Float:fRotY, Float:fRotZ)
if(objectid == Object[playerid]) {
if(response == EDIT_RESPONSE_FINAL)
        SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"Object Edition: \"Y\"Updated\");
   Object[playerid] = CreateObject(ObjectID[playerid], fX, fY, fZ, fRotX, fRotY, fRotZ);
   SetObjectMaterialText(Object[playerid], Text[playerid], Index[playerid], Size[playerid], FontName[playerid],
   FontSize[playerid], UseBold[playerid], TextColor[playerid], BackgColor[playerid], TextAlign[playerid]);
} else if(response == EDIT_RESPONSE_CANCEL) {
            SendClientMessage(playerid,-1,\"\"R\"* \"B\"Object Edition: \"Y\"No updated\"); UpdateObject(playerid), ShowMainMenu(playerid);
stock HexToInt(string[]) //By Zamaroht, I think... =/
  if (string[0]==0) return 0;
  new i;
  new cur=1;
  new res=0;
  for (i=strlen(string);i>0;i--) {
    if (string[i-1]<58) res=res+cur*(string[i-1]-48); else res=res+cur*(string[i-1]-65+10);
  return res;
stock isNumeric(const string[])
  new length=strlen(string);
  if (length==0) return false;
  for (new i = 0; i < length; i++)
      if (
            (string > \'9\' || string < \'0\' && string!=\'-\' && string!=\'+\') // Not a number,\'+\' or \'-\'
             || (string==\'-\' && i!=0)                                             // A \'-\' but not at first.
             || (string==\'+\' && i!=0)                                             // A \'+\' but not at first.
         ) return false;
  if (length==1 && (string[0]==\'-\' || string[0]==\'+\')) return false;
  return true;


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