Szerző Téma: Pénzszállító <PPC módba> de hogyan ?  (Megtekintve 948 alkalommal)

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Pénzszállító <PPC módba> de hogyan ?
« Dátum: 2013. április 01. - 09:31:56 »
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Azt szeretném megkérdezni hogy is kell egy munkát PPC-be berakni ?

Csak szeretném megtudni!!

// Forward the public function used as a timer to load/unload your vehicle
forward Penz_LoadUnload(playerid);
// This function is called when a pilot wants to start a job by entering \"/work\"
// Setup local variables
new PenzJobSet;
// Check the vehicle-model of the player to decide which job the player can get
switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)))
case VehicleRomero: // Select a random job for planes
   PenzJobSet = Penz_SetRandomJob(playerid);
// Check if a job was set correctly
switch (PenzJobSet)
case 1:
    // Setup local variables
   new StartLoc[50], EndLoc[50], Load[50], RouteText[255], Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, LoadMsg[128];
   // Job has started
   APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] = true;
   // Set jobstep to 1 (going to load the goods)
   APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] = 1;
   // Get the startlocation, endlocation and the load texts
   format(StartLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocationName]);
   format(EndLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocationName]);
   format(Load, 50, ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][LoadName]);
   // Combine it all into a string for the TextDraw (the player can see this all the time) to describe the mission
   format(RouteText, 255, TXT_TransportingFromToPickup, Load, StartLoc, EndLoc);
   // Set the TextDraw so the player can see it
   TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], RouteText);
   // Grab the x, y, z positions for the first location
   x = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocX];
   y = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocY];
   z = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocZ];
   // Create a checkpoint where the player should load the goods
   SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, x, y, z, 7);
   // Inform the player that he must load his goods
   format(LoadMsg, 128, TXT_PickupCargoAt, Load, StartLoc);
   SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, LoadMsg);
return 1;
// This function sets a random job for a plane vehicle and returns 1 if a job has been set
// The function returns 0 if a job couldn\'t be set (if the player is driving an invalid vehicle to start piloting-jobs)
// If the player is the driver of the vehicle (GetPlayerVehicleSeat returns -1 if the player is not in a vehicle)
if (GetPlayerVehicleSeat(playerid) == 0)
// Check the vehicle-model of the player to decide which job the player can get
switch (GetVehicleModel(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)))
   case VehicleRomero:
      // Get a random LoadID from the pilot-products (only the planes)
      APlayerData[playerid][LoadID] = Product_GetRandom(PCV_PenzSecuri);
      // Also get a random start-location and end-location
      APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1] = Product_GetRandomStartLoc(APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]);
      APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2] = Product_GetRandomEndLoc(APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]);
      // Make sure the destination is not closeby (pilot-locations are ALL includes in the array)
      while (Locations_CheckDistance(APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1], APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2], 1000.0) == 0)
          // If both locations are too close together, keep searching for a random delivery-location that\'s further away
          APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2] = Product_GetRandomEndLoc(APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]);
      // Return 1 to indicate that a job has been set correctly
      return 1;
// If no job could be set correctly, return 0
return 0;
// This function is called when a pilot enters a checkpoint
new LoadMsg[128];
    // Check the jobstep
    switch (APlayerData[playerid][JobStep])
// JobStep is 1 (pilot is loading his goods at the checkpoint)
   case 1: format(LoadMsg, 128, TXT_LoadingGoods, ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][LoadName]);
// JobStep is 2 (pilot is unloading his goods at the checkpoint)
case 2: format(LoadMsg, 128, TXT_UnloadingGoods, ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][LoadName]);
// Disable the player\'s actions (he cannot move anymore)
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
// Check the vehiclemodel of the player
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
switch (GetVehicleModel(vehicleid))
    case VehicleRomero: // A plane needs 5 seconds to load/unload
   // Show the message to inform him what he\'s doing (loading/unloading)
   GameTextForPlayer(playerid, LoadMsg, 5000, 5);
   // Start a timer (Public function \"LoadUnload(playerid)\" gets called when the timer runs out)
   APlayerData[playerid][LoadingTimer] = SetTimerEx(\"Penz_LoadUnload\", 5000, false, \"d\" , playerid);
return 1;
// After a pilot entered a checkpoint, a timer is created. This function is called when the timer runs out
public Penz_LoadUnload(playerid)
// Check the JobStep
switch (APlayerData[playerid][JobStep])
case 1: // Player must load his goods
    // Setup local variables
   new StartLoc[50], EndLoc[50], Load[50], RouteText[255], Float:x, Float:y, Float:z, UnloadMsg[100];
   // Set JobStep to 2 (unloading goods)
   APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] = 2;
   // Delete the loading-checkpoint
   // Get the startlocation, endlocation and the load texts
   format(StartLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocationName]);
   format(EndLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocationName]);
   format(Load, 50, ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][LoadName]);
   // Update the missiontext
   format(RouteText, 255, TXT_TransportingFromToDeliver, Load, StartLoc, EndLoc);
   // Set the TextDraw so the player can see it
   TextDrawSetString(APlayerData[playerid][MissionText], RouteText);
   // Grab the x, y, z positions for the second location (to unload the goods)
   x = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocX];
   y = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocY];
   z = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocZ];
   // Create a checkpoint where the player should unload the goods
   SetPlayerCheckpoint(playerid, x, y, z, 7);
   // Inform the player that he must unload his goods
   format(UnloadMsg, 100, TXT_DeliverCargoTo, Load, EndLoc);
   SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, UnloadMsg);
case 2: // Player is delivering his goods
    // Setup local variables
   new StartLoc[50], EndLoc[50], Load[50], Msg1[128], Msg2[128], Name[24];
   // Get the player name
   GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
   // Get the startlocation, endlocation and the load texts
   format(StartLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocationName]);
   format(EndLoc, 50, ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocationName]);
   format(Load, 50, ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][LoadName]);
   // Construct the message sent to all players that this player completed a pilot mission
   format(Msg1, 128, TXT_PlayerCompletedPenzJob, Name, Load);
   format(Msg2, 128, TXT_PlayerCompletedPenzJobInfo, StartLoc, EndLoc);
   SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, Msg1);
   SendClientMessageToAll(0xFFFFFFFF, Msg2);
    // Setup local variables
   new Float:x1, Float:y1, Float:x2, Float:y2, Float:Distance, Message[128], Payment;
   // Grab the x, y, z positions for the first location (to load the goods)
   x1 = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocX];
   y1 = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1]][LocY];
   // Grab the x, y, z positions for the second location (to unload the goods)
   x2 = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocX];
   y2 = ALocations[APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2]][LocY];
   // Calculate the distance between both points
   Distance = floatsqroot(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1)));
   // Calculate the payment for the player
   Payment = floatround((Distance * ALoads[APlayerData[playerid][LoadID]][PayPerUnit]), floatround_floor);
   // Pay the player based on the distance between the loading-point and unloading-point
   RewardPlayer(playerid, Payment, 1);
   // Send a message to let the player know he finished his mission and got paid
   format(Message, 128, TXT_RewardJob, Payment);
   SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Message);
   // End the current pilot job (clear mission-data)
    // Enable the player again (he can move again)
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
// Start the engine again (in case the vehicle was a helicopter, where the engine was turned off by entering a checkpoint)
new vehicleid = GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid);
new engine,lights,alarm,doors,bonnet,boot,objective;
GetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, engine, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
SetVehicleParamsEx(vehicleid, 1, lights, alarm, doors, bonnet, boot, objective);
return 1;
// This function is used to cleanup the current job
// Check if a job has started
if (APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] == true)
// Clear all data about the job from the player, so he can start a new one
APlayerData[playerid][JobStarted] = false;
APlayerData[playerid][JobStep] = 0;
APlayerData[playerid][LoadID] = 0;
APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc1] = 0;
APlayerData[playerid][JobLoc2] = 0;
// Delete the checkpoint
// Kill the LoadingTimer
return 1;

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Pénzszállító <PPC módba> de hogyan ?
« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2013. április 01. - 12:38:58 »
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Nehéz bele építeni elvileg meg nem is nagyon lehet..

Pénzszállító <PPC módba> de hogyan ?
« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2013. április 01. - 13:43:52 »
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Bele leheg rakni csak nem egyszerû.

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Pénzszállító <PPC módba> de hogyan ?
« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2013. április 01. - 18:39:27 »
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de hogyan ?

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Pénzszállító <PPC módba> de hogyan ?
« Válasz #4 Dátum: 2013. április 01. - 19:13:18 »
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Idézetet írta: pisti525 date=1364834367\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"35570\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
de hogyan ?
Ahoz, hogy berakj egy munkát nem Kezdõ Szkripternek kell lenni.. régen volt egy nagy PPC fan aki tudott munkákat berakni de nem tudom a felhasználó nevét..  :hmmm: egyébként tényleg nagyon nehéz berakni egy munkát..

Pénzszállító <PPC módba> de hogyan ?
« Válasz #5 Dátum: 2013. április 02. - 13:22:38 »
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Én be tudom rakni hogy még a státusz pontokba is lehet látni és még tökéletesen mûködik is

Pénzszállító <PPC módba> de hogyan ?
« Válasz #6 Dátum: 2013. április 02. - 13:38:08 »
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Idézetet írta: ZyZu date=1364836398\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"35570\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic

de hogyan ?
Ahoz, hogy berakj egy munkát nem Kezdõ Szkripternek kell lenni.. régen volt egy nagy PPC fan aki tudott munkákat berakni de nem tudom a felhasználó nevét..  :hmmm: egyébként tényleg nagyon nehéz berakni egy munkát..
omgg volt az, de õ ki lett tiltva innen.
Elsõre nehéznek tûnik, de annyira nem az.Vedd alapul azokat a munkákat amik már benne vannak és annak mintájára csináld meg.Csak más jármûvekkel lehessen dolgozni meg más a spawn hely meg a load és az unload pont.


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