#include <a_samp>new ship1, ship2, ship3;new elevator;public OnFilterScriptInit(){ print(\" \"); print(\"**** Floating Admin Area filterscript loaded (By Kwarde) ****\"); print(\" \"); ship1 = CreateObject(10794, 3032.941895, -1855.616211, 3.840821, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000); ship2 = CreateObject(10795, 3030.660156, -1855.546997, 13.947429, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000); ship3 = CreateObject(10793, 2957.849121, -1855.491333, 32.335598, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000); elevator = CreateObject(5837, 3172.162354, -2025.484619, 4.215692, 0.0000, 0.0000, 313.5904); return 1;}public OnRconCommand(cmd[]){ if(!strcmp(cmd, \"elore\", true)){ MoveObject(ship1, 3283.209473, -1855.613281, 3.854892, 7); MoveObject(ship2, 3280.890137, -1855.675659, 13.944846, 7); MoveObject(ship3, 3207.841553, -1855.745605, 32.383705, 7); print(\"** Floating Admin Island: Ship moving to the Admin island\"); return 1; } if(!strcmp(cmd, \"vissza\", true)){ MoveObject(ship1, 3032.941895, -1855.616211, 3.840821, 7); MoveObject(ship2, 3030.660156, -1855.546997, 13.947429, 7); MoveObject(ship3, 2957.849121, -1855.491333, 32.335598, 7); print(\"** Floating Admin Island: Ship moving back to land [Los Santos]\"); return 1; } return 0;}public OnPlayerCommandText(playerid, cmdtext[]){ if(!strcmp(cmdtext, \"/gotohajo\", true)){ if(IsPlayerAdmin(playerid)){ if(IsPlayerInAnyVehicle(playerid)) SetVehicleToRespawn(GetPlayerVehicleID(playerid)); SetPlayerPos(playerid, 2845.966796,-1871.616455,11.101553); SetPlayerFacingAngle(playerid, 262.121154); return 1; } } return 0;}
#include <a_samp>new hajo, ship1, ship2, ship3;public OnFilterScriptInit() { ship1 = CreateObject(10794, 3032.941895, -1855.616211, 3.840821, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000); ship2 = CreateObject(10795, 3030.660156, -1855.546997, 13.947429, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000); ship3 = CreateObject(10793, 2957.849121, -1855.491333, 32.335598, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);SetTimer(\"VisszaMennyeHajo\", 60000*5, true);return 1;}forward VisszaMennyeHajo();public VisszaMennyeHajo() { hajo = !hajo;if(hajo) { MoveObject(ship1, 3283.209473, -1855.613281, 3.854892, 7); MoveObject(ship2, 3280.890137, -1855.675659, 13.944846, 7); MoveObject(ship3, 3207.841553, -1855.745605, 32.383705, 7);}else{ MoveObject(ship1, 3032.941895, -1855.616211, 3.840821, 7); MoveObject(ship2, 3030.660156, -1855.546997, 13.947429, 7); MoveObject(ship3, 2957.849121, -1855.491333, 32.335598, 7);}return 1;}
#include <a_samp>new hajo, ship1, ship2, ship3;public OnFilterScriptInit() { ship1 = CreateObject(10794, 3032.941895, -1855.616211, 3.840821, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000); ship2 = CreateObject(10795, 3030.660156, -1855.546997, 13.947429, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000); ship3 = CreateObject(10793, 2957.849121, -1855.491333, 32.335598, 0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000);SetTimer(\"VisszaMennyeHajo\", 60000*5, true);return 1;}forward VisszaMennyeHajo();public VisszaMennyeHajo() { hajo = !hajo;if(hajo) { MoveObject(ship1, 3283.209473, -1855.613281, 3.854892, 7); MoveObject(ship2, 3280.890137, -1855.675659, 13.944846, 7); MoveObject(ship3, 3207.841553, -1855.745605, 32.383705, 7);}else{ MoveObject(ship1, 3032.941895, -1855.616211, 3.840821, 7); MoveObject(ship2, 3030.660156, -1855.546997, 13.947429, 7); MoveObject(ship3, 2957.849121, -1855.491333, 32.335598, 7);}return 1;} Köszi megy ment a + És még annyit hogy hogy jött ki a 5 perc? ha netán átakarom írni [/quote] SetTimer(\"VisszaMennyeHajo\", 60000*5, true); A 60000-et írd át. 1perc->60000 ezredmásodperc
SetTimer(\"VisszaMennyeHajo\", 60000*5, true);