Szerző Téma: házrendszer  (Megtekintve 1070 alkalommal)

Nem elérhető Sanyko

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« Dátum: 2015. december 31. - 19:12:10 »
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Sziasztok van egy házrendszer (PPC_Housing) amikor kijövök a házból akkor befagyok és akármilyen működő parancsot írok be azt írja hogy nincs ilyen parancs! És a szerver nem áll le. Válaszokat előre is köszönöm

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« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2015. december 31. - 19:15:45 »
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exit parancsnál lesz a hiba, mivel jössz ki a házból? azt a részt másold be.

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« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2015. december 31. - 19:34:21 »
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Idézetet írta: ƒeheristi97 date=1451585745\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"58937\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
exit parancsnál lesz a hiba, mivel jössz ki a házból? azt a részt másold be.

House_Exit(playerid, HouseID)
// Set the player in the normal world again
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
// Set the position of the player at the entrance of his house
SetPlayerPos(playerid, AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ]);
// Also clear the tracking-variable to track in which house the player is
APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse] = 0;
// Check if there is a timer-value set for exiting the house (this timer freezes the player while the environment is being loaded)
if (ExitHouseTimer > 0)
// Don\'t allow the player to fall
    TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 0);
// Let the player know he\'s frozen for 5 seconds
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ExitHouseReloadEnv, ExitHouseTimer, 4);
// Start a timer that will allow the player to fall again when the environment has loaded
SetTimerEx(\"House_ExitTimer\", ExitHouseTimer, false, \"ii\", playerid, HouseID);
return 1;

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« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2015. december 31. - 19:42:50 »
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House_Exit(playerid, HouseID)
// Set the player in the normal world again
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
// Set the position of the player at the entrance of his house
SetPlayerPos(playerid, AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ]);
// Also clear the tracking-variable to track in which house the player is
APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse] = 0;
// Check if there is a timer-value set for exiting the house (this timer freezes the player while the environment is being loaded)
if (ExitHouseTimer > 0)
// Let the player know he\'s frozen for 5 seconds
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ExitHouseReloadEnv, ExitHouseTimer, 4);
// Start a timer that will allow the player to fall again when the environment has loaded
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
// Respawn the player\'s vehicles near the house (only the vehicles that belong to this house)
for (new CarSlot; CarSlot < 10; CarSlot++)
if (AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot] != 0)
return 1;

próbáld így berakni és az alatti függvényt kitörölni és próbáld úgy le

Nem elérhető Sanyko

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« Válasz #4 Dátum: 2015. december 31. - 19:58:32 »
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Idézetet írta: ƒeheristi97 date=1451587370\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"58937\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic

House_Exit(playerid, HouseID)
// Set the player in the normal world again
SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
// Set the position of the player at the entrance of his house
SetPlayerPos(playerid, AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ]);
// Also clear the tracking-variable to track in which house the player is
APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse] = 0;
// Check if there is a timer-value set for exiting the house (this timer freezes the player while the environment is being loaded)
if (ExitHouseTimer > 0)
// Let the player know he\'s frozen for 5 seconds
GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ExitHouseReloadEnv, ExitHouseTimer, 4);
// Start a timer that will allow the player to fall again when the environment has loaded
TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
// Respawn the player\'s vehicles near the house (only the vehicles that belong to this house)
for (new CarSlot; CarSlot < 10; CarSlot++)
if (AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot] != 0)
return 1;

próbáld így berakni és az alatti függvényt kitörölni és próbáld úgy le
most félig jó. Már csak a parancsokat kell

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« Válasz #5 Dátum: 2015. december 31. - 19:59:35 »
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szóval egy parancs sem működik amikor kilépsz a házból? próbáld úgy megnézni a parancsokat amikor belépsz a házba..

Nem elérhető Sanyko

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« Válasz #6 Dátum: 2015. december 31. - 20:05:42 »
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Idézetet írta: ƒeheristi97 date=1451588375\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"58937\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
szóval egy parancs sem működik amikor kilépsz a házból? próbáld úgy megnézni a parancsokat amikor belépsz a házba..
amikor bemegyek akkor működnek

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« Válasz #7 Dátum: 2015. december 31. - 20:11:18 »
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mutasd a belépési parancsot a házba

Nem elérhető Sanyko

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« Válasz #8 Dátum: 2015. december 31. - 20:23:06 »
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Idézetet írta: ƒeheristi97 date=1451589078\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"58937\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
mutasd a belépési parancsot a házba
Hogy találom meg?

Nem elérhető ZyZu.

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  • my turbo diesel forum
  • Discord: ZyZu.
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« Válasz #9 Dátum: 2015. december 31. - 20:24:01 »
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Idézetet írta: Sanyko date=1451589786\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"58937\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Hogy találom meg?
Ahogyan a kilépést megtaláltad úgy a belépést is megfogod. :) Használd a keresőt.

Nem elérhető Sanyko

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« Válasz #10 Dátum: 2015. december 31. - 20:33:26 »
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Itt az egész átnézed mi nem jó benne?
// ************************************************************************************************************************************************************
// PPC_Housing
// ************************************************************************************************************************************************************
// This function returns the first free house-slot for the given player
// Check if the player has room for another house (he hasn\'t bought the maximum amount of houses per player yet)
// and get the slot-id
for (new HouseIndex; HouseIndex < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; HouseIndex++) // Loop through all house-slots of the player
if (APlayerData[playerid][Houses][HouseIndex] == 0) // Check if this house slot is free
    return HouseIndex; // Return the free HouseIndex for this player
// If there were no free house-slots, return \"-1\"
return -1;
// This function returns the maximum number of car-slots, based on the house-level
// Return the maximum number of carslots, based on the house-level (every level has one carslot, so return the houselevel)
return AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel];
// This function returns the first free carslot in the given house (or -1 if no free slot is found)
// Get the maximum number of carslots for this house (based on the house-level)
new MaxCarSlots = House_GetMaxCarSlots(HouseID);
// Get the maximum number of carslots for this house and make a loop through all carslots for this house
for (new CarSlot; CarSlot < MaxCarSlots; CarSlot++)
// Check if the carslot is empty
if (AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot] == 0)
    return CarSlot; // Return the carslot-id
// If no carslots are free, return -1
return -1;
// This function sets ownership to the given player
House_SetOwner(playerid, HouseID)
// Setup local variables
new HouseSlotFree, Name[24], Msg[128];
// Get the first free house-slot from this player
HouseSlotFree = Player_GetFreeHouseSlot(playerid);
// Check if the player has a free house-slot
if (HouseSlotFree != -1)
// Get the player\'s name
GetPlayerName(playerid, Name, sizeof(Name));
// Store the house-id for the player
APlayerData[playerid][Houses][HouseSlotFree] = HouseID;
// Let the player pay for the house
RewardPlayer(playerid, -AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice], 0);
// Set the house as owned
AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] = true;
// Store the owner-name for the house
format(AHouseData[HouseID][Owner], 24, Name);
// Set the level to 1
AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel] = 1;
// Set the default house-name (\"<playername>\'s house\")
format(AHouseData[HouseID][HouseName], 100, TXT_DefaultHouseName, Name);
// Also, update the pickup and map-icon for this house
// Save the player-file (and also his houses/businesses)
// Let the player know he bought the house
format(Msg, 128, TXT_PlayerBoughtHouse, AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice]);
SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, Msg);
    SendClientMessage(playerid, 0xFFFFFFFF, TXT_PlayerOwnsMaxHouses);
return 1;
// This function is used to spawn back at the entrance of your house
    House_Exit(playerid, HouseID)
            // Set the player in the normal world again
            SetPlayerVirtualWorld(playerid, 0);
            SetPlayerInterior(playerid, 0);
            // Set the position of the player at the entrance of his house
            SetPlayerPos(playerid, AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ]);
            // Also clear the tracking-variable to track in which house the player is
            APlayerData[playerid][CurrentHouse] = 0;
            // Check if there is a timer-value set for exiting the house (this timer freezes the player while the environment is being loaded)
            if (ExitHouseTimer > 0)
                    // Let the player know he\'s frozen for 5 seconds
                    GameTextForPlayer(playerid, TXT_ExitHouseReloadEnv, ExitHouseTimer, 4);
                    // Start a timer that will allow the player to fall again when the environment has loaded
                    TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
            // Respawn the player\'s vehicles near the house (only the vehicles that belong to this house)
            for (new CarSlot; CarSlot < 10; CarSlot++)
                    if (AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot] != 0)
            return 1;
forward House_ExitTimer(playerid, HouseID);
public House_ExitTimer(playerid, HouseID)
// Allow the player to move again (environment should have been loaded now)
    TogglePlayerControllable(playerid, 1);
// Respawn the player\'s vehicles near the house (only the vehicles that belong to this house)
for (new CarSlot; CarSlot < 10; CarSlot++)
if (AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot] != 0)
return 1;
// This function adds a pickup for the given house
// Setup local variables
new Msg[128], Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
// Get the coordinates of the house\'s pickup (usually near the door)
x = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX];
y = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY];
z = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ];
// Add a new pickup at the house\'s location (usually near the door), green = free, blue = owned
if (AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] == true)
// Create a blue house-pickup (house is owned)
   AHouseData[HouseID][PickupID] = CreateDynamicPickup(1272, 1, x, y, z, 0);
// Create the 3DText that appears above the house-pickup (displays the housename and the name of the owner)
format(Msg, 128, TXT_PickupHouseOwned, AHouseData[HouseID][HouseName], AHouseData[HouseID][Owner], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel]);
AHouseData[HouseID][DoorText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(Msg, 0x008080FF, x, y, z + 1.0, 50.0);
// Add a streamed icon to the map (red house), type = 32, color = 0, world = 0, interior = 0, playerid = -1, drawdist = 150.0
if (ShowBoughtHouses == true)
   AHouseData[HouseID][MapIconID] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(x, y, z, 32, 0, 0, 0, -1, 150.0);
        // Create a green house-pickup (house is free)
AHouseData[HouseID][PickupID] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 1, x, y, z, 0);
// Create the 3DText that appears above the house-pickup (displays the price of the house)
format(Msg, 128, TXT_PickupHouseForSale, AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseMaxLevel]);
AHouseData[HouseID][DoorText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(Msg, 0x008080FF, x, y, z + 1.0, 50.0);
// Add a streamed icon to the map (green house), type = 31, color = 0, world = 0, interior = 0, playerid = -1, drawdist = 150.0
AHouseData[HouseID][MapIconID] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(x, y, z, 31, 0, 0, 0, -1, 150.0);
// This function changes the pickup (and map-icon) for the given house (used when buying or selling a house)
// Setup local variables
new Msg[128], Float:x, Float:y, Float:z;
// Get the coordinates of the house\'s pickup (usually near the door)
x = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseX];
y = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseY];
z = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseZ];
// Destroy the pickup and map-icon near the house\'s entrance
// Add a new pickup at the house\'s location (usually near the door), green = free, blue = owned
if (AHouseData[HouseID][Owned] == true)
// Create a blue house-pickup (house is owned)
   AHouseData[HouseID][PickupID] = CreateDynamicPickup(1272, 1, x, y, z, 0);
// Update the 3DText that appears above the house-pickup (displays the housename and the name of the owner)
format(Msg, 128, TXT_PickupHouseOwned, AHouseData[HouseID][HouseName], AHouseData[HouseID][Owner], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel]);
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(AHouseData[HouseID][DoorText], 0x008080FF, Msg);
// Add a streamed icon to the map (red house), type = 32, color = 0, world = 0, interior = 0, playerid = -1, drawdist = 150.0
if (ShowBoughtHouses == true)
   AHouseData[HouseID][MapIconID] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(x, y, z, 32, 0, 0, 0, -1, 150.0);
        // Create a green house-pickup (house is free)
AHouseData[HouseID][PickupID] = CreateDynamicPickup(1273, 1, x, y, z, 0);
// Update the 3DText that appears above the house-pickup (displays the price of the house)
format(Msg, 128, TXT_PickupHouseForSale, AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice], AHouseData[HouseID][HouseMaxLevel]);
UpdateDynamic3DTextLabelText(AHouseData[HouseID][DoorText], 0x008080FF, Msg);
// Add a streamed icon to the map (green house), type = 31, color = 0, world = 0, interior = 0, playerid = -1, drawdist = 150.0
AHouseData[HouseID][MapIconID] = CreateDynamicMapIcon(x, y, z, 31, 0, 0, 0, -1, 150.0);
// This function adds a vehicle to the house (if possible)
House_AddVehicle(HouseID, cModel, cPaint, cComponents[], Float:cx, Float:cy, Float:cz, Float:crot, Col1, Col2)
// Setup local variables
new vid, CarSlot, vText[128];
// Get a free carslot from the house
CarSlot = House_GetFreeCarSlot(HouseID);
// Check if there is a free carslot
if (CarSlot != -1)
// Create a new vehicle and get the vehicle-id
vid = CreateVehicle(cModel, cx, cy, cz, crot, Col1, Col2, 600);
// Store the vehicle-id in the house\'s free carslot
AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot] = vid;
// Save the model of the vehicle
AVehicleData[vid][Model] = cModel;
// Save the paintjob of the vehicle and apply it
AVehicleData[vid][PaintJob] = cPaint;
if (cPaint != 0)
   ChangeVehiclePaintjob(vid, cPaint - 1);
// Also update the car-color
ChangeVehicleColor(vid, Col1, Col2);
// Save the colors of the vehicle
AVehicleData[vid][Color1] = Col1;
AVehicleData[vid][Color2] = Col2;
// Save the components of the vehicle and apply them
for (new i; i < 14; i++)
   AVehicleData[vid][Components] = cComponents;
    // Check if the componentslot has a valid component-id
   if (AVehicleData[vid][Components] != 0)
        AddVehicleComponent(vid, AVehicleData[vid][Components]); // Add the component to the vehicle
// Save the spawn-data of the vehicle
        AVehicleData[vid][spawnX] = cx;
        AVehicleData[vid][spawnY] = cy;
        AVehicleData[vid][spawnZ] = cz;
        AVehicleData[vid][spawnRot] = crot;
// Also set the fuel to maximum
AVehicleData[vid][Fuel] = MaxFuel;
// Also set the owner
AVehicleData[vid][Owned] = true;
format(AVehicleData[vid][Owner], 24, AHouseData[HouseID][Owner]);
// Save the HouseID for the vehicle
AVehicleData[vid][belongsToHouse] = HouseID;
// Add a 3DText label to the vehicle, displaying the name of the owner
        format(vText, sizeof(vText), \"Vehicle owned by: \\n%s\", AVehicleData[vid][Owner]);
        AVehicleData[vid][VehicleText] = CreateDynamic3DTextLabel(vText, 0xFFFFFF, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 80.0, INVALID_PLAYER_ID, vid);
else // No free carslot was found, return 0
return 0;
// Exit the function and return the vehicle-id
return vid;
// This function is used only when you respawn your vehicles by exiting your house
House_ReplaceVehicle(HouseID, CarSlot)
// Setup local variables
new vid, cModel, cPaint, cComponents[14], Float:cx, Float:cy, Float:cz, Float:crot, Col1, Col2, Float:Health, cFuel, Neons;
new panels, doors, lights, tires;
// Get the data from the already existing vehicle that was parked before
vid = AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot];
cModel = AVehicleData[vid][Model];
cPaint = AVehicleData[vid][PaintJob];
cFuel = AVehicleData[vid][Fuel];
for (new i; i < 14; i++)
    cComponents = AVehicleData[vid][Components];
Col1 = AVehicleData[vid][Color1];
Col2 = AVehicleData[vid][Color2];
cx = AVehicleData[vid][spawnX];
cy = AVehicleData[vid][spawnY];
cz = AVehicleData[vid][spawnZ];
crot = AVehicleData[vid][spawnRot];
Neons = AVehicleData[vid][NeonObjectModel];
GetVehicleHealth(vid, Health);
GetVehicleDamageStatus(vid, panels, doors, lights, tires);
// Remove neons
if (AVehicleData[vid][NeonObjectModel] != 0)
        AVehicleData[vid][NeonLeft] = 0;
        AVehicleData[vid][NeonRight] = 0;
AVehicleData[vid][NeonObjectModel] = 0;
// Delete the vehicle and clear the data
// Create a new vehicle in the same carslot
vid = House_AddVehicle(HouseID, cModel, cPaint, cComponents, Float:cx, Float:cy, Float:cz, Float:crot, Col1, Col2);
// Update the fuel of the vehicle to the previous setting
AVehicleData[vid][Fuel] = cFuel;
// Update the health to what it was before and update the bodywork
SetVehicleHealth(vid, Health);
UpdateVehicleDamageStatus(vid, panels, doors, lights, tires);
// Re-apply the neons if they were there
if (Neons != 0)
AVehicleData[vid][NeonObjectModel] = Neons;
    AVehicleData[vid][NeonLeft] = CreateObject(AVehicleData[vid][NeonObjectModel],0,0,0,0,0,0);
    AVehicleData[vid][NeonRight] = CreateObject(AVehicleData[vid][NeonObjectModel],0,0,0,0,0,0);
AttachObjectToVehicle(AVehicleData[vid][NeonLeft], vid, -0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
AttachObjectToVehicle(AVehicleData[vid][NeonRight], vid, 0.8, 0.0, -0.70, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
return vid;
// This function is used only when a player logs out (the vehicles are unloaded)
// Setup local variables
new vid;
// Loop through all carslots of this house
for (new CarSlot; CarSlot < 10; CarSlot++)
// Get the vehicle-id
vid = AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot];
// Check if there was a vehicle in this carslot
if (vid != 0)
   // Delete the vehicle and clear the data
   AHouseData[HouseID][VehicleIDs][CarSlot] = 0;
   AVehicleData[vid][Owned] = false;
   AVehicleData[vid][Owner] = 0;
   AVehicleData[vid][Model] = 0;
   AVehicleData[vid][PaintJob] = 0;
   for (new i; i < 14; i++)
       AVehicleData[vid][Components] = 0;
   AVehicleData[vid][spawnX] = 0.0;
   AVehicleData[vid][spawnY] = 0.0;
   AVehicleData[vid][spawnZ] = 0.0;
   AVehicleData[vid][spawnRot] = 0.0;
   AVehicleData[vid][belongsToHouse] = 0;
   // Remove neons
   if (AVehicleData[vid][NeonObjectModel] != 0)
        AVehicleData[vid][NeonLeft] = 0;
        AVehicleData[vid][NeonRight] = 0;
      AVehicleData[vid][NeonObjectModel] = 0;
// This function calculates the sell-price for the given house
// Setup local variables
new SellPrice, NumUpgrades, UpgradePrice;
// Calculate 50% of the original buying price (base-price for selling)
SellPrice = AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice] / 2;
// Calculate the number of upgrades applied to the house
NumUpgrades = AHouseData[HouseID][HouseLevel] - 1;
// Also calculate 50% for each upgrade, based on the percentage for upgrading the house
UpgradePrice = ((AHouseData[HouseID][HousePrice] / 100) * HouseUpgradePercent) * NumUpgrades;
// Add 50% of the upgrade-price to the sell-price
SellPrice = SellPrice + UpgradePrice;
// Return the total sell-price to the calling function
return SellPrice;
// his function returns \"1\" if the given player is the owner of the given house
House_PlayerIsOwner(playerid, HouseID)
// Loop through all houses owner by this player
for (new i; i < MAX_HOUSESPERPLAYER; i++)
// Check if the player owns the house in any of his house-slots
if (APlayerData[playerid][Houses] == HouseID)
    return 1;
// If the player doesn\'t own the house, return 0
return 0;


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