Szerző Téma: Vegas Pro probléma  (Megtekintve 1886 alkalommal)

Nem elérhető Ricsey

  • 259
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Vegas Pro probléma
« Dátum: 2014. május 13. - 18:20:59 »
0 Show voters
Letöltöttem a sony vegast de ha telepíteni akarom akkor megáll itt és nem megy tovább csak tölt már vártam vele 10 percet és el nem hiszem hogy ennyi ideig települne ha kilépek a telepítõbõl és újraakarom kezdeni akkor meg ezzel a hibával fogad majd ha újraindítom a gépet akkor kezdi elõrõl valaki segítene?
Próbáltam Sony Vegas 10 11 12-t
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

Vegas Pro probléma
« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2014. május 13. - 18:39:35 »
0 Show voters
várj többet.. nekem volt vagy fél óra mire felrakta..

Nem elérhető Ricsey

  • 259
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Vegas Pro probléma
« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2014. május 13. - 19:58:11 »
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Vártam vagy másfél órát és ugyanaz :/

Nem elérhető Ricsey

  • 259
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Vegas Pro probléma
« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2014. május 20. - 20:46:09 »
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Megnézegettem a logokat és ezt a logot kaptam
=> Debug_Init
  Debug_Init: Installer Logging ON
<= Debug_Init
=> WinMain
  WinMain: Doing early initilize of the kernel
  WinMain: Opening SfLang
  WinMain: Testing for XP or later
  WinMain: Testing Admin privleges
  => IsUserAdmin
    IsUserAdmin: Creating Administrator SID
    IsUserAdmin: Checking token membership for SID
  <= IsUserAdmin
  => CSfSetupApp::CSfSetupApp
    CSfSetupApp::CSfSetupApp: Execute Path: D:\\Letöltések\\Sony Vegas Pro v11.0.701 x86-x64\\
    CSfSetupApp::CSfSetupApp: Module Name: D:\\Letöltések\\Sony Vegas Pro v11.0.701 x86-x64\\vegaspro11.0.701_64bit.exe
    CSfSetupApp::CSfSetupApp: Setting LCID to OS LCID
    CSfSetupApp::CSfSetupApp: OS LCID is: 1038
    => GetCurrentOS
      GetCurrentOS: OS Major: 6
      GetCurrentOS: OS minor: 1
      GetCurrentOS: OS build: 7601
      GetCurrentOS:    OS sp: 1
    <= GetCurrentOS
    => SetUILevel
    <= SetUILevel
    => SetupXml constructor
    <= SetupXml constructor
    =>  MsInstaller::Init()
       MsInstaller::Init(): Loading C:\\Windows\\system32\\msi.dll
    <=  MsInstaller::Init()
    => Requirement Class
    <= CSfSetupApp::CSfSetupApp
    WinMain: Executing CSfSetupApp WinMain
    => SfApp_Init
      SfApp_Init: Setting COM security
      SfApp_Init: Loading Rich Edit control
    <= SfApp_Init
    => SfApp_Run
      => ProcessCommandLine
        => SfApp_ExecuteCommandLine
          SfApp_ExecuteCommandLine: CommandLine : \"D:\\Letöltések\\Sony Vegas Pro v11.0.701 x86-x64\\vegaspro11.0.701_64bit.exe\"
        <= SfApp_ExecuteCommandLine
      <= ProcessCommandLine
      => SetUnpackPath
        SetUnpackPath: Setting to TEMP dir
        SetUnpackPath: Checking if directory exists: C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_1
        SetUnpackPath: It does, incrementing counter and checking again
        SetUnpackPath: Checking if directory exists: C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_2
        SetUnpackPath: It does, incrementing counter and checking again
        SetUnpackPath: Checking if directory exists: C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_3
        SetUnpackPath: It does, incrementing counter and checking again
        SetUnpackPath: Checking if directory exists: C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4
        SetUnpackPath: It does not, creating . . .
        SetUnpackPath: Setting the unpack path to : C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4
      <= SetUnpackPath
      SfApp_Run: Extracting configuration file from PFW
      => ExtractSetupDat
      <= ExtractSetupDat
      SfApp_Run: Extracting configuration dat file contents
      => ExtractSetupDat
        ExtractSetupDat: Opening Archive
        => SetXMLConfigPath
        <= SetXMLConfigPath
      <= ExtractSetupDat
      SfApp_Run: Reading configuration XML file
      => ReadXMLConfig
        => CountProductItems
        <= CountProductItems
        => CountLangItems
        <= CountLangItems
        => CountOsItems
        <= CountOsItems
        => CountRequirementItems
        <= CountRequirementItems
      <= ReadXMLConfig
      SfApp_Run: Setting crtmsi flag
      => UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
        <= UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
      <= UpdateLangDataItem
      => UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
        <= UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
      <= UpdateLangDataItem
      => UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
        <= UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
      <= UpdateLangDataItem
      => UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
        <= UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
      <= UpdateLangDataItem
      => UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
        <= UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
      <= UpdateLangDataItem
      => SetCurrentLang
        SetCurrentLang: Updating New kernel LCID with 1033
        => UpdateLangDataItem
          => UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
          <= UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
        <= UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataItem
        <= UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataItem
        <= UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataItem
        <= UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataItem
        <= UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataItem
        <= UpdateLangDataItem
      <= SetCurrentLang
      => GetProductListDetails
        => GetProductAssetData
          GetProductAssetData: fUpdateOK Flag ON
          GetProductAssetData: fRemovePrevious Flag ON
          GetProductAssetData: Site Flag OFF
          GetProductAssetData: ThirdPartyMSI Flag OFF
        <= GetProductAssetData
        GetProductListDetails: Product MSI Name: vegas110.msi
        GetProductListDetails: Creating Payload Path
        GetProductListDetails: Copy autorun.dat to app payload
        GetProductListDetails: AUTORUN.DAT szSourcePath C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\autorun.dat
        GetProductListDetails: AUTORUN.DAT szDestinationPath C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\vegas110\\autorun.dat
        GetProductListDetails: Copy product udat to app payload
        GetProductListDetails: UDAT szSourcePath C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\vegas110.udat
        GetProductListDetails: UDAT szDestinationPath C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\vegas110\\vegas110.udat
        GetProductListDetails: Copy customaction.dll to app payload
        GetProductListDetails: customaction.dll szSourcePath C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\customaction_x64.dll
        GetProductListDetails: customaction.dll szDestinationPath C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\vegas110\\customaction_x64.dll
        GetProductListDetails: customaction.dll Copy failed hr=00000002h
        => ReadMSI
          ReadMSI: pszProductVersion is 11.0.701
          => MakeVersionString
          <= MakeVersionString
          ReadMSI: ProductRegName is Vegas Pro\\11.0
        <= ReadMSI
        => CreateInstallPathStrings
          CreateInstallPathStrings: No SharedComponents path found. Creating...
          CreateInstallPathStrings: Creating default install path
          CreateInstallPathStrings: Install base path: C:\\Program Files\\Sony\\Vegas Pro 11.0\\
        <= CreateInstallPathStrings
        => IsAppInstalled
          IsAppInstalled: Testing to see if app is installed
          IsAppInstalled: Looking for current upg code
          IsAppInstalled: Looking for previous upgcode
          IsAppInstalled: Looking for alternate previous upgcode
          IsAppInstalled: App installed 0
        <= IsAppInstalled
        => IsAppRuning
        <= IsAppRuning
        GetProductListDetails: Adding product to list
        GetProductListDetails: Proceed to new product
      <= GetProductListDetails
      => CreateSupportedOsArray
      <= CreateSupportedOsArray
      => OSOK
        OSOK: Target major version same as minimum required version.  Comparing minor and service packs now
        OSOK: Target major version same as minimum required version.  Comparing minor and service packs now
        OSOK: Minor version greater than minimum required version and is not excluded.  OS allowed True
      <= OSOK
      => EvaluateRequirementList
        Requirement Class: Looking for Requirement: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
        => MakeVersionString
        <= MakeVersionString
        => MakeVersionString
        <= MakeVersionString
        Requirement Class: Found Requirement installed on system
        Requirement Class: Desired Version : 3.5.30729.1
        Requirement Class: Installed Version : 3.5.30729.5420
        Requirement Class: Installed Path : C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v3.5\\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5.dll
      <= EvaluateRequirementList
      => CreateVersionString
        CreateVersionString: is 701
        CreateVersionString: szBuildNum is 701
      <= CreateVersionString
      SfApp_Run: Checking for updates
      => UpdateAvailable
        => CSfDownloadDialog
          CSfDownloadDialog: Informing that update check is done
          UpdateAvailable: UpdateCheck Done
          => MakeVersionString
          <= MakeVersionString
        <= CSfDownloadDialog
      <= UpdateAvailable
      => SingleProductDialogFlow
        => WelcomeDialog
          WelcomeDialog: Welcome Dialog
          => CSfWelcomeFullDialog
          <= CSfWelcomeFullDialog
        <= WelcomeDialog
        => EULADialog
          EULADialog: EULA Dialog
          => CSfEULADialog
            => ReadRtfFile
            <= ReadRtfFile
            CSfEULADialog: Agree to EULA
          <= CSfEULADialog
        <= EULADialog
        => ConfigureInstallDialog
          ConfigureInstallDialog: Configure Installation Dialog
          => CSfConfigDialog
            CSfConfigDialog: dwLocalFree 50810292
          <= CSfConfigDialog
        <= ConfigureInstallDialog
        => InstallDialog
          InstallDialog: Install Dialog
          => CSfInstallDialog
            => EvaluateRequirementList
            <= EvaluateRequirementList
            => CSetupWorkerThread
              CSetupWorkerThread: Unpacking PFW
              CSetupWorkerThread: UnpackPFW(): Opening Archive
              CSetupWorkerThread: UnpackPFW(): Opened Archive; Checking for space
              CSetupWorkerThread: UnpackPFW(): Enough space; Begining to extract
              CSetupWorkerThread: Installing VS CRT MSM Componets
              => GetCrtMsiPath
              <= GetCrtMsiPath
              CSetupWorkerThread: Launching Process (msiexec.exe)
              CSetupWorkerThread: Command Line parameters (/i \"C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\redist.msi\" /quiet)
              => LP
                LP: LP CMD \"msiexec.exe\" /i \"C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\redist.msi\" /quiet
                InstallDialog: Unknown Dialog Code
              <= CSfInstallDialog
            <= InstallDialog
            SingleProductDialogFlow: InstallDialog()
          <= SingleProductDialogFlow
          => Error Code
            Error Code: Unknown Error Code -2147163976
          <= Error Code
        <= SfApp_Run
        => SfApp_DeInit
          SfApp_DeInit: CoUninitialize COM
          SfApp_DeInit: Freeing the Rich Edit control
          SfApp_DeInit: Deleting Unpack Directory
        <= SfApp_DeInit
        WinMain: Deleting CSfAppInfo object
        WinMain: Deleting CSfSetupApp object
      <= Requirement Class
      => SetupXml destructor
      <= SetupXml destructor
      WinMain: Closing SfLang
      WinMain: Doing LateTerminate
      WinMain: Exiting with value 0
    <= WinMain

Nem elérhető ClarK!

  • 409
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Vegas Pro probléma
« Válasz #4 Dátum: 2014. május 22. - 01:01:32 »
0 Show voters
Szedj le portable verziót.

Nem elérhető Ricsey

  • 259
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Vegas Pro probléma
« Válasz #5 Dátum: 2014. május 22. - 15:57:24 »
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Idézetet írta: ClarK! date=1400713292\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"48222\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Szedj le portable verziót.
Ott egy quicktime playeres hibát ír ki azt megpróbáltam leszedni de az se akar feltelepülni mert hasonlóan mint a vegas telepítõ megakad

Nem elérhető Ricsey

  • 259
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Vegas Pro probléma
« Válasz #6 Dátum: 2014. május 13. - 18:20:59 »
0 Show voters
Letöltöttem a sony vegast de ha telepíteni akarom akkor megáll itt és nem megy tovább csak tölt már vártam vele 10 percet és el nem hiszem hogy ennyi ideig települne ha kilépek a telepítõbõl és újraakarom kezdeni akkor meg ezzel a hibával fogad majd ha újraindítom a gépet akkor kezdi elõrõl valaki segítene?
Próbáltam Sony Vegas 10 11 12-t
OS: Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit

Vegas Pro probléma
« Válasz #7 Dátum: 2014. május 13. - 18:39:35 »
0 Show voters
várj többet.. nekem volt vagy fél óra mire felrakta..

Nem elérhető Ricsey

  • 259
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Vegas Pro probléma
« Válasz #8 Dátum: 2014. május 13. - 19:58:11 »
0 Show voters
Vártam vagy másfél órát és ugyanaz :/

Nem elérhető Ricsey

  • 259
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Vegas Pro probléma
« Válasz #9 Dátum: 2014. május 20. - 20:46:09 »
0 Show voters
Megnézegettem a logokat és ezt a logot kaptam
=> Debug_Init
  Debug_Init: Installer Logging ON
<= Debug_Init
=> WinMain
  WinMain: Doing early initilize of the kernel
  WinMain: Opening SfLang
  WinMain: Testing for XP or later
  WinMain: Testing Admin privleges
  => IsUserAdmin
    IsUserAdmin: Creating Administrator SID
    IsUserAdmin: Checking token membership for SID
  <= IsUserAdmin
  => CSfSetupApp::CSfSetupApp
    CSfSetupApp::CSfSetupApp: Execute Path: D:\\Letöltések\\Sony Vegas Pro v11.0.701 x86-x64\\
    CSfSetupApp::CSfSetupApp: Module Name: D:\\Letöltések\\Sony Vegas Pro v11.0.701 x86-x64\\vegaspro11.0.701_64bit.exe
    CSfSetupApp::CSfSetupApp: Setting LCID to OS LCID
    CSfSetupApp::CSfSetupApp: OS LCID is: 1038
    => GetCurrentOS
      GetCurrentOS: OS Major: 6
      GetCurrentOS: OS minor: 1
      GetCurrentOS: OS build: 7601
      GetCurrentOS:    OS sp: 1
    <= GetCurrentOS
    => SetUILevel
    <= SetUILevel
    => SetupXml constructor
    <= SetupXml constructor
    =>  MsInstaller::Init()
       MsInstaller::Init(): Loading C:\\Windows\\system32\\msi.dll
    <=  MsInstaller::Init()
    => Requirement Class
    <= CSfSetupApp::CSfSetupApp
    WinMain: Executing CSfSetupApp WinMain
    => SfApp_Init
      SfApp_Init: Setting COM security
      SfApp_Init: Loading Rich Edit control
    <= SfApp_Init
    => SfApp_Run
      => ProcessCommandLine
        => SfApp_ExecuteCommandLine
          SfApp_ExecuteCommandLine: CommandLine : \"D:\\Letöltések\\Sony Vegas Pro v11.0.701 x86-x64\\vegaspro11.0.701_64bit.exe\"
        <= SfApp_ExecuteCommandLine
      <= ProcessCommandLine
      => SetUnpackPath
        SetUnpackPath: Setting to TEMP dir
        SetUnpackPath: Checking if directory exists: C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_1
        SetUnpackPath: It does, incrementing counter and checking again
        SetUnpackPath: Checking if directory exists: C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_2
        SetUnpackPath: It does, incrementing counter and checking again
        SetUnpackPath: Checking if directory exists: C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_3
        SetUnpackPath: It does, incrementing counter and checking again
        SetUnpackPath: Checking if directory exists: C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4
        SetUnpackPath: It does not, creating . . .
        SetUnpackPath: Setting the unpack path to : C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4
      <= SetUnpackPath
      SfApp_Run: Extracting configuration file from PFW
      => ExtractSetupDat
      <= ExtractSetupDat
      SfApp_Run: Extracting configuration dat file contents
      => ExtractSetupDat
        ExtractSetupDat: Opening Archive
        => SetXMLConfigPath
        <= SetXMLConfigPath
      <= ExtractSetupDat
      SfApp_Run: Reading configuration XML file
      => ReadXMLConfig
        => CountProductItems
        <= CountProductItems
        => CountLangItems
        <= CountLangItems
        => CountOsItems
        <= CountOsItems
        => CountRequirementItems
        <= CountRequirementItems
      <= ReadXMLConfig
      SfApp_Run: Setting crtmsi flag
      => UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
        <= UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
      <= UpdateLangDataItem
      => UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
        <= UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
      <= UpdateLangDataItem
      => UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
        <= UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
      <= UpdateLangDataItem
      => UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
        <= UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
      <= UpdateLangDataItem
      => UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
        <= UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
      <= UpdateLangDataItem
      => SetCurrentLang
        SetCurrentLang: Updating New kernel LCID with 1033
        => UpdateLangDataItem
          => UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
          <= UpdateLangDataWithXmlData
        <= UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataItem
        <= UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataItem
        <= UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataItem
        <= UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataItem
        <= UpdateLangDataItem
        => UpdateLangDataItem
        <= UpdateLangDataItem
      <= SetCurrentLang
      => GetProductListDetails
        => GetProductAssetData
          GetProductAssetData: fUpdateOK Flag ON
          GetProductAssetData: fRemovePrevious Flag ON
          GetProductAssetData: Site Flag OFF
          GetProductAssetData: ThirdPartyMSI Flag OFF
        <= GetProductAssetData
        GetProductListDetails: Product MSI Name: vegas110.msi
        GetProductListDetails: Creating Payload Path
        GetProductListDetails: Copy autorun.dat to app payload
        GetProductListDetails: AUTORUN.DAT szSourcePath C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\autorun.dat
        GetProductListDetails: AUTORUN.DAT szDestinationPath C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\vegas110\\autorun.dat
        GetProductListDetails: Copy product udat to app payload
        GetProductListDetails: UDAT szSourcePath C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\vegas110.udat
        GetProductListDetails: UDAT szDestinationPath C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\vegas110\\vegas110.udat
        GetProductListDetails: Copy customaction.dll to app payload
        GetProductListDetails: customaction.dll szSourcePath C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\customaction_x64.dll
        GetProductListDetails: customaction.dll szDestinationPath C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\vegas110\\customaction_x64.dll
        GetProductListDetails: customaction.dll Copy failed hr=00000002h
        => ReadMSI
          ReadMSI: pszProductVersion is 11.0.701
          => MakeVersionString
          <= MakeVersionString
          ReadMSI: ProductRegName is Vegas Pro\\11.0
        <= ReadMSI
        => CreateInstallPathStrings
          CreateInstallPathStrings: No SharedComponents path found. Creating...
          CreateInstallPathStrings: Creating default install path
          CreateInstallPathStrings: Install base path: C:\\Program Files\\Sony\\Vegas Pro 11.0\\
        <= CreateInstallPathStrings
        => IsAppInstalled
          IsAppInstalled: Testing to see if app is installed
          IsAppInstalled: Looking for current upg code
          IsAppInstalled: Looking for previous upgcode
          IsAppInstalled: Looking for alternate previous upgcode
          IsAppInstalled: App installed 0
        <= IsAppInstalled
        => IsAppRuning
        <= IsAppRuning
        GetProductListDetails: Adding product to list
        GetProductListDetails: Proceed to new product
      <= GetProductListDetails
      => CreateSupportedOsArray
      <= CreateSupportedOsArray
      => OSOK
        OSOK: Target major version same as minimum required version.  Comparing minor and service packs now
        OSOK: Target major version same as minimum required version.  Comparing minor and service packs now
        OSOK: Minor version greater than minimum required version and is not excluded.  OS allowed True
      <= OSOK
      => EvaluateRequirementList
        Requirement Class: Looking for Requirement: Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 SP1
        => MakeVersionString
        <= MakeVersionString
        => MakeVersionString
        <= MakeVersionString
        Requirement Class: Found Requirement installed on system
        Requirement Class: Desired Version : 3.5.30729.1
        Requirement Class: Installed Version : 3.5.30729.5420
        Requirement Class: Installed Path : C:\\Windows\\Microsoft.NET\\Framework\\v3.5\\Microsoft.Build.Tasks.v3.5.dll
      <= EvaluateRequirementList
      => CreateVersionString
        CreateVersionString: is 701
        CreateVersionString: szBuildNum is 701
      <= CreateVersionString
      SfApp_Run: Checking for updates
      => UpdateAvailable
        => CSfDownloadDialog
          CSfDownloadDialog: Informing that update check is done
          UpdateAvailable: UpdateCheck Done
          => MakeVersionString
          <= MakeVersionString
        <= CSfDownloadDialog
      <= UpdateAvailable
      => SingleProductDialogFlow
        => WelcomeDialog
          WelcomeDialog: Welcome Dialog
          => CSfWelcomeFullDialog
          <= CSfWelcomeFullDialog
        <= WelcomeDialog
        => EULADialog
          EULADialog: EULA Dialog
          => CSfEULADialog
            => ReadRtfFile
            <= ReadRtfFile
            CSfEULADialog: Agree to EULA
          <= CSfEULADialog
        <= EULADialog
        => ConfigureInstallDialog
          ConfigureInstallDialog: Configure Installation Dialog
          => CSfConfigDialog
            CSfConfigDialog: dwLocalFree 50810292
          <= CSfConfigDialog
        <= ConfigureInstallDialog
        => InstallDialog
          InstallDialog: Install Dialog
          => CSfInstallDialog
            => EvaluateRequirementList
            <= EvaluateRequirementList
            => CSetupWorkerThread
              CSetupWorkerThread: Unpacking PFW
              CSetupWorkerThread: UnpackPFW(): Opening Archive
              CSetupWorkerThread: UnpackPFW(): Opened Archive; Checking for space
              CSetupWorkerThread: UnpackPFW(): Enough space; Begining to extract
              CSetupWorkerThread: Installing VS CRT MSM Componets
              => GetCrtMsiPath
              <= GetCrtMsiPath
              CSetupWorkerThread: Launching Process (msiexec.exe)
              CSetupWorkerThread: Command Line parameters (/i \"C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\redist.msi\" /quiet)
              => LP
                LP: LP CMD \"msiexec.exe\" /i \"C:\\Users\\GayFish\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\SonyInstall_4\\redist.msi\" /quiet
                InstallDialog: Unknown Dialog Code
              <= CSfInstallDialog
            <= InstallDialog
            SingleProductDialogFlow: InstallDialog()
          <= SingleProductDialogFlow
          => Error Code
            Error Code: Unknown Error Code -2147163976
          <= Error Code
        <= SfApp_Run
        => SfApp_DeInit
          SfApp_DeInit: CoUninitialize COM
          SfApp_DeInit: Freeing the Rich Edit control
          SfApp_DeInit: Deleting Unpack Directory
        <= SfApp_DeInit
        WinMain: Deleting CSfAppInfo object
        WinMain: Deleting CSfSetupApp object
      <= Requirement Class
      => SetupXml destructor
      <= SetupXml destructor
      WinMain: Closing SfLang
      WinMain: Doing LateTerminate
      WinMain: Exiting with value 0
    <= WinMain

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