Szerző Téma: [Angol] Once upon a time...  (Megtekintve 1961 alkalommal)


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[Angol] Once upon a time...
« Dátum: 2009. november 14. - 22:58:57 »
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Ennek a játéknak az a lényege, hogy ki kell találni egy  mesét, de hogy nehezítsük a dolgot angolul kell írni.

Ha úgy gondoljuk, hogy véget ér a mese, szavazás lesz, hogy ki írta a legjobb részt. ;D


  • Angol csúnya szavak használata szigorúan TILOS!

  • Ha írsz egy folytatást mindig írd oda az eddigi szöveget is.

  • Nem írhatsz semmit magyarul, csak angolul, kivéve ha javítasz valakit.

  • Ha javítasz valakit szúrd be a Javít: elotagot, ha visszatérsz a meséhez, akkor a Mese: elotagot.


  Once upon a time, there was a man, who called Józsi.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2009. november 14. - 23:31:26 írta Knight »

Nem elérhető Mike

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[Angol] Once upon a time...
« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2009. november 14. - 23:24:34 »
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Once upon a time, there was a man, who called Józsi.
Józsi is a strong,big man.He\'s work is hunting.  ( bocs kicsit szar az angol tudásom xD )


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[Angol] Once upon a time...
« Válasz #2 Dátum: 2009. november 14. - 23:30:04 »
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Idézetet írta: Mike date=1258237474\" data-ipsquote-contentapp=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"143\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic
Once upon a time, there was a man, who called Józsi.
Józsi is a strong,big man.He\'s work is hunting.  ( bocs kicsit sz*r az angol tudásom xD )
Javitás: Így lényegre törobb:

Józsi is a strong, tall man. He works as a hunter. ;D


Once upon a time, there was a man, who called Józsi.

Józsi is a strong, tall man. He works as a hunter.

One day, he went to the forest, to hunt for a rabbit.

« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2009. november 14. - 23:32:17 írta Knight »

Nem elérhető Epsilon

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[Angol] Once upon a time...
« Válasz #3 Dátum: 2009. november 15. - 09:08:55 »
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Ha most az angol tudásoddal itt akarsz felvágni, abba is hagyhatjuk, vagy ha nem akkor ne javítgasd azt, amit más úgy akart írni. Mert különben ez csak a saját történeted lesz.

Ur story:

Once upon a time, there was a man, who called Józsi.

Józsi is a strong, tall man. He works as a hunter.

One day, he went to the forest, to hunt for a rabbit.

As József was walking in the forest, an enemy soldier pulled out a pistol and killed him.



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[Angol] Once upon a time...
« Válasz #4 Dátum: 2009. november 15. - 10:24:38 »
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Ha most az angol tudásoddal itt akarsz felvágni, abba is hagyhatjuk, vagy ha nem akkor ne javítgasd azt, amit más úgy akart írni. Mert különben ez csak a saját történeted lesz.[/quote]
OFF: Miért kell mindig a rosszra gondolni?

Nem elérhető TrYp

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[Angol] Once upon a time...
« Válasz #5 Dátum: 2009. november 15. - 10:35:10 »
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Ur story:

Once upon a time, there was a man, who called Józsi.

Józsi is a strong, tall man. He works as a hunter.

One day, he went to the forest, to hunt for a rabbit.

As József was walking in the forest, an enemy soldier pulled out a pistol and killed him.

So his son, who was actually called Sanyika, left his house to find the murderer

[Angol] Once upon a time...
« Válasz #6 Dátum: 2009. november 24. - 19:09:52 »
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Ur story:
Once upon a time, there was a man, who called Józsi.
Józsi is a strong, tall man. He works as a hunter.
One day, he went to the forest, to hunt for a rabbit.
As József was walking in the forest, an enemy soldier pulled out a pistol and killed him.
So his son, who was actually called Sanyika, left his house to find the murderer
When he found the murderer,he killed him,and he pissed down his body

[Angol] Once upon a time...
« Válasz #7 Dátum: 2010. március 22. - 20:50:18 »
0 Show voters
Ur story:
Once upon a time, there was a man, who called Józsi.
Józsi is a strong, tall man. He works as a hunter.
One day, he went to the forest, to hunt for a rabbit.
As József was walking in the forest, an enemy soldier pulled out a pistol and killed him.
So his son, who was actually called Sanyika, left his house to find the murderer
When he found the murderer,he killed him,and he pissed down his body.
Józsi\'s mother wanted to meet with Sanyika, but Sanyika was too busy and he hasn\'t got any freetime, so they can\'t meet.
« Utoljára szerkesztve: 2010. március 22. - 20:52:06 írta SilverBoy[SS] »

Nem elérhető Lömpi

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[Angol] Once upon a time...
« Válasz #8 Dátum: 2010. március 24. - 18:05:03 »
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The English Story:
Once upon a time, there was a man, who called Józsi.
Józsi is a strong, tall man. He works as a hunter.
One day, he went to the forest, to hunt for a rabbit.
As József was walking in the forest, an enemy soldier pulled out a pistol and killed him.
So his son, who was actually called Sanyika, left his house to find the murderer
When he found the murderer,he killed him,and he pissed down his body.
Józsi\'s mother wanted to meet with Sanyika, but Sanyika was too busy and he hasn\'t got any freetime, so they can\'t meet
So Mother of Józsi\'s embittered..

[Angol] Once upon a time...
« Válasz #9 Dátum: 2010. március 25. - 15:31:19 »
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Once upon a time, there was a man, who called Józsi.
Józsi is a strong, tall man. He works as a hunter.
One day, he went to the forest, to hunt for a rabbit.
As József was walking in the forest, an enemy soldier pulled out a pistol and killed him.
So his son, who was actually called Sanyika, left his house to find the murderer
When he found the murderer,he killed him,and he pissed down his body.
Józsi\'s mother wanted to meet with Sanyika, but Sanyika was too busy and he hasn\'t got any freetime, so they can\'t meet
So Mother of Józsi\'s embittered..
But Géza, Sanyika\'s brother went to Sanyika\'s mother. They ate lot of tasty things. So they spend time each other, suddenly Sanyika came.

[Angol] Once upon a time...
« Válasz #10 Dátum: 2010. március 27. - 09:59:27 »
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Once upon a time, there was a man, who called Józsi.
Józsi is a strong, tall man. He works as a hunter.
One day, he went to the forest, to hunt for a rabbit.
As József was walking in the forest, an enemy soldier pulled out a pistol and killed him.
So his son, who was actually called Sanyika, left his house to find the murderer
When he found the murderer,he killed him,and he pissed down his body.
Józsi\'s mother wanted to meet with Sanyika, but Sanyika was too busy and he hasn\'t got any freetime, so they can\'t meet
So Mother of Józsi\'s embittered..
But Géza, Sanyika\'s brother went to Sanyika\'s mother. They ate lot of tasty things. So they spend time each other, suddenly Sanyika came.Józsi is meet the dog.The dog name is Wolf.

Nem elérhető lolko008

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[Angol] Once upon a time...
« Válasz #11 Dátum: 2010. március 27. - 15:46:52 »
0 Show voters
Once upon a time, there was a man, who called Józsi.
Józsi is a strong, tall man. He works as a hunter.
One day, he went to the forest, to hunt for a rabbit.
As József was walking in the forest, an enemy soldier pulled out a pistol and killed him.
So his son, who was actually called Sanyika, left his house to find the murderer
When he found the murderer,he killed him,and he pissed down his body.
Józsi\'s mother wanted to meet with Sanyika, but Sanyika was too busy and he hasn\'t got any freetime, so they can\'t meet
So Mother of Józsi\'s embittered..
But Géza, Sanyika\'s brother went to Sanyika\'s mother. They ate lot of tasty things. So they spend time each other, suddenly Sanyika came.Józsi is meet the dog.The dog name is Wolf.
Józsi is killed the dog,and he eat the dog\'s meat,with some ketchup.

Nem elérhető Lömpi

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[Angol] Once upon a time...
« Válasz #12 Dátum: 2010. március 30. - 14:11:24 »
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Józsi say\': Nyummm.. :)


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