Szerző Téma: NEm enged bejelentkezni  (Megtekintve 1888 alkalommal)

NEm enged bejelentkezni
« Dátum: 2015. július 13. - 14:50:11 »
0 Show voters
sziasztok!itt mi lehet a probléma a mysql resource-val? :
= Server name      : Default MTA Server | By:
= Server IP address:
= Server port      : 22069
= Log file         : ..9287/server/mods/deathmatch/logs/server.log
= Maximum players  : 30
= HTTP port        : 22169
= Voice Chat       : Disabled
= Bandwidth saving : Medium
[2015-07-13 14:36:28] WARNING: Ignoring duplicate client file in resource \'account-system\': \'img/100.png\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:28] WARNING: Ignoring duplicate client file in resource \'account-system1\': \'img/100.png\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:28] Resource \'acpanel\' requests some acl rights. Use the command \'aclrequest list acpanel\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:28] ERROR: Couldn\'t find script server/admin_acl.lua for resource admin2
[2015-07-13 14:36:28] Loading of resource \'admin2\' failed
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Couldn\'t find script SAN Ext.lua for resource gate-system
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] Loading of resource \'gate-system\' failed
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Couldn\'t find file skinek/skin_160.txd for resource mods-system
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] Loading of resource \'mods-system\' failed
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Not processing resource \'admin\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
                  Path #1: \"resources/admin\"
                  Path #2: \"resources//admin\"
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Problem with resource: briefcaserace; Failed to link to killmessages
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Problem with resource: ctf-hydrastrike; Failed to link to killmessages
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Problem with resource: deathmatch; Failed to link to killmessages
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Problem with resource: dm-port69; Failed to link to realdriveby
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Problem with resource: editor;
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Problem with resource: editor_main; Failed to link to freecam
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Problem with resource: fallout; Failed to link to freecam
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Not processing resource \'freecam\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
                  Path #1: \"resources/freecam\"
                  Path #2: \"resources/[editor]/freecam\"
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Not processing resource \'freeroam\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
                  Path #1: \"resources/freeroam\"
                  Path #2: \"resources/[gameplay]/freeroam\"
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Not processing resource \'interiors\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
                  Path #1: \"resources/interiors\"
                  Path #2: \"resources/[gameplay]/interiors\"
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Not processing resource \'killmessages\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
                  Path #1: \"resources/killmessages\"
                  Path #2: \"resources/[gameplay]/killmessages\"
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Not processing resource \'parachute\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
                  Path #1: \"resources/parachute\"
                  Path #2: \"resources/[gameplay]/parachute\"
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Problem with resource: play; Failed to link to freeroam
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Problem with resource: race; Failed to link to killmessages
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Not processing resource \'realdriveby\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
                  Path #1: \"resources/realdriveby\"
                  Path #2: \"resources/[gameplay]/realdriveby\"
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Not processing resource \'runcode\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
                  Path #1: \"resources/runcode\"
                  Path #2: \"resources//runcode\"
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Problem with resource: stage; Failed to link to freeroam
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Problem with resource: stealth; Failed to link to killmessages
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Problem with resource: tdm; Failed to link to killmessages
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Problem with resource: tdma; Failed to link to killmessages
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: Not processing resource \'voice\' as it has duplicates on different paths:
                  Path #1: \"resources/voice\"
                  Path #2: \"resources/[gameplay]/voice\"
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] Resources: 299 loaded, 13 failed
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] MODULE: Unable to load modules/ ( hibás ELF osztály: ELFCLASS64)!
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] Starting resources....
[2015-07-13 14:36:29] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:16: attempt to call global \'mysql_connect\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: global/money_globals.lua:26: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: global/money_globals.lua:37: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:87: call: failed to call \'mysql:query_fetch_assoc\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:88: attempt to index local \'motdresult\' (a boolean value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: apps-system/s_apps.lua:4: call: failed to call \'mysql:query_fetch_assoc\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: bank-system/s_bank_system.lua:6: call: failed to call \'mysql:query_free\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: bank-system/s_atm_system.lua:39: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: camera-system/s_camera_management.lua:4: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: dancer-system/s_dancers.lua:25: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource elevator-system. Check it exists.
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource freecam. Check it exists.
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: fuel-system/s_fuel_peds.lua:267: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] INFO: Stevie will spawn in 419 minutes.
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] INFO: Giovanni will spawn in 419 minutes.
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource gate-system. Check it exists.
[2015-07-13 14:36:30] Please wait...
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] WARNING: heligrab/heli_c.lua(Line 199) [Client] isPlayerDead is deprecated and may not work in future versions. Please replace with isPedDead.
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] Some files in \'heligrab\' use deprecated functions.
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] ERROR: item-system/s_item_management.lua:12: attempt to call global \'mysql_connect\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] ERROR: item-system/s_item_system.lua:944: attempt to call global \'mysql_query\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource job-system. Check it exists.
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource killmessages. Check it exists.
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] INFO: A lottó sorsolás 357 perc múlva kezdődik.
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] ERROR: lottery/s_lottery_system.lua:21: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource map-system. Check it exists.
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] WARNING: mdc-system/c_mdc.lua [Client] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8.  Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] Some files in \'mdc-system\' use deprecated functions.
[2015-07-13 14:36:31] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource mods-system. Check it exists.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: object-system/s_object_management.lua:61: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource parachute. Check it exists.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: paynspray-system/s_paynspray_system.lua:33: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: phone-system/s_phone_system.lua:6: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] WARNING: realism-system/s_weapon_jams.lua [server] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8.  Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] Some files in \'realism-system\' use deprecated functions.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] WARNING: Script \'realism-system/s_weapon_jams.lua\' is not encoded in UTF-8.  Loading as ANSI...
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] SCRIPT ERROR: realism-system/s_weapon_jams.lua:1: unexpected symbol near \'?\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: Loading script failed: realism-system/s_weapon_jams.lua:1: unexpected symbol near \'?\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: realism-system/s_ck_corpses.lua:33: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: realism-system/s_ck_corpses.lua:75: call: failed to call \'mysql:query_fetch_assoc\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource runcode. Check it exists.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: shop-system/s_generalshop_system.lua:188: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: shop-system/s_generalshop_system.lua:479: call: failed to call \'mysql:query_fetch_assoc\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: shop-system/s_generalshop_system.lua:480: attempt to index local \'result\' (a boolean value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] WARNING: social-system/s_player_rightclick.lua [server] is encoded in ANSI instead of UTF-8.  Please convert your file to UTF-8.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] Some files in \'social-system\' use deprecated functions.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] Use the \'upgrade\' command to perform a basic upgrade of resources.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] WARNING: Script \'social-system/s_player_rightclick.lua\' is not encoded in UTF-8.  Loading as ANSI...
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] SCRIPT ERROR: social-system/s_player_rightclick.lua:1: unexpected symbol near \'?\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: Loading script failed: social-system/s_player_rightclick.lua:1: unexpected symbol near \'?\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource skin-mods-system. Check it exists.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: tag-system/s_tag_system.lua:81: call: failed to call \'mysql:query_free\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: tag-system/s_tag_system.lua:84: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource toolstip-system. Check it exists.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource skin-mods-system. Check it exists.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: vehicle-system/s_vehicle_system.lua:3: attempt to call global \'mysql_null\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: Couldn\'t find resource weapon-mods-system. Check it exists.
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: faction-system/s_faction_system.lua:4: call: failed to call \'mysql:query_fetch_assoc\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: faction-system/s_faction_system.lua:35: call: failed to call \'mysql:query\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] ERROR: interior-system/s_interior_system.lua:18: attempt to call global \'mysql_connect\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] Querying MTA master server... success! (Auto detected IP:
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] Server started and is ready to accept connections!
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] To stop the server, type \'shutdown\' or press Ctrl-C
[2015-07-13 14:36:32] Type \'help\' for a list of commands.
[2015-07-13 14:36:35] WARNING: startup/s_startup.lua:9: Access denied @ \'restartResource\'
[2015-07-13 14:36:35] WARNING: startup/s_startup.lua:10: Access denied @ \'restartResource\'
[2015-07-13 14:37:17] Server minclientversion is now 1.4.1-9.07241
[2015-07-13 14:37:17] INFO: Challenging \'6273657D2A68F8A77B103F4670FDA7F2\' vs \'58871EE55815F344DBE19113522A1602\'
[2015-07-13 14:37:17] CONNECT: Rolplay connected (IP:  Serial: 6273657D2A68F8A77B103F4670FDA7F2  Version: 1.4.1-9.07303.2)
[2015-07-13 14:37:18] JOIN: Rolplay joined the game (IP:
[2015-07-13 14:37:23] ERROR: Client (Rolplay) triggered serverside event itemResourceStarted, but event is not added serverside
[2015-07-13 14:37:30] ERROR: @apps-system/s_apps.lua:15 mysql/connection.lua:62: attempt to call global \'mysql_ping\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:37:30] ERROR: apps-system/s_apps.lua:4: call: failed to call \'mysql:query_fetch_assoc\'
[2015-07-13 14:37:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:37:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:37:32] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:670: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\'
[2015-07-13 14:37:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:37:32] ERROR: mysql/connection.lua:206: attempt to call global \'mysql_escape_string\' (a nil value)
[2015-07-13 14:37:32] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:671: call: failed to call \'mysql:escape_string\'
[2015-07-13 14:37:32] ERROR: account-system/s_account_system.lua:677: attempt to concatenate local \'safepassword\' (a boolean value)

NEm enged bejelentkezni
« Válasz #1 Dátum: 2015. július 14. - 19:04:28 »
0 Show voters
Ott írja, hogy az hibás.

Dupla üzenet összevonva ekkor: [time]2015. Július 14. - 19:04:45[/time]

[2015-07-13 14:36:29] MODULE: Unable to load modules/ ( hibás ELF osztály: ELFCLASS64)!

Dupla üzenet összevonva ekkor: 2015. július 14. - 19:04:59

Esetleg cseréld ki őket


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