Hello! Olyan gondom támadt, hogy a MySQL-t nem akarja elindítani. Mi lehet a baja?
[2015-01-03 19:19:32] Stopping mysql
[2015-01-03 19:19:32] Resource \'mysql\' changed, reloading and starting
[2015-01-03 19:19:32] Starting mysql
[2015-01-03 19:19:32] ERROR: Unable to connect to mysql: (2003) Can\'t connect to MySQL server on \'mysqlgame.clans.hu\' (111)
[2015-01-03 19:19:32] Start up of resource mysql cancelled by script
[2015-01-03 19:19:32] Stopping mysql
[2015-01-03 19:19:32] ERROR: Unable to restart resource mysql
[2015-01-03 19:19:35] ERROR: vehicle-system/s_vehicle_system.lua:187: attempt to concatenate a nil value
[2015-01-03 19:19:38] Starting mysql
[2015-01-03 19:19:38] ERROR: Unable to connect to mysql: (2003) Can\'t connect to MySQL server on \'mysqlgame.clans.hu\' (111)
[2015-01-03 19:19:38] Start up of resource mysql cancelled by script
[2015-01-03 19:19:38] Stopping mysql
[2015-01-03 19:19:38] startResource: Failed to start resource \'mysql\'